Meeting Summary Form - 1/9/2003CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM rvnmE oF uonauicomn~~ss~on: Planning Board nnTe oF MEET~rvc: 7amiary 9, 2003 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PF.RSON PREPARING SUMMARY: M2Yy LOVCICI7, 441-4464 NAMF.S OF M~MBERS, S7'AFF AND INVITED GilES'P51'IiF.SF.NT: Board Members Present: Macon Cowles, Thom Krueger, Simon Mole, Tina Nielsen, Alan O'Hashi, Beth Pommer, John Spitzer Staff Members Present: Brent Bean, Bob Cole, David Gehr, Louise Grauer, Mary Lovrien, Peter Pollock OUTLINE OF AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER - The Planning Board declared a quorum at 6:03 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes from November 7, November 14, November 21, and December 5, 2002 were approved. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - There was no citizen participation. 4. DISCUS5ION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS - The Board had no comments on the wetland permits (4835 Arapahoe Avenue for the Boulder Community Hospital and the Skunk Creek restoration west of 30th Street) or the Planning Department dispositions (304 Mapleton duplex and 313 Foxtail Court). 5. ACTION ITEM A. Public heuring and consideration of annexation and initial zoning #LUR2002-00068, and Concept Plan Review #LUR2002-00069, for a property located at 6287 Arapahoe Road comprising 5.52 acres. Requested in'ttial zoning is "IG-E" Industrial General. The proposal is to develop an east campus for Naropa University, including consideration of dormitories. Even though the development of the property at this time would be to the interior of the building, the Board suggested that the applicant address the following items if the site is developed further: studying how a bicycle connection from the site to the downtown campus might affect the parking requirements; screening the parking lot from the streeY; presenting a design statement at the corner of Arapahoe and 63rd Street; developing the site into a more urban campus; and providing Eco-passes to students. The Board then recommended (7-0) that City Council approve the annexation of the property with an initial zoning of Industrial Service Established (IS-E). 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Update and diseussion on the Jobs/Housing project. P. Pollock said that a series of public meetings on this issue was held in December and several meetings are scheduled for January. He said that after a public open house scheduled on January 28, there will be a joint Planning Board/City Council public hearing on February 1 L He outlined the format for that meeting (staff will make an initial recommendation, there will be a public hearing and a discussion between Planning Board and City Council, and then Council will give a specific direction). The Board and staff discussed the involvement of the Planning Board during CounciPe deliberation of tbe issue; the suggestion that a polling technique be used to get a more representative community response regarding the issue and the reasons why staff decided against such a technique; a suggestion that staffs from the city and the Chamber of Commerce sponsor a community discussion every week between now and February ll for people who want to talk about trade-offs and options of jobs/housing; what other communities are doing about this issue; and other studies that question the assumption that the increased number of jobs in Boulder would create a big impact. B. Discussion and direction regarding DRCOG's questionnaire on the Regional 2030 Urban Growth Boundary/Area (UGB/A). The Board and staff discussed the request for comments on a Regiona12030 Urban Growth Boundary/Area, including staffls recommendation to keep the current limit, the idea of a land bank, how such a land bank might work, whether there is a threat that DRCOG or the State Legislature would require that land in Area III in Boulder County be developed in the future, and the likelihood that a takings bill that is in the State Legislature will pass and how it would affect the city. P. Polloek said that staff will include the Board's comments in its report to City Council, and the comments from Council will be included in a report to DRCOG. 6. MATTERSFROMTHEPLANNINGBOARD,PLANNINGDIRECTOR,ANDCITYATTORNEY-TheBoard and staffdiscussed having a presentation regarding historic districts and designations, what should be done if a proposal regarding the redevelopment of the Crossroads Mall does not conform to the Boulder Valley Regional Center Design Guidelines, the purpose of the Board summaries and why they are not as detailed, the concern that the Board not verge on discussing policy matters on the e-mail system, and calendar issues. 7. ADJOUI2NMENT - The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.