6A - Annexation, 2446 Sumac AvenueCIT~Y OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: July 19, 2001 (Agenda Item Preparation Date: June 21, 2001) AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of a request to annex a 1.14 acre parcel of land located at 2446 Sumac Avenue, with an initiai zoning of Rural Residential-Established, and a minor amendment to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Area I, Area II, Area III Map, to change the designation from Area IIB to IIA for this property. Owners/Applicants: City of Boulder Flood Utility, Public Works Department REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Planning Department Peter Pollock, Planning Director Robert Cole, Director of Project Review Don Durso, Case Manager OVERVIEW: The Planning Board is asked to consider annexation of 2446 Sumac Avenue to determine if the proposal meets the applicable state annexation requirements and the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) policies for annexation. The Planning Board is also being asked to determine if the initial zoning of Rural Residential - Established (RR-E) is appropriate and if the proposed land use map change from area IIB to IIA is appropriate. Staff recommends approval of this proposal based on a finding that the applicable annexation criteria are met and the RR-E zoning is appropriate for the site. STATISTICS: Proposal: To annex 2446 Sumac Avenue; to connect the existing residential dwelling to the city's water and wastewater utility systems. s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\dd2446sumac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM #~' Pa e 1 Location: 2446 Sumac Avenue, at the end of the Sumac Avenue. Size of Tract: 49,658 square feet Zoning: County Enclave Comprehensive Plan: Very Low Density Residential, Area IIB KEY ISSUES: 1. Does the request comply with applicable state annexation requirements, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP), and the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan (NBSP)? 2. Does the requested minor change of the BVCP Area I, II, and III Map change from Area IIB to IIA for this lot meet the criteria for a minor change as set forth in the BVCP, Section II(A)(2)(b)(6)? 3. Is the requested zoning, RR-E, appropriate for the site? BACKGROUND: History The city of Boulder Flood Utility Department purchased the property in October of 2000, for future flood control improvements to Fourmile Canyon Creek. The purchase included a small ranch style house that was built in 1954. The Flood Utility Departtment wishes to lease the house until it decides what improvements will be necessary under the Fourmile Canyon Creek Flood Study now under consideration. The intent is to retain the land area necessary for flood improvements and then sell the remaining property including the house. The well on the property failed the potability test conducted by the Boulder County Health Department. City water and sewer are available in the Sumac right-of-way. This property is one of approximately 50 which are part of an enclave within the city; which includes Githens Acres and approximately 10 other residences not within the Githens' neighborhood. Part of this enclave area is designated as Area IIA and part is designated IIB on the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) area I, II, and III map. This ]ot is designated as Area IIB. There appeazs to be no reason why all lots within this County enclave are not and should not be designated as Area IIA; therefore this application is to consider that change also. The history of why there is diFference among these lots is unknown. This lot is designated as "Very Low Density Residential" on the BVCP Land Use Map. On the "Future Growth" map of the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan (NBSP), this area is designated as "Rural Residential" anticipating a density of approximately one dwelling unit per acre. s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\dd2446sumac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM # l0 Pa e 2 Site Context The subject property is located at the west end of the Sumac Avenue cul-de-saa It is a]arge lot, and is surrounded by large lot single-family residential development. Four Mile Canyon Creek cuts through the northern portion of the lot flowing northwest to southeast. The property immediately to the north (2455 Sumac) was purchased by the City for the same purposes and was annexed in 1999. ANALYSIS: 1. Does the request comply with applicable state annexation requirements, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, and the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan? A. State Requirements: Staff has reviewed the annexation request and finds that the requirements of Section 31- 12-105 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) C.R.S. are met. No ]and held in identical ownership will be divided into separate parts or parcels by this annexation. The owners of 100 pereent of the property have signed the annexation petition (Attachment B). The subject property is at least one-sixth contiguous to the city limits. No part of the annexation area has been part of an annexation proceeding to another municipality within the last 12 months, and the annexation will not result in the detachment of area from any school district. The parcels are within the Boulder Valley School District. All urban services are, or wiil be upon annexation, available to the site. B. Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Requirements: The property is an enclave )located within Boulder Valley Planning Area II in an area fully surrounded by the city). Area II is anticipated to become part of the city within the planning period and is identified on the BVCP map as the area of immediate focus for annexation to the city. It is substantially developed with one single-family dwelling unit and cannot be further subdivided under the requested RR-E zoning designation. Annexation of this parcel must be consistent with the policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). At this writing, the County Commissioners/City Council have not yet adopted an addition to the BVCP annexation policy as outlined in bold below. Since the policy has not yet been adopted by all four bodies, only 1.20 (a) and (c) apply. The proposed change is included for your information and if anything, strengthens the support of the annexation of the subject parcel. POLICY 1.20 ANNEXATION. The policies in regard to annexation to be pursued by the city are: s:\plan\pb-items~memos\dd2446sumac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM #~ Pa e 3 (a) Annexation will be required before adequate facilities and services are fizrnished; _ (b) The city will actively pursue annexation of county enciaves, Area II properties along the western boundary, and other fully developed Area II properties. "County enclave" means an unincorporated area of land entirely contained within the outer boundary oF the city. Terms oF annexation will be based on the amount of development potential as described in (c) and (e) of this policy. Until such Area II properties have been annexed to the city, the county shall apply the city's development standards related to easement dedication, right-of-way dedication, and floodplain and wetlands regulattons. (c)fb3-Annexation of existing, substantially developed areas will be offered in a manner and on terms and conditions which respect existing lifestyles and densities, and the city wi31 expect these areas to be brought to city standards only where necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of the subject area or of the city. The city, in developing annexation plans of reasonabie cost, may phase new facilities and services. The county, which now has jurisdiction over these areas, shall be a supportive partner with the city in annexation efforts. (e) Annexation of substantially developed properties that allows for some additional residential units or commercial square footage will be required to demonstrate community benefit commensurate with their impacts. ... As to 1.20 (a): As an enclave, adequate municipal water, wastewater, and other community services aze currently available to the property. Water and sewer mains already exist within the Riverside Avenue right-of-way, and a water main exists within the Garnet Lane right-of- way. Consequently, no new community investment in infrastructure is required to provide urban services. As to 1.20 (b), (c) and (e): The property is located in a county enclave and is fully developed within the meaning of (e), as no additional residential units are possible on the site [no further development potential, as stated in 1.20(b), above]. The terms and conditions as set forth beSow respect the existing lifestyle and density of the azea as it exists. b. Protect Natural Resources: Water Policy 1.20 states that annexations that resolve an issue of public health without creating additiona] development impacts should be encouraged. The existing house has a failed well. Policy 4.25 discourages the use of private sewage systems. The city and county support the Boulder County Board of Health's policy of discouraging the installation of private sewage disposal systems where municipal collection systems are available, or where a potential s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\dd2446swnac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM #(PA Paee 4 pollution or health hazard would be created. This annexation would allow a septic system to be abandoned within the city limits and does not create additional development impacts within the meaning of the BVCP. C. North Boulder Subcommunity Plan Requirements: The North Boulder Subcommunity Plan calls for annexation of enclaves as properties become eligible and contemplates rural residentia] zoning. Annexation of this property with an initial zoning of RR-E meets these guidelines. 2. Does the requested minor change of the BVCP Area I, II, and III Map change from Area IIB to IIA for this !ot meet t6e criteria for a mittor change as set forth in the BVCP, Section II(A)(2)(b)(6)? Criteria for Approval: The area IiA/IID boundary may be changed by the city after a referral request to the county (to which the county has responded positively), provided such change meet all of the following criteria: (a) Compatibility with Existing and Planned Service Provision Currently, a full range of urban services are available to this property. No extension of water or sewer mains are required to serve the proparty. No off-site improvements will be required to serve the property with utilities. (b) Consistent with the City's Ability to Annex The change of the designation for this lot from Area IIB to IIA is consistent with the city's ability to annex the parcel within the next three years, as the property is now contiguous with the city boundary. It is possible to annex this lot immediately with no further expansion of the city's boundary. (c) Consistent with the Logical Expansion of the City Boundary As an enclave, the change from Area IIB to IIA would not expand the city boundary, but would include an area which is for all intents and purposes atready part ofthe city. It would be completing, in part, a contiguous flevelopment pattern by annexing a parcel which would result in infilling the boundaries of the city. 3. Is the requested zoning, RR-E, appropriate for the site? If annexed, a zoning of RR-E (Rural Residential - Established) would be consistent with the NBSP and BVCP land use designations, as well as the surrounding zoning in the area. The s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\dd2446sumac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM #~i ~ Paee 5 minimum lot size requirement in t~ie RR-E zone is 3Q000 squaze feet; the subject property is approximately 49,000 square feet. Therefore, the property cannot be further subdivided. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: Required public notice was given in the form of written notification mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property, and a sign was posted on the property for at least 10 days. All notice requirements of Section 9-2-4, B.R.C. 1981 have been met. The neighbor to the north called and inquired about the project. She did not express concern with the proposal, but was inquiring about the intention with respect to the existing house. STAFF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff finds that annexation of 2446 Sumac Avenue complies with applicable state annexation requirements and the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policies related to annexation. Staff recommends that the Planning Board recommend that the City Council approve Annexation #LUR2001-00020 of the property as shown on the Annexation Map, included as Attachment E, into the city with an initial zoning of RR-E, with the following conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPRO~?AL: Prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance, the Applicants shall: a. Pay the $1,715.32 Storm Water and Flood Management Utility Plant Investment Fee. b. Complete the petition(s) and pay the applicable fees for inclusion of said property into the Municipal Subdistrict of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. Within 180 days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance, the Applicant shall connect the existing dwelling unit to the City water and sanitary sewer systems. The applicant shall convey drainage from the site in an historic manner that does not adversely affect abutting property owners. Approved By: ~ ~~ ~~-Peter Pollock, Planning Director s:\plan\pb-itemsUnemos\dd2446sumac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM # g Pa e 6 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E: Vicinity Map Annexation Petition DRC Comments dated May 4, 2001 Applicants' written statement Annexation Map s:\plan\pb-items~nemos\dd2446sumac.pbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM #/~'~} Paee 7 Cit. of Boulder Vicinit p~wNo ~ ~_~~~ ~ ~ f E~. i ~ I -~ ~i iV AV6 1 2 n Hr I 9UOJEOT PROPCRTY 2448 9urano Av ~~.. ~~ ~ ~ Location: 2446 Sumac Revlaw Type: Annexation Initial Zoning ProJect Name: 24d6 9umac Review Numbar: LUR2001-00a20 Applicant: City of Boulder h/~ 1:4800 ~~ J , n~rPU~a cxyareo~w.rao ~,,~ n.b.~.~~M~+~nM.wrL . N ~ ...~..~ ~~... r.~'r.~« .~c-. .~... A~~IIII~.~~A ~IY~. w1~~1.~hw1Alh~~~ ...~.M... ATTACHMENT A ~~ ~ , ~: ~, ~~• . ~' . "~. .~`y' R E ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~~~ ~ i~C~ .~.~. . ~ ~1 `~~ _ J, Rl2-E ~, . ~~ ~ i Ro pgenoa riam x n ~ ~ Qao n - ATTACHMENT B ANNEXATION PETIT~N.: . i ` :-~ - == ^' -' V ~ ~ . . ~ . . . ~ v I ~i ~ ANNEXATION INFORMATION ,. ~,.. ,,, ,,,, ,,, _ ~.. Location of property to be annexed:~5°C/b .s~r~ro a~ue Legal Description: Size of property: ~• ~ y/~S Requested Zoning:_~'~~~ IMPACT REPORT If the area proposed for annexation is more than ten acres in size, an annexation impact report as required by state law {31-12-105.5, C.R.S.) must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the first reading of the ordinance annexing the subject property by City Councii. The Board of County Commissioners may waive this requirement. If so, a letter from the Board must be submitted to the Planning Department. DtSTRICTS Please check those districts in which the property proposed for annexation is inciuded: ~oulder Valley School District Left Hand Water bistrict St. Vrain Schooi District Boulder Rural fire District Cherryvale Fire Oistrict PROPERTY OWNERS Other (iist) List below all owners or lienholders of the property proposed for annexation (piease print): 1. ~.' ~ y o F Agenda Item n~Naya w ~ _, ANNEXATtON PETITION Signature of petitioners Date of requesting annexation of signature property to the City of Boulder, of each Colorado petitioner Mailing address of Description of property included within the a e~ each petitioner proposed for annexation owned by each person sig inc this petition. (Attach separate sheet, if necessary . ~ ~'•~~y o~ L3acr/~(er ~~~~ ~ `~~?~--8-~~ ~~'+~~ /-~.0- 130X ~`//,,~U~~ly!~i ~'O.}D,,~ ~YY/v S4rn~~ /1/~~- m b ~ TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO, GREETINGS: The undersigned hereby petition(s) the City of Boulder to annex to the City of Boulder the territory shown on.the map(s) attached hereta and described on the attachment hereto: This Petition is signed by landowners qualified to sign. It is intended that this Petition be a one hundred percent (100%) petition for annexation as described in C.R.S. 1973, Section 31- 12-107(I)(g), (as amended). In support of this petition, the undersigned state(s) and ailege(s) as follows, to wit: 1. That it is desirable and necessary that the above described territory be annexed to the City of Boulder. 2. That petitioners are landowners of one hundred percent (100%) of the territory, exc~uding streets and alleys, herein proposed for annexation to the City of Boulder. 3. That no less than one-si~h of the aggregate external boundaries of the above described territory hereby petifioned to the City of Boulder is contiguous to the city limits of the City of Bouider. 4. That a community of interest exists batween the above described territory and the City of Boulder,,And that the same is urban, or wiil be urbanized in the near future, and furtherthat the said territory is integrated or is capable of being integrated in the City of Boulder. 5. That in estab(ishing the boundaries of the above described territory, no land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate, has been divided into separate parts or parcels without the written consent of the landowner or landowners thereof, except and unless such tracts or parcels are already separated by a dedicated street, road or other public way. 6. That in establishing the boundaries of the above described territory, no land held in identical ownership, whetherconsisting of one tract or parcel of real es.tate ortwo or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate comprising twenty acres or more which, together with the buildings and improvements situate thereon, have an assessed valuation in excess of $200,000 for ad valorem tax purposes for the year next preceding the filing of the within petition for annexation, has been included within the above. 7. That the above described territory does not inc(ude any area which is the same or substantiaily the same area in which an election for an annexation to the City of 8oulder was held within the twelve months preceding the filing of this petition. Agenda ttem ~~ A Paya u_,(~._ 8. That the above described territory does not include any area included in another annexation proceeding involving a city other than the City of Boulder. 9. That at least four copies of an annexation map setting forth with reasonabie certainty a written legal description of the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed, a delineation ofthe outer boundaries of the above described territory, and the location of each ownership, tract and/or the boundaries and the plat numbers of plats and lots and blocks, the portion ofthe boundary contiguous with the existing City Limits of the Ciry af Boulder, and the dimensions of said contiguous boundary, ali upon a material and of a size suitable for recording or filing with the City Clerk of the City of Boulder, and the dimensions of said contiguous boundary, all upon a material and of a size suitable for recording or filing with the City Clerk of the City of Boulder, accompany, have been attached hereto and hereby constitute a part of this petition. 90. That the above described territory is not presently a part of any incorporated city, city and county, or town. 11. That the above area described will (not) result in the detachment of area from any school district and the attachment of the same to another school district (and the resolution of school board of the district to which the area will be attached approving this annexation request). "INSERT A" (DESCRIPTION OF TERRITORY PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION) Agenda Item # ~~ Page u ~ LEGAL DESCRIYTION 2446 SUMAC AVE. ANNEXATION PARCELI: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP I NORTH, RANGE '70 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 165.00 FEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 1056,00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO PERRY T. KEATLEY AND GERTRUDE K. KEATLEY IN INSTRUNtENT RECORDED JANUARY 3, 1952 IN BOOK 899, PAGE 338, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED IN BOOK 899, PAGE 338, A DISTANCE OF 165.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE WEST AND PARAI,LEL TO THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 264.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE 50UTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID LINE A DISTANCE OF 165.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTH i/2 OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 264.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF BOULDER STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL II: THAT PORTION OF LOT 4, RIVERSIDE GROVE, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, RiVERSIDE GROVE, CITY OF BOULDER, BOULDER COUNTY, COLORADO; THENCE SOUTH 87°2I'27" WEST, 13,01 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE NORTH 00°00'40" WEST, 137.48 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°59'20" EAST, 13,00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 00°00'40" EAST, 136.88 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 4 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Agenda Itam ~ ~A Page # ~3 CIRCULATOR'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COLORADO ) ~' ) ss. , COUNTY OF BOULDER ) . being first duly sworn, upora-elath deposes and says that she/he was the circulator of the above and foregoing petition and that the signatures on said petition are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be. / Circularr Subscribed and sworn to before me this /r= day of~~, A.D. 20 ~'/ . Witness my hand and official seai. My commission expires: MvCommissionExpires , ~.(.(3:-v~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Notary Public :' ~= i - - ~ ~~..........,~ ' CIRCULATOR'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BOULDER ) being first duly sworn, upon o eposes and says that she/he was the circulator of the above and foregoing petition and that the signatures on said petition are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, Circulator Subscribed and swom to before me this day of , A.D. 20, Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public (October 14, 1991). Agenda Item # ~A I'age H _~._ ATTACHMENT C CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: May 4, 2001 LOCATION: 2446 SUMAC AV COORDINATES: N07W05 REVIEW TYPE: Annexation I Initial Zoning REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2001-00020 APPLICANT: ANN GOODHART DESCRIPTION: ANNEXATION AND INI7IAL ZONING: 2446 Sumac REQUESTED VARIAT IONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: None I. REVIEW FINDINGS Application meets all criteria; minor documentation corrections to the annexation map must be submitted prior to board scheduling regarding the Sumac Street right of way east of this property. As soon as those corrections are made, staff will schedule this application for Planning Board Review. Please submit 3 copies of the map, including one reduced to 11x17 size. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS AccesslCirculation Please revise the Annexation Map to include an additional 5 feet of right-of-way adjacent to the 7.54 feet of frontage along Sumac Avenue. As the property is currently under City ownership, the dedication of this right-of-way will need to be accomplished through a condition of annexation which requires that it be reserved prior to sale of the property. Upon sale of the property, the applicant should be sure to reserve out this portion of the lot for ROW purposes. Annexation Map Please revise the annexation map to unshade the portion of the lot to the northeast of this property, as it is not in the City Please revise the annexation map to reflect the current property owner on the property to the north. It is no longer the City of Boulder. Through an error in the annexation of 2455 Sumac, a portion of Sumac (from the west line extended southerly of Sumac estates, to the west line extended northerly of Sumac Estates 2). Please revise the annexation map to include this portion of County Right-Of-Way as well. County Review We have reviewed the requests for issuance of an Outside City Utility Permit and Annexationllnitial Zoning [LUR2001- 000191-00020] and believe they are consistent with.the goals and policies of the BVCP - Peter L. Fogg, Long Range Planning Manager, Boulder County Land Use Department (303-4413930). Fees Plant Investment Fees for water and sewer will be due prior to connection as part of the proposed outside city utilities agreement. A Storm Water and Flood Management Plant Investment Fee of $1,715.32 will be due prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance, The current monthly fee for this lot size is $8.00/month. No DET fee will be due on this properfy, as it was buiit prior to 1962 Address: 2446 SUMAC AV Agenda Item N_!P L_..Page N r Flood Controi The city typically requires dedication of any applicable drainage and flood control easements at the time of annexation. Since this is already a city property, these easements should be reserved out and granted at the time of sale. Jeff Arthur, Public Works, 441-4418 ~ Land Uses 7he property is located in Area IIB of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). A change of the designation from ItB to IIA will be processed concurrently with this application. Legal Documents Mo requirements at this time. (Melissa Rickson - CAO) Misceilaneous Prior to annexation, the owner shail provide information on any water rights owned by the subject property. The owner will need to make provisions to maintain City ownership of any water rights on the property should it be sold at a later date. Jeff Arthur, Public Works, 4413240. Utilities Staff anticipates that the subject property will be served by outside city utilities prior to first reading of the annexation ordinance. If the property is not connected at the time of annexation, utility requirements listed in the outside city utility comments and/or other additional requirements may be applicable. Jeff Arthur, Public Works, 441-4418 III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Fire Protection Applicant is advised that future redevelopment or new construction on this lot will very likely require automatic fire sprinkler protection, as Sumac is a dead-end street in excess of 500-feet in length. This would apply unless a street/secondary access connection is made to the west at some future date. Adrian Hise, 303-4413350. Miscellaneous This project should not impact police calls for service or traffic flow as long as there is no change in its proposed use. Larry Wieda, Police Department, 303-441-3327. IV. NEXT STEPS An application for outside city water and sewer service is being processed concurrently with this annexation. It is anticipated that a number of fees will already have been paid prior to annexation. if not, the following fees and applications will apply to annexation: 1. A petition to join the Northern Colorado Water Conservation District (and Municipal Subdistrict if applicable) will need to be filed for the subject property. Please contact Janice Swoboda with any questions regarding NCWCD and to obtain the required forms. Jeff Arthur, Public Works, 441-4418 2. A plumbing fixture count will be required prior to connection to determine plant investment fees and to confirm service and meter sizing. Fees related to Please contact Linda Pangus or Sadie Hernandez to obtain a fixture count form. Jeff Arthur, Public Works, 441-4418. Address: 24A6 SUMAC AV Agendaltem N~~ Page ~ l/,~ ATTACHMENT D WRITTEN STATEMENT March 23, 2001 The City of Boulder Flood Utility purchased the property at 2446 Sumac Avenue in October, 2000, for future flood control improvemants to Four Mile Canyon Creek. The purchase included a small ranch style house that was built sometime in the 1950's. The City would like to lease the property until it has decided what improvements will be made under tha Four Mile Canyon Creek Flood Study that is now under consideration. The intent is to retain the land area necessary for the flood improvements and then sell the remaining property, which will include the house. The well water failed the potability test by the Boulder County I-Tealth Department . Since the City ann8xed the property across the street at 2455 Sumac Avenue in 1999, water is available to this property. The city proposes to connect to the water on a temporary basis so that the property may be occupied and at the same time submit an annexaiion application with this out of city water connection application. The City agreas to all applicable provisions of Section 11-1-15(g), B.R.C. 1981. Agenda Item ~ ~~ Page N ~_ , ~, ,~ ~ ~ ~ ATTACHMENT E A MAP OF ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLUKAllU FOR THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2446 SUMAC AVENUE, BEING A PORTION OF THE NE1/4 SE1/4 OF SECTION 18, TIN, R70W, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO TOTAL AREA TO BE ANNEXED = 0:993 ACRES LEGAL DFSLAIPiION OF iHE PROPEFiI'PPOPOSED FOR ~NNE%A~ON i0 iHE pTY Of BOIIIVEN PMCEL !: 1/2 O~TTNC Nq77NEAS1~/4 0~ -1E SW7H ~~/TMOf SFC110N?~,,TONNS~TM ryq~7N, RANC{ 70 NFSi OF iHE 6iH0.4., DESCPoBEO AS ~IX10'X5: ~ nwrs cws mc ~osnx ~~wo u , . srne• w!'rarm+mruEVSrndienxemw__ _'_ ~OflCn V KY/1 RI/~ temii~a,m~HIUxn _-_'-__ ~ ~ ~u* V~ ~u ssiM:14 h 11m ~~iau.w• ~ ~ I ~ I ao o to zo ao as co ~~~~i t I I SCALE:1"=30' ~~° ~ uKrlHl[ e[ ~~e ~ ~ I .. ~ I urE icrLM KMING l N MM~'N2 OUROT A ` ~ I ~) .. I I : . ~ ~ PLMLfZ MOPERIY' yl INTO; ~teilll$} Gltt P~ BWIDEN VNPRA71 ~ ~ nx zin. rrtc. ~emno (auim n) i u+oaa reroa~ao: I ,j ~~ I 4 [ ' / J_ " ~~ ~`~,~: ,, . °~ y ,, '-:~ ~4 l e ~. ~ '~ ~ (At/[RNOFP]4RGMfFS-DYW70 . { fiGU001R'IIRYIA~tl USEOl1l.) I -- - - ~rax.~ ~ ~ I wawaa anue.Wi6 ~~ ~ ~~~~~_~~~~~~,~~ ~ ~~~~~ 1--_' OuRalw[M ysy ~ l%26PM1 AVMYLT/1R~MQ ~,i~nr.~N IOII.IW[S ' i ~:~p i ~~:: ,~ ~~A. . ~ S1TE VICINITY MAP : CURRENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF 80ULDER ms uw ins vxF>rnm er HOULOER L AM7 CONSULTAMS, MC 5690 Y~UIIXIi RD. BWIDEN, CO EO'AI (w~l ~a-xie OL/11/3J01: NfN5F0 P(R GYB CpYlLN15 ~@IN1E~I~{IIN ~tdll Pal~e~ ~1:~ ~ BEQNIUNC Ai hlE EAST OUARiEA COANEN OF SAI~ SECPON 18; iHENCE SW7N ALONC ME EASi L1NE OG 541~ SFC110N 19, 0. qSiANCE GF 165.00 ~E4T: iHENCE MLSi ANO PARALLEL i0 7HE ERST-WEST CEN7EflLINE OF SAID SEC710N 18, A DISUNCE OF 7056.00 FEEi i0 iXE NOARINES7 COANER OG 1NAT TA~CT Oi LAND CW~EYEO TO PERRY i. KEATLEY RND GER7RWE K. NEAIIEY IN INS7RUMENT RECORDFA JM'I1FRY 5,1951 IN BOOK 899. PAGE J39, ANO 7NE fRUE PqNT 01 BE4INNING; IHENCE SWiN AIdJG ME MESi LINE 6 7HAT WACi Of lANO CONSE7ED IN A001( 999. PPf,E .77& h OISiPNCE OF 16`u.00 fEET i0 IHE SWIN LII~A Of iNE SWM 1/2 Of 7HE NOA7H 1/Y 01 iHE NORRI 1/P CF 7NE NORiNE~Si I/4 Of 1NE SW711EA511/4 OF SECMM! I~ iHENCE MESi ~N~ PAR~UEL 10 iHE EAST-WESi CENiERONE OF S~ID SECIION " IB, A OISiANCE OF 264.W FEEi ttl iHE KE9 LINE Of iNE NINt71~~S7 I/4 Of n~e soulxensr i/4 a snio s~ciwn ia 1NENCE NOAWERLY AIdJG SPI~ LINE A DIS7ANCE OF 165.OU FEET TO 7HE NOPiN l1NE OF iHE ~II7H 7/2 ai lllE NOFiN 7/7 OF iNE NORiX I/2 Oi R~E NOR7HElST 1/1 OF TNE SWiHEASi 1// Of SA10 SEC110N 18: iI~NCE EASiEPLY hIONG 7HE SPID Nqi1H LINE A OIS7ANCE OF 7&.00 FEET i0 TiE PqNi W AECINNING, CWNiY 0~ BOUIDEA SiAIE Oi COLORADO. PAFCEL II 7NAT POFTON OF LOi 4, HIYERSIOE CROVE, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING Ai ME SWiNEASi LORNER OF SAID LOT 4, RIYERSI~E GA04£. C11Y OF BOUI~EF, BWLDEA COONiY, COLOIiADO: 1HENtE SWiH 97'i1'1)' NESi, ~3.01 FEii P10NG iHE SOUMEAIY BOIINDARY 0~ SAI~ LOI I; MENCE NOPiH 00'0070' WEST, 137.48 iEFi; ' RIENCE NORiH 89'S9'YO' EASi, 1J,00 FEE7 i0 iHE EASIERLT BOlItU1ARY Of $MO LOi 4, 7HENCE SOU1H 00'00'40' EASi, 7J6.BB FEEi ALONG SN~ ERSRRLY BOUNOARY Of SAID LO7 4 i0 iHE POMi OF BEGINNING. NOiES 7. 1H15 ANNE%AiION NFP WFS BASEG ON LAWrERS II1LE INS..RANCE CORPORA-ON iIRE CqIN17NENi N0. 71696 (FlRST MIENOED), OAIW AUGU57 1. N100 ~ND PREPMED 8Y ~WST WLORADO 11RE CORPORA710N. h115 MAP ~~ES NOT AEPAESENi ~ PIlE SEARCN PEAfORNEO BY BWlDER IAPD Cd1511LiANTS INC. 7. TNE PROPERiY 410NN NEFEON IlES `MiHIN A 100-1EM ROOD HAZAND ~REA ( SQUAPNCE RPiEEIAAP N0. 00017COJ ~E DAR~ JIINE Z~ 95~~LOCR110N~ OF iLOW HPZAft~ AREAS ARE SUBJECT N CHANGE. ], R NINIMUM Of 50S OL iflE PNOPERtt PGOPOSED fOk ANNEYA-ON 10 iNE C17Y OF BWLOEP IS CONiIGUWS 70 CURRENi lINI7S OF iNE qiY Of , BOULDER, ENCEEOINC 7HE i/6h1 CONPGUIiY REWIREO BY CIT7 AEGUU-ONS, SURVEYqtS S7AiEMENT I I HEREBY SU7E iHAT IHIS ~NNEMRPON MAP WAS PREPMm UNUFR MY OIAECT SUFERVISION ~ND TH~T, SUBJECi i0 iHE NO7E5 HEREON, iNIS ANNFMAiION M.~P ACCIlRA7ELY OEPICiS R1E APEA PAOPOSE~ Fdt ANNElN110N i0 iHE Q1Y Of BWWE RN~ iHAi M6 ANNE%APON 4PP ~OES NOT AEPRESENT A UN~ WRKY I PLAi ~N IMPj16WAEN1 5/AKY PUi Oi hlE SUBdCi PFOPERiY. ~~+~ p~>~ lt i JJNE 11, 2W7 tl.°~ `r~~~ `-i COLqiA~O PftOGES510NAL UNO S~RYEYOfl ~~u~ ND.40t51 ~i„ ~,3 ~i~ iN nccarsoAN¢ v~~x c.AS. ia-eaias: ~ . NO-CE~, ACCONOMC i0 COLdUDO lAW YOU MUST LOIMIENCE ANY IEGAL AC710N ~ d~~ BASE~ UPON ANY ~EfEC71N 7H15 SURVEY M77NIN iHREE 1EAR5 AfffR YW ti~irc~v. qSCOKA.SUCH OEFECT. IN NO EYENi NAY ANY ACPON BASED UPON ANY UEFEGI "~ "'p1O1O IN iHIS St1PYEY BE COMNENCED MORE RIAN iEN YFA0.S FkON ME OAiE aF~ CERIIFlCAiION SHOWN HEREON. -' ~~ ~~ ~ ~s~ 6` '