5C - Consideration of amendments to Title 9, Land Use Regulations, to allow residential uses in induCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: May 15, 2003 (Agenda Item Preparation Date: May 9, 2003) AGENDA TITLE: Continuance of public hearing and consideration of amendments to Title 9, Land Use Regulations, to allow residential uses in industrial zones. Staff will provide a brief status report and request further continuance. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Peter Pollock, Planning Director Bob Cole, Land Use Review Manager Gary Kretschmer, Planner Bev Johnson, Environmental Pianner Michelle Allen, Planning Associate OVERVIEW: Summary of issues identified to date regarding the land use code amendment to allow residential uses in the industrial zones. PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to provida a summary of feedback and direction received during the April 17, 2003 Planning Board meeting concerning the phase I land use code amendment to allow residential uses in the industrial zones. Staff iecommends not delaying this item until the phase II land use code amendments but moving forward with it as soon as possible. We have outlined issues requiring further research and analysis and a proposed timeline for returning to you with a complete package for recommendation. Direction to allow residential uses in some industrial zones came from resolution 922 which provides direction on the next phase of the jobs/housing project. The resolution directs staff to submit proposed regulations that: s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\gk5-15-03Phase I LUR AGENDA ITEM # 5 C, Paae 1 Add housing as a conditional use review, or by-right use in industrial zones. Pursue opportunities for mixed use industrial or residential development on selected sites in Gunbarrel. On February 27, 2003 two options were proposed as part of the Phase I Land Use Regulation Amendments. The first would allow residential uses in the general and manufacturing industrial zones (IG and IM) by use review. The second was to identify sites on an overlay map of those parcels conducive to residential use and minimally impacted by industrial development. Residential uses on these sites would be allowed by right if certain conditions were met. Planning Board directed staff to refine and finalize both options. On April 17, 2003 staff returned to Planning Board with a proposal to allow residential uses through site review rather than use review as it currently includes a more appropriate list of review criteria. Staff recommended additional analysis and study on potential environmental impacts. Planning Board continued the item and requested information and recommendations on this and several other issues. ISSUES FOR FURTHER STUDY: Outstanding issues identified for further study are organized below into four categories: • Environmental concerns • Process and fees • Development standards • Projections and proximity Environmental Concerns • Determine the extent of health and safety risks from hazardous wastes, air emissions, and permitted discharges to surface and ground water and if necessary identify possible remediation either through conditions placed on the use, disclosures, or by identifying areas where residential uses would not be appropriate • Determine if industrial standards for noise and lighting aze appropriate Process and Fees • Analyze the viability of allowing residential through an administrative site review process, which would be less expensive than site review • Clarify how the proposed overlay map would be amended • Outline a good neighbor process to resolve possible conflicts Development Standards • Clarify the increased open space recommendation in light of a recent recommendation to reduce the required open space for the Gunbarrel town center. • Analyze proposed two acre minimum lot size • Recommend a provision to allow only multi-family housing types s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\gk5-15-03Phase I LUR AGENDA ITEM # 5 C. Paee 2 Projections and Proximity . Analyze proximity of the proposed overlay sites to parks, services, and transit • Analyze proposal to allow some service uses such as a small cafe or coffee shop in conjunction with residential uses • Provide background data: total land under consideration, estimate of number of new units that could be built over time TIMELINE: Staff recommends this item be continued untii the August 7`h Planning Board meeting. s:\plan\pb-items~memos\gk5-15-03Phase I LUR AGENDA ITEM # 5 C, Paee 3 Approved By: