11/29/2001 Planning Board Agenda*Central Records ~ CITY OF BOULDER r,~/~~~:~,L~ PLANNING BOARD MEETING Ai ~(i DATE; November 29, 2001 TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZEN PARTICIPATTON DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of amendments to Title 9, Land Use Regulations. The changes include, but are not limited to, create Transportation Demand Management criteria, add several new definitions to the Code, allow breezeway and walkway connections between the principal and accessory buildings, allow variances for non-mobile homes in non-mobile home zoned parks, establish use review criteria to implement recently-adopted policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, estabiish consistent posting requirements for discretionary and conditional use reviews, reduce off-street parking requirements in the LR-D zoning districts, and establish a method to calculate slope as it relates to building height measurement. Also, the Board is asked to review and comment on Title 8 changes regarding encroachments into the right of way and Title 10 changes regarding the historic preservation demolition ordinance. Project Manager: Gary Kretschmer 7 ADJOURNMENT For more information call 303-441-1880. Board packets are available online at www.ci boulder.co.us/pwalan/, at the Boulder Public Main Library's Reference Desk, or at the Planning Department reception area "* * SEE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR MEETING GUIDELINES *"* MEETIlVG GUIDELINES ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AND Tf~ PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE PLAIdNING BOARD ARE THE BASIS FOR TI3E PLANDIING BOARD MEETING GUIDELINES. Tf~SE ARE PROCEDURAL GUlIDELINES AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE BOARD AT THE MEETING. CALL TO ORDER The Board must have a quonun (four members present and capable of voting} before the meeting can be called to order. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Board may rearrange the ordeY of the Agenda or delete items for good cause. The Boazd may not add itetns requiring norice. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The public is welcome to address the Board during the Citizett Participation portion of the meeting regarding any item not on the agenda (which includes Matters from the Boazd and Itetns for Discussion/Infottnation). 5 minutes maxunum* per speaker. Any exhibiu introduced into the record at this time must be provided in quantiries of ten (10) to the Secretary for distribution to the Board and admission into the record. CONSENT CALENDAR '' Items of busi»ess on the consent calendar may be removed to the acrion items for discussion. If no consent items are removed, the consent calendar is understood to be endorsed or recognized as approved. All items on the consent calendar are approved by one motion. Anyone who would like to request that the Board remove an item from the consent calendar may do so during the public hearing. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORIVEY Any Planning Board member, the D'uecror or the Ciry Attomey may introduce before the Boazd matters which are not included in the foimal agenda. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/INFORMATION Discussion/information items do not require moHons of approval or recommendation. ACTION ITEMS An action item requires a motion and a vote. The general format for hearing of an action item is as follows: 1. Presentations a. 5 minute maximum* staff presentaHon b. 15 minute maximumR applicant presentatioa Any exhibits introduced into the record at 0us timo must be provided in quantities of ten (10) to the Sectetary for distribution to the Boazd and admission into the record. c. Planning Boazd questioning of staff or applicant Sor information only. 2. Public Hearing a. 3 minutes maximum' per speaker. All speakers wishing to pool their time must be present and time allotted will be determined by the Chair. No pooled time presentaHon will be permitted to exceed ten minutes total. Spealcers are requested not to repeat items addressed by previous speakers other thaa to express points af agreement or disagreement Any e~ibiu introduced into the record at this time must be provided in quantiees of ten (10) to fl~e Secretary for distribuHon to the Boazd and admission into the record. b. 5 minute maximum' staft'response to any issue raised during the public hearing. 3. Board Actlon a. Board motion. Motions may take any number of forms. With regard to a specific develapment proposal, the motion generally is to approve the project (with or without conditions), to deny it, or to continue the matter to a date certain (generally in order to obtain additional infoimation). b. Boazd discussion. 77~is is undertakrn entirely by members of the Board. The applicant, members of the public or ciry staff participate only if called upon by the Chair. c. Boazd action (the vote). An affirmativa vote of at least four members of the Board is required W pass a undon approviag any action. If the vote taken results in a tie, a vote of t}uee to two, or a vote of fluee to one in favoi of approval, the applicant shall be automatically allowed a nhearing upon requesting the same in writing within seven deys. ADJOURNMENT The Board's goal is that rogular meetings adjoum by 10:30 p.m and that study sessions adjourn by ] 0:00 p.m Agenda items will not be coimnenced after 10:00 p.m. except by majority vou of Board metnbers present. • 7Le Chair may Irngthen or shonen the time allatted as appropriate. If the allotled time is eacetded, the Chair may request that the spwker conclude hia or htt comments. h:Wata\cu~bms~pbguide.l.n