7 - Meeting Agenda, 12/19/02~~~,~.y~~ . ~~ ~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net City of Boulder Development Review Committee MEETING AGENDA 1739 Broadway, Room 401 8:30 a.m. 12119I2002 PROJECT DISCUSSIONS COUNTY REFERRAL Pemracs LTD, LLP Site Plan Review for a 5,260 sq. ft. addition to an 36-T2N-R70W existing 20,727 sq, ft. manufacturing building. COMMENTS for TRACK 48 Applicant Name Case Number Case Status Development Name Review Type Address VINCENT PORRECA 6287ARAPAHOE 6287 ARAPAHOE RD GOODHEW ASSOCIATES, LTD MEADOW TRAIL SUBOtVISION 1355 MEADOW AV DOWNING THORPE JAMES ONE BOULDER PLAZA 1360 WALNUT ST LUR2002-000&8 R1 Annexation / Initial Zoning LUR2002-00053 R1 Subdivision Preliminary Pfat LUR2002-00075 ACT Site Review Nan Johnson DUE 12/24/02 Case Manager erent8ean Don Durso Brent Bean 48-12-19.agn / ~,~~~,~ ~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net City of Boulder Development Review Committee MEETING AGENDA 1739 Broadway, Room 401 8:30 a.m. 1 2/1 212 0 0 2 PROJECT DISCUSSIONS PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED for 12/98/02 Ana Dayva 3901 Pinon Drive The Living School Use Review 1:00 p.m. COUNTY REFERRAL Anthony & Susan Matthews Site Plan Fteview for the construction of 2865 Jay Road a 5,285 square foot residence. NEW ADR's FOR THE WEEK OF 1219/2002 Applicant Name Case Number Case Status Review Type Address PEH ARCHITECTS ADR2002-00160 Minor Modification Standard (9-4-11(0)) 2500 ARAPAHOE AV KEY ISSUES for TRACK 48 Applicant Name Case Number Development Name Review Type Address VINCENT PORRECA 6287ARAPAHOE 6287 ARAPAHOE RD STUART SMITH 4660 BROADWAY GOODHEW ASSOCIATES, LTD MEADOW TRAIL SUBDIVISION 1355 MEADOW AV DOWNING THORPE JAMES ONE 80ULDER PLAZA 1360 WALNUT ST LUR2002-00068 Annexation / Initial Zoning TEC2002-00052 Final Architecture LURZ002-00053 Subdivision Preliminary Plat LUR2002-00075 Site Review ACT Case Status R1 ACT R1 ACT Don Durso NanJohnson DUE 12I20/02 Case Manager Elizabeth Hanson Case Manager Brent Bean Mike Randall Don Durso Brent 6ean 48-12-12agn City of Boulder Neighborhood Meeting Topic: Proposed rezoning of 2641 4th Street Where: Boulder Junior Academy 2641 4`h Street When: Monday, January 13, 2003 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Background: You are invited to attend this neighborhood meeting to share your comments and get information about a proposed rezoning at 2641 4'h Street. On October 17, 2002, Planning Board initiated rezoning of this property due to a suspected mapping error. The 5.84 acre site is "split-zoned", with P-E, Public-Established, zoning on the west 130 feet and LR•E, Low Density Residential- Established, zoning on the remainder of the property. The zoning line runs through the existing building, the site of the Boulder Junior Academy. P-E zoning is intended for public areas in which public and semi-public facilities and uses are located, including hospitals, medical offices, and governmental, educational, and residential uses. LR-E zoned areas are primarily used for detached residential development. The same residential density is permitted in the LR-E and P-E zoning districts - 7,000 square feet of lot area required for each dwelling unit. However, P-E zoning allows for a wider range of non-residential uses, and residential uses are allowed with use review approval. Planning Board also initiated a change to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Land Use Designation Map designation for this property. The BVCP land use boundaries are inconsistent with the current zoning; they are "spliP' north and south, where the zoning is split east and west. There are currently no redevelopment plans proposed or in review. The size of the site exceeds the site review "threshold." Therefore, completion of both Concept Plan Review and Comment and Site Review processes are required if any redevelopment (e.g. subdivision, new construction) is proposed for 2641 4`h Street. Public notice is provided and public comments are encouraged during Concept Plan Review and Site Review. For more information contact: Liz Hanson Senior Planner City of Boulder Planning & Development Services Phone: 303-441-3287 e-mail: hansonl@ci.boufder.co.us ~ - _ - - - _ City oi Boulder Vicinity Map ,I - , ~ , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ 1 ~ yl ~ i \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1 M , ~ ~ ~ _ -~ ~ ~ ~~~ , 4L~4YN ~- I~ ~ _ +wW ~,~.. '.Y~~IIN . i. ~,/ _ }~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ! ... ~~ I J! ` PE _ t~~l III,~~f~ i . bo'Nenno ' ~:~ ~i -'~~{-,.,~... ~ . ~~ , ~ ~~~~lf~~ ~ ~ ~\ l ` ~aaw~~f 1 ' , 4~~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'f ~)~ ~~1r~' ~ _ ~ L .~ , _ ~ MAPL610N ~- ..I......._ I ~i,...: , . ~ i..,. i ~ . . - i I ~ -, I ~,~q . ~"'4 pioWrcx . s~,..rn.+wima i - ~ .... w a I n....e e~.~ ooemoro NOATH ..,. ... . aPn v _n _ • ••"