5 - Matters from the Planning Board, Information ItemsOF
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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Workshop
The City of Boulder invites you to participate in a two-day Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) Workshop to learn more about the initiative and to get
your input.
DATES: Monday & Tuesday, Dec. 10 & 11, 2001
TIME: 8:30 a.m.-0:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Boulder County Clerk & Recorder Building
1750 33`d St.
Pubtic Meeting Room
Energy conservation and efficiency are top priorities for the City of Boulder. Earlier this
year and in support of this goal, the city:
adopted the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for both residential and
commercial construction, and
updated the Residential Green Points Program, inciuding providing incentives for
reducing construction and demolition waste and promoting recycling and reuse.
The city is now undertaking the evaluation and development of a Commercial Green
Points Program using the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
green building rating system as a model. The LEED Green Building Rating System is a
priority program of the US Green Building Council.
Gregory Franta of the Ensar Group, Inc. will conduct this workshop and will:
^ explain the specific requirements for LEED,
^ focus on associated costs and benefits,
^ discuss how LEED is being used for city projects, and
• address how LEED could be further implemented in the community.
We hope you can join us at this valuable discussion and learning session. Feel free to
invite designers or other interested parties that may not have received an invitation to
this meeting. Please R.S.V.P. by contacting Vanessa Bonner at 303-441-3879.