Minutes - Planning Board - 07/26/2001APPROVED OCTOBER 4, 2001 • CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD MINUTES July 26, 2001 Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building 1777 Broadway, 3:00 p.m. The Pollowing are the minutes of the July 26, 2001 City of Boulder Planning Board meeting, A permanent set of these minutes is lcept in Central Recards, and a tape recarding of the nieeting is maintained for a period of seven years in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). BOARD PRESENT: Macon Cowles Al Gunter, Vice Chair Thomas Krueger Alan O'Hashi Beth Pommer Marlc Ruzzin, Cbair BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Tina Nielsen • STAFFPRESENT: Elizabeth Abbot, Library Kate Bernhardt, Parks and Recreation Wally Cameron, Open Space and Mountain Parks Marcetee Gralapp, Library Jean Gatza, Long Range Planning Bob Harberg, Public Works, Utilities Glen Magee, Facilities and Asset Management Ruth McHeyser, Long Range Plamiing Annie Noble, Tributary Greenways Mike Patton, Open Sp~ce and Mountain Parks Joe Perone, Transportation Nancy Steinberger, Tributary Greenways Heidi Straszewski, Board Secretary Michael Sullivan, Open Space and Motmtain Parks Molly Winter, Downtowu Management Commission 1. CALL TO ORDER Cl~air M.Rnzzin declared a quorum at 3:05 p.m., and the following business was conducted. ~ s:Aplun\date\curAbmsV01072G.rnin City of Boulder July 26, 2001 • Planning Board Minutes Page 2 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Nancy Hartman,1041 E. Moorehead Circle: She said that the Tantra Apartrnents are in violation with the city's landscaping ordinance and operate strictly for profit. She asked the Board to encourage the city to enforce compliance oPthe ordinance. R. McI3eyser said there are maintenance requirements for landscaping. She said she would review tiie code, follow-up with N. Hai•tman, aud report back to the Board with her findings. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS The Board did not discuss any dispositions or Planning Board call-ups, 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY (The following items from Matters were discussed tow~rd the end of the meeting.) A. Gunter gave tihe Board an update on the July 11, 2001 Downtown Design Advisory Board (DDAB) meeting, specifically reporting on DDAB's recommendations to the Sundquist Building project. M. Cowles requested thaY the Board schedule time on the calendar to diseLiss priorities raised at their April 14, 2001 retreat. M. Ruzzin suggested that the Bo~trd consider meeting quarterly to discuss the goals established at the retreat. The Board tentatively scheduled a retreat follow-up for the October 25, • 2001 Plaruiing Board meeting. M. Ruzzin announced that he was running for City Cowlcil and did not feel that it was appropriaYe to continue on as Planning Board Chair. He requested that the election of Chair and Vice-ehair be made soon. The Board and staff discussed notification issues and temporary appointments. 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of the 2002-2007 Cnpitnl Improvements Program (CIP). J. Hagen presented highlights for the 2002-2007 CIP. Public Participation Elizabeth Black, 4340 N. 13~h Street: She asked the Board not to do flood improvements that will make things worse For people downstream. She suggested that the improvements begin at the downstream end and work up. She said containing spills into channelized creeks and dumping them onto county enclaves, on the downstream end, could cause serious problems. She asked the Board to preserve groundwater in Boulder and to consider a plan near the Silverlake Ditch thlt would include sidewalks along tha lateral as well as drainage improvements. She supported the city's efforts to develop a plan for 28`~' Street north of Iris, including a transportation corridor on 28~h St. narth of Jay Road, bus services, bike lanes and sidewalks. ~ s:AplanAdnta\curVbms\010726.min City of Boulder July 26, 2001 • Planning Board Minutes Page 3 LIBRARY MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for the Library. Statement of Intention: Encourage continued efforts to develop a county-wide library usage plan. OPEN SPACE AND MOUNTAIN PARKS MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 C1P program as proposed for Open Space and Mountain Parks. M. Cowles offered a friendly amendment to add the following statement of intent: condeinnation authorities should be used to acquire critical open space properties in order to slow down the erosion of the buying power of the money approved by the voters for the acquisition of open space. A. O'Hashi and B. Pommer did not accept the friendly amendment. M. Cowles withdrew his friendly amendment. . TRIBUTARY GREENWAYS MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by T. Krneger, the Planning Board recommended (5-1; A. Gunter opposed, T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for the Tributary Greenways Progratn. A, Gunter supported the CIP program as proposed for the TriUutary Greenways Program excapt for the maintenance piece. He said the money should be spent to improve capital improvements or be reduced to 10% of the budget. FLOOD CONTROL, WATER, AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES MOTION: On a motion by T. I{rueger, seconded by A. O'Haslii, the Planning Board recommanded (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for Flood Control, Water, and Wastewater Utilities aud approval of the list of specific projects that do not require the CEAP process (shown on pages four and Five of the Surtunary of the Utilities Capital Improvement Program). Statement of Intention: The Utilities Division should assess the feasibility of working with a provider of broadband to use sewer lines or other Utilities assets to speed the provision of broadband to our residents and businesses. • s:\plan\d~ta\cur\bms\01072C.inin City of Boulder July 26, 2001 • Planning Board Mimrtes Page 4 The boar~l took a dinner break fro~n 6:15 to 6:55 p.n:. Pablic Participation: There was no public participation. PARKS AND RECREATION K. Bernhardt made the following corrections to the memorandum: • the Community Park in North Boulder or the North Boulder Community Park has Ueen renamed to the Foothills Park • the numbers for 2002-2007 far the CII' North Boulder Recreation Center remodel (shown on page 13) are inaccurate and will be carrected. • The numbers far the Parks and Recreation 1995 ballot (shown on pages eight aud nine of Attaclunent D) are inaccurate and will be corrected. MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for Parks and Recreation. • TRANSPORTATION/AIRPORT J. Perone made the Following correction to the memorandum: $500,000 for HOP fimding has been added to the CIP program for Transportation. MOTION: On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Boa~•d recommended (5-1; A. Gunter opposed and T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for Transportation/Airport. A. Gt-nter said the bLidgeY is not realistic and does not match with the projections and expectations for transportation needs in the community. He said the Capital Development Fund for Transportation is inadequate. FACILTTIES AND ASSET MANAGEMENT MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by A. Gunter, tlle Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for Facilities anc2 Asset Management. • s:~plan\data\cur\bms\O10726.min City of Boulder July 26, 2001 • Planning Board Minutes Page 5 DOWNTOWN/UNIVERSITY ffiLL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board recorrunended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council approval of the 2002-2007 CIP program as proposed for the Downtown Management Commission. Statement of Intention: Encourage the development of a comprehensive parking provision and usage plan for the Downtown and Civic Center area. PROJECTS RECOMMENDED FOR A CEAP MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absenY) that the list of CIP projects for Community and Environmental Assessment Process review should be approved as recommended Uy staff in Attachment E, removing Goose Creek/Foothills Parkway Grade Separation and the Fourmile Canyon Creek Grade Separation from the list of proj ects recommended for a CEAP (page two of Attachment E). A. Gunter offered a friendly amendmenY t$at repairs to the I~ohler Reservoir be added to Attac2unent E on page 2 under the Water Utility Division. B. Pommer accepted the friendly amendment. • PROJECTS SUGGESTED FOR DESIGN REVIEW MOTION: On a motion Uy T. Krueger, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board recominended (6-0; T. Nielsen was aUsent) to City Council approval of the list of projects sLiggested for design review (Attachment F) as proposed. M. Ruzzin ofPered a friendly amendment to add Remodel oF Fire Station 3 to the Projects Suggested far Design Review list (Attachment F). The friendly amendment was accepted. ADDITIONAL MOTIONS MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) that the Planning sYaff should continue to participate in other departtnent's efforts Co coordinafe muitiple capital facility pinjects (MasCer Plan Updates, 2Sth Sti~eeC implementation and potential area plau, Tributary Greenways Master Plan, etc.). MOTION: On a motion by M. Cowles, secondad by A. Gunter, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) to City Council that the City Manager undertake a review of tlie adequacy of the Capital Development Fund to pay for the plant inveshnent and facilities required by new growth. • s:\plnn\data\cur\bms\010726.inin CiYy of Boulder July 26, 2001 Plauning Board Minutes Page 6 . MOTION: On a motion by T. Krueger, secmided by M. Cowles, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was abseut) that City Cotmcil accelerate the pace of acquisition of key properties using all available tools in order to protect against erosion of the purchasing power of Opan Space funds. MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) that City Council encourage the city to consider maiutaining current water sources for riparian habitat that are created by city water Pacilities (e.g., Skunk Creek riparian areas which are fed by leaks from Kol~ler Reservoir). MOTION: On a motion by T. Krueger, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) that City CoLmcil consider refraining from committing to any long-Yerm (more than f ve-years) improvement agreements or capital expenditures uutil the Aitport Master P1an is completed. The Board further recommended (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) that City Council analyze encumbrances which may be incutred if FAA funds are accepted far general maintenance expenses. MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, secondad by T. Krueger, the Planning Board encouraged (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) the development of a comprehensive parking provision and usage ptan for the Downtown and Civic Center area. • MOTION: On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by A. O'H~shi, the Planning Board recommended (6-0, T. Nielsen was absent} that the Utilities Division should assess the feasibility of warking with a provider o f broadband to use sewer lines or other Utilities assets to speed the provision of broadband to our residents and businesses. MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board encouraged (6-0; T. Nielsen was absent) continued eFforts to devalop a county-wide library usage plan. Additional Comments from the Planning Board: • The Planning Board questioned the 1% of Capital Development Funds (page one) in the CIP budgeY, noting that many projects listed in the CIP are growtU relaCed. • The Planning Board discussed initiating a policy discussion on how the city purchases, annexes and disposes of real property (e.g. first-right-of refusal as one topic Por discussion). • Tha Planning Boarci suggested holding a policy discussion on fimds acquired by the city tl~rough the selling of properties that have Ueen purchased for flood management. ~ s:AplanVdata\curVbmsV010726.min City o£Boulder July 26, 2001 Planning Board Minutes Page 7 • • The Planning $oard recognized that parking provision and usage plans are important in capital improvement decisions and discussed the following options: - that a city-wide parking plan be developed in conjunction with the Downtown and Civic Center area comprehensive parking provision and usage plan, - that a city-wide Travel Demand Management program be developed that would include a parking plan, or - that parking provision and usage p11ns be included in the Transportation Master Plan. ADJOURNMENT The Plaruiing Board adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m. • • s:\plan\data\cur\bms\010726.min