5A - Annexation and initial zoning, #LUR2002-00068, Concept Plan Review #LUR2002-00069, 6287 ArapahoCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: January 9, 2003 (Agenda Item Preparation Date: December 24, 2002) AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of annexation and initial zoning #LUR2002-00068, and Concept Plan Review #LUR2002-00069, for a property located at 6287 Arapahoe Road comprising 5.52 acres. Requested initial zoning is "IG-E" Industrial General. The proposal is to develop an east campus for Naropa University, including consideration of dormitories. Owner: 6287 Arapahoe, LLC, Eric Golting Applicant: Naropa University Representative: Vince Porreca REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Peter Pollock, Planning Director Bob Cole, Manager of Land Use Review Brent Bean, Senior Planner, Presenter OBJECTIVE: 1. Hear Staff and Applicant presentations 2. Hold Public Hearing 3. Planning Board discussion -Find the request is consistent with the requirements for annexation -Determine appropriate zone for the property -Review and comment on the Concept Plan (no formal action required for this discussion). 4. Planning Board take action to approve, approve with conditions or deny the request for annexation and zoning. s:\plan\pb-items\memos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 1 STATISTICS: Proposal: Annex and zone a 5.52 acre parcel for the development of a satellite campus for the Naropa University. The property is currently located in Boulder County and is zoned for both commercial and light industrial use. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Community Industrial, which is supported by the IS (Industrial Service) zone. The applicant is requesting IG (Industrial General) zoning. In addition, the applicant has requested that a provision be made within the annexation agreement that university use inclusive of limited retail, cafe. and dormitories be permitted on the site. The applicant is not proposing to add additional buildings to the site at this time, which is reflected in the concept plan submittal which only shows the existing improvements, including parking, building location and landscaping. Because this site is greater than five acres in size, a Concept Plan Review and Comment is required. Should additional development be proposed for this site, the applicant will be required to complete a Site Review. Project Name: Naropa University West, 6287 Arapahoe Location: Northwest of the intersection of Arapahoe and 63`a Size of Tract: 5.52 acres, 240,649 square feet Comprehensive Plan: This area is designated Community Industrial on the BVCP. Zoning: The property is currently zoned County Commercial and Light Industrial. The applicant is requesting IG (Industrial General) zoning, and the staff is recommending IS-E (Industrial Service-Established) zoning. Comprehensive Plan: Community Industrial KEY ISSUES: 1. Does the request comply with applicable State annexation requirements? 2. Does the request comply with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) policies for annexation? 3. Is the requested zoning, IG-E, appropriate for the site? 4. Is a university appropriate at this site? s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGEIYDA ITEM # SA Paee 2 BACKGROUND: Existing Site / Site Context: Naropa has been looking for an expanded campus location for several years. They desired to find a site that would complement the existing campus at 23rd and Arapahoe. Easy access to the site from transit providers was critical. This site became available in early 2002, and Naropa has been working with the landowner to annex and develop the site for the university during the past year. The property is served with city utilities through an out-of-city water and sewer agreement. The agreement requires the owners of the property to seek annexation when eligible, or a change of use occurs. The previous use of the site was for a computer related provider (light industrial use, Breece Hill Technologies Inc). Project Description The applicant is requesting annexation, zoning and Concept Plan Review and Comment for a 5.52 acre property. A 35,585 square foot building is present on the site, and 123 developed parking spaces. Naropa's intent is to create a center for the arts at this location and move out of the Dairy Center for the Arts. The arts center will incorporate classrooms, studio space, practice space, and an auditorium for seating up to 500 people. The first phase of this arts center will consist of development of less than 20,000 square feet within the existing building. It is anticipated that this floor area will develop in the near future, and the additional building area witl be constructed in the future. Expanded space may include new classrooms, cafB, book store, studio space, dormitories and similar uses. ANALYSIS: The following review has been split into two sections--the first reviews the Annexation and Zoning Request, and the second is the Concept Plan Review and Comment, including the Objectives for a Concept Plan. 1. Does the request comply with applicable State annexation requirements? Staff has reviewed the annexation request and finds that the requirements of Section 31-12-105 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) C.R.S. are met. No land held in identical ownership will be divided into separate parts or parcels by this annexation. The owners of 100 percent of the property have signed the annexation patition (Attachment C). The subject property is at least one-sixth contiguous to the city limits (enclave, fully surrounded). No part of the annexation area has been part of an annexation proceeding to another municipality within the last twelve months, and the annexation will not result in the detachment of area from any school district. The parcels are within the Boulder Valley School District. All urban services will be available to the site upon annexation. s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Pase 3 2. Does the request comply with the Boulder Valiey Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) policies for annexation? The property is located within the Boulder Valley Planning Area IIA. Area IIA is identified by the BVCP as the area of immediate focus for annexation to the city within the first three years of the BVCP planning period. Annexation of this parcel is consistent with the policies of the BVCP, including the following policies: Policy 1.20 "Annexation of area IIA is the primary focus for the next three years." This site is in area IIA of the BVCP. Policy 1.22(a) "All new residential, commercial and industrial development and redevelopment within the city." This site is currently served with city water and sewer and the change of use will constitute a new use for this site, which should be developed within the city. Policy 1.25(c) "Annexation of existing substantially developed areas will be offered in a manner and on terms and conditions which respect existing lifestyles and densities, and the city will expect these areas to be brought to city standards only where necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of the subject area or of the city." The applicant is planning to develop only within the existing building for the first phases of development. Improvements to access and pedestrian movements have been required as conditions of this approval to assure that minimum safety improvements are made to this site, Policy 1.25(d) "In order to reduce the negative impacts of new development in the Boulder Valley, the ciry shall annex Area II land with significant development or redevelopment potential only on a very limited basis. Such annexations will be supported onlv if the annexation provides a special opportunitv of benefit to the c~." Development of this site will provide a special benefit to the city in the form of expanding educational services within the city. In addition, expansion of the Naropa campus at this location provides a special opportunity for Naropa to coordinate transit access to both campuses through existing transit service available on Arapahoe. If housing is provided on site, a reduction in the jobs to housing goals wiil also be met. Policy 1.25(e) "Annexation of substantialiy developed properties that allows for some additional residential units or commercial square footage." This site is partially developed and will meet the arts center needs for Naropa. Future additions can accommodate the university needs, including the addition of dormitories. Policies 3.16 & 3.17 "Performing and Visual Arts & the Arts." The city, acknowledges in these policies the need to recognize and support both the s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 4 performing and visual arts. The primary uses proposed for this site are for teaching and providing studio space for both the performing and visual arts. Policy 5.03 "Balance of Employment and Housing." The addition of housing at this location is encouraged by this policy in that the addition of housing will reduce the amount of employment available at this site. The subject property currently has a 52,000 square foot industrial building, formerly "Breece Hill Technologies Inc." The building has both small and large spaces that are easily convertible to classrooms, lab space, studio space and larger places of assembly. A specific plan for the conversion of this space has not been provided at this time. However, the applicant is not intending to convert more than 20,000 square feet of the existing building to university use at this time. The remaining 32,000 square feet of building area will be leased to permitted industrial uses. Adult education of less than 20,000 square feet is a permitted use in all industrial zones. Private university uses have some similar characteristics to adult education facilities but are not permitted in industriai zones. It is anticipated that the 52,000 square foot building and additional building(s) will be constructed in the future far "university" use. The site is greater than five acres, which requires a Site Review for any further development. The applicant has filed a concept plan consistent with the Site Review requirements. Eventually the applicant will have to file a Site Plan and Use Review for expanded adult educational facilities. Summary of benefits of annexing this property: A. The site is adjacent to the city., it is partially developed and eligible for annexation. B. City services are already being provided to the site (water and sewer), which require the property to be annexed when eligible for annexation. C. The site will be developed for educational purposes, providing expanded educational services to the city. D. Significant public improvements, including construction of new sidewalks, reduction of access to public rights of way and access improvements will be made as a condition of this annexation. 3. Is the requested zoning, IG-E, appropriate for the site? The BVCP designation for Yhis site is Community Industrial. This designation is intended to support smaller service industry, not larger individual industries. Page 114 states "The Community Industrial classification is shown far those areas where the predominant uses provide a direct service to the planning area. These uses often have ancillary commercial activity and are essential to the life of the Boulder community. These uses include smaller scale auto-ralated uses, small printing operations, building contractors, building supply warehouses, small s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 5 manufacturing operations and similar uses." The IS-E zone supports this designation, not the IG- E. Staff is recommending that the IS-E zone be applied to this property. The distinction between IG and IS zones is that larger industrial uses are supported by right in the IG zone and not in the IS zone. In addition, the three office types, computer design, data processing and telecommunications uses, are not permitted in the IS zones, but are permitted uses in the IG. Both the IS-E and IG-E have the same FAR of 0.5:1. Allowing these uses in this area will limit if not prevent smaller service industrial uses from location in the area. Recent discussions with developers has shown that there is a greater demand for locations for larger industry to locate, but if the city only provides areas for larger uses, new service industrial uses will not have anywhere to locate. There already is a limited amount of land zoned far service industrial use. The applicant has requested IG zoning because it supports the broader spectrum of land uses, but this is not a compelling reason to support a zoning designation that could remove this area from service industrial use. The existing building is only 52,000 squaze feet in area. Up to 120,324 square feet of building could be constructed at this site based on an FAR of 0.5:1. As pians are developed by Naropa for future campus expansion, the uses of the IS-E zone should be considered. Smaller buildings designed for classroom space should be considered such that they could be converted to service industrial use if a sale of the property becomes necessary. 4. Is a university appropriate at this site? The IS-E zone permits adult educational facilities, but in the commercial districts, this category of use adds "university and colleges." There are some distinctions between an adult educational facility and a university or college. Several of these distinctions inciude: 24-hour use of the campus including dormitories, cafe, book store, and other support services. Housing is not commonly found in adult educational facilities, but is very commonly found at universities or colleges. Residential use is not currently supported in the IS-E zone, but limited retail, food service and similar accessory activities are permitted. Given this information, the difference between adult education and university are not that significant. As a condition of annexation, City Council can acknowledge use of this site for "University" as a condition of the annexation ordinance. The current location supports a university campus for the following reasons: - The site is greater than five acres in size and is less than 50% developed. - The existing building is convertible to educational and performing arts uses. There is approximately 32,000 square feet of two story office space (convertible to class rooms) and 20,000 square feet of clear span space with heights of 20 feet or more (studio and theater space). - Arapahoe is a major transit corridor providing transit service to the site with 20 minute or less headways. Transit service is available along Arapahoe, both the Long and Short Jumps (Arapahoe route) serve this area. Access to community services in the Crossroads and downtown areas is easily accessible through existing transit services. Bike/trail connections present along Arapahoe and Boulder Creek are easily accessible at s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 6 Cherryvale. The rail tracks along the north property line could become a part of a rail transit line in the future. • - Surrounding land uses are of a general light industrial nature to the east, west and south of the site. Dorms typically have been developed as rooms with outside food services. A cafe is planned to be developed at this site, which could serve as the cafeteria for dorm rooms. However, the cunent trend is to develop independent living quarters, containing 3-4 bedrooms, a shared kitchen and living room. Either type of unit is acceptable at this location, provided they are designed for the potential conversion to industrial service use should the "university" use leave this site. The FAR for the site cannot be exceeded and will serve as a limiting factor for the number of units that can be developed at this location. However, as a direction to the development of housing and assurances that the units meet reasonable housing expectations for open space, parking and other housing standards, staff is recommending that the basic bulk requirement of the IMS-X zone for housing be applied. The specific conditions have been listed in the conditions of approval and will be included in the annexation agreement. Naropa's plans are primarily far educational services; dorm use is a secondary use. The site can accommodate a total of 120,324 feet of building area at an FAR of 0.5:1. Only 52,000 square feet of building area exists on this site at this time, leaving 68,324 square feet of additional building area. Some site improvements are needed to make this site acceptable for university use. The number of parking spaces needs to be adequate to meet the needs of the university. Naropa has historically operated with a high transit user student body. The site is currently providing just less than one parking space per 400 square feet of floor area (reyuired parking for the IS-E zone). The 52,000 square foot building requires 130 parking spaces, and 123 designated spaces are available on site. If a place of assembly (theater) for seating 500 people is developed on site, 167 parking spaces are needed (one space per three seats) plus parking for other uses on the site. With some revisions to the existing parking lots and service areas, 170 parking spaces could be provided on site. Prior to issuance of building permits for the first phase of development (20,000 square feet), a parking plan will need to be provided showing that the minimum parking spaces needed for the proposed will be met. First phase parking plans will need to address parking needs for both the universiTy and the remaining industrial space. If a theater is to be developed on site and is to be used at different times than when classes are held, maximum parking for the campus could be based on the number of spaces required for the theater, for example 500 seats, 167 parking spaces. There is no sidewalk present along Arapahoe. Many of the students and faculty will be using Arapahoe to make connections with the existing transit services. A sidewalk connecting 62nd and 63`d Streets along Arapahoe is needed to make this a safe area for students and pedestrians. In addition, a transit shelter and a temporary walkway to the edge of Arapahoe Road surface will need to be developed. It is anticipated that improvements will be made to Arapahoe by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) in the next few years. Naropa may have to make the improvements to the sidewalks along Arapahoe if improvements to Arapahoe do not coincide with the opening of the university at this location. Staff will work with CDOT to s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 7 determine an appropriate location for sidewalks in this area prior to the road improvements being made to Arapahoe. In summary, providing opportunities for educational uses is supported by the BVCP. This site has good transit access needed for a university. Development of a university, possibly with housing (dorms) may be responsive to the jobs/housing policies. Finally, annexation of the site is required by the outside city utilities agreement. Given these facts, staff supports development of a university and its associated uses at this location. This recommendation will include the provision of allowing housing to be developed as an accessory use to the university. Staff is also recommending that housing associated with the university not be required to comply with the . requirements of Inclusionary Zoning. If the site is sold and the housing units are no longer associated with the university, they will be required to meet the applicable Inclusionary Zoning requirements at that time. CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT: The existing site plan (improvement survey) has been provided as the concept plan document for this site. No plans have been made for development of more than the existing building at this time. Parking will need to be upgraded to meet the needs of the new development. At the present time, there are 123 parking spaces represented on the concept plan. The existing building has an area of 52,000 square feet, which requires 130 pazking spaces. Revisions to the existing parking lots and conversion of the service court to a parking lot will provide the additional parking needed to meet minimum standards. Parking needs for general educational use at this location should be adequate with the provision of a minimum of one parking space per 400 square feet of educationa] use, because this site is located on Arapahoe, a major transit conidor connecting both campuses. Depending on the hours of operation, major spaces for assembly will add to the total parking requirements. Naropa plans to develop a place of assembly (theater/auditorium) which may seat up to 500 people, requiring 167 parking spaces. Site plan documents will need to be provided demonstrating that parking needs can be met prior to issuance of any building permit including an auditorium. It is anticipated that the auditorium would be used at times when classes are not occurring. If this is the case, the requirements of parking for theater use of the site could be the maximum needed at any one time. Naropa has indicated that only one auditorium will be developed on the site. If no more than one theater is developed, parking will be based on that use. If additional auditorium spaces are developed, parking will be based on the combined auditorium needs. There are currently four driveways along 63`d Street. This number of drives will need to be reduced to two. The northernmost access will need to be improved if two-way traffic flows are to continue at this location. A connection to 62"d street from the northwest parking lot will need to be constructed with the first phase of development. A cross connection between 62"d and 63`a streets is recommended by the Transportation Division to link 62"d Street to 63`d Street. This cross connection would help to relieve traffic movements along Arapahoe. s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 8 Staff is recommending that a site plan be approved prior to issuing any building permits for the second phase of development. Site plan submitted will be required once the university development plans exceed 20,000 square feet of floor area, require more than 170 parking spaces, or total assembly seating exceeds 500 seats (inclusive of one or more places of assembly). The site plan should incorporate buildings that could be converted to industrial buildings such that a simple transition could be made from a university to an industrial service center. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: No comments were received regarding this development from adjacent neighbors as of the date of writing this report. Required public notice was given in the form of written notification mailed to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject property and a sign posted on the property for at least 10 days. All notice requirements of Section 9-4-2, B.R.C. 1981 have been met. STAFF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION: Annexation/zoning: Planning staff finds that the request for annexation and zoning to Industrial Service - Established (IS-E) be approved, finding: The property is consistent with state requirements for annexation. No land held in identical ownership will be divided into separate parts or parcels by this annexation. The owners of 100 percent of the property have signed the annexation petition (Attachment C). The subject property is at least one-sixth contiguous to the city limits (enclave, fully surrounded). No part of the annexation area has been part of an annexation proceeding to another municipality within the last twelve months, and the annexation will not result in the detachment of area from any school district. The parcels are within the Boulder Valley School District. All urban services will be available to the site upon annexation. 2. That the zone for the site should be Industrial Service - Established (IS-E), consistent with the BVCP designation of CommuniTy Industrial. The site should be approved for development of a University and its associated uses including, but not limited to, cafe, book store and dormitories. This site is located on a major transit corridor, both Naropa campuses are located on Arapahoe, Naropa has a high transit user faculty and student body, and the site is large enough to sixpport expanded university needs. s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 9 Concept Plan: There is no formal action required on a Concept Plan Review and Comment. Planning Board discussion should be based on the concept plan objective's review provided by the staff (Attachment B). Additional comments, issues or suggestions are encouraged regarding the concept plan. A summary of Planning Board comments and staff comments will be forwarded to the applicant for consideration in the final site plan document. Concept plan review comments are not binding on an applicant but intended to give the applicant direction on the proposed plan. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE ANNEXATION AND ZONING: Prior to making application for any building permit to convert up to the first 22,000 square feet of building area to a university use or to add any additional floor area to the property, the Applicant shall submit for review and approval of the City of Boulder Planning and Development Services Division, as part of technical document review application, the following plans, demonstrating compliance with Title 9, "Land Use Regulations, B.R.C. 1981 and City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, and construct the improvements that aze shown on such plans: A. Final architectural plans, including materials and colors, to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area if exterior architectural changes are proposed; B. A detailed parking plan showing the arrangement, locations, dimensions, and type of parking stalls (inciuding any areas of the property for bicycle parking or reserved for defened parking) to ensure compliance with the city's Parking Design Standards; C. A fire hydrant in a location that is approved by the Fire Department; D. A sidewalk connecting 62"d and 63`d Streets on Arapahoe Avenue in a location and a design that is approved by the Director of Public Works; E. A transit stop and shelter on Arapahoe Avenue, west of 63rd Street in a location and a design that is approved by the Director of Public Works; and F. Street trees along Arapahoe Avenue, 62"d Street and 63rd Street. 2. Removal of any tree must receive prior approval by the City Forester. 3. In addition to the uses set forth in the IS-D zoning district, the property may also be used as a university use and its associated accessory uses. Uses that are accessory to the university use include student housing, dormitories, retail, and restaurant uses that are designed and used to serve the university. 4. Any student housing or dormitory uses shall only be created as part of the university use and shall not be constructed independent of the university use unless the underlying zoning is changed to permit such residential land use. In the event that the use of the land ceases to be a university use and the housing is used as market housing, the Applicant s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 10 shall be required to comply with the provisions of the city's Inclusionary Zoning ardinance. If the Applicant chooses to use some or all of units that may be designated as affordable housing units for rentals, the Applicant agrees to convey an interest in such units to the city or the city of Boulder Housing Authority or similar agency, in an amount that satisfies § 38-12-301, et.seg. C.R.S. to allow such entity to control the rents and make the dwelling ixnits available to households with incomes in the ranges described in the city's Inclusionary Zoning ardinance. 5. The Applicant shall be entitled to use 22,000 square feet of the existing building for university uses. The remaindar of the building shall be used for land uses that are otherwise permitted in the underlying zoning district. Any expansion of the use beyond 22,000 square feet or the addition of any new structures shall require approval under the city's site review process. 6. A site review approval shall be required prior to any of the following: A. Use of more than 22,000 square feet of floor for university, adult education or vocational school activities; B. The seating capacity of any assembly area, which may include, without limitation, a theater, auditorium, or piace for gathering devoted primarily to showing motion pictures, or for dramatic dance, musical or other live performances, exceeds 500 seats; C. Any building area expansion beyond 52,000 square feet; D. Any increase in use that requires a supply of parking greater than 170 spaces; or E. Development of any student housing or dormitories on the property. The Applicant shall submit a master plan for the property, complete with a phasing plan for future construction, in any site review application or any site review approval. The master plan shall include the future plans for development on the property for at least ten years into the future, including pians far streets, circulation ways, utilities, buildings, parking, open spaces, land uses and other site features and improvements. 8. The Applicant shall dedicate an easement and construct improvements for a public vehicular and pedestrian cross connection between 62nd and 63rd streets in a location and the size of which shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works. Appr v d By: eter llock, D rector Planning Department s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee ll ATTACHMENTS: . Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Concept Plan Review Objectives Attachment C: Concept Plan and Annexation map AttacHment D: Annexation Petition Attachment E: DRC comments Attachment F: Applicant's Written Statements s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 12 ATTACHMENT A - of Boulder Vicinity Ma ~ ...~. ~ J ~' H v Location: 6287Arapahoe Rd Project Name: 6287Arapahoe Rd Review Type: Annexation ! Initial Zoning Concept Plan Review & Comment Review Number: LUR2002-00068, 69 Applicant: Naropa University ~ NoR~rH 1 inch equals 300 feet ~ry ~r -~ ~ $oulder 7Yie IrGOrmatlon aeplc[e0 ontnls map Is pmvl0ed as g~aphical representation anN~ he CI[y o( Boulaer prWitles now ar:nry. e~Presietl or Imp11e0, as to Ihe accuracyand/or completmess of Ihe IKOrmaqon contalnetl heieon. Agenda Item # .~H Page #1,~ ATTACHMENT B CONCEPT PLAN OBJECTIVES Concept Plan Guidelines for Review and Comment. (~Guidelines for Review and Comment: The following guidelines will be used to guide the Planning Board's discussion regarding the site. It is anticipated that issues other than those listed in this section will be iden[ified as part oT the concept plan review and comment process. The Planning Board may consider the Tollowing guidelines when providing comments on a concept plan. (1)Characteristics of the site and surrounding areas, including, without limitation, its Iocation, surrounding neighborhoods, development and architecture, any known na[ural features of the site including, without limitation, mature trees, watercourses, hills, depressions, steep slopes and prominent views to and from the site; The site is adjacent to Arapahoe on the south side, which has vacant lands (JCC site), existing residences and smaller industrial service uses (automotive service, storage, etc). The east of 63`d has similar uses, but in larger buildings. The west is Cross Link, White Wave, Black roofing and similar industrial use. To the south of the railroad tracks are the Recycle center and the Public Service plant. This site is about half developed. There is a 52,000 square foot building located on the southem half of the property. Two parking lots containing about 123 parking spaces, undeveloped landscape areas and a one-quarter-acre paved service area. There are no environmental constrains present on this site. Primary access m the site is from 63rd Street. No access presently exists to 62"a Street. (2)Community policy considerations including, without limitation, the review process and likely conformity of the proposed development with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and other ordinances, goals, policies, and ptans, including, without limitation, subcommunity and subarea plans; The site is located within an area designated for CommuniTy [ndustrial on the BVCP. This zone is supponed by an Industrial Service zone, but the applicant is requesting an Industrial General designation, which is not supported by the staf£ Development of this area should be for smaller industrial support services. A campus development of several smaller buildings would be appropriate for this site. Adult education/University campus is an appropriate use for this site. In fact, the development of housing (dormitories) is supported by policy discussions currently under considera[ion (jobs to Housing). (3)Applicable criteria, review procedures, and submission requirements for a site review; Additional detail will need to be provided with the final site review documents showing the location, number, general architecwre, and use of proposed buildings to be added to this site. The initial site needs to define how the site will be developed consistent with current policy. Development of housing is encouraged to occur at this site to support the universiry uses proposed for this site. Maximum density is not a per unit basis for industrial land, but based on the maximum FAR applicable to a site. The maximum FAR (0.5) cannot be exceeded for all structures constructed, whether housing or industrial use. (4)Permi[s that may need to be ob[ained and processes that may need to be completed prior to, wncurrent with, or subsequent to site review approval; Permits for less than 20.000 square feet of building area may be processed for the adult educational use, if occurring within the existing building. Development of more building area for adult education may not occur without final Site Review approval and approval of a Use Review for adult education. (5)Opportunities and constraints in rclation to the transportation system, including, without limitation, access, linkage, signalization, signage, and circulation, existing transportation system capacity problems serving the requirements of the transportation master plan, possible trail links, and the possible need for a traffic or transportation study; The primary access to this site is from 63rd Street. No access will be supported to Arapahoe, but an additional access should be developed to the parking lots from 62nd Street. In addition, the Traffic Network Plan encourages an east-west access across this site connecting 63rd and Ben Place. The purpose of this s:\plan\pb-items\memos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee 14 connection is to give local traffic access to the 63rd Street intersection to make left turns onto Arapahoe. This access could be a connection through the existing parking lot in the northwestern section of the site, connecting with 63'd at the northeastern corner of the site. Sidewalks along 62"d, 63`d and Arapahoe need to be developed to accommodate pedestrian movements to be generated from the educational use of this site. Arapahoe will be a major transit connection, and a lot of pedestrians wi11 use this sidewalk as access to bus service. 6)Environmental opportunities and wnstraints including, without limitation, the identification of wetlands, important view corridors, flood plain and other natural hazards, wildlife corridors, endangered and protected species and habitats, the need for further biological inventories oT the site and at what point in the process the information will be necessary; No environmental constraints are present on this site. (7)Appropriate ranges of land uses; and Staff would encourage residential (8)The appropriateness of or necessity for housing. s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\6287arpbb-annex AGENDA ITEM # SA Paee IS ATTACHMENT C E I/4 COq. SECTION 27 1~axo nax rosi W/BPA55 GP) M 1999 fOUNP N ~ X[Bep R/RWN. C~P M69R0"L5. ii~,p FI " 3~ ~ (FORM£R(Y ~ Vry ~RT~RrV Rq p /LRpq~ ,~RADp89~jj°Hf~~, R-O-W ~ saix m~ ~~, S°°°~ af o~Po AiJ/LRDAD q. p_ ~ ~ '- 8z°21'35"E a aou ~,, nuiaao ~'~e4 _"____,1 424.09' YIILIiY E/SEYMLIO M~I~ ~eyra~ -PUBIIC 9FPYIC[ W. ~ ~~~ ~~[ ~"'~ ~ fOW1o~Y < qFdfl MlNUM.t4G flI.Yfl1~AFCFYNO _ M51P3- ~ a~AV~K ' n ~ ~~~~ . k . .~4MfY"LS.dI<9 i .L ~ -~es..~o _ _ ~. ASPMyU~E . . ... ~ r-}3 ~. I ~ ~68 01; - \ ~~ ~ ~~ . ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ ~ ,- A e SPHALT r.w x<~.. 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Pp ' BPARINCS R6i2R TO TME EpST LME ~F S116JECT PRDPERTY A9 B£AqING c~~E......'..........fiW '~ N00•19'10•N,BSSOMEpME93DIAN. FWExxq4Hl .............. !x ^ wiFX wF~Ex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wu ~. 4N8 LEGAL 085CRI%'30t1~ EASENCdTS ~N~ NGIITS-OF-NqY AR8 S~10NT1 cetMa+Ax .............. .t8 ' 13 PEP NEW YOR6 TRN T1TLE INSUB.WCE INC. coNXITM¢NT CAS[ N0. fcxxWt SPo[E .,,.. ,,.p5 CTI1129, EFFHCTIVE pAiB: ~ULY 30, Igg1, ¢E~x0U1 . ,.,. .. [0 ]. BUqIgp UTILITY LINCS APE SNOfN PBA FIELp LOGTIOtl OF SIIBFACE •en~~oi[_ .. .. ., ux S'fqDCflIHES AND PER tNPJWMATION FROM THE GOVERqING ACkNCIE4, ceSNF~En .... ...~~ ~ '~e LOC~TION pp TH8 BIIR2FA UTILITY LINfS AS D6PICTE~ ON TH6 IOARW1ifOMFiitNPE .... „~MP ACCOMPANY$NC MAP MAy NdS eE ACCURATC. I ' ~ a• SV&iECt PR~PEqPY ppES NoT iSE YftTXIN q FLOaO tlA3ApD AP9A A5~ '~W SNONN ON FtpJl FWO~ INSORWCS aAT6 luP, Bp~J,pBA CDIRITY~ ~ cowtuoo, cammxtxx-enxec xu~ea oeaoz~ oiaac, xne aevcs~: ~ JULY )~ 1990. TNIS OAT~ IS 6U&IECT 1V CNpNGS, 3 u i n ~ ~ i 0 ~ ; SCPLE~ I~=40~ ` A~ , ~r~r- W~~ b ~°~~ f0 LP,AG 0¢SCR34m}~ \ ; C w n xaace ar ~eo ix xire sourxensr i~a oe secrcox n, mwxsx:e i Q a xonxx, axce ~o uesr oe tne srx e.n., onscxceeo rs roccows: Q~ " ~ ° / i wmfsxcnic ex rxe SW1NG15T COR9ER OP TNE SOUTNEAST 1/C OP SA10 ° ~ u SYLTION t7) T9qICE HORYN 00•!9'/0" W6S!', dLONG tXE GST LINE OP RNE m Q'' W SAIO SoUI'9GST 1/4, A ~IST0.RCS OF B].5 FBBLp 2t N D znence sovex ~s•ao•as^ xesr, n n~sTnxce oe z5 reer m xxe ~g _ O< _ P~INP pP B¢GIAy~yi Q ~ 3 = TtlQlC6 SCIII'9 B3YY'IS" YEST, NAMIG TNE MORTX L[N6 OF 6TATE NIGNNAY W N0. ) RIGIIT-OF-GAY (PAqCII. /6-05)r A DIST~IICe OF Q0.00 FEES{ T9@ICL NORTq OJ•19'40" GEST~ PARALLCL 19 RNE GST LINB OF TItB SAIO I SQVfI~BpgT 1/1 ~P SAID SBCTiON 1], a pISTANC6 OP 603.)i PgpT TD A PoINS OX THE 'i;0~fftl HIGNT-OP-XA4 LiNE OP TN6 CJWHA~O. f SOVf116pN ~. ~ MtLIiAYi . i YNBHCE SOUfH 81°31']5" EPST, ~IqpC TNB SAIO 90UTN MILW~¢ AIGNT-OP- , YA¢ LIME~ A OI~iTANC6 OP 421.09 F6EP~ Q TNWCB S~NTN o0°19'10• &1SP~ p~pAi,LEl TO THB~GST L1NC OP SAID (~ sovrxensr i/~ ae Snxo secrxax zr, a oxstnxce oe sao.c~ tsex to axe TS!534dELF~F~-'Jy~ INS~ .~ CM19TY Of 60ULpER~ ST~TE OF lGlqpApO. POlNTOP BEGINN/NG ' ~ flfBPPY'/IWM IxFO "L.5.21e9' E.CAfl.SECTION 27, iN,R70W of tM 6M P.N. f WND Y 011. %SLOX N CONCflEiE 0.~ BEIOW ASVMµi) IX ~ SU0.VBSOR: SNPIID ROSIN 9940 PEANL EpST CIRCLB~ SUITB lld eoucoen, cownxoa eo~ai-zavs ~ooa) +ax-uoe CeAfRIIEP 1ro; STAN~M- [NSUAANC6 COMPARY TEQI6TIC5, IIIC09POMTEO~ NOW IMDWN .LS TEC NOLDING CO.~ A COIAFApp COHPJpATTan gEN YOFI! TRW TITLE INSWGHCE INC. ~ THIS ]5 TO CHiTIFY T9AT TNIS MAP O0. PL~T µD TH¢ SIIMgt OX WfIICX IT IS BAS6~ XEPE MADE IN ACCORpANCt NITN "NIXIMNN STANDqpp pETAIL ~" ean~ / N YR TL L L nno AIIfA ANO tCSN.I~ 198l~Aqp BEfS ~ED B fR6 AC NW.CL ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY OF RlQOINBM T6 OF A CW55 0. SII&VBY~ AS OBPINEO THE28Iq, MN INCLWES IT015 1, 2, 4~ S, 9~ 10, 11 ANO I3 OP T\HLE 3 TNER&OF. A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE I FNiTN~I CEPPIFIf TNAP THIS SIIRVZ! NAS NApe ONpBR MY OIR6CT ~I/a ~ SE~T~~N z~, TIN~ {~~QW xeseatsxenrrr, sueeavxstox, xxo cxecK;pc [x xecoaoauca wt2x xee I'Idi 18 QF- THE 6TH P. M. IN TNE CITY OF PEQUI&6d8NT5 ~P SP.C -51-1~0.3, 6S SPq.~ C.R.S. AS AM}YiOED, Dtl , TN8 STB DAY OF APRIL~ 199]{ THAm TNg pyr~L P~P6TfY SUAVEYE~ IS BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDER IAGTF~ IN TN6 COUNTY OF BqILpEµ~ ST\TE OP NiDpApp~ '11pT, TO TNB BESf OP MY IINaNL6W9 NID BELI6F; TNIS llAp OR PWT OP THE SURVEP ~ STATE OF COLORA~O CORPECPLY SNOWS 191E tOCATI0X6 OP qLL EDIID19G3, SfApCP11pES, ~gp OTI~B SMPROV@6NT5 SI'IVATBp OB SAID PRPtl15&S~ R6AT E%CHPT A9 SXOWN ~ FOR: TECNETICS, INC. ~ TNERB idE ND EASEN~'£S 09 pIG9'f3-OP-V\Y OP RECORp~ 9ISIBLS OR OTtlERNI3B RIOXN 'N IB 011~ }.CpOSS, OR AY=HCTIryG yp10 PRHIISES~ Ap0 TIIAT 6%CEPf AS SXOMN~ R9Efl6 AAF PO CiCR0AC161pITS ON ADJOINIqG PXEIIIS&4~ STP96P9, ~R ALLEYS 9Y ANY OP SAIO BOILOINGS, 6TROClUA85~ OR MN6R IHP[tOVFMCMfd, dNp ~1p 01CROACIpfENTS ON SAIO PR01ISE9 B¢ BUILOING9~ 5fRUCfUPF3~ OR OTNSR INPAOV@IQITS SITUATEp QN AD]OINI9G ~wMa:~u w~'wm~u.wwim.wnwr~e..~u.uaw,..s~n, wm.~~cv.. *u~m~wnwi.n~s~~.u~s PR%IIISEB. ~~ e 63r ell t A EYAIA ROSIN , ~ ~ D ..~, ,,~.,... ~~~~ V .es.,.,... . a. COLMU00 HFGiSTEft2D PROPE55~'~-- . LAND SURVEYOU q0. 16]5 AUfi /1 / 93 \ - °"'~- -~--~_-- Agenda Item # `~ ~ Page # /(c ^ r 1 1~~ I III IIIII~ ~~~ ^ ecNancF _ ~o iz / ~ / / / ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ m j' o ~ J m / / ~ ~ ~,, ~ x 51/4 CIX2. SEC !7 ..~ ~------ S89'40'45"N 420.00' C01~AD0 STA7E NICHWAY N0. 7(ARAPAHOE q lFNIIE~f SE WR SEC. 7/. TiN. P70W 67H P.M. wAU~ram,; ~tAnnr~R l .e~ ~<Caiv~ ~ 1RACi OG LWD N iNE SEtfl Ci SEC1qN 1). 11N, P~OW 0! IHE 6M PY, p6CRBED A$ i0.lMh COMIZNING Ai ME SWMEASt COPJVEP CG IHE SEI/1 Of Sn~U :ECIiON 1) iMENCE NOti°N'40'M, AIONG 1ME E0.51 WE Of t~~E SuD 5'.i/~, n qSIAMC£ OF 81.5 FFE1; iMFNiE SB9'<0'15'W, A oI51ANCE OF 25 fEFI i0 IXE 7~1F PpNI Ci azaeui~: iNExcc 5994o'u'w, uac m[ xm~x lw[ or sulE r~cNwnr No. r Popli-Oi-WAY (PARUI /f-%~ A OISiANLE OF IZ0.00 FEEt; MfN[E Ip0'19'10'W, YNGAIEL i0 TIE FAS~ IpIE OF lllE S.UD YI/1 aF SW SECOON 4), A dSiANLE OF 801.3] fEEt 10 l, PoINI pN 1NE mViX 9dli-Oi-'M.IY ~'I~E OL ixE fALtliWOII SWIHE0.N RAIIWAY: TNEN~ 59Y'r'}5"E, MqiG IME SND SWIX RNIWAY RIW~-pF-WAY IINE A pSiPNLE OF 12AOB fEfi: TfNCE ~19qp'E, PIA.UIFI i0 ME ERSi OrvE [F 5/JD SEi/1 ti S~N SECIIOI I), A OISi~NCE Of S,l. W F2i tO 1HE 1pUE POiNt a @E4tlt11MG. CWNIY pF BqRpER. SIAtE Of C~LOPAUO. iOiAl PFRIPNEftY Of AFEA i0 BC /.WNENfO = 199h09 fEEt QVE 9%1N Ci ipiAL PEPoPHEAY . ))I60 FEEi CCNTpIIIY OP OISi1NQ Of nPER 4D.WCENt 10 fp511NC OIY UM15 • 91t.fi} REi OvMER: 628] /A~pNWE LIMIIEO uPBhlrc Co. WT00 GSi BEMPNY OAIYE 514/E 1W W0.Q4A, CO 09014-]635 MWUNi: NAP~AINSIINIE 11J0 AMPq~p[ AK. BOIh[£R. CO B~OPS SIF1EYdt DflEXEI, BMIdLL 4 C4. 9610 RAPL E.1Si CIPtlE 5'1R IU BWL~ER. CO 80.101-YI)5 yR1E lHli M!C IS NOl A!AM SURVfY PLAt OR AN IYVROKMQII SURyFY PUt l MAREW E SFALERS. ~ p1LY FEq51EREp vRtlE59011µ LMO SUxIEYIX! lu nlE stnR aF co~o2wo, oo ~aeer cu~r m~r TMe .+ccwPmnxc wa w~s:xcrxq~o wo[n uv onccr RESPON9yLI1Y. AIPEIM11Sp1 AAro CHECttINC WO MRT IT IS ~ IRUE ~N~ CORRCi q[PqEq~lUnpl fb iNE MffA Ia BE AtNF.NEp 1p ME ptt 6 eawm, ca.a~wo. Y11NEN E 59DER5 LOlqt,lpp RFqSiEPEO PNOfESSOtIpL NNO SI1R~fYtli N0. PiTrS ANNEXATION MAP OF A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 27, TiN, R70W OF THE 6TH P.M:, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO FIXt: NAROPA INSTITUTE Orexel, Barrell & Co. ero....rs.••n~ j$ w.iwvm<a~cr, ~~ ~,~,m..~w..emi.~~-.,_ / \ so~ m~mu~unno %~c~vu.mwuo~Inn~moxr ~1~ Agenda Item # ._`?f~ Page #~ I 1 I 1 ^ w zo o ao ea ~ SCAIE: 1'=40' ATTACHMENT D TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO, GREETINGS: The undersigned hereby petition(s) the city of Boulder to annex to the city of Boulder the territory shown on the map(s) attached hereto and described on the attachment hereto: This Petition is signed by landowners qualified to sign. It is intended that this Petition be a one hundred percent (100%) petifion for annexafion as described in C.R.S. 1973, Section 31-12-107(I)(g), (as amended). In support of this petition, the undersigned state(s} and allege(s) as follows, to wit: That it is desirable and necessary that the above described territory be annexed to the city of Boulder. 2. That petitioners are landovmers of one hundred percent (100°/a) of the territory, excluding streets and alleys, herein proposed for annexation to the city of Boulder. 3. That no less than one-sixth of the aggregate external boundaries of the above described territory hereby petitioned to the city of Boulder is contiguous to the ciry limits of the city of Boulder. 4. That a communiry of interest exists between the above described territory and the city of Boulder, And that the same is urban, or will be urbanized in the near future, and further that the said territory is integrated or is capable of being integrated in the city of Boulder. 5. That in establishing the boundaries of the above described territory, no land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcets of real estate, has been divided into separate parts or parcels without the written consent of the landowner or landowners thereof, except and unless such tracts or parcels are already separated by a dedicated street, road or other pubiic way. 6. That in establishing the boundaries of the above described territory, no land held in identical ownership, whefher consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate comprising twenty acres or more which, together with the buildings and improvements situate thereon, have an assessed valuation in excess of $200,000 for ad valorem tax purposes fo~ the year next preceding the filing of the within petition for annexation, has been included within the above. 7. That the above described territory does not include any area which is the same or substantially the same area in which an election for an annexation to the city of Boulder was held within the finrelve months preceding the filing of this petition. Agenda Item # :~f~ Page # /~ CIRCULAT~It'S APf~IdAVIt STATE OF C~LORADO ) qr ~ct~~~ ) ss. COUNTY OF 66F~BER ) being firsl dufy sworn, upan oaih deposes snd says that she/ha wss the arculator ot the above and foregoing petition end tha! the signqt on said petiUon are the sienatures ofthe persons whose names they purport ro,• ~ ~ Subecribed and awom to Defore me this.3Yd ~ day of tUYx~ , A,D. 2D Da, . VNtnsas my hand And otticfal seal, My commfasion expiras: ~.3L, c~~D ~,,,.~ ................ s~.~::r~~••... °~..iv~.~~4. ~ n ~~.~t;; ~„~s • . ~ ~°: oMary Public C~~,,,~ :~ `~ ~~i nn~u.7 1'1Cu~t~-' lam~Lc: ~.u.wfc~ fA • 7~ ; y ~ ~,~ ~ ~ f~c: •, ,C~ "S: p P^IDp•..••',~ &3R~I,$TR$,'3g~,FPIDAWT STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. GC)UNN OF 80ULDER ) being lfrst duly swom, upon oath deposes and seys that she/he was Ihe cfrculator ut the above and foregoing petition and thet the sfgnatures on aeid petition ars the signatures of the persons whoee names they pwpat to be. Clrculator Subacribed and swam lo befae me thia dey o( , A.D. 20 Witness my hand and official aeal, My commiesfon expirtra: Notary Public ~ .. .. y :._ . .~ ~0 ' ~ i ` Agenda Item # _~A Page #~ ANNEXATION Signature o{ petitioners Date of Mailing address of Description of proper[y inciuded within the area requesting annexation of property signature each petitioner proposed for annexation owned by each person signing fo fhe cify of Boulder, Colorado of each this petit+on. (Attach separate sheet, if necessary). petitioner ~.. ~,.,^__T~, ~TMlo~~c,~ ~-~~„~wy ~d~i~,~. ir~~ s/ r~ z ~"-~ ~ /a 2o Qr ~ f ~~ . ~ ~ , +~ n s y ~ arca ~ 0 a m ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ s, a b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 27, T1N, R70W OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONIMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SE1/4 OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE N00°19'40,"W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID SE1/4, A DISTANCE OF 87.5 FEET; THENCE S89°40'45"W, A DISTANCE OF 25. FEET TO THE TRt~' P~'rNT OF n ..F~TNNTN[:; THENCE S89°40'45"W, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 7 RIGHT-OF-WAY (PARCEL #E-35), A DISTANCE OF 420:00 FEET; THENCE N00°19'40"W, PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID SE1/4 OF SAID SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 602.37 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGFiT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE COLORADO & SOUTHERN RAILWAY; THENCE 562°21'35"E, ALONG THE SAID SOUTH RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 424.09 FEET; THENCE S00°19'40"E, PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE1/4 OF SATD SECTION 27, A DISTANCE OF 543.63 FEET TO THE m1~ ~' P~TN'P ~ COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO. (M. SELDERS - 53258-7B - 5442L.MES) Agenda Item # `~/-} Page # ~~/ /~ ~.. [S~N7RAL Al£ I /.5~~ ~ 6Y/NL/NGIpy ti.A'%NE/Ay RR . . . RESEAIpR /~~ r..~ ~ ~~~.~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~n ~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~. ~ ~..~ ._. .~ ~...~~.. : ..~ J~ ~~..._..._' ~.: _:.._... ~ VICINITY MAP N.T.S. Agenda Item # ,'?f~ Page #.~1~ ATTACHMENT E i ~~~~ ~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: CASE MANAGER: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: COORDINATES: December 20, 2002 Brent Bean 6287 ARAPAHOE 6287 ARAPAHOE RD N03E02 REVIEW TYPE: Annexatlon I Initlal ZoninglConcept Plan Revlew and Comment REVlEW NUMBER: LUR2002-00068 APPLICANT: NAROPA UNIVERSITY DESCRIPTION: ANNEXATION/INITIAL ZONING requested zoning Industrial Generel (IG-D). Annexation has been requested to allow the conversion of an existing building to convert an adult education facility or service use. See also Concept Plan LUR2002•00069 REQUESTED VARIATIONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: University use of the site, expansion beyond Adult educatton. Annexation ordinance exception required. I. REVIEW FINDINGS Staff will recommend this property be zoned IS-E (industrial Service). Industrial General zoning is not consistent with the current BVCP designation of "Community Industrial." IG zoning permits uses that are not planned for this area. Smaller service orientated uses are encouraged for this area. The city is currently in the process of reviewing the BVCP and its related policies through the "Jobs to Housing" analysis. It is very likely that revisions will be made to the IS zone district to allow some more varied uses inclusive of housing. Staff supports the concept of providing housing that supports the Universlty use at this location. This annexation is consistent with the following annexation policies of the BVCP, the annexation request is for an existing developed site and the provision of non-industrial uses at this location are consistent with the policies 1.25 (a); annexation required before adequate city services are provide, (b); The site is almost a county enclave, (c); the site is substantial developed, and (g); the site is in area II. The annexation of lands with new development potential requires compliance with policy 1.25(d) the provision of Permanently Affordable housing. The applicant may develop housing on the site in the form of "dormitories". If this occurs, the applicant will need to show consistency with the policies of the Inclusionary Zoning regulations. At a minimum, these standards require 20% of the housing on site be developed for Permanently Affordable housing. At the time of developing dormitories, Naropa will need to demonstrate how they comply with this criteria. As a condition of annexation, the staff will recommend that City Council add a condition to the annexation acknowledging University use and its associated accessory uses, inclusive of dormitory use, administrative office, caf~, library, etc. The FAR of the site will remain as the density control for this site. A maximum FAR of 1:0.5 applies to this site. The annexation and Concept plan will be forwarded to Planning Board for consideration at the January 9, 2003 meeting. The IS-E zone permits Adult Education, but the applicant is proposing development of a University at this site, which expands some of the uses which would occur as accessory to a University that would not commonly be found at an Adult Educational facility. For example, dormitories are commonly found associated with Universities, but not with an Adult Educational facility. Staff is recommending that Planning Board support development of a University at this site and its associated uses including; dorms, cafeteria, bookstore and other similar uses. This recommendation if supported by Planning Board will be forwarded to City Council for consideration as a condition of the annexation ordinance. Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD Agenda Item #~.`~~ /-} Page #~?.' II. CITY REQUIREMENTS Access/Circulation 1. A transportation network plan is in the works for this portion of Arapahoe. One objective of this plan would be to allow access across properties located near si~nalized intersections to improve access to signals for all properties. An access easement and driveway from 62" to 63rd Street through the southern parking lot achieves this objective. This driveway and easement will be required with a potential future Site Review for this site but not at the time of annexation. If the transportation network plan finds that a connection between 62nd and 63rd Streets is not needed, this requirement can be waived. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 2. Since the initial review of this proposai, the Arapahoe improvement project has identified the frontage of this site as a six-lane cross section. These improvements wili be located completely within the right-of-way, therefore no additional dedications along Arapahoe will be needed. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 3. A 10 foot wide detached sidewalk/multi-use path connecting the sidewalk along 62ntl Street to the sidewalk along 63`a Street and a bus pad and shelter west of 63rd Street will need to be constructed at the time of annexation to accommodate transit users, bikes and pedestrians accessing this site. These two improvements will be an effective transportation demand management (TDM) measure to help provide transportation options for students and staff of the university. Upon further development, other TDM measures may be required. The sidewalk location will need to be coordinated with the CDOT public project, however the amount of right-of-way available along Arapahoe will allow a detached sidewalk that will not be impacted by these road improvements. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 Drainage As a condition of annexation, the applicant is required to convey drainage from the site in a manner which does not adversely affect neighboring properties. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 Fees 1. The applicant shall pay a Storm Water and Flood Management Utility Plant Investment Fee (in accordance with Section 11-5-7 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981) based on a lot area of 240,659 sf and an impervious area of 125,550 sf. (The 2002 fee would be $99,310.55). Payment of this fee is generally required prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance. Staff is currently reviewing a request from the applicant for an extended payment schedule. Final terms will be reflected in the annexation proposal forwarded to city council. Scott Kuhna, 303-4413121. 2. Upon annexation, this property will be subject to a Storm Water and Flood Management Utility monthly fee based on current rates as described in the Boulder Revised Code, 1981. (The 2002 rate would be $257.571month) Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121. 3. The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (NCWCD) petition, application fee ($150) and Inclusionary fee based on the assessed land va{ue and improvements (see Appendix "B" of the application form) is required prior to the first reading of the annexation ordinance with City Council. 4. The petition and applicant fee of $150 for the Municipal Subdistrict for the NCWCD is also required before first reading of the annexation ordinance by City Council. Case Manager. Legal Documents No requirements at this time. ( Melissa Rickson - CAO) Miscellaneous Prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance, the applicant must sell and convey, or execute an agreement to sell and convey, to the City any interests in water or water rights associated with, or appurtenant to the subject property. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 Plan Documents 1. Prior to Building permit application for improvements of less than 20,000 square feet, the following information must be provided for Tech Doc review and approval: Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD Agenda Item #.~fj Page #~ A. Architectural development plans for any interior and exterior changes B. Landscape Plans C. Parking lot and access plans D. Sidewalk improvements to 62ntl and Arapahoe ' 2. Prior to development beyond the initial 20,000 Square feet of building area the following must be provided and approved by the city: A. Site Plan submittal and review documents must be provided. B. Use Review for expansion of an approved Use Review for a University. C. Phasing plan D. Access and parking plan E. Architectural intent documents F. Landscape plans G. Engineering and drainage plans Review Process Staff has recommended that the first phase of the development be approved under the provisions of annexation. The initial Use Review for Adult Education/University is approved as a condition of annexation. Further development of the site is to be process as a Use and Site Review for expansion of a University. Site Design The current plans provided do not detail the proposed parking plan for use ot the existing or expanded building. The current site does not conform to city parking, landscaping, access or pedestr.ian (sidewafk} needs. A building of 52,000 square feet requires a minimum of 130 spaces. The current site shows 123 parking spaces. It appears that there is adequate improved parking surfaces on this site to meet these needs, but plans showing conformance to city requirements are needed before any building permits can be considered for this site. Pedestrian access along Arapahoe is almost none existent. A sidewalk and connections to 62nd and 63rtl streets is needed. The sidewalk will provided a safe walking area long Arapahoe for pedestrians and transit users. Side walk placement can be determined to assure that these improvements will not need to be changed with widening programs for Arapahoe. Landscape plans will need to be provided with the application for new building permits for the initial improvements to the site. The Site Plan submittal documents for second phase development will need to show future building locations and landscape intent plans. There are currently four access points along 63'd Street and the~r will need to be reduced to two. A new access from 62"a Street developed and an east west access connecting 62 to 63~ proposed. The connection between 62nd and 63`d does not have to be a direct route, but should accommodate local traffic movements across the site (see Access comments above). Ut(lities Upon annexation, the subject property will be required to meet City fire protection requirements. Per the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, "... no exterior portion of any building shall be over 175 feet of fire access distance from the nearest hydranY'. Public water main extensions and fire hydrant installations onto the property (located within public right-of-way or public utility easements), per the City of Boulder Design and Consiruction Standards, within 90 days of annexation or prior to any building permit application (whichever occurs first), to meet fire protection requirements are required. All proposed engineering plans must be approved through the City's Technical Document Review process and Right-of-Way Permits must be applied for and received by a City licensed right-of-way contractor prior to construction. The applicant should contact Ron Mahan, Chief Fire Marshal, at 303-441-4356 for coordination of proposed fire hydrant locations. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 Zoning Staff will recommend IS-E zoning for this site consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Community Industrial. Agenda Item # 5 R Page #~ Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Building and Housing Codes Alteration of interior space to be used for University use will be required to conform to current building codes. Building Design Final architecture for the campus should be discussed in pending Site Review Documents. Will the existing architecture be repeated on the site, or will it be changed to reflect an architecture unique to Naropa? Miscelianeous The applicant is notified that per Section 8-5-13 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981, no person shall excavate an area in the pavement of a public street for a period of 3 years from completion of resurfacing, except in compliance with said section. 63fd Street was resurfaced in 2001, which means no excavation may occur until late 2004 unless specific criteria can be met and additional impact fees are paid. No permit for excavation in the right-of-way of 63`' Street will be approved unless staff finds that the conditions of Section 8-5-13 have been met. Scott Kuhna, 303-4413121 IV. NEXT STEPS The annexation zoning, Concept Plan Review and Comment and initial use of the site for a University has been scheduled for consideration by the Planning Board at the January 9, 2003 Planning Board meeting. Tec Doc submittals will need to be made prior to building permit application and after the annexation has been completed. If the request is heard at the January 9, 03 Planning Board meeting, the annexation will be forwarded to City Council for consideration once the Annexation Agreement has been signed and returned to the City. Agenda Item # -`_~f~ Page #,a~G~ Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD a~~~=~ ~~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: November S, 2002 CASE MANAGER: Brent Bean LOCATION: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD COORDINATES: N03E02 REVIEW TYPE: Annexation I Initial Zoning REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2002•00068 APPLICANT: NAROPA UNIVERSITY DESCRIPTION: ANNEXATIONIINITIAL ZONING annexatio n of an existing building to convert to adult education facility or service use REQUESTED VARIAT IONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: None requested at this time, review of revisions should iist any exceptions proposed. I. REVIEW FINDINGS The zone requested (IG-E) is not consistent with the zone recommended by the BVCP land use designation of Community industrial for this site. This designation is for areas where the predominant uses provide a direct service to the planning area. These uses often have ancillary commercial activity and are essential to the life of the Boulder community. These uses include smaller scale auto-related uses, small printing operations, building contractors, building supply warehouses, small manufacturing operations and similar uses. The Industrial Service zone (IS•D) is supported by these criteria as was acknowledged in the March 20, 2002 pre application review. "Vocational schools and adult educational facilities with less than 20,000 sq. ft. of floor area" are permitted uses in the IS-D zone, where the same use with greater than 20,000 sq. ft of floor area is a Use Review. Further information regarding Naropa University uses, classes and activities will need to be provided to determine if Naropa University fits within the definition of an "adult educational facility." See zoning comment below for definition of "adult educational facility." This information was requested in the March 20 preapplication review. Based on conversations with the applicants representative after submittal of this application, additional uses are now being considered by the applicant. Originally, the applicant suggested that the university would be less than 20,000 square feet, but that a future request for a Use Review for more than 20,000 square feet might be made. Under the provisions of a Site Review, the size of the facility needs to be made clear for future phasing purposes. The current building is 52,000 square feet. If more than 20,000 square feet of this building is to be used for Adult Education, a Use Review application should accompany the Final Site Review application. Uses such as student housing, auditorium use and other activities have also been suggested. Some of these uses maybe supported within an IS-D zone or as accessory uses to the Adult Educational Facility," some may not, depending on how they are planned to function within the activities of the University. For example, will the auditorium be used only by Naropa, or will it be leased to outside users for private plays or conferences? What will the hours of operation of these spaces be9 Will they conflict with class time, such that additional parking beyond the one space per 400 square feet of floor area is required? Places of assembly have a parking requirement of one space per 3 seats. Student housing has also been suggested as a use at this location. Housing is not an alfowed use in the IS-D zone, and as a result, student housing is not a permitted use. If the applicant finds that residential use is necessary to support the "Adult Educational Facility" at this location, a request for a special exception will need to be made such that it can be incorporated into a special provision of the annexation application. However, the staff has not made a detailed review of this site for residential use. The applicant will need to provide additional information demonstrating that residential use at this location can or will be compatible with existing and proposed uses located in this area. Another alternative would be to Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD Agenda item #_~iR Page #~ request Public zoning (PE) which permits one residentiai unit equivalent per 7000 square feet of lot area. In addition, since this in an annexation housing development at this location will require showing a community benefit through the creation of permanently affordable housfng,.or other special opportunity or benefit as described in section 1.25(c) of the BVCP policies. See Land Uses comments in the City Requirements section below. - A review of revisions is required of this request to provide sufficient information for the staff to make a determination that the proposed University fits within the definition of "Adult Education." In addition, the specific zone designation request appears to need reconsideration. Staff would encourage the applicant to consider either the PE or IMS-X zone districts for this site in its revised application. Review of revisions fees of are $2175 are due at the time of resubmitting the annexation material to the Planning and Development Services Department. Submittals must be made on or before a fist or third Friday of the month. This item has been tentatively scheduled for the January 9, 2003 Planning Board meeting provided the revised information is submitted on or before December 3, 2002. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS Access/Circulation 1. The survey indicates that 5 feet of the right-of-way reservation along 63rd Street needs to be dedicated to contain the sidewalk and 18" behind the sidewalk as is required by the City of Boulder Revised Code. Additional right-of-way will be needed in the northeast and southeast corners of the site to contain existing and new sidewalks in these locations. Right-of-way reservations that are not needed can be released with this annexation. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 2. The annexation map needs to show the full extents of 63rd Street. The right-of-way is shown only as 25 feet from the centerline rather than 40.5 feet as indicated in the ALTA survey. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 3. A transportation network plan is in the works for this portion of Arapahoe. One objective of this plan would be to allow access across properties located near si~nalized intersections to improve access to signals for all properties. An access easement and driveway from 62" to 63rd Street through the southern parking lot achieves this objective and will be sought as part of the annexation as a community benefit. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 Building and Housing Codes Future changes of use to the existing building will require application for building permits and compliance with the provisions of the city building codes for safety requirements (exiting, lighting, construction and design). Building Design Final architecture will be subject to review and approval under the provisions of Site Review. Drainage As a condition of annexation, the applicant is required to convey drainage from the site in a manner which does not adversely affect neighboring properties. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 Fees Prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance, the applicant shall pay a Storm Water and Flood Management Utility Plant Investment Fee (in accordance with Section 11-5-7 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981) based on a lot area of 240,659 sf and an impervious area of 125,550 sf. Based on the 2002 rate the fee would be: $99,310.55 Fire Protection No problems with annexation insofar as emergency response time are concerned. Applicant is advised that fire sprinkler protection may be required if changes in occupancy type(s) occur. Any phasing proposal for fire sprinkler protection will need to be date-specific and agreeable to the Fire Department. Additional fire hydrant(s) will likely be required to meet city standards. Adrian Hise, 303-441-4356. Add~ess: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD ~.ganda Item # 7/3 Page #.~~ Land Uses Additional information regarding the proposed uses of this site will need to be provided to make an assessment of the appropriate zoning designation for this site. Is housing to be proposed? What are the type and nature of classes to be available at this site and what other uses are proposed? Will this be a conference center? What will be the hours of - operation of the various activities that will take place on this site? Annexation of property with significant development potential is required to demonstrate community benefit. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.25 "Annexation" states, in part: "In order to reduce the negative impacts of new development in the Boulder Valley, the city shall annex Area II land with significant development or redevelopment ' potential only on a very limited basis. Such annexations will be supported only if the annexation provides a special opportunity or benefit to the city. For annexation consideration, emphasis shall be given to the benefits achieved from the creation of permanently affordable housing. Provision of the following may also be considered a special opportunity or benefit: receiving sites for transferable development rights (TDR's), reduction of future employment projections, land and/or facilities for public purposes over and above that required the city's land use regulations, environmental preservation, or other amenities determined by the ciry to be a specia! opportunity or benefit." Brent Bean, Senior Planner Applicant is requested to include explicit information regarding the proposed community benefit for this site in its revised annexation application. Cindy Pieropan, 303.441.3157. Landscaping Final landscape plans will be required with the Site Plan Review, which will be required before any development occurs at this site following annexation. Brent Bean, Senior Planner. Legal Documents Title work indicates 6287 Arapahoe, LLC is the owner. W ritten statement indicates Erik Golting is owner. Please provide updated title work and/or authorization for Golting to execute documents on behalf of the LLC. (Melissa Rickson - CAO) Miscellaneous Prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance, the applicant must sell and convey, or execute an agreement to sell and convey, to the City any interests in water or water rights associated with, or appurtenant to the subject property. Scott Kuhna,303-441-3121 Utilities Upon annexation, the subject property will be required to meet City fire protection requirements. Per the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, "... no exterior portion of any building shall be over 175 feet of fire access distance from the nearest hydranY'. Public water main extensions onto the property (located within public right-of-way or public utility easements), per the City of 8oulder Design and Construction Standards, within 90 days of annexation to meet fire protection requirements are required. All proposed engineering plans must be approved through the City's Technical Document Review process and Right-of-Way Permits must be applied for and received by a City licensed right-of-way contractor prior to construction. The applicant should contact Adrian Hise, Chief Fire Marshal, at 303-441-4356 for coordination of proposed fire hydrant locations. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 Zoning See comments under Land Use. Definition ."adult educational facilities or service": means an academic educational use serving a clientele at least fifty percent of which are individuals who are eighteen years of age or older. III. INFORMATIONAL COMM~NTS Fees Upon annexation, this property will be subject to a Storm Water and Flood Management Utility monthly fee based on current rates as described in the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (The 2002 rate would be $257.57). Scott Kuhna, 303-441- 3121 Agenda Item # .~H Page # ~~` Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD Fire Protection 1. Specific fire protection requirements will depend on occupancy classifications throughout the building. Adrian Hise, 303-441-4356. Miscellaneous The applicant is notified that per Section 8-5-13 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981, no person shall excavate an area in the pavement of a public street for a period of 3 years from completion of resurfacing, except in compliance with said section. 63`" Street was resurfaced in 2001, which means no excavation may occur until late 2004 unless specific criteria can be met and additional impact fees are paid. No permit for excavation in the right-of-way of 63rd Street will be approved unless staff finds that the conditions of Section 8-5-13 have been met. Scott Kuhna, 303-4413121 IV. NEXT STEPS Applicant shall resubmit a review of revisions for the site providing a full disclosure of the uses proposed for the site. Final zoning designation will need to be clarified. Is the request for IG-E zoning to be continued, or will the request be modified to PE or IMS-X? Please respond to the questions and issues raised in the preceding text. A digital copy of this review can be made available to the applicant to permit responding in a format similar to this document. Please contact the Case Manager. Agenda Item # ,~/~ Page # ~6 Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD ~~~ , ~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: November S, 2002 CASE MANAGER: Brent Bean LOCATION: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD COORDINATES: N03E02 REVIEW TYPE: Concept Plan Review & Comment REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2002-00069 APPLICANT: NAROPA UNIVERSITY DESCRIPTION: CONCEPT PLAN for conversion of an existing building to Adult Education facllity or Service use. Reference LUR2002-00068 for annexation and initial zoning. REQUESTED VARIAT IONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: None proposed at this time I. REVIEW FINDINGS Concept Plan does not provide much information on the proposed use. The Pre Application review requested additional information from the applicant explaining how Naropa Universiry meets the "vocational schools and adult educational facilities" use. No additional information was provided explaining the uses and nature of the university. This information is needed to help define the uses that wiil occur at this site, and their impacts on adjacent uses, parking needs, carrying capacity for the site and other site impacts or needs. What if any exceptions are proposed? Will a parkina reduction be needed? Will future buildings meet required setbacks for the IS-D zone? Exceptions permitted by Site Review need to be identified at the time of Concept Plan review to help assess impacts on the site and adjacent land uses. Exceptions may relate to setbacks, parking size/location, driveway standards, building height, etc. If none are proposed, it should be disclosed at this time. The applicant's representative has indicated that additional uses such as student housing and other expanded campus buildings may be proposed. An assessment of whether housing is appropriate at this location has not been made by the City. Additional information regarding the number of units, location, and type of units (dorms or kitchen units) is needed. This location is surrounded by industrial uses on all sides, with the exception of the mobile home park south of Arapahoe. What buffers will be provided or present making this site suitable for housing? The Concept Plan is based on the existing site improvement survey. No changes to the existing building location, curb cuts, parking configuration or the addition of new buildings (housing?) have been proposed. The existing site plan does not conform to city standards for drive way location or number of driveways accessing 63rd Street. The amount of parking needed on site can only be determined based on building area. A minimum of 130 parking spaces are required, Is there a justification for a parking reduction, or will other portions of the site be converted to provide additional parking. Are there other uses that will be included on this site that require additional parking? W ill an auditorium be included in the final building configuration. Will additional parking be necessary for an auditorium use (one parking space per 3 seats)? This additional information should be provided to help staff and Planning Board understand the nature and possible impacts this use may have on neighbors andlor the existing street system. Please provide a written response to the issues raised above and the following comments section. A copy of this document can be provided to the applicant in electronic form to allow responding to each issue in the order they have been listed in this document. Please contact the Case Manager, Brent Bean or the staff member identified following the issues listed below to review a specific question(s) regarding this memo. A Concept Plan does not have provisions for a resubmital, however given the limited information provided for this review, the information requested will help staff and Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD Agenda Item #.~ Page #~",~ / Planning Board to understand Naropa's intent for use of this site. There is no resubmittal fee for providing additional information for a Concept Plan Review and Comment plan. 11. CITY REQUIREMENTS AccesslCirculation 1. The following will need to be constructed along Arapahoe: • Curb and gutter on the north side of Arapahoe along the frontage of the site. • A minimum 8 foot wide sidewalk along on north side of the Arapahoe along the frontage of the site. This sidewalk may need to be routed around existing trees at the discretion of the City Forester. • A minimum 8 foot wide streetscape section between the proposed curb and proposed sidewalk. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 2. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies will need to be considered as part of this proposal. Opportunities exist to focus these efforts on the high-frequency transit on Arapahoe. Bus stop improvements and the creation of a pedestrian-facility to this bus stop would help to address TDM for this site. Transit-oriented development strategies with respect to Arapahoe should also be considered in the orientation of parking and other site-related planning. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 3. The access drive to the parking lot at the north end of the site is less than 18 feet wide, therefore only serves as a one-way drive according to the city code for parking lots. Making a one-way flow through the parking lots by connecting them with driveways may be an option, or connecting the north west lot to 62nd Street will be necessary. The parking dimensions shown for the parking lots do not conform to city standards. It appears that the surtace areas provided can be made to conform to some minor work. Note, that current standards require landscaping to be included within parking lots now. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 4. As discussed in the annexation comments, a cross access connecting 62nd Street to 63rd Street will need to be accommodated within the parking configuration for this site. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 Building Design What changes are proposed to the exterior of the buildings? Brent Bean Drainage The applicant is required to convey drainage from the site in a manner which does not adversely affect neighboring properties. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 Land Uses The applicant has not provided sufficient information to evaluate the nature of the University proposed. Additional information will need to be provided regarding the type, size and associated uses that will be taking place on this site. Zoning the site Industrial General may limit uses of the site, if they are not commonly found associated with a University. Please be as specific as possible on the type and nature of the proposed uses to avoid confusion at a later time. legal Documents Title work indicates 6287 Arapahoe, LLC is the owner. Written statement indicates Erik Golting is owner. Please provide updated tiqe work and/or authorization that Golting is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the LLC. (Melissa Rickson - CAO) Neighborhood Comments None received at this time. Parking Final parking needs can not be determined at this time. How many seats will be in the places of assembly (auditorium(s))? Agenda Item # 5A Page #;30? Address:. 6287 ARAPAHOE RD A minimum of 130 parking spaces are required (52,Q00 SF / 400). The Concept Plan shows 123 park'rng spaces. Additional detail is needed on the concept plan showing where the minimum parking requirements are to be met. Please include auditorium size to allow staff to make an accurate determination of parking needs for the site. III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Landscaping Please note that if the cost of redevelopment of the property exceeds 25% of the Boulder County Assessor's actual value of the existing structure, the landscape standards as out~ined in B.R.C. section 9-3.3-2, 93.3-3, and 9-3.3-4 must be met. A complete landscape plan will be required with the use or site review. Bev Johnson, 303-441-3272. Miscellaneous The applioant is notified that per Section 8-5-13 of the Boulder Revised Code 1981, no person shall excavate an area in the pavement of a public street for a period of 3 years from completion of resurfacing, except in compliance with said section. 63rd Street was resurfaced in 2001, which means no excavation may occur until late 2004 unless specific criteria can be met and additional impact fees are paid. No permit for excavation in the right-of-way of 63rtl Street will be approved unless staff finds that the conditions of Section 8-5-13 have been met. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121 IV. NEXT STEPS This application has been tentatively scheduled for the January 9, 2003 Planning Board meeting for review and comment. The additional information requested in this document will need to be provided to the Planning and Development Services on or before noon December 2, 2002. Please contact the Case Manager to review the time schedule or other information provided in this document. Agenda Item # _hA Page # ~> > Address: 6287 ARAPAHOE RD ATTACHMENT F NAROPA UNIVERSTTY ANNEXATION / INTTLAr. 70NING APPLICANT RESPONSE TO 11/8/02 STAFF COMMENTS I. REVIEW FINDINGS Naropa University, as a non-profit entity, must strategically plan its real estate endeavors, carefully considering all options, including exit strategies. The requested IG-E zoning dasignation keeps those options open for the University. In addition we believe that Naropa LJniversity does "provide a direct service to the planning area" as mentioned in the staff memo, and in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). The site current(y houses a building of over 50,000 squara feet and does not readily lend itself to conversion to "smaller scale auto-related uses, small printing operations ..." In other words we believe that the BVCP will not be compromised by the proposed zoning, and that such zoning would not violate the intent of the BVCP land use designation. A more detailed review of the differences between the IG-E and IS-E zones reveals very little dit~'erences in the use categories. In fact the types of uses that the stafPcites as potentia] in the TS-E zone are also allowed in the IG-E zone, Thus the options that the staff wishes to see preserved are not lost if the property is zoned IG-E. It is obvious that the staff, too, is looking at a form of,`exit strategy. It is interesting to note that the zoning that the staf~'is recommending wouid not allow computer design and development facilities ..... Exactly what had been on the site for a number of years. We do not reach the same conclusion as the staff does when they say that IG-E zoning is inappropriate. We do not see a conflict between the IG-E zoning we are proposing and the BVCP. Included with this response is a detailed description of Naropa University's intentions for the immediate use of the property, as well as more long-term conccpts. The needs of a University change over time, however our proposal is clearly within the definition of "adult education facility" and, as such, should encompass the normal range of uses found on a University campus (additional referenca to this topic will be found in our responses to the Concept Plan staft'comments under the heading of "Land Uses"). The code states "`Adult education facility or service' means an academic educational use serving a clientele at least fifty percent of which are individuals who are eighteen years of age or older". There is no question that Naropa University meets that definition. The problem that the stafT'seems to be identifying is that the definition is to narcow in it's scope, in that it is siJent on just what else is permitted in conjunction with that definition. We believe these uses include, but are not limited to: classroom and studio space to accommodate the growing needs of Naropa University's dance, theater and music oro~:rams, and support uses such as ofiices, bookstore, librarv, computer lab, cafe, s udent The staff comments state that "Housing is not an allowed use in the IS-D zone (n.b. we are requesting IG-E) and, as a result, student housing is not a pertnitted use." We are not sure that the staff Agenda Item # , 5/~ Page # ~J ~/ interpretation is conect about student housing and we say that based upon the lack of explanation in the Code definition of "Adult education facility or service". It seems ]ogical to us that if a University meets the Code's definition, that uses that are normally associated with a University would be allowed, by definition. It is a widely known fact that the Citv has, for veazs been extremely vocal about another oca nivers~ty nrovidine on-site housinrt: thus we see an inconsistencv in the staff's statemenu on this point. One additional point: the Code defines dwelling units as having kitchens; dormitory rooms do not normally have kitchens. Wa believe this site will be able to serve Naropa University's needs for some time into the future with a range of uses normally associated with a University. If necessary, in order to accommodate these uses, we would propose an Mnexation Agreement that specifica(ly provides for such range of uses. Without such a commitment Naropa University, as a non-profit operation, cannot practically proceed with acquisition of this property. The determination ofwhat we can include in the definition of"adult education facility or service" is critical and we need to have that decision very early in this process. To proceed through lengthy and costly processes without having that decided now, is not something we wish (nor can afford) to do. Hopefully the additional information we are providing here will speed that decision. We also need to provide clarification to staff comments about our previous involvement in this property. The staff comments reference an earlier discussion with us regarding the `adult education facility' stating "This information was requested in the March 20 preapplication review". Just so there is neither misunderstanding, nor any implication that Naropa University has been `dragging their feet' in this process we wish to provide a response to this staff reference, Subsequent to that preapplication conference, Naropa University, in discussions with the City, learned that the costs of annexation, (taken together with the then cost of purchasing the property and remodeling the building) were so burdensome, that we ceased all work on the potential annexation, never submitted an annexation petition, and declined to pursue an option to purchase this property. The stafFs comment that they had asked for certain information back in March is correct, however without our explaining the history here, the reader is left with the impression that we have simply ignored the staff request. After the decision was made to not pursue this propeny Naropa University continued to search for an alternative site within the City of Boulder for our facility and found nothing suitable. Recently the owner of the property and Naropa University again began discussions about this site, only this time the dollar figures that would have to be paid for annexation were a larger part of the discussion. Within the last few weeks a new deal was struck with the owner for the purchase of this property by Naropa University. There are still many hurdles to overcome to complete this project, including a critical time constraint. We will be requesting as rapid a schedule as possible, and wanted to dispel any implication that Naropa University was `dragging its feet'. Hopefully this clarifies the history to date. Agenda Item # _5~ Page # ~~S It is also important to note that this property is currently served by out-of-City water and sewer utilities, through a`revocable permit'. That permit requires annexation under certain conditions, such as a change in use or when the property is eligible for annexation. Both of these conditions are at play here. The property is eligible for annexation, and a change in use is contemplated. The question then becomes one of what extent of community benefit must be demonstrated if we are required to annex in the first place7 In other words is the City saying that annexation is required, and, in addition, even though this is a requirament, we must also show community benefit? Is it a community benefit to bring properties that aze required to annex to the City by a pre-existing contract, into the City? It would seem that,such would be the case. We also have asked the stafT' about the requirement to show community benefit for a property on which no additional square footage is currently contemplated; rather only a change in use of fhe current building. The aforementioned discussion about `community benefiY should not be construed as a statement that annexation of this site for Naropa University's proposed use of the property is not a community benefit. On the contrary, the ability for Naropa University to remain and thrive in Boulder is an obvious community benefit that annexation of this site would achieve and the attached narrative provides a more complete discussion of this point. Naropa University's use of this site provides for a continuing presence in the City, places a major part of our campus on a major transportation corridor thus allowing for continued use of eco passes and shuttle bus service routes, all of which would appear to be community benefits. We are, however, concerned that through the annexation process additional burdens of cost and `community benefits' are added by various City Departments, such that we end up with a`wish IisY from the City that so burdens the property that we abandon ihis siYe for a second time. As a further example of this adding on of `community benefits' is the Transportation comment suggesting that we should provide a right of way link through the front of our property to link 62nd and 63`d streets, stating that this will be asked for as a`community benefit'. We are interested in improving access to the site, but have no interest, or desire, to creata a`through' street or access across the front of our property that would, in essence, create cut-through tra~c across our campus. We would appreciate further staff clarification on the `commnnrty benefiY issue so that ~e_ can assecc the impac c nn nyr proposal. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS A general comment is in order prior to responding to the individual staff points in this section. The heading `City Requirements' seems misleading in that at least one of the items contained may or may not be a"RequiremenY'. In addition Annexation Agreements often contain items that have been negotiated that may differ in some ways from `requirements'. As an example Naropa University will be requesting a 10 year payment plan to pay the very high costs associated with the annexation such as Flood Plain PIF and Development Excise Taxes. These `requirements' make no mention of timing. An example is the construction of improvements along Arapahoe, especially in light of the CDDOT plans to improve this section of the State Highway. We left a number of Agenda Item # Jfj Page # ~'~ questions about this section with the staff at our meeting of November 22. Due to the short time between that meeting with the staff and this writing several of those questions have yet to be answered and the responses herein should be considered in that context. We acknowledge the staffs comment regarding the sidewalk along 63rd Street, however we must ask about the propriety of the construction of the sidewalk outside of the existing easement. Could you please explain how construction proceeds in a reservation area first and the property owner is asked for the land after constriction is completed? We are a(so unclear about the `Additional right- of-way" that the City says is needed. This comment is one that relates to our previous question about timing. Also could you explain why the sidewalk construction was stopped so far north of Arapahoe and not extended to the corner? We agree with the staff commant regarding the release of the Reservation area and wilt be requesting that reservations be released at time of annexation. In addition we have learned f~m our survey that the easement for right-of-way for the widened 63rd Street remams as part of our property. Is that the staff's understanding7 If so, are we then charged for the impervious surface of 63rd Street and its adjacent sidewalk in computing the various fees? The staff has confirmed that 63rd Street is within the City limits. We have previously prepared and submitted the annexation maps, yet the staf~'is requesting that we revise them to show all of 63rd. If the street is already in the City then why should we show it on an annexation map7 This is a question that we asked the staff at our meeting: Since the street was recently reconstructed it would seem logica! that the City already has the mapping it needs anc! we should not h~ to go through additional expense having surveys redrawn to repeat information tl,a* is alreadv in eovernment files. _ 3. A transportation plan that is "in the works' is something that we should not be held accountable to, nor are we interested in providing `cu~- hro eh tra~c acro~,s the front yard of our campus. The staff appears to be saying that they want us to comply with a non-existent plan, and has determined, based upon that non- existent plan, that this cut-through road is a community benefit. There seems to be no consideration at all for the use of the site and the viability of that use in the future. That this cut-through wil( be "sought as part of the annexation as a community benefit" is an example of our earlier reference to the Community Benefit issue. BUILDING AND HOUSING CODES Acknowledged BUILDING DESIGN Acknowledged Agenda Item # .~f~ Page #<.~ DRAINAGE Acknowledged however with the understanding that annexation in and of itself will not require any action on this item until we actually propose physicaJ changes to the site that would impact the exiting drainage conditions. FEES As previously mentioned, Naropa University will be seeking a 10 year payment schedule for various fees. Initial discussions with the statt'indicate that this is possible. We also understand that such arrangements have been made in the past, notably when the large annexation occurred along North Broadway in 1990. We are also lookin~into the number that the statt'has indicated for impervious area, as we have been provided a different number by our surveyors. FII2E PROTECTION We have previously been in contact with the Fire Marshall about our plans, including the matter of staged tenant improvements and acknowledge this comment. LAND USES We have already provided an extensive discussion regarding this section in our introductory remarks and the attached nattative. LANDSCAPING Acknowledged, however we need clarification on what definition of `any deve(opmentf the staff is using and its source. Also, this is another one of the previously referenced timing questions we have about several of the staff comments. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Acknowledged. MISCELLANEOUS We are not aware of any water or water rights associated with this propeRy. UTILITIES This comment seems to be about Fire Protection issues which we have already acknowledged. We have been in contact with Adrian Hise. Agenda Item #_~ Page # n3b'~ ZONING We have previously addressed this in some detail elsewhere in this document. IIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS FEES We have previously addressed our proposals for fee payment schedules, however we have a question as to why this is under the heading of "Informational Comments" and not under "City Requirements" as it seems to be a requirement. FIItE PROTECTION Acknowledged, but within the same question as to informational vs. requirement. MISCELLANEOUS We have discussed this with the staff and included it in the questions we left with the staff at our November 22 meeting with them. This is a critical issue and one that could result in a great deal of cost to Naropa University. In order to meet one City requirement (Fire Protection) we now face another that says we can't install the fire line that appears to be needed coming in from 63rd Street. We will await the staft'response to our question but it would seem that there must be an ability to make an exception to this `requiremenY about no excavation within 3 years. If there is not such an exemption then we wip seek one as part of our Annexation Agreement. We are also concerned that the staff is talking about even more fees being assessed due to this circumstance. NEXTSTEPS We have provided our response about uses. As to the zoning we are still proceeding with our request for IG-E., It is also our understanding that the staff inemo was incorrect in including the IMS-X as an option. Please clazify. Agenda Item # ~f) Page #~~y NAROPA UNIVERSITY CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT RESPONSES TO STAFF COMMENTS I. REL'IEW FINDINGS We have discussed this issue in detail in our responses to the staff's comments on Annexation and Initial Zoning, however we must again state, that based upon the definition in the Code for this use, we meet that definition. The Code is very brief in defining the Adult Education use, with the only criteria being that the facility provides "academic educational use ...., fifty percent or more who are eighteen years of age or older". We don't believe that there has ever been any uncertainty as to Naropa University's meeting that requirement. At this time we are not certain as to any exceprions that will be proposed, as our planning has not advanced to that point. We do believe, however, that due to Yhe existing nature of improvements on the propeRy, and the various setbacks that will come in to play when annexed, that certain of those setbacks will need to be varied. We discussed this with the staff at our November 22 meeting and they indicated that this can be accommodated in the approval processes. The staffs comment about potential dormitory space on this site states that the staff has not made "an assessment of whether housing is appropriate at this location". We would certainly hope that such assessment is completed very soon as the potential for future dormitory space may be considered by Naropa University as a norma}~l part of, and accessory to, an Adult Education (University) facility. We have no specif c numbers in mind at this time. Our primary goal is to have the property annexed and then move quickly to begin partial remodeling so that some space will be available for use in fall of 2003. The staff indicates that the usa of a portion of this site for dormitory space will need to have `buffers' from adjacent uses. Given the current direction in both Code Revisions, Comprehensive Planning and such projects as the Jobs Population Study, we would suggest that the City has already determined that living space can be made compatible with about any adjacent use. As previousiy mentioned, we are not, at this time, proposing any changes to the site other than a first phase of interior remodeling. Thus issues such as the access points, parking layout etc. are premature for us to address. We will be looking further into these issues as the project moves through the City processes and will provide the stafT'with additional information as it is determined. We acknowledge that certain site changes will be necessary, but the extent and timing of those changes cannot be determined at this time. ACCESS/CIIiCULATION l. Naropa University recognizes that certain improvements will be necessary along Arapahoe, however the extent, responsibitity and timing need to be clarified. We have previoasly mentioned the CDOT plans and also we lett the statl' with the Agenda Item #~ Page # 'YO question about how much of these improvements fall.under the Transportation excise tax for Major Arterials. 2. TDM strategies seem premature at this time, since we are yet to get a reading on the details if the uses allowed, let alone a detailed plan for these uses. It is important to remember that Naropa University, by virtue of its non-profit status and tight budget, will be proceeding with alterations to the building in phases, over a period of years. No building square footage expansions are curcently proposed, and, in fact, very little attention~t s been paid to any physical changes to the site itself at such an early stage in the entitlement process. 3. Acknowledged. We will be doing a further assessment of site circulation and parking as we get closer to obtaining annexation approval. Is it the stafi's position that we must reconstruct our parking lots to meet current Code at the time we annex? If so we do not agree with that position. It seems illogical to proceed with such a modification until we have detailed pians of how our parking and- circulation will be modified. We do not wish to do this work twic ' 4. We will be looking at a connection to 62nd street to provide a secondary access to theaproparty, however we are not supportive of a"cross access connecting 62nd to 63` Streets to accommodate cut-through traffic. BUILDING DESIGN No external changes to the building are contemplated at this time. DRAINAGE Acknowiedged, however we are not altering any drainage patterns until and unless we alter the site conditions that would change current drainage patterns. LAND USES We have previously addressed this in detail however this staft'comment contains a phrase critical to Naropa's position relative to the definition ofUniversity uses. The staff comments that the zoning that we are requesting "may limit the uses of the site, if they are not commonly found associated with a University "(our emphasis). This statement implies that the staf~' agrees with us about the variety of uses that naturally accompany a University use. Tf that is the case we would appreciate an acknowledgement of that at this time as it seems, elsewhere in the staft' comments, to be a question that is staff is asking. We believe this phrase that the staff has provided in their comments is clear evidence that they, too, agree that a University has uses that are "commonly found" associated with it, and we believe that all the uses we have discussed fall under that category. LEGAL DOCi7MENTS Acknowledged. Agenda Item # .'~A Page # `r'/ NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS Acknowledged. Have any been received yet? PARKING The staf~' has reaily answered their own question by stating that final parking needs cannot be determined at this time. We will be, over the course of the annexation process, refining our uses and therefore our parking needs. One of our uses will be an auditorium and based on our preliminary thinking we will need to increase the on site parking to accommodate that use. However we are in such a preliminary stage, we cannot provide any spacific numbers at this time. We are evaluating Yhe current on site parking and will provide more information as we obtain it. One example is the loading dock area on the east side of the buiiding. As it is currently contempiated we will not have the need for loading docks, thus freeing a considerable area for additional parking. III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS LANDSCAPING Acknowledged. MISCELLANEOUS We have previously addressed this in our response to the annexation comments, however this staff comment seems to provide a path for a variance, while the one under annexation commants did not. NEXT STEPS We wish to maintain the schedule for a January 9 Planning Board hearing. Delays in the process are extremely costly under our purchase contract. Agenda Item #_ ,~ page #~ Introduction. Naropa University is purchasing the Property at 6287 Arapahoe Road (the "Property") to develop into a campus primarily to establish a school for the arts, as described below. Background. Naropa University is an accredited college and university offering a four-year bachelor of arts degree and graduate degrees (MA, MFA, and ML.A) in ten fields of study. Founded in 1974, accredited by the North Central Association ("NCA") in 19851, Naropa University has been a vital and growing resident of the City of Boulder. Since 1993, enrollments have grown from approximately 400 degree seeking students to 1100 in the Fall of 2002.Z In addition, in 1995, Naropa University began the School of Continuing Education3, which produces classes and workshops for the public (Boulder and Denver and beyond). This program has proven extremely beneficial for the Boulder community, enrolling approximately 1000 peop(e per semester in community classes programs and workshops; bringing sought-after and emerging teachers, artists at~d performers to teach and perform in the Boulder area. Narona University Facilities: Growth andNeed. Naropa University currently occupies multiple campus sites within the City of Boulder: The Central (Arapahoe) Cam~us at 2130 Arapahoe; Paramita Campus at 3285 30`~' St., and Sangha House at 909 14 St. Naropa leases space from The Dairy Center for the Arts at 2590 Walnut St. In addition Naropa University owns the Alaya Pre School at 3340 19~' St. and Hedgerow Farms in the County at 8328 Valmont. Naropa University has encountered significant difficulty, as a growing non-profit educational institution, finding space within the City of Boulder to meet its educational goals, much less develop a cohesive and integrated campus within the City, without: a.) moving out to the County or beyond; or b.) proliferating into smaller sites spread around the City and/or County. Naropa University has managed to purchase at considerable cost some excellent facilities over the years and responsibly to develop its main campus °. However, Naropa University remains extremely wlnerable to the escalating pressure of the real estate market in Boulder and to the City regulatory scheme. It should be noted ~ The NCA is the same accrediting body that accredits CU. Nazopa University graduate schoois have numerous other specialized accreditations. Z For zoning purposes, Naropa University is an adult education program with all of its students 18 years of age or older in the degree programs as a high school educafion is required for entry into the college. The average age of graduate school students in the mid 30's. 3 Now named the School for Extended Studies " The main campus at 2130 Arapahoe Ave. has a PUD approved which allows for 72,000 square feet of developmen[. Current buildout on that Campus is at 56,318, leaving approximately 15,000 square feet of future development that would be inadequate to house the arts on that Campus, when all needs for diat site aze considered. Agenda Item # .~ d'age # `/ 3 the number of non-profits who have struggled and failed to find o~ maintain a"home" within the City, and, as a direct result of which, have ceased•to exist. This trend is ominous and seems particularly to affect the performing aRs and related edacational organizations. It appears that in the near future non-profits that survive will have nowhere to go within the City. Naropa University finds itself in a similar position, being healthy overall but having dance, theater, music and visual arts programs without an adequate home. Without adequate facilities, Naropa University will be compelled to move or to close these programs down. One of the areas where Naropa's need is most pronounced is in the arts. Since its founding, Naropa University has been an educational center, if not mecca, for the arts in Boulder. Both the internationally renowned summer program, including, but not limited to, the Jack Kerouac School for Writing and Poetics, and the BA InterArts program, have drawn teachers, performers, writers and students to Naropa University and to Boulder. However, the arts have been hefd back from flourishing, or reaching their fu[1 educational potential at Naropa, primarily due to (ack of space generally and dedicated space in particular. Within Boulder, espacially in the vicinity of Naropa's existing campus sites, large, high ceiling studio and classroom spaces are no longer available, unless one is willing to convert prohibitively priced commercial spaces. Naropa has historically relied on its Performing Arts Center on the Arapahoe Campus for around-the-clock teaching and studio uses, as well as public performances. In 1997, s~ace was leased at the Dairy Center for the Arts which is now timited to visual arts, These spaces are no longer sufficient. Vision and Goals for the Property. Naropa seeks to create an educational center for the arts and a university campus within the City of Boulder. The Property is particularly suitable for that purpose in that the existing building has the potential for large high ceiling unobstructed studio and performance teaching and practice spacas. In addition, the ancillary office and administrative needs can be accommodated readity alongside the teaching spacas. At the same time, there is enough land (5.5 acres) to be a tnte university campus, of which the City and Boulder community could be most proud, and to allow for future growth of Naropa University within the City of Boulder. The proximity of the site to the central Arapahoe campus and the direct but routes available will provide a close linkage between campi. It is anticipated that, with the existing sites owned by Naropa, the acquisition of the Property and its further development would meet Naropa's growth needs for the next ten to fifteen years based upon reasonable projections. 5 Nazopa University has 4.228 square feet under lease at ttie Dairy; tl~ere is no potenual for expansion at the Dairy because of the goal of the Dairy and the need to have a community mix of arts tenants. Agenda Item # .5~ Page # `~`~ Phase One: Phase One will be the renovation of the existing building on the PropeRy. Phase One will be divided into sub-phases. The intent is to have Phase One completed in two years. Upon the completion of Phase One, the new campus will be a home for the following programs: • The Goldfarb Institute for Advanced Theater Studies, including the existing MFA in Theater. . • BFA in Performance (including and emphasizing Dance and Theater). • BA Music. . BA Visual Arts. • BA Traditional Eastern Arts (including the disciplines of yoga, tai chi, aikido, meditation, kyudo and tea ceremony). • Adult Education Programs for the Public through the School for Extended Studies, [primarily Friday night and weekend programs]. The space would thus be used for the above progams and would require studio spaces for classrooms and practice and performance as well as an assembly space and galtery space for public performances and shows by the students. The assembly space will be used and designed as a Continuing Education facility to be occupied by the public for weekend and Friday evening programming, so as not to overlap with the daytime academic program uses. In addition, there would be faculty and administrative ofT'ice space and related student services, such as student lounge, cafb, bookstore, library and computer lab. The need and scope of such ancillary educational services will depend on the need for services that may be redundant to those already provided on the central Arapahoe campus. Phase Two: The precise scope and nature of Phase Two is not yet determined. All uses will be educational or anciliary to educational uses. Several potential uses are contemplated over time, which will involve new construction at the site. • Consolidation of the Naropa Graduate School at the Campus - consolidate the Paramita Campus at the site, which currently houses the following programs: - MA Contemplative Psychotherapy Agenda Item # ~A Page # 5!.S - IvIA Somatic Psychology - MA Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, including Music Therapy, Art Therapy and Wilderness Therapy - MA Gerontology - Plus adding a Crraduate school library and archival space. • New programs at the Campus which are being developed or in their formative stages: - Marpa Center for Business and Economics, including the annual international Microfinance Training Program and related activities; - The Institute for Transformationai Justice, including the Naropa Prison Education Progam, an Associates of Arts degree and MA Sociology; • Residents Hall for students attending the graduate school or the school of the arts. Conclusion The development of the Property into a School of the Arts and a University campus on 5.5 acres within the City of Boulder holds many opportunities not only for Naropa University, but for the Boutder community. It would essentially allow Naropa University to remain and grow within the City of Boulder for the next two decades. We trust that this approach will have the support of the City as we move ahead. Agenda Item # 5!~ Page # ~~