6C - Retail/Office Building 1744 30th StreetConnection Landscaped Buffer to Next Propert~ XFormer See Landscape Plan X~ A., 17- -4- H~drant i JI L Dumpster Of rice . . .. .... . E.ntr-ance 71 / / / pz/, Dumpster screened all sides Coloed t Scored, LU Concrete Walkwa~ Luall t steei gate Landscaped Island ui IN Landscaped Buffer Landscape 4 plan 10,128 BF Main Level Level AV 9500 SF 2nd Leve d Level 1180 SF 3rd Level iM. L492 SF Basement iement 33,900 Total Square I ~quare F-eet Colored t Scored Existing Pedestrian Fullg Sprinklered Buiidinc Concrete Bu'liding Covered Kiosks LUalk (tgp, monitored bg ar approv approved (Lighted) station centrai receiving statior Existing SideLualk Coloed t Scored LUith HC Romp Concrete Walkwa~ Patterned Disabled r Scored Parking conc. CrossLualk 4-1 Connection '. 7. 77 7- 7 A-4. to Next Fropert~ Mtaln t E'ni OT'Fi c n 7 017, Seven lvs 4 C K 5 Fire Hydrant Existing Catch North Basin . . . . . . . . ... Drawn: 3- 2- iRe-vised S, Landscaped Buffer N. 89 50' 0 0 E. Landsc-ape Plan A Sheet Planning Board - July 19,2001 Agenda Item 6C NN Ad .. f~5,w PAP rA oi No Q pi 2 PARIUNGANALYSIS COMP USA Building 26,100 Square Feet z Retail/Office Builidng 33,900 Square Feet (Approx 23,300 SF leasable, 15% 5111 O.A. circulation plus non leasable 0-0 LU 5~4 basemdnt). iL LL. Total 60,000 Square Feet Cro" Rows Fast 0 Shopping Center Provided Parking 161 Spaces LW Parking Ratio 1 space for 372 SP, or 2.68 spaces C) per 1000 SF. Area 1, 9210 SF Area 2. 5380 SF Area 3 Forw -VT 06 IM 4, Do L kv~r v F.H. DWI :2nol LOVW Decl 'EfkR 44 H Compact Spaces 4 Compact Spaces 4 Compact Spaces LI) 6 12 Full Size Spaces Retail/Office Building d) 1P 4 IWO AP 2nd Lovel X. IL co 6 1180 OF 3rd Level 0 0 3311 TrA Sqwo rat 14 Compact Spun 6 Compact Spacca Area 5 issi SF 4-) 12 ull size Spaces 4 Compact Spacea 0 u '"op'' 11 14- C4 , XA to NtA Pfapffltj A 0% P Catch XV Q 7 1119 0 0 Basin Compact Spaces Spaces 12 Compact Spaces a Full Size Spaces 0 5 Full Size speceb 21 Compact Spaces L N. 89 50' 00' E. 420.00' Ar Arco 4, 0%~ II no Overdli Site Flan OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS Total Lot 122,140 Square Feet WS Overall Site area: 620'x 1971 12 x 1971 122,140 square feet Area 1. 9290 Square Feet (Open space indicated by crosshatchk Dsshatched areas) Area 2. 5380 Square Feet Area 1; Landscaping and pedestrian pedestrian arcades around Area 3. 4346 Square Feet Pomp USA Building, 9290 SF tg, 9290 SFO Area 4. 2031 Square Feet lDravu 4 - Area 2; Parking area landscaping at scaping aud pedestrian Revisd walkways, 5380 SF. Area 5. 1856 Square Feet Area 3; Landscaping and pedestrian pedestrian walkways around retail building, 4346 SF. 16 SF. Total Open Space 22,903 Square Feet Area 4; Landscaping south of Retail i of Retail Building, 2031 SF# 22,9031122,140.= 18.75. % Open Space Provided Area 5; Publicly accessed upper leve upper level decks, 1856 SF. Im eF Planning Board - July 19, 2001 SheCet Agenda bm 6C t% (7) KorCiA SOICC tiournoR f 5-all urnoR All M ui a. Ascrican C'Miter's :5, Orogon apADe -011, 0 6-Cai it; sumll Asm P 2*-Col U itiq 201110011 1 r., Otimr- 10 sircoce r f irp, 11dirsint So' W E. 0 t~l v Korean OuDwrmuo 0 b- I!- more: P44ove iwckering Vies N We of oul:409. '21 AQtwm OWPIC Ain I Y-Ul ~5 L jo 'Kinjiltr f PA :7., 3-6* CCOOIO. RUCK 1%,J'n 410F Oltd Oir':er Ch LU L) Rotk ftjgl~ Ditr IttO BbPtlW -Clirtrett dalk 141 toocKt 449-11:11% Uanterv t 1-;41 %,Sao Upear, P44 Paolt NW1*00C t !'-Csl Korean 501te O!ItUrttuts 0 5-;J: it! "as ism Y-Cit . .... q t5 ~r, Ifttaur almotel I I m 0 Sao orM ifav ir 4M M . tio A We up ;eta ~ac -0) !"'o S t 2*-CA! ~o ~0 .01 ;44 nWVC U Mir up up up elyt _4,f up Is, 1.iltle PrincM SW Oak I opt Eurgati- vaniter') 0 K-Gs! ~Al ',P;c ~":Cpr 0 owl ~rvtltrrlq 0 -FW '41 Cmio jAloo, t !14#1 sumil 3sh Is 5-6d: new S;ofaalk -4- EXIST EXISTING LANDSCAPE PLAN 5UNAISE CENTP RETAI'_ F4CTLITY SCALE: I SCALE: 1": 30'- 0" > HoTS; LA.I~DSCAPE C0NSTAt;C",:Cf4 SPE,;:F4;ATV.S IN 10M5 r Size Bounical 'Aanw 71, --7 Coniimno-n Nank, cuffam,1114 J. Tho0w1raclom Mw;t -OPIM atvittircwn expensiall frialarials instagm .4ylha JLNIPERV-S horizontalb 'Blue C So Blue Chip Juni vlat atalowwo bedefoct.ove, da:,3god, destro;,od. or 1. al Maya :irizontalb,Bluc Chip' BO(ankat Nam Connon Narm 1 coffwmnls oithin one yeir otthe dale of inswilation TN tiroacoment "iust occut wtriirl one.) ear #5 ACER mwni.:urn primila *Compa~ riginn:i1a tompacta' DWart AMut Mapl%! of ACER plitanotdcb 'Crimson King' Chmstin Fing Nlaple kcct sptcimtn with p6or.0 btginfiing voesk. iiifcra 'Isbno' Nswood lowcr brancho 315' or CORNUS scololiifcra'lstmu' datus -Cmpuctus, Dwuf suming Bush rim pQymar.l. Cal above. -:' - "'-' 0-" - 0 ...... t 0 -4 q 0 EUONYMUS alatus'Compactus' WO INVIW iNw OW ."I .19"Fl~ , ~'.. -.. I lower brataches at 6' Cal #5 EUOMIYMUS fortunci,sarcoxic, onunci 'Sucoxit' Sucoxic Euon~mlus d4v~paricias in T* pans cc c.r on. :4 a above. hCER tubrum 'Northwood' #5 MAHONIA aquitolium 1 Oregon Cirapc Holly Aii Cc nitactors shmi immociatdt it p3;r or rvp* a at inc it own cxponso any v.xt cr '41 31 T, A ERtataficurnginnala'Flame' Flame NmurNIOPIC as 3:430 05 SPIRAEA japonicu'Litde Prince! ~nica 'Lilde Princess' Little Princem Spirca Ur';a'n F4,3*12 Miirasa anal figm W1109s iit Ital.it t 12' fail in ftliist 10'). No SiaWniaActscaped utas shallh.4 ;ots than Z% slo;ie v 3" FRAXINUS ametiwti'Aalumn Purple' Autumn Purplc Ash 15 YLBURNUMcarloll Korean Spice Vibumuni than 33% ~opii. Cal r FRAN:INLIS pennsylvanica 'Panore' atmore Ash #5 VIBLRNUN lanLva'Mohican* A;l wOrk not CeYer~ s,-act5r2IIj in thess spec:5citions shall bd peeo(med in acco(dince antaxia,moltican* mohican WayfarLoSTrce "dh common iou comirvericrt ptavievs. Cal Summil Mh ffWINUS pen asylvanica'S ummit' #5 VIBUiLNUM opulus'Nanum' )PUIUS 'Pianum' Dwarf European Cmnbwy plimt m4grio Tp Cal 'Imperial, Imperial Honcylocust Select higher limbed 21' GLEDrrSIA tiacanEboN inermi~ All I -ftit Alobom'Compactim' Comp c Anicticarl Crmiberry 10110tting datt CA installation. ?!ar-%$ 'n.:; it .-I!,) $PIKAS, and ltar4wd s: 0. A lo bc N5 VIBLIRNU&M Wobom'Contpact spccimen -hea& cw i matched. ~~Coam M3tW3l%hatCiojwrihin J')ear ot tN dgt O(MU43~rn (%It be repa4odby ""d Size BO-98-nicall Nam PYKS callcr~una 'Chan U.1cer, Chanbclccr Pear nc Counon Nalne mnts PNnis must bo replacod ~y the sAmo size. s;oci4i. Cal and quantity as ofirmaily spectled, -4nlos3 s6lamolulas 3to appreved ~y tho 0*nar. A.; QUERC US rubur Tastsiat:k* 1 Columrw Eughsh Oak d ead at a ying pant s must bi reipacird within one ~ear of thot dato Qf instatiation. Cal minor'Bowics N'aciccy' 'Bowics N'uiccy, Bowlcs PerivAoldc b. AJI Ifols 2'Cal. and less shall be staked wnh 2 stakesper tree, Al trot: groalcr than r VINCA viDLIRNUM lantana WaysaringTret C.O. must be sUked vigh 3 sUkes portree, Stakes shaO bo 6 length ;Ieel'T* Posts, or V Revised twl 2*xr woW stahes, guy vvircs *. 5 gauge. Tree intritts must be proiocted fion --atrj etire, Red, Yellow and Blui: wAh I/Z* dla. rubtmt bese or 24 ytidii rt)iom stakes. Llociduct:3 t:oe3 ~ofhor I.han asptn) Awned AnnWs Comnion Narm Cwmnts Botanical Nam 0 1 9WI to vvnPped from ground icvd to second tnrch *ah V Uac wap, meiapptd continuousy tiom boaofn of VwA v)p. C. AN conuitws. witesi. bask4% etc. trio 04 temoved dwin Man". north We of building is d. AN Oant pits slW be dug 6' largcr in dWmolo( .1tan foot Ul or conUiner. Plants sh2if bit t-* Note: Dogwood variety to be plan tcd on north side of build Camus stolonikra'lsand' which will grow to 5' high with 3w to wich a 6' spr~. NoplanisNgbo planted wkhin3' Dtany building, Plant p4ss.143 bt bicMilelwAh a 50/50 mixot origWg plim did ra aoic vuitty. original sol aM sol p(op. Root balls sWI be Oicid on wrldisturbed sai to prcvent situing, < L ls2* Planning Board - July 19,2001 1000 Aoonda ROM 6C Pil IN ... ....... 0 ~71 LU IDecember 21st Shadow AMP Cross Roads East Buildirg M. HIM September 21st Shadow June 12st ol Shadow g) 42' UT7771 > 71 Eo 4~ ........... '4,4 Office ---Ot 00 Building I %%.,, 4j LF '11 40) 7=7 E*4Vq 4e .1 pl., n V -Ai 0~Q 0 "1-) OllIQ iL SOldr ShddOLU 3:00 F,M. Drawn: 4 .'2 IP.evlseT7-7-~ Planning Board - July 19, 2001 ------- Agenda bm SC pq pa W po 05~ % A LLUJ LL iij 6-1 ui z Shadow Cross Roads East Building IDecember 2 I'st -Shadow Sept. 21st Shi ShadoLu Jun June 21st 12' Building 4J ITI T 1 0 0~1' 0~Q 0 "-)1 ()~Q I I I N. 89 50' 00' M. 420.00, Solar Shadow Noon [Drawn: 4-2 01~ IRevised A17 She6t Planning Board - July 19, 2001 Agenda Rom 6C z .40 to 0. I A ui Cross Roads East Buiiding December ~cember 21'st Shadow Sept. 21'st Shadow 4m) r7 12 -4"4 4-J 7,7777 iL (Pm4 office Building June 21 June 21'st ShadoLu or - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '0 33, T 0 % 79 0 0 L IL N. al so, 00, a. 620.00' Solar Shadow 9:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . Drawn: 4-2-017 IRevised PlAnning 808rd - July 19, 2001 Avenda kom 6C lu J.Q I 4V Retail Bldg. Comp U S A t~ L ----------- FQ 13 13 IITII %W Retail Bidc I Bidg. I W3 Cross Roads East (Section) , ~.gm ~d r 17, wqw r X, M. MPz~ !11191 1-i wot W-W 07 mm e Dra OW 01 e'* ed R vis BUILDING HEIGHT COM PATI BILI TY ELEVATIONS SCALE; MG 21 0 ; 7i Planning BoarO - July 19, 2001 Agenda bm SC ATFACHMENT H ............ ro t 0! 1 Ab pi FA U NT j4NI . .. . ..................... ol ri 7-r 8 La ~4 =Li ui =7 c CNO LL 71 5279.. N 7 L52 ...5 290.2 % -------- A':? 7 -112771 > 52:;.Z~Ao PUBLIC 00 SAFE Ir ix ---------- 6 CROSS CROSSROADS EAST C= rZn- P4 27 777777', U TIM' tx CROSSROADS allILELI L I 'LLI Ll 10 w MALL COMPUSA ~u I I I I I I I I I I I ..0272. ISA G.. VMM( pr. , cm C~b c= .44 7 SLLN RI SE CN' SE CNTR.' 0. 52'5.5 15 2 1'6 I FI 1277.9 KING 84.8* ....... ..................... . SOOPERS 5260--- cn 7n7L . . . . . . . . . . . 5270 4e .0273.0 7~ . A IDM*= 2 5 01 i+ 71 4 Dir -n . .... ..... RAPAWOF A ARAPAHOC RD ARAPAHOE iOE AVE. site Context Map orth Sheet Planning Board - July 19, 2001 Agenda bm 6C