00 - Planning Board - Cover Sheet - 5/1/2003CITY OF BOULDER ~~~ PLANNING BOARD MEETING AGENDA ~ DATE: May 1, 2003 TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, Municipal Buildmg, 1777 Broadway 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPO5ITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS 5. ACTION ITEMS A Public hearmg and consideration of a two year extension to the approval of Use Review #UR-95-5, known as the "Inn at Gunbarrel" located at 6301 Diagonal Highway. Apphcant/ Owner St Juhen Partners Project Manager• Don Durso B. Publtc hearmg and considerahon of Use Rev~ew #LUR2003-00016 for a Day Shelter for the START program, located at 1128 Pine, The First Congregational Church, zoned Transrtional Business (TB-E) and High Density Residential (HZ-E), comprismg 0.95 acres. Applicant START Owner First Congregational Church Pro~ect Manager. Brent Bean C Consideration of a motion to make an advisory recommendation to City Council to dispose the following park lands in Linden Park ("Park Property"), also known as Maxwell Lake Park, pursuant to Charter Section 162: I) An easement over the easterly flve feet of Park Property and certam restrictions on the use of an approximately 8,000 square foot portion of Park Property located southwest of Lot 10, Lmden Park, City of Boulder, Colorado, also known as 3732 Wonderland Hill Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80302; and 2) (a) A 3,400 square foot port~on of Park Property m fee surroundmg property owned by Robert and Andrea Feder located at Lot 19, Lmden Park, City of Boulder, Colorado, also known as 543 Lmden Park Drive, Boulder, Colorado 80303; (b) a 310 square foot mamtenance easement on the east side of Lot 20 of Lmden Park; and (c) a tree mamtenance easement consistrng of a 12 foot buffer area surroundmg Lot 19 of Linden Park. Pro~ect Manager. Douglas Hawthorne D. Public Hearmg and considerahon of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder County Cauntywide Coordinated Comprehensive Development Plan Intergovernmental Agreement. Project Manager: Susan Richstone 6. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY 7. ADJOURNMENT For more mformat~on ca11303-441-1880 Board packets are available onlme at www ci boulder co us/pwalan/ , at the Boulder Pubhc Mam Ubrary's Reference Desk, or at [he Plannmg Department recephon area ~* ~ SEE TAE REVERSE SIDC FOR MEETING GUIDELINCS *~' * CITY OF BOULllER PLANNING BOAItll MEETING GUIDELINES CALL TO ORDER The Board must have a quorum (four members present) before the meetmg can be called to order AGENDA The Board may rearrange the order of the Agenda or delete rtems for good cause The Board may no[ add items requ~rmg pubhc nohce CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The pubLc is welcome to address the Board (3 aunutes* maximum per speaker) durmg [he Cihzen Pazhcipahon porhon of [he meehng regazdmg any ~tem not scheduled for a pubLc heanng The only items scheduled for a pubLc heanng are those hsted under [he ca[egory ACTION ITEMS on the Agenda Any exhibits mtroduced mro the record ai this hme must be provided m quantihes of ten (10) to the Board Secretary for distnbut~on to the Board and adrruss~on mto the record DISCUSSION AND STUDY SESSION ITEMS Discussion and study session rtems do not require mohons of approval or recommendahon ACTION ITEMS An achon item requues a motion and a vote The general format for heanng of an action ~tem ~s as follows 1. Presentations a Staff presen[at~on (5 mmutes maximum*) b. Apphcant presentation (15 mmute maximum*) Any exhibrts mtroduced mto tha record at th~s hme must be provided m- quantmes of ten (10) to the Boa~d Seecetary for distr~b~hon to the Boazd and admiss~on mto the record c. Plamm~g Board queshonmg of staff or appl~cant for mformat~on only. 2, Public Hearing Each speaker will be allowed an oral presentahon (3 mmutes mawmum*) All speakers w~shmg to pool [heir ume must be present, and t~me allotted will be de[ermmed by the Chair No pooled [~me presentation will be pernut[ed to exceed ten mmutes total • Speakers should mtroduce themselves, givmg name and address If oFficially represenhng a group, homeowners' associahon, etc , please state that for the record as well • Speakers are requested not to repeat ttems addressed by previous speakers other than to express pomts of agreement or d~sagreement. Refram from readmg long documents, and summar~ze comments wherevcr possible Long documents may be subm~t[ed and will become a pazt of the official record • Speakers should address the Land Use Regulahon cnteria and, ~f possible, reference the rules that the Board uses to decide a case • Any exh~bits mtroduced mto the record at the heazmg must be provided m quantrttes of ten (10) to the Secretary for dis[ribuUon to the Board and admission mto the rewrd • Citizens can send a letter to the Plamm~g staff at 1739 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302, two weeks before the Plannmg Board meehng, to be mcluded m the Board packet Correspondence received after this time will be distnbuted at the Board meehng 3. Board Action a Board mouon Motions may take any number of forms Wi[h regazd [o a spec~fic development proposal, [he mo[ion generally ~s to e~ther approve the pro~ect (wrth or wt[hout wndrttons), to deny ~t, or ro conhnue the ma[ter to a date certam (generally m order to ob[am addmonal mformahon). b Board discussion. Th~s ~s undertaken ent~rely by members of the Board The applicant, members of the public or c~ty staff pazuc~pate only if called upon by the Chair c. Board acGOn (the vote) An affirmahve vo[e of a[ least four members of the Board is requ~red to pass a mohon approvmg any achon If the vote taken results m euher a tie, a w[e of three to two, or a vote of Ihree to one m favor of approval, the apphcant shall be automaucally allowed a reheanng upon requesung the same m wrdmg wtthm seven days. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY Any Plamm~g Board member, the Plamm~g Dtrector, or the City Attorney may mtroduce before the Board matters wh~ch are not mcluded m [he formal agenda. ADJOURNMENT The Boazd's goal is that regular meetmgs ad~ourn by 10.30 p m and tha[ study sessions ad~ourn by 10 00 p m Agenda items will not be commenced after 10 00 p m except by ma~ority vote of Board members present *The Chav may lengthen or shorten Ihe hme allot[ed as appropnate If [he ellot[ed hme ~s exceeded, the Chair may request that [he speaker conclude h~s or her canmen[s s \plan\pb-rtems\agendns\StandardMeetmgGwdehnes