4 - Call Up Item: Disposition to amend the North Boulder Subcommunity Right-of-way Plan to considerMEMORANDUM
TO: Mayot Taor and Membars of C'rty Council
k'R(3M: Christine Andersen, Acting City Manager
Peter Poilock, Pianning Diractor
Steve Durian, Transportation Engineer
DATE: January 16, 2003
SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Notice of Disposition to amend the Norkh Bouider
Subwmmunity Right-of-Way Plan to consicler elimination of planned
extensions of Front Range and Lykins into the I~akofa Ridge neighborhood.
Attached is the Notice oPDispositian to amend the North Bouldar Subcommnnity Right-of-W ay Plan
to consider elimination of ptanned extensions of Fmnt Range and Lykins into the Dakota Ridge
This itera went before the Planning Board on November 21, 2002. It was danied by the Planning
Board with a vote of 2-4; M. Cowles, T. Krueger, S. Mote, and T. Nielsen opposed, and B. Pornmer
was absent.
This decisian may be cailed up before the City Cotuicil on or bafore Tanuary 21, ZOU3.
There is one scheduled City Council meetin$ durin$ the 30-day call-up period; January 2l, 2003.
Planning and Development Services
1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791
phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net
You are hereby advised that on November 21, 2002 the following action was taken by the
Planning Board based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-
4, B,R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development.
Amendments to North Boulder Subcommunity Right-of-Way Plan
To amend the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan to consider
elimination of planned extensions of Front Range and Lykins into the
Dakota Ridge neighborhood.
Lykins Avenue between 10th and Laramie Street or Broadway, and
Front Range Avenue between 10th and 11th Streets
Not Applicable
City of Boulder
Plan Amendment
Not Applicable
Steve Durian
This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before January 21, 2003. If no Gall-
up occurs, the decision is deemed final after January 21, 2003.
At its public hearing on November 21, 2002 the Planning Board approved, subject to the
conditions listed below, the request with the following motion:
A. O'Hashi made a motion, seconded by J. Spitzer, that the Planning Board eliminate Front Range
Avenue between the Dakota Ridge neighborhood and its existing terminus east of the neighborhood from
the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan. The motion failed with a vote of 2-4; M. Cowtes, T. Krueger, S.
Mole, and T. Nielsen opposed, and B. Pommer absent. T. Nielsen said that she did not support the
motion because she wants to explore an intermediate solution that preserves long-term options and yet
addresses the protection that the motion states.
After denying this motion, T. Nielsen made a motion, seconded by S. Mole, to amend the North Bouider
Subcommunity Plan to require that prior to the construction of Lykins Avenue between 10th and Laramie
Street or Broadway and Front Range Avenue between 10th and 11th Streets that the Planning Director will
refer the question of whether such connections are needed to a public hearing before either the Planning
Address: 0 LARAMIE BL
Board or City Council. This motion was approved 4-2; A. O'Hashi and J. Spitzer opposed, and B.
Pommer absent)Such hearings may occur concurrently wilh a site review application or an annexation
proposal. T. Nielsen offered a friendly amendment to require that any such public hearing that would be
required by the motion as stated be required to provide notice !o each and every property owner of Dakota
Ridge East, North and West and Dakota Ridge Village. S. Mole accepted this friendly amendment. This
amendment to the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan requires approval by City Council. After the call-up
period for the initial denial has passed, this amendment will be scheduled for City Council hearing.
Approved By:
Peer Pollock, Planning Director
Address: 0 LARAMIE BL
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