Meeting Summary Form - Planning Board - 10/18/2001CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM nnMe oF nonlinicorvtrvuss~orv: Planning Board oATr o~ mFFTmc: October 18, 2001 NAMF,/TF.LEPFlONE OF PERSON PREI'ARING SUMMARY: Mary LoVneR, 441-4464 NAMF.S OF MF.MB~RS, STARF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESEN'C: Board Members Present: Macon Cowles, A1 Gnuter, Thom Krueger, Tina Nielsen, Alan O'Hashi, Betli Pommer, Mark Ruzzin Staff Members Present: Brent Bean, Bob Cole, David Gehr, Mary Lovrien, Peter Pollock, Mike Randall OUTLINE OF AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER - The Planning Board declared a quorum at 6:00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of May 24, 7une 21, June 28, and July 19, 2001 were approved. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - Ricky Weiser commented that the controversy regarding the trail alignment along the railroad corridor between 75th and 95th Streets and the canal trail is not being handled well. She asked the Board to stay focused on these issues. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS - The Board had no comments on the Planning Department disposition (Floodplain Development Permit for 21214th Street Sunshine Creek Conveyance Zone) or the Planning Board dispositions (1320 Meadow Avenue and 1744 30th Sheet Retail/OfPice Building). 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTOI2NEY-M. Cowles asked that the Planning Board minutes from the meeting on May 24, 2001 regarding the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan be given to the other three approval bodies (Board of County Commissioners, County Planning Commission, and City Council) and the same minutes regarding the commercial growth management discussion be given to the Jobs to Population Task Force. He asked that the developers of the North Boulder Village Center be apprised of the Board's position with respect to the Holiday Drive-in Theater site to help them with their design. A. Gimter commented on the need for more housing in the region and why housing remains less affordable. T. Nielsen suggested that the Board tour ! the new recycling center. P. Pallock discussed tl~e charge of the Jobs to Population Balance Task Porce and said that their first meeting will be held on October 30. He discussed a letter &om a citizen regarding notification of the neighborhood meeting to discuss the county Sundquist Building. He noted the following upcoming meetings: a Leadership Yhrough Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) training on October 22; a staff training froin a developer's perspective entitled Development 101 on October 23; Four Mile Creek neighborhood meeting on November 6; and the SOth anniversary of the Planning Department on November 7. I-Ie distributed a copy ofthe Crossroads FrameworkPlan, he gave a brief outline of the University Hill zoning study that the Board will discuss on October 25, and distributed a copy of last year's questions that were asked of prospective Planning Board applicants and asked for suggestions for other questions for the interviews this year. 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a Concept Review and Comment #LUR2001-00043 for tLe fourth phase of Oue Boulder Plaza, located south of Walnat between 13th and 14th Streets, to review a proposal for development of' up to 99,000 sqaare Feet of retail, ofTice, and residential use within a four-story building with heights of up to 55 feet. B. Bean addressed four issues of concem (additional square footage above the permitted Floor Area Ratio (FAR), setback sLiggesYions for the second and third floors, the existence of the drive-up facility along Walnut Street, and the use of FAR if the existing drive-up facility is eliminated). Jerry Lee discussed the building, the underground parking, rerouting a sewer line to connect the proposed underground parking wifh the approved underground parking south of the site, the appropriateness of residential units on the second floor, and the setback for the top floors. Bill Reynolds discussed the reasons to build more residential units, how costs can be minimized by stacking the residential units so that each unit can be less expensive to buy, average size of eaoh unit, the lease arrangement for the property to the west, and the on-site affordable units. Charles Deane described the two development alternatives on the drive-up facility site should that use be eliminated, the architectural feature on the northeast corner of the building, and the setbacks Por the top two floors. The Board reviewed the key issues and commented in particular on the shading that • would happen along Walnut Street, setbacks for the top floors to provide open space far the residents, the orientation of the residential lobby, and the building of the affordable units on the site. B. Public hearing ~nd consideration of n Cmuept Revie~v and Comment #LUR2001-00048 for Gnnbarrel Town Center, for a mixed nse plan comprised of approximately 138 dwelling units and 200,000 square f'eet of commercial spnce located at the sonthwest corner of Lookout RoRd and Gnnpark Drive. M. Randall described the proposed uses for the site, including residential units, office use, and retail, and discussed wetland'issues. He addressed the key issues (conformance to the goals and objectives of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, compatibility of the building designs with the types oFuses in the area, presentation of an attractive streetscape and incorporation of design elements appropriate to a pedestrian scale,inclusion of a variety of uses and spaces that are conducive to pedestrian/bike use, neighUorhood service and community activities, and modifications to development standards for parking, open space, and I~eight). Terry O'Connor addressed the public notification For this meeting, he explained the history of the planning of the property since he purchased it in 1991, how the plan exemplifies "smart growth," the necessity for a reduction of the open space requirement for residential units, the benefits from such a developmant, and the jobs Yo population imbalance. Eric Hurtronft described the challenges in creating a successful retail center, along with housing, that will meet the needs of the people of Gunbairel. He described the concept for the interior of the site and the proposed uses. The Board reviewed the key issues and oommented on the need to integrate this development with the existing ahopping center adj acent to the proposed site, provision of more residential units or less commercial on the site, the need to address the wetlands on the site, provision of the affordable housing on site, provision of bicycle and pedestrian linkages to the site, the parking reduction, development of a transportation demand management plan, the mix of shops and retail, and continuation of the neighborhood discussions. 7. ADJOUI2NMENT - The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:45 p.m. TIME & LOCATION OF ANY FUTURE MEETINCS, COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL FIEARINGS: October 25, 2001 • .