4 - Wetland Permit #LUR2002-00066, Skunk Creek at 30th Street~~,Y~'~'~~
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Planning and Development Services
1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791
phone 303-441-1880 • fax 3031141-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net
Wetland Permit
Date Issued:
Permit Number:
Contact lnformation
Project Information
Legal Description:
Description of Work:
Condltions of Approval
December 30, 2002
Expiration Date: December 29, 2005
(Pursuant to Subsection 9-9-9(e), B.R.C. 1981)
Wetland permit for Skunk Creek restoration west of 30th Street along Skunk
The proposed project/activity is approved on the basis that it satisfies applicable requirements of Chapter
9-12, "Wetlands Protectlon," Boulder Revised Code 1981. Other wetland requirements as set forth in
Chapter 9-12 which are not specifically outlined in the conditions of approval below remain applicable to
this project/activily.
, All activities shall conform to the "City of Boulder Wetland PermitApplication - Skunk Creek Stream
Restoration, Boulder County, Colorado" prepared by ERO Resources Corp., dated December 16, 2002
with the mitigation plan as presented in a letter from Liz Payson of ERO to Varda Blum of the City of
Boulder, dated December 11, 2002.
, All work activities in the regulatory wetland and wetland buffer area shall comply with the "City of Boulder
Wetlands Protection Program Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Revegetation Rules"
, Mitigation monitoring and related maintenance of wetland restoration shall be performed for a period of
FIVE years after project completion. Special attention should be placed on weed control and successful
wetland performance. Annual monitoring reports shall be prepared by a qualified wetlands consultant
and submitted to the Planning and Development Services office. The Utilities Division shall guarantee
the performance of wetland restoration during the five-year mitigation-monitoring period.
, Permit approval, if not appealed, is final on January 13, 2003.
To schedule an inspection, call 303-4413280 and refer to your permit number (LUR2002-00066}.
\ ~ CITY OF BOU4DER ~~~~ ~
Peo~EC'r: Skunk Creek Channel Improvements
Location: Skunk Creek near 30~h Street (Southwest of intersection of 30~~' and Bixby)
ArPLiCANT: City of Boulder - Utilities Division
Contact Person: Douglas Sullivan, Project Manager {303-441-3244)
Functional Value Ratings: Skunk Creek is designated a significant wetland. Highest functional
value ratings are for general wildli£e habitat, sediment/shoreline stabilization, and dynamic
surface water storage.
PxoJEC'r/Ac'r1vl'rY DESCR~rTtoN: The proposed Skunk Creek improvements extend from 30`h
Street to a point 450 feet upstream and include a grouted boulder drop structure, soi] riprap bank
protection, and a concrete retaining wall. At the upstream end ofthe project reach, two concrete
drop structures span the channel bottom. Both drops have been undermined, allowing base flows
to pass underneath, and currently provide no cutoff or grade control. A vertical concrete cutoff
wall at the location of the confluenca of a tributary channel and Skunk Creek in this reach has
also been undermined. In addition, active bank erosion is threatening existing infrastructure and
buildings in two locations within the project reach. The proposed project will stabilize the
channel bad by replacing the two failing concrete drop structures, provide a new tributary
confluence structure, and repair/stabilize the two locations of severe bank erosion.
Temporary wetland impacts will tota19,700 squaze feet to the Skunk Creek regulatory wefland.
The impacts will result from replacement if the old drop structures with new drop structures.
The temporary impacts will be restored at the location of the impact. In addition, two semi-
permanently to seasonally saturated wetlands will be constructed along the Skunk Creek channel.
Bas~s oF ArrxovaL: Reconstruction of roads and Yhe replacement of bridges may be permittad
under Section 9-12-8, "Standards for Wetland Permits," Boulder Revised Code 1981 (B.R.C.), if
the applicant has demonstrated:
Skunk Creek Channel Improvements weT~nnn NnoaecT nescairT~orv
(a) That all adverse impacts on a wetland have been avoided through a reduction in
size, scope or density of the project, or through a change in configuration or design,
or that it is not feasible to do so;
The planned activities are the minimum necessary to repair the failed drop-structures and
to provide bank stabilization. Project design has been modified to achieve the design
with minimum impact to wetlands.
(b) That any impact on a wetland has been minimized, will result in minimal impact or
impairment to any wetlaad function, and will not jeopardize the continued existence
of habitat for identified plant, animal or other wildlife species;
Impact to wetlands have been minimized. The construction of two additional semi-
permanently to seasonally saturated wetlands will improve the wetlands habitat at this
No habitat far federally listed Threatened and Endangered Species or city of Boulder
species of concern will be impacted. Habitat far the threatened Ute Ladies' Tresses
Orchid (Spiranthes diluvialis) or Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius
preblei) does not exist at the site. Wetland functional value ratings will not be adversely
affected as a result of this activity.
(c) That the project is in the public interest, considering the public need, the functional
values of the wetland that may be affected, the extent and permanence of any
adverse effects and the cumulative adverse effects of' past activities on the wetland,
and the uniqueness and scarcity of the wetland that may be affected.
The channel improvements are in the public interest. If degradation of this reach of
Skunk Creek continues, the vertical banks threaten public and privately owned structures.
Postponing maintenance until these structures are further damaged will be very costly.
Temporary impacts to the Skunk Creek regulatory wetland are the minimum necessary to
provide for the necessary replacement and upgrade of public infrastructure in the Skunk
Creek corridor. The impacted regulatory wetland is not unique and will be restored to
pre-conshuction conditions to ensure that current functional values are maintained. The
wetland will not be adversely affected by the proposed improvements.
Considering the standazds outlined under Section 9-12-8, staff finds that the proposed project
meets the intent of 9-12-1, B.R.C.
Skunk Creek Channel Improvements WETLAND PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Location: Skunk Creek at 30th St
Project Name: Skunk Creek at 30th St ~v ~l .n
Review Type: Wetland Review
Review Number: LUR2002-00066
Applicant: CityofBoulder NORTH
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