4 - Call Up Item, Notice of Disposition, Use Review UR-98-5, the Inn at Gunbarrel, located at 6301 DMEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Toor and Members of City Council FROM: Frank W. Bruno, City Manager Peter Pollock, Planning Director Don Durson, Planner DATE: May 8, 2003 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Notice of Disposition, Use Review #UR-98-5, the Inn at Gunbarrel, located at 6301 Diagonal Highway, requesting a two-year extension oFthe time limit for approval of the approved Use Review to allow a 150 room hotel and conference center. Attached is the Notice of Disposition for Use Review #UR-98-5, the Inn at Gunbanel, located at 6301 Diagonal Highway, requesting a two-year extension of the time limit for approval of the approved Use Review to allow a 150 room hotel and conference center. This item went before the Planning Board on May 1, 2003. It was approved by the Planning Board with a vote of 6-0; E. Jones was absent. This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before May 31, 2003. There is one scheduled City Council meeting during the 30-day call-up period: May 20, 2003 Attachment CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on September 5, 2002 the following action was taken by the Planning Board based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-4, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved with conditions PROJECT NAME: The Inn at Gunbarrel Use Review DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting atwo-year extension of the time limit for approval of the approved Use Review to allow a 150 room hotel and conference center for the Inn at Gunbarrel. LOCATION: The northeast corner of State Highway 119 (the Diagonal) and State Highway 52 COOR: N13E4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Exhibit A APPLICANTIOWNER: St. Julien Partners Gunbarrel, LLC. APPLICATION: Use Review, #UR-98-5 ZONING: IM-D/ Industrial Manufacturing-Developing CASE MANAGER: Don Durso VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-4-12, B.R.C. 1981. This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before May 31, 2003. If no call-up occurs, the decision is deemed final thirty days after the Planning Board's decision. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Pursuant to Section 9-4-8 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within the time limits of this approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-4-8) the development within the time limits shall cause this development approval to expire. At its public hearing on May 1, 2003 the Planning Board Approved subject to the conditions listed below the request with the following motion: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approved (6-0; E. Jones was absent) atwo-year time extension for completion of Use Review UR-98-5 to March 26, 2005. M. Cowles offered a friendly amendment to incorporate the staff memorandum dated May 1, 2003 (preparation date April 16, 2003) as findings of fact and using the recommended conditions of approval. A. O'Hashi and B. Pommer accepted the friendly amendment. Address: 1637 PEARL ST CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with the approved plan, dated February 16, 1999, on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. Further the applicant shall ensure that the hotel is operated in compliance with the following restrictions: a. The accessory restaurant and lounge shall not have any exterior signage. b. The size of the structure shall be no greater than 100,000 square feet. 2. This approval is limited to a 150 room hotel with related accessory uses (restaurant, lounge, meeting rooms, and fitness facilities). 3. The applicant shall comply with all previous conditions contained in the IBM Vested Rights, PUD, and Development Agreement dated October 20, 1997. 4. Prior to the building permit application, the applicant shall submit the following items for review and subject to approval of the Planning Department: a. Final architectural plans, including building materials and colors, to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. b. A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscape requirements. c. A sign program to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and the requirements of Chapter 10-11, B.R.C. 1981. d. A detailed lighting plan showing location, size, and intensity of illumination units, showing compliance with Section 9-3.3-17, B.R.C. 1981. 5. Prior to the building permit application and prior to the submittal of the "Final Review" packet as outlined in condition number six below, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department the following item for final review and approval: a. Preliminary utility plans for connection to both City and non-City utilities and a cost comparison of the available options. The City will utilize this information to determine whether the applicant meets the conditions of Article 2 of the IBM Vested Rights, PUD, and Development Agreement related to connection to non-City utilities. 6. Prior to the building permit application, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department a complete "Final Review" packet for final review and approval including the following: a. Engineering plans for required public utility and required right-of-way improvements including improvements to State Highway 52. All improvements are required to meet the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. Any extensions/connections to City of Boulder utilities, Left Hand Water District, or Niwot Sanitation District should be included in the plans. b. A Final Drainage Report and Plan in accordance with City standards. c. A detailed cost estimate prepared by a licensed professional engineer for all proposed public improvements. Address: 1637 PEARL ST An agreement between the Left Hand Water District and the City of Boulder Fire Department regarding maintenance and operation of proposed fire protection facilities. e. An approved CDOT State Highway Access Permit. At the time of building permit application, the applicant shall be required to provide a financial guarantee for the cost of all proposed public improvements. 8. The expiration date for UR-98-5, the "Inn at Gunbarrel" shall be March 26, 2005. Approved By: % r Peter Pollock, Planning Director Address: 1637 PEARL ST Vicinity Map for The Inn at Gunbarrel ;' Building Footprints Main Roads Arterial Highway Street Centerlines Survey Polygons Lakes Ownership Parcels 0 City Limits s W N S E p.2 0 0.2 0.4 Miles MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Toor and Members of City Council FROM: Frank W. Bruno, City Manager Peter Pollock, Planning Director Brent Bean, Planner DATE: May 8, 2003 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Notice ofDisposition for Use Review #LUR2003-00016, for a day shelter for the START program, located at 1128 Pine Street to provide case management and support services for up to 25 homeless people at a time during the day, including protection from the elements, limited food services and hygiene and living needs such as toiletries, first aid supplies, and shower facilities. Attached is the Notice ofDisposition for Use Review #LUR2003-00016, for a day shelter for the START program, located at 1128 Pine Street to provide case management and support services for up to 25 homeless people at a time during the day, including protection from the elements, limited food services and hygiene and living needs such as toiletries, first aid supplies, and shower facilities. This item went before the Planning Board on May 1, 2003. It was approved by the Planning Board with a vote of 6-0; E. Jones was absent. This decision maybe called up before the City Council on or before May 31, 2003. There is one scheduled City Council meeting during the 30-day call-up period: May 20, 2003. Attachment a~'~~~/ ~~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on May 1, 2003 the following action was taken by the Planning Board based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-4, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approval with conditions PROJECT NAME: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH DESCRIPTION: USE REVIEW: Day shelter to provide case management and support services for up to 25 homeless people at a time during the day including protection from the elements, limited food services and hygiene & living needs such as toiletries, first aid supplies, and shower facilities. LOCATION: 1128 PINE ST COOR: N03W08 LEGAL Lot 1, Block 119, Subdivision LAND AND TRACTS DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Colorado START HOMELESS DAY RESOURCE CN OWNER: FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH APPLICATION: Use Review, Case # LUR2003.00016 ZONING: HZ-E (High /Medium Density Residential-Established) TB-E (Transitional Business-Established) CASE MANAGER: Brent Bean VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-4.12, B.R.C. 1981. This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before May 31, 2003. If no call-up occurs, the decision is deemed final thirty days after the Planning Board's decision. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Pursuant to Section 9-4-8 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-4-8) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. At its public hearing on May 1, 2003 the Planning Board approved the request, subject to the conditions listed below, with the following motion: Address: 1128 PINE ST On a motion by J. Spitzer, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board aproved (6-0; E. Jones was absent) Use Review LUR2003-00016 for a Day Shelter at 1128 Pine finding the Day Shelter meets the criteria of Section 9-4-9(d) incorporating the staff memorandum dated May 1, 2003 (preparation date April 18, 2003) and the attached Conditional Review standard (Attachment A) as findings of fact, subject to the , following recommended conditions of approval for START's request for a day shelter. 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all approved plans dated April 7, 2003, the Applicant's Management Plan dated April 7, 2003 and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, and these conditions of approval. 2. The Applicant shall ensure that the use review use is operated in compliance with the following restrictions: A. Normal hours of operation shall be between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. B. The use shall be open to the public only between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 on Monday through Saturday. 3. The applicant shall construct a sidewalk from the existing parking lot to the north side of the Carriage House. 4. The Applicant shall schedule and hold a meeting with the neighborhood every six months, or on a schedule that is otherwise subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director, with the surrounding neighborhood. Notice of such meetings, at a minimum, shall be sent by U.S. Mail to all land owners within 600 feet from the property. The purpose of the meeting is to allow for the ongoing communication between the Applicant and the surrounding neighborhood that will provide an opportunity for the surrounding neighbors to address off-site impacts that the use may have on the surrounding area, and how those impacts can be mitigated or prevented. 5. The Applicant shall resubmit a management plan, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director, for compliance with the requirements for the resubmission of a management plan that are in Section 9-3.4-26, "Day Shelter," B.R.C. 1981. Approved By: ~• _ i-~ , i Peter Pollock, Planning Director Address: 1128 PINE ST i 0 [I _--- , ~~ . --^' -- ,1 Location:. 112P Pine Project Name: START, Day Shelter ReyiewType: Use Review P,pplicant START/Congregational Church Cit~t of Boulder Vicinity Map t 1.. . :~,~^~'1 e ~l One inch equals 200 feet ,,ti i `~ 11 ~~ T.`- ~ Y ~~~ ~~ . ~' k ~ ~~ uapluk C14 o1 AOl tle lO ls' +..~.i..~r.. ~y.. r .. rY~.4r. ~.~ed cp.+rd ..e.m~.~n my b.G..N e.dev ~de.a...~a. vr..el ri4Y~d ~ e~Ye ~.rra. ~tlin [o4rosua rYa ni~om .re se ~.. o n 4 A ~ 1 ~~/'~ _ p E pR11{llnlbCOT ~ ~Ei+/CuU~H /lpOrf~/ ~ ~ Q b~Gyc~ C~r~(1,~y Q ~ ~ ~ aa~~v/,~ '~"t°A Q d '~ ids ~- °°~ ~ `~ ~ f d~ irv ~o ~ o p ~ ~ ARTQ i ~__-- _ -- ~~ ~~~ ,. ~l tG d~ru rn- ~°~' d~~ n wlza¢ yrr.~ - /~ 1~ Gloaf~-s~': 6oatlG~GY po',,~z- ~i~~ ~~' ~}~L~Y ~yyf~,yG~~r2 ~"~v' I•PR1L 7.0~ ~ dcss9.~ wlsad~ ~mft~ vitG . 129 ct/glvut ~`: hus~e~ ba30~- 30 ~• 93 ~• 9 z ~ 'f J pq kt' // ~~~~~ p~~ tp'vt p/LLQt dN iflG. 729./~~'~l ~~ IgOd(pLh. Bd'h9.Z. 30~.9~~. 9 z ~¢- 1 r_ ~~, ~r ~~ ~ ~ ~n~ ~~r ~~~. ,, ~~ ~~~ ~~ ,I 3p ~, q 3 1• 4 L 7'~ CITY OF BOULDER a~~~~, Planning and Development Services ~`,~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulde Wetland Permit 80308-0791 rplandevelop. net Date Issued: May 3, 2003 Expiration Date: May 2, 2006 (Pursuant to Subsection9-9-9(e), B.R.C. 1981) Permit Number: Contact Information Project Information Location: Legal Description: Description of Work: Conditions of Approval LUR2003-00021 CITY OF BOULDER, GREENWAYS PO BOX 791 BOULDER, CO 80306 WONDERLAND CREEK NEAR ELKS CLUB Wetland review for the trail connection at Wonderland Creek near the Elks Club. The proposed project/activity is approved on the basis that it satisfies applicable requirements of Chapter 9-12, "Wetlands Protection," Boulder Revised Code 1981. Other wetland requirements as set forth in Chapter 9-12 which are not specifically outlined in the conditions of approval below remain applicable to this projectlactivity. All path construction activities shall conform to the "City of Boulder Wetland Permit Application for the Connection between Four-Mile and Wonderland" prepared by Professional Wetlands Consulting, Inc., dated April 18, 2003. All work activities in the regulatory wetland and wetland buffer area shall comply with the "City of Boulder Wetlands Protection Program Best Management Practices (BMPs)". Permit approval, if not appealed, is final 14 days after notification of permit issuance. Inspections To schedule an inspection, call 303-441-3280 and referto your permit number (LUR2003-00021). CITY OF BOULDER ~~~~ WETLAND PROJECT '~ aL DESCRIPTION T~ PROJECT: Wonderland Creek Trail Connection Location: Wonderland Creek, South of Elks Club APPLICANT: City of Boulder, Public Works Department Contact Person: Annie Noble (303-441-3242) DESIGNATED WETLAND: Wetland #135, Wonderland Creek Functional Value Ratings: Wetlands at the project site consist of Wonderland Creek, which is contained with an eight inch wide concrete channel. There is some wetland vegetation that is established within the channel but it is removed periodically by Urban Drainage and Flood Control District during dredging and cleaning of the concrete channel for maintenance purposes. The creek does not carry a perennial flow. Functions and values of the Wonderland Creek wetlands include within basin food chain support, groundwater discharge, wildlife habitat, passive recreation, and short term nutrient retention. PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: Proposed improvements include the installation of abicycle/ pedestrian trail over Wonderland Creek to connect the existing path at 26`h Street to the Four- Mile Canyon Creek path and 28`h Street. Wetland functions and values of Wonderland Creek will not be reduced by the new path crossing. Impacts to the Wonderland Creek regulated wetlands have been minimized and will be negligible. BASIS of APPROVAL: Construction ofbicycle/pedestrian paths maybe permitted under Section 9-12-8, "Standards for Wetland Permits," Boulder Revised Code 1981 (B.R.C.), if the applicant has demonstrated: (a) That all adverse impacts on a wetland have been avoided through a reduction in size, scope or density of the project, or through a change in configuration or design, or that it is not feasible to do so; The alternative to construction of the path at the proposed location, is to utilize existing streets, paths, and roads for the bicycle and pedestrian connection. This was not considered a feasible option given the existing street layout of the area. %~ Wonderland Creek Trail Connection WETLAND PROJECT DESCRIPTION (b) That any impact on a wetland has been minimized, will result in minimal impact or impairment to any wetland function, and will not jeopardize the continued existence of habitat for identified plant, animal or other wildlife species; The direct impact to the Wonderland Creek regulatory wetland will be minimized by the following of the Wetlands Protection Program Best Management Practices. No habitat for federally listed Threatened and Endangered Species or city of Boulder species of concern will be impacted. Habitat for the threatened Ute Ladies' Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes diluvialis) or Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) does not exist at the site. Wetland functional value ratings will not be adversely affected as a result of this activity. (c) That the project is in the public interest, considering the public need, the functional values of the wetland that may be affected, the extent and permanence of any adverse effects and the cumulative adverse effects of past activities on the wetland, and the uniqueness and scarcity of the wetland that may be affected. Construction of the proposed bicycle/ pedestrian path is for public use and in the public interest. Completion of the path will increase the quality and safety of bicycle and pedestrian transportation in the area ofFour-Mile and Wonderland Creek and is consistent with the City of Boulder Transportation Master Plan goals. Direct impacts to the Wonderland Creek regulatory wetland are negligible. The wetland will not be adversely affected by the proposed improvements. Considering the standards outlined under Section 9-12-8, staff finds that the proposed project meets the intent of 9-12-1, B.R.C. Wonderland Creek Trail Connection wer~nrvu pao~ecr uesceirnorv City of Boulder Vicinity Map Location: Wonderland Creek Trail S, of Elks Project: Wonderland Creek Trail Connection Review Type: Wetland Review Review Number: LUR2003-00021 Applicant: City of Boulder: Greenways NORTFI 1 inch equals 500 feet crry r,~ ,/~j~~ Boulder The information tlepicled on this map Is provltletl as graphical representation only. The City of Boultler provitles no warranty, expressed or Implletl, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the Information containetl hereon.