7B - Amend Height Provisions for the RB1-E and RB1-X Zoning DistrictsMEMORANDUM
MEETING DATE: October 4, 2001
(Agenda Item Preparation Date: September 28, 2001)
i) Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on an
ordinance to amend the conditional height provisions for the RB 1-E and RB 1-X
zoning districts set forth in section 9-3,2-4, B.R.C., 1981, and setting forth details in
relation thereto.
ii) Discussion concerning other recommendations from the Downtown zoning analysis.
Planning Department
Petar Pollock, Planning Director
Neil Holthouser, Planner
Bohdy Hedgecock, Intern
On July 11, 2001, the Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend to City Council the
elimination of the conditional height provisions for the RB1-E and RB1-X zoning districts (see
Attachment $) set Forth in Section 9-3.2-4, B.R.C., 1981. This provision allows for a third floor
and up to a 45-foot high building for properties at the interseciion of two public streets within an
area defined by 50 feet along the front yard and 70 feet along the side yard, with review and
approval at the staff level. The effect of this action is that during Uie 120-day period after the
Planning Board action, the city shall not approve an application for a conditional height as
described above. The 120-day provision lasts until November 8, 2001.
Significant concerns have been raised regarding the appropriateness of third floor additions in
the downtown, especially along east and west PearL These concerns have stemmed from the site
review process associated with 902 Pearl Street and a general review of the status of the
downtown plan discussed at the Downtown Alliance meeting of June 9, 2001.
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The 902 Pearl Street site is zoned RB1-X. The applicant has proposed a mixed-use project with
retail, office, and up to nine residential units. Building height would be up to 45 feet, and the
floor area ratio would be almost 2.2:1, the maximum perniitted in the RB1-X zone with the
addition of residential units. In addition to the prominently featured issues associated with view
blockage from the West End Tavern roof deck, and the larger issue of mixing residential uses
into a commercial environment, there is an issue raised by the mass and scale of the structure in
the context of the south side of Pearl Street running from the end of the Mall to 9`h Street. These
concerns have been raised by members of the Downtown Design Advisary Board, the
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, numerous members of the public, and the planning
staff itself in its review of 902 Pearl. (See staFf comments, which include comments from the
Landmarks Board, re: 902 Pearl, Attachxnent C).
Similar concems were expressed by some at the Downtown Alliance meeting of 7une 9. While
the Alliance is not a voting body, some of the constituencies represented at the meeting raised
the issue of the appropriateness of the mass and scale of recently developed, approved, or
pending projects.
Staff has been conducting an analysis of zoning in the downtown, focusing on the conditiona]
height provision in the RB1-E and RBl-X zones and the FAR (Floor area ratio) bonus for
residential uses and parking along the Pearl Street corridor from 9`h Street to 18`h Street. Initial
analysis indicates 25 parcels of land where the conditional height provision could apply. Staff
has conducted an urban design analysis using the services of Civitas, met with affected property
owners and a variety of boards and commissions, held an open house for the community as a
whole, and met with the Downtown Alliance. (See Downtown Zoning Review Schedule and
public comment sheeYs, Attachment D).
The purpose of this agenda item is to secure a recommendation from Planning Board
concerning the conditional height provisions in the RBl zones. Staff is recommending that
the issue of third floor additions along Pe~rl Street from 9`h to 18`h streets be further
analyzed by a task force made up of representatives from the Downtown Alliance before
any formal action is taken.
Conditional Height Review for Corner Buildings
The Downtown Alliance was formed in 1996 to bring together the various interests within the
downtown business district. They were charged specifically with developing a plan that would
help the city in guiding future development to maintain the downtown's livability, protect its
historic character, and maintain the quality of life of surrounding neighborhoods. The Alliance
proposals were largely incorporated into the 1997 Comprehensive Rezoning and were adopted
by the city through that process.
In terms of building height, the Alliance report, (The Downtown Alliance Final Report, A
Proposal for the Downtown Central Business District, September 1997), suggests that, while
two-story buildings would likely be the predominate building size downtown, a variation of
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building heights would be desirable. "The idea was to develop, through the downtown design
guidelines, measures that would encourage both vertical as well as horizontal variations in
buildings to help reduce the visual building scale. The by-right 1.7 FAR was designed to
produce a two-story building with a 15-foot rear yard set back. The two-story building can be
designed in a number of building configurations that would result in a one-story front or side-
yard, a two-story portion of the front fa9ade facing the straet, and a three-story set back area," 1
The specific design criteria encouraged for non-residential uses (not including parking), as
defined in the Planning Board Workbook for April 23 & 24, 1997, are:
• First floor, 14 feet floor to floor
• Second floor and above, 12 feet floor to floor
• 35 feet, by-right height with two stories maximum allowable within the 35 feet. Above by
right requires heighUsite review. (This allows a 14-foot first floor, ]2-foot second floor and
9-feet for structure including a pitched roof of up to 3:4 pitch.)
• A third floor would add 12 feet with a maximum of 45 feet in height to the top of the
• A fourth floor would be allowed up to the 55 feet maximum height. (The proposed Floor
Area Ratio's for each of the new zones will offer only minimal opporiunities for the creation
of four-story buildings. Further, if a fourth story is possible, setback requirements will place
it well behind the building's build-to line.)
Discussion of the conditional height review clause for corner buildings is minimal in the Alliance
Report and Planning Board and City Council Memos and Minutes. The apparent reasoning for
the additional height allowance was to encourage building variation, while maintaining the
downtown's overall character. "New buitdings wiil need to create a downtown character that
supports and enhances the predominate scale of the downtown in order to create the sense of a
central place. In a number of locations corner buildings could provide a visual terminus to each
block. To allow Por this type of variation, a 45 feet by-right is proposed while keeping the 1.7
FAR by-rigl~t and a maximum of three stories." Z Several prominent blocks within the
downtown zones, particularly along the Pearl Street Mall, offer historic examples of this type of
development, with taller buildings serving as landmarks at intersections. The corner of
Broadway and Pearl is a good example.
While the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines do not comment upon the conditional height
review allowanca, they do encourage attention to both the actual and perceived heights of
buildings, the relationship between buildings, and the use of "taller buildings located at key
1 City Council Memorandum, Juoe 2& 3, 1997.
2 Planning Board Workbook, April 23 & 24, 1997
s:ipianipb-items\memos\ppPBDownToam AGENDA ITEM # 7B Paee 3
These ideas are reflected in the final code language:
City of Boulder Land Use Code:
Conditional Height.
RBl-X and RB1-E Review Criteria: In the RBl-X and RBl-E zoning districts, the principal
building height far a building located on a corner lot that faces two public streets may be
increased by up to ten feet in height and up to three stories if:
The building contains no more than three stories above the finished grade; and
The horizontal dimensions of the third story are no greater than fifty feet along the front yard
street frontage by seventy feel along the side yard street frontage.
The vertica] planes of the third story are located directly above the vertical planes of the stories
Ordinance Nos. 5930 (1997); 5971 (1998).
Downtown Residential FAR Bonus
The Downtown Alliance report identified the encouragement of residential development in the
downtown as a key goal:
"Residential uses downtown reduce potential future employment, contribute to the 24-hour
safety and ambience of downtown and encourage smaller scale, service-based businesses to
locate downtown. The Downtown Alliance proposes that residential uses in the downtown be
encouraged in the following ways:
Include FAR additions for residential use where consistent with design guidelines.
Lessen the residential parking requirement to 1 space per unit.
Exempt the downtown from the residential growth management system." 3
These same ideas were echoed in the City Council Memorandum, June 2& 3, 1997:
"Residential uses should be encouraged directly within Che fabric of tl~e downtown and Yhat all
other bonuses should be eliminated. A potentia] advantage of eliminating all existing bonuses
other than residential and parking is that it may help to focus attention onYo residential uses in the
downtown. It was felt that housing would promote a neighborhood feel to the core of the
downtown, improve security, reduce trips to and from the downtown, and provide a potential
macket for smail service oriented businesses within the downtown. The Alliance also felt that
parking is a major issue within the downtown and that the addition of an FAR credit to include
above grade parking within a structure would help to alleviate some of the parking demand
especially created by employees of downtown businesses. Further, it has been noted that these
two uses, because they do not result in job generation, will likely have a minimal impact, if any,
on issues of congestion and downtown access."
3 Downtown Alliance Report, p. 4-5.
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And in the Comprehensive Rezoning Proposal: Town Meeting of the Downtown Alliance on the
Downtown Commercial Area, February 8, 1997:
"Residential uses should be more closely integrated into the retail and commercial mix as a
means of getting more residents onto the street thus creating a more seamless edge to residential
neighborhoods and adjacent retail/commercial aroas."
The Downtown Urban Design Guidelines include the encouragement of residential uses as a key
goal as well:
"Creating livable central places is a hallmark of many successful cities nationwide. Places where
people live as well as work can create an attractive mix of uses that can improve public safety,
increase the use of alternative modes of transportation, and build strong community ties. The
city's land use regulations encourage housing not only adjacent to downtown but within the
downtown itself in well designed mixed-use development projects."
Public comment on this item again appears to be minimal. The approved code language
encourages this policy direction by allowing for a density bonus for residential uses:
City of Boulder Land Use Code
Floor Area Ratios for the RB1-E, RB2-E, RB3-E, RB1-X, RB2-X, and RB3-X Districts.
Calculating Floor Area Ratios: The floor area ratio shall be applied to all buildings on a lot
except that:
(3) Up to 0.5 FAR of floor area for residential uses shall not be included in the FAR calculation
Far the FAR bonuses for parking and residential uses along Pearl Street, there are three basic
1. Make no change to the current code.
2. Eliminate the FAR bonuses in all or part of this area.
3. Amend the code standards regulating the mass, scale and location of the building
resulting from the FAR bonus and the design guidelines.
For the conditional height provisions in the RB1 zones, staff evaluated four options:
1. Make no change to the current code.
2. Eliminate conditional height provision, allow additional height at corners through the site
raview process.
3. Limit the area where the conditional height provision applies
(A) Allow within RBl-X and RBI-E where surrounded by RB1 zone(s)
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ppPBDownTown AGENDA ITEM # 7B Paee 5
(B) Allow within RB1-X and RB1-E where surrounded by and/or adjacent to existing
RB1, RB2 or RB3 zones.
(C) Allow within RB1-X and RBI-E where surrounded by and/or adjacent to existing
RB1, RB2, RB3 or PE zones.
(D) Allow within RB1-X only, where surrounded by RB1-X and/or adjacent to PE
(E) Allow within RB1-X oniy, where surrounded by RB1-X and/or adjacent to PE
zones, and when not within the downtown historic district.
4. Restrict the provision to "architectural elements."
Attachment E shows the maximum number of sites where the conditionai height provisions
could be exercised; both if no changes are made to the ardinance and for each of the lettered
options under #3 above. Attachment F shows locations in the RB1 zones where these provisions
could apply, given that many lots already have or have been approved for third floors. This
attachment also shows where third floors have historically existed.
In order to better understand the zoning provisions under review, staff employed the services of
the urban design firm Civitas. They prepared four boards that were used in the various forums
listed in Attachment D. Reductions of the boards are included as Attachment G. The goal of this
work was to both describe the zoning provisions and to illustrate actual development solutions in
order to better understand the real world application of these zoning measures.
Some of the conclusions of this work regarding the conditional height provisions are:
• Given the market values of residential uses downtown, it is probably economically feasible to
develop third floors consistent with the conditional Ueight provisions.
• Given building code requirements, it is more feasible to create residential units that span the
second and third floors to aid in access requirements than to simply provide for residential
uses only at tUe third floor.
• A likely scenario is that if a developer were to conclude that a third floor addition was
beneficial, they would likely pursue a larger third floor addition through the site review
process, and use the conditional height provisions as a"fail back."
For the FAR bonus provisions for both residential uses and parking above grade, some of the
conclusions of the analysis were:
• Building setbacks at the third level at 15 feet can serve to distinguish the third floor addition
from the building at the first and second levels. A setback of some 30 feet would be
necessary to "hide" the third floor from a street level viewer across the street.
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• The code requirements for an increasing percentage of open space provided on the site as the
height of the building increases may be counter-productive to the goals of creating more
"urban" buildings and should be re-examined.
. The FAR bonuses tend to result in complicated buildings when developers attempt to
maximize their economic returns and follow the combination of building setbacks, FAR
limits, building and floor plate height limits, and open space requirements. This is in contrast
to the much simpler building forms historically found along Pearl Street.
In the variety o£ discussions held through the process, it became clear that in order to resolve the
issue of third floor additions along Peazl Street, a greater understanding of the specifics of the
current development pattem there was reyuired. The Downtown Design Advisory Board in
particular spoke to the issue of developing clearer expectations of appropriate mass and scale of
buildings through the analysis of the very specific character already in place. The idea of
appointing a task force consisting of the various interests represented by the Downtown Alliance
was presented and endorsed at the Alliance meeting. Members of the Alliance wanted to sae an
identification of what the particular issues are, i.e„ whaYs the problem we'r0 trying to solve?
As to the conditional height provisions, Four viewpoints seem to be prevalent:
l. No change is necessary since the provisions implement a sound urban design principle
that buildings should be greater in height at street intersections, and we expect greater
building height in the downtown.
2. The conditional height provisions may be appropriate in areas away from lower intensity
zoning districts, but in areas next to the neighborhoods surrounding the downtown third
floor additions should be reviewed through the site review process. ,
3. The conditional height provisions may be appropriate along the Walnut/Canyon corridor,
but in the histaric area, especially along Pearl Street, third floor additions should be
reviewed through the site raview process.
4. The quality of building design has a great impact on whether third floor additions are
successful or not. Because we do not have mandatory design review in the non-historic
downtown, we need site review to ensure quaIity design is carried out.
Staff finds that the conditional height provisions are a useful eiement of the land use regulations,
allowing that corner sites in the downtown should contain greater building height than lots in the
middle of a block. Howevar, the issues associated with the integration of third floors at the street
intersections eiCher adjacent to lower intensity zoning disCricts or within the historic district
indicate that greater care be taken with the review of those particular building sites.
Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Board recommend to City Council that the
conditiona] height provisions for the RB1 zones be amended to permit such additions only if the
site is located within the RB1-X zone, that the site is surrounded by sites zoned RBl-X or P-E,
and that the property is not in the historic district.
s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\ppPBDownTown AGENDA ITEM # 7B Paee 7
As to the more general issue of third floor additions along Pearl Street from 9`h to 18`h streets,
staff recommends that these issues be further analyzed by a task force made up of representatives
from the Downtown Alliance before any formal action is taken.
Approved By:
`~ o-~~%~
Peter Pollock, Planning Director
Attachment A: Proposed ordinance
Attachment B: Map of the RB 1-E zone and RB 1-X zones
Attachment C: Land Use Review Results and Comments
Attachment D: Downtown Zoning Review Schedule and comment sheets
Attachment E: Conditional height location options
Attachment F: Downtowmbuilding heights
Attachment G: Civitas analysis
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ppPBDownTown AGENDA ITEM # 7B Paee S
Section 1. Section 9-3.2-4, B.R.C. 1981, is amended to read:
9-3.2-4Conditional Height.
(a) High Densitv Residential District Administrative Review Criteria: In the HR-E, HZ-E, HR-
D, and HR-X zones, principal buiiding height may be increased to forty feet if:
(1) The building contains no more than three habitable floors;
(2) The finished floor elevation of the highast habitable floor above grade does not
exceed twenty-one feet in height calculated by the method set forth in Subsection 9-
i-3(a), B.R.C. 1981; and
(3) Tha slope of tha roof is at least 1:2.
(b) CB, RB-E, RB-D. L IG, IM, and IS District Review Criteria: In the CB-E, CB-D, RB-E,
RB-D, IG-E, IG-D, IM-E, IM-D, IS-E, and IS-D zoning districts, principal building height
may be increased by up to five feet in excess of the maximum height set forth in Section 9-
3.2-1, "Schedule of Bulk Requirements," B.R.C. 1981, if:
(i) The property is not adjacent to any residential district, For the purposes of this
paragraph, adjacent properties are properties which directly abut the property or are
located directly across a right-of-way that is less than eighty feet wide; and
(2) The property is not adjacent to any property designated for low, medium or high
density residential uses in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Adjacent
properties are properties which directly abut tha property or are located directly
across a right-of-way that is less than eighty feet wide.
AQNId1Aal1# ~~ P8gei2-
(c) RBl-X °°'~m=~Review Criteria: In the RB1-X and-I~S3~-zoning districts, principa]
building height for a building located on a corner lot that faces two public streets may be
increased by up to ten feet in height and up to three stories if:
(1) The building contains no more than three stories above the finished grade; and
(2) The horizontal dimensions of the third story are no greater than fifty feet along the
front yard street frontage by seventy feet along the side yard street frontage.
(3) The vertical planes of the third story are lacated directly above the vertical planes of
the stories below.
(4) The zonirig districts on the;ather three corners of the inferseetion whecs the,property
is loaatesl are witl~~n xhe 1~ ~=}C cir, ~lie ~'~E zo~}ng `distriots:
(5};, The building i5 not wi#hin=a }us,to~ia'iiistripti czeated under the provisions of Chaptei
10'=13, "Hiatorio P.reserv~ti9n, B R,~>' l981'. :
Section 2. The city councii finds that it is necessary to implement the provisions of this
ordinance immediately. Therefore, this ordinance shall be applied to all applications that have not
been approved by the City as of October 4, 2001
Section 3. This ordinance is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the
residents of the city, and covers matters of local concern.
Section 4. The city council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published by title only
and orders that copies of this ordinance be made available in the office of the city clerk for public
inspection and acquisition.
ONLY this day of , 20_
Apanda flem i~Page t ~
City Clerk on bahalf of the
Director of Finance and Record
BY TITLE ONLY this day of , 20_
City Clerk on behalf of the
Director of Finance and Record
City of Boulder RB1-E & RB1-X Zoning Districts N,1
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DATE OF COMMENTS: June 22, 2001
erent Bean
Site Review
Updated 6128101
See Landmarks
Maxim Place at 902 Pearl Street
-Height exception to 45'
-Three story building other than at the
corner of the property.
=Reduced loading area (500 sf required)
Application does not meet criteria for approval of a Site Review; a revision is necessary by August 6, 2001 or a
recommendation for denial will be made to Planning Board at this time. The location of this requests is at a primary
entrance to the downtown area and also serves as an interface between the downtown area and lower intensity
commerciallresidential areas to the west of 9~n Street. The bulk and scale of the building proposed are not consistent with
the buildings present in this area. Staff would recommend the building be scaled back to reflect the permitted building
heights for this site
The building can have a three floor element at the corner that is 50' wide along the Pearl street frontage and 70' along the
9`h Street frontage. Any encroachments outside this envelope will limit the potential for staff support of the request if they
can not be substantiated.
The site plans indicate a building height of 45' at the corner of 9'h and Pearl. The low point of grade appears to be 5355' in
the alley 25' out from the southeast corner of the building. If this is the case, the building would be considered to be 48.4'
tall at the corner of 9'" and Pearl. A by right building can not exceed 45' based on the alley elevation and the Site Review
elevation can exceed 45' if approved by the Planning Board. Corrections to the building height may be necessary. A
building height of greater than 45' requires a total of 20% openspace, however the current plan is showing in excess of
20% openspace.
The survey shows an encroachment of the West End Tavern building along the east property line. If this is correct, the
site is 81 square feet less in total area (16,979 sf, not 17,060 sf), which would permit a maximum FAR of 37,354 sf (2.2
FAR, including the 0.5 FAR for housing).
Staff has received numerous comments from the Downtown Alliance, Landmarks Board members and the public
regarding the nature of the design for this site. Primary concerns have been expressed about the fit of the building within
the context of the existing neighborhood. The existing buildings along the south side of Pearl are primarily one and two
story buildings with height varying from 18 to 25'. This building has been proposed to be a three story building from the
perspective of both Pearl and 9'" Streets, which takes it out of character for the area. By right ordinances permit a third
floor element at the corner of 9~h and Peari, but this element should be carefuliy designed to fit within the context of this
area of downtown.
1. It is expected that this site will generate significantly fewer trips than the previous use as a gas station. Although a
formai Traffic Impact Analysis .(TIA) for this site is not needed per the requirements set forth by the City of Boulder
Design and Construction Standards to show that this is a correct assumption. It is necessary to determine the
expected trips that would be generated by the proposed use compared to an estimate of the trips that would have
Address: 902 PEARL ST / ?
AgandA I6am f,.~Paga 9 ~
been generated with the previous use. This can be provided in the form of a letter to city staff. Steve Durian, Public
2. No mention of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) was included in the proposal. Please provide information
on what will be done to address TDM for this site. Steve Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
3. A minimum sidewalk width of 8 feet not including tree grates is required along 9`h Street. This sidewalk width is
provided on the plan, however right-of-way must be dedicated to include this minimum 8 foot width. This right-of-way
dedication is expected to consist of a 3 foot wide by 82 foot long area along extending from the north property line
along 9~h Street. Steve Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
4. A bulb-out section of sidewaik will be required along Pearl Street at its intersection with 9`h Street. This section is
required to extend 7 feet from the existing curb on Pearl and 20 feet past east of the flowline of 9'h Street. Steve
Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
5. The handicap ramps on the corner of 9'h Street and Pearl will be required to be reconstructed to align with ramps
located across 9`h and Pearl Streets, respectively. Steve Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
6. The removal of curb cuts and replacement with new curb will be required along both Pearl and 9'h Streets. A plan and
profile for each of these locations wi11 be required at the time of Technical Document ReviewlFinal Plat. Steve Durian,
Public Works,303-441-4493
Building Design
The site plan should reflect the "by righP' bulk and scale elements of the R61-X zone district. Third floor elements should
occur only at ihe corner of ihis site. See Site Review Criteria attached.
The building height exceeds the proposed 45' limit proposed. The low point of grade is in the alley at the southeast corner
of the site (5355'). Final building elevation should be based on this {ow point of grade. As currently drawn the building is at
least 3.4 feet taller than 45'. This would require a height exception to approximately 49'and a requirement to provide a
minimum of 20°/o open space on site.
All building encroachments in to the public right of way need to be defined. The current plans suggest first, second and
parapet encroachments into the right of way. First floor canopies and parapet encroachments are supported by the
curre~t policy, but other encroachments are not. Brent Bean, Senior Planner (303) 4413137
The Drainage Statement needs to be stamped and signed by a State of Colorado registered professional engineer. Scott
Fire Protection
Chapter 5.10(A)(3) of the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards requires that no exterior portion of any
building shall be over 175 feet of fire access distance from the nearest hydrant. Proposed fire hydrant locations should be
coordinated with the Chief Fire Marshal, Adrian Hise, 303-441-3350.
Prior to final inspection, applicant shall install automatic fire sprinkler protection throughout proposed structure. Sprinkler
system to be monitored by an approved UL-central receiving station. Adrian Hise, 303-441-3350.
Housing & Human Services
ApplicanYs current submittal identifies a total of 9 residential units to be developed at 902 Pearl Street, which are subject to
9-6.5 Boulder Revised Code, "Inclusionary Zoning" For the 9 residential units, the Inclusionary zoning requirement is for
20% to be permanently affordable, which results in an obligation of 1.8 permanently affordable units. The expectation is
that 50% of those units are to be provided on-site. The remainder of the obligation can be met through several options,
including: cash-in-lieu, dedication of off-site units or land dedication.
Applicant proposes to provide 1 permanently affordable unit on-site, with that unit consisting of 1221 square feet. This
would meet the 50°Jo on-site inclusionary zoning requirement, as well as the minimum square footage required for
Address: 902 PEARL ST ~~
II~ Nem t%:,~Page ! 1..,~_
permanentiy affordable units based on the proposed square footage of the 8 market rate units. Applicant may choose to
meet the remainder of the Inclusionary zoning requirement through the options described above.
Given recommendations regarding the bulk and scale of the proposed project, should the number and size of proposed
residential units change, adjustments would be needed regarding the Inclusionary zoning requirement.
ApplicanPs current plans orient the residentia~ units primarily to the north, west, and south, and away from the existing
building to the east. However, the proposed permanently affordable unit, Apt. 8, appears to be the only residential unit
oriented to the east, where an issue has been raised regarding potentially non-compatible uses between the existing
restaurant and the residential project. Applicant is encouraged to consider other possible design options that could mitigate
this impact on the permanently affordable unit. Linda Hill-Blakley, Housing Division, 303 441-3140
Comments from the Landmarks Board
The Landmarks Board does not have formal review authority over this site, but because of the project=s unique setting
between the downtown historic district and an individua~ landmark (the Jacobi House at 842 Pearl Street), the Board would
like to comment on its compatibility with the surrounding context.
This block of Pearl Street between 11 th St. and 9th St. is characterized by one-story commercial buildings which
historically provided a transition between the more intense, higher scale downtown commercial core6 now the
Pearl Street Ma116 and the less intense, lower scale mixed-use residential character to the west. The site is at the
very edge of the historic district, which ends mid-block. The West End Tavern, immediately east of the site, is the
last building in the historic district. Across 9th Street to the east is the individuat landmark, the Jacobi House, a
two-story nineteenth century multi-family building. The Jacobi House is situated next to a series of one story
commercial building, reflective of the historic mixed-use character of the area. Buiidings on both blocks are all
under 35' in height.
This block of Pearl Street is also distinct from blocks on the Mall in its character. The photomontage submitted by
the applicant illustrates this very well. W hereas the Pearl Street Mall area is characterized by two and three story
buildings with large glassed store fronts, the buildings on this block are both smaller in scale and contain
significantiy less transparency in the first floor display area and in the upper transom area. This results in a greater
solid to void ratio than on the Pearl Street Mall buildings.
Review of the Proposed ProJect against the Design Guidelines
The Downtown Urban Design Guidelines were approved by the Downtown Alliance. They have been adopted by
the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board and are used in the review of projects in and out of the historic district
by both the Landmarks Board and the Downtown Design Advisory Board (DDAB).
The following guidelines apply at this conceptual stage of the project:
2;2 Alignment of architectural features and established patterns with neighboring buildings'
2;3 Maintaining the line of building facades and storefronts at the sidewalk edge
2_4 Compatibility of scale and massing
2_6 Creating pedestrian interest at the street level
2_9 Maintaining the rhythm estabiished by the repetition of the traditionai 25-foot facade widths
1.2.7 Maintaining the proportions of storefront windows and the established pattern of upper story windows
The project appears to meet guidelines 2.3, 2.6, and 2.9 related to location of the building, facade widths, and
street-level pedestrian interest, but does not meet guidelines 2.2, 2.4, and 1.27 related to scale, massing, and
proportiorts of windows.
The proposed building is not compatible in scale or character with this unique block. It is more characteristic of
buildings along Walnut between 10t~ and 14th or in Downtown Denver. It does not reflect the predominant
character of window patterns along the street either in terms of amount of glazing or window proportions. In the
proposal the upper story wintlows read as a horizontal band, whereas the dominant character on the rest of the
block includes repetitions of vertical windows set into a solid brick fagade.
Code Issues: Corner Building
While the zoning currently allows a larger building at the corner, the Board questions its appropriateness on this
biock. Historically, in more intense commercial areas, a taller tower element was found on certain corners, but not
for the extent of the area currently allowed (50' x 70') and not in less intense transition areas such as this block,
Given the predominance of one story commercial buildings from 11 th to 9th Streets and the lower scale mixed-use
Address: 902 PEARL ST
Agenda IMm / '~~ Page ~ ~_
character between 9th and 8th Streets, this block serves as a tfansition, and is not appropriate for taller corner
Land Uses
Maximum office/retail square footage can not exceed 1.7 FAR. Current site plan is consistent with this requirement. Brent
Bean, Senior Planner (303) 666-9343
Please provide a landscape plan that meets the standards of B.R.C. Sections 9-3.3-1, 9-3.3-2, 93.3-3, and 9-3.3-
4. Please note the following requirements for the preliminary landscape plan:
Plan drawing at a scale of 1"= 10; 1"= 20', or 1"= 30', to include:
• Standard title btock including scale and date
• Location of property iines and adjacent streets (with street names identified)
. Zoning and use of adjacent properties
. Existing and proposed locations of all utilities and easements, including fire hydrants, water meters, & height
and location of overhead lines.
• Existing location, size, and rype of ail trees 1 1/2" caliper or greater
• Where fencing is used for required screening, a scaled drawing of the fence elevation.
Planting specifications
• Layout and location of all landscaped areas including:
- planting strips along all streets
- all other landscaped areas
• Botanical and common names and sizes of all plant material proposed preliminarily.
• Locations of afl proposed pfant material, shown at the size they wili be within 5 years of initial planting, and
appropriately spaced.
• Location, size, and species name of any plant materials proposed for removal.
• Proposed planting of all ground surfaces. Grass surfaces must be identified as sod or seed with the blend or
mix specified.
• Location and dimensions of site distance triangles at all intersections of streets and curb cuts
2. Please note the tree grate and planting pit standards outlined in Table 33 of the Design and Construction
Standards. Tree grates must be a minimum of 4' wide by 10' in length for large street trees. Bev Johnson, 303-
Legal Docume~ts
Please update the title work to within 30 days and submit authorization from the corporate/partnership documents for a
person to sign on its behalf. (Melissa K. Rickson - CAO)
Three lot lines are shown on the plans and these will either need to be eliminated or the owners will need to sign a
Covenant to Hold as One Parcel for any buifding to be built over these lines. (Mellssa K. Rickson - CAO)
1. Any proposed groundwater discharge to the storm sewer system will require both a state permit and a city agreement.
The steps for obtaining the proper approvals are as follows:
Step 1-- Identify applicable Colorado Discharge Permit System requirements for the site.
Steo 2-- Determine the history of site contamination (underground storage tanks, groundwater contamination,
industrial activities, landfiils, etc.) If there is contamination on the site or in the groundwater, water quality
monitoring is required.
Steo 3-- Submit a written request to the city to use the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). This submittal
should include a copy of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) permit
application. The written request should include the location, description of the discharge, and brief
discussion of all discharge options (e.g., discharge to MS4, groundwater infiltration, off-site disposal, etc.)
Address: 902 PEARL ST
The request should be addressed to: City of Boulder, Stormwater Quality, 4049 75th St, Boulder, CO 8030i
Steo 4-- The city's Stormwater Quality Office will respond with a DRAFT agreement which will need to be submitted
with the CDPHE permit application. CDPHE wili not finalize the discharge permit without permission from the
city to use the MS4.
Step 5-- Submit a copy of the final discharge permit issued by CDPHE back to the City's Stormwater Quality Office so
that the MS4 agreement can be finafized.
For further information regarding stormwater quality within the City of Boulder contact the City's Stormwater Quality
Office at 303-413-7350. AII applicable permits must be in place prior to building permit application.
2. The applicant shall identify the existing monitor welis on the property, in conjunction with the requirements of the
ground water discharge permit.
3. All structures (planters) and landscaping proposed in the right-of-way or public utility easements shall comply with the
standards as set forth in Chapter 8-5, "Work in the Public right-of-way and Public Easements," and Chapter 8-6,
"Public right-of-way and Easement Encroachments, Revocable Permits, Leases, and Vacations," Boulder Revised
Code 1981.
4. No portion of any structure, including footings and eves, may encroach into any public right-of-way or easement
without approval of a revocable permit. Some of the encroachments that appear to be proposed at the second and
third floor levels do not appear to be consistent with current policy for consideration of revocable permits in the
downtown area. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121
Neighborhood Comments
Neighborhood comments have been received and the following comments have primarily been made;
1. The buildings are out of scale with the neighborhood.
2. The buildings will block the view from adjacent properties.
3. Residential use of the site may limit non-residential use (night club, restaurant and bar) located on properties
within the area.
4. Additional methods for mitigating impacts between residential and commercial use need to be considered if
residential units are developed on this site.
A copy of all comments can be made if a request is made to the Case Manager, Brent Bean, Senior Planner (303)441-
Full-size parking spaces are 9' x 19'. Up to 40% of spaces can be compact (15' x 7.5'). The spaces shown in the
parking garage are less than the full-size dimensions and must be corrected. This area also must not be encroached
upon by any structural elements or columns. Additional parking space size cannot encroach on the 24 foot wide back-
up area. Options exist for widening the parking drive isle including narrowing the storage and mechanical areas or the
narrowing the ramp into the garage from 21 feet to 18 feet which would still leave room for 19 foot long spaces
adjacent to the ramp. Steve Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
2. Any dead-end row of parking containing more than seven spaces is required to have a turn-around area equivalent to
one full-size parking space. This must be shown on the plan designated as no-parking and the parking space count
adjusted accordingly. Steve Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
Plan Documents
Building heights need to be recalculated and shown on the elevation plans based on the low point of grade within the
southeastern portion of the site.
Review Process
Pianning Board consideration of this request is required due to the proposal to place a third fioor outside the permitted
third floor area boundaries for a corner property(50' X 70' area at the corner) and the building heights above 35' outside
this area as well. Brent Bean, Senior Planner
Address: 902 PEARL ST
Agendd tbm 1~Page i~ 7
Site Design
Planning Staff finds the site plan is not consistent with the existing character of the area. Third floor elements are not
found in this area. The addition of extensive third floor elements are not appropriate for this area. The design should be
reconfigured to reflect the permitted bulk and scale limits of the R61-X zone. Brent Bean, Senior Planner
1. Ail water meters are to be piaced in city right-oY-way or a public utility easement, but not placed in driveways,
sidewalks, or behind fences. The plans show a proposed water meter to be located in the 8-foot wide pedestrian way
of the sidewalk along Pearl Street. The proposed meter will have to be relocated outside of the 8-foot wide pedestrian
way and nearer to the curb and gutter and tree grates. Trees proposed to be planted in city right-of-way or a public
utility easement shall be located at least 10 feet away from existing or future utilities, including services.
2. Per Section 8-5-13 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981, no person shall excavate an area in the pavement of a public
street for a period of 3 years from completion of resurfacing, except in compiiance with said section. Pearl Street was
resurtaced in 2000, which means no excavation may occur until late 2003 unless certain criteria can be met.
3. The existing storm sewer mains in the alley south of the property are shown incorrectly. The applicanYs engineer may
contact city staff for locations of the existing storm sewer main.
4. All existing utilities need to be shown on the Drainage and Master Utility Plan, including the existing water main in
Pearl Street. Revise the plans as necessary. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121
The removal of curb cuts and replacement with new curb will be required along both Pearl and 9'h Streets. A plan and
profile for each of these locations will be required at the time of Technical Document Review/Final Plat. Steve Durian
Building and Housing Codes
Building must meet the requirements of the building code in effect at the time of building permit application. Note the
egress from the bedrooms on the east side do not appear to meet the requirements of section 310.4 of the 1997 UBC.
Steve Brown
The applicant will be required to continue conveying drainage in a manner which does not adversely affect neighboring
properties. Scott Kuhna, 303-A41-3121
1. The applicant is advised that at the time of building permit application the following requirements will apply
a) The appiicant is required to provide an accurate existing and proposed plumbing fixture count to determine if the
existing meters and services are adequate for the proposed use.
b) Water and sanitary sewer Plant Investment Fees and service line sizing will be re-evaluated.
c) If the existing water and/or sanitary sewer services are required to be abandoned and upsized, all new service
taps to existing mains shall be made by city crews at the developer's expense. The water service must be
excavated and turned off at the corporation stop, per city standards. The sewer service must be excavated and
capped at the property line, per city standards.
d) If the building will be sprinklered, the approved fire line plans must accompany the fire sprinkler service line
connection permit application.
Add~ess: 902 PEARL ST Agends Ifem #.~,~page #~
2. Floor drains internal to covered parking structures, that co~lect drainage from rain and ice drippings from parked cars
or water used to wash-down internal fioors, shall 6e connected to the wastewater service using appropriate grease
and sediment traps. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121
Staff would recommend the applicant meet with the staff to review changes needed to be made to this site plan proposal
based on the by right limitations of the site. Please contact the Case Manager Brent Bean to schedule a meeting.
Address: 902 PEARL ST ~~ ~~ ~~Page ~~
General Criteria
No site review application shall be approved unless the approving agency finds that:
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan:
Yes/no The proposed site plan is consistent with the purposes and policies of the Bouider Valley Comprehensive
Plan. The plan provides for the development of a mixed use project within the downtown area which is
consistenf with several BVCP policies; mixed use policies, 2.20 role of the Central Area. However the
request in opposition to the new pollcy for the "Preservation f Community Charecter and Historic
preservation policies 2.27,2.28 and policy 2.31 "Design that respects existing character. A new mixed use
project is very appropriate for this location, however the fit wifhin the existing building character of this
area is also very importanf. The current site plan with the addition of third floor elements outside the
permitted building envelop are not providing an appropriate fit with the historic one and two story
buildings present along Pearl and the lower intensity mixed use neighborhood west of 9'n Street along
Pearl and Wa/nut.
X The proposed development shall not exceed the maximum density associated with the Boulder Valley
Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation. Additionally, if the density of existing residential
development within a 300 foot area surrounding the site is at or exceeds the density permitted in the Boulder
Valley Comprehensive Plan, then the maximum density permitted on the site shall not exceed the lesser of: The
R81-X zone does not have a maximum established denslty. The proposal is to deve/op at fhe rate of 23
units per acre.
(i) the density permitted in the Boulder Vaffey Comprehensive P{an, or,
(ii) the maximum number of units that could be placed on the site without waiving or varying any of the requirements
of Chapter 9-3.2, "Bulk Requirements," B.R.C. 1981.
II. Site Desian: It utilizes site design techniques which enhance the quaiity of the project. In determining whether this
subsection is met, the approving agency will consider the following factors:
A. Open space, including without limitation, parks, recreation areas, and playgrounds:
X 1. Useable open space is arranged to be accessible and functional; most of the at grade
openspace is accessible and has /imited functionality. This is a downtown commercial
site and large openspace areas are not expected.
X 2. Private open space is provided for each detached residential unit; roof top decks and porches
will be provided to meet this requirement.
X 3. The project provides for the preservation of natural features, including without limitation healthy
long-lived trees, terrain, and drainage areas; No nafural features are present in this area.
X 4. The open space provides a relief to the density, both within ihe project and from surrounding
development; Limited relief is provided along the al/ey and 9~h Street sidewalk. This is a
downtown area and openspace is not practical to use as a relief for densify.
X 5. If possible, open space is linked to an area- or city-wide system. Site is not adjacent to
openspace, Public sidewalks along 9~h Sfreet provide access to the Boulder Creek trail
X 1. The project provides for a variety of plant and hard surtace materials, and the selection of
materials provides a variety of colors and contrasts; For a downtown site, the mixture of
materials and surtace materials is good.
no 2. The project provides significant amounts of plant material sized in excess of the landscaping
requirements of Sections 9-3.3-2 and 9-3.3-3, "Landscaping and Screening Requirements," and
"Landscape Design Standards," B.R.C. 1981; and Size of material has nof been defined on
current plans. Additional information w/ll be required.
X 3. The setbacks, yards, and useable open space along public rights- of-way are landscaped to
provide attractive streetscapes, to enhance architectural features, and to contribute to the
Address: 902 PEARL ST
Agenda Item f~Page # ~d
development of an attractive site plan. There are no landscaped setbacks or yards required in
the RB1-X zone. The public sidewalks have been enhance, however the corner of 9'h and
Pearl shou/d be further emphasized with a recessed entry or display window at the corner.
C. Circulation, including without limitation the transportation system that serves the property, whether public or private
and whether constructed by the developer or not:
no 1. High speeds are discouraged or a physical separation between streets and the project is
provided; The basic plan is consistent with this goal, but the corner elements of the plan
could be adjusfed to provide additional pedestrian space at the corner of the property to
improve pedestrtan movements.
X 2. Potential conflicts with vehicles are minimized;
X 3. Safe and convenient connections accessible to the public within the project and between the
project and existing and proposed transportation systems are provided, including without limitation
streets, bikeways, pedestrian ways and trails;
no 4. On-site facilities for external linkage are provided with other modes of transportation, where
applicable; There is no transit service along 9`" Street at th/s time.
X 5. The amount of land devoted to the street system is minimized; Existing street system is not
X 6. The project is designed for the types of traffic expected, including without limitation automobiles,
bicycles, and pedestrians, and provides safety, separation from living areas, and control of noise
and exhaust; and
X 7. City construction standards are met, and emergency vehicle use is facilitated.
D. Parkin :
X 1. The project incorporates into the design of parking areas measures to provide safety,
convenience, and separation of pedestrian movements from vehicular movements;
underground parking access from the alley has been proposed. Conflicts with pedestrians
should be minimal.
X 2. The design of parking areas makes efficient use of the land and uses the minimum amount of
land necessary to meet the parking needs of the project; Underground parking has been
proposed to reduce impacts on buildable land area above grade.
no 3. Parking areas and lighting are designed to reduce the visual impact on the project, adjacent
properties, and adjacent streets; and Final plan details are required.
X 4. Parking areas utilize landscaping materials to provide shade in excess of the requirements in
Section 9-3.3-12, "Parking Area Design Standards," B.R.C. 1981. Underground parkinglot
does not require landscape improvements.
E. Buildinq Desiqn. Livabilitv and Relationship to the Existinq or Proposed Surroundina Area:
no 1. The building height, mass, scale, orientatian, and configuration are compatible with the existing
character of the area or the character established by an adopted plan for the area; The third
floor elements of the plan are not consistent with fhe one and two story buJldings found
along the south side of Pearl. In addition, the three story elements shou/d be brou~qht into
conformance wlth the provlsions of a by right profect. The buildings along west 9` Street
are predominanfly two story buildings and thls site service as a transftion from west Pearl
(west of 9~h Street) whlch is buildings of less than 35' in height and predominantly less
than'two stories in height.
no 2. The height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed
or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans for the immediate area; Buildings
along south Pearl are predominately one and two story 6uildings. The building needs to
transition to the two story height along both pearl and 9'h Street. The baslc bX right
solution permlfting three stories within 45' of 50' alonq Pear/ and 70' along 8~ Street
should generally be met.
X 3. The orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views from adjacent
properties; In fhe downtown area, building heights and design constraints do not support
the preservation of vfew corridors irom adjoining uses.
Address: 902 PEARL ST Agendaltem ~"~Page #~_
X 4. If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of
color, materials, landscaping, signs, and lighting; additional information is needed on this
X 5. Buildings present an attractive streetscape, incorporate architectural and site design elements
appropriate to a pedestrian scale, and provide for the safety and convenience of pedestrians. The
current architecture is contemporary in style, but creates an appropriate transition to the
historic architecture found in the area wJth the exception of the building height issues
raised above.
X 6. To the extent practical, the project provides public amenities and planned public facilities; Public
utilities and services are available in the area.
X 7. For residential projects, the project assists the community in producing a variety of housing types,
such as multi-family, townhouses, and detached single-family units as well as mixed lot sizes,
number of bedrooms, and sizes of units; this site can only provide attached housing units,
but if five or more units are proposed, one of the five units is required to be permanent/y
X 8. For residential projects, noise is minimized between units, between buildings, and from either on-
site or off-site external sources through spacing, landscaping, and building materials; The
residential units proposed for this site are at least 15' from the adjoining building (West
End Tavern) to the east of this site. Compliance with the current two/three story limits of
the RB1-X zone would p/ace the units approximafely 50' west of the adjoining property.
no 9. A lighting plan is provided which augments security, energy conservation, safety, and aesthetics;
Additional informafion is required.
X 10. The project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes, or
mitigates impacts to natural systems; No natura/ areas are present on this site.
X 11. Cut and fill are minimized on the site, and the design of buildings conforms to the natural contours
of the land. This site has 3-4 of feet of fall from the northwest corner fo southeast corner of
the site. Cut and iill is nof an issue on this site.
F. Solar Sitina and Construction: For the purpose of ensuring the maximum potentiai for utilization of solar
energy in the city, all applicants for residential site reviews shall place streets, lots, open spaces,
and buildings so as to maximize the potential for the use of solar energy in accordance with the
following solar siting criteria:
X 1. Placement of Ooen Sqace and Streets. Open space areas are located wherever practical to
protect buildings from shading by other buildings within the development or from buildings on
adjacent properties. Topography and other natural features and constraints may justify deviations
from this criterion. Openspace has been proposed along the south side of the building,
along 9`h Street and decks at or above the second f/oor.
X 2. Lot Lavout and Buildinp Sitinp. Lots are oriented and buildings are sited in a way which
maximizes the solar potential of each principal building. Lots are designed to facilitate siting a
structure which is unshaded by other nearby structures. Wherever practical, buildings are sited
close to the north lot line to increase yard space to the south for better owner control of shading.
The development constralnts of fhis s/te suggest east west orientaNon of units, whlch is
iesults in an inconsistency with this criteria. Porches and decks have been orientated to
take advantage of the maximum amount of light and view.
X 3. Buildinq Form. The shapes of buildings are designed to maximize utilization of solar energy.
Buildings shall meet the solar access protection and solar siting requirements of Chapter 9-8,
"Solar Access," B.R.C. 1981. The downfown area is in solar area 3, no protection
requirements are applicable to this slte.
X 4. Landscaoinq. The shading effects of proposed landscaping on adjacent buildings are minimized.
Majority of new landscaping has been placed along the west and south property line.
Shading of adjacent uses should be minimal.
Address: 902 PEARL ST Agenda Iteml~Page # da
Thursday, Aug. 30, 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Boulder Pubiic Ubrdry Creekside Room
Affected property owner meeting
Wednesday, Sept. 5, 7 p.m.
Municfpal Building Councll Chambers,
Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
Mondpy, Sept. 10, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m,
Municlpal Bullding Lobby
Community Open House (Presentatlon at b p.m,)
Monday, Sept. 10, 5:30 p,m.
13th Street Meeting Room, 1720 N, 13"' St,
Downtown Management Commisslon
(ihe Commission wlll participate in the open house)
Wednesday, Sept. 12, 7:30 a.m.
Downtown Boulder Inc,
Wells Fargo, 1242 Pearl St.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Monday, Sept. 24, 5:30 - 9 p.m.
Downtown Alliance Meetfng
Boulderado Hotel Mezzpnine
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7 p.m.
Downtown Design Advisory Board
Municlpal Building Councll Chambers
Thursday, Oct. 4, 6 p.m.
Municipal Bullding Council Chambers
Planning Board Public Hearing
(Specific discussion tfine unknown; depends on agenda)
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 6 p.m.
City Councll, Flrst Reading (No Public Hearing)
Municipal BulldingCouncil Chambers
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 6 p.m.
City Council, Second Reading (Public Hearing)
Municipal Building Councii Chpmbers
Agenda Ibem t1Q Page # a3
ent Servfces _ .. ..__,
e_ P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 803U6-0791 ..
03~41-3241 • email plandevelop(dlci.boulder,co.us
www.u.boulder:co.uslpwplan_ ._.__ ,__. .
~ Planning and Developm
~ ' 1739 Broadway,.Third Floor...
~ phone 303-441•1880 • fex 3
i~~~~~ , o~' ~s ..l~.tie w est .e ~cl ~-~~~~n Sh ~ ~ k~ ~aa~~~y~ ~- .
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(ConGnue on other aide if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your commenta by fax, 303-441-3241, or 6y mail to the City of
Boulder. attn: Peur Pollock. P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Aganda l~m ~~Page ~ ?'~
PHONE ~11~ ' "1"JT~' ~~J~
COMMENTS 11~ ~ C~' j~ ~"fU'~,Q, i n~~h~tiIC~G ~ I1Gr~ ~-~+I'~G~Q~C~ l1 v"G1 I 1~1
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~, Planning and Development Services - - -- - ~--
'!. ' ,._. ...1739 8roadway, Third Floor..•. P_.O..Boz 791, Boulder, Colorado .80306-0791 ~--
~ phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-324i • email plandevelop~ct.boulder.co.us
__. . . .www.ci.baulder.co.us/pwplen....._.,_._...._....,_ ..,...
,~-,!~ ~ ~ 7I I,uPJ~ ~ ~r,vf` ~ ! _~~r~~C~ • S~ ~u
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G'u~e~~ wi(~ /10~ val~y-li,,,Y ~1~., Y~a,L ,/~~~,+ ~r l~ !~~ ~rti.t.~
lf you s, you may send your com ents by fax, 303-44~~ 3241, c~r by mail the City of
Boulder, attn: Pe er Poll , P.O. x 791, Boulder, CO 80306. ~/tl J .,/ St/~w
?l~ ZeK,I ~F~s 1;'~'-~7'lu ~fS~-f- ~i~.~- ~iuu/u~~/~rf ) °`"~~/ 4
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ent Servi~es - . .
.. P..O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791 ..
03-441-32b1 • emsil ptandevefop(~ci.boultler.co.us
_ www.a.boulder.co.ue/pwplen.., ...._._._.... . _.... ..
~ Pianning and Developm
~ ~
1739 Broadway, Third Fioor_•
~ phone 303~441-iBB~ • fax 3
)l_.1 '1') ~ Cl I~ _(~. ._. :. _ . ... .. _ . ~
C~ zo-rY1 oc~ R e~ `?~-~ .~, r.~ % C'~~
,_ _ ,
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-4413291, or by mail to the City oF
Boulder, attn: Peter PoUock, P.O. Sax 791, Boulder, CO 80306. 1
~g ~ ~ ~CNY1~Y~ ~ `
S~ ~ . d
ApB~Id~IMm# '7~ Page# ~~O
-~e~ Planning and Development 5ervices ~
~p~ '
1739 Brqadway, Third Floor_.•. P_.O. Box 791, Bouldar, Colorado .8030&0791 -
~ phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • email plandeveiop(~ci.boulder.co.us
www,ci.bouider.co.us/pwplan J.....,......_
. _ _.__.Downtown Zortirrg:Iss~es _....._. .___ . _. .. .
- -Community-Open-House - - - - -- -
_ . September~ -- ~24Q.~_ ... _.. ..... ._. :.
f ~,~ ~, ~ ~~S `~~. . _ .. . __ _.. ., _.
~nuESS ~SC3o ~, (~ki~ti1YM ~3r ; ~!~9(~~n,(,~ . C,7 ~v30`1
PHO-YE _ 3p3,
~`~ P~5 .
I.oe n ~, ~ /'. ._. ~ - -
_._. . .. .. .
(Continue on other side if aeceseary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fsz, 303•441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Soulder, atcn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Apald~tlbm t~~ Page ~ ~
/~„ Planning and Development Services
~- ! ' 1739 Broadway, Third Floor_e.. F.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80306-0797 .
~ phone 3~3-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • email plandevelopQci.boulder.co.us
www.ci.boulder,co.us/pwplen.. ._ _ .... . . _ --..._ _ . . .... _ _ _ ..
- . Do~vntown Zoriiiig Issues - . . .
~ -Community-Open-House ~ - -
_ . September 19,..2001 ..
Please leaye this comment form at the welcome table_,. _ .. ... ... ..... .. „
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Sox 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
/~1Mmi~Page# ~~~
PHON£ ,~ ~.o ; ~ ~ i - y q~y
~ Planning and Developm
~_.. ' . .t?39 Broadway, 7hird Flow..•
~ phone 303-441-1880 • fax 3
ent Services - -
_. P.O. Bok 781, Boulder, Cotorado 80308A791
03~41-3241 • emeil plandevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
www.u.boulder_no.uslpwplan.. ..,,. _
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wiah, you may send your eomments by fax, 303-441•324I, or by mail to the City of
$oulder, attn: Petcr Potlock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Ap~nd9Nemt 7C PageN ,a~9
Pla~ning and Develcpment Sacvices~ -
~.. .~ -..1739 Broadway, Third Floor_~ -P..O. Box 791, Boulder, Coloredo B0306-0791 .
phone 303-441-1880 • fex 303-441-3241 • ama~ plandevelop@ci.boulder.co.us
_. www.a.boulder:co.us/P!NP~~ ...._ _.....
.. .. ... . . __ _., . ... ... . _....... .
- - owntown onii-g Issues
.. ... _ ... .. _...Community-Open-House. ._
... _ .... September.l Q~ 2001.. .._... . ..._...__ . _. . .
_... ........._ ......_., .. _..._.. ..._........i....... .._.....
Please leave thia comment form at the welcnme table.
-- /-/ _. ..... .. r ~ . .. . .. ... .__.. .
NAME tCGt/ l h l~. l~
.~D~SS z~ 7o Z~''-
~t~~tou5 ~ouSL . r
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ID ~~.~ C. CGYI U 7 O -
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tu1~ a~~ a reur~d re y ~ s ~cot~Y~ Ltrout~q~
g f~ ~I~o5tGt7 ~~ouX ,I ~rS Qh /NSU~~ ~
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- ,~. ' Ql adou ,6~;/~ ou~ ~ ~rQ `i~ru~
' y c~ou~ oG~~ ou ~~ y"~C Sd~uv Cc. rae
~ s /'~eL ~v our /a ~u~5 ~ re~ ~c.t~~v~~ -5
~~~j~. !5 ~T~''^ rl !'~lt.N~/~~' ' ~y .5 e~°'.an '~-~- ~b5~
/ / C ntinu~ef n o r side if necess} /~ ~,L~
/'e,c.~Mi~ P~+posa! t~i-L 77cG CuG~oqAtrafryof~ T-'r PG~r/
If you wish, y~u may send your comments by faz, 30S 441-3241, or by mait to the City of
Soulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Soz 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Ap~ld~ibm# "7~ Page~ ~~0
~„ Planning and Development Serv~ces -- - -
~ ~ ,. ~;
1 Z39 Broadway, Third Floor. ~. R.O. Box 781, Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791 --
~ phone 303~d41-1880 • fax 303~4t1-3241 • emaA plandevelopQci.boulder.eo.us
www.ci.boulder.co.usfpwplen,. _,..,,_
- .Downtown Zoriing Issues - . ___. _ _ __ _ . .
. _ -Community~ Open House ' _ . . .. _..
_ Septemb.er.1.0, 2001 . ,.. . .----,---- . .
_ _ .. ... . '~ . . . .. . ....___... .. .. . . .
Please leave this comment fo;m at the welcome table.,, ,.._. .. ._.,,.._„ ,.
_ _ , _ - - • - - -~-
,~D~SS ~ ~~i ~ n~~~a ~~2~~,, LRf~`IE1TF`
pHar~ 3 c~ 3- co (~ .~' -o o ~(
COMMENTS ~~ r~ S i~t n q (1 o t,v a-f tl~.Q ~,J ~~~~N D
ew l5 ~r2.a~. ~~~ ~.c. unoul
q ~~ q U ~~orr ~ arcc~ a ~d .t ~'u-I l t 1~c 1'tirJ ri
~ YS ~, ~ I d e. ~ T rnova d+fl ~ n 19 9 0, .~' n'1"1^e p a ~~
~a w S~ w~ ~-o w ~-~ o y1 c~e~ ~~- ~~ua~~ .rin cP
MCn/Ly c~ `~ ~~{!'aQ-~-(o/tJ' ~~i V2 ~i.~o./1 com/hPlc(c- ~lu~,
~t M~~s ~ s~.~ ~,G~- -r~ lo~~~ f~~a~ a~v~~,,
h 4~ lzcw, ! o s t ta /1 1~ f'~ ~ Cd M/r`~ ~ l 0. ~/ i2~ ~~ia ~ n
Cc 3-}-v ~w~ ~-~, S~ 1~ !7"' Y~ L.(1f.fj1 ~,l l.l (n/e o, re ~ l~eu dy
-~-~ I I<<nti of' I c.~,v~nr~tl{kl'~a ~o p~.cve fo (~"-r.rJvvf ~/`~1u~,7.
~„S fi-f o e f c~. p-e -~h is .S a C~ .Qn ~ ~o ~ ~
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City oE
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791. Boulder, CO 80306.
Aga~ldallemi_~~___Pege# 3/
, ~ . ~ ~ 1.;~ J t ~". {'' ~ ..~':r~~t. , ..~ N r' ,+„~,!~~'~ '.°y '
. .. , . ' ~ I . • , . M~r. ~.fY.q"1 ~ yw,"~;..
.. . ' ,. ' ~ ; ~, .; . ~. , ' r;^ 'r, .
Planning and Developmenf Senvicea •- - ~ -•- • -- - - • • •-• ~ • •~ •
1139 Broedwey. ThIM.FIOO~,..e..P..O..Box 791,.BOUICe~, Colotfl00.B0308-0781
phone 303~441•1980 ~ fex 903-a47•32d1 • emeil plendevelop(~cl,bouider,co,us
www.cl.boulder.GO.usipwplen _,..M
.... , . .... +.......~., ..,,..,..~,.,.,..,,.,,......_....._--.__.. . ..
.,.,. .: ~~~~wnt~~~ '~~j4~~r1~~u~~ - .. ;. w. ........
-Cornmt~nity-~O~~en~~I-~o~se . - -_
S~ptemb~a~..'. , r.~~Q01... _. , .. _. _ ._ .. _.._... . .
.. .. ,
.._. _....'._..._.:i.... ._; _..---.. _.__..... ..._._..__......_. _ ..
. .. - ~
. ~,~ .. ,~.._,...._,_.~.._ ..... ....... . .... .. ...,. _,.
C'J ~1-n .. ~~ _~t'v.~,v~ o ~. e Aa e~ I o Q.. O r.7. _..
.. ,.
If you wish, you ma
Boulder, attn: Peter
~J~ ~/Y~C011.I'd.
~S ~ ~ a
. . ~ ~ohl.Vnw ' u..~ ";ns1`4~C-4hs'h~c.¢~s5
_c~ .~u~ ~~-.o~ .. ~
(Coatinue dn other slQe if nec' essNry) ~
send your wmmenta by fax, 3~S•4 I1•3241, or by mail to the City of
'ollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder,i C0 0306. ~,Q -
L~'~IAA~55~~'b ~ lrn~, Q/-~ Gl.klL W1~{'bl (M']~V~cn~ • T~^~t'
~.i~ - ~ 1 ~
Agenda Ilem ~~Page ~ i 3a
. . ~ ; ;, ,
„n`~. . ~. '
I 'W ;.
Planning and Development S~rvices ~•• -•~ - ~~• -• -; •
'~ r, .. . "..._. __173~ Broadway, Thlyd Floor_e. P.,O. BOx 791, Bouldar, Coloredo •80308-07Bi
phone 303~441•1860 • tex 303~41-3241 • emell plendevalop~cl.boulder.co.us
,www,cl.bouider.oo.u@/pwplan ._..t_.---~ . ...... .. ... ....._.:...... . .....,_..... , ...
...,.,_ „_,.,,_,..,.. _...._~.. ,. ........ . .
. , ...~. . Downto'~a~t"Z~i~l'in ~~Isstt~s . ,
.. _ Commun~ty O~ie -I~ouse... ... ..~_ .... _.... . .. _ . ....
... Sept~~~.~r.:,r ~ QO 1,......__~ ~ _..._w,.... ._. ~:-.... ... .
. . _. .. ._. ... ~ .. ... ~ .
._ .. , .,, ... .
~ ~
. , ,
, . .... .... . ... ._..... _...~__......_...~.
........ _
, _..._„_ ...... ... ... . ,
, - _ , '
,.,..,.: . . .. ,: ., .. .... .._... .. _... .. . ... .._... , ..
NAME ~ l~~ . '
PHONE, ~ S ~,,~L( X{e - l l'7 I 'i
~ y~~:
!X v ~ r C t 'b AU e i t~
~ 't'F~~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~C.d~l~ . Ge , 4~ ~ .O~M_ { h
~.a . {. .
.,. .. . ,~ ._ . ,y.. ~.
~ .( (Continue on other elde 1E',neceesary) 7~
~ lJ ~ ~, ~/..-~Ar i'~e "~'~ J'L--.yrt-~J .H ~ ~ . ~
If you wiah, you m y:end your co ~ents by ax, 03• 41•9241, or by mal~ to the City oE ~
Boulder, attq: Pe Pollock, P. . ox 791, Boulde~r, C BD306.
, .
w; ll ~ b e~. w-~-- , s~ e:.~t' ~-) i K._. ,
, ~, .
Q,.L r d.._,_.~,_,_.~
P.s, ~~ ~ .~.~- of ~, 6~~-~.
~ 6. 6 ~.~l~C T-{~~ u-~ oL: sf ~-ti.~,-~ r u,~-~, i
~ AgendalEam#~ P~age#t~' ~ ~~
i , ~ i .~. ~ - ~~~~'~
I . ' . . • ~ i . /
ent Servlces . .
~ P..O. Box 781, Boultler, Coloratlo.8o808•078t
OS•4A1-3241 • emall pfandevelop~cf.boulder.co.us
. www.cl.boulder.eo.us/pwplan ..... y':.__ ..:....... ...
.. ......._ _._ ... - - ~
Downtown'Zcifi'f~i~'Is's~i~,$ .............. ...... . ....... . .
~~~-~-Community,O~en:I-iouse ~ ~ - - -
Septe~il~~x .,,. ~;,2QO,X.... ~_.,
. ... .. . . .. . .:
Plannlnp and Developm
1739 Broedway, Thlyd Floor..
phone 303-441-1880 • fex 3
. . : - ° ~, .. I . . ...._ ._ . . .. . ._.. _. .. ~
NAME ~ w~ ~~ c u ~ a' '~~
~nxESS '~ Z B ,s7 ~ ~ ~ L~'' y ~ b~Gt~1/ J~ ~
} z 3 - ~'d"~~
COMMENTS T~ ~ W~ ~ S T ~ M d I~ w~:1 ~~~
sA~~~,~~i~,-~ rni~w~ 0.~7~~' fi~,~Y~ti.~~u.~
I 5 A~ S a, ~~ b za' ra LA cnn G~ I~ R, fr f ~17~e d-~be. l
ALLe~J THi~S QW1L~l~~d~
. . . , ..... ... .. . ,.. . ....._.......I ............. .:........ -..... ..... . ...
(Continue on other eide if neceeeary)
If you w1eh, you may cend your commenta by fax, 3~13•4413241, or by mall to the City of
Boulder, attn: Petec Pollock, PA, 13ox 791, 8oulder~ CO 80306.
~- •
l~endalbem # ~ ~ Page ~ ~
~eue coa~w
a~ ~~rH sn:eer
eouJd~r. Colorado eWO2
ao~.st~ ~~uo
s,~o ro
~e-}~r {~ol(oc
"°M"°" °"' • z~•~l
~ ~
°"'~ 32 '~'
Agenda Item A~Page # 3
... ~. . .
u.: ,
' .;.:•
~ Planning and Devalopment Services --
~ ' ]739 Broadway, Third Floor_ ~ R.O, Box 781, Boultler,.COloredo 80306-0791,
phone 303-441-7880 • fax 309~d41-32A1 • emall plantlevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
wwwci.boulder_eo.us/pwplen.... -... .......... ..... ..._..... .........._. ...
NnME__ _ ~!~-~ _U _ _ P ~' 6 ~ s ctl
~D~.ss ?mr ~-R-.~P~-~o~ ~tar .~o~~~~,~. 8o~oa
PHONE 30 ~-S~ 6^O 3 3~
COMMENTS A-~aU~ 0"~CO ~cl~EE~tS A-6o / l~A~~~ ~'
sAf-o~r Y~.B-[.K v~ccr~ T+~n Tuf+-rr 7~S ~~o ~+a r6 X+e-s
(J~ m/t~' Tfi~E N~'ES7' 1EFt.a'S ~~'c% _~•~~'~ Ge~r~-9
?`~s ~!!f ~ ~ ~~'6' GzoO~ ~ V'~S p~T7~? ~C'~lE~~/~~ ~
/ 14C9~ G!/~CY/.~6 ~o VY ~-i`~`~ k/E 4cl yVo UL-0 ~~' 4o'tTr`/~
/g- eo,+~,ao~crxCl upt~ /asv~c~".~a o~ r~ ~Cr9-7~ lRoks
/S S'!~1l~LY S'~.Z~ .
. ..
(Contlnve on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may aend your comments by fax, 303•441-3241, or by mail to t6e City of
Boulder, atcn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agenda I~m i ~- Page # qa~ o
Planning and Developm
'- ! . ~ _.......1739 Broadway, Third Floor_.
~ phone 303~41-1880 • fax 3
ent Services -- . . .
~_P..O. Box 79.t, Boulder, Colorado -80306-0791- •
03-447-3241 • emal plandevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
.vwvw.u,bouider._ao.unlpwpla,n..., __.__. _.
_.. .. ._._ _ . - Dor~vntiown .Zoning'~Issues -- .... ... _ _. . . .
_ .--Community-~Open House - ... .....:. _. _.... .. . _. ... .
. . __. _ .. .Septe~ber_,_.. .200.1.. .., . .... . .
N . -.:. . . - Iw' .. . .... _:_ ....... .........._.. _. , ...... ... _. ...
~E Tq(~t2,s ~ir,5~-. .....
nnD~ss ~~~ _'~ ~" T1YN~~ ~-o~JOI
PHONE ~ / - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
If you wish, you may smd your commenta by faz, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Bouldec, CO 80306.
qqende It~n R ~ Pege p.sZ.
..,.. ... .. _.
(Continue on other side if necessary)
~~,. Planning and Development Services •• - - • ---
~ 1739 Broadway, Jhird F..loar_~..P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado .80306-0791 -
phone 303-441-1880 ~ tax 303-441-3241 • emaii piandevelop@ci.boulder.co.us
wuvw.ci.boulder.co.us/pwplen .............. .. __ ... ..,.. . ... _._.. .,_... ... _ . _.... . --
.. ...__.. ....._.._.__--Downtcsvrm Zo~ing Issues . - _..__._...._. ._..,.__....
_... __ _._...CommunityFOpen-House _.. ._...__.
_ .. ._Septemb~r.._ ;.ZQO1__ ....._ - - -
COMMENTS _ '~ 1~-~YJ'Z ~+N! ~v rv rJ.+u arac..,
I~• Ik 4f I l'~ R. CpV-YfL~-- 6{~ .`7' 4 l E1~~ ~P
a~ ( ~
. .._ - -- ... . . . . . ... . .. ..
(Continue on other aide if necessary)
If you wieh, you may send your commenta by fax, 303•441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Soulder, attn: P~ter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agenda item R, ~ _ , Pege # ~
_ _ . _..._. _ . .. . -. .. ._... __..... .._..; . . . ._...... . _ _..
.... ,... _........... . .. .. ...........__........F._ _.. _ .... . _ .. ..
MF. .. _. DI7?G% S .. , ~ . .. ... . _ . .. ... ... .. ~'-~. . .. . . .
s~ ~~.--;a~= FI~~~~~ ~~~
~ry,~,!s Planning and Development Servicea ~ - -
" ` . / _ _ .._1.739 Broadway, Third Flooc_~. F.O._Box.7.91, Boulder, Coloredo -60306-0797-- -
~, phone 303-441-1880 • f9Y ~03.441•3241 • email plandevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
www.ci.boulder.co.us/pwplan . _. _ . _, .
. . . .... ...._ ...._.... . . .... _._..:. ..
~ - ~ ownto'wn oriing~I~sues ~ -
- -Community-Open-House - ~ -
. _ . . September..,_,.... ;:2Q.QI .._.. _ __ ._...
~D~SS ~'S3 i
~ ~ 7~S
C'Q 803~~
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-4413241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. 8ox 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
qqenda Item 6~Page # ~~
•---'---° --' ---- '--- -- -'-------~.
. ; :~
~„ Planning and Development Services - ~ - -
'~. 1739 Broadway, Third Floor.~..P..O. Box 791,.Boulder,.Colorado .80306-0791 -
~ phone 303-441-1880 • faz 303-447-3241 • email plandevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
www.ci.boulder.CO.ua/pwpian ...._....__ .. . . ..........__.._...
~tiS3' ~e~s ~,1~ tYlG~-~-! ~.~'-e,~ f' SA~ 1~
E,t.~'i- ~-~-~ j.
.. . .. .
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your commenu by fax, 303•441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Sox 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agenda l~m #_c~_Page # ~
-.: , .~..
~/~~Q Planning and Development Services - - - -
~E7~ ~ ,.~
.. 1739 Broadway, Third Floor._~_P..O..Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80308~0791 -_
phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • email plandavelap@ci.boulder.co.us
www,ci.boulder,co.us/pwplan . , ...
. .. .. .... ... . .. _.... ...
Do~vntov+-ri Zoning'Issues - -~ " ~
_ _ . ..Community. Open-House . . . .._ _. .._ _ _
_September::_ :.20Q1 ,..... ...
PHONE d~~ °1 ~"''a' l -
-~-4'll~~l ~ [~r '~VP~A'-~~ ~~c~N~2A~l.~sw_ _
(Continue on other aide if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fan, 303•441-3241, or by mail to che City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Soulder, CO 80306.
Agandaltem8 ~ ~' _Page# ,y/
_... .. . .._.. .- _.... .._. ~. _....; .. .
~/~„ Planning and Development Services - - - ~-
~ ~ 1739 Broadway, Third Fiooi..e. P..O.. Box 791,. Boulder, Colorado 8D306-0781 .
phone 303-441-1880 • fex 303-447-3241 • email plandevelop~cf.boulder.co.us
www_ci.boulder~co,us/pwplan.....__..... .. . __.__ . . ..
w v ~v - ~
If you wish, you may aend your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of ~~
Soulder, atcn: Pater Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
,. •
, ~ ~~~'~"~'~ a-12- ~
`, .
AgendallemB~Page# ya
PHONE Lf ~~ ' l7~ VUI ~
~ Planning and Development Services - - ---~ • -~-
~ ,.. _.. .1239 Broadway,.7hicd Floor._•.. P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Coloredo .80306-0791
~ phone 303-441•1880 • fex 303-441-3241 • ema(i plandevelopQci.boulder.co.us
www.ci.boulder.co.us/P_Y4Pl~._. . _.....
PHONE ~~'~ ~ 3 q'~ ~ ~I L
COMMENTS ~ , ~L~ ~'1 J ~LvC/ J~- ~~ U'E~ W (7? 'f ~L ~~
~; ~, ~- `~ n -~r~.w~.1 ~
. ....
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments hy faz, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, ettn: Peter Pollock, P.O, Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agend9lbtn #~.L_Page # y .~
~ r..
.. , ,.
, ,,.
., . ,.,:.r
/~, ~Rianning and Devalopment 5ervlces - ~ ~ -- ~-" ---
' !. . . / _1739 Broadway, Third Floor_r...P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado .80306-0791 .. .
~ phone 303-441-1880 • fex 303-4~i1-3241 • email plandevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
. .. www,a.boulder.co.uslpwplen,..._._.....
NAME ~/E%N~'~ ~S'CF/~Vla ~-E'~,
nnD~55 G~ -~3 N~ 63''~ .~% , ~-oNG ,~D,vi ~ d'b• ~~
PHONE 3 ~ 3 ~ ~0~` 5 ~'~ ~
COMMENTS ln~K~4;El/~2 "~/c ,S'/zkc Or i~vc .alLl~rn~Cr 1 i
rSHOu. ~~ NO % ~ LOGlI '% Ni= !~/Elt~ O i' ON~ O'~
% fs/~ L/~FS % N~ C'C ~.-S~TAC[ ~,4NT 1'~L C/~C.S' /N Tp'kJl~l .
, . _.
(Continue on other side if aecessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Bouldet, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO $0306.
Agenda ltem #.~page # ~
~~ ! ~ _1739 Broadway, Third Flooc e. P.O.. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791
~. phone 303-441•1680 ~ fax 303~41-3241 • email plandevelop~ci.boulder.co.us
uvww.ci.bouldar_co.uslpwplan..:.. _....._.. _. ....._... . _ .... .. .. . .... ._.. .
/' c7
PHONE ~3'y~{G-4 K~I ~7
,L -
u// ~
U<'7 ~~'S /S S G~ O`- ~/h~ Q c f~ CE' ~ t~ /u TiGn To Guc.~
/_ .' L.~ ~ y~ . _ ..
("i f' /~ '`"- ~~~r~lJ'(Corltin e o o er aid if necessary)
lf you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agenda ltem #.~_Page # y 7
/G~ci ~~PSr~,a-~ ~ r~PCi .ri ~ c d/fGln- 7~G Sc~i'
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/~„ Pianning and Devalopment Services - - -- --
'" I' . I __... 1739 Broadway, Third Floor_e. P.O. Box 781, Bo~Vder,.Colorado 80306-0791
~, phone 303-441•1680 • fax 303-441-3241 • emal plandevelop(a~ei.boulder.co.us
www.ci.boulder_co.u5/pwplen._ _,_..._.. ... __._
Downtown Zon:ing Issues
Community~ Open -House
. September..: >2001 _..
NAM£ .
~.J V~ ~~ v W \~V~" ~ _ .. . __ ._- _ _ _
PHONE ~ I' F-t ~`C U~• r
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--~-'~ ~'~ ~~-'~ a G~ ~ ~e~j-t~ ~~GLJ" ~ ~.~"d'1"-/7~ lN'u-^ / ~ .
If you vhsh, you may send your comments by fsuc, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of ~J
Soulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 803 b, w_ 1„~ ~y~`"" ~lJ
~5 ~ 5 p~,,~~F.., ~.,~ Q ~..i.c~
~ ~~"~ nofi S~~ ~'
Agenda Item R~s..LPage # . , y~ -
a~/~,~ Planning and Development Services
~ ~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791
phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • email plandevelop aQci.boulder.co.us
Downtown Zoning Issues
Community Open House
September 10, 2001
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
NAME ~~ c,JN' ~~Z-~J
2323 ~ 20°''
PHONE \ ~~3~ `~~~ ~ SR~,
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agenda Item A~Page q ~_
l h ~ ~~ ra FCa. -F~f T- /,~ 2 ~ ~h YJ ~ /~v~ .
a~/~ Planning and Development Services
~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Boulder, Colorado B0306-0791
phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • email plandevelop@ci.boulder.co.us
Downtown Zoning Issues
Community Open House
September 10, 2001
Please leave th's com ent form at the welc me table.
NAMF. : \ ~ )f I'LI~l1~ ~ ` LJ V (i ~~
b.J~4~. ts3S 1V~~frJ~~d., c~~,~ ~Po
PHONE _ j' y,'d6~a..t ~J,' S~ ~
COMMENTS % 7~ a r M E~ M v~/~
0 ()
(Continue on other side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send your comments by fax, 303-441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agenda Item ~ r ~ Page # `~ ~
'OnM n DOnGG/Y / d ~ C~nr~I ~F./If. I. ~ Jn I ~'1 AJ I V
~ -,~`/~„ Planning and Development Services
a~ -
1739 Broadway, Third Floor .. Boulder, Colorado 80306-0791
~ phone303-441-168D x303-441-3241 • e ail plandevelop@ci.boulder.co.us
Downtown Zoning Issues
Comrnunity Open House
September 10, 2001
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
IvAME ~f~l C~l ~ Y I C.~~ Z
A.,~~~ss I~I~I ~/'~/c~ ~]-- ~ z.o1
PHONE ~0 ~"J q"~ 2 Ol~-0Qj
COMMENTS ~~Jr' ~~.Y.~' L~IGiT~~1l~i ~S 1~Fi ~DI~.~A~V/~vi~ 5G/'h/Fi, ~~
-- ,
~ Ib'N~e~e~fh~ F~e. -~ ,9~~ •
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.~'~l. DI ~A-PPoI ~7&~ wjT~ 7~ ~~ .. ifi~r~ 7)t~ ~f 7jtAT 7~
~~Iil~rN~ INI1 ~i-~ ~~` GoJ~~F.I~n 7b 7°~a/~GZ~/ PR-~R. 71?'~iNy
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._ ~1.~~ Pv~ 7r1~ P~~s l-~ ~l~ ~v Pa9~ 7t/iy
~~~,~~ ~ ~ ~. ~-. P~A~~S~o,~ a~-. ~,~ y~.
(Continue on othez side if necessary)
If you wish, you may send youz comments by fa~c, 303•441-3241, or by mail to the City of
Boulder, attn: Peter Pollock, Q.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306.
Agends Ilem t~Page # y 9
~ ,~p~„ Planning and Development Sen
a•I~ •
Y 1739 Broadway, Thifd Floor • P.~. Box
~Q, phone 303-441-1880 • faX 303-441-324
'" j www.ci.boulder.co,us/pwplan
~1, Boulder, Cotorado 8a3~6-0791
• emall plandevelopQci.boulder.co.us
Dovcmtown Zoning Issues
Community Q!pen House
September' 10, 2001
Please leave this comment form at the welcome table.
ADD~tESS~ Q~I ~.~4/~ Sf
~~zotv~ 303 4v~ e633
co~z~~zv~rs t bet,e~ :
I. ~i..e. or~~ ~Q ~ve-w~.isc. iv Dwv~dL' ~s,~y lo.~~.GU ~ v~e3 idc,w~'i~ ~v~a.(~p~+.a,,,t'
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'~?n!~' ircQ.v/~c s~~.• raside.,~-~1aX•
(Continue on othez side if necessary)
If you wish, you xnay send youx comments by fax, 303: 441-3241, ox by mail to the Cfty of
Boulder, attn: Peter PoUock, P.O, Box 791, Boutder, CO 80306.
AgendaitemB~Page# --'r~d
~'~1.2~o¢S~I W'~.1 '{a ?nnS-w~C_~~ G~4d~~• ..1- Iw+1.YDl. (i~ct'~o ste_ 1vw 35~~ ~
3. j.ta,~- r~ 'Cl~.t ~,~IV~s; d-~o u,~-.~1 „ cn. s~ oG.~a~h ov. waul.al. ~~ s-t~..tR~ ha
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-~Ovr.v;e,J ~'ln4 cm.~tfir-~,~ In,~.,.:sG.~' ~ti~,s,v~ ~:- (~g.2 E ~2~L-~ ;s
C~n ~we~-re.e-~'~iov~ A.r-Q is l~l<+.~ -{-o ~*~ac_. ~~'~- ~iwv~~~v~ ef ~~.~
~Q.. ~,1 ' 1 6 yvwr"~ `~~~f ~ ~ ~ ~IL h1 ~ KC/~ ~- 0~1Lm- . a~ (2L
~d(~ ~- i° I ~ ~ '{U At! ~4AJ ~ S01nI., Y(' f!a- ~ ~ Y''•W"e' ~°~ ~
• u ~a~-~
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~1~vw. ~~sc t~,~.. S~w.~l7 we.N.~ less o,~ L~,~.v~iZN~ .
Agendaltemi '~.t_Pege# •~
September 26, 2001
Summary of Options:
Option 1
Option 2:
Option 3:
Option 4:
No change.
Eliminate conditional height provision, allow additional height at
corners through the site review process.
Limit the area where the conditional height provision applies
(A) Allow within R61-X and RB1-E where surrounded by RB1
(8) Allow within RB1-X and RB1-E where surcounded by andlor
adjacent to existing RB1, RB2 or RB3 zones.
(C) Allow within R61-X and RB1-E where surrounded by and/or
adjacent to existing RB1, R62, RB3 or PE zones.
(D) Allow within R61-X only, where surrounded by R61-X and/or
adjacent to PE zones.
(E) Allow within R61-X only, where surrounded by RB1-X and/or
adjacent to PE zones, excluding designated historic
Restrict to "Architectural Elements"
Filepath: 1\CO$CLUSTER_SFIkRE_SER VER\SHARE\PLAN1UsersIPOLLP I \Downtownheightoptions2.doc
Agendal~mA~Page# Sa
OPTION 1: No change to existing zoning
i e~ ceNo
~ R61-E & R61-X
zoning districts
50'x70' conditional
height envelope
Scale: 1" = 500'
~~r~\~ /~.1
Maplink N
City of Boulder
Boulder Revised Code, 1981
9-3.2-4 Conditional Height
(c) RB1-X and R61-E Review Criteria
In the R61-X and R61-E zoning districts, principal building height for a building located
on a corner lot that faces iwo public streets may be increased by up to ten feet in height
and up to three stories if:
(1) The building contains no more than three stories above the finished grade; and
(2) The horizontal dimensions of the third story are no greater than fifty feet along the front
yard street frontage by seventy feet along the side yard street frontage.
(3) The vertical ptanes of the third story are located directly above the vertical planes of
the stories below.
Agenda item S~~ Page #_ S~_
OPTION 3(A): Allow within RB1-X and R61-E,
where surrounded by R61 zones
a R61-E & R81-X
zoning districts
50'x70' conditional
height envelope
Scale: 1" = 500'
Maplink N
City of 8oulder
The 50' x 70' conditional height "envelope" must be located within
an existing RB1-X or RB1-E zoning district, and must be surrounded
by an existing RB1 zone.
This option would allow the 50' x 70' conditional height at 46 location
within the downtown, compared to 76 potential locations under the
existing zoning.
Agenda Item ~1~Page N ~ y
OPTION 3(B): Allow within RB1-X and RB1-E,
where surrounded by and/or adjacent to
existing RB zones
z~~=; RB1-E R RB1-X
~~"N===` zoning districts
50'x70' conditional
height envelope
Scale: 1" = 500'
~~ ~ ~ ~
Maplink N
City of Boulder
The 50' x 70' conditional height "envelope" must be located within
an existing RB1-X or R61-E zoning district, and must be surrounded
by and/or adjacent to an existing RB1, RB2 or RB3 zone.
This option would allow the 50' x 70' conditional height at 61 locations
within the downtown, compared to 76 potential locations under the
existing zoning.
Aganda Item R"1 ~ Page #-S 5
OPTION 3(C): Allow within RB1-X and R61-E,
where surrounded by and/or adjacent to
RB and PE zones
~ ,~,~ R61-E & RB1-X
zoning districts
50'x70' conditional
height envelope
Scale: 1" = 500'
,r~r~ ~ ~
Maplink N
City of Boulder
The 50' x 70' conditionai height "envelope" must be located within
an existing RB1-X or RB1-E zoning district, and must by surrounded
by and/or adjacent to an existing RB or PE zone.
This option would allow the 50' x 70' conditional height at 68 locations
within the downtown, compared to 76 potential locations under the
existing zoning.
Agenda Item 9 '~Page # ~
OPTION 3(D): Allow within RB1-X only, where
surrounded by RB1-X and/or PE zones
~;:i~;?; RB1-Xzoning
50'x70' conditional
height envelope
Scale: 1" = 500'
~~~~ ~ ~
Maplink N
City of Boulder
The 50' x 70' conditional height "envelope" must be located within
an existing R61-X zoning district, and must be surrounded
by and/or adjacent to an existing RB1-X or PE zone.
This option would allow the 50' x 70' conditional height at 37 locations
within the downtown, compared to 76 potential locations under the
existing zoning:
Agenda Item # /~S Page #
OPTION 3(E): Allow within R61-X where
surrounded by R61-X and/or PE zones,
excluding designated historic properties
a R81-X zoning
f\1 Downtown Historic
~~ District
~ 50'x70' conditional
height envelope
Scale: 1" = 500'
~~~~ ~ /~J
Maplink N
City of Boulder
The 50' x 70' conditional height "envelope" must be located within
an existing RB1-X zoning district, must be surrounded by
and/or adjacent to an existing RB1-X or PE zone, and must not be
located within a designated historic district or landmark site.
This option would allow the 50' x 70' conditional height at 34 locations
within the downtown, compared to 76 potential locations under the
existing zoning. ~
Agenda Item # ?~ Page # ~
In the Downtown Boulder RB1-E and RB1-X Zones
~ * ~' ~ '~
~ ~ ~
~ ~
~ c~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~~
~ ~~
,~~~~ ~~
~ HlMOrlc Sites ot 3+8fory Bulldinps
~ CurtsM and Approved 3+ Stury Bulldinps
~ FororrtlN Hs~gm Rovlew s~tse
Downtown Zoning Districts
O RB1-X (Rsplonel Buelness Ons Redavelopinp)
~ RB1•E (Reglonel Bwiness One Estebllshed)
The information provlded on thfa map is provided as
a graphical representat(on oniy. The City of Boulder
provides no warranly, expressed or implied, as to
the accuracy or completeness of the infortnation
contained hereon.
soo o sao ~oao
. N N 9eptembsr 6, 2001
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Downtown's rivo major zoning districts, RBt-E and RB1-X,
currently permit two story buildings of 35 feet in height
by right.
Corner sites within these distrids are allowed extre
height not requiring full site review through the current
Conditional Height ordinance as follows:
O~dinance No. 5930 (1997).
9-3.2•4 CondiNona! Naight.
(c) RB1-X and RBf-E Review CAteria:
In tha R81-X arrd R81-Ezoniny dlst~itts,
principal bu(Iding height for a building loceted on
a comer lot that fates two publlc strcets may be
Jncrossad by up to ten fcst in height and up to thme
no~ie: rF
(1}T6e bufldfng mntalns no more ihan thrce sto-
ries ebove the f-nlshad grade; and
(2)The ho-lzontal dlmenslons of the th(rd story
sro no groater than flky feet elong ths front ya~d
stnet frontage by xventy frat elong tha slda ysrd
shret frontsge.
(3)7he veRlcal planes of the thiM story ero.loceted
dirtcHy sbove the vertlcel planes of the stodes
Agende Item t 7~ Page #~ U
... . ~ - - -- - - }- - - --
~ '-- . . ... .. ---- - - , - _~ _ .
~'' , ... ~ ^ - f -_ ._ - ' -_,..
~ ---r~--- ~,~
r~ ~3 1.i -•._,p !~t;~~__r I r~ Two illustrative examples of buildings developed by
y. .. i---. ._,; , , ~ optimal application of this conditional height allowante
~~-1-~'"• - `- ~-~:' -_' __ ~ are s hown here, base d on a mo de l wrner si te 1 5 0 fee t
Sce~wioAGraundHaor ScenxioA2Mfbor ScenmoA3NFloor along the primary street by 140 feet along the secondary
street and adjoining the mid-block alley.
.: _ .. ~- _._ ....._, __t
- - _ ~ __... .. Scenado A
'~ ' ~ ° Ground Ploor.Retail space 15,350 SF
~ ~~ o'- ~_:-r.~.=.-r,:.,-..~ ::::.~
:' ~' `a: e~: °k"~ _ Second Floor. Office s ace 18,750 SF
: ~ ~j~ .;a~~ as, ~ ; ~~n.~~. P
`~u~ ~; ;_,;_,;; ,y~ ~~.~' ~__„ ScenaioAPimaryS~ree[Ycw Third Floor: Residential space (two units) 3,500 SF
~ I ' „ ~ The third floor wuld be utilized for Offce space as
I ~:~ ~1 %~ well; in this situation the Ground floor wuld gain
i :` jY ~ ,=:',-=7'~ ;~ approximately 2000 SF through elimination of the
(~, ; I'~ 'r' ~ , }~ ~ ~, ~Q~p~ required residential parking spaces.
I_- ~._ - ' A.~1 _a..~.._wfl._..'.1_.-- a~MaryStreeNie.v
i, •'.::1'jl • _ r g
~~~.,, .~5~
~1' ~
i '~ ~ ~
!'~; ~'~ai ~~ ~ ,
_,_. ~i,~ _._. . _1
Scenario B Gromd Fbor
~,_ ..~_> ~
~ : =,x
.'tY~. ~
i ~._ I
_~ ~~
Scenaio B Basement _ ..' _-
~ -~ ~ Y T_~A
~ .' ,~
~~ i
. ~~~
~~L ~
Scenaa B 2M Roar
' r'_._ r ___f
~ ~
~ I
~ ~,~~~
~ ~ - -- -~
Scenxio B 3N fhor
Scenario B:
Ground floor:Retail space 16,500 SF
Second Floor: O~ce space 14,075 SF
Residential space (3 units) 2,800 SF
Third Floor: Residential space (loft leveq 1,500 SF
This scheme creates more retail space at ground level
while providing parking for a residential component
through the use of basement parking. The building mass
is broken up by an internal open-air alley separeting the
three story corner unit from the bulk of the two story
building volume.
~, ~ ~._.._.~~~~~ i~' `~r.i+i i-~~,'3aU~'
Scenano B Ihirtdry Stree~ Yien
-_1'-. ^'~ ~~~~sii ~~~t-~~~i :~i.~l
The residential units are two stories tall, with primary
access from the second floor and access to the upper loft
level from within each unit. This loft level square footage
is limited to 500 SF per unit by the building code.
Agenda Item t 7~ Page q~/
Additional height and square footage-up to 2.7 times
the site area-is allowed, according to the following
requirements, by site review.
9d.2-78FIoorAroa Rados (FAR) /orthe RBf-E
R62-E, RB3-E, RB1-X, R82-X, and RB3-X Dlstrids.
(a) Pu se: The purpose of the floor area ratio is to
7.7 FAR Diagram ~~mit the vlsual mess of the structure and to 1lmit
the impacts of the use msuking from the incrcased
size in the RB7-E, RB2-E, RB3-E, RB1-X, R82•X, and
RB3-X distrlcts.
(b) Cakulatin, FlnorAree Retlnr. The floor aree ratlo
shell be applied to ell bu11dings on a lot except that:
(1) Uninha6ltable spaces and unlnhebltable attk
space shall not be included in the FAR calculation;
(2) Only flfly percent of the below grade floor arce
availeble for humen occupanty, that extends no
more than two feet above the finlshed grode on
the !o~ and Is eccess/6fe solely from the 6u!ldingY
inte~ior, shall be included in the FAR cakulatfon;
(3) !/p to 0.5 fAR of floor areA for resident/a! uses
shsll not be Included fn ihe FAR calculatlon; and
2.2 FAR Diagram (4) In the RB?-E, qB3-E, RBf-X, R82-X, and RB3-X
dlstrfcts, the floor area of parking wlthtn a
princlpal bullding thatls less than orsqual to 0.5
FAR of the lot sha11 not 6e included In the FAR
In each massing illustration to the left, Retail space is
located on the ground floor, Office space is on the Second
floor, and Residential space is located on the Third and
Fourth floors.
In the illustration of 2.7 FAR, parking occupies 50% of the
Ground floor space, which has the effec[ of pushing some
Office space up to the Third floor.
2.7 FAR Diagram
Agendeldeml_ 713 Pagea ~no?
~- .. _.. __ ---- -- ---
i T - - :-- r, _
i E= _; .-J
i :.k~,i~ \
~ i
XenarioC Groundibar
' +„-. f [ .------
t ~~
, ~.~a~ :
. ~ ~ i~--~ Ai':
.~~T^ ~.
Y f,
~ ~.. ~~4Gi.'r.
kenanoC 3rdFloor
i - - _ - _ i. , -- „ -. _.
, i . ~,.
; ~; ~ %"" , ~';~='~.._ ~~:Li~ .-~" :aMt""
i~ ~. ~;~~i rn ~ ~4_ ~ I i ~ o o e ~ a ~~o;
dir~ :~IL.i~L~~ `1~_ __.. r~:.:_.r`_:_IiL~~ ~L~i~i}r_
Scenano C Prmary Street View Scenario C Secondary Street V~v
~ _r= .e,.. ~ _._~
~~ . ~.. -- ~, I- I- ~
,.. _ .. __. _ J . _~.a
.. .. ,W .---- -... 1 ._. .. _ _
~_,~ .-.k
, ...... ..>;.. _~..I
-- -----~..~--. ~ u„ r . = - -- --
-~ ----
~ ... ~- ~.~._~-~_-?'
_'"•~,:~.-- °-~'~-~. _f-~i
- -------- ---..--~--- -----------•
-'-~~ ,.,, _ f: - _- ,
-*-----~ - ..
.«...,. ~eR ~,.~:; .
= : "`--- ----` - - --'._ _ _J+ ~~
-i"'-' -- -- ...._.
This example of development under the 0.5 FAR
allowance for residential incorporation illustrates the
extent of third floor area needed to take optimal
advantage of the allowance without building
underground parking. The utilization of basement space
to fulf II the residential parking requirement would allow
more non-residential leaseable space on the ground floor
and thus enable a significant amount of residential space
to "migrete" down to tHe sewnd floor.
Scanario G
Ground Floor:Retail space 15,350 SF
Second Floor: Office space 18,750 SF
Third Floor: Residential space (two units) 10,370 SF
80.0' Right of Way Street Section
This section shows the effec[ of different building
heights and setbacks within the framework of a typical
downtown Boulder streetscape.
The floor-to-floor heights shown to the right are
those recommended by the Downtown Urban Design
Guidelines and produce street wall heights for two and
three story buildings below the 35.0'and 45.0' height
benchmarks currently used by the zoning ordinances.
Diagonal Street Settion at Typical Intereections
This section illustrates the visual effed of the 45.0'
height allowance at corner sites based on view distances
occurring across the more open spaces at intersections.
Agenda Itam A~Page # ~v .3
Diagrammatic Street Sections