3 - Citizen ParticipationTO: CENTRAL RECORDS
FROM:_ Qi'~ , ~/a~d ~dalc~
(Name/ Boa d Or Commissi n~
PLEASE add these items to Meeting Packet of:
/o -ir-~
(Date of Meeting)
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Mary Lovrien -education for kids living at Holiday Drv In
From: "Mark Rothschild" <Rothschildm@mindspring.com>
To: <lovrienm@ci.boulder.co.us>
Date: 10/11/2001 3:42 PM
Subject: education for kids living at Holiday Drv In
To Planning Board members and all those connected with the Holiday Drive~ln
When considering matters concerned with this project please keep in mind the
need for public education for the new residents of this project. Where will
these children go to school? Centennial middle school is over capacity,
this is a fact. Boulder High is at capacity. Are new schools going to be
built to accommodate this housing project and other projects which have
recently been approved and are now being built in north Boulder? You go to
great lengths to provide water, gas, electricity, and transportation...what
about EDUCATION??? Overcrowding in schools affects the entire school and
everyone in it. Please keep these things in mind when considering new
housing developments. Thank you.
Marian Rothschild
3803 N. 26th St.
Boulder 80301
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