Meeting Summary Form - 1/23/2003CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAMF. OF ROARD/COMMISSION: PI3t1t11i1g BO&TCI llATE OF MF.ETING: JariU3Ty 23, 2003 NAMF,/TF,LF,PHONF. OF PF.RSON PREPARING SUMMARY: M2iy I,oV[iCli, 441-4464 NAMF,S OF MEMUERS, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: Board Members Present: Macon Cowles, Tina Nielsen, Alan O'Hashi, Beth Pommer, John Spitzer Board Members Absent: Thom Krueger, Simon Mole, Staff Members Present: David Gehr, Jean Gatza, Bev Jol~nson, Mary Lovrien, Peter Pollock, Susan Richstone Guest Present: Chris Cares, RRC Associates OUTLINE OF AGENDA 1: CALL TO ORDER - The Planning Board declared a quorum at 6:07 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There were no minutes to approve. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - Several citizens spoke about the discussion item regarding "pop-ups" and "scrape-offs." 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS - The Planning Board had no comments on the Planning Board Notice of Disposition for the North Boulder Subcommunity Right-of-Way Plan or the Planning Deparhnent disposiYion (Dakota Ridge Village Filing 2). 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of the following proposed changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) as part of the 2002-2003 annual update: l. Land Use Designation Changes: a) Arapahoe Avenue and Lincoln Place from mixed density residential to high density residential; b) 5460-5490 Spine Road from performance industrial to mixed use industrial and high density residential; c) 3035-3345 Kalmia Avenue from low density residential tb medium density residential; d) 0 Linden Avenue from open space-other to very low density residential; e) Foothills Parkway and Diagonal Highway from transitional business to general or community business; 1~ Changes to the Open Space designations for various properties to reflect recent purchases, map corrections and removal of the open space designation from a portion of the property at Hwy. 119 and North 55"'. 2. Minor Service Area Boundary Change: 3532 Diagonal Highway; and 3. Policy Text and Map Changes: Economic Policies; Species of Local Concern list; Inventoried Wetlands Map; Master Plan and Program Summaries; Open Space Map; and minor Trails Map refinements and corrections. The Planning Board approved the land designation change for the property at Arapahoe and Lincoln Place (5-0; T. Krueger and S. Mole were absent); 3035-3345 Kalmia Avenue with an amendment that the overall density on the 22 acres would not exceed an average of 8.75 units per acre (4-1; A. O'Hashi opposed, and T. Krueger and S. Mole were absent); and a minor boundary adjustment at 3532 Diagonal Highway from Area III to Area II (5-0; T. Krueger and S. Mole were absent). M. Cowles made a motion, seconded by J. Spitzer to approve a land use designation change for the parcel at 0 Linden Avenue, but the vote failed 3-2 (B. Pommer and A. O'Hashi opposed, and T. Krueger and S. Mole were absent). The Board approved the changes to the following sections of the BVCP: Economic Policies, the Trails Map Program Summary, Master Plan and Program Siimmaries, the background and supporting documentation which includes Species of Local Concern list, Inventaried Wetlands Map, Open Space/Mountain Parks and Parks Map and Trails Map (5-0; T. Krueger and S. Mole were absent). The Board agreed with staft's recommendation of no change to the land use designation for 5460-5490 Spine Road and Foothills Parkway and Diagonal Highway (McKenzie Junction). B. Public hearing and consideration of revisions to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Action Plan. The Planning Board approved (5-0; T. Krueger and S. Mole were absent) the changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Action Plan as presented by staff. 6. DISCUSSION ITEM A. Discussion of RRC Associates, Inc. Report on Focus Groups on major additions and demolitions to residential properties, i.e., Pop-ups and Scrape-offs, and next steps. S. Richstone introduced Chris Cares, RRC Associates, who was hired to conduct a series of focus groups on pop-ups and scrape-offs to help staff design a process to address this issue in the future. C. Cares presented a brief overview of the highlights and key findings from the focus groups. He highlighted some of the opinions from the focus groups and said that the consistent theme was that the city already has a lot of regulations, that this particular area will be difficuit to address, and there is the potential for unintended consequences as a result of new regulations. He said that the participants cited mass and scale in particular as the problem and supported bulk plane and a threshold approach as solutions. He said that in the discussion to determine whether this was a city-wide or a neighborhood-specific issue, the conclusion was that it was more ofa central-area problem rather than a uniform distribution across the city as a whole. Even so, he said that the group thought that whatever approach is used that it should be done city-wide with some customization based on neighborhoods. S. Richstone highlighted the four areas that staff felt were important in the design of the project as it moves forward, including extensive analysis of how changes to the regulations would impact a wide variety of conditions on individual lots. She said that an advisory group would need to be formed. P. Pollock was concerned about whether this was the right issue at the right time with the right approach before bringing it to the community and whether it would be feasible to begin this process given the staff workload. The Board thought that this was an important problem that should be addressed now. The Board discussed the formation of focus groups, formation of an advisory group, and whether the focus should be a geographic approach or a city-wide approach. P. Pollock said that the next step would be to discuss this issue with City Council. 6. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY - J. Spitzer pointed out an article about the Stapleton redevelopment in Denver and how it represents an important lesson for Boulder as the Crossroads Mall is being redeveloped. The Board and staff discussed the format for the joint Planning Board/City Council meeting on February 11 regarding jobs/housing. P. Pollock pointed out other upcoming meetings and Board agenda items. 7. ADJOURNMENT - The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m. TIME & LOCATION OT ANY FUTURE MEETINGS, COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL HEARINGS: February 6, 2003