5A - Additional Information Naropa UniversityTO: CENTRAL RECORDS FROM: /~ 8C°~~- (Name/ Bo r Or Com i sion) PLEASE add these items to iVleeting Packet of: 7CYinu 9 ~DD.3, r?y~~a. ~,L~a~r~c~ S/~ (Date of eeting) r.~{FPJ~~A C.oou.~i(1itN~~~d~~t~fi'RoilA~- ~"`~~V~ Prior to making application for any building permit to convert up to the first 22,000 square feet of building area to a university use or to add any additional floor area to the property, the Applicant shall submit for review and approval of the City of Boulder Planning and Development Services Division, as part of technical document review application, the following plans, demonstrating compiiance with Title 9, "Land Use Regulations, B.R.C. 1981 and City oF Boulder Design and Construction SYandards, and construct the improvements that are shown on such plans: A. Final architectural plans, including matarials and colors, to ensure compatibility with the sunounding area if exterior architectural changes are proposed; $. A detailed parking plan showing the arrangement, locations, dimensions, and type of parking stalls {including any areas of the property for bicycle parking or reserved for deferred parking) to ensure compliance with the city's Parking Design Standards; C. A fire hydrant in a location that is approved by the Fire Department; D. A sidewalk connecting 62"d and 63`d Streets on Arapahoe Avenue in a location and a design that is approved by the Director of Public Works; E. A transit stop and shelter on Arapahoe Avenue, west of 63rd Street in a location and a design that is approved by the Director of Public Works; and F. Street trees along Arapahoe Avenue, 62"d Street and 63`d Street. 2. Removal of any tree must receive prior approval by the City Forester. 3. In addition to the uses set forth in the IS-D zoning district, the property may also be used as a permitted use, as a university use and its associated accessory uses. Uses that are accessory to the university use include student housing, dormitories, retail, and restaurant uses that are designed and used to serve the university. 4. Any student housing or dormitory uses shall only be created as part of the university use and shall not be constructed independent of the university use unless the underlying zoning is changed to permit such residential land use. In the event that the use of the land ceases to be a university use and the housing is used as market housing, the Applicant shall be required to comply with the provisions of the city's Inclusionary Zoning ordinance. If the Applicant chooses to use some or alI of units that may be designated as affordabie housing units for rentals, the Applicant agrees to convey an interest in such units to the city or the city of Boulder Housing Authority or similar agency, in an amount that satisfies § 38-12-301, et seq. C.R.S. to allow such entity to control the rents and make the dwelling units available to households with incomes in the ranges described in the city's Inclusionary Zoning ordinance. The Applicant shall be entitled to use 22,000 square feet of the existing building for university uses. The remainder of the building shall be used for ]and uses that are otherwise permitted in the underlying zoning district. Any expansion of the use beyond 22,000 square feet or the addition of any new structures shall require approval under the city's site review process. 6. A site review approval shall be required prior to any of the following; A. Use of more than 22,000 squaze feet of floor area for university, adult education or vocational school activities; B. The seating capacity of any assembly area, which may include, without limitation, a theater, auditorium, or place for gathering devoted primarily to showing motion pictures, or for dramatic dance, musical or other live performances, exceeds 500 seats; C. Any building area expansion beyond 52,000 square feet; D. Any increase in use that requires a supply of parking greater than 170 spaces; or E. Davelopment of any student housing ar dormitories on the property. The Applicant shall submit a master plan far build out of the property, complete with a phasing plan for future construction, in any site review application or any site review approval. The master plan shall include the future plans for development on the property r...., )ennf 4er ...`nrn ~«4.~ hl~~ }~~f~~«e including plans for streets, circulation ways, utilities, buildings, parking, open spaces, land uses and other site features and improvements. 8. As a condition of Site Review, the Applicant shall dedicate an easement and construct im~provements for a public vehicular en~~e~est~ia~ cross connection between 62" and 63`d streets, no greater than 20' in wi~lth, in a location ~e siae-a~which shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works. The preferred location of said public access easement is adjacent to the north property line. The ~nal location of the public access easement will be determined at the time of site review.