Meeting Summary Form - Planning Board - 11/29/2001CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: P13llt11tlg BOaTd DATE OF MEF.TING: NOVC1ttUCT 29, 2001 NAME/TELF,PHONC OF PERSON PREPANING SUMMA2Y: Mary LOVTIOR, 441 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF AND INVITEU GUESTS PRESF.NT: Board Members Present: Macon Cowles, Al Gunter, Thom Krueger, Tina Nielsen, Alan O'Hashi, $eth Pommer Staff Members Present: Bob Cole, Steve Durian, Don Durso, David Gehr, Gary Kretschmer, Mary Lovrien, Peter Pollock, Deon OUTLINE OF AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER - The Planning Board declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There were no minutes to approve. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - There was no citizen participation. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS - The Board discussed the lack of development activity for the Cox Corner Subdivision. The Board had no comments on the technica] document review for 1565 Kalmia Avenue. 5. MATTERSFROMTHEPLANNINGBOARD,PLANNINGDIRECTOR,ANDCITYATTORNEY-P.Pollock explained that the Planning 101 course will not occur until nextyear, but the videos from last year's course will be shown on Channel8. The Board and staff discussed the outreach that will be conducted regarding the vacancies on the Planning Department boards; that the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) does not have review authority in the code for land use issues; the need to have suggested transportation policies match the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policies; and the discussion about Transportation Demand Management at the joint TAB/Planning Board meeting on November 27 and the suggestion that an experienced consultant be hired to assist in the analysis. 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of amendments to Title 9, Land Use Regulations. The changes include, but are not limited to, create Transportation Demand Management criteria, add several new definitions to the Code, allow breezeway and walkway connections between the principal and accessory buildings, allow variances for non- mobile homes in non-mobile home zoned parks, establish use review criteria to implement recently-adopted policies oS'the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, establish consistent posting requirements fbr discretionary and conditional use reviews, reduce off-street parking requirements in tlte LR-D zoning districts, aud establish a method to calculate slope as it relates to building height measurement. Also, the Bosrd is asked to review and comment on Title 8 changes regarding encroachments into the right of way and Title 10 changes regarding the historic preservation demolition ordinance. The Planning Board approved a motion to continue the following amendments to January 17, 2002: Amendment #1, Transportation Demand Management optionpoints and Amendment #4, allowing larger restaurants without use review in the BMS-X zones. The Board approved the following amendments: Amendment #2, reduction of single family residential parking requirements in LR-D, MR-D, and HR-D zones (6-0); Amendment #3, New Use Review criteria (6-0); Amendment #5, Standards for extensions of Site and Use Review approvals (6-0); Amendment #6, Rescission of Use and Site Review approvals (5-0; T. Nielsen was not present for this item); Amendment #7, Split zoned buildings (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Kn~eger were not present for this item); Amendment #8, Separation between principal and accessory structures (5-1; A. Gunter opposed). A. Gunter opposed the motion because he said that there is a solution that provides mare flexibility and would allow better buildings without a lot of unintended consequences; Amendment #9, Street and Alley Tree Locations (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present for this item); Amendment #1Q DeFinition of Building Envelope (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present far this item); Ameudment #ll, Protection of residential zones from height increases, Amendment #12, Forms of ownership for ADUs and OAUs, and Amendment #13, Financial guarantees required prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present for this item); Amendment #14, Revision ofthe definition of"setback," Amendment #15, Mobile home variances, and Amendment #16, Consistent posting and notification requirements (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present for this item); Amendment #17, Use charts - referral to definitions, Amendment #18, Mathod of calculating slope, Amendment #19, Recreational uses in residential zones, Amendment #10, Graphics for setbackaveraging, Amendment#21, Variance application submittal requirements, Amendment #22, Removal of unrelated code language, and Amendment #23, Options chart - wireless telecommunications antennae (4-0; T. Nielsen and T. Krueger were not present for this itam). 7. ADJOURNMENT - The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m.