4 - Disposition, Lot Line Elimination, #TEC2002-00047, 313 Foxtail Court, Virginia Stainton,a~ ~' ~~s:!~' ~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-5-16, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved DESCRIPTlON: TECHNICAL DOCUMENT REVIEW: A lot line elimination to remove interior lot lines between Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, Horizon Way to create one lot. LOCATION: 313 FOXTAIL CT COOR: S02W06 LEGAL Lot 12A, Block 2, Horizon Way, City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Colorado APPLICANT: VIRGINIA STAINTON OWNER: VIRGINIA STAINTON APPLICATION: Lot Line Elimination, Case # TEC2002-00047 ZONING: LR-E (Low Density Residential-Established) CASE MANAGER: Robert Myers THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved on: December 23, 2002 , By: IJj ~ / )"'~__ Peter ollock, Planning Director Address: 313 FOXTAIL CT ;nnX~p~S : . K fi 4'urnle Gv Wa~ __ _ xa p e „I "I ~~ • ~I z l ~ ~ ', 3 y L ,i .' HOl~IZO]`~I WAY --- 1~EPLA~1, A A ftEPLA'1' 'TO ELIMINA'T'E THE COMMON LOT LINES BE'I'WF.EN LOT'S 12, 13 AND lA, BLOCK 2, HORIZON WAY, LOCATED tN 'THE SO UTl;WEST !/4 OF SEC'I'lON 6, TO WNSHIY 1 SOUTH, RANGE 70 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M., CITY OF BO ULD FI R, C OUNTY OF' AO ULDE R. S'TATF: OF COLORADO ~ SHF.EI' 1 OF 1 \ 1 AREA=0.42(14 ACRES .~ <.~ \ ~ - `?., ~ Sil '~ ~ ; \ ~~ 4:~1-: .N N'W W E . Euis a~a r _ - e ~6 ~ikwMri w TMls~~. .. - - r~, ? \P i . p $. 'r~r ~ 6 ~ N-1000' y o-15 n' u,w , moix,rm _ .._.x De ~aneL~~ ~r ero L O T 1 2 A race e amn ~' [ l2 Ye5» In )lFa CeEiI _ l F ' ~ , r y ~% ~ % ~ ~ \ \ Vicinity Nap :/ \ tt»e ~-Vr sae S yes .i <,' ~ ALA ,~., Mai b, \¢. ';'~y ., 9500 ~, S. V\. c~n~is~A rv BIZ9'}p~ ~n + I HORI20N NAY - REPEAT A Y Y~ W ~' P° ^~Ee~ q^06 5 ~ \ 570 ~ \ O°~T 3a / ~ \ z 4 y/ a ~, +``~p / / / X worn ' `~% / N - / ~- a 1 / \ f / / Y uuruu Xs ziz swi ~vc~ ' Seele: l~ = 20' e~~' ~ QC=r I ` \f PreNOas tegnl peecriptieo .a,rw ::.wo ,.. om+:. Ne ~ pgael+ lYaeriptlon I.LL uD 14 el 2 KPnM aa.. Lui1R4 w RS+ R sw+xa[nxauaRa v 2nxn 6 +awmm 1 vYm. xax¢ M .. enxc ri.wa arav®.a ra)ors- as M aoua+resr eana g m*ri aw°"i em zzMi~m°izd vLKEn ~M eueeues a+o5 ~t. Mxx Xww et-.rta Nz+: a o5r.xa a +d+a Etyl oars xoa yetm'm rur. a mFwrs a um Emx Mw¢ xww a aswxn a w.e0 rme eexs mnX xom~ raa ~, a dsrµ4 a Nar+[E+: aa~i5 0 ~QOJ ~( 16¢1.ei M3L 6+bmY0'~i4 HMLNawL a a.a.» sww lo-tior +na+. ».» rtr+: mrxa gum b]om' +rst. a M+urZ a ssw r¢+: O M ~ Ix2A fEEI. Gp [+P+a XaME a ~.ws 6 vasm ~r a m+a war a .ewv~ uo aw loom e.+ avm arwc aw+x vvar .rs+. gar Ixc+. a H4YCWM u[ X+xr' a seuiMa r~ ~+Ir25.wA~t N M b.'r S~tement of o.oenm aLL Ravl5 R TEC ~xR MI.I M anE19tle0. Nora M. +M 5 M OINn a nM+ EM xrtsfAlr SINaR- x M On MO Colll+v pllppl. [¢qNA. MO L+M Iev TE FFRROe 10.x1ua.6 MyR61 aaY a 9@xpM a s aPKY a M 1~ f/r Ilal r. +~,p ~puRh v 4~m~. a5m~ Onshrq eWlAw~ LOW: ew :...no +.. awe z xarf GVSO sW Ka wtlun' m c t pWr up LMII~Erm~»INNZwry4~K h+Q .r~91BPxau1 M M on R nm~i wmn+o 2+ ur xum nrz y2,. dr a ar:~a x 5+an+w Acknawba{ement iah V MmrGO 1 (gmrt 6 BTM1Ma ) ~ ru¢axc M+wKY+ e+r ro-xvNEDSn srwr: ms )n4 oa. ~~sL~~ A]3 n Ma,al. x Mss /x~r xup u0 x. nos w r ~~~ _~1~1N. ! ~i~~i(~ .- ~ ~..r.seaoy Surhy ~ ar mt t S2wx + sliias. a aM1+wosn6e w.o awT. utEx~ x MN1NC. eC~I~R( 9MXrr»T1Xrerw va' ~~ a M4S+~ of r[P~1@x. [MEC+9FWM?Y.r~ ®)~r +v .up OEIVK.vD Tai lx5 Nr W5 ~~ewoxwnn CagWi¢• 1 •.N<awr us a n z»rz a roar »o +aw.a .o M an a x. Nw.aars..aa+nm« .xaiur r.Ta Nolee: i) f•5+ r0.pY0 TM [OepRaad G4 M0. »Mr MRO IW611. yp} e+) e] xx. MS n'mt+. N4a iI'W r01 RNRV 49[vR nm a .a...o rxnewuas n M .me.aaTw v ms rur. >) acmes ro cam.OT ue w Nm r,raa .n ttlrw acnw en3m oral w+l ncr x mz aw+cr ~rv1.'.Mar wv una N! Em516YO.G 91p CFSEC~ EMM+ Yar N.Y ![MI BrN4Or~, Y+ WRI M nR~4IR~erv R In~VR- IxTE n4x M wn M1 Vemu+vy more x[Ra. a) e.ss a w.swg amrn xum mva N5+ wao M a+ ~o+ n a~ i <M ~ »'~~ui~re+Mi w~ia wwj~nM 5wxegw Cana a xeezm ear Iz ~n' xaMar ue a~i wE a nasl a) 6 ~Eai MN ~MaRFO rA4e[x=.aafn9A a;[ ~+ M bMa f6NM1 ¢[w (PQa. 9 xa~r alw~imr6+E ro~o rtin~)ow k)mamvrs~e~e ~ wrr~ix r. wrze ax[ 2 +vn gie[C+ ~PPraeelr ~~ Z ~7~ _ P9 N2 • P mU/Po Clty Yene{er'a LerUllcete ~MaxMU s. wrs s.o on a eaeae xas Guso m~ aro s Kwa~m_- _.e mm ..--- [nP.P v mu4 uo Kcoos Vn uwr¢e W OM1 clerk nna Reeoraer'r Cerlltlcete s»» a aetmam 1 ~ curvn a corm 11 Kare. mnr ma+errR.Sairv us r.io x xr orxz .r a+.e _..... _.m wa.a. ___- rmrm.~ 1_ _ .. _.. _ erx 1. .. ____ . Flegstett Rl]ICn Meal .a~~~%~ ~~ CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-4, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved subject to conditions listed below PROJECT NAME: 304 MAPLETON DUPLEX DESCRIPTION: NON-CONFORMING USE REVIEW: Addition of 225 sq.ft. to existing legal non-conforming duplex. LOCATION: 304 MAPLETON AV COOR: N03W08 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 14, Block 1, Subdivision MAPLETON PARK City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Colorado OWNER: ALLENE CASH APPLICATION: Use Revlew Case # LUR2002-00067. ZONING: LR-E (Low Density Residential-Established) CASE MANAGER: Nan Johnson VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-4-12, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved on: ~e3rn~l~+''^`~', Lt ~- Date -~ By: ~lf~ ~d Peter Pollock, Planning Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision tlate. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: ~~+~^""'1 ~ ~ lip --T IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED MYLAR PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE MYLAR PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Address: 304 MAPLETON AV Pursuant to Section 9-4-8 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-4-8) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with all final approved written statements and final approved plans (using the alternative #1 for the third parking space) dated December 9, 2002 and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. 2. Any architectural features, such as the 6' wooden fence shown on the approved plans that project into the public right-of-way must be approved pursuant to Section 8-6-8, B.R.C. 1981. This site review approval shall not be construed as an approval of such encroachment. Address: 304 MAPLETON AV