Meeting Summary Form - Planning Board - 11/15/2001CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ME~TING SUMMARY i'ORM NAMCS OF MEMHERS, S7'AFF AND INVITED GOF.STS PRF.SEN7': Board Membcrs Present: Macon Cowles, A1 Guuter, Thom Krueger, Tina Nielsen, Alau O'Hashi, Betl~ Pommer, Mark Rnzzin Staff Members Present: David Gehr, Bev Johnson, Mary Lovrien, Ruth McHeyser, Peter Pollock OUTLINE OF AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDF.R - The Planning Roard deelared a quonun at 6:05 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of August 2, September 6, and October 4, 2001 were approved. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - Laura Conley from the Newlands Neighborhood Group spoke about "pop-ups" and "scrape offs." She presanted a packet of materials of Yhe results of a neigbborhood survey, including views on home construcYion, homes that have been sold in the Newlands neighborhood over the ]ast five years, examples of homes that are common in the Newlands neighborhood, what the neighborhood considers appropriate and inappropriate remodels, and an article concerning review guidelines for new and second floor remodels for single family homes in Palo Alto, California. She urged the Board to review this item in its 2002 work program. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNTNG BOARD CALL-UPS - The Board discussed the reason for the subdivision for 1495 Canyon Boulevard and the potenCial for residential redevelopment on the lots. 5. MATTERS FROiVI THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANIVING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY - T. Krueger asked staffto ensure tbat the Intemational Energy Conaervation Code forms are easily obtained. P. Pollock gave updates on the following: the Four Mile Canyon Creek area meeting regarding the propoaed annexation and zoning of the property at 47th, Kalmia, and Jay, the neighborhood meeting regarding the McKenzie Junction projecY, the City Council dacision for tha downtown zoning, and the SOth anniversary Planning Department celebration. R. MeAeyser reported on the second meeting of the Jobs to Population Balance Task Force. She said that City Council supported the ~ more expanded direction requested from the Task Force and Planning Board. The Board and staff discussed calendar issues. 6. ACTION ITEM A. Pnblic hearing and recommendation to City Council regarding the Bonider Valley Compeehensive Plan (BVCP) Action Plan. The Planning Board approved a recommendation that City Council adopt the $oulder Vallsy Comprehensive Plan Aetion Plan as presented in the staff inemorandum and as amended by the Board (G-0; M. Cowles was not present for this item). 7. bISCUSSION ITEM A. Discassion regarding the 2001-2002 Planning Department Work Progra~n. P. Pollock asked tha Board to help identify the high- and low-priority projects for the Planning Department work program that will be presented to City Council at their retreat. R McHeyser discussed the phases of the annexation policy, including annexations of enclavas, fuAy-developed Area II parcels, and westem edge properties (Phase I), group aunexations (Phase II), and fully- or largely- developed commercial properties (Phase III). The Board asked staff to focus on commercial annexations either before Uie group annexations ar concurrently; review Phase III in association with the Jobs to Population Balance project; and provide an economic analysis for the city, the cosYs of the pollution to Boulder's creeks from ]eakage from private Ieach fields in individual and group annexat'rous, and an economic value for intangibles such as redevelopmentpotential, market perception, and quantity and quality of welis for annexed and non-annexed, developed and vacant land. The Board and staff discussed the need for a design review for new commercial development that is outside the purview of the Downtown Design Advisory Board; the downtown zoning analysis regarding third floors along Pearl Street from 9th to 18th Streets; ~nd items that are not on the work program. The Board was concerned about "scrape-offs" and "pop-ups" in the community and asked staff to add this item to its 2002 work program. ll. Gehr presented a memorandum that outlines how the staff, through the development review process, dralts conditions of approvals. He also provic3ed in'formation on the constraints on drafting conditions, the protection afforded by vested rights and standards that are not ~ protected, and a draft of the 1999 Standard Conditions List which contains frequently used standard conditions and a selected list of conditions from recent Planning Board approvals. M. Ruzzin thanked the Board and staff for their support ~ while he was on the Planning Board. The 13oard decided not to requesl temporary Board assignments until the appointments arc made by City Council. 7. ADJOURNMF.NT - The Plannine 13 NAhfE/TE/,EPHONE OF YERSON PRF,YARINC SUMMARY: 1V[aCy I.OVCieri, 441-4464