Minutes - Planning Board - 11/29/2001APPROVED FEBRUARY 7, 2002
November 29, 2001
Council Chambers Room, Municipal Buildittg
1777 Broadway, 6:00 p.m.
The following are the minutas of the November 29, 2001 City of Bouider Planning Board meeting.
A perxnanent set of these minutes is kepf in Central Records, and a verbatim tape recording of the
meeting is maintained far a period of seven years in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043).
Macon Cowles
A1 Gunter, Chair
Thom Krueger
Tina Nielsen, Vice Chair
Alan O'Hashi
Beth Pommer
~ Bob Cole, Director of Land Use Review
Steve Durian, Transportation Engineer
Don Durso, Associate Planner
Dauid Gehr, Assistant Ciry Attorney
Gary Kretschmer, Planning and Zoning
Mary Lovrien, Board Secretary
Peter Pollock, Planning Director
Deon Wolfenbarger, Historic Preservation Planner
Chair A1 Gunter declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m., and Yhe following business was conducted.
There were no minutes to approve.
There was no public participation.
The Board discussed the lack of development activity on the Cox Corner Subdivision. The Board
had no comments on fhe fechnical document review for 1565 Kalmia Avenue.
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• Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 2001
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P. Pollock explained Yhat the Planning 101 course will not occLir untii next year, Uut the videos fi•om
last year's course will be shown on Channel 8. He described the outreach that will be conducted
regarding the vacancies on tha Planning boards. He addressed whether the Transportation Advisory
Board (TAB) has the authority in the code to review land use issues. He said that unless City Council
requests comments from TA~ on the transpartation issues related to Title 9, it would not be a part
of their scope. T. Nielsen asked that TAB receive a copy of the Planning Board agendas to infarm
them of land use issues that will have an effect on transportation.
T. Krueger suggested that Board members attend the public Forums regarding the Transportation
Master Plan (TMP) update. A. Gunter said that there is a need to have transportation policies match
the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) policies. M. Cowles mentioned that at the joint
TAB/Planning Board meeting regarding Transportation Demand Management (TDM) the Board
members discussed that there should be some imagination, thought, and analysis in developing
TDMs to provide tools to use both in individual development projects and on a city-wide basis. He
said that the city would do well to hire an experienced consultant, such as Jeffrey Tumlin. P.
Pollock said fhat Mr. Tumlin is parC ofthe feam thaf has been selected to help with the TMP update.
M. Cowles said that he would prefer to see someone of Mr. Tumlin's quality made an expert
~ consulting directly with the city rather than being part ofa team where he might be used. He said that
Mr. Tumlin's approach to TDM strategy is to increase the tax revenues and protect the quality of life.
He asked if the Planning Board coLdd direct TAB to hire a cons~iltant. D. Gehr said that the Planning
Board could state a preference for a policy direction.
A. Public hearing and consideration of amendmettts to Title 9, Land Use
Regulations. The changes include, but are not limited to, crente Transportation
Demand Management criteria, add several new definitions to the Code, ~Ilow
breezeway and walkway connections between the principal and ~ccessory
buildings, allow v~riances for non-mobile homes in non-mobile home zoned
parks, establish use review criteria to implement recently-adopted policies of the
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, establish consistent posting requirements
for discretionary and conditional use reviews, reduce off-street parking
requirements in the LR-D zoning districts, ~nd establish a method to calculate
slope as it relates to building height measurement. Also, the Board is ~sked to
review and commevt on Title 8 changes regarding encroachments into Yhe right
of way and Title 10 changes regarding the historic preservation demolition
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. Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 2001
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B. Cole gave a brief overview of the organization of the amendments and described the proposed
changes: Transportation Demand Management (TDM) proposal (intends to address transportation
impacts from all new office development in both a by-right and discretionary context, including
accessibility of alternative transportaYion to the users of the building and programmatic techniques,
such as Ecopass and van pool programs); single family parking in LR-D, MR-D, and HR-D zones
(will address the different parking standards in developing districts for idenYical development); new
iise review criteria (relates to BV CP changes and more clearly spells out the desire to keep existing
residential units and not displace them by non-residential uses); allowing larger restaurants in the
BMS-X zones (will allow larger restaurants through by-right and conditional use review procasses);
standards for the extension of site and use review approvals (will address requests to extend
approvals beyond the three-year period far Board- and staff-level extensions); recission ofuse review
approvals (will address the process for converting a use review to a conforming residential use);
separation between principal and accessory structures (will address design limitations because ofthe
six-foot separation); street and alley tree locations (will provide specificity in the code for what
counts far street trees in those circumstances when there are already existing trees that might not
meet the current standards); forms of ownership for ADUs and OAUs (will recognize other Torms
of ownership); method of calculating slopes on steeply sloping sites (will provide a mathematically
correct approach for calculating slope and wi11 clarify the place where the structure can be loeated);
and recreational uses in residenYial zones (will eliminate redundant language in the code).
~ Additionally, he noted the following proposed amendments: split zoned buildings where zoning lines
run through the middle of buildings; definition of building envelope; protection of residential zones
From height increases; financial guarantees required prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy;
revision of the definition of setback; mobile home variances; creation of consistent posting and
notice requirements; graphics for setback averaging; application requirements on variances; removal
of unrelated code language; and options chart for antenna for wireless communication.
Public Participation:
Jerry Wyss, Transportation Advisory Bonrd, 302 27th Street: He said that the review of TDMs
by the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) is not yet a high priority. He encouraged the Planning
Board to approve a resolution requesfing that TAB accelerate the review of TDMs.
Premena, E.O. Box 1038: He addressed Amendment 23 conceming locationa] opYions forwireless
telecommunication services. He was concerned that the definition ofwireless services would include
amateur radio seivices and local area networks. G. Kretschmer responded that the definition of
wireless services relates to those commercial services covered under the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) regulations. B. Cole said that these services are regulated because they have the
potential to have substantial visual impacts and to exceed the local height regulations.
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. Planning Board Minutes
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Dee Andrews, Chair of the University Hill Neighborhood Association, 888 15th Street: She
addressed Amendment 4 that would allow larger restaurants to locate on the Hill through a
conditiona] use review, She said that the Neighborhood Association is in favor of these positive
changes to aYtract a quality, sit-down restaurant to the Hill. She said that the criteria that l~as been
put into place in this proposal (close by 11 p.m., provide a good neighborhood policy, and facilitate
public meetings with the neighbors) minimize any potential negative impacts to the neighborhood
regardless ofthe size.
Steve Dodd, 3076 7th Street: He addressed Amendment 8 that addresses the reduction of the
existing six-foot miuimum separation requirement between principal and accessory buildings. He
said that the connection is of key importance when adding on to existing buildings, and there are
times when the connection presents greater difficulty than keeping the uew stiucture separate from
the existing building. He presented a case whera the property ownars want to build a porch within
the building envelope, but it cannot be connectad to the house because it would interfere with the
solar panels on the roof. He said that the solution is a detached, covered porch, but the code would
require that it be separated from the house by six feet. FIe argued that the building code does not
require that this separation occur if the porch is part of the principal use of the residence. He said that
the separafion was instituted Co address detached garages wbich take advantage of the more ]enient
setbacks for an accessory building. He outlined ways that the Board could reviaw such a structure
. and suggested that the code be changed to allow such struetures if they are within the principal
building setbacks.
Rehirn to the Bonrd:
Amendment #1, Transportation Demand Management Option Points. The purpose of
the amendment is to establish a points system to implement Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) requirements for office uses over a certain size threshold and for
parking reductions below code requirements and parking increases above code requirements,
S. Durian explained Yhe establishment of a points system to implement the TDM and said that the
points should address solutions to impacts. He explained how a proposal that requests 100 percent
of the required parking and a proposal that requests a parking reduction would both obtain points.
T. Nielsen suggested that Yha titles of (c) and (d) on page 61 of the staff inemorandum be changed
to read "Calculating the Number of Option Points Required far Office Space" and "Calculating the
Number oFOption Points Required for Parking Increases and Parking Reductions" respectively; that
the off ce size threshold of 3,000 feet be staYed explicitly; thaY on page 62 the points be separated by
bullets to make it more readable; and that the last point under Site SpeciFic TransportaYion Demand
iY[anagement Tachniques on page 62 regarding projects that contain a mix of residential and non-
residential uses be explained more Pully since the points system is for office uses. 5he said that this
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is a very detailed program, and she is not comfortable approving this plan until it has been tesCed.
B. Cole corrected the last sentence of thc second paragraph on page 61 to read "No person shall
occupy, construct, or operate any use of land in violation of its approved transportation deinand
management plan." B. Pommer suggested putting a chart in the specific transportation techniques
and breaking the point system into columns. She also said that she would like to have input from the
people who would be using this point system.
S. Durian explained that the building size of 3,000 square feet was based on one point for 10
employees assuming one employee per 300 square feet of office. He said that staff did not consider
floor area ratios (FARs) becaixse the square foot measurement is easier to calculate quickly. He
described the process by which the TDM plan was put together. He said that a formal work group
composed of Transportation staff developed the point system based on a study conducted by Charlier
and Associates in 1997. He said that the group analyzed an impact fee wheraby a developer would
pay a dollar amount, and that money would be spent by the city to make an improvement either on-
or off-site. He described the reasoning for developing a point system.
D. Gehr further explainad that one of the ideas discussed in developing a point system was a way
to pay a fee or tax in lieu of compliance. He said that an impact study would have to be conducted
to implement such a program which would not meet the timeline staff was trying to work under. He
• said that the structure used to devalop a point system was based on the energy options points
prograra so that flexibility could be built into the system. He said that the requirements of the
program would be in perpetuity, and if the landowner wished to do something different later, he
would be required to make a change through the city.
The Board asked that staff raturn with information on the alasticity of demand for the various tools
that will be used to help the Board compare and conYrast the different tools, to inchide data on
quantifying impacts, Yo skeCch out a few examples oF different scenarios, to outline other TDM
programs on the site, to determine where the fees might be directad if thare is a fee for every parking
place per month, to have sYandards and TDM strategies that relate to a travel mode shift, to determine
how such a parking or TDM agreement might be changed for an existing landowner ar a new
landowner who acquires the property, to determine what needs or does not need to be in the point
system, to determine program options, and to show how a performance-based system would be
MOTION: A. Gunter made a motion to continue the discussion on TDMs to December 6, 2901 as
the last item on the agenda. The motion failed for lack of a second. The Board generally thought that
this date would not give stafPsu~cient time for further analysis.
MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, saconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board contimied tha
discussion on Transportation Demand Management Option Poinis to Januaiy 17, 2002 (6-0),
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~ Planning Board Minutes
November 29, 2001
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Amendment #2, Reduce single family residential parking requirements in LR-D, MR-D
and HR-D. The purpose of the amendmant is to reduce the off-street parking requirement
for detached singie family residential units in the low, medium and high density
"developing" zoning districts, Crom 1.5 spaces to 1 space per unit.
B. Cole explained that this change would require one parking space for a single family detached unit
in these zones. He further explained that under certain circumstances in these zones multiple
detached units can be built on a single lot, and there may be situations where it may be advantageous
to haue more parking than jusC one per unit.
MOTION: On a motion hy A. O'Hashi, secondad by A. Gunter, the Planning Board approved the
staff recommendation to amend the bulk regulation of Section 9-3.2-i to require one off-street
parking space instead of 1.5 spaces for single family detached homas in the residential "developing"
zoning districts (6-0) as noted in the staff inemarandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation date
November 21, 2001) with the clarification that it is only a single detached unit on a lot as opposed
to one that has multiple units on the lot even if they are detached.
• Amendment #3, New Use Review criteria. The proposed amendment would establish use
review criteria to implement recently adopted policies to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive
• Plan which encourage the conservation of existing residential dwelling units.
The Board asked staff Yo address neighborhood institutional uses to either convert to another type
oPneighborhood institutional use ar to residential use; to address the net loss of residentia] units in
business zoning districts; and to address preservation and community character, Policy 2.13.
MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved the
staff recommendation to modify the Use Review criteria (6-0) as noted in the staff inemorandum
dated November 29, 2001 (preparation date November 21, 2001); and f~irther, tkat staff address the
issues as noted by the Board before it is sant to City Council.
Amendment #4, Larger restaurants without use review in the BMS-X zones. The
purpose of the amendment is to altow larger restaurants to locate in BMS-X zonas, such as
on the Hill, through a conditional review, instead of a use review.
The Board and stafP discussed the determination that 5,500 square feet for a restaurant in this zone
would be appropriate and what the impaets might be; the appropriate building size in a potential
histaric district; whether there could be more than one 5,000 square foot restaurant on the Hill
bacause of additional impacts; concern for what could happen to other BMS-X zones that have not
been developed; restriction of the atnendment to the Hill; determination of a realistic square footage;
meaningfulness of the 11:00 p.m. closing time; restricting the expansion to oue building rather than
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allowing cross connections; allowing one 5,500 square foot restaurant and restricting others to a
smaller square footage or requiring other requests of 5,500 square feet to go through a use review;
comparing the downtown and student areas in Fort Collins; the timeline for conditional use review
and use review processes; the existing standard for maximum restaurant size; and where impacts may
be more significant For by-right size, conditional review, and a use review. D. Gehr explained that
the exemption to allow breaking through a wali to combine spaces only applies in certain downtown
zoning districts and only above the first floor. He said that this exemption would not apply in the
BMS-X zone, except that cross connections can be done ifboth buildings are in common ownership.
MOTION: On a motion by T. Krueger, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board continued
this item to January 17, 2002, and asked that staff provide a revised ordinance based upon the
direction given by the Board (5-1; A. Gunter opposed). A. Gunter opposed the motion because he
said that he would like to address the issue sooner.
A. Gunter offered a friendly amendment that the item be reviewed by the Board on December 6 if
the analysis for the ordinance revision can be completed earliar. B. Pommer did not accept the
friendly amendment because of the public notification issue.
• Amendment #5, Standards for extensions of Site and Use Review approvals. The
• purpose of the amendment is to establish standards for extensions of use and site review
approval prior to expiration.
The Board and staff discussed granting an extension only for very extenuating circumstances, and
that economic cycles and market conditions are not extenuating circumstances; the provision of
evidence of substantial work towards completing the proj ect; and the kinds of evidence that would
be required to demonstrate reasonable diligence.
A. Gunter suggested striking the following phrases in the second sentence under 9-4-8 (b) (2) (A)
"...attempts to secure construction financing, drafting plans for building permit or technical
document review..." and striking the folIowing phrases in the first sentence under 9-4-8 (b) (2) (B)
"...or economic cyclas and market conditions prevented the construction of the project dLUing the
ariginal approval period." The vote was 3-3 (T. Nielsen, B, Pommer, and M. Cowles voted against
the suggestion). Since there was a tie vote, the Board upheld the staff recommendation to adopt the
new criteria as noted in the staff inemorandum dated Novernber 29, 2002 (preparation date
November 21, 2001).
Amendment 6, Rescission of Use and Site Review approvals. The purpose of the
amendment is to create a mechanism Co eliminate existing disci~etionary use review approvats
when the reason for the approval has terminated, and the property will return to con£orming
"by righY' status.
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• Pianning Board Minutes
Noveinber 29, 2001
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MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approved the
staff racommandation (5-0; T. Nielsen was not present for this item) as noted in Yhe staff
memorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparaCion date November 21, 2001).
Amendment 7, Split zoned buildings. The purpose of tlze amendment is to provide
direction for development on lots with more than one zoning category, specifically where an
existing stnicture is bisected by the zoning line.
MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board approved the
staffrecommendation to amend Section 9-3.1-2 (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present
for this item) as noted in the staff inemorandum datecl November 29, 2001 (preparation date
November 27, 2001) and with the added direction from the Board that there be no net loss of
residential use.
Amendment #8, Separation between principal and accessory strucfures. The purpose
of the amendment is to consider reduction of the existing six-foot minimum separation
requirement between principal and accessory buildings.
The Board and staff discussed developing criteria that broadens the scope for granting variances and
• the nead to ba cautious in how this would apply to other requests that the Board is not currently
considering; whether the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Building Appeals (BOZABA) looked at
other design solutions in the specific building permit application where the standards could be met;
a concern for changing the code and setting a precedent in such a situation; that there are a lot of
other solutions that could be reached without changing the code for this speciFic situation; concern
about the implications of such a change; whether the six-foot separation requirement is justified;
creation oP a distinction between enclosed and open structures to be less stringent on the open
steuctures; and the need for analysis of other uses that could be affected by a code change.
MOTION: On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board approved the
staff recommendation of no change to the current standard far Amendment #8 (5-1; A. Gunter
opposed) as proposed in the staff inemorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation date
November 21, 2001). A. Gunter opposed the motion because he said that thare is a solLrtion that
provides more flexibility anci would allow better buildings some places without a lot of unintended
Staff asked the Board to provide comments on the demolition regulations related to historic
structures. D. Wolfenbarger said that three code changes were recommended, inchiding designation
of discontiguous historic districts, change in the threshold of building size that could be reviewed
at the comuiittee level, and defnition of demolition, primarily to define demolition for review of
non-landmarked buildings. She explained the unintended consequences of the sxisting definition of
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Planning Board Mimrtes
• November 29, 2001
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demolition. She said that flie Landmarks Preseivation Advisory Board recommended approval of
these regulations to City Council. D. Gehr explained further that the change in definitiion woLild
apply to review of demolitions outside of the historic districts, and the purpose of the review is to
detenniue wllether the structure may have historic vatue. He said that if it is determined that~ the
building has histaric value, Yhen a stay of demolition is granted, and during that time alternatives to
either demolition or designation as an individual landmark are reviewed. The Board and stafF
discussed the fine imposed or additional controls on landowners who do not comply with the
existing demolition standards for laudmarked buildings (the Landmarks Board has full control over
new construction) and farnon-landmarked buildings (there is no additional penaltybeyond the fine);
how the 70 percent demolition standard was developed; and statistics of how many demolition
requests are approved at the committee level (75 percent), at the Board level (25 percant), and how
many requesYs at the Board level review have a stay placed on fhem. She said fhat onty one building
has been landmarked over owner objection.
Amendment #9, Street and Alley Tree Locations. The purpose of the amendment is to
clariFy where street trees and alley trees can be located when adjacent to alleys and within
front yard landscape setbacks.
MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board approved the
staff recommendation (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present for this item) as noted in
• the staff inemorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation date November 21, 2001).
Amendment #10, Definition of Building Envelope. The purpose of the amendment is to
create a definition far `Building Envelope."
MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approved
Yhe staffrecom~nendation (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger we~•e not present for this item) as noted
in the staffmemorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation date November 21, 2001).
Amendment #11, Protection of residential zones from height increases. The purpose of
the amendment is to clarify existing standards to protect "residential zoning districts" rather
than a specific use from impacts which are a result of building height. The amendment will
provide greater protection for residential zones.
Amendment #12, Forms of ownership for ADUs and OAUs. The purpose of the
amendment would add revocable living trusts as a fonn of allowable ownership for
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and Owner Accessory Units (OAU).
Amendment #13, Financial guarantees required prior to TCO. The purpose of the
amendment is to resolve inconsistency betwean Building Code and Land Use Regulations
regarding financial guarantees and issuance of Certificates of Occupancy.
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MOTION: On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approved the
staff recommendations on Amendments #ll, #12, and #13 (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were
not present for this item) as noted in the staff inemorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation
date November 21, 2001}.
Amendment #14, Revise definition of "setback." The purpose of the amendment is to
revise the definifion of "setback" to indicate that setbacks ara measured to the oLrter
perimeter of the building or structure whether above or below grade.
Amendment #I5, Mobile home variances. Tha pmpose of the amendment is to permit
variances to bulk standards for mobile homes located in mobile home parks not zoned MH-
Amendment #16, Consistent posting and notification requirements. The purpose of the
amendment is to establish consistent posting requirements for discretionary reviews,
including several conditional usa reviews which require public notification, as well as
variances, solar exceptions, and wetlands permits.
MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by M. Cowles, the Planning Board approved the
staffrecommendation for Amendments #24, #15, and #26 (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were
• not present for this item) as noted in the staff inemorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation
date November 21, 2001).
Amendment #17, Use charts - referral to definitions. The purpose of the amendment is
to identify that each land use category foLmd in the land use tables has a specific definition
and users of the code should refer to the definition section.
The Boaz~d and staff discussed that the use category showu in the charts is a general description that
may represent a broader range of uses than indicated, and that the use chart and definitions should
be reviewed.
Amendment #18, Method of Calculating Slope. The purpose of the amendment is to
establish a simplified method of calculating "slope" such that correct building height
measurement procedures can be selected.
The Board and stafFdiscussed the cross-section example that shows that the center portion of the lot
is the only buildable portion of the lot, that the bulk of the slope is in the rear yard setback, and that
it would adversely impact the calculatioil for the most 1eve1 part of the site.
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• Amendment #19, Recreational uses in residential zones. The purpose of the amendment
is to create consistent land use terms for recreational uses that are allowed to be considered
in residential zones,
• Amendment #20, Graphics for setback averaging. The purpose of the amendment is to
provide a graphic showing an example of setback averaging in the appendices.
• Amendment #21, Variance application submittal reqnirements. The purpose of the
amendment is to revise the minimum variance application materials requirements to include
floor plans, demolition plans, and architectural elevations.
• Amendment #22, Removal of unrelated code language. The purpose of the amendment
is a code correction to remove incorrect, unrelated language in a cross-reference.
• Amendment #23, Options chart - wireless telecommunications antennae. The purpose
of the amendment is to add a chart of locational options for wireless telecommunication
MOTION: On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approvad the
staff recommendations for Amendments 17-23 (4-0; T. Nielsem and T. Krneger were not present
• for this item) as noted in the staff inemorandum dated November 29, 2001 (preparation date
November 21, 2001). A. Gunter offered a friendly amendment to add a standard under Section 9-
3.2-3 (Amendment 18) that would allow existing buildings to use 25 feet from the building around
the building as tha area that would be used for measuring the slope. M. Cowles and B. Pommer
accepted the friendly amendment.
The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m.
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