5 - Staff delegation of Responsibilities for work associated with a potential University Hill historTo; Christine Andersen, Acting City Manager
From: Peter Pollock, Planning Director
Re: StafF delegation of Responsibilities for work associated with a
potential Universiry Hill historic district.
Date: December 31, 2002
Please be advised that I have assigned all administrative responsibilities for the
Planning Department on any work regarding a potential University Hill Historic
District, in the area that is defined in Ordinance No, 7256, to Ruth McHeyser,
Long Range Planning Manager of the Planning Department. This includes all
follow up work as well on a potential historic district, and the agenda item that
will go forward to the Council at its January 7, 2002 meeting.
Since I own property that is within the study area at 956 Grant Place, it may be
interpreted that I have a substantial interest in a transaction within the City, or if
that is not the case, that my participation may create an appearance of
impropriety, as those terms are defined in Section 2-7-2, B,R.C. 1981 and used
in Subsection 2-7-3(g), B.R.C. 1981,
Further, pursuant to Section 2-7-3(g), B.R.C. 1981, I intend that this ietter serve
as written notice to the City Manager that such conflict of interest or potential
appearance of impropriety may exist. Therefore, I will not be acting in any
official capacity for the City on this matter, and as stated above, I have
delegated that responsibility to Ruth McHeyser. Further, I intend to be physically
absent from any City Council or city board agenda item in which this matter is
being considered, [unless acting in my personal capacity as a citizen], and do not
intend to discuss the matter further with members of the City Council or city
boards in my official capacity as the Planning Director.
cc: Rutli McHeyser, long Range Planning Manager
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
Planning Board ~'
City Council
H:\Uni Hill historic district.da