5 - Meeting Agenda, 9/13/2001City of Boulder Development Review Committee MEETING AGENDA 1739 Broadway, Room 401 8:30 a.m. 9/13/2001 PROJECT DISCUSSIONS PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED for 9/19101 Allan Parr 2750 Baseline 1;00 p.m. LAND USE REVIEW KEY ISSUES for TRACK 36 NEW CASES Applicant Name Case Number Deveiopment Name Review Type Address City of Boulder CEAP-01-02 Public Works, Transportation BROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT VERN SElROE VALMONT PARKIMOUNTAIN OCEAN LT 2445 STAZIO DR REVIEW OF REVISIONS Applicant Name Development Name Address LUR200f -00054 Concept Plan Review & Comment Case Number Review Type GREG GASTINEAU WALNUT CANYON BLOCK 1470 WALNUT TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS REVIEW KEY ISSUES for TRACK 36 NEW CASES Applicant Name Development Name Address ANN GETCHES CENTRO OFFICE PROJECT 2525 28TH ST JIM CHANIN KALMIA GROVE 1565 KALMIA AV DENNIS FROHLICH MAPLETON GROVE LOTS 1 AND 2 2323 4TH ST LU R2001-00047 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Case Number Review Type TEC2001-00037 ROW/Easement TEC2001-00038 Subdivision/Final Plat, Stormwater Report TEC2001-00039 Lot Line Adjustment Nan Johnson Case Manager Nan Johnson Don Durso Case Manager Brent Bean Case Manager Ann Goodhart Don Durso Robert Myers CONTINUED ON BACK GREG GASTINEAU TEC2001-00040 Brent Bean WALNUT CANYON BLOCK Subdivision/Final Plat 1495 CANYON BL JERRYLEE ONE BOULDER PLAZA 1301 CANYON BLVD TEC2001-00041 Utility Plan, Stortnwater Plan, Stormwater Report, Final Architecture, Final Landscaping, Final Site Plan Brent Bean REVIEW OF REVISIONS Applicant Name Development Name Address PRIME PLUS DEVELOPMENT LLC SANITAS TERRACE SUBDIVISION 1715 YARMOUTH Case Number Review Type TEC2000-00006 Utility Plan, Transportation, Subdivision/Final Plat, Stortnwater Plan, Final Landscaping WAYNE KUHN TEC2001-00034 BOULDER COUNTY NORTH BROADWAY Utility Plan, Development Agreement, Stormwater 3482 BROADWAY Plan, Stormwater Report, Final Architecture, Final Landscaping, Final Site Plan DREXEL BARRELL & CO TEC2001-00035 MICRO MOTION Transportation, Stormwater Plan, Stormwater 6940 WINCHESTER Report 36-9-13.agn Case Manager Mike Randall Mike Randall Scott Kuhna Page i of 2 Mary Lovrien - County Planning Gommission Meeting Sept 19 From: Ray Hedberg <hedberg@attglobal.net> To: "Hedberg, Ray" <hedberg@AttGlobal.net>, "Ekrem, Connie" <csprecher@juno.com>, "Thurmer, Joyce" <joycethurm@aol.com>, "Caldwell, Bob & Jo" <RCaldwell@ponderosa•Assoc.com>, "Olmsted, Connie & Jackie" <OlmstedJ@USWest.net>, "Young, Porsche" <Porsche@learningpow.com>, "Macinko, John & Connie" <~Macinko@boulder.net>, "Bruff, Hal & Sherry" <Sherry.Bruff@Colorado.edu>, "Corson, Tom & Barbara" <BASC1@AOL.com>, "Coggan, Pete & Caroline" <Argosy@Filmlover.com>, "Anderson, Charles & Cynthia" <Cyn_Anderson@yahoo.com> Date: 9/13/2001 4:14 PM Subject: County Planning Commission Meeting Sept 19 CC: Andria Jacob <ajacob@esource.com>, "Pommer, Beth" <porr~merco@aol.com>, Alan 0'Nashi <ado-ecos@indra.com>, AI Gunter <algunter@home.com>, "Nielsen, Tina" <tinan@qwest.net>, "Lovrien, Maty' <LovrienM@ci.boulder.co.us>, "Ruzzin, Mark" <mruzzin@igc.org>, "Bean, BrenY' <beanb@ci.boulder.co.us>, "Renfroe, Judy" <Judrenfroe@aol.com> Hi all ~ I went to the Boulder County Planning Commission meeting that was held on Aug 15 and was disappointed. In the end they voted to table any decision on the topic (Parcel 22A) until Sep 19. Since the original notice was published in the paper the owner of the proparty (Wm Reynolds) and the city have powowed and he now wants both 22A and 226 to be redesignated. The land planner (architect) who works for Reynolds was there and showed 2 alternative plans for 22A and 22B, Plan 1 has 42 2 Br units {Condos ?) 40 %p of which would be "permanently affordable" ~ it was not defined exactly what that meant. Clearly the city wants the affordable housing committment and hence supports plan 1. The planner also showed an "all light industrial" plan 2 which would have a number of "office buildings" plus parking. Unfortunately this also requires a change in the designation of 22B (hack behind the auto dealers). The net is Wm Reynolds wants botb parcels redesignated and the city like his plan 1, He claims to be neutral to either version. However, since the meeting announcement stated that only parcel 22A woultl be discussed, the planning commission couldn't act on the "whole proposal". After listening to everybody there they decided to table the topic until Sep 19 when both parcels can legally be considered and 2 absent members of the commission will be back in attendance. There were only 6 of the 8 members present on Aug 15. Neighbors who made presentations were Judy Renfroe, Porsche Young and mysetf. Rigo Thurmer was there but didn't speak. The Boulder County Planning Commission will meet again on Tuesday Sep 19 in the afternoon at the Boulder County Courthouse 3rd floor. I will not be able to attend as I will be out of town. Based on some discussions from the Aug 15 meeting, it seems to me very likely that the Planning commission will go along with the city's recommendations and vote to designate both parcels as required by the Wm Reynold Plan 1(i,.e. with 42 residential units. As you have all probably already noticed, they are hauling dirt onto the lots already. The architect explained this was a"short term deal" with the city to take dirt from the new hotel excavation at 6th & Canyon until the hospital site at 47th and Arapahoe had been approved by the city. My net is we will either end up with onlyoffice buildings or with a smaller set of office buildings and some high density residential units. I perso~ally am against any residential units on that property and have made presentations multiple times at each of the public hearings. We already see impacts to being able to exit from Old Tale Road just due to file://C:iWINDOWSiTEMP1GW}00OO1.HTM 9/7/2001 Page 2 of 2 khe trucks Mauling dirt onto that property. I am further concerned about any building on the floodway/tloodplain and the possible imapcts due to floodwaters backing up onto Old Tale as a result. I have carbon copied this note to the members of the Boulder County Planning Commission. Please attend the meeting or write to them and let them know your position. Ray Hedberg 1310 Old Tale Road Snowmen fall from from the sky unassembled .... file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00OO1.HTM 9/7/2001 rage 1 ot t Mary Lovrien - Wednesday meeting From: Porsche <porsche@learningpow.com> To: "Lovrien, Maty" <LovrienM@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 9/17/2001 4:00 PM Subject: Wednesday meeting September 17, 2001 Dear Memhers of the County Planning Board, Unfortunately, I will 6e unable to attend the meeting this Wednesday. However, before relenting to the pressure to change your previous vote, visit the site in question on Arapahoe, across from Old 7ale. Pretend you are living in a residential complex on that site. Notice the intensity and constant noise of the traffic. Ask yourself how comfortable you would be if your children played so close to that street. Listen to the public address system from the next~door automobile dealership. Ask y~urself if you would like to be constantly informetl of who has a telephone call and on which line is that call. Notice the intensity of the lights from the dealership. Imagine how bright they will be as soon as the leaves are no longer on the trees. Visualize flood waters pouring over their banks. Ask yourself if you can really sleep at night knowing that you voted for high density housing to he placed directly in the path of a flood. While you are there, notice how much work the developer has already been done on that site. Ask yourself if he has only'stockpiled a few loads of dirt from another construction site' as the developer's representative claimed during your last meeting. Is this a done deal? A change to the Comprehensive Plan is supposed to require the vote of four governmental bodies. You already voted against including this parcel in the Comprehensive Plan. Why all this pressure to change your minds? Porsche Young 1548 Old Tale Road Boulder, 80303 (303) 443~3154 Porsche@lea rningpow, com file://C:\WINDOW S\TEMP\GW } 00OO1.HTM 9/19/2001