4 - Call Up Item, Site Review #LUR2001-00049, 1320 Meadow AvenueMEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Toor and Members of City Council FROM: Ron Secrist, City Manager Peter Pollock, Planning Director Don Durso, Planner DATE: October I l, 2001 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Site Review #LUR2001-00049, 1320 Meadow Avenue. Attached is the Notice of Disposition for the Site Review #LUR2001-00049,1320 Meadow Avenue. This item went befora the Planning Board on October 4, 2001. It was approved by the Planning Board with a vote of 6-0; B. Pommer was absent. This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before November 3, 2001. There is one scheduled City Counci] meeting during the 30-day call-up period: October l6, 2001. CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on October 4, 2001 the following action was taken by the Planning Board based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-4, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved subject to the conditions listed below PROJECT NAME: 1320 MEADOW DESCRIPTION: SITE REVIEW: Site review and modification to construct a partial second story above the eastern portion of the house, totaling 600 square feet. The house was previously built to a height of 30.9 feet (per the Boulder Revised Code definition of height). LOCATION: 1320 MEADOW AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, Moss Rock Ridge, City of Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado COOR: NO6W06 APPLICANT/OWNER: DEBORAH KRATOVIL APPLICATION: Sfte Review, Case # LUR2001-00049 ZONING: ER-E (Estate Residential-Established) CASE MANAGER: Don Durso VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: YES; this approval will create a vested property right to commence and complete, within three years from the date of final approval, the following items: This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before November 3, 2001. If no Gall- up occurs, the decision is deemed final thirty days after the Planning Board's decision. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED MYLAR PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE MYLAR PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT tS NOT SIGNED WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Pursuant to Section 9-4-8 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-4-8) the development within three years shall cause this development approval to expire. At its public hearing on October 4, 2001 the Planning Board approved, subject to the conditions listed below, the request with the following motion: Address: 1320 MEADOW AV MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board approved (6-0; B. Pommer was absent) Site Review Amendment #LUR2001-00049 incorporating the staff memorandum dated October 4, 2001 (preparation date September 20, 2001) and the attached Site Review Criteria Checklist as findings of fact and using the attached recommended condition of approval. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with the applicants' plans dated October 4, 2001, which are on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department. Approved By: ~t'/W -~,VIS'-f7-//~- Peter PollocR, Planning Director Address: 1320 MEADOW AV C~~v of Boulder Vicinity h~a ~ % =~ i o ~ ~ ,. i~ J r-----~- N O R W 0 0 0 A V E .Zl 0 0 ~' I I ~ I ~ ' I I I ~ I _ I 1 0~ E VE ` '~~. _ i W ~ D ~ 0 ~ . ~ z ~ m m m Z m A C 7 i 1 i 1 ,y, --~` 1_~ Location: ?320 Meadow Ave ~ Project Name:93201VIeadowAve ~ 1:3600 Review Type: Site Review M~~nk aH a aa,ina ois 1M Mwm~n 0.rNN w~lw-N M i". ay-ewe..n-.u..~.+-~.MV. Review Number: LUR2001-00049 N ^"""~°""°""°'^'"`^'* Mme.,"M~. A licant: Deborah Kratovi! = "`"""'~~'"'"'" 4