10/25/2001 Planning Board Agenda*Central Records / CITY OF BOULDER „~/~D~:~ PLANNING BOARD MEETING AGENDA ~ DATE: October 25, 2001 TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway ~~/\ N 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANIVING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Study session regarding 2001 and 2002 proposed Land Use Regulation amendments. Project Manager: Gary Kretschmer B. Study session regarding the University Hill Zoning Study concerning the area surrounding the University Hill commercial district. Project Manager: Neil Holthouser 7. ADJOLIRNMENT PERSONS SEEKING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY CALL THB PLANNING DEPAR'IMENT AT 441-1880. A COPY OF THE BOARD PACRET WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE MAIN LIBRARY'S REFERENCE DESK AND TFIE PLANNING DGPARTMENT , R&CEPTION AREA THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE M&ETING DATE. This informatian is also evailable on Boulder FYI, the City ot Boulder's 24 Nonr Informution Line. I[ems schedideJ on thc Planning Board Meedng Agenda are subject to change. Plense dial 441-0060, extension 367, to rench thc Plam~ing Board Meeting AgenJa information line. ** * SEE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR MEETINC GUIDELINES *** ~~ETnvc cumEiirrEs ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AND THE PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE PLANNING BOARD ARE THE BASIS FOR THE PLANTTING BOARD MEETING GUIDELINES. TIIESE ARE PROCEDURAL GUIIDELINES AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE BOARD AT THE MEETING. CALL TO ORDER The Board must have a quorum (four members present and capable of voring) before the meeting can be called to order. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Board may rea[range the order of the Agenda or delete items for good cause. The Board may not add items requiring notice. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The public is welcome to address the Board during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting regarding any item not on the agenda (which includes Matters from the Boazd and Items for Discussion/Informarian). 5 minutes maximum" per speaker. Any exhibiu introduced into the record at this time must be provided in quantiries of ten (10) to the Secretary for distriburion to the Board and admission into the record. CONSENT CALENDAR a ~ Items of business on [he consent calendar may be removed to the action items for discussion. If no consent items are removed, the consent calendaz is understood to be endorsed or recognized as approved. All items on the consent calendar are approved by one morion. Anyone who would like to request that the Board remove an item from the consent calendar tnay do so during the public hearing. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY Any Planning Boazd member, the D'uector or the City Attomey may introduce before the Board matters which are not included in the formal agenda. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/[NFORMATION Discussion/information itetns do not require motions of approval or recommendation. ACTION ITEMS An action item requires a motion and a vote. The general fo:mat for hearing of an action item is as follows: 1. Presentations a. 5 minute maximum* staff presentation b. 15 minute maximum' applicant presentatioa. Any exhibits intoduced into the record at this time must be provided in quanrities of ten (10) to the Secretary for distribuHon to the Boazd and admission into the record. c. Planning Board questioning of staff or applicant for information only. 2. Public Hearing a. 3 minutes maximum' per speaker. All speakers wishing to pool their time must be present and time allotted will be determined by the Chair. No pooled time presentation will be permitted to exceed ten minutes total. Speakers are requested not to repeat items addressed by previous speakers other than to express poinu of agreement or disagreement Any exhibits introduced into the record at this time must be provided in quantiHes of ten (10) to the Secretary for distribution to the Boazd and admission into the record. b. 5 minute maximum• staff response to any issue raised during the public heazing. 3. Board Actlon a. Boatd motion. Mnrions may take any number uf famu. With cegard to a specific development propusal, the mo6on generally is to approve tlu project (witl~ or witliout conditlons), to deny it, or to continue the matter to a date certain (generally in order to obtein additionel infomiation). b. Board discussion. This is undertaken enrirely by members of the Board. The applicant, members of the public or city staff participate only if called upon by the Chair. c. Board action (the vote). An affumative vote of at least four members of the Boazd is requved to pass a motion approving any action. If the vote taken resulu in a tie, a vote of tluee to two, or a vote of three to one in favor of approval, the applicant shall be automatically allowed a rehearing upon requesting the same in writing within seven days. ADJOURNMENT The Board's goa] is that regular meetings adjown by 10:30 p.m and that study sessions adjoum by 10:00 p.m Agenda items will not be commenced after 10:00 p.m. except by majoriry vote of Board members present. " The Chair may Irnglhen or shonrn the time allotted as appropriate. If the Wlotted time is exceeded, ihe Chair may request that ihe speaktt conciude his or her commrnts. h:Wata\cur\bms~pbguide.Ln