5B - Consideration of revisions to the BVCP Action PlanCITY OF BOULDER
MEETING DATE: January 23, 2003
(Agenda Item Preparation Date: January ] 7, 2003)
Public hearing and consideration of revisions to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan
Action Plan.
Planning Department
Peter Pollock, Planning Director
Ruth McHeyser, Long Range Planning Manager
Susan Richstone, Senior Planner
Jean Gatza, Presenter
The purpose of this item is to review the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Action
Plan and consider changes.
The BVCP Action Plan was adopted during the five-year major update to the Comprehensive Plan
with the intent that it should be revisited at each annual update for review and revision. Attachment
A contains a copy of the revised action plan as proposed by staff.
The action plan is intended to be a tool that translates the Comprehensive Plan's policies and land
use map into actions and heips to make the plan dynamia lt focuses on actions that are not currently
included in other plans or programs like new initiatives, projects, plans, processes and regulatory
changes needed to implement the BVCP.
The plan is adopted by the Planning Board and City Council, but not actually adopted into the text
of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Interdepartmental city staff and county land use staff
provided input for the revisions in Attachment A.
s:\planlpb-items\memos\jg]-23pbmem AGENDA ITEM #Jr~ Paee 1
The charts below summarize stafPs recommendad changes to the Action Plan in Attachment A
according to those that are:
• New Items
• Revisions
• Items that are removed due to completion
New Items
Policies Short Term Mid Term
I.OS Indicators of Revised from Existing: New:
Sustainability Develop a framework for measuring and Expand upon the
reporting on progress toward sustainability
sustainability on an on-going basis. measures reporting
Produce the first report based on by developing
policies and goals in the Environment indicators for other
section of the BVCP. policy azeas
including economy,
housing, and social
4.41 Waste Minimization and In addition to efforts associated with
Recycling LEED, the city will:
• Implement the revised
Environmental Purchasing Policy;
• Track the effectiveness of naw
programs funded through Trash Tax,
with a focus on organic material
6A1 All-Mode Transportation . Complete the Arapahoe Complete TNP's for
system and 6.03 System Transportation Network Plan (TNP), six corridor sections.
Completion begin and complete another conidor
section (two completed in the short-
• Completion of a general city-wide
TNP (to be included in the TMP
Subcommunity and Area Plan A 13,000 sf branch
Section: North Boulder library facility will
Subcommunity Plan be constructed in the
s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\jgl-23pbmem AGENDA ITEM #~~ Paee 2
North Boulder
Subcommunit .
University Hill • Explore l~istaric districting in the
commercial area to support
economic revitalization.
Gunbarrel Commercial Area • Explore development of an area plan
Plan for the Gunbarrel Commercial area.
• Conduct analysis and prepare plan.
• Im lement recommendations
Trails Map Conduct analysis and issue resolution
processes for conceptual trail
alignments with unresolved issues. The
Boulder Feeder Canal and the Union
Pacific Railroad line conceptual trail
alignments have been identified to be
studied in the short term.
The following items have proposed language changes to reflect a clearer understanding of the work
items or provide more specific information.
Policies Revisions
1.05 Indicators of Sustainability Revised to clarify work item; Added mid-term
1.06 Leadership in sustainability and 4.38 City Minor revisions to clarify work item and add
Leadershi in Resource Conservation artici atin ci divisions
1.19 Jobs: Population Batance Moved `revision of the policy' to the mid-term
because it will occur as part of the next major
u date to the Com rehensive Plan
2.13 Preservation of Community Character and Revised to clarify work item and identify
2.38 Sensitive Infill and Redevelo ment ro ress made
2.15 Preservation of Existin Residential Uses Revised to clari work item
2.20 Mixed Use and 2.21 Incentives far Mixed Deleted `Prepaze area plans as needed'. Any new
Use area plans will be described in Area Plan
Im lementation Section
4.40 Energy Efficient Building Design and Expanded description of wark item
5.03 Balance of Employment and Housing Revised to clarify work item
5.08 Vital and Productive Retail Base Revised to clari work item
Master Plan and Pro ram Im lementation U dated to reflect work on master lans
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\jgl-23pbmem AGENDA ITEM #-5~ Pa¢e 3
Removed/ Completed Items
Completed items are still shown on the version in Attachment A to show progress made in
Comprehensive Plan implementation, but will be removed from the BVCP Action Plan in the next
Polic / Section Com leted Item
2.14 Accessory Units Report on Accessory units completed. Land use
code worksho occurred in 2002.
4.06 Natural Ecosystems Adoption of a local species of concern list
included in 2002-2003 BVCP Annual Review.
5.09 Economic Sustainability Strategic Plan Adoption of new Comprehensive Plan economic
policies included in 2002-2003 BVCP Annual
6.10 Managing Parking Supply (code workshop Land use code workshop occurred in 2002.
item onl )
7.12 Strengthening Community Housing Phase I of the Williams Village Development
Partnerships is under construction.
7.14 Conversion of Residential Uses in the Special review criteria were amended in 2002.
Trails Map Trails Map Program Summary revision outiining
criteria and process aze included in the 2002-
2003 BVCP Annual Review.
Staff recommands that the Planning Board approve the changes to the BVCP Action Plan as
presented by staff.
Approved By:
i j
~~~ ~.~~' " ./
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F~eter Pollock, Director
Planning Department
Attachment A: Revised Action Plan
s:\plan\pb-items~snemos\jgl-23pbmem AGENDA ITEM #_~ Pase 4
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Action Plan
1.05 Indicators of . Develop a framework for measuring and reporting
Sustainability on progress towazd sustainability on an on-going
basis. Produce the first report based on policies
and goals in the Environment section of the
1.06 Leadership in Develop and implement an environmental
Sustainabiliry and management system (EMS) for city operations -
438 City I,eadership in City PACE (Paz[ners for A Clean Environment).
Resource Conservation City PACE planning is underway and includes
actions which afFect pazks operations,
transportation planning and maintenance, ualities
operations, fleet operations, faciliries operations
and review and construcrion of city capital
1.19 Jobs:Population Involve the public in idenrifying the desired future
Balance for the city's commercial azeas and reduce the
city's projected jobs: population imbalance. Revise
zoning districts and rezone as needed to
implement desired future.
1.24 Annexation • Work with county to implement the
application of city standards on fully
developed Area II sites when substantial
changesaze proposed.
• Complete economic analysis of costs/benefits
to property owners, and develop preliminary
policy options
• Develop annexation plan for fully developed
Area II properties.
Expand upon the sustainability
measures reporting by developing
indicators for other policy areas
including economy, transportation,
housing, and social services.
As part of the major update to the
BVCP, revise jobs:popula6on
policy following complerion of Jobs
/ Housing Balance Project.
Planning and
Staff is refining the fiamework and contents for the
first report and will re£um to the Council
Environmental Sustainability Task Force in eazly
2003 with an update.
Environmental management system (EMS) evaluation
and implementation has begun witrun Parks and
Recreation, Public Works, Planning and Information
Technology. Future efforts will include confinued
evaluafion and improvement of e~cisdng systems,
implementafion of new systems where needed and
begin work with Open space and Mountain Parks and
other work groups that would benefit from evaluarion
and improvements.
Staff has completed the first tluee phases of the Jobs /
Housing Balance Project. Next steps will include a
public education process and implementation of
specific strategies.
Work with the county on fully developed parcels is
The economic analysis and preliminary policy options
was completed in Spring 2002.
Guidelines for individual annexations are complete
and were endorsed by the Planning Boazd and City
Council in the Spring of 2002. Staff is refining
strategies for group annexations.
Agenda Item # -~j_ Page # ~
~ : -. . ~
2.13 Preservation of ,
• Identify exisung policies and regulafions that may be _ _ ___ _
In 2002, the land use regulations ere revised
Community Character
adjusted to add incendves for sensitive design and/or to lace limits on the number, size and
238 Sensitive Infill and preservation of existing chazacter. location of accessory buildings.
Redevelopment . ~C conducted focus groups regarding pop-ups and A consultant has been hired to conduct focus
scrape-offs. Report due by end of 2002. Planning groups regarding pop-ups and scrape-offs.
Board to diswss report in January 2003. These will be completed by the end of 2002.
• Conduct a public process to idenrify potenual
approaches to address concems about "pop-ups" and
"scrape-offs' ; develop proposed ordinances/programs.
214 Accessory Units • Prepare report on number and location of accessory Planning Staff prepared a status report on the number
units, including trends in number of units approved in and loca6on of accessory units in eazly 2002.
recent years. Land Use code workshop was held with the
• Hold land use code workshop to identify whether it is Planning Boazd and City Council in August
appropriate to revise the accessory units section of the 2002. Code changes for accessory units will
code. be presented as options next yeaz.
2.15 Preservation of Ensure the preservarion of existing residential uses in
Planning In Spring 2002, the special review criteria
Exisring Residen6al Uses nonresidenrial zones by implemenring the residenrial land were amended to make it more diffiwlt to
use designarions and rezoning these areas to residential convert an existing residenfial use to a non-
zones. This will be done in conjunction with Jobs / residenfial use.
Housing Balance Project. Commercial zoning districts will be
addressed in the next phase of the Jobs /
Housing Balance Project.
2.20 Mixed Use As part of the Jobs / Housing Balance Project, review p~~ning ~is item will be addressed in the next phase
2.21 Incentives for Mixed commercial zoning districts for changes to provide of the Jobs / Housing Balance Project.
Use incenrives for mixed use.
2.35 Preservation of Develop a plan and process for p~~ning
Archaeological Sites and identificarion, designation, and
Cultural Landscapes . protection of archaeological and
cultural landscape resources.
Agenda Item # .~ Page # ~
4.06 Natural Ecosystems
4.20 WaterResource
4.23 Groundwater
4.40 Energy EfFicient
Building Design and
4.41 Waste Minimization
and Recycling
4.43 Integrated Pest
Ewnomy .
5.03 Balance of
Employment and Housing
5.08 Vital and ProducUve
Retail Base
5.09 Economic
Sustainability Strategic
Adopt a local species of special concern list as part of BVCP I
Annual Upda[e.
Develop and implement review criteria for measuring
impacts of new development on groundwater and stormwater
• Develop a regulatory approach for L,EED with the US
Green Building Council.
• Work with the local development community to increase
awazeness and understanding of the LEED program.
In addifion to efForts associated with LEED, the city will:
• Implement the revised Environmental Purchasing Policy;
• Track the effectiveness of new programs funded through
Trash Tax, with a focus on organic material diversion;
Develop an integrated pest management plan for Parks and
Recreauon and Public Works Departments' operaROns.
Develop integrated pest
management plans for other city
Revise industrial zoning districts to allow or encourage I
housing where appropriate.
Insure protection of retail azeas through zoning changes that
will be developed as part of the Jobs / Housing Balance
Propose new Comprehensive Plan policies to implement
Boulder's Healthy Economy Strategic Plan.
Planning This new text is proposed in the BVCP 2002-2003
Annual Review.
Planning and Staff is exploring issues and potential strategies for
Water Quality measuring impacts. This work is expected to
continue into 2003.
Environmenta Staff will continue to work with the US Green
1 Affairs, Building Council on the development of a
Planning and regulatory approach for LEED. On a parallel track,
Development staff will confinue to work with the local
Services development communiry to increase awareness and
understanding of the concept of a commercial LEED
Staff is currendy at work on these projects.
Environmenta Staff is currently at work on this project. The project
I Services H'~II also include Open Space and Mountain Pazks
operarions in the short term.
Planning This item will be addressed in future land use code
Planning Some such strategies have been identiFied in the fiist
phases of the project. Further work on this item will
be addressed in the next phase of the Jobs / Housing
Balance Project.
Planning~ City New economic policies are being proposed in the
Manager's BVCP 2002-2003 Annual Update.
Agenda Item # 5,/-; Page #~_
6.01 All-Mode • Complete the Arapahce TransportaUon Network Plan
Transportation System (T'NP), begin and complete another corridor section (two
6.03 System completed in the short-term).
Comple6on • Completion of a general city-wide TNP (to be included in
the TMP Update)
6.04 Multimodal • Coordinate with Jobs / Housing Balance Project to
strategies implement TDM strategies in commercial and industrial
zoning distdcts.
• Develop community-wide TDM options as part of 1'MP
• Develop menu of TDM measures as part of TMP Update.
' • Include expanded transportation demand management
(TDM) requirements as part of the city approval process.
6.07 Mulfimodal • Secure site and finalize development plans for the
Development Boulder Valley Regional Center intermodal center.
• Develop the concept and implementauon tools for
multimodal transportation zones.
• Coordinate with CU's Micro Master Plan for
6.10 Managing Pazking • Invesrigate the issue of pazking ma~cimum and minimums.
Supply • Hold land use code workshop to identify whether it is
appropriate to revise the pazldng requirements in the
Complete TNP's for six Transportation The BVRC TNP was adopted in 2002, the Araphce
corridor sections. T'NP is currently being developed with the aid of a task
force and should be completed by the end of 2003.
Expand the menu of TDM Transportation / The TDM Toolkit is complete. TDM shategies will be
measures. Engineering included in the next phases of the Jobs / Housing
Review/ Planning Balance Project and the transportation master plan
Monitor the results of TDM update.
requirements and adjust as
• Cooperate with CU in Transporta6on/ . The next opportunity to apply for federal funding
planning for the LTMC Planning for the intermodal center will be in 2004.
Intermodal Center. • implementation tools for multimodal transportation
• Revise regularions as zones will be included with Jobs / Housing Balance
needed to implement Project implementation strategies.
multimodal zones. . Staff is working with CU on transportation issues.
Planning/ Code Workshop was held with City Council and
Transportation Planning Board. There was no agreement to address the
issue of pazking requirements in neaz term code
Transportarion s[aff is confinuing work exploring
options for pazking maJCimum and minimums.
Agenda Item #~ Page # ~
7.11 Keeping Low and
Moderate Income Workers
in Boulder
7.12 Strengthening
Community Housing
7.14 Conversion of
Residential Uses in the
~~ ~ ~~~~~1 ~11 ~~I ~ ~~,~',1
North Boulder
Subcommunity Plan
Boulder Valley Regional
University Hill
Through the Jobs / Housing Balance Project and
annexarion opportunities, pmvide for addiuonal
permanently affordable housing in the community
Provide city support and technical assistance to
Williams Village development.
Estabfish mitigation criteria for residential uses lost
to redevelopment and non-residential conversion.
• Select developer and complete development
agreement and approved development plan for
Crossroads Mall redevelopment
• Revise /CTpdate Urban Renewal Plan
• Implement the University Hill Mazket Plan
• Explore historic districting in the commercial
area to support economic revitalization.
A 13,000 sf branch library
facility will be constructed in
the North Boulder
UHGID and Planning
Additional housing is proposed in all of the scenarios
in the Jobs / Housing Balance Project. This issue will
be further explored in the next phase of the project.
Phase I of the Williams Vfllage Development is under
In Spring 2002, the special review criteria were
amended to make it more difficult to convert an
existing residential use to a non-residenfial use.
A ballot question asking voters to approve remaining
branch library capital funds, as well as the operating
funding for this branch library, is being considered for
the November 2003 election, allowing the facility
opening to the public by the end of 2004.
CityBURA continues to seek a developer for major
redevelopment of the Mall. Concurrenfly, the present
Mall owner is considering redevelopment oF the Mall.
Urban Renewal Plan will be updated when an
agreement for major redevelopment of Crossroads
Mall has been reached with a developer.
The mazkedng plan is midway through
implementation. Blue light emergency phones have
been installed; new signage is being installed, and the
advertising and marketing plan is ongoing.
The University Hill General Improvement District and
Planning staff are exploring the potendal costs and benefits
of historic district designation for the Hill commerciai area.
Agenda Item # .~/~ Page #=~
Master Plan
Trails Map
Trails Map
• Conduct analysis and prepare plan.
• Implement recommendarions
Update the:
• Transportation Master Plan
• Fire Master Plan
• Police Master Plan
• Arts Master Plan
• Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan
• Wastewater Collec6on System Master Plan
• Wastewater Treahnent System Master Plan
• Airport Master Plan
• Open Space & Mountain Pazks Visitor Plan
• Water Quality Master Plan
As part of the annual update, draft criteria for trails
map designations, explore concept of smdy areas,
and develop new process for trails map changes.
Conduct analysis and issue resolurion processes for
conceptual trail alignments with unresolved issues.
The Boulder Feeder Canal and the Union Pacific
Raikoad line conceptual trail alignments have been
idenrified to be studied in the short term.
Update the:
• Facilities and Asset
Management Master
• Pazks and Recreation
Master Plan
• Library Master Plan
Planning Initial public meeting is scheduled for January 2003. Plan is
anticipated to be completed by mid-2003.
Respective city Work on the Transportarion Master Plan Update is underway
departments and expected to be completed by Mid-2003. Work on the Fire
Master Plan Update has recently begun. The Police Master Plan
Update will be going to City Council for adopuon in early 2003.
The Arts Master Plan update is anticipated to begin in 2003. The
Wastewater Collection System Master Plan will be reviewed by
the Planning Boazd and City Council for acceptance in early
2003. Work on the Comprehensive Drainage Uriliry Master
Plans is underway. Work is beginning on the Airport Master
Plan Update. The O5MPs Visitor Plan work is underway. The
Wastewater Treatment System Master Plan update was initiated
in 2001. The Water Quality Master Plan was begun in 2001 and
is anticipated to be finished mid-2003.
Planning An interdepartmental staff team drafted criteria for trails map
designations and developed a process for trails map changes.
Revision of the Trai] Map Program Summary is included in the
BVCP 20Q2-2003 Annual Review.
Planning with staff from rnitial scoping of the projects will occur in mid-2003 and
OSMP, Utilities, analysis will begin shortly thereafter.
Transportation, Water
Quality, Pazks and
Recreation, County
Pazks and Open Space
and County Agenda Item # 5I_~ Page #/C~
As part of jobs:population project, implement
mixed use land use map designations
Rezone properties as appropriate where current
zoning is inconsistent with land use map
Evaluate potential service industrial zoning
south of Pollazd property and adjacent to
Valmont City Park
S:~PLAN~datauongrang\compplg~BVCP\02 annual update~?,ction P1an~actp1an03.doc
All of these items will be included in the next phases of the Jobs
Planning / Housing Balance Project.
Agenda Item # _~ Page #~