10/04/2001 Planning Board Agenda~~~`i~ ~~~~~ ~ CITY OF BOULDER *Central Records PLANNING BOARD MEETING A G: DATE: October 4, 2001 TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY 6. CONSENT ITEM A. Public hearing and consideration of matters related to Chapter 9-6, "Residential Growth Management System," B.R.C. 1981, for time extension for banked quarterly allocations awarded to Villa Del Prado (Mohawk and Baseline). This hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1-3, "Quasi-Judicial Hearings," B.R.C. 1981. Project Manager: Brent Bean ACTION ITEMS A. Continuation ofpublic hearing and consideration of Land Use Review #LUR2001-00007 for a Site B. Review Amendment to change the plans for an approved Phase 2 two-story building at 1744 30th Street, just east of the existing CompUSA store at 1740 30th Street. The proposed Phase 2 plans show a new three-story, 33,900 square foot, 45 foot tall retail and office building. Appiicant/Owner: Della Cava / Tebo Development Co. Project Manager: Liz Hanson i) Public hearing and consideration of a recommandation to City Council on an ordinance to amend the conditional height provisions far the RB 1-E and RB 1-X zoning districts set forth in section 9-3.2-4, B.R.C., 1981, and setting forth details in relation thereto. ii) Discussion concerning other recommendations from the Downtown zoning analysis. Project Manager: Peter Pollock C. Public hearing and consideration of Site Review #LUR2001-00049, to construct a 600 square foot addition to an existing single family house at 1320 Meadow Avenue. The existing house was built in 1973 to a height of 31 feet. The second floor of the addition would match the existing height (31 feet). This property is zoned ER-E (Estate Residential Established). The applicants are requesting vested rights pursuant to Section 9-4-12 "Vested Rights," B.R.C. 1981. Applicants and Owners: Patrick and Deborah Kratovil Project Manager: Don Durso 8. ADJOURNMENT PF.RSONS SHEKING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY CALLTHE PLANNING DEPARTMLNT AT 441-I660. A COPY OF TH8 BOARD PACKCT WILL B8 AVNLAULG AT THE MNN LIDRARY'S REFERENCE DGSK AND THE PLANNING UEPARTMGNT RECEPTION AREA TI IC FRIDAY OEfORE THE MEETING UATL. This inibrmatlon Is nlso nvallable on BmJAer FVL [he City of BoulJer's 24 Honr InformaHon Line. Ilems scheJnleJ on ~he Planning Boerd Mee~ing AgenAa nre snbjrcl lo change. Plcase dinl 441-4060, extension 367, to reac6 ihe PlanNng BoarA Mceting AgenJa Intormetian Iine. R« " SEE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR MECTING GUIDELINES' *' ~Ei~vc cvmEiuvEs ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AND THE PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE PLAMQING BOARD ARE THE BASIS FOR TIiE PLANNING BOARD MEETII~]G GUIDELINES. THESE ARE PROCEDURAL GUIIDELINES AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE BOARD AT THE MEETING. CALL TO ORDER The Board must have a quorum (four members present and capable of voringj before the meering can be called to order. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 'Yhe Board may reanange the order of the Agenda or deiete items for good cause. T'he Board [nay not add items requiring notice. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The public is welcome to address the Boazd during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting regarding any item not on the agenda (which includes Matters from the Boazd and Itezns for Discussion/Info:mauon). 5 minutes maximum" per speaker. Any exhibits introduced into the record at this time must be provided in quanrities of ten (10) to the Secretary for distriliurion to the Board and admissioa into the tecord. CONSENT CALENDAR " Itetns of business on the consent calendaz may be removed to the action items for discussion. If no consent items are removed, the consent calendaz is unders[ood to be endorsed or recognized as approved. All items on the consent calendar are approved by one motion. Anyone who would like to request that the Board remove an item from the consent calendar may do so during the public hearing. MATTERS FROM THE PLANIYING BOARD, DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY Any Planning Boazd member, the D'uector or the Ciry Attomey may introduce before the Board matters which are not ntcluded in the formal agenda. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/INFORMATION Discussion/information items do not require motions of approval or recommendation. ACTION ITEMS An action item requires a motion and a vote. The general fomiat for hearing of an action item is as follows: 1. Presentations a. 5 minute maximum* staff presentation b. 15 minute maximum* applicant presentation. Any exhibiu inhoduced into the record at this time must be provided in quantiHes of ten (10) to the Secretary foz disuibution to the Boazd and admission into the recozd. c. Planning Board quesHoning of staff or applicant Sor informaHon only. 2. Public Hearing a. 3 minutes maximum' per speaker. All speakers wislring to pool their time must be present and time allotted will be determined by the Chair. No pooled time presentauon wiil be permitted to exceed ten minutes total. Speakers are requested not to repeat items addressed by previous speakers other tl~an to express points of agreement or disagreement Any exhibiu introduced into the record at fl~is time must be provided in quantities of ten (10) to the Secretary for distribudon to the Boazd and admission into the record. b. 5 minute maximum" staffresponse to any issue raised during the public hearing. 3. Board Actlon a. Board motion. Morions may take any number of forms. With regard to a specific development proposal, the awtion generally is to approve We project (with or without conditions), to deny it, or to contimie the matter to a deu ceRein (generally in order to obtain additional information). b. Boazd discussion. This is undertaken entirely by members of the Board. The applicant, members of the public or city staff participate only if called upon by the Chair. c. Boazd acdon (the vote). An affi:mative vou of at least four members of the Boazd is required to pass a motion approving any action. If the vote taken results in a tie, a vote of three to two, or a vote of tlvee to one in favor of approval, the applicant shall be automatically allowed a reheazing upon requesting the same in writing witUin seven days. ADJOURNMENT 1'he Boerd's goal is that regular meetings adjoum by 10:30 p.m and that study sessions adjown by 10:00 p.m Agenda items will aot be commenced after 10:00 p.m. except by majority vote of Board metnbers present. •'Ihe Chair may lengthen or shonm the time ellotted as appropriam. If the allotted time is exceeded, the Chair may rcquest that the speaka wnclude his or hm commrnls. h:\date\cur\bms~pbguide.l.n