6A - Jobs/Housing project update and discussionCITY OF BOULDER
MEETING DATE: January 9, 2003
(Agenda Item Preparation Date: December 26, 2002)
Update and discussion on the Jobs/ Housing project
Planning Department
Peter Pollock, Planning Director
Ruth McHeysar, Long Range Planning Manager
Louise Grauer, Planner
Three public meetings on the Jobs/ Housing project were held in December to provide an
overview of the project and solicit input from potentially affected property owners and the public
at large. Attached is a summary of the meetings as provided to City Council in its weekly
information packet. At the December 17 City Council meeting, staff provided a summary
overview of the three December meetings. At that meeting, Council generally indicated that this
is a good time to be doing the project, but we can take more time. Some Council members
indicated that it may be time to narrow the implementation strategies to include those that are
most supported. It was suggested that some strategies may be taken off the table for further
consideration, and that this should be scheduled for Counci] discussion at their January 21s`
meeting. Council requested that we schedule a meeting with Planning Board prior to January
21st to get your feedback on the project, the results of the community meetings, the overall
schedule, and whether any of the strategies should be eliminated from further consideration at
this time. The purpose of this agenda item is to get your feedback on these issues.
s:\plan\pb-items~nemos~rml-9-03jobsmem.wpd AGENDA ITEM # 6A Paee 1
Although some Council members initially felt that the January community meetings should be
canceled, they ultimately agreed that they should still be held, and that staff should try to get
broader public involvement since the focus thus far has been with the business community. We
indicated that we could add another set of community meetings in February if that is desired. The
following meetings are scheduled in January:
Community Meetings (all are 6-8pm at the West Senior Center, 909 Arapahoe)
January 8: 28`h and 30`h Street Commercial Areas
January 15: Industrial Areas
January 22: Other Commercial Areas
Civic Grou Meetin s
oulder Area Board of Realtors an. 17 or Jan. 20 oon
oulder Housin Partners aitin to confirm date
Boulder Tomorrow an. 20 (tentative) oon
URA an. 16 or 23rd (tentative) 7 m
ea ue of Women Voters an. 7 oon
PLAN Boulder an. 24 oon
Sierra Club an. 13 (tentative) 7.m.
histle Communi Housin aitin to confirm date
Prior to the Planning Board meeting on January 9(from 4-6pm), staff wil] hold a meeting with
the jobs/ housing work group that was charged with the following:
1. Recommend to City Council a public process and schedule to the end of the project
2. Help structure the discussion on the resolution and action plan
3. Propose the process by which other implementation tools would be brought forward for
Planning Board and City Council consideration
4. Recommend whether to change the project name, and if so, to what
The group completed # 1 and 4 above. The January 9th meeting and one additional one will be
to complete the group's charge, i.e. help structure the discussion on the resolution and action plan
and propose the process by which other implementation tools would be brought forward for
Planning Board and City Council consideration. We will report the results of the January 9
Approved By:
Planning Director
s:\plan\pb-items~nemos~rml-9-03jobsmem.wpd AGENDA ITEM # 6A Paee 2
Attachment A: Summary of comments received at the December
Jobs/ Housing 101 meetings
s:\plan\pb-items~nemos~rml-9-03jobsmem.wpd AGENDA ITEM # 6A Pase 3
TO: Mayor Toor and Members of City Council
FROM: Christine Andersen, Acting City Manager
Peter Pollock, Director, Planning Department
Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning
Louise Grauer, Planner
DATE: December 26, 2002
SUBJECT: Information Item: Summary of December public meetings
At the December 17 City Councii meeting staff provided a summary overview of the three
December meetings. Attached to this memo are tha flip chart notes from the meetings and all of
the citizen comment forms, Three public meetings were held in December. The following
notification method was used:
Letters to all industrial and commercial property owners in the areas proposed for change
Two newspaper ads
Two entries in "News from City Hal]"
Crawlers on Channel 8
E-mail announcements to neighborhood contact people and other mailing lists, and
through the "Jobs/Housing ProjecY' pamphlet which was distributed at a number of
public locations, including the Library and Recreation Centers.
Overail, 173 attendees signed in at the three meetings, with approximately 20 people attending
two or three meetings. The majority of the attendees were property owners, business owners, or
iheir consultants, and the comments summarized below reflect their interests and concerns. The
format used was a bit different. Attendees were asked to voice their concerns and issues up front.
As a result, most of the questions were answered as part of the staff presentation, and these
answers for the most part are not captured in the flip chart notes included below. The notes
included below capture primarily the issues and concems raised at these meatings.
The following meetings are being held in January, since notification had already gone out about
1, Wednesday, January 8, West Senior Center for the 28`h-30`h Street corridor
2. Wednesday, January 15, West Senior Center for the industrial areas
3. Wednesday, January 22, West Senior Center for other commercial areas
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Agenda Item # cr f} Page #~{
A fact sheet answering the most frequently asked questions will be prepared and distributed for
the January meetings. A draft agenda is attached. Staff inet with• a subgroup of the work group to
refine the agenda. A work group meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 9, from 4 to
6 p.m., in Room 401.
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Agenda ltem # ~ I3 Page # ~~
Jobs/Housing 101, Industrial Areas
Monday December 9, 2002
Flip Chart Notes
60 people attending
• Industrial service zone is not economically viable; many allowed uses don't exist in Boulder
• Concem with the process and timaframe
• Why industrial zones again?
• Premise and assumptions behind project have not been proven, i.e. a worsening of the
jobs/population ratio will mean less commuting and less traffic
• Why rush? The project needs more time
• Why not add more housing (Area III) rather than reduce jobs?
• Need leadership not spaed; bad time for commercial owners
• Should notify tenants
• Need more info, i.e. better maps
• Why now, in an economic downturn? How has this issue been managed elsewhere?
• What are the zoning proposals on the table? Why mixed use and how will it be
• What is the fiscal impact?
. Would like a summary of the analysis and outcomes of the 1997 Comprehensive Rezoning;
specifically the impact of changing the General Industrial zones (IG) to Service Industrial (IS).
The revisions to the service industrial zones make it difficult for property owners to find
"qualified" tenants, i.e. "allowed use"
• What is the model for the housing/industrial mix?
• Potential conflicts between industrial and residential uses together
• What are the incentives for residantial use?
• How does this project relate to the code change project that will include allowing residential
use in industrial zones through use review?
• Is there adequate water supply for future growth?
. Aside from transportation demand management (TDM) strategies, what else is the
Transportation Masterplan (TMP) considering?
. Won't the increase in housing make our transportation impacts worse? Since only 25 percent
of trips are work-related trips and 75 percent are other trips.
• If the county is concemed about the balance, they should add housing in the county
• If we limit industrial and commercial space, lease rates will increase, drive more businesses
• Don't add housing around Valmont Park, uses will not be compatible
• How many buildings are under/over the existing floor area ratios (FARs)?
• Wou]d like access to the powerpoint presentation (will be on the Website)
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Agenda Item #~_ Page #~
December 11, 2002
Jobs! Housing 101 Meeting Flip C6art Notes
• How many trips will be reduced by these proposu:~?
• Will there be less industrial and commercial property tax revenues?
• Why try to solve a regional issues locally?
• Relation of this project to pedestrian and bike trails?
• Define ratio - where does the 1:1 come from?
• Can the citizens vote on this project?
• Are there other ways to address transportation impacts?
• Background/assumptions for projections?
- What are drivers?
- Does model account for economic ebb and flow?
- Are the fundamental eIements of that model correct and are they correctly configured?
• Is there information about the scenarios?
• Keep services in Boulder
• Boulder will never be baIanced in terms of jobs and population
• In commuters more likely to drive SOV (85 percent) than residents (65 percent)
• Q: Why not make Foothills more of a freeway, with interchanges? A: Fly-overs make
traffic worse according to past modeling
• Problem comes from open space and growth management policies; limiting supply
pushes growth further - increased air pollution etc.
• Restrictions in commercial would causing leap-frog development and impact on jobs
• Q: There is no indication of future job growth - where/when were we looking? A: We
used DRCOG regiona] population and employment forecasts; convened a panel of experts
to forecast Boulder's future job growth rate.
• Redevelopment focused inward can cause more transportation problems
• Downzoning impacts ability to bring value to community and property owners
• Benefits those that have already redeveloped
• Increases rents and consumer prices
• Impacts city tax revenues
• Doesn't solve problem - minimal number of housing units
• Types of jobs - preference for retail, service commercial - continue to attract all types of
• Scenarios come from applying strategies in different azeas/combinations; details on
scenarios available and will be covered in January meetings
• Encourage mixed use
• Adding housing increases retail demand - minimal distinction by scenarios
• Imbalance leads to pressure on City Council to build -"you're going in the right
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Agenda Item # ~ /~ Page #_~
• Livability, amenities in Boulder largely due to community foresight... 25 years from no~~,
what will Boulder look like under I, 2& 3? ,
• Will Boulder be "as livable" in 2025?
- Retative options
- What kind of community do we want to be?
• Other pieces of the puzzle in addition to land use changes?
• "How does downzoning revitalize retail?"
• How to balance jobs with type of housing will still be an issue
• Support for process and approach
• Roads are at capacity
• We have right to determine size of city
• Cutting up city with freeways not the right approach
• Overall population goal?
• Support project
• Likes mixed use in some areas
• Leave room for service industrial
• Good to address issues now, rathar than facing consequences
• Appreciate open process during economic breather
• More opportunities for property owners
December 16, 2002
Jobs/ Housing ] Ol Commercial Areas
Meeting Flip Chart Notes
• Lease rates will increase in the future?
• Can't people make these decisions themselves? Tmproper role for government
. Where are the Commissioners today? Re. impacts, etc.
• Increased density for housing?
• Assumption that commercial properties won't be downzoned again in five years?
• Definition of affordable housing?
• Proposal is a 75 percent reduction in FARs
• What have other communities' found re: restricting density versus encouraging transit
• Transportation - land use (jobs/housing) connection v. infrastructure
• Mixed use
- How much needed?
- Supported/fiil a need?
- Displaced services?
- How much can Boulder support?
- Pearl Street duplicated all over?
• Clarification of Comp Plan policy language
- Premise is flawed
• Other actions can be more effective
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Agenda Item # ~~ ~ Page # ~
• Community wide discussion on raising density
• Adding housing will increase traffic/impact other services more than jobs
• How are we addressing the positions of community (IPP) - particularly population cap?
• What other solutions?
• Was there a formal report from advisory committees?
• Driven by council's ]ust for social control - politica] issue
• There will be a follow-up economic review of the proposal
• Schedule - what's the rush? Citizens need more time to be involved
. Housing appropriate for workers? Cost, location
• What type of jobs currently in-commuting? (income, type, ES202)
• Proposal to public vote?
- Current process requires four-body approval
- Citizens could bring initiative
• Schedule - how can citizens impact it?
- Staff report to City Council
- Direci contact to City Council
• Tax implications re: fiscal impacts
• Comment forms verbatim to City Council
• Full-time v. part-time jobs counted the same?
- From ES202 data; differing impacts of full-rime v. part-time?
• How has community outside of business/property owners been involved?
• Q: Are you doing an analysis of legal issues? Compensation for ownars? A: It is similar
to the 1997 comprehensive rezoning
• Incentives?
- Higher FAR for preferred uses
- Density bonuses
- Streamlined development process
- Looking for input, suggestions
• Lead to lost retail $
• Suggestions:
- Vote to let city use city ]and for affordable housing
- Vote for raiUtransit
- Citizens need to craft their own proposal/scenario and present it to City Council
• Do we have the right peopie in staff, public office?
• Explore other options before pushing into this
• Learn from 1997 process
- More time with code
- Refer to 1997 resolution
- Proposed process came from 1997
• Specifics in April/May
• General overview, get direction, then specific with property owners
• Give it more time!
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Agenda Item # ~/~ Page # ~~
Janunry 8, 2003
28-30'h Street Corridor (for example)
6-8 PM
West Senior Center
6:00 Presentotion
Overall project context/ goals of the project
Issues/concerns we henrd/ how they will be addressed
(f4ct sheet)
Direction from CC/revised schedule
Understanding the 28'h- 30'" Street corridor todQy:
6oals for this area
Transportation Plan/ Framework Plan
Existing residential uses
Other-parks; transit center; rail lines
6:20 Q& A/ clarification re 28'h-30'h Street corridor?
6:35 5. Where do we want to go?
(1) Mixed Use
Exomples- Boulder, other communities, computer
6:45 Discussion - mixed use
What are your reactions to mixed use in the 28'h_30tn
Street corridor?(Advantages nnd disadvnntages)
What scole?
Whot uses?
What is needed to make it work?
Where in the corridor?
7:00 Presentntion
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Agenda Item #~ Page # /U
6. Strategies con't
(2) ~ : ^vice commercial '
C_~cribe concept; describe other communities'
7:10 Questions/ Discttssion - service commercia!
What are your renctions to the "service commercial"
concept in the 28'h-30'h Street corridor? (Advantages
and disadvantages)
What is the scnle?
What uses?
What is needed to muke it work?
Where in the corridor?
7:35 Presentation
7. Strategies con't
(3) Preserve existing scale and retail uses
7:45 Questions/ discussion - preserve existing scale and retail uses
What are your reactions? (Advantages and
What is the scale?
Whnt uses?
What is needed to make it work?
Where in the corridor?
8:00 Next steps/ Ad journ
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Agenda Item # ~li Page # //
Jobs~Housing Project
A Befter Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment, Form
December 9, 2002
Pfease rrse tbis form to provide input and feedback on the lobs/Sousing Projecf and ehe information
fiom ekis Jnbs/Housing !01 meetiag. Thank You!
My property is locaced at 25q5 & 25fi0 49th Steet; ~ust mest of the oity of Boulder
ma3ntAneace yards. This area is zoned General Induetrial and currently ie homa
to nnmerous heavy truck and bus type companies. I'submit theae busiaesses
aze very necessary for our community. Businesses such as Special Transit,
Boulder Super Shuttle, &oadway Exprese, not to mention the highest truck
traffic user - the City of Boulder ya=ds, to name'.only a few.
In my opinion, to com6iae residential zoning with industrial types o£
hnsinesaes and zoning is a recipe fdr-disaster.
The eafety risks of children and residential citizeas living in an
industrial area ereates the pocential for life Chreateaiag accidents.
Please leave the General Industrial zoned land in this area ae it~is, aud leave
the FAR requirements as they are. There is very little general iadusCrial
land left in the City of Boulder and our ~ommunity neede the few busineases thae
are located on chis industrial prapert
J STORAGE coNxaz~r~~ ~£~ve this comment~fortn at the welmme table.
Name JIM FITZGERALD 5treet Address, Zip ZSfiO 49th St. , Bouldes, CO 80301
E-maf~ • 303-442-3231
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder ]obs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/iohs to poplinde~c.hds or call
(303) 441-3274, A enda Item # Pa e# /
g ~~_ g ~_
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance fo~ Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/hTousing 101 meeting. Thank You!
i~~ S i~ r~, ~ t~ cr ~b1~ D r o c~ 5 S (~un c~ Vv ~`1 ~ ~~s
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Please leave this rnmment form at the welcome table,
v Name p~~~e` ~v„e{~a Street Address, Zip yu~S ~~w~, pl ~~~3 ~~°j
E-mail ~~ a~-! . ne~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder ]obs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor,. P.O. Box 791, Bouider, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildin9services/jobs to oop/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274.
Agenda Item # ~}!~ Page # /'>
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project axd the information
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank You1
Comments: _ ~~~~,d~d ~--yi ~ w~~e f~`r~
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Le~c ~ i n' Tre e~,,r ~, '
~ Name T%r~ ~', T/"v-K6/e Street Address, Zip ~'~G' ~~~'X 3~.SOo '~
E-mail Ti w~, trl~v~ e C~I~e~M;,~ treP, Cc~ r1 g0!//ole~, Ca i~~ 30 /
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder ]obs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to ooa/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # ~- f~ Page #~
Jobs/Housing Project
A BetteN Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from t&is Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank You!
~1;'1 ~-C ~ ~ / li-L~( . fi1~
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Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
f Name Sct rtt-/t~(Ic~ ~ Street Address, Zip `~ ~' ~~i a'~;o~t. ~i ~e~ J
E-mail ~~~ _ ~ z o b
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O, Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to ooa/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # ~~ r9 Page # /,`i
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Futu~e
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Hnusing 101 meeting. Thank Ynu!
Comments: ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~,- ~ Vlcl,w~~~ ~ ~
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lease leave this comment form at the welcome table.
JName ~ Street Address, Zip ~ ~
E-mail _ $~3~~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information; www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to qop/index.htm or call
Agenda Item #~ Page # %G~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance for Boulder's Futu~e
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2Q02
Please use this jorm to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing I01 meeting. Thank You!
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Please leave this comment form at the welcome ~e. ,S ~~/,~~s p~
~~ ~~~'~~~,JIJ
Name Street Address, Zip
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P,O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to noo/index.htm or cail
(303) 441-3274. Agenda Item # /vf} Page # / "7
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance fo~ Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on Che Jobs/Housing Project and the injormation
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Tlrank Youl
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~ArO~ri ~~^_ Qti~S~'I'1.. Stv~Y'Q'~
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
J Name ~ V'~ Street Address, Zip ~661 S'~~ ~~, Lr ~d.~'~j
E-mail ~ _!n~•n ~ cn(~yc~ ~~ c~r~~. e~w•
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buitdin9services[jobs to pon/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274. Agenda Item # lvA Page #~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and jeedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing IOl meeting. Thank You!
~~ou;n rz
~~~, ~ -1
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S'~-a~ ~le .~.-nP
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
~ Name FJc'~~ G E Street Address, Zip ~5 `~ vrG-n ~- T' ~~~1~uer C~~`~'3~
E-mail . ,+c I . Corn ~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to nop/index.htm or cail
(303) 441-3274.
Agenda Item # ~i~f~ Page # /~
Jobs/Housing Projec~
A Better Balance for Boulc~er's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Industrial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 9, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank You!
~ -%!?i ,L Y1~~ /'~D~~~il93' ~~;~/ ~iG/ ~` ~ 2~i ~Ifl
Q, , i~ ~ .dvt ..['~G <~' I`~~-~-
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~i~~C'o ~i~ ~,~a~ _~
~ Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
Name ' ~ ~aJ Street Address, Zip ~ D ~ ~~Pn! ~~
E-mail ~ ~" • " P3o-al~t/'~ C~~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www ci boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to poa/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274. Agenda Item # GiA Page #.~~G
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance for Boulde~'s Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/flousing 101 meeting. Thank You!
~~ ~
, ~ ~1t~- si~~ s~o~ , 'c,~- ~, n,~ ~1 ~-- ~,~L. -~ ~~ a~
-lZE-. "~-~-i~.s" w. ~
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/1/~A~.G\ X ~ +a4 `^/~ \ P/r'~c.v ~e 44! o _
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
Street Address, Zip
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, 8oulder, CO 8Q306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildinaservices/jobs to pop/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # ~cf~ Page # ,a~/
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for BouldeN's Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use tkis form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this JobsBousing 101 meeting. Thank You!
~ l9 Gih P/K C~IM/fi d'VVWI,(.1~ '~1 ~"~ L'YIZf,(i~
~ ~ .1-f l~
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s~ ~ ~. m,a~ s ~a,~ .~.~ w~0
~'~ G~,+~ w~ m,~r~~ ,
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
~ Name 1~ ~' ~~~~ Street Address, Zip .~5 ~~'S7"; ~~ ~~~~72
E-mail e'v~~la~ivq~i (~ a~1~U1v~, ~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the Ciry of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/iobs to poa/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274. Agenda Item # ~f} Page # „~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Hoasing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use thrs form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the informatian
from this Jobs/Housing l0l meeting. Thank You!
.:~. ~~,av~ ~i f,`~c'~~'~ ~t
C ~'I.~i c~i`S'~`i~~iGY
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Piease ~eave t~is comment~orr~t the wetcome ta e.
f Name `~ ~x Street Address, Zip ly`bL ~~~~ ti1c r_ V~ ~SC~~s~
E-mail ~ • ~
You may s nd your c mments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, 8oulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co,us/buildinaservices/iobs to qop/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274.
Agenda Item # ~fj Page # a~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance fo~ Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and jeedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank You!
(~ ~,~z ~!~~ 1~~"
_ ~ ) /1'~1 ~-~'
-~~ .P° ~ r~ ~br'1-~2' ~ _ _ /1 ~/` U~///'i ~~~
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P -' !~ 1'L ~ G(/-~L~(/
~ leas eave t is co m nt ~o'P"r~ t the welcome ble~
Street Address, Zip
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder ]obs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www ci boulder.co.us/buildinaservices/iobs to ~op/index,htm or call
(303)441-3274. ~ y~ ~~~ ~
~~ /'~f--(~(,`- 6 ~}-U'u~~l~c, C~) M c~ _~={41ltiU.a-'(7/~l~.Q~~..
~ Agenda Item #~_ Page # ~'~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2402
Please use this form to provide rnprrt and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing I01 meeting. Thank You!
1. (5~c.rFV-E You'R~ G-ot~- ~w ~~ ~Q~G-~ci
t~~kEer~o ,~. T N~ ~F3J ~ PaP~~i~~ 1M./~A-c,~t.~c~
cs RF-ra-c. A-~~o ~~~o.~ ~ro !5~ ~o~rs~o.
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
`~ Name ~i~,-.~ ~«/J~'R Street Address, Zip ~~-0 So . ~! " $6 305
E-mail I~I9~ua~u~ DDUiuG. Gor~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices[~obs to pop/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274. Agenda Item # /yf1 Page # .~5
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance fo~ Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing l01 meeting. Thank You!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,c~ u
~~ ~ ,.
~~'? ~ ~,/ /
~(~P ~~~I~m ~Y~ , ~aa-ip~' ~t'c%2eJn ~rn~-e
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~c ~r~ `~~c~ ~ -
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
Street Address, Zip
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the Ciry of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/iobs to pop/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # G-~f~ Page # .~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/flousing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing IOI meeting. Thank You!
~~sen+a+,on w RS_ ver ~ '~'roh tl,~ ~-v!n 0.n d in{oimn-f-i~~
~~ ~~~Qe.s>" rnnc~rn 'rS -~ hat CI+'~~er Qlf ~~reG.
~r lf v sr~G-ri~ Sc enavi~s ~ r~v~ -~io~ns,oor~l-~t;~n t~roblerns
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zon ~ n~ ~ ~~ ~(vhets c%~! S-I~ I/ be con ~~S de c1 . I.vha~
c~l~ .~~ r~, p-f-i ~~ s d~ ~.~.-e h a ~-e "~ n a d d~ r-~~ n fo ~es ~--
C~ frecf=~~nS ~ ~,5hron
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wa~[d ~ov~. ~ s~~. ~~~rd~r
b~~~d ,
~~KC~ GSL Y`E-F-G%I O-Y-~''QS. ~
Please leave this wmment form at the welcome table.
~ Name , I anP~om4 s Street Address, Zip /3oS .% fha~a ~r. ~0~~
E-fI1dII ~an~. ~-horria~ ~ C.o(w'odo- edv
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Bouider Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/iobs to aop/index,htm or cail
(303) 441-3274.
Agenda Item # L~fj_ Page #~_
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance fo~ Boulde~'s Future
Jobs/Housing 101
Comment Form
December 11, 2002
Please use this form !o provide input and feedback nn the Jnbs/Hnusing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank Yau!
.Z cc r/c~ <S ~ ~n „'o ~Z ~ C ~ ~
s i' ~'c, ~ cc
a u'° P/' S~ i ~'
SC ~~ ~ ' n ~
/~ ?' ,S o .. ~ G
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c,vr~ ~v- cC, ~ r ~e.. ~
,%v s usT ~ Liv u ~
r/n~ess f~i~ ~1~is ~%~ ~ !s G~ ~` /~
Please leave this wmment form at the welcome table.
Name l.:.Q (' I~ CP,s ~ I'a Street Address, Zip I~a ~ P~ta~ ~. •~~ ~d~
E-mail CCctsfillot~a ~bt. c..on1 ~j ~3 ~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder ]obs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/iobs to pop/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274.
Agenda ltem # (~f~ Page # o'~Y
Agenda Ite„~ #~ I'age # ~~
. ____ ____~ ~..
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Commercial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 16, 2002
Please use [hi~• form to provide input rt~rd feedback on the Jobs/Horrsing Project and the ixformntion
frnm this Jobr/Hnusing 1 DI meeling. Thank You!
Comments: I own a commercial nrobertv in an area w hich is beinr~
proposed as a possible dozanzoning sceneri~. T also live in this same
area. The scenarios do not malce sense for the area around 52nd and
Arapah~e. This whole analy~is on Jobs/Housing appears to he a rush to
=o1ve problems the City ha~ created by its policies and admistration.
Whv shou ld one seament of thP nopulation and econom y be askad tn
suffer fo r the ben~fit of everyane e1se. ,
'[~}1 i
i4 P.7it1T'F' nroiect 1'LflS aenerated intense anamosity because lt. ~i
~~ +n ha a rnsh tn a nro~am. which unrlar anv [~f it6 cce7'IaY'lOS
ic n(1t a t.nll c~clneit~pYPC~ nY l~aced SOlUt10Tl t.0 orobl ems t~'lclt 2X18ti.
Tf «.~„c ~ri-a;~., ;G a cniirr~+ nf fhn ~rnhlr~m. .\dArr? ec Transportati~n.
Thr~ n~v ri r+nc nvic~F Lnn}],~
r~ rlri~~r~ ~l-~r>m_ il(~al Wli'}~ 4' ~ f'Y,l-Y1CrllYYa~'1(ll'~
~n ,
inC}aR[1 Clf nYOnoainn snme half-balced analvs is that has
spuzious assumptions arid darriaaas one segment of the population.
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
/ Name sam Rr~wn StreetAddress,Zip 9920 riereaitn ~av ;kzoa
E-mail Boulder, CO 80303
You may send your comments by fax (303) 41F1-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additfonal Information: www.ci.boulder.co.uslbuildinaservices/jobs to aop/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # ~v ~ Page # ,3~C1
~. ` . .. ........ ..~ ~. ....~~ ..............".... ~.. a
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101 - Commercial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
Decernber 16, 2002
Please «se t/eis jorm to provide input aied jeedback on !ke Jobs/Houstng Project nnd the information
from this Jobs/Flousing JOl meeting. Thank Ynu!
/-1 r= 7" F
r~ L i 5 T t- i~' i
~ i r_° i C% Jf/.C
~%~k'f_zS/,=~I!'/~-T/ ~i'i'L' 1~Ec'Frr.J~R ~.i~ L. :Zan~ /T A~;~''~`/f/:5
7f/~ ~~ 7' % /S h° LiSf/ /N~ 'TO ~r=~~c: ~ l-l.4rf-
/~~1.1 i4 TT~ i-/I i~ l" % t~ .S C~ iJ ~ G' i y' ii fiE'cf /,~'s e:.~n~15
;Tt~ ~ ~: a tin ,%c i~ /a ~,~ .i~ S i ~ '- r ~ ".C~.~.~ ~r-~. c~
.3 y ~- - ~ ~ c= : •- 3~a ~ ~/~ s.~ .4 .~,~ U
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~_'' X~ G`= /ll S i C~' `' ~I .5 r'Y/ ~? G L. ~'O.~" J'Ji u/~,' ~'/-_~
~~r~= e~~=~., ~,~~ r~
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i1,N ~~l%U~~L/ l~'~~/ ~; /
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
~Name ~% ~,~oa'ili Street Address, Zip /~ ~ ~ S~~'uC~
E-mail ~O ~=fG ~J,~~=~ Cn .s~~s'o ~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildinaservices iobs to pop/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # ~~~ Page # . ", ~ I
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Commercial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 16, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jo6s/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank You!
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
" Name I'~ ~!; ~ L,' '/1~'~ Street Address, Zip ' r~ .cb 9~~Ay~~~ y~~~
E-mail ~ t~ ~ ~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P,O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices[~obs to pop/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274,
Agenda Item # ~~/ _ Page # ,~?
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Commercial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 16, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing IOI meeting. Thank You!
Comments: ~~,.~ S(~ ~~~ 0.( wcr.-~~ 8~ Cln^ Wv~ ~^P 5~~^F-eo~
~t / ~i'0 S TZ~ ~ s Yl I n v'~
~ ~
L ~
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-~•2 b ~,o ~ ~a~ (e Qd.e.,~ a-~x ~ o;.~.~ ~ re s~ru i ~ `tfi ~ Z-~
w2 re,t..r ~ b S ~--o ~ l I b 1~ -I'L~, ,-•.I o~h •
~ ~ -0 1 v~ c i~-ec,~. --~ z~ (!o S-I L -~o ec c.~ i e~e . ~-----
~.l /~1~ 1~ o.~.a~ ~ o'L ~ ~ ~O w l~ i ~. ~- ~-e_e Q i ~ ~4'~-~_
ri ~-e. ~ e~0 pM c.s~
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SG '
o t
c ~ , r r
Cp ~ ~
0. s C~h G~-eil/P.~ ~ '~ pti.~.e~
-'f v~ ~u,g-~- Please leave this comment form at the welcome table. ~'- h~ ~~/14.
U ~
Name ~h ~~ StreetAddress,Zip ~3~" l7-2~~e,~ ~o gb3a~
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, 1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.bou-der.co.us/buildin4services/jobs to ~op/index.htm or call
(303) 441-3274, Agenda Item #/~;/1 Page # 3~
( w~ ~ Iro vl vi~ ~eti.Q.~-(~~ F~m'~m~ i~., ~, Gtq1t_ ~ ~
Jobs/Housing Project
A Bette~ Balance fo~ Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Commercial Areas Meeting
Comment Form
December 16, 2002
Please use thu form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from this Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank Youl
comments: ~,~ f~e~~ deo~ f l~ i b rHPe~i.~~., Wli y a re ~vC' ~,
~~~~roy~n .cr~d ~oarly-~.ccf~,r>ly-yv,P~oN~d ~c5tv~,~'f~btis
_a ~o vf "r~t,cxincv~+ Bvi1 davt "~~~s "~awr~re 1~Pn5~` v~
~e ~on~rr~ P ~~`/do~t P~m~~efio~ "}~,e ih•~ vse ~( a~ ,~ b/~,~
_I~rlyfrvMe~~- fo ~~~re ~ver~y~dy' If ~~P~S to
r1 ~ l+.t f a v/de ~ 5 1 rl o~ i~'I~th~ isf l C~i S is, ~ i lvc
we ,~e~d wra~~e fi~e ,~o !//Iu~P/~S~Na~ tl~e ~v~se
.~ -~ S~t le5 ~-~X rev~~nde~ w~ 50 ~~ ~~ b v~1n~~ .se s
.~~~1 gov%~e~ is o~/1 ~/11CP~'~-1/~ ~r~d v,~riedictn~l~
~ l~i r~ to h~'~ ovr hvyi.~~~5,, /,e.~n~ n' 7-re~ r,~e ,,
~eel~ ~~w~lcv,~e ,~nd pU~ished, we ~~~/ ad~
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VEr~ dn~Ao-/r~, edv/o%r GitY F^f~e~~ ~`- "nNattie~s" r,r.~y
c/xvlf ~-~1 nhider lna f l~ i e-s~ ivE ~o['P5 5%5
ivl cli-~ect oPPosifo~t fo 5o~rv~v~ m C~~ ~~ ~1~;5~h
Please leave t~~s comment form at the welcome le.
~ ~e~ nin ~ T~ee eCor1owU C
f Name Tl ~'`'~ Trvr~ /e Street Address, Zip ~~ys" ~angbou~ ~~ .~°i^~nfvf'~'
E-mail tl~,frv~rb/e~'/e~h,~nfr~e,~awr g~~~/~le~, e~ f3v3v/
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder ]obs/
Housing Project, 1739 Braadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildin seq rvices~bs to oop/index.htm or cali
(303) 441-3274.
Agenda Item # ~vfl Page #; s'
Jobs/Housing Project
A Better Balance for Boulder's Future
Jobs/Housing 101- Commercial Areas Meeting
Comment Form.
December 16, 2002
Please use this form to provide input and feedback on the Jobs/Housing Project and the information
from Jhis Jobs/Housing 101 meeting. Thank You!
Comments: •
( '/~'r ~'F~tr- pP1ST MtfirAlc~i' ~ ~a ~'Z+-~S6{~ ~'~+~~ '~fl~i~ 2i'-'
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Please leave this comment form at the welcome table. SPQ~WL ,~j
~ Name ~~f~~-4 G~b1~S Street Address, Zip fiZS l~k'Gti~w,cQ ~~.
E-mail tu ;(~~yedo~ ..•.,.,~. f31dn Ge~ B~~Z -
You may send your comments by fax (303) 441-3241, or by mail to the City of Boulder Jobs/
Housing Project, .1739 Broadway, third floor, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Additional Information: www.ci.boulder.co.us/buildingservices/jobs to oop/index.htm or call
Agenda Item # ~1~ Page # :>''~
Agenda Item #~ Page # 33(v
~A2 2~-~-t~Lti 'r~s +-4+A.U~ '~~ ~~~'t ~-~ ~
December 17, 2002
City of Bouldet - Johs/~Tousing Project
I have attendad two of the City sponsored meetings which include the industrial and
commercial areas. There are no supporters of this project coming from the commercial
azeas, As one speaker said last night, this process is strictly a political issue and that the
cturent ciry council has a"lust" for down2oning, i.e. '97. This pmcess totally zgnores
economic realities and, in fact, will jeopardize the economic future of Houlder. The City
of Boulder's past failuses to deal with traffic circulation is what we are talking about. To
fiuther downzone commerciaUindustrial properties in light of current economic trends
would be a serious mistake. Our economic future is at stake.
Tha three scenarios proposed by the City could reduce potantial future economir
substantially by more than 75%. LeYs don't shoot our other foot by this process.
Boulder's proposed 7obs/T~ousing will exactly have the opposite outcame. More
permanent residents to add to traffic congestion studies idenrified indicate that 75% of all
trips aze recreational in nature and 25% related to work.
The planning staff is pruposing to the community a very disastrous and speculative
project. This project is being stream-rolled on the business community and the
unintended consequenoes can be devastating for Boulder's future economic substantially,
Tn spite of what you may think johs aze not bad, they bring a strong economic base to the
City and as compared to housing the infrashvcture and congestion is significaatly less.
This process has gone on too long and too far and needs to be re-thought. The eight
business members on the task force were ignored and their thoughts pushed aside. It's
time for the council to take a leadership roA and project our economic base.
~ .~~ ~~y `~
I~q~ C~55 C~
~e.~.~c~~ri Cn $a3a~
Agenda Item # (~f~ Page # .~
To: City o£Soulder Planning Department
From: Johnson Publishing Co./Johnson Family Partners3~ip
1880 So. 57`h Ct. (Flatiron Pazk)
Re: Jobs/Housing Project
We own an 80,000 sq.ft. building in Flatiron Pazk. It was built in 1979 and is currently
occupied by Johnson Publishing Co., a book and commercial printer, along with a book
publishing division. Our company was begun in 1946 and is still owned and operated by
the Johnson family.
Following are thoughts and concerns about the proposed Project;
1. We disagree with the pxemise that job growth needs to be slowed by artificial means
such as you are proposing. Down-zoning existing properties is going to have a huge
economic impact on our city. Letting the marlcet forces work naturally and attacking
the transportation problems directly seems to be a much mare logical approach.
2, Reducing FARs on properties such as ours in industriel areas is a draconian move and
to find our building in a non-conforming status is hazd to accept. We purchased land
and built out building in good faith under the existing city regulations. The 1997
rezoning, after all wes said and done did not negatively affect our property 6ut did
many property owners in Boulder. Now to find that only five yeazs later we are again
facing this same process with the potential results of grcatly reducing property values
is very disturbing. If our company decides to move and sell the building we could
find ourselves in a difficult situation and most likely with a building of less va.lue than
it would have been without the non-oonforming status. As a fifty-six year old
company that has grown up in Boulder we are very concerned and troubled about
what could possibly happen. The ramifications to our families' livelihoods and future
could be severe.
3. If al] of the existing buildings become non-conforming under the proposal, property
values are going to drop significantly due to the difficulty of finding buyers who can
obtain financing. The logical sequence to lower values is lower property taxes. This
could be a significant loss to the schools and the city, and would obviously need to be
made up elsewhere. Where? Homeowners? Business owners7
4. We do not know the ratio of private sector jobs to the public sector, but obviously this
Project does not address the public sector. lf the past is any indication, this sector is
going to keep growing in the number of jobs and we would guess this is not an
insignificant part of the overall number. A11 of tliese public sector entities do not
contribute to the property base either. Probably just like the private sector, a large
numbex of public employees also commute into Boulder, along with ma~iy students at
the University. Are all of these numbers being factored into your calculations or are
only tax-paying private businesses heing attacked?
5. The -ast tune this cazne up in 1947 we stated that there aze many compauies and
businesses such as ours that have quietly provided jobs, paid a great deal of taxes,
contributed to the community in many, many ways and are feeling more and more
diseiifranchised as time goes on. We really sometimes wonder if our city government
understands the dynamics and economics of what has kept Doulder healthy. The
Agenda Item # (~A Page # ,3~
future may not always be so rosy with some of the directions in which we are
6. With business conditions the way they aze today and from what we understand the
number of jobs actually being down in Boulder, we so no reason that this whole
process cannot be slowed down and thought through more cazefully. With negative
job growtl~ there is going to be no immediate impact anyway, so let everyone who
wishes have more iuput and see if there are other ways of confronting the issues.
7. We are curious as to what came out of the task force that met for a yeu. We heard
nothing about what contributions were made by this group that might have influenced
the planning departrnent's approach to solutions. The only fhing most of us have
heazd is that eight members of the task force disagreed with the directions being
taken. Was their input considered?
As long-time citizens, business and property owners we are concerned. We appreciste
the opportunity for input.
Jezry B. Johnson
Agenda Item #~ Page # ~