2 - Minutes, 4/27/03CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD SUMMARY MINUTES Apri127, 2003 University of Colorado, Earth Sciences Building Benson Conference Room 280 2200 Colorado,12:00 p.m. The following are the minutes of the April 27, 2003 City of Boulder Planning Board retreat. A permanent set of these minutes is kept in Central Records. BOARD PRESENT: Macon Cowles Elise Jones Thom Krueger, Vice Chair Simon Mole Alan O'Hashi Beth Pommer John Spitzer STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cole, Land Use Review Manager David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney Peter Pollock, Planning Director Ruth McHeyser, Long Range Planning Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair, T. Krueger, declared a quorum at 12:10 p.m. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Review of Planning Board Roles and Responsibilities R. McHeyser provided an overview of Planning Board roles and responsibilities related to the city charter. She discussed four categories, including plans, codes, CIP, and coordination with other departments and agencies on planning matters affecting the city. She also spoke about the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) and the Board's responsibilities related to setting the policy and implementation. D. Gehr discussed instances where the Planning Board takes legislative action and quasi-judicial action and provided examples of each. He also discussed conflicts of interest and gave examples of potential conflicts and appearances of impropriety. S:\plan\pb-items\minutes\020427min City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes Apri127, 2002 Page 2 B. Cole talked about the Board's roles and responsibilities related to land use regulations, including annexations, rezoning, use and site review, and administrative review. He discussed the staff's role in the approval process as well and distributed a document outlining the Land Use Review Division's work program and staffing. B. Review of 2003/2004 Planning Department Work Program R. McHeyser gave a brief overview of the Long Range Planning Division's wark plan. She said that staff plans to begin the annual Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan update in August 2003 and start the major update near the end of 2004. The Board indicated it would like to consider a change so that in years prior to a major update, there will not be an annual BVCP update. P. Pollock said that the work program is a dynamic document that may be affected by such things as the need for additional public process on a particular item or City Council policy objectives. He provided the Board with an update on the budget. He said that the department is completing the Fund Management Project that is looking at services, cost for services, fees, staffing, etc. He indicated that Long Range Planning has already offered a cut of $130,000 in the consulting budget and that the department will submit a proposal for a 25% general fund budget cut to the City Manager in early May. The City Manager will determine final budget reductions, and the expectation is for an average cut across departments of about 14%. C. Board Process and Procedures T. Krueger led the Board in discussion of the following items: Comportment The Board discussed many ideas about respect for each other, staff, applicants and the public. • It is important to keep in mind the Board's role as public officials. • During Planning Board meetings, try to support opinions with criteria or regulations so that decisions do not seem arbitrary. Discuss the "whys" of the decision. • Listen to the public comment and let the public know the Board was listening. Ask questions of the public. Ask staff to respond to statements made by the public. Motions The Board discussed whether it is best to make a motion early or have a thorough discussion prior to a motion. The Board agreed that generally it would prefer to discuss the item prior to placing a motion on the table. The Board also agreed that the Chair should take an active role in wrapping up discussion and bringing the Board to a motion. s: \plan\pb-items\minutes\ City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes Apri127, 2002 Page 3 Time Budgets The Board discussed timeframes for individual agenda items. Several items were discussed: . Read memos in advance and make specific notes for clarification. . It is best for the Board to suggest the intent of proposed changes and let staff craft the specific language. . The Board members should let staff know in advance if they have specific concerns about an item so that staff can begin to think about potential language changes. . The lights should always be used during the public hearings. . There should be flexibility about whether or not to use the lights based on the number of people who wish to speak, the complexity of the issue, and if they are offering new information. The Board decided the following: use the timeframes as a general guide, offer an agenda check between agenda items, and use the lights for the public hearing. The Chair will monitor the public hearing and may determine it is appropriate to allow for slightly longer comments. Formal Public Meetings/Review and Comment/Retreats The Board discussed its concern that the Review and Comment items sometime end up looking like a negotiation. B. Cole indicated that the idea behind this process was to get the applicant and the public in the process together at an early stage. The Board decided that the Chair will explain the process at the beginning of a review and comment agenda item so the public will be clear that no decision will be made and that the Board is not negotiating with the applicant. 3. ACTION ITEMS A. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Chair J. Spitzer nominated Thom Krueger for the role of Chair, A. O'Hashi seconded the motion. Hearing no other nominations for chair, Thom Krueger was elected Chair. Vice-Chair B. Pommer nominated Macon Cowles for the role of Vice Chair, S. Mole seconded the motion. Hearing no other nominations for vice-chair, Macon Cowles was elected Vice Chair. B. Committee Assignments Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Alan O'Hashi (representative) and Simon Mole (alternate) s:\plan\pb-items\minutes\ City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes April 27, 2002 Downtown Design Advisory Board Macon Cowles (representative) and Alan O'Hashi (alternate) Greenways Advisory Committee Simon Mole (representative) and Elise Jones (alternate) Housing Implementation Team Tom Krueger and Beth Pommer (representatives) Civic Center Master Plan Update Elise Jones (representative) and John Spitzer (alternate) Downtown Alliance John Spitzer (representative) and Beth Pommer (alternate) Agenda Meetings Chair and Vice-Chair Jobs/Housing Implementation Macon Cowles and John Spitzer (representatives) 4. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m. Page 4 s: \plan\pb-items\minutes\