5 - Meeting Agenda, 10/25/02City of Boulder Development Review Committee MEETING AGENDA 1739 Broadway, Room 401 8:30 a.m. 10/25/2001 PROJECT DISCUSSIONS PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED for 10/31/01 John McGowan 1:00 p.m. Kevin Kelley 2:00 p.m. COUNTY REFERRALS Boulder Emergency Squad Larry & Simine Tepper 3840 Spring Valley Road TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS REVIEW KEY ISSUES for TRACK 42 NEW CASES Applicant Name Development Name Address CAVA/TEBO DELLA CANYON GATE PLAZA 2700 CANYON BL PETER STAINTON HORIZON WAY 313 FOXTAIL CT CHRISTIAN GRIFFITH 905 MARINE 905 MARINE ST ERIC NEAR No Development Named 3375 MITCHELL LN DENNIS WYATT SAFEWAY #1615 - RETAIL CENTER 3325 28T" ST 3640 Walnut Don Durso 3600 Hazelwood Brent Bean Use Review Special Use ReviewlSite Specific Development Nan Johnson Plan for a quasi-public facility for a non-profit DUE 11/16/01 Emergency rescue services agency. Site Plan Review for the construction of a Nan Johnson 9,605 sq. ft. addition to an existing 4,482 sq. ft, DUE 10/29/01 residence of which 825 sq ft will be demolished. Case Number Case Manager Review Type TEC2001-00051 Liz Hanson Utility Plan, CDOT, Stormwater Plan, ROW/Easement, Final Architecture, Final Landscaping TEC2001-00052 Robert Myers Lot Line Elimination TEC2001-00053 Don Durso Lot Line Adjustment TEC2001-00054 Robert Myers Lot Line Elimination TEC2001-00055 Nan Johnson Utility Plan, Stormwater Plan, Stormwater Report, Final Landscaping, Final Site Plan REVIEW OF REVISIONS Applicant Name Case Number Development Name Review Type Address RICHARQ MCCABE TEC2001-00033 CARRIE SUBDIVISION Utility Plan, Transportation, Subdivision/Final 597 LEE HILL DR Plat, Stormwater Plan, Stormwater Report, Final Landscaping WAYNE KUHN TEC2001-00034 BOULDER COUNTY NORTH BROADWAY Utility Plan, Development Agreement, Stormwater 3482 BROADWAY Plan, Stormwater Report, Final Architecture, Final Landscaping, Final Site Plan JIM CHANIN KAtMIA GROVE 1565 KALM IA AV GREG GASTINEAU WALNU7 CANYON BLOCK 1495 CANYON BL TEC2001-00038 Subdivision/Final Plat, Slormwater Report TEC2001-00040 Subdivision/Final Plat Case Manager Brent Bean Mike Randall Don Durso BrentBean JERRY LEE TEC2001-00041 Brent Bean ONE BOULDER PLAZA Utility Plan, Stormwater Plan, Stormwater Report, 1301 CANYON BLVD Final Architecture, Final Landscaping, Final Site Plan ~~\ TO: CENTRAL RECORDS FROM: ,~~Y~n~~ ,~~a~~ (Name/ Bo Or Comm ' n) PLEASE add these items to Meeting Packet of: /1-i-o~ (Date of Meeting) CITY OF BOULDER TO: Jobs to Population Balance Task Force FROM: Ron Secrist, City Manager Planning Department Peter Pollock, Planning Director Ruth McHeyser, Director oF Long Range Planning Louise Grauer, Planner DATE: 7 September, 200t RE: Description of the Jobs to Population Balance Project Background The Jobs to Population Balance project grew out of discussions and conclusions identified during the course of the Yeaz 2000 Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, a major five-year update to the Plan. City Council discussed the project and the specific purpose and rola of the Task Force on several occasions over the last few months. This memorandum will summarize the most recent discussion at the City Council meeting on September 4, 2001. It includes recommendations from the City Manager, City Council, and Planning Staff regarding the scope, role, and timeline for the Jobs to Population Balance Project. The recommendations described below are the starting point for the Task Force which, during the course of its work, can go back to City Council with proposed changes from those outlined below. Since the Task Force will not inciude representatives from City Council, Planning Board, or other boards, City Council has requested frequent updates specifically with Council and Planning Board. A facilitator, Mike Hughes, has been engaged by the City to manage the task.force meetings, to work with staff and task force members to set the meeting agendas, and to work with staff and task force members between meetings to prepare each task force meeting. Staff has proposed that the process is completed in a year's time frame, and City Counci] has requested staff to idendfy ways to fiuther reduce that time frame. Purpose The City Council has concurred with the staff recommendation that the recently adopted Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policy on Jobs to Population Balance provide the direction for the project. The 8na1 wording of the policy has resulted from piecemeal editing by all four signatory bodies to the Comprehensive Plan. City Council recently agreed with the County Commissioners' condition that staff bring back the results of the jobs to population project to all four signatory bodies to be integrated into a future comprehansive plan amendment. The S:plan\co-etems~nemosUg jobs to pop fask force 9 4 Ol.doc Page I approved Jobs to Population Balance policy is included in bold below and will provide the direction for the Task Force. JOBS: POPULATION BALANCE. In recent years, employment in the city has grown significantly more than housing. This has resulted in increased in commu4ing, a,greater daytime popularion, and a general increase in traffic congesfion and 6ousing prices. In the year Z000, the ratio of fhe number of jobs to the population in the Boulder Valley was estimated at .92:1 (107,074 jobs: 114,580 popularion). If current trends continue, the ratio is projected to become 1.21:1 by the year 2020. The generally accepted planning standard for a balanced jobs-to-population ratio is .65 to 1. Given current policies, the city and county agree that the current ratio within the Boulder Valley exceeds an appropriate ratio and the planning standard, and that a worsening of that ratio beyond 1:1 will lead to greater regional traffic congestion, affordable housing shortfalls, and other negative impacts on the community as a whole. The city will therefore embark on a public process to determine whether or not the 1:1 ratio is appropriate. This will be accomplished through a public process that witl establish an appropriate and acceptable jobs-to- population ratio and identify a combination of acrions that will reduce the amount of commercial growth, create more affordable housing, and mitigate t6e impacts of traffic congestion. Role of the Task Force The role of the Task Force is: To assist the city of Boulder's staff, Planning Board, and City Council as they explore the desirable jobs to population ratio and the coaesponding implementation measures. This will consist primarily of generating alternative future jobs to population scenarios and examining the implications and costs and benefits of each scenario. The scenarios should include a current trends altemative (no intervention), one that comes close to balancing new jobs and population, and several others between these two. • Learn about existing commercial zoning and current development trends • Examine projecHons for future commercial development, inctuding examining the methods used to generate the projections and the assumptions that underlie the projections • Offer advice about how to improve the quality and potential accuracy of the projections • Offer advice about how best to involve the public in evaluating different future scenarios and providing input to staff, Planning Board, and City Council • Offer advice about the implementation of a jobs to population ratio that could be realistically achieved S:plan\cc-items~cnemos\lg jobs to pop task force 9 4 Ol.doc Page 2 Role of City Staff The following are the roles of city staff: • To provide the expertise, resources, and information needed for the task force to accomplish their tasks as outline' above; • To meet with Planning Board and City Council, and other boazds, as needed in joint study sessions as well as regular updates to keep them informed of the progress of the project; • To meet regulazly with an interdepartmental coordinating group, including planning, transportation, and housing, and ensure coordination with the transportation master plan (TMP) update. • To work with the facilitator and task force members to set agendas for the task force meetings; • To carry out the public process; • To summarize the work of the task force and the results of the public process to Planning Board and City Council to make final recommendations. Project Assumptions The primarv focus of the project is the commercial zones which were not analyzed as part of the 1997 Comprehensive Rezoning, but the proiect should also consider incentive based strategies for the zones that were revised in 1997. The city's 1997 Comprehensive Rezoning project reduced potential future job growth by an estimated 12,000 jobs in the industrial zones, in commercial zones downtown, and in North Boulder through purchase and regulatory changes. Transportation demand management strateQies will also be included. Boulder has already implemented the easy and even some difficult transportation demand management (TDMs) strategies to reduce traffic impacts. In conjunction with the Update to the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and this project, additional transportation demand management strategies will be explored, particularly geared to employee pazking citywide. • There should be a public outreach effort that includes the public at each phase of the project. • BVCP Polic~as direction. The charge and direction for the task force will come from the new Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policy on Jobs to Population Balance. • Coordination between the jobs to population balance project and the update to the Transportation Master Plan (TMP.) Whenever possible, joint efforts will be undertaken. S:plan\cc-items~nemosUg jobs to pop task force 9 4 Ol.doc Page 3 Proposed Timeline Project Start-U~ SelecU meet with facilitator Agreement on titneline, roles, assumptions, direction City Manager makes final appointrnents to task force Background information/ Briefing papers Phase I Convene the first meeting of the Task Force Additional task force meetings Agreement on: AssumpYions for employment projections* Additional information needed June - October Completed September 4 September October October - Januarv 02 October 30 October - December Objectives for public process/ public process Process to develop scenarios/ Number and range of scenarios Process to evaluate scenarios Possible educational guest panelist program/ public event Report back to Planning Board and City Council, Phase I Phase II Build scenarios / alternative jobs to population ratios Travel demand management alternatives* Impact Analysis, including costs and benefits of each scenario* Report to Planning Board and City Council on scenarios Completion of the Task Force work Phase III Public process Phase IV Final recommendations considered by Planning Board and City Council * - Possible consultant help needed January 02 January 02 Februat~- May 02 January - April May M~ - Ju1~02 Au~ust - September 02 sz :h wd 6~ na~ iaoz S:plan\cc-items~ntemosUg jobs to pop task force 9 4 01~~~ U;) ; ~~ ~7 ~, ,~~~~, ~ 2i3(Ip17(7ED ~p~~ ~ 110J~ Page 4