5 - Meeting Summary Form, 10/4/2001CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Platlnirie BoaTd DATC OF MEETING: Octobar 4, 2001 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Mary Lovrien, 441-4464 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF AND INVITED GUES'CS PRESENT: Board Members Present: Macon Cowles, A1 Gunter, Thom Krueger, Tina Nielsen, Alan O'Hashi, Mark Ruzzin Board Member Absent: Beth Pommer Staff Members Present: Brent Bean, Bob Cole, Don Durso, David Gehr, Elizabeth Hanson, Mary Lovrien, Peter Pollock, Molly Wintar, Marie Zuzack Guests Present: Nolan Rosall and David Becker, RC Associates OUTLINE OF AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER - Tha Planning Board declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The Board approved the minutes of May 3, May 17, July i l, and July 26, 2001. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - There was no citizen participation. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS - The Board had no comments on the Planning Board disposition (Running River Elementary and Meadowlark Preschool) or the Planning Department dispositions (Pearl Auto Subdivision Replat; Boulder County Recycling and Composting Authority Subdivision Replat A and the Western Disposal Services/Xcel Energy Site Review; and the Longbow Park Replat C). 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY- N. Rosall presented the five-year update of the Downtown Alliance regarding downtown development. The Board cGscussed development of an agenda for its November 15 meeting regarding work program items; the all- stafftraining sessions, specifically Development 101 presented by local developers; assurance thaf project plans that affect the Whittier neighborhood are forwarded to that neighborhood group; the worksl~op on commercial LEEDS; the Downtown Design Advisory Board review of the Broadway improvemenYs from University to Pine; the status of the occupancy guidelines for theater conversions; the Capital I~nprovement Program recommendation to City Council; the American Planning Association conferenceregarding managing effective commission meetings; development of standard conditions of approval; the intent of the County Commissioners when they approved a different designation for the one-acre site at Jay and 47th Street; the completion of the update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan; the joint Transportation Advisary $oard and Planning Board meeting on November 27; the status of the Crossroads Mall redevelopment; the status of the North Boulder Village site and developmant of the adjacent city-owned parcel; the proposed development of the University of Colorado (CU) Williams Village site and the city's process to comment on CU's analysis of the South Campus site; the status of the position of Community Development Coordinator; and the plans for the SOth anniversary celebration of the Planning Department on November 7. 6. CONSENT ITEM A. Public hearing and consideration ofmatters related to Chapter 9-6, "Residential Growth Management System," B.R.C. 1981, for time extension for banked quarterly allocations awarded to Villa Del Prado (Mohawk and Baseline). This hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1-3, "Quasi- Judicial Hearings," B.R.C. 1981. The Board unanimously approved a time extension for the 91 banked allocations for Villa Del Prado. 7. ACTION ITEMS A. Continuation of public hearing and consideration of Land Use Review #LUR2001-00007 for a Site Review Amendment to change the plans for an approved Phase 2 two-story building at 1744 30th Street, just east of t1-e existing CompUSA store at 1740 30t1~ Street. The proposed Phase 2 plans show ~ new three-story, 33,900 square foot, 45 foot tall retail and office building. The Board approved the Site Review amendment with conditions (6-0; B. Pommer was absent). B. i) Public hearing ~nd consideration of a recommendation to City Council on an ordinance to amend the conditional height provisions for the RBl-E and RB1-X zoning districts set forth in section 9-3.2-4, B.R.C., 1981, and setting forth details in relation thereto; and ii)Discassion concerning other recommendations from the Downtown zoning anllysis. The Board recommended (6-0; B. Pommer was absent) that City Council eliminate the conditional height provisions for the RB1-E and RB1-X 2oning districts and allow additional height at corners through the site review process; and further, to amend the ordinance and ordinance title. C. Public hearing and consideration of Site Review #LUR2001-00049, to construct a 600 square foot addition to nn existing single family house at 1320 Meadow Avenue. The existing house was bailt in 1973 to a height of 31 feet. The second floor of the addition would matcl~ the existing height {31 feet). This property is zoned ER-E (Estate Residential Established). The applicants are requesting vested rights pursuant to Section 9-4-12 G°Vested Rights," B.R.C.1981. The Board approved (6-0; B. Pommer was absent} the Site Review. 8. ADJOURNMENT - The Planning Board adjourned tha meeting at 10:40 p.m. TIME & LOCATION OT ANY ~UTURE M~ETINGS, COMMtTTEES OR SPECIAI. HGAR[NGS: October 11, 2001