6 - 2004-2009 Greenways Capital Improvement ProgramCITY OF BOULDER INFORMATION ITEM FOR: OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 7, 2003 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD - May 12, 2003 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD - May 14, 2003 PLANNING BOARD - May 15, 2003 WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY BOARD - May 19, 2003 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - May 19, 2003 GREENWAYS ADVISORY COIVIlVIITTEE AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: May 21, 2003 SUBJECT: 2004-2009 Greenways Capital Improvement Program REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Anne Noble - Greenways Coordinator BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: A recommendauon from the Greenways Advisory Committee to the City's Planning Boazd and City Council concerning the proposed Greenways Capital Improvement Program is requested. FISCAL IMPACT: See attached Attached is information concerning the proposed 2004-2009 Greenways Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for review and consideration. A recommendation by the Greenways Advisory Committee to the city's Planning Boazd and Council is requested. Attachment A: Greenways 2004-2009 Capital Improvement Program Overview Attachment B: Greenways 2004-2009 Capital Improvement Program Summary Sheet and Map Attachment C: Greenways 2004-2009 Project Descriptions Attachment A GREENWAYS 2004 - 2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The 2004 Greenways Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget is $450,000. The Greenways CIP has been developed within the context of and is consistent with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP), the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), the Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan (CDUMP), and the Greenways Master Plan. The city of Boulder Greenways System is comprised of a series of comdors along riparian azeas including Boulder Creek and six designated tributaries, which provide an opportunity to integrate multiple objectives, including habitat protection, water quality enhancement, storm drainage and floodplain management, alternative transportation routes for pedestrians and bicyclists, recreation and cultural resources. In order to maximize the overlap of objectives and to coordinate projects along the Greenways, identification of projects for the 2004-2009 Greenways CIP was done as a team effort, combining input from Public Works (Utilities and Transportation groups), Parks and Recreation, Water Quality and Environmental Services, and Mountain Parks and Open Space. Transportation and flood udlity projects were identified from the Transportation Master Plan, the Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan, and intra-departrnental meetings to deternune project priorities and timing. Environmental projects were identified during the Master Plan update process and were prioritized based on recent environmental studies, the overlap with other projects, and the feasibifity and effectiveness of the project in meeting environmental goals. Maintenance of the Greenways system was reviewed as par[ of the Master Plan update process. To address the identified deficiencies in maintenance and weed control, the 2002-2007 Greenways C]P specified $150,000 to be used for maintenance each yeaz. This alloca6on was continued in the 2004-~'i.?09 CIP. The success of the habitat maintenance effort will be evaluated in the fall of 2003, following the second season of its implementation. This evaluation will be used to deternune future funding levels in the 2005-2010 CII'. POLICY ISSUES All projects in the 2004-2009 CIP will go through the CEAP process, either as part of a bigger flood or transportation project or as a sepazate project as indicated on the project status reports. HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of Greenways projects included in the 2004 CII' focus on the Elmers Twomile Creek corridor from Glenwood Drive to the confluence with Goose Creek. This project includes a trail connection, habitat restoration and flood improvements. Also shown in 2004 is funding for habitat restoration along the Goose Creek corridor just upstream of the confluence with Boulder Creek. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is cunently evaluating funding for a joint restoration project with the city in this reach of Goose Creek. The 2004-2009 CIP shows a reshuffling of funds from the 2003-2008 CIP. The 2003-2008 Greenways CIP focused on the Fournule and Wonderland Creek Corridors in order to coordinate Greenways projects with proposed flood improvements. The Flood Utility is currently in the process of developing a Flood Mitigation Master Plan for Fournule and Wonderland Creeks. The Fournule plan was anticipated to be completed in 2002. The preliminary plan assumed containment of spill flows from Fourmile Canyon Creek based on direction from City Council. Based on comments from an Independent Review Panel, staff decided to delay the flood mitigation master plans for the Fourmile Canyon Creek and Wonderland Creek floodplains until the city could deternune and implement a floodplain management policy that addressed the issues in a larger manner. The Flood Study is expected to be completed in two years. As a result, funding for projects along Fourmile Creek and Wonderland Creek has been postponed to later years in the CIP. In addition, funding that had been dedicated for projects along Fourmile Canyon Creek in 2001, 2002 and 2003 will be diverted to other projects. $200,000 was funded prior to 2003 for trail and habitat improvements along Fournule Canyon Creek from 26~' to 28~' Street (the "Elks projecY'). This money has been carried over and will be utilized for trail, habitat and flood improvements along Elmers Twomile Creek, along with $25,000 shown in.the 2003 CIP for a project along Fournule from Broadway to 19~h Street. Funding shown in the 2003 CIP for habitat improvements along Formile from Pleasantview soccer fields to 28~' Street will be utilized as part of the matching fund requirements for the Goose Creek restoration project. FINANCING Greenways projects are funded from the Transportation Fund, Stormwater and Flood Management Utility Fund, and the Lottery Fund. Existing CIP expenditures are estimated at $450,000 per year for the next six yeazs. Annual funding distribution for the Greenways Program for 2004-2009 is as follows: Transportation - $150,000 Flood Utility - $150,000 LotteryFund - $150,000 RELATIONSffiP TO OPERATING BUDGET The Greenways corridors are currenfly maintained by several work groups within the city, as well as outside organizations. Tasks are divided up by geographical location as well as by function. The responsibility of each work group is described below: • Boulder County Parks and Open Space maintains the Boulder Creek path from the mouth of Boulder Canyon to Foumule Canyon. • The city's Pazks and Recreation Department maintenance staff is responsible for maintenance of Greenways that traverse a city pazk, as well as the Boulder Creek Path from Eben Fine Pazk to 55`~' Street. • The city's Street Maintenance is responsible for snow removal and general path maintenance (debris removal and sweeping) along all of the Greenways paths, except those portions of path maintained by the Pazks Department. • The city's Open Space and Mountain Parks DepaRment is responsible for maintenance of natural, environmentally sensidve, or revegetated areas on open space land and easements. Currendy this includes portions of Boulder Creek east of 38~h Street and 2 Arapahoe Avenue and portions of South Boulder Creek from KOA Lake to Marshall Road. • Flood Utility Maintenance is responsible for maintaining the flood canying capacity of all of the Greenways channels, which primarily involves removing tree limbs and downed trees from obstructing the flow in the channels, removal of cha~nel sediment, and bank stabilization. • Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) performs maintenance on sections of Boulder Creek and all tributaries included in the Greenwaxs Program. • City Forestry, University of Colorado (CU), ditch companies, and Xcel Energy aze also involved in maintenance along the Greenways. 3 AttacM1ment B I C I ITY OF BOULDE I R I CAPITAL IMPROVF.MENTS PROGRAM ~ ~ ~ GREENWAYS PRO ~ GRAM 20042009 ~ SO[vIMARY ST~ET I ProjectLoratiov Total Pro,ject CamOver 2003 2004 2005 2006 1A07 2008 2009 Fstimate Projected P%lected Rvlected Projecled P~vjected Projected Skunk Geek $40,000 IrisAvenueUnderyass' 'IYPfundM $1.152,000 $119,000 $125,000 Bear Qeek Rexh I ' $440.000 $75.000 Foiumile Pleasantview to 28th sa' $45.000 1 Wonduland Creek Foot6ills W Diagooal * $602,100 $95,000 $95,000 $195,000 '~ 2 Fwcmile 26th to 28fi • $300,250 $]00.000 $100,000 I 3 Fou~mile Bmadway [019th SC "• $437,189 $25,000 $95,000 $95,000 ~ 4 Elmecs Goase Creek [o Glwwood • $200,000 $IOD,ODD $100,000 $100,000 5 Goose Gcek Restoation $95,OW GeenwaysMaimenance $70,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 $130,OU0 $130,000 Salacies $20.ODU $20,000 $20.OD0 $?A,ODD $20.000 $20,000 $20.000 Salaries for administetion of pro~am/projxts $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60.000 $60,000 $60,000 hLscellaneous-GceeuwaYSOPa-°G°ReR.: $74,066 $45.000 $45.000 $45.000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45.000 Res[ Areas ~d SiR¢age Habitat Survey and Cortidor Assesament Misa Treil Connxu. and imprwements Misc. Slxeam Rutwation & Water Quality TOTALGREENWAYSCIP 5578,066 5450,000 5450,000 $450,000 5450,000 5450,000 5450,000 5450,000 • additioml fm ' from MLer de r~entel bu ets •~ money fmm 2003 FourmHe Broedway to 19[h wiR be used for Elmus •" money from 2003 Fourmile Pleasantview to 28th will be osed for Gao se Creek $200,000 earry over from Fourmile 26th to 28th resOaatM W Elmers in 2003 Objective Trens/Recreation WatuQuetity Fload Underpass p~~¢~( Treil Res/Pres BMPs Tofal 1 Wonda]andCrcekFoothi-s[oDiaRonal(WC3) $376,100 $76,000 $150,000 N/f $2,000,000 $2,602.100 2 Favnule26thto26th(fT3) $185,250 $I15,000 $0 NR $1,OD0,000 $1,300,250 3 Foum~ile Broadway to 191h SL (FC4) $258,900 $128,289 $SO,OOD N/I $3,000,000 $3,437,189 4 EMersTwomile(E'1'Cl)(oNyValmontUudapass) $150,000 525,000 $50,000 $4,000,000 $1,300,000 $5,525,000 S CmoseGeek(GCl&GC2) $0 $900,000 $200,000 $0 N/I $1,100.000 - NR- nM includW in wst atimate I I I 5~12003 GP2W9-2D~9 2004-2009 CAPITAL to Diagonal Tributary Greenways ;ct includes an off-street trail connectic Highway, environmental preservation, Wontlerlantl Creek between Foothills Parkwayand the restoration, and water qualiry Best Management Practices ~,;. ie ~eHr ror mis prqecc ww go ro me we[er hesources qawsory eoard as part of the wontledend Creek Flood Management Plen, with the eenways Advisory Committee revlew as an information Item. Costs of underpassas end maJor ilood Improvements ere not Included as part the Greenways CIP. restoretion of the stream corridor. workgroup, • . .:-,: . .....; , ..,... . . :.~.~::~ . :.,,>„ , o,.. 4,. .. . ..> ~.>-~,..o „ , . . . ., .~.,•F~-~.., , „ ..~..,~. ;~,~s ;'s' ' Funtling Prlo~ 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Plenned Funding ~ ', to 2004 '~ (Cerry Over to 2009) ~,z --: ProJeeted Funding; 0 0 0 0 95,000 95,000 196,000 386000~d T4TAiCGAPITAt GdSTB'i s ;a„ ~ '~ ' '° ~s~~y i tF dl ~ =200~ ~ ~ 4 ~~ ~~° x'~ ~~~p ~ z ~ ,,~<. ;~,t ~ ~ ~~, , p~~p ~ n n , ~~ d , ~s~~~ : . ~3 ~.., . ,, > .,;t„ „i~~~,>1 Tributary Greenways project Inclutles a trail connec management practices along oVBllleflts to the c~eek, environmental restoration, and wate~ Canyon Creek between Broadway and 19th Street. i GEAP for this proJect wlll he the Water Fesources Atlvlsory Boertl as pert of the Fourmile Cenyon Creek Flootl Management Plan Greenweys Advisory Committee review as en Information Item. CosGS of major flood improvemanta are not Included es part of the ~enways CIP. "° ~ ~~~ x, x ~ ~` . ~i x At~o~±~hlp,ta~lidh4llGaali:', ,., ',,_;~.~~~~", ~,~,.,~t~f~r~~-,~~.,.u~iPm:Y'~# ~ ~ ,.. >~ __ ~ ., ~ ,~~~~, ~.~ .~a's a proJect supports the Councll goal of transportailon by Improving the off street trail system, and supports aconomic end environme c, yi Funding Prlor 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Plannad Funtling ~.. '~: to 2004 (Cerry Over to 2009) £ ~:~'- Pro~ected Funding: 25,000 0 95,000 95,000 0 0 0 215,000!;v;: °-i ,~s.a :-,.v;..t „ ,~~k.`!~: ca v£.4S::2t .vain£.7 :*v y..~~ FE3"z 2004•2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT s~^^~,~.n~,n.±,~~^", ~ .,.. ~PROJECT~I+jAME ~, ' ~.;;,s~ ~ , ~~. . -__.. _..,,._,_... _ . ,,_v. Elmers Two Mile Creek - Glenwood to Goose Creek _.« _„- ~ ...-...~i~ ..-............ .:Sy ,. .~ ~ ~~~~~ i ~wuiary ureenways an off street irail be supports the Fundln9 Prlor 2004 I 2005 2006 2007 I 2008 ~ 2009 Plennea<~vnding to z00a (carry over to 2009) roJected Funding: 225,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 o n n s~ 2004-2009 REPORT Tributary Greenways administration of the program including salaries, as well as small capital projects including rest areas Habitat survey and corridor assessment; Miscellaneous trail connections and improvements; ~eous stream restoration and water quality projects. ~ ,:, ,... ~ , ,. .r, ~_ ~~ ~; ' ~~ Funding Prior 2004 2005 2008 2007 2008 2009 Plenned Funding =~; 5 io 2004 (Carry Over to 2009) ~~ s.,; ~:.: Pro~ected Funding: ' 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 735,000-;~ , ' ~ +" 1y P , ~ i ~:..> ~ ~i~ ~i ~ ~ S ~ " t .<lt1.. ~ i ;t . '~n~ ~ I ~rn~ dn~ir~~zasra '; ~ 5 ~ , . ~ ~r on- oln ~ M1~n~RH~:~ ~~ ~ ~~ ` ~' ~ .. , 3 = t ~ ~ ~f ~ ~ . . .. _, C ~ l iS t .vJ c'.._R~r~ . x ..r~r ~r ~.r a ..~:~n: . -. ,,,.. ,.,w ... . ~A..~,?~, nt.r.d. .