4 - Wetland Project, 4747 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder Community HospitalCITY OF BOULDER J~~~ ~/y~
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PROaECT: Boulder Community Foothills Hospital
Location: 4747 Arapahoe Avenue, NE Corner of Arapahoe Ave. and Foothills Pkwy.
APPLICANT: Boulder Community Hospital
Contact Person: David Steinmann, Professional Wetlands Consulting, Inc. (303-444-1715)
Functional Value Ratings: Highest functional value ratings for the wetlands are for shoreline
anchoring, short term nutrient retention, within basin and downsheam food chain support, fish
and wildlife habitat, active and passive recreation, and heritage value.
PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: Boulder Community Hospital has received community
approval to constnxct a new east annex hospital on the former VanVleet property, located at the
northeast corner of Arapahoe Avenue and Foothills Pazkway. The project includes development
of a 17-acre site, located at the northwest comer of 48~' Street and Arapahoe Avenue, with
dedication of the remaining 31.6 acres adjacent to Boulder and Bear Canyon Creeks for
floodplain and conservation easements. The 17-acre development area will be elevated with fill
above 500-yeaz floodplain levels to mitigate flooding on the hospital site.
Activities and improvements affecting wetlands include the elimination of an isolated, emergent
wetland totaling 12, 894 squaze feet (0,3 acres) located in a storm water swale along 48`~' Street,
north of Arapahoe Avenue. A storm water pipeline placed under surface parking will replace the
storm water swale, and wetland mitigation will be provided in the conservation and floodplain
easements northwest of the hospital. Wetland mitigation will exceed the required minimum 2:1
ratio (by providing at least 26,000 square feet of new wetland azea). Wetland mitigation will be
coupled with flood conveyance improvements created by wide, shallow excavations in the flood
and conservation easements to offset the impacts of fill for the raised hospital site.
Proposed wetland mitigation areas include:
^ Creating 67,080 squaze feet (1.54 acres) of grassy, wet meadow wetland to the north of
the new hospital building, and expanding the existing wet meadow wetlands adjacent to
Boulder Creek. This is considered the "performance" wetland mitigation azea crucial to
satisfying onsite mitigation requirements for the hospital projecYs direct wetland impacts.
^ Creating 7,000 squaze feet (0.16 acres) of emergent wetlands in a new water quality
Boulder Conununiry Foothills Hospital WBTLqWD PHOJECf DESCRIPTION
control channel draining from 48~' Street to Boulder Creek. This system is intended to
filter sediment and pollutants from storm water draining from the site, 48~' Street and
upstream neighborhoods.
Crearing 40,000 square feet (0.92 acre) of grassy, wet meadow wetlands in the Bear
Canyon Creek overflow conveyance area imxnediately west of the raised development
site. The wide, shallow excavation for increasing conveyance will enhance wet soil
conditions from shallow groundwater flows to help restore the wet meadow pasture
degraded by yeazs of livestock grazing.
Overall, a total of 114,130 squaze feet (2.62 acres) of newly created wetland areas will replace
the wetland azeas lost to site development, resulting in a mirigation ratio of greater than 8:1. All
wetland mitigation will be provided onsite and will produce functional values greater than the
existing functional values of the eliminated wetlands.
BASIS OF APPROVAL: Reconstruction of roads and the replacement of bridges may be permitted
under Section 9-12-8, "Standards for Wetland Pernuts," Boulder Revised Code 1981 (B.R.C.), if
the applicant has demonstrated:
(a) That all adverse impacts on a wetland have been avoided through a reduction in
size, scope or density of the project, or through a change in configuration or design,
or that it is not feasible to do so;
Elimination of the wetland storm water swale along 48`~ Street, north of Arapahoe
Avenue, to accommodate project construction was proposed to reduce the encroachment
of site fill to the west and north into valued open space, wet meadow and riparian habitat.
This alternative increased azea dedications for floodplain and conservarion easements,
while still offering Boulder Community Hospital flexibility in achieving vital hospital
expansion goals.
In addition, Boulder Community Hospital has agreed to create over 100,000 square feet
of new wetlands to mitigate eliminated wetlands, resulting in a mitigation ratio of greater
than 8:1. This offers an increase in wetland areas and wetland functions onsite, and
dedication of the conservation easement will afford environmental restoration of a major
portion of the open space area.
(b) That any impact on a wetland has been minimized, will result in minimal impact or
impairment to any wetland function, and will not jeopardize the continued existence
of habitat for identified plant, animal or other wildlife species;
Impacts to wetlands have been minimized to directly impact only isolated wetlands
farthest away from the wet meadows of the Boulder Creek and Beaz Canyon Creek
corridors. In addition, the wetland mitigation provided onsite will greatly increase
wetland azea and functional values in a connected wetland environment.
Boulder Community Foothills Hospital WE7LAND PR07ECf DESCRIP770N
No habitat for federally listed Threatened and Endangered Species or city of Boulder
species of concern will be impacted. The Ute Ladies' Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes
diluvialis) and Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) have been
surveyed and do not exist at the site. Necessary U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service clearances
have been obtained for the project site.
(c) That the proJect is in the public interest, considering the pub(ic need, the functional
values of the wetland that may be affected, the extent and permanence of any
adverse effects and the cumulative adverse effects of past activities on the wetland,
and the uniqueness and scarcity of the wetland that may be affected.
The VanVleet property was selected for the east campus expansion of Boulder
Community Hospital following an extensive property seazch and lengthy public pmcess.
The process involved specific discussions of wetland and floodplain issues. The Planning
Boazd and City Council deternvned that the public interest was satisfied by the
development of needed hospital facilities considering the size and functional values of the
impacted 48~' Street emergent-wetland storm water swale and the amount of wetland
mitigation provided.
Considering the standazds outlined under Section 9-12-8, staff finds that the proposed project
meets the intent of 9-12-1, B.R.C.
Boulder Community Foothilla Hospital Wg'~LpND PROJECT DESCRIPTION
-/ ~ Planning and Development Services
~~ ~```~~' 1739 Broadway, Third Fioor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791
~ phone 303~141-1880 • fax 3 0 3 1141-3 24 1 • web boulderplandevelop.net
Wetland Permit
Date Issued: December 23, 2002 Expiration Date: December 22, 2005
(Pursuant to Subsection 9-9-9(e), B.R.C. 1981)
Permit Number:
Contact Information
Project Information
Legal Description
Description of Work:
Conditions of Approval
PO BOX 9019
BOULDER, CO 8 03 01-9 01 9
POR SW 1/4 S OF RR 30.79 ACS M/L 28-1 N-70 PER REC~2065979 SP LIT
WETLAND REVIEW for Boulder Community Hospital, Foothills Campus
, The proposed projecUadivity is approved on the basis that it satisfies applicable requirements of Chapter
9-12, "Wetlands Protection," Boulder Revised Code 1981. Other wetland requirements as set forth in
Chapter 9-12 which are not specifically outlined in the conditions of approval below remain applicable to
this projectlactivity.
, 1. All activities and improvements in the regu~atory wetland and wetland buffer shall conform with:
(a) The "Revised City of Boulder Wetland Permit Appiication for Boulder Community Hospital," report
and plan, prepared by Professional Wetlands Consulting, Inc., revised November 12, 2002.
(b) The Annexation Agreement between the City of Boulder and The Community Hospital Association,
d/b/a Boulder Community Hospital, dated December 7, 2001.
(c) The Storm Water, Flood Conveyance and Open Space Conservafion Easement granted by The
Community Hospital Association, dlbla Boulder Community Hospital to the City of Boulder, executed
November 1, 2001.
(d) The conditions in the Floodpiain Development Permit for the Boulder Community Foothills Hospital,
approved in coordination with the WeUand Permit.
, 2. All activities and improvements in the regulatory wetland and wetland buffer area shall comply with ihe
"City of Bouider Wetlands Protection Program Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Revegetation
, 3. Adequate hydrology forwetland survival and performance sha~l be supported by the discontinuation of
site dewatering by Boulder Community Hospital following project construction. Subsequent site
dewatering of the 17-acre development area may be permitted during ihe consVuction of subsequent
project phases, subject to city review and approval.
, 4. Site grading and excavation in the Storm Water, Flood Conveyance and Open Space Conservation
Easement conducted as part of this Wetland Permit shall not adversely impact existing burrows
occupied by prairie dogs, subject to continued coordination with the Open Space Mountain Parks
, 5. Mitigation monitoring and related maintenance ofwetland restoration shall be performed for a period
of five years after project completion. Special attention shall be piaced on weed control and successfui
wetland performance. Annual monitoring reporis shall be prepared by a qualified wetland consultant and
submitted to the Planning and Development Services Center for review and acceptance. Bouider
Community Hospital shall guarantee the pertortnance of wetland restoration during the five-year
mitigation-monitoring period, as secured by an approved financial guarantee (eg: escrow, letter of credit)
to the city.
To schedule an inspection, call 303-441-3280 and refer to your permit number (LUR2002-00039).
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