6A - 2002-2007 CIP Tributary Greenways~ ^ ri u ar ree nwa s . . ~ GREENWAYS 2002 - 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The 2002 Greenways Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget is $450,000. The Greenways CIP has been developed within the context of, and is consistent with, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP), the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), the Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan (CDUMP), and the Greenways Master Plan. Although the Greenways CIP has previously been developed for two-year periods, a 6-year plan is being initiated to be consistent with other city programs. The city of Boulder Greenways System is comprised of a series of corridors along riparian areas including Boulder Creek and 6 designated tributaries, which provide an opportunity to integrate multiple objectives, including habitat protection, water quality enhancement, storm drainage and floodpiain management, alternative transportation routes for pedestrians and bicyclists, recreation and cultural resources. In order to maximize the overlap of objectives and to coordinate projects along the Greenways, identification of projects for the 2002-2007 Greenways CIP was done as a team effort combining input from Public Works (Utilities and Transportation groups), Parks and Recreation, Water Quality and Environmental Services, and Open Space/Real Estate. Transportation and flood control projects were identified from the Transportation Master Plan, the Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan, and intra-deparhnental meetings to determine project priorities and timing. Environmental projects were identified during the ~ Master Plan update process and were prioritized based on recent environmental studies, the overlap with other projects, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the project in meeting environmental goals. Maintenance of the Greenways system has been under review as part of the Master Plan update process. To address the identified deficiencies in maintenance and weed control, the 2002-2007 Greenways CIP is specifying $150,000 to be used for maintenance each year. POLICY ISSUES All projects on the 2002-2007 CIP will go through the CEAP process. HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of Greenways projects included on the 2002 CIP are: • The Fourmile Canyon Creek project between 26~' and 28`~' Streets involves improvements to the creek, environmental restoration and an off-street trail connecting 26`h to 2g`n Street. This project is being coordinated with the development of the new Park site and with major flood improvements proposed in the Fourmile Canyon Creek Master Plan. • The Iris Avenue Underpass at Elmer's Two-Mile Creek involves the construction of an underpass to increase flood capacity and improve access for pedestrians and bicyclists. This project is being coordinated with the Parks Department in conjunction with the development of Elmer's Two-Mile Park and with the Transportation Division. • The Bear Creek Reach 1 project includes habitat restoration, habitat preservation, and water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs). This project is being proposed in ~ conjunction with the development of the Hospital site and will involve coordination with 1 the Open Space Department and Floodplain and Wetlands Management. Maintenance concerns and weed control have been identified as a priority, with $15Q000 ~ being specified for maintenance each year beginning in 2002. FINANCING Greenways projects are funded from the Transportation Fund, Flood Control Fund, and the Lottery Fund. Existing CIP expenditures are estimated at $450,000 per year for the next six years. Annual funding distribution for the Greenways Program for 2002-2007 is as follows: Transportation - $150,000 Flood Control - $150,000 Lottery Fund - $150,000 Program funding levels are currently being evaluated as part of the Master Plan update. Due to city wide budgetary constraints, no changes to the existing funding levels are anticipated at this time. RELATIONSHIP TO OPERATING BUDGET Staff is currently evaluating the entire Greenways maintenance program and will recommend efficiency improvements and appropriate funding levels as part of the Crreenways Master Plan update. In arder to begin addressing the identified deficiencies in maintenance and weed control, $150,000 has been specified for maintenance each year as part of the 2002-2007 Greenways CIP. ~ ~ ~ . ~ City of Boulder Captial Improvement Projects, 2002 - 2007 PW/Tributary Greenways Improvements to the Creek, environmental preservation, habitat restoration and an off-street trail connecting 26th to 28th Street. I: .. RelattonshiptoMasterPian:; ' . ~ , ...~'~`:. ' . ~ :.. ~ .:.:~ `:. ~ . '.~ ~~~ . , .:: . . . .. -: ~ , . , . .. .: ,:., . , :...: ~......:~.. `~; This project is consistent with the Graenways Master Plan Map and Reach Inventory accepted by City Councll in September 2000. ,~~. PubllcProcess$tatus,lssues,~ . ~ ~ : ~.~~ ~ . .. '' ~ , :~: ,, .~~ ~. `+ .. , .~: . - . ,:.,, ' i: ;:~.: ..~~~ The CEAP for thfs project will go to the Greenways Advisory Commfttee consisting of inembers from TAB, WRAB, PRAB, OSBT, and , " Planning Board. The total project cost for lhe trail and environmental enhancements is $300,250 which results in an unfunded amount of ,:; $100,250. Costs of major flood Improvements are not included. ~'RelaNonshiploCouncllGoals:~ ,; ~ , .. ..:.., .„ ......: ~ .. . ~.~ ..~:-..: . . ,.:;: . ,... '~~ This project supports the Council goals of environmental sustainability and transportation by improving the off-street trail system and including ~~ ~~ environmental restoration of the stream corridor. ~ ~ Relationsfilp wiflj:Other Departments. ~ ~, ""- This project will be coordinated wlth the Parks Department in conjuoction with the development of the Park site and with the flood ~ "~': improvements proposed as part ot the Fourmlle Canyon Creek Flood Master Plan. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ! ! City of Boulder Utilities Division GREENWAYS i FOURMILE - 26TH TO 28TH STREETS ~ PROJECT NAME ' Pro)ect Number. Map ~o # Bear Creek Reach 1 ~ 13 oePnRTMenr.: pW/ Tributary Greenways 5uecoMMUNi17ro Southeast Boulder FurioiNC souRCE: Tributary Greenways evca nrea Area I ~" PR4JECT STA7US: ; Existing Facllity- Enhancements / Upgrades ~~ ~~.'~" ~ ~ ~;: ~ ~ - CEARREQUIRE09 ~Required '~~ ~ PROJECTDESCRIPTION: " :: . . ., . .. ,. . .. .,, ., . ., . . .. , ,.. '; This project includes environmental restoration, habitat preservation, and water quality Best Management Practices _ ;_; (BMPs) in Bear Creek south of Arapahoe. One component of the project may involve improvements for fish ': movement and/or instream flows at the Wellman Canal diversion structure. RelaHOnshipto.MasterRlan~'°: .. "' ' ~' ' " " ' ' ~~ ~ ~ ' , ..:... .... „ . ,. . . : -~ ,. i This project is consistent with the Greenways Master Plan Map and Reach Inventory accepted by City Council in September 2000. ~ PublJo Process~Status, Issues: ~' The CEAP for this project will be reviewed by the Greenways Advisory Committee consisting of inembers from TAB, WRAB, PRAB, OSB ..: :. and Planning Board, This project is associated with the development of the Hospital site and related flood improvements for Bear Creek. :,~ The total cost for the environmental enhancements is $440,000, which results in an unfunded amount of $365,000. Costs of major flood "- - improvements are not included. .-.-.-~ ~ ~.:' ~ ~ ~ V City of Boulder Utitities Division GREENWAYS BEAR CREEK REACH 1 / ~ 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT ~ ~--~_~~' PROJECT`NAME Pro)ect Number: Map ID # Iris Avenue Underpass L~.~ 64 This project includes the construction of an underpass under Iris Avenue at Elmers Two Mile Creek. The underpass will provide increased flood capacity and access for pedestrians and bicyclists. This project has ''' received approval for $600,000 of federal funding. The Iocal match will be split between Greenways and Transportation funds at $316,000 each. i: i; ; ~i;: ~ RelaNonshipto~MasterPlanq~: .~ This project is consistent with the Greenways Master Plan Map and Reach Inventory accepted by City Council in September 2000, and wilh ~-~" ~ the Transportation Master Plan. ~ - ~ .:;. . .. 'r : ~ ' .. : " . PubiloProcess'Status,issues ' ~~- ' _ ~ ~ '~ ~~~ ~~~~ ' ; . ... . . .. .. . ~ :: :.: ..... .. .. :: ..:.. ' . , ..:' .. ~ , .,. .. .. . .~~ The CEAP for~this project wlll be reviewed by the Greenways Advisory Committee composed ot members from TAB, WRAB, PRAB, OSBT, :~.: and Planning Board. The project will also be reviewed by TAB due to the strong transportation component of lhe project. ~ RelatfonshlptoCouneilGoals• '; ..'~" ~~ :`. '.. ~ :~: .,:: , , .. - , ~... ~~ ~ This project supports the Council goal of transportation by improving the off-street trail system,~and supports economic sustainability by ~::~ reducing flood risk. • City of Boulder Utiiities Division GREENWAYS ~ 00 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ;. a ~ IRIS AVENUE UNDERPASS ~ PROJECT NAME ' " Pro)ect Number: Map ID # Fourmile Improvements Pleasantview to 28th ~._~ _•~ 12 - ., ~ DEPARTMEN7: ~. .~. pW/ T~ibutary G~eenways SUBCOMMUNISY: ~.~ ~ palo Park ~ FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ T~IbUYary Gf20nWay5 ~ ~ BVCP~Nea ;~.; Af28 II ~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~v_~1 -'~.- ~~ ~ .., ... ;.:. . ~ . ~ PROJECT S1'ATUS, " Existing Pacility - Rehab / Repair / Deficiency Correction ~ ~ ' .. ~ : ~ ~ ~ ` CEAP REQUIR~Q9 ~ ; Required .' ' ~ ,.:: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ";`~ . ~. ~ ,. ; ; ~ ..; ... - ~ ': . ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ .::~.~ ~ ~ -. ,. , , , ...... ~. , :~. , .. ',.:~, ~ . .. ,.;,.. , ..:. . ... . , . . , . This project includes improvements to the creek, environmental restoration, and water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) along Fourmile Canyon Creek between Pleasantview Soccer Fields and 28th Street. Relat~onship to~Master Plan:;' ~ ~~ This project is consistent with the Greenways Master Plan Map and Reach Inventory accepted by City Council in September 2000. , PubllcProaess;8l'atus~:lssqes: ~~ "- ~ . . . :' ' ` ..: .. : .- . ~, .~~ ' ~ The CEAP for this project wlll be reviewed by the Greenways Advisory Committee consisting of inembers from TAB, WRAB, PRAB, OSBT, ~ ~'~ ~~ and Planning Board. Costs of major flood improvements are not included. ~~~Relationshipto:CouncllGoals:, ~' ~_~-~ ~ ~ .~,' ' ~- '"~~~~ ' . ~` ~ ~ ~.'~; . ~~,~ . . ~.,. ... ~~ ............_ ,. . ~ This proJect supports the Council goal of environmental sustainability by enhancing lhe stream corridor. ~ g; ii ~ ~ s ~ City of Boulder Utilities Division GREENWAYS FOURMILE IMPROVEMENTS PLEASANTVIEW TO 28TH ~ 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ .~ -- __ PROJECT STATUS REPORT PROJECT NAME Project Number: Map ID # Wonderland Creek Foothills to Diagonal L..~J 62 '~ - DEPARTMENT:.'.,;:. pW/ T~IbUtary G~eeflw9yS ~SUBCOMMUNITY: ' CroSSroadS ~ , FUNDING SOURCE: ~" T~ibutary Gfeenways ~ BVCP Area ~~ ~ q~ea I ~~~ . j ~ ' ~ 'PRQJECT STATtIS: ~- New Construction - Not Growth Related ~ ~; `~~,`. ~ o; ' ;;, ~ CEAP REQUIREDfi ' Required , ~ ' ':PROJECT DESCRIRTION: ! $'"~ This project includes an off-street trail connection along Wonderland Creek between Foothills Parkway and the s Diagonal Highway, environmental preservation, habitat restoration, and water quality Best Management Practices ,;;: (BMPs). RelaNonship to Master Plan: ` ~ ~, ,. , . . . . . . . .. ,. , ,. , This project is consistent with the Greenways Master Plan Map and Reach Inventory accepted by Cily Counci( in SeptembeF2000 ~ ~ ~ w City of Boulder Utilities Division Greenways WONDERLAND CREEK FOOTHILLS TO DIAGONAL ~~ 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ ~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT PRO;IECT NAME Pro~ect Number. Map ID # Fourmile Sumac to 19th St. ~~ 11 ~ REPpRTMENT:~:~., ; p~l~l/ TfIbUfB~y Gfe@f1W8yS SUBCOMMUNITY: ~~, NOrth BOUIdEf ~rW~ This project is for environmental restor between 19th Street and Garnet Lane. ~ , ~#-,, oaes.~ Status~ lssuasb < , . , . . .,. -, ~:. . .....:i. . .. . . . ., ... _; .: ., ,.., „ P for this prqect will go to the Greenways Advisory Committae consistlng of inembers from TAB, WRAB, PRAB, OSBT, and ' Board. Major flood improvements are not included in the cost balow. The construction of a multi-use path from 19th to Gamet Lana : sen Gamet Lane and 26th Street will be re-evaluated in conjunction with the flood improvements. .., . . .. ..: . . .:~ .. . . .;. ~hipfo~Coundl Goals; ., : . ` . , ~~ .'~.:~ ~:. .~ . , ~: ' . ,'.~i, , ~ ~:! ~ . '.,.,' ' --- --- re supports t e uncil goals of envlronmental sustainability and transportation by improving the off-street lrail system and including :ntal restoretion of the stream corridor. . .., ,~ . . . .. ~ Relaliqnship vyttli;Other Deparkmeots ' - ~ ~ ~ .. :.. ~ . ~ . . ..., .> ..., .. .: : . , _.., .... . . ... ..: . ...:.: ~r~ This project will be coordinated with the flood improvements proposed as part of the Fourmlle Canyon Creek Plood Master Plan. Projec '::; `TOTA ~ . ~~r ~ t,j,. ~ ! ,§ 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ~ ~ ~ ~ , ;i i :e°; ,,; ; ~. ;~ ~ = ;.~ :.:, : =' u~~.r ~; ;~E ,. ~ ~'i ci i M~ti,if` ~ ;`1L~, t ,P.,...i",ri -L ~ ~ ~ - ~' ~~ z -.clyll ;z,~ ~ _i,r~_.. , ~ l.(i ~'. , i: F_pc:~i.)~ ;:'i F:' .i.t' " r-. i y~ . ~. . k~f ~i ~ ~ r I .'~ - i ~ iv .i ,i i~~~ ' ' , :t~ t ;, i:;Ni ~' -~,,,~,. J. ~,~~ ., -:0~ ~ ~ ~ n r; i ~," _ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ' ' ~ ; City of Bouider Utilities Division GREENWAYS FOURMILE SUMAC TO 19TH ST. ~~U~~ ~ -~ r_r~ ~,~ . ~~ ~ r ~ n c'~ :~ s~'~,~ PROJECT NAME ' Project Number: Map ID # Maintenance and Weed Control L~J oepnRrMeHr: .. pW/ Tributary Greenways ~ SusCOMMUNirv: System-wide Fuy4iN~SOURCE:; °; TributaryGreenways BvCPArea System-wide~~~~~~~W~~ ". ~ PROJECTSTA7US: On-GoingPrqects ~ , ~. ~ ..... ~- .-: ,... , ,i.;; , _,. :~ . CEAP REQUIREDfi , Not Requlred ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ' " ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ "' ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~. ' ' ~ "~~ ' '~ ' . ~:-... ........ . . ... . .~ . ...,. „ . . ... . , Proposed enhancements to maintenance practices along the Greenways will indude weed control and maintaining '; the stream corridor for habitat. Specific tasks include retaining a weed consultant and summer crew, purchase of °;; equipment, control and removal of noxious weeds, and planting of natives to discourage re-establishment of weeds. _-.: ° are important components of the Greenways Master Plan update. on Relatlonship to.Councfl Goals' '' Maintenance of the Greanways for habitat supports the Council goal of environmantal sustalnabilily. ~ , ..,. . ~ . . : .: ~ . . .: . . - , . ., , . Relatiooship with Other Depdrtments ° '-- ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ '~° ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~> i ~ ~' ~~ -~ ~ The weed control plan for Greenways will be developed with input from the Open Space Department, the Parks Department, and Boulder ~ '~~~- County. Initial weed control efforts will be performed on City owned properties, lherefore the projects will be coordinated with ihe managing ~~~~ department. '~~',35li~...: Gy ~ ~~~~' ProjectedR 2002 I 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I CO PIL T ON I FUNDING ~ PROJECS NAME Pro)ect_ N°. m___,ber° Map ID,,_.___._~.....___~ Miscellaneous - Greenways Operating ~~ ~ ~ oePnaTmeNr: p~V/ Tributary~Greenways suscornMUrnTr: System-wide ~ FUNDING 30}JRCE: , :.: TPibutary Greenways evca nree ~ . Svstem-wide ~ , : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PROJECT STATUS: = On-Going Projects CBAP REQU~RED9 ' I Not ReqWred .:PROJECTDESCRIPTION:~~: , ~ .,. ~ Rest areas and signage; Habitat survey and corridor assessment; Miscellaneous trail connections and improvements; Miscellaneous stream restoration and water quality projects. Relationship to-Master~Plan: ~ ~ ~ I ~ . ~.. i~ .:. .- ~~ ~ Public ProcesS SWtus; Issues; i ~' ~ ' .:' ' ' " ' ~ ..: RelationshiptoCouncllGoals: ~ - ~.. Relatlonship with Other Departments: ~ ~ ~ i 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ProJected Fundin g: ; ~ ~ 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 300,000 :~ ~ -' ~ ''~ ' ~ ~-~ ~ ~, , 1stYearofFunding: .~ ~'on-going , TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS: lo to zoo2: P ndi ooo $5a On-Going ng pr r u , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~20D1-Approvedfunds:~_ ~~~~~ $54,000 ~ ' " ; 17 ,.. SUMMARY OF THE 2002-2007 • UTILITIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM June 26, 2001 Overview The overall program and funding priorities are reflected in the staging and timing of projects over the 6 year CIP time period. The following primary factors were considered in determining the overall program and funding priorities: Water Utilitv 1. Reliability of water treatment and delivery 2. Drinking water quality and other environxnental regulations 3. Worker health and safety 4. Opportunity to collaborate with other city projects, i.e., transportation 5. Potential for operation and maintenance cost savings 6. Accommodating new growth and development Wastewater Utilitv 1. Reliability of wastewater collection and treatment 2. Water quality and other environxnental regulations ~ 3. Worker health and safety 4. Opportunity to collaborate with other city projects, i.e., transportation 5. Potential for operation and maintenance cost savings 6. Accommodating new growth and development Flood Control Utilitv 1. Property damage or safety hazard mitigation 2. Water quality and other environmental regulations 3. Worker health and safety 4. Opportunity to collaborate with other city projects, i.e., transportation 5. Potential for operation and maintenance cost savings 6. Accommodating new growth and development No effort has been made in developing the CIP to target improvements in a certain geographic area. Policy Issues The following policy issues related to the CIP need to be resotved as part of the 2002- 2003 budget process: i South Boulder Creek: The evaluation and planning effort related to flood hazard and mitigation on South Boulder Creek is continuing. A final "Phase A" report was released in ~ the spring of 2001, but it is unlikely that any of the alternatives in the Phase A report will be implemented. Additional analysis and community input will be required in order to develop a plan that will receive community support for implementation and funding. A small amount of city funding ($3.0 million) has been included in the CIP for year 2003. If a larger project is approved, a higher rate increase may be required in 2003 or beyond. Highlights Highlights of the proposed CIP are as follows: Water Utilitv 1. Continued emphasis on the rehabilitation and improvement of the City's existing water system infrashucture continues, especially in the area of the City's deteriorated water distribution system. This philosophy is reflected in the following CIP projects: Whittier Neighborhood Distribution System Rehabilitation North Boulder Pazk Area Distribution System Rehabilitation Goss Grove Distribution System Rehabilitation South Boulder Water System Rehabilitation East Boulder Water System Rehabilitation North Boulder Water System Rehabilitation West Boulder Water System Rehabilitation Corroded Waterline Rehabilitation Kohler Storage Tank Lining Rehabilitation Maacwell Storage Tank Lining Rehabilitation 2. Water from the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (Colorado Big-Thompson project) is anticipated to play an increasingly important role in the City's overall water system deliveries. For this reason several projects have been identified to assure the reliability of water quality and delivery from the Boulder Reservoir WTP including: Boulder Reservoir WT'P Improvements Cherryvale Pump Station Boulder Reservoir High Service Pump Station Iris Pump Station Zone 1 Transmission Facilities Zone 2 Transmission Facilities Boulder Feeder Canal Boulder Reservoir Intake and Pumping • 3. The capacity expansion of the Boulder Reservoir WTP has been once again delayed due to the anticipated reduction in peak water demand projections as a result of the City's commitment to a more aggressive water conservation program. A recent report, the Water Conservation ~ Futures Study, indicates that peak water demands are being reduced and continued reductions ~ may preclude the need for an expansion project. 4. Significant repairs to the Barker water system, recently acquired by the City from Public Service Company of Colorado, are needed. Repairs to this water system are necessary to assure safe and reliable water deliveries to the Betasso Water Treatment Plant (W'I'P). Wastewater Utilitv 1. Although the actual budgetary impact is unknown, funding has been budgeted for potential impacts associated with renewal of the City's WWTP discharge permit, including a potential conversion from chlorine disinfection to ultraviolet light disinfection. 2. In accordance with the recent intergovernmental agreement with the City of Lafayette designed to settle the on-going lawsuit, money has been budgeted to relocate the wastewater treatment planYs effluent outfall pipe downstream of 75`~' Street. 3. The city is currently involved in a joint study with Western Disposal regarding the feasibility of a composting facility. The consultant, CDM, is performing the study. If feasible, a Class A biosolids compost facility may be constructed or managed through some type of "partnership" contract. The city is also reviewing alternatives to improve the biosolids handling and dewatering process at the WWTP by installing more efficient centrifuges. This may be needed in either the composting option or in continuing with the land application program. ~ Flood Control Utilitv 1. As in the past several years, the majority of funds in the Flood Control Utility CIP have been allocated to major drainage way improvements for Goose Creek - 30th Street to Folsom Street and Elmer's Two-Mile Creek between Goose Creek and Valmont Road. Work is underway between 30th St. and through the former Branding Iron Mobile Home Park. The funding proposed in 2002 would complete the project along Goose Creek through the Mapleton Mobile Home Park. Funding proposed for 2003 would complete improvement along Elmer's Two-Mile Creek between under the Boulder White-Rocks Ditch to Valmont Road. Partial funding for this project is provided by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District. 2. Money is budgeted for potential flood mitigation improvements along Fourmile Canyon Creek and South Boulder Creek. Recommendations concerning improvements are anticipated in the near future as part of the on-going flood mitigation planning process. Projects Recommended for the CEAP Process Projects recommended for the Community and Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) in the year 2002 are: • Biosolids Composting ~ ~ Tributary Greenways Program Fourmile Canyon Creek Bear Creek -:Arapahoe to Foothills ~ Projects for which Specific Approval is Requested In accordance with the project planning and approval process, specific approval and allocation of design and construction funding for the following projects is requested. These projects are considered minor in nature, with the opportunity for public review and comment provided through the 2002 CIP budget process. Based on this approval, staff will proceed with the design and construction of these projects in 2002with no additional public process for purpose, need or funding, although construction coordination and other site specific activities will be discussed with adjacent property owners if appropriate. WATER FUND Boulder Reservoir WTP Improvements Cherryvale Pump Station Boulder Reservoir High Service Pump Station Iris Pump Station Kohler Storage Tank Lining Rehabilitation Maxwell Storage Tank Lining Rehabilitation Goss Grove Distribution System Rehabilitation Corroded Waterline Rehabilitation Zone 1 Transmission Facilities ~ Zone 2 Transmission Facilities Barker Grauity Pipeline Repair Barker-Kossler Penstock Repair Barker Dam Outlet Improvements Barker Relicensing Barker In-stream Flow Release Green Lake II Reconshuction Como Creek Diversion Structure Boulder Feeder Canal Boulder Reservoir Intake and Pumping WASTEWATER FUND WWTP/CPDES Improvements WWTP Pump Rehabilitation WWTP Trickling Filter Rehabilitation WVJTP Effluent Outfall Relocation Biosolids Handling & Dewatering Improvements Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Collector Sewer Rehabilitation Manhole Rehabilitation ~ ~ FLOOD MANAGEMENT FUND Preflood Acquisition Crossroads Redevelopment Master Planning Master Planning is an element of the decision making process for proposed CIP projects. Historically, these master plans focused on service area growth and its impact on reIated utility infrastructure needs. At this point in time, growth is not as important an issue as the need to rehabilitate and address deficiencies in the existing infrastructure. Identification of these issues occurs on an on-going basis and ara documented in the Utilities Division Annual Reports as well as on-going studies and reports. Master plan summaries are provided in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and were recently updated. At this point in time existing master plans provide an adequate basis from which to formulate tha CIP in conjunction with other information. Exhtbit A provides a summary of the studies and reports that provide important information regarding the various wark programs of the Utilities Division and are used in formulating the CIP. The relationship of each CIP project to the master plans and studies is presented in the detailed project descriptions. ~ It may be necessary to revise current master plans depending on the extent of changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan including land use designations. For this reason, anticipated projects in the years 2004-2007 are preliminary and are based on the judgement of Utilities Division staff: Financing Funding for the City's Utilities capital improvement projects is derived from general utility fees and special external agency grants. The primary revenue sources are Plant Investment Fees (PIFs) from new customers, monthly water sales to customers and hydroelectric sales to Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCO). Water sales are relatively stable and reflect the overall growth of the service area and yearly weather fluctuations. Other revenue sources include the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment construction revolving loans (none anticipated at this time) for the Wastewater Utility; and the Urban Drainage & Flood Control District reimbursement grants for the Flood Control Utility. These revenues are project specific and are highly variable depending on the external agency's funding situation and priorities. Currently, the following projects are anticipated to qualify for such revenues: • Flood Control Utility, Goose Creek ~ • Flood Controt Urility, Elmer's Two-Mile Creek Flood Control Utility, Fourmile Canyon Creek Flood Control Utility, Preflood Acquisition Another possible source of funds are special assessment districts and assessments levied as part of annexation agreements. These types of funding mechanisms are anticipated for the Water and Wastewater System Expansion projects. If the above mentioned funds are insufficient, projects will be funded from new revenue bond issues with debt service financed by general utility charges. For the year 2002-2003 CIP, it is anticipated that bonds will be issued for the following projects: Wastewater Utility - WWTP/CPDES Improvements Wastewater Utility - Biosolids Composting Wastewater Utility - Biosolids Handling & Dewatering Flood Control Utility - Fourmile Canyon Creek Flood Control Utility - South Boulder Creek Also, it is anticipated that projects related to the Barker Water System will be funded from the proceeds of the Windy Gap water sale. Staff will complete the evaluation of the proposed CIP on rates in conjunction with the development of the 2002 operating budget. Rate increases are currently projected as follows: Water Utility: Wastewater Utility: Flood Control: 2002 - 9 percent 2002 - 12 percent 2002 - 8 percent 2003 - 3 percent 2003 - 12 percent 2003 - 8 percent ~ . Public Process The draft CIP was presented to the Water Resource Advisory Board (WRAB) on April 16, 2001 for discussion. A public hearing before the WRAB concerning the CIP was held on June 18, 2001. The WRAB recommended approval of the proposed Utilities Division 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) including the preliminary year 2002-2003 operating budget, monthly utility rates and plant investment fees to the Planning Board and City Council. i • EXHIBIT A CITY OF BOULDER UTILITIES DIVISION SUMMARY OF STUDIES AND REPORTS June 14, 2001 The following studies and reports provide important information regarding the various work programs of the Utilities Division and are used in formulating the CIP: Water Resources and Untreated Water Deliverv Master Plan for the City of Boulder's Mountain Reservoir Water Supply System, Li & Associates, 1985 Update of Priorities and Cost Estimates in the City of Boulder's Master Plan for Mountain Reservoir Water Supply System, Simons, Li & Associates, 1986 Raw Water Master Plan, WBLA, 1988 Condition Assessment & Remedial Measures Feasibility Study for the City of Boulder Watershed Dams, Harza Engineers, 1988 Barker Pipeline Rehabilitation and Related Improvements Study, Harza, 1991 Water Source Impact Assessment, Brown & Caldwell, 1992 Silver Lake Hydroelectric Project Conceptual Design Report. ECI, 1992 ~ Lakewood Pipeline and Hydroelectric Project Environmental Report and Associated Studies, Pazsons Engineering Science, 1994 Lakewood Pipeline and Hydroelectric Project CEAP, City of Bouider, 1994 Silver Lake Pipeline and Hydroelectric Project CEAP, City of Boulder, 1996 Water Treatment and Treated Water Deliverv Water Facilities Master Plan, Black & Veatch, 1984 Gunbarrel/Heatherwood Area Water and Sewer Utility Master Plan, McLaughlin Engineers, 1988 Treated Water Master Plan - Phase I Study, Brown & Caldwell, 1990 Corrosion Control Evaluation Study, Black & Veatch, 1990 North Boulder Area Water and Sewer Master Plan, McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1990 Pre-design Report for Corrosion Control and Miscellaneous Water Treahnent Plant Improvements at Betasso WTP, Black & Veatch, 1991 Treated Water Master Plan - Phase II Study, Brown & Caldwell, 1992 Betasso WTP Sludge Drying Bed Study, Richard P. Arber, 1992 Pre-design Report for Corrosion Control and Miscellaneous Water Treatment Plant Improvements at Boulder Reservoir W'TP, Black & Veatch, 1995 Hydraulic Analyses, City of Boulder, On-going Residuals Improvements and Recycle Pretreatment at the Betasso Water Treatment Plant, ~ Black & Veatch, 1997 Treated Water Master Plan Update, Integra Engineers, 2001 Wastewater Collection and Conve,~~ ~ Wastewater Collection System Master Plan Update, McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1983 Gunbarrel/Heatherwood Area Water and Sewer Utility Master Plan, McLaughlin Engineers, 1988 North Boulder Area Water and Sewer Master Plan, McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1990 Sanitary Sewer Sub-Basin Evaluation for Infiltration and Inflow, RTW, 1996 Hydraulic Analyses, City of Boulder, On-going Wastewater Treahnent and Discharee Wastewater Treatment Facilities Master Plan, Brown & Caldwell, 1990 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan Amendments, City of Boulder, 1992 Disinfection System Evaluation, Integra Engineering, 1996 Sludge Processing and Dis osal Sewage Sludge Management Master Plan - Phase I, Richard P. Arber, 1986 Sewage Sludge Management Master Plan - Phase II, Richard P. Arber, 1986 Sludge Disposal Options Study, Richard P. Arber, 1990 Biosolids Recycling Land Acquisition Project CEAP, City of Boulder, 1995 Biosolids Management Study, RTW, 1997 ~ Flood Control and Drainaee Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan, City of Boulder, 1988 Boulder and Adjacent County Drainageways - Phase B, Greenhorne and O'Mara, 1987 Storm Water Collection System Master Plan, WRC Engineering, 1984 Gunbarrel Area Drainage, Boyle Engineering, 1987 Master Plan for Boulder Creek Tributaries, Clack, Greenlee, Hartman & Tucker, 1985 Outfall System Planning, Boulder Gunbarrel Area, Boyle Engineering, 1987 Tributary Greenway Master Plan, City of Boulder, 1990 High Hazard Zone Property Acquisition Analysis, Love & Associates, 1997 Boulder and Adjacent County Drainageways - Phase A, Greenhorn & O'Mara, 1984 University of Colorado at Boulder - Reseazch Park - Master Plan Site Development Plan and Flood Mitigation Plan, Downing, Thorpe, James, 1989 University of Colorado at Boulder - Reseazch Park - Master Plan Site Development Plan and Flood Mitigation Plan, Downing, Thorpe, James, 1987 North St. Vrain and St. Vrain Creeks, Engineering Professionals, 1983 Boulder and Adjacent County Drainageways - Flood Hazard Area Delineation, Greenhorn & O'Mara, 1987 South Boulder Creek - Flood Hazard Area Delineation, Greenhorn & O'Mara, 1986 Boulder Creek/South Boulder Creek Confluence Area - Development of Preliminary Plan ~ - Phase B, Simons, Li & Associates, 1984 8 Lower Boulder Creek - Flood Hazard Area Delineation, Muller Engineering, 1983 ~ Lefthand Creek Volume 1- Mouth to Foothills Highway, Gingery Associates, 1981 Upper Lefthand Creek Volume 2- Foothills to Peak to Peak Highway, Simons, Li & Associates, 1983 Boulder Creek - Flood Hazard Area Delineation - Muller Engineering 1983 Upper Boulder Creek & Fourmile Creek - Floodplain Information Report, Gingery Associates, 1981 Boulder Creek - Phase B Preliminary Design, URS, 1979 Major Drainageways Planning - South Boulder Creek Volume II, RW Beck & Associates, 1973 Boulder Creek & Major Tributaries - High Hazard Flood Zone - 0.5' Rise Floodway, Love & Associates, 1982 Major Drainageways Planning - Urban Storm Drainage - South Boulder Volume 2- Wright McGlaughlin, 1970 Goose Creek Project CEAP, City of Boulder, 1998 Fourmile Canyon Creek Major Drainageway Planning, Phase A Report, Alternatives Analysis, Love & Associates, 2000 . .