6A - Concept Review #LUR2001-00043, One Boulder PlazaCITY OF BOULDER
MEETING DATE: October 18, 2001
(Agenda Item Preparation Date: October 11, 2001)
Public hearing and consideration of a Concept Review and Comment #LUR2001-00043 for the
fourth phase of One Boulder Plaza, located south of Walnut between 13`h and 14`h Streets, to
review a proposal for development of up to 99,000 square feet of retail, office, and residential
use within a four-story building with heights of up to 55 feet.
Applicant: Chazles L. Deane Architecture & Planning
Owner: WW Reynolds Companies
Planning Department
Peter Pollock, Planning Director
Bob Cole, Director Land Use Review
Planner, Brent H. Bean, Senior Planner
The applicant is requesting review of the fourth phase elements of the One Boulder Plaza plan,
which iucludes the development of up to 99,000 square feet of office/retail area (76,500 square
feet, 1.7 FAR) and up to 24 residential units (22,500 square feet, 0.5 FAR) within a four-story
building(s). Maximum building height of up to 55 feet and a zero setback along the alley have
also been requested.
Proposal: Develop up to 99,000 square feet of office, retail and residentia] use within
a four-story building with heights of up to 55 feet.
Location: South of Walnut, between 13`h and 14`h Streets.
Size of Tract: 45,000 square feet (1.03 acres)
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\bbonebldconcept2.doc AGENDA ITEM #~~7 Pase 1
Zoning: RB2-X (Regional Business 3- Redeveloping)
BVCP designation: Regional Business
Existing Use: Bank, office, banking drive-through tellers and an at-grade parking lot.
Requested Variations: Four-story building where two is permitted, zero lot setback for the rear
yard (alley) and building height of up to 55 feet.
Staff is generally supportive of the overall concepts proposed for development of this phase of
One Boulder Plaza with the exception of the issues identified below.
The apolicant submitted three alternatives for develonment. Two of Yhe altematives
appear to be requesting more FAR than is permitted by the lot area. There is no provision
for consideration of an increase in FAR. Maximum floor area permitted, including the
0.5 residential FAR credit for this property, is 99,000 square feet, based on a 45,000
square foot lot area.
2. Buildine consistency with the Downtown DesiQn Guidelines. The applicant's drawings
suggest development of a four-story building with little, if any, setback from the Walnut,
13~~' and 14th Street frontages. The downtown design guidelines direct the third and
fourth floors to be placed approximately 20 feet behind the front yard setbacks to reduce
the overall scale of the buiidings and create a pedestrian-scale streetscape and reduce
shading on the street. A third floor element consistent with the conditional criteria far the
two corners could be appropriate (50 feet along Walnut and 70 feet along 13'~' and 14~~,
Streets). However, the central portions of the new development should retain a two-story
appearance. The third/fourth floor elements should have limited visibility from the
sidewalks along the north side of Walnut. This usually requires a 20 foot or greater
setUack for the third floor.
3. Retention or relocation of the drive-up facility. Drive-ups are not supported by existing
ordinances along Walnut street. Drive-ups are not permitted along Walnut, in the
downtown area; they are only permitted in the downtown area if the drive-up abuts
Canyon Boulevard. Staff would encourage removal of the existing drive-up because the
current access to Walnut has very limited visibility, resulting in a very hazazdous
pedestrian crossing. In no case, however, should the drive-up be relocated to another
location unless it abuts directly onto Canyon Boulevard. The existing drive-up can be
retained in its current ]ocation, but staff would not support any changes to the operation
unless they make the drive-though safer and/or increase the size of the existing facility.
4. Bulk and scale issues relatin~ to the drive-un facilitv. The current drive-up lanes create a
40 foot void along the W alnut street frontage. If the drive-up is retained in the current
location and the full 2.2 FAR is used on this site, this area will always be a void in the
building frontage along Walnut, because there will be no way to increase the floor area
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for this site. As a result, the drive-up should be included within the total floor area to be
developed on this site for the following reasons:
a) The void created by the drive-up along the Walnut Street frontage is not
consistent with the downtown design guidelines; this area should be store front,
b) The overall bulk and scale of the building would be increased by the void created
by the drive-up. For example, if the floor area in the drive-up area is 5,600 square
feet, this 5,600 square feet of floor area could be added to other locations above
the drive-up creating a larger appearing building, and
c) Should the drive-up cease to operate and all the FAR is used in other locations on
the site, there will be no way to fill in the void left by the drive-up without
exceeding the permitted FAR.
Prior to or in conjunction with the submittal of the request for amending the Site Plan, the
applicant should submit the proposed architectural plans to the Downtown Design
Advisory Board (DDAB)for review and comment.
Approved By:
i ' C~~
Peter Pollock, lanning Director
Attachment A: Vicinity Map
AtYachment B: Concept Plan Objectives
Attachment C: Development Review Committee Comments, dated July
20, 2001
Attachment D: ApplicanYs written statement and plans
s:\plan\pb-items~tnemos\bbonebldconcept2.doc AGENDA ITEM #(C/~ Paee 3
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Locatlon: 1300 Walnut St.
Revlew Type: Concept Plen, Revlew & Comme»f
Prafect Nam e: 8 ank One Phase 4
ReViewNumber: LIJR2007-OA043
Applicanl: WW Reynolds Compa~fes
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Concept Plan Guidelines for Review and Comment.
(~Guidelines for Review and Comment: The following guidelines will be used to guide the
Planning Board's discussion regarding the site. It is anticipated that issues other than those
listed in this section will be identiGed as part of the concept plan review and comment
process. The Planning Board may consider the following guidelines when providing
comments on a concept plan.
(1)Characteristics of the site and surrounding areas, including, without limitation, its
location, surrounding neighborhoods, deve-opment and architecture, any known natural
features of the site including, without limitation, mature trees, watercourses, hills,
depressions, steep slopes and prominent views to and from the site; The current site has a
two-story bank, single-stary office building and an at-grade parking lot located on it. An at-
grade parking lot is located to the northwest, a two-story office building, an at-grade parking lot,
and a 110 foot tall officehetail building to the north of the site. A five-story, 55 foot tall office
building is presant to the northeast and the RTD parking facility to the east. South and west of
the site are Phases 1 and 2 respectively for the Site Review. There are no known natural features
present on this site. There are a number of existing street trees present along 13~~', 14~h and
Walnut and located within the parking lot on site that should be preserved if possible.
(2)Community policy considerations including, without limitation, the review process and
likely conformity of the proposed development with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive
Plan and other ordinances, goals, policies, and plans, including, without limitation,
subcommunity and subarea plans; Downtown Design Guidelines: The building should take a
significant step back above the second floor level such that the upper stories of the building are
not visible to pedestrians walking along the north side of Walnut, east side of 14`h Street and
west side of 13'h Street, with the exception of the corners, which could have a third floor at the
property line with up to 50 feet along Walnut and 70 feet along 13~h and 14'~' Streets, consistent
with the current conditional height criteria for corner lots within the RB2-X zone. The first floor
elevations should result in a store front appearance along Walnut, 13~~' and 14`h Streets. The
drive-up facility should be removed or designed as a potential building infill area. The entrance
to the housing should be moved north to avoid creating a tunneled entry off Walnut and provide
the store front animation intended within the Downtown Design Guidelines.
Drive-up facilities: The drive-up facility, if retained on the site, should be designad as a potential
building infil] area. This area should also be included within the FAR for the site to assure that
the final bulk and scale of the site does not exceed the intent of the maximum 2.2 FAR
(including 0.5 FAR for residential use} for the site.
Downtown Design Advisory Board (DDAB): The architecture for the Site Review is required to
go before DDAB review for preliminary and final architecture showing consistency with the
Downtown Urban Design Guidelines.
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(3)Applicable criteria, review procedures, and submission requirements for a site review;
The applicant will be required to submit the preliminary plans to DDAB for review and
comment. The current proposal is very schematic and does not appear to be consistent with the
Downtown Design Guidelines. Third and fourth floor elements need to be placed 20 feet or
more behind the front property line to reduce their impact on the pedestrian scale along Walnut.
The potential FAR for the drive-up should be included in the total FAR for the building to assure
that it could be converted to future building area. Continuation of the drive-up is possible, but
relocation of the existing facility is not supported by current ordinances, because it will not be
adjacent to Canyon Boulevard.
(4)Permits that may need to be obtained and processes that may need to be completed priar
to, concurrent with, or subsequent to site review approvat; The site is outside the Boulder
Creek floodplain; no special permits are required.
(5)Opportunities and constraints in relation to the transportation system, including,
without limitation, access, linkage, signalization, signage, and circulation, existing
transportation system capacity problems serving the requirements oF the transportation
master plan, possible trail links, and the possible need for a traf~c or transportation study;
This site is adjacent to the downtown RTD transit center. Optimization of tenant ridership
should be encouraged for the development of this site. Sidewalk linkages to the existing trail
system along Boulder Creek and the bike trail on 13`h Street will be maintained by development
of this site.
6)Environmental opportunities and constraints including, without limitation, the
identification of wetlands, important view corridors, tlood plain and other uatural hazards,
wildlife corridors, endangered and protected species and habitats, the need for further
biological inventories of the site and at what point in the process the information will be
necessary; The site has no known environmental constraints.
(7)Appropriate ranges of land uses; and The applicant is encouraged to use the site for mixed
use. There are no entertainment facilities in this area that would hinder residential development,
with the exception of new uses developed within the One Boulder Plaza project area. The
applicant should provide proper notification of residential use of the nahire of the downtown
area, and residential use should only occur above the second floor (3`d and 4`~' floors only).
(8)The appropriateness of or necessity for housing. See comments in section 7 above.
s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\bbonebldconcept2.doc AGENDA ITEM # lG~/g Paee lo
DATE OF COMMENTS: July 20, 2001
REVIEW TYPE: Concept Plan Review & Comment
building commercial/retail lstand 2nd floors, residential, 3rd ~nd
4th tloor.
Height exception to 55 feet
Zero foot rear yard setback, where 15 feet is required
Four lloors, where two are permitted
Staff supports the general concepts proposed for development of this site with the exception of
development of a new drive-up on site. The drive-through that is present on the site should be
eliminated from the third phase of development. Current city policy does not pern~it driva-up
facilities that do not front onto Canyon Boulevard. The cunent drive-through stimulated this
policy due to its very dangerous access (limited site view to the sidewalks) onto Walnut.
Building elevations were only provided For Phase 1, and the building design will require
additional revision to fit within the character of this area. The design of the buildings for this site
should appear to be two stories along the Walnut Street frontage with the third and fourth floors
stepping back from Walnut approximately 20 feet to make them invisible to pedestrians walking
on the north side of Walnut. This will serve to reduce loss of sunlight to the north side of
Walnut, and retain a more historic building height and scale to this portion of Walnut.
The applicant has suggested a three phased (or three options) development far this site. Staff
would recommend that a maximum of two phases be proposed for consideration as part of the
Site Review. Timing for these phases should be based on three-year increments with the first
phase beginning within three years of receiving approval for Site Review.
There are a number of other issues that need further consideration for the development of this
site as proposed. The alley has been proposed to be used for access to basement parking lots and
a connection between the south underground parking lot and this site. The alley has been
vacated, but a utility easement is still present in the vacated alley location to acknowledge the
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presence of a public sewer line. The sewer line should be relocated and the easement vacated
before underground crossings in the alley can be considered.
This is a request for Concept Review, which requires Planning Board consideration. The earliest
this request can be scheduled for Planning Board consideration is October 4, 2001. If the
applicant wishes to provide additional architectural drawings or written information for
consideration by the staff before this request is considered by the Planning Board, a review of
revisions will need to be resubmitted by August 20, 2001.
CITY REQUIREMENTS Access/Circulation
Aevelopment Alternative 3 states that there would be a proposed drive-through. This use
is not ailowed in this zoning per the. city of Boulder Revised Code (1981) section 9-3.4-
6(a). This code section requires that a drive-through can only be permitted in this zoning
if "the property is located directly abutting Canyon Boulevard." Steve Durian, Public
Works, 303-441-4493
2. As part of the Site Review submittal far this site, an addendum to the Traffic Impact
Analysis for the One Boulder Plaza Site Review must be submitted. Steve Durian, Public
Works, 303-441-4493
3. The Transportation Demand Management strategy for this proposal is inadequate for this
site. The Eco-Pass program must include the residential uses. Additional strategies are
required from the One Boulder Plaza proposal, which are required to apply to this
proposal as well. Steve Durian, Public Works, 303-441-4493
4. The proposed underground access via a connection to the building to the south cannot be
achieved without resolving utility conflicts and subsequent vacation of the utility
easement. Furthermore, an access easement would need to be provided for this proposed
connection. Vehicular access to this site is required from the vacated alley; no new
accesses will be supported to or from Walnut or 14`h Street. As noted above, the drive-
through access to Walnut Street should be removed. Steve Durian, Public Warks, 303-
Building Design
Building and site design will be required to be consistent with architecture planned For the three
other phases of "One Boulder Plaza." The architecture along Walnut should step back from
Walnut at the third floor level a minimum of 20 feet to reduce shading and view disruption to
existing buildings located along the north side of Walnut. The design should result in the third
and fourth floors of the building not being visible to pedestrians walking along the sidewalk
located along the north side of Walnut. The Site Review submittal documents should include
profile and section plans demonstrating the visibility of the third and fourth floor elements from
the north side of Walnut. Porches, balconies and parapet walls could penetrate into these
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The drive-up design results in no building frontage along Wainut and very limited building
design along 14`~' Street. The design of buildings along Walnut and 14'h Street need to reflect
storefront design. Access to and from parking lots and other on-site traffic movements should be
restricted to the vacated alley.
Fire Protection
Standard fire protection requirements will apply. Adrian Hise 303-441-3350,
Land Uses
General land uses proposed are acceptable to the city, with the exception of developing a new
drive-up facility, and the three-phase development of this site is very confusing. Drive-ups are
not permitted in the downtown area unless they front onto Canyon Boulevard. Taking access to
a drive-up from Walnut would not be considered in any case. The site plan suggests that the
parking along Walnut would be impacted with a right turn lane or that overflow traff c from the
drive-up would store in a travel lane for Walnut.
Three-phased buildout of this site will be very limiting on the overall development potentials for
the site. For example, can a phased below-grade parking lot be provided for the whole site, how
will the housing parking needs be met with a phased parking lot, and how are the open space
requirements for the site being satisfied? Buildings exceeding 45 feet in height are required to
have a minimum of 20% open space provided. This requirement can partially be met with
residential open space requirements, see section 9-3.2-6 and 9-3.2-7(d).
No concept plan for landscaping is provided with the application. Bev Johnson, 303-441-3272.
Legal Documents
No requirements at this time. (Melissa Rickson - CAO)
Both Development Alternatives #1 and #2 show below-grade parking in the 20 foot alley which
has been vacated. The alley still contains city utilities and remains as a Public Utility Easement.
No underground parking areas, buildings, footings, eaves, etc. will be permitted within the Public
Utility Easement.
Staff sees two acceptable options;
Revise the plans to include an at-grada entrance to the underground parking structure for
1300 Walnut.
2. Relocation of all existing utilities (public and private) within the Utility Easement and
vacation ofthe Utility Easement. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\bbonebldconcept2.doc AGENDA ITEM # Pa e~f
1. Storm water quality enhancement is an issue that needs be addressed during the Site
Review process. A Preliminary Storm Water Report and Plan in accordance with the city
of Boulder Desig'n and Construction Standards must be provided by the applicant at the
time of Site Review application. The required report and plan shall address the following
• Water quality for surface runoff using "Best Management Practices"
• Erosion control during construction activities
2. Discharge of groundwater to the public storm sewer system is anticipated to
accommodate construction and operation of the proposed underground parking structure.
City and/or State permits will be required for this discharge. The applicant is advised to
contact the city of Boulder Storm Water Quality Office at 303-413-7350 regarding permit
requirements. All applicable permits must be in place prior to building permit
application. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121
1. Please provide information with the site plan review documents regarding underground
utility locations along Walnut within the public sidewalk areas. We have found that there
are some locations within the south side of Walnut that have fiber optic lines in locations
that limit the placement of street trees. Bev Johnson, 303-441-3272.
2. Please include the following in your preliminary landscape plan with the site review
Plan drawing at a scale of I"= 10', 1"= 20; or 1"= 30; to include:
Standard title block including scale, north arrow, and date
Location of property lines and adjacent streets (with street names identified)
Zoning and use of adjacent properties
Existing and proposed locations of all:
- Building footprints for existing structures and building envelopes for proposed
- Sidewalks and curb cuts
- Parking lots, including layout of parking spaces, interior and perimeter parking lot
plantings, bike paths and pedestrian walkways, drive aisles and curb islands
- Utilities and easements, including fire hydrants, water meters, and height and
location of overhead lines.
Existing location, size, and type of all trees 1 112" caliper or greater
Where fencing is used for required screening, a scaled drawing of the fence elevation.
Planting specifications
Layout and location of all landscaped areas including:
- planCing strips along all streets
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\bbonebldconcept2.doc AGENDA ITEM # IV/~ Paee /0
- parking lotscreening
- interior parking lotlandscaping
- perimeter site landscaping or screening
- all otherlandscaped areas
Botanical and common names and sizes of all plant material proposed preliminarily.
Locations of all proposed plant material, showri at the size they will be within Five years
of initial planting, and appropriately spaced.
Location, size, and species name of any plant materials proposed for removal.
^ Proposed planting of all ground surfaces.
Location and treatment of any proposed detention ponds.
Location and dimensions of site distance triangles at all intersections of streets and curb
Summary chart with calculations to include.•
total lot size ( in square feet).
total parking lot size, including all drives and driveways (in square feet).
total number of parking stalls required and the total provided.
total interior parking lot landscaped area required and the total provided.
total perimeter parking lot landscaping required and tota] provided.
total number of street trees required and the total provided.
total quantity of plant material required and the total provided. Bev Johnson, 303-441-
1. All proposed public utilities for this project shall be designed in accordance with the city
of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. A preliminary utility report per Section
5.02 of the Standards will be required at time of Site Review application to establish the
impacts of this project on the city of Boulder utility systems.
2. The applicant is advised that any proposed street trees along the property frontage may
conflict with existing utilities, including without limitation: water, wastewater, storm
drainage, flood control, gas, electric, telecommunications, drainageways, and irrigation
ditches, within and adjacent to the developmant site. It is the applicant's responsibility to
resolve such conflicts with appropriate methods conforming to the Boulder Revised Code
1981, the city of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, and any private/franchise
utility specifications. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121
Plan as proposed will be forwarded to Planning Board for consideration at the October 18,
meeting. If the applicant desires to revise the plans or provide additional information, a review
of revisions can be submitted by August 20, 2001 (fee for revision will need to be determined).
Please contact Brent Bean, (303) 441-3137 (out of the office from July 23 to August 5), Bob
Cole (303) 441-4277 or the specific staff inember identified in the response above to review
questions regarding comments made in the review.
s:\plan\pb-items\memos\bbonebldconcept2.doc AGENDA ITEM # ~PA Paee /~
ATTACHMENT D Charles ~. Deane
Architecture & Planning
625 Pleasant Streei
Boulder, Colorpdo 80302
Phone: 303-444-9234
E-mall: cl-deane@Indra.com
July 2, 2001
"1300 Wa1nuY' is the project title for Phase N of the One Boulder Plaza collective development located in
downtown Boulder. The "1300 Walnut" site is half a ciry block with Phase I of One Boulder Plaza being
located on the other half to the south. Presently there are two buildings on the 1300 Walnut site (addressed
1300 & 1330 Walnut), connected by a drive-thru canopy. On the site and to the east of these buildings is
an existing parking lot providing private and patron pazking forthetenant businesses. Since severallong
term leases aze in place with tenants occupying the two buildings, build-out of the site will phase-in slowly.
The applicants proposal therefor includes several alternatives for development with anticipated phasing
over a number of years.
For the most part, all development alternatives include a ground level of a retail/commarcial with a second
level of office and two levels of residential (condominium) development above. Two levels of below grade
parking in garage space is proposed. As with the One Boulder Plaza project directly to the south, similar
design elements will include, maximum building height, upper level residential units, change of materials
over the extent of elevations and facade setbacks at the upper levels. The retail office ground level will
provided with generous glazing and display store-fronting.
With major frontage on Walnut and side-streets beingl3`~ and 14~', the site is located in the Non-Historic
Area of the central business district and zoned RB 1-X. Both existing buildings on-site are office oriented.
The westerly building has three levels of off`ice space (including the open basement area) with a bank and
drive-thru facility with three lanes. The existing building on site to the east is one storey in height. While
the present development provides on-site pazking, the site is within the CAGID parking district, with no
off-street parking requirement for commercial uses.
To the east of the site is the RTD downtown termiaal with public parking on upper garage levels. To the
northeast is a five storey precast office building, with the downtown U. S. Post Office to the east of the
building. The tallest building in the downtown area is located to the north, the Vectra Building, on the
northwest corner of Walnut and 14`~ St. A mid-block parking lot is located north of the project site serving
office buildings on either side of the lot.
The parking lot to the west of this project, on the opposite side of 13'h Street is redeveloping as a
commercial project, Phase II of the One Boulder Plaza development. The present drive-thru bank building
to the south, as previously mentioned, will be demolished, the site will be redeveloped as a
commercial/residential project, Ona Boulder Plaza Phase I.
The site encompasses six lots, 50 fr by 140 ft, yielding a single piece of land 140 ft by 300 ft. Recently,
the applicant was successful in vacating the 20 feet wide alley between this site and the project to the south.
With each project taking 10 ft of the vacated alley, the resulting size of the site has become 150 ft by 300
Agendaltem A.~Page #.L_
Page 2 of 4
ft. The Project Data pages one and two have listed calculations for the three development altematives that
have been presented with this material.
In all three of the proposed development alternatives for this project, the ground floor level would be
committed to commercial uses (office, retail and banking). The existing drive-thru facility serving one of
the tenants will remain operative, at least through the lease-term of the tenants requiring the facility (unless
relocation of the drive-thru is provided). Separate lobbies for both the residential floors and the
commercial floors will be required.
The included plans and building elevation describe a corner entrance to ground level commercial space at
Walnut and 14'~ Street. Other business entrances will be provided along the fronting streets.
The applicanY is proposing two levels of residenYial condominium development on upper floors. A separate
residential vertical circulation system would be accessible at the ground level and both below grade pazking
levels. Condominium units will be provided with private and shared deck or balcony areas. The applicant
is committed to providing 20% of the units permanently affordable.
Typical floor plans for the more affordable condominium unit are included with this application material,
refer to "Typical Floor Plans - Small", The product will be more of a"loft" type unit of approximately
1,000 sf, with the desired division of interior spaces being provided by the buyer. This will allow the buyer
to provide the preferred level of finish while maintaining the required level of affordability as well.
Several large rivo to three bedroom units will be mixed in with the affordable units with floor areas in the
1,500 to 2,000 sf range.
The rivo levels of below-grade parking will share vehicular access ramps with the project to the south. The
exact floor plan and configuration will depend on the final design and phasing plan. Parking will be
provided for all residential condominiums as well as to tenants and patrons. One parking space per
residential unit will be provided as well as secured bicycle storage space. Mechanical ventilation will be
Alternative Plan # I proposes development of only the present east parking lot, retaining both existing
buildings (refer to included plan). Redevelopment of the area occupied by existing buildings would
possibly take place with future phasing. Plan #1 represents the most realistic development plan since it
involves no demolition of buildings nor displacement of current tenancy.
The first and second floors would be developed for commercial uses with the upper two levels consisting of
condominium development. The two lower levels of parking would be confined to azea below the first floor
plate. The vertical circulation core is located such that future expansion to the west could be
accommodated with the core remaining central. Should such expansion be ruled out the core design would
likely be relocated fuMher to the east on the floor plan, with grade level access from 14'h Street.
All residential units would be provided with decks or balconies. TJnits would be provided with automatic
fire sprinklers, would be sold with a basic plumbing core of bathrooms, kitchen and rough-in plumbing for
utilities such as washer/dryer setups.
Page 3 of 4
Refer to the Project Data sheets one and two included with this material for numerical information and
development data concerning the development alternatives.
This development plan would involve removal one ofthe existing buildings (1330 Walnut), retaining the
drive-thru facility in its present form (refer to included plan). This plan could also develop as a second
phase of Alternative # 1, expanding from east to west. The lobby and vertical circulation core are shown in
the same location as on Alternative # 1. The lower levels of parking would be located directly below the first
floor plate.
The Project Data for this project, included with this material, lists two development scenarios for this
development alternative. The first holds the total residential floor area to a number slightly over the
residential development incentive area, which is not counted toward the total allowable floor area (BRC
Land Use Reg., Sect. 9-3.2-18(b)(3). The applicant is proposing that this residential development incentive
of .5 FAR be raised at least to 1.0 FAR to allow a greater amount of residential stock to be included with
this project, or some vaziance be approved to implement the floor areas of this proposal. Some sort of
vaziance would likely provide incentive for other developers to include a larger percent of residential in
projects within the central business district. This could have a positive effect, providing some conection
with respect to the job/housing imbalance in the City.
Scenario "B" is the preferred development scenuio of the applicant. This would package two full floors of
residential units over two levels of commercial.
The third alternative describes a development scenario involving the incorporation of a drive-thru facility at
the east side of the site. This could provide for the relocation of the existing bank in the 1300 Walnut
building thereby providing a greater range of development options. Following a first phase of construction,
the tenant could possibly be relocated in the new building. It would allow tha bank to continue its operation
during the first phase with relocation to the east prior to the start of the second phase. Removal of the
existing drive-thru could take place during the following development phase (refer to included plan).
The new drive-thru facility proposed at the east end of the development would be accessed from Walnut
Street and exit to 14`~ Street via the alley. There would be three drive service aisles provided, which is
what is in place presently to the west. Safety concerns would be less of an issue with the new design,
through the avoidance of blind corners minimization of curb cuts across sidewalks and exiting taking place
first onto an alley, then onto a less traveled street.
This alternative could allow the developer to begin redevelopment of a greater area at a faster pace. It
would also provide for a more homogenous azchitectural design with greater adherence to downtown design
guidelines and goals. The redeveloped drive-thru wouid be safer and more attractive, would concentrate
drive-thru facilities for this project and the project to the south in the same vicinity.
Included with this material is a conceptual floor plan of the residential third floor. The fourth would be
similar. As with Scenazio "B" of the second development altemative, the floor area depicted may be in
excess of what the City's land use regulations would permit. Again the applicant would request a variance
to allow development of the additional residential floor area.
In order to provide for needed housing and address all design considerations, be economically feasible, the
height of this project is proposed to be similar to the project directly to the south. In context of what
Page 4 of 4
already has been developed in the immediate neighborhood there should be no real issue with respect to
building height.
The applicant requests consideration of a height exception from 35 ft to 55 ft through the Site Review
process. Stepping of the upper levels on the Walnut Street Side should reduce perceived height as well as
the shading of nearby properties and right-of-way.
The 1300 Walnut project is less than a blocks distance from the RTD bus terminal to the east. This
provides maximum convenience for mass transit use. The local HOP line also provides immediate travel
convenience to local areas. The housing component of this project provides for vast live/work
opportunities for condominium owners.
As encouragement for employees in the project to use RTD services, the developer would make available
eco-passes to all employees of businesses and sponsor a start-up program for residential owners.
The applicant would provide additional street-tree planting in sidewalk wells in those areas of project
redevelopment along Walnut and 14~' Street, phase by phase.
With respect to open space requirements for the residential development, the applicant requests that such
requirements be considered satisfied in consideration of the deck and balcony areas being proposed, which
would exceed 60 sf in area for all units.
The below grade parking garage will require continuous de-watering. The applicant proposes to discharge
sump-wel( flow into the storm sewer system in this area.
This project is in conformance with development goals and policies of the City of Boulder and Boulder
Valley Comprehensive Plan:
1. This project has a balance of appropriate and complementary land uses.
2. Is in good proximity to open space and urban trail systems, being only a block from the central
3. Would improve the appeazance of a prominent block in the downtown area and will provide a
higher grade of architectural design than what exists
4. The product would be in scale with adjacent development.
5. View corridor impingement would be minimal when considering proximiTy to the tallest building in
the downtown area to the north and an RTD parking facility to the east.
6. Introduction of additional housing stock can only help improve the job/housing imbalance.
Page 1 of 2
Zoning District:
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Designation:
Maximum FAR, Commercial:
Exemp[ion from Residential FAR:
Maximum Building Height:
Total Area of Site:
Allowable Floor Area, Commercial:
Residential FAR Exemption, Credit:
Total Allowable Floor Area:
1300 Walnut:
Total Floor Area:
1330 Walnut:
Total Floor Area:
Total Existing Floor Area:
Atlowable Additional Floor Area (New):
(w/o Removal of Exist'g. Bldgs.)
A]]owable FA w/
Proposed Residen[ial Incentive of 1:1:
(Proposed by Applicant for Consideration)
Regional Business
.5:1 Residential Incen[ive as per BRC 9-3.2-18(b)(3)
35 ft. - 55 ft w/ Height Exception
45,000 sf (6 lots @ 50' x 140' + 10' of Alley Vacation)
76,500 sf
22,500 sf
99,000 sf
22,200 sf
6.800 sf
29,000 sf
70,000 sf (99,000 sf FAR - 29,000 sf Exist'g.)
76,500 sf+45,000 sf= 121,500 sf
(Redevelop Parking Area, Both Exis[ing Bldgs. To Remain)
Allowable Commercial FA: 47,500 sf (76,500 sf - 29,000 sf= 47,500 s~
" Total w/ Res. Incentive: 47,500 sf+ 22,500 sf = 70,000 sf
Area of Site Developed: Approx. 17,000 sf (Area of Existing Pazking)
1" Floor Area: " 16,500 sf (Commercial Uses)
2nd Floor Area: " 16,500 sf "
3`^ Floor Area: " 14,000 sf (Residential)
4'" Floor Araa: " 12 000 sf
Tota~ New Floor Area: 59,000 sf <70,000 sf Allowable FA
Total w/ Exist'g. Bldgs. Approx. 88,000 sf < 99,000 sf
No[e: Below Grade Parking uninhabitable, does no[ coun[ [oward FAR
Scenario "A" - Allowab]e Residen[ial Incentive of .5:1 (22,500 s~
(Redevetop Parking, 1330 Demolished Bldg . Site,1300 Walnut to Remain)
Allowable Commercial FA: 54,300 sf (76,500 sf - 22,200 sf (1300 Bldg.) = 54,300 sf
" Totat FA w/ Res. Incentive: 54,300 sf+ 22,500 sf = 76,800 sf
Area of Site Developed: Approx. 28,000 sf (Area of Pazking+ 1330 Walnut)
1°' Floor Araa: Approx. 25,800 sf (Commercial Uses)
2'" Floor Area: " 25,000 sf "
3rd Floor Area: " 14,000 sf (Residential)
4`" Floor Area: " 12.000 sf
Tota1 Floor Area: 76,800 sf= 76,800 sf Allowable FA
Scenazio "B" - Allowable Residential Incentive Increased to 1:1 (45,000 s~
Allowable Total FA w/ Res. Incentive: 54,300 sf+ 45,000 sf = 99,300 sf
I" Floor Area: Approx. 25,800 sf (Commercial Uses)
2nd Floor Area: " 25,000 sf "
3rd Floor Area: " 26,000 sf (Residenfial)
4'" Floor Area: " 22.500 sf "
Total Floor Area: 99,300 sf= 99,300 sf Allowable FA
Note: (t) Scenario "B° with a Residential Development Incentive of 1:1 would allow for Development Alterna[ive #2 to provide
Page 2 of 2
twice the Residential Floor Area in the central business district.
(2) Below Grade Parking uninhabitable, does not count toward FAR
(Redevelop Pazking,1330 Demolished Bldg. Si[e, Provide Drive-thru at Eas[ End, Poten[ially Demolish 1300 Walnut in Future Phase)
Assume Altowable Total FA w/ 1:1 Res.lncentive: 99,300 sf (1300 Walnut w/ 22,200 sf to Remain)
Area of Site Devetoped: Approx. 28,000 sf
I" Floor Area: " 22,000 sf (Excluding Area of 3- Drive-[hru Lanes)
2nd Floor Area: " 27,000 sf
3" Floor Area: " 26,000 sf
4'" Floor Area: " 23,000 sf
Total Floor Area: 98,000 sf < 99,300 sf
Note: (1) Below Grade Parking uninhabitable, does not count towazd FAR
(2) Residential Development Incentive of 1:1 would allow for Development Altemative #3 to provide twice the Residential
Floor Area in the central business distric[.
Charles L. Deane
Architecture & Pianning
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