6A - 2002-2007 CIP Transportation/Municipal Airport~ rans ortatlon . unicl a 1 ort . . . ~ TRANSPORTATION FUND 2002 - 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The 2002 Transportation Fund Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is $10,073,500. The CIP has been developed within the context of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and the TMP prioritization with the identified modal emphasis. The plan goals and priorities were used in allocating funds and prioritizing projects. The TMP is underpinned by the concept of investing in our transportation infrastructure to maintain today's level of service (LOS). The goals/objectives are stated in terms of no increase in traffic congestion. The inveshnent strategy is based on making significant improvements to the pedestrian, bicycle and transit systems. Transportation Fund 2002-2007 CIP - Modal Investment Breakout 2002 2002-2007 Modal/Functional Area $ % $ % Pedestrian 2,545,104 25% 12,169,910 35% Bicycle 1,707,192I 17% 7,298,802 21% Transit 484,359 5% 2,679,630 8% Roadway 5,026,845 50%I 10,777,158 31% Travel Demand Management (TDM) OI 0% 0 0°/a Mitigation I 210,000 2% 1,210,000 3% Other 100,000 1% 600,000 2% Total 10,073,500 100% 34,735,500 100% The TMP is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportation system. The TMP advocates that we: _ adequately preserve the existing infrastructure _ strive to increase safety _ maximize the efficiency of our existing systems (pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway _ enhance mobility through investments in the completion of the alternative transportation system (pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) The TMP advocates that this multimodal-based investment strategy be focused in a system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated multimodal corridor grid. TMP priorities form the base for funding allocation. Investment on enhancements to the modal systems is focused in multimodal corridors. With limited resources, invesrinents are focused on the highest priority corridors. ~ Transportation Master Plan Prioritization The prioritization discussions with Council and TAB established strong policy direction on the city's transportation inveshnent strategy. At Council's direction, staff developed last year's budget in accordance with the recommendations of Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Prioritization with a reallocation $1 M to bicycle/ pedestrian improvements and transit/transit pass programs. This year's proposed budget builds on the foundation of last yeaz's discussion, implementing recommendations for the second year of the refocused budget. Resource reallocation associated with the modal emphasis are outlined in the table below: TMP Prioritization Resource Reallocation - PedBik e/Transit Modal Emphasis ($1M reallocation) Additional Resources Modal Area/Function 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 Pedestrian Ouueach $50,000 $SO,OOO I $50,000 $SO,OOOI $50,000 Education I $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000~ $50,000 Facilities $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 Pedestrian Subtotal $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 $240,000 Bicvcle Outreach $50,000 $50,000 $SO,OOO I $50,000 $50,000 Education $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Facilities $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Bicycle Subtotal $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 Transit Transit Service ($750k existing) $75,000 $505,000 $450,000 $325,OOOI $325,000 PassPrograms-TDM($200kexisting) $300,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Facilities ($4.SM over twenty years) $225,000 $220,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 Transit Subtotal $600,000 $875,000 $775,000 $650,000 $650,000 Total Redistribution $1,090,000 $1,365,000 $1,265,000 $1,140,000 $1,140,000 ~ ~ HIGHLIGHTS ~ HOP Fundine - The HOP was originally funded through a federal grant. When the grant funding 63`~ Street (Valmont Road to Leggett Ditchl - Negotiations are underway with adjacent property owners to annex and improve 63`" from the PSco supply water canal (Leggett Ditch) north to Valmont Road. Improvements would include street, drainage, bikelanes and a sidewalk along the west side of the road. With collector streets such as 63`' Street, funding for street improvements is typically the responsibility of the adjacent property. Due to phasing and implementation constraints it is advantageous for the improvements to be constructed as a single project. This will likely require the Transportation Fund to front-end segments of the project through a local improvement district or other financing mechanism. In addition, the city does not have the legal authority to require properties not annexed to the city to participate. Currently negotiations would require that the improvements be in place by December 31, 2004. To meet ended, the city funded the service through fare-box proceeds and city revenues. The city's objective was that RTD accept the highly successful service into their system. Through the 2000 budget, the city was able to successfully negotiate joint city/RTD funding of the HOP as a transit service demonstration. As with other demonstration services such as the SKIP, the city and RTD split the cost during the demonstration period. If the service meets RTD performance criteria at the end of the demonstration, the service is indoctrinated as a RTD service with RTD supporting 100% of the cost. The understanding with RTD for the HOP was that the demonstration period would be for 2001 and 2002. RTD has extended the demonstration period an additional year through 2003. The city's share of the demonstration is approximately $525,000 annually. ~ this timeline the public input, design and approval process would need to occur in 2002 with the constnxction to follow in 2003 and 2004. Funding of $200,000 to cover process, design and approval cost is programmed for 2002. Funding for the construction will be identified in the 2003-2004 budget process when the financing package has been finalized. 28'h Street-2000 - 28'" Street from Baseline Road to Iris Avenue is identified as the top priority corridor in the city's multi-modal grid. Implementation of the 28'~ Street - 2000 Project continues to be the highest priority of the Capital Improvements Program. South segment (Hello Boulder) funding of $4.6M (includes $1.1M in TEA-21 funding) is programmed in 2002 and 2003. The public input, design and approval process is underway for the north segment (Service City) with the middle segment (New Town) to follow. Funding for the north segment of $4.8M is programmed starting in 2004. As an early action item of the north segment Transportation Network Plan, a fixed-term transportation planner position is proposed to help start up, organize and run the transportation management organization (TMO) envision. Broadwav Reconstruction - Funding for this project was accelerated from 2003 to 2002 to align with a change in federal TEA-21 funding totaling $2.7M. Originally planned for 2003, the federal portion and the city's share of $1M has been redirected to 2002. Another $750k per year is budgeted in 2004-2006 adding $2.25M for this project. Caroital Improvements Program Implementation - Implementation, public input and approval ~ processes for capital improvement projects have gotten increasing complex and time intensive. Due to these expanded process requirements, timely implementation of programmed improvements has created a backlog of projects. Staff is proposing to add a 2-year fixed term project manager to address this concern and the current backlog of capital projects. Intermodal Center - This project enables the City, in conjunction with RTD, to build a multi- • modal transit station which accommodates current and future local and regional bus service, future commuter rail service and provides a unique opporiunity for the City to build a significant number of affordable housing units. A multi-departmental team comprised of Transportation, Housing, Planning, Open Space, RTD, the City Attorney's Office and consultants have worked together to complete the second phase of site selection and identified a suitable site far the new facility. Council approval will be requested to proceed with land acquisition in 2001. Sufficient funds from the RTD and the City of Boulder have been identified to acquire the site. However, some of the sources of funds may not be available unti12003 and 2004. FINANCING Funding for city transportation projects come from several different sources. A dedicated sales tax, Highway Users Tac, County Road and Bridge funds, State Highway Maintenance and Landscape Funds and Transportation Equity Act for the 2151 Century (TEA-21) federal funds primarily support the Transportation Fund. RELATIONSHIP TO OPERATING BUDGET The 2001 Transportation CIP is predicated on improving Boulder's infrastructure. As a result, a . majority of project operating impacts are absorbed within operating budgets. UNDERGROUNDING CREDIT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM As part of the franchise agreement with Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), the City of Boulder receives an annual credit for work by PSCo to relocate underground or reconfigure PSCo lines. The amount of the annual credit is 1% of the preceding calendar year's electric revenue from customers within the City, which is approximately $600,000 per year. The Undergrounding Credit Policy, approved by City Council in 1994, specifies that proposed undergrounding credit expenditures be reviewed annually by the Transportation Advisory Board during the CIP review process. Using the initial screening factors and prioritization factors provided in the policy, staff has established the Undergrounding Credit CIP included in the 2002- 2007 proposed Transportation CIP. Where it is appropriate, staff is utilizing undergrounding credits in a collaborative manner to facilitate development of a more robust telecommunications infrastructure. This is accomplished by applying undergrounding credits to burial projects on specific routes that parallel those designated for telecommunications conduit and cable. The telecommunications facilities then ~ share the same trench at a small additional cost. The undergrounding projects included in the CIP aze generally consistent with the potential telecommunications needs. ~ The Undergrounding Credit Policy requires that 25% of the credits be made available for non-CIP projects on a 50% match basis. Therefore, the Undergrounding Credit CIP includes $150,000 annually for the Undergrounding Cost Share Program. If program participants in a given year do not request all of the $150,000 available for the cost share program, the amount remaining returns to the overall credit balance. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD (TAB) ACTION City Council has charged the Board to: "review all city transportation envirorunent assessments and capital improvements." In the context of the Capital Improvements Program, the Board is asked to provide a recommendation on the program to the Planning Boazd and City Council. The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) reviewed and made a recommendation on the 2002-2007 Transportation Capital Improvements Program (CIP) at their June I I, 2001 meeting. In summary, the TAB recommended approval of the 2002-2007 Transportation Capital Improvements Program as submitted. ~ S:\PLAN~data\longrang\CIP~2002 cip\depts\transpsumry ~ ~ TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ OVERVIEW The Year 2U02 Transportation Development Fund Capital Improvements Program is $1,579,000. The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) has been developed within the context of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and Yhe TMP prioritization with the identified modal emphasis. The plan goals and priorities were used in allocating funds and prioritizing projects. Transportation Development Fund 2002-2007 CIP - Moda! Investment Breakout 2002 2002-2007 ModaUFunctional Area $ % $ % Pedestdan 234,300 15% 893,000 12% Bicycle 319,900 20% 2,499,000 34% Transit 0 0% 0 0% Roadway 974,400 62% 3,780,000 52% Travel Demand Management (TDM) 0 0% 0 0% Mitigation 50,400 3% 149,000 2% Other 0 0% 0 0% Total 1,579,000 100% 7,321,000 100% The City Transportation Development Excise Tax is based on the philosophy of assessing a fee on development to mitigate its' impacts on the street network. Rates are adjusted annually based on the CPI. POLICY ISSUES None HIGHLTGHTS Colorado Avenue (28`~ Street to 30`h Street) Bikelanes - The design and approval process for the south segment of 28'~ Street (Hello Boulder) identified the need to complete the bicycle system in the area including bikelanes on Colorado Avenue. As part of the 28`h Street project, bikelanes will be constructed between Folsom Avenue and 28`h Street. Through the overlay program • bikelanes have been striped from 30`" Street east to Foothills Parkway. The last remaining segment between 28`h Street and 30`h Street has been previously identified in the out years (2004- 2005) of the CIP. Staff has proposed accelerating this project (2002-2003) allowing for earlier ~ implementation. Yarmouth Avenue (Broadwa~o U.S. 36~- Yarmouth Avenue is currently a narrow (22'-24' wide) rural county-standard roadway. It lacks adequate drainage, bicycle, transit and a continuous pedestrian sidewalk system. In recent years residential development has occurred precipitating the need to upgrade the street to city standazds. Improvements envisions include continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street, on-street bikelanes, left-turn lanes where necessary, transit stop improvements, street drainage and traffic mitigation. The public input and design pror,ess is slated for this year. Funding of $900k has been identified in 2002 to construct the improvements. FINANCING Funding for city transportation development projects is from the Transportation Development Excise T~. The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) comprises projects needed for new growth. RELATIONSHIP TO OPERATING BUDGET The 2002 Transportation Development Fund CIP is predicated on supporting new growth. Any ~ operating project impacts are either absorbed within operating budgets or addressed through the annual budgeting process. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD (TAB) ACTION City Council has charged the Board to: °review all city transportation environment assessments and capital improvements." In the context of the Capital Improvements Program, the Board is asked to provide a recommendation on the program to the Planning Board and City Council. The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) reviewed and made a rewmmendation on the 2002-2007 Transportation Development Capital Improvements Program (CIP) at their June 11, 2001 meeting. In summary, the TAB recommended approval of the 2002-2007 Transportation Development Capital Improvements Program as submitted. \PV/~ParkCentral\TRAMCIP\Cip.02\ciptdf.doc ~ AIRPORT FUND M 2002 - 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The 2002 - 2007 Airport Capital Improvement Program is on hold pending the update of the 1994 Boulder Municipal Airport Master Plan. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assists with funding airport master plans. The timing for the update process is dependent on FAA airport improvement program funding availability, which should be auailable in 2002 or 2003. Depending on the duration of the public review and hearing process for the update, completion of the airport master plan is anticipated in 2003 or 2004. The current airport master plan was started in October 1992 and completed in October 1994. POLICY ISSUES None HIGHLIGHTS ~ None FINANCING Primary funding for Airport Improvement Projects (AIP) is from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA usually provides approximately 90% with the remaining 10% funding from City of Boulder / State of Colorado matching dollars. RELATIONSHIP TO OPERATING BUDGET The airport operating budget pays for the maintenance of all airport improvements. S:\P W ~ParkCentral\TRAMC[P\Cip.02\cipaEdoc ~ r ~ ~ City of Boulder Captial Improvement Projects, 2002 - 2007 PW/Transportation 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT PROJECT NAME ' Project Number: Msp ID # ~Colorado Avenue Bikelanes - 28th to 30th 711013 ~~ 16 ~ DEPARTMENT;:- ~ PW/ TfeflSpOrtellOfl ~ SUBCOMMUNITY: . Uf11V21'Slty FuNDING SOUr~CE: ` Transportation Development Fund BvCP Area ; Area I ~~~ ; ; ;. ;' , . PROJECT S7ATUS ~"; New Construction - Growth Related Facllity / Additions ~ CEAPREQUIRED? ~~i~.~NotRequired ~ PROJECL:DE3GRIPTION: ~.-_. _ . ... . . . , . ... ... , .. ... This project would add on-street bikelanes on Colorado Avenue between 28th Street and 30th Street. This project will connect to on-street lanes that have recently been added on Colorado east of 30th to Foothilis Parkway and to proposed on-street bikelanes on Colorado from Folsom to 28th that would be added as part of 28th StreeUColorado Avenue project. This project will be coordinated with the ongoing 28th street project. ~.~......,_ Ruld}inne6in"fn'Idanbr Plen• . , as ~cle Corridor. ~ : 'i, ~~ :~ `~~. ~~I ~ated the desian far the oroiect will occur in 2C . .=Relafionshipto'CouncllGaal9.... ..,;~ ; ~'~ ~ ~` . :: . ' ::~. ~~-~ ~ . .-:':: ~:'~;: ~~~. Repair, enhancement and completion of the pedestrian ~and bicycle systems work~toward making the city more walkable and bikeable. i~ . Providing a usable and connected multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental and transportation goals by creating ,'-.. viable and sustainable transportation options resWting in cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. Re~atbnship with Other pepartments: %` , , , ,. . . ~ ., . . , ... .. Thls project will Iikely involve ROW acquisition and will involve the clty's Real Estate Division. Underground utiliN upqrades will need~tobe 2007 FUNDING TO COMPLETION PLANNED FUNDING ! i ! ~ PROJECT NAME:~'~JLORADO AVENUE BIKELANES - 28TH TO 30TH ~ City of Boulder Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ~ This project invotves the reconstruction and upgrade of 63rd - Leggitt Ditch to Valmont including adding bike lanes, sidewalks, left tum lanes at selected locations, street profile changes, safety improvements. This project will ; extend to the north the improvements made in 2001 from Leggitt Ditch to Arapahoe. This project is a result of ; significant annexations and a majority of funding wili be required and received from adjacent property owners. Funding for construction will be programmed in 2004 once the design of the project is complete and the annexation , agreement is finalized. Reladonship to Master Plan:. "~ ~~ This project is consistent with the Transportalion Master Plan by upgrading lhis~street to a minimum City Standard and providing blke and ~ pedeshian facllities. . ..: . , ,,~ ..,- ~ . ,~. :.:: ~- ~ ~~Pubiic process $tatus, Issues '' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ -`~ ' ~ ~:~ ~ '~ ~ This project will not require a CEAP, but will involve public meeting with affected property owners, developers, and the Planning Department ~~ Relatlonshlpto;Council6oals. ~ - ' "' ` ""~ ' ~~ '~ ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ "" ' The Transportation Mastar Plan is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based lrensportatlon system. This multimodal-based ~~ investment strategy is fowsed in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated I. multimodal corcidor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi•modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental ~ and transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestlon and lower VMT. Relatlonship with Other Departmentsn-: `! ,,, ". S ~~. This proJect is being coordinated with the City Attomey's office, the Planning Department, the Development Review stafl, Boulder County, : the Parks Department, and the Utilities Division related to utility upgrades. 12 PROJECT NAME: 63RD STREET - LEGGETT INLET TO VALMONT • ~ ~ ~ . .~. s ~ City of Boulder Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIVISION PROJECT NAME ". " Project Number: Map ID # Broadway/Baseline Intersection Improvements 711008 ~~ 57 , DERARTMENTi„ ~", p~A/~ 1'ra~SpOf~BflOfl SUBCOMMUNITY: ~ UIlIV2Blty 'FUNDING SOURCE:, ' T~8f1SpOrt8tlOt1 D2V210pro2flf FUfId ~ BVCP-Atea .: A~@8 I ~~,- ~~~ ~~ PROJECT S7ATUS: ~~~- New Construction - Growth Related Facility / Additions . . .:.,., , > , .: :. CEAP.REQUIRED9 ' Not Required ' P.ROJECT DESCRIPTION} ~": The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) advocates that investment in the transportation infrastructure occur in a 'strategic and integrated fashion. The Plan supports this philosophy by deployed modal improvements strategically, `1, in a system of "muftimodal" corridors. Multimodal corridors are defined as roadways serving both bicycle primary routes and transit trunk routes. There are six east-west and four north-south muftimodal corridors included in the Plan. The improvements proposed as part of this project are part of the multimodal infrastructural investment. This . ; project will add a southbound to eastbound left-turn lane, a westbound left turn lane, and will add a raised crossing ! on westbound to northbound right-turn lane for enhanced bikelpedestrian access and safety. Funding: 2002: City ; _ $259,000. 2003: TEA- 21= $272,000. „ ,; . _ . Relationshlp to, Master Plan: ~ ' ` ' ~" '' ' " ' ' ' ~' " . ' ' ~ .~~ This project is consistent with tha Transportation Master Plan and is included in table 7.1 ~- projects required within the~Broadway multimodal ~"~ corridor. " publlcProcess~Status~:lssues ; CEAP's are not required for typical intersection related~improvements. Design anticipated in 2002 with construction to occur in 2003. Will ~" require CDOT review process. ~~Reletionshlpto~Coundl.Goals: ~~ ~ ~. ~.. The Transportation Master Plan is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportaUon system. This multimodal-based := investment strategy is focused in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north•south corcidors lhat constlluta the designated ~~. ~. multimodal wrridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated mWti-modal transportation system addresses Coundl's environmental f~:' and transportation goals by creating vlable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. .~ i.." . .:. , ... . . s. . . . . „ ~.>, : ; , '. ';e q;;'. Relationship wlfb Other Oepartments:, ~: _ ~, , ~, ~ ~ . ~ . ; . ~~ ~ ~ ~ .'' ~ : „ ~:` This project wlll require coordination with the Fire Department to minimize impacls to Fire Station at Baseline & Broadway. 1'`:j,. . . . ,.,. .~ . . ..I- ~~ ~ ~.i 3' :~~.i 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ~t Projected Funding: . 259,000 272,000 0 0 0 0 0 531,000 ~;~~;~~~ ~. „ Asty~: ~ ~ . ~~~ ' ~' .':` : .. ear of Fundln9: 2002 ~ : , ~ -; TOTAL CAPITA4. COSTS. ° . ; 1 531000~ Funding prior to 3002: $p ' '" ~ 2001 Approvedfunds:. $0 , _ 14 , .. • i PROJECT NAME: BROADWAY/BASELINE RD. INTERSECTION City of Boulder Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIViSlO~~ ~ ~ cn PROJECT NAME ' ProJect Number: Map ID # Yarmouth Ave (Broadway to US 36) 711011 61 ~~ - ' DEPARTMENTf`~_ ~ P1/1// TfeflSpOrtBllOfl ~~ BUBCOMMUNITY; ~..~. ~f01'th BOUIC10f ~ FuN~~N~ Souitgei Transportation Development Fund BdCP Area ; Area I ~~ :: PROJECT S7ATUS: +;~ New Constructlon - Growlh Related Facility / Addltions CEAR REQUIRED? ~ i ~ Required = ~ . . ; < ., . ... . . .. RROJECTDESCRIPTIQN: 5 ~ ,:; :°. . ~ .i~'; ~ ; ~.~;,.. ~ . ~~,< ' '' . ':: r:.~. Yarmouth lacks both bike and pedestrian facilities and has inadequate drainage facilities. Much development has °`!;' occurred over the past few years. On street bike lanes and sidewalks are needed on this stretch of Yarmouth ` connecting these developments to similar facilities on Broadway. This project will be constructed in conformance < with the now approved North Boulder Subcommunity Plan which specifically calls for on-street bikelanes and - sidewalks. Per existing subdivision agreements, developers and properly owners will be required to participate in this project. ~. Relationship to:Master pia6i ' `~'° . :: ~ ....:., .: ,.. . .. ...~ , . . . ,.. . ... . .... . . . . .. . . . . •. - This project is consistent wilh the Transportation Master Plan by upgrading this street to a minimum City Standard and providing bike and ' ,:; ~ pedestrian facilities. In addition this proJect is consistent with the approved North Boulder Subcommunity Plan. ,. .~.. . ~.. :.- . ..,, .:. , ~,. , : ~ -~PublicProcessStatus,lssues:. . ' ~; ,- ,. .~-' ~ ;:.. , :.; . ,~ ~ ;, ~ ~~' .(. ~ ........ ,.... . . .. ~ ~ ~. . .. .. .... ': Public Process and CEAP anticipated in 2001 with constructlon to occur in 2002. Relationship to.Gouncll Goals. ~~~ The Transportation Master Plan Is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportation system. This multimodal-based ~~ ` investment stretegy is focused in an Interconnected system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated -:~ multimodal wrridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmenfal i; .:~~i ~. and transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. ...::: - :..:. . :. ~~ ,.,~. . : .,: ., . ..:: ~. .. . ,; ~ : : . . '. . : ~ .' .: Relation}hip wlth OtNer Depattments; . ~~,. , , , ~. „: , , , :=' Project will need fo be coordinated with on-going development projects, with the Planning Dep~artment and with the Housing Authoriry related :-~ to the Drive-In project. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ~. -~'~ Projected Funding: '~~ 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 900,000 -~_' ' PROJECT NAME: YARMOUTH AVE - BROADWAY Tn ~ ~ c ~c ~ ' _ __'_ __ ' _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ' ` ~ rwu'i~. 8 Maiesuc ne:gnts D"o - ~'~ - 9 Mapietor AS > = 10 Manin Par. C7 ~` $ fl Mesa C5 u. 12 Unwers~N m.i~ B6 ~ 7a ~Nn~niei B5 Spacial 14 MalCVOn C" Junio~ V{igh 75 9a5e6ne 6c ~E 16 BurCar.~ D' ~... ~ 17 Case~ BS ~ M i ~ 18 Cemenrnal 83 ~~( ` P ~ ..•<'~ ~ ~ ev;. 19 ... ~~ ,:~~; , \ SS ~ P:ti ~ WINCE IN AV . c' ~ i ~~ r . OV.~ s ' f_..RVE.~~~ 'C ' G >P Q Z a'•~'~. Opj O~\QUP ~~ • = a ~H I t 9 . 31__ __._. . . NOPWOOD rvF City of Boulder Department of Public Works ~ TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ' ` 17 PROJECT NAME ProJect Number: Broadway/Boulder Creek Bridge Replacement (CDOT funded) 781005 W DEPAR7MENT>~ ; PW/ T~8f1SpOffBll011 SUBCOMMUNITY: " C2flf1'8I ~BOUIdOf pID# 5! This structure was originally constructed in the 1920's and is showing signs of significant deterioration. As part of the replacement, flood carrying capacity and bike/pedestrian facility improvements will be made. Since Broadway is a State Highway, the city has obtained funding from CDOT to pay for this project. The City will take the lead role in the design and construction of this project and provide iocal funding match. Funding: 2002: CDOT =$900K. ~ ~ .Relatlonship td~Master Plani ~;~~ ~ The TMP advorates the adequate maintenance of streets to ensure a safe system for users and to protect the City's capital investmenl in r`i~ these facilities. The bridge replacements are consistent with thesa goals. Putillc Procass~SWtus, Issues °~~~. This proJect will have a CEAP review by the Transportation Advisory~Board and the City Council. The Planning Department will be involved in .~~: ~-~ the design of tha bridge replacement and the Landmarks Board and the Downtown Design Advisory Board will be consulled throughout the design. ~ Relxtfonship to~~Councll Goals: ~ ' ~ ~ i ~ ~ A ~ ~ 'i ~: ~. Intersection improvemenls, street reconstructlon and street resurfacing provide a usable, effcienl and safe street network for bikes, busas ~' `. ".. and motor vehicles. Providing a usable, connected and Integrated multi-modal transportation system addressas Councll's environmental and :: transportatlon goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation optlons, cleanar alr, reduced congestlon and lower VMT. Department. Flood improvements are being coordinated as well as underground utility upgrades. PROJECT NAME: 6ROADWAYBOULDER CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ~ ~ City of Boulder ~ Department of Public Works ' TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ' ~ ~ 19 PROJEC7' NAME Pro]ect Number: Map ~o # Diagonal Highway (SH119IWonderland Crk Grade Sep) 781026 59 ',~~DEPARTMENT:-, pNl~TfaflSpOrteflOfl SUBCOMMUNIJY: ~.~ PeIOPa~k ~ " FUNDING SOURCEi ,-: T~811SpOf~BtlOfl FU11d BVCP A(ea ~~ ~ Q~ga I ~~." ~ .,.. , . . ., .. .. . . -PROJECT.STATUS:. I' New Construction - Not Growth Related ..~ -. ~'-~ ~ ~ G~APREQUIRED? "Required , : PROJEC7'DESCRIPTIpN:'~:.~ The proposed Wonderland Creek Bicycle/Pedestrian Underpass would provide a grade separated crossing of the Diagonal Highway allowing a safer and more efficient alternative transportation facility. This project will also greatly ' ' expand the flood carrying capacity of the Wonderland Creek Channel at this location. The city local match for this ;' project will include Transportation, Flood Control, Greenways and Urban Drainage funding. Funding: 2002: City = !: ?' $690,500; TEA-21 = $500,000. ~ ~~Reletionshipto Master Rlan.: ~ ~; This project Is consistent with the Greenways Master Plan and the Boulder Bicycle System Plan. See "Primary East-West Corridor Tables, p. ~ i. 2" of the transportation funding overview. '~PUblic Prpaess Status;:lssues: -~ ~ ... -~ , .~.. .. . . . -. .. ... .... .,.. .:. . ,;; A CEAP will be required for this project and will be reviewed by the WRAB and the TAB. ~~ ~- Reletionship fo~ ~ounci~ Goals: - ~.~~ The Transportatlon Master Plan is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportation system. This multimodal-based ~~ f investment strategy is fowsed in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated .~~ multimodal corridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integreted multi•modal transportaUon system addresses Council's environmental ,~- ~ and transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. ~ ~ , , .. :. . . ,. , . ~ :Relafionshlpwi(hO,therDepartments,,;~~~: . ~'~ ~ ~''. ~~ ' ": ~-" ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~~~ ' ~ ','~~ This project is jointly funded belween the Flood Utility and Transportation and requires coordinating with the Greenways program and the . -~°- Wonderland Creek Flood Masterplan. - ~ 2~ PROJECT NAME: DIAGONAL HWY. (S.H. 1191/WONDERLAND CR FK UNDERPASS IISTEA) . ~ ~ - .-- - - TRANSPORTATiON DIVISION 21 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT PROJECT NAME : Pro~ect Number: : Map ID # ~~__..~.._. ~ ~ 28th St (Baseline to Iris/Diagonal) 781743 60 ~-DEPARTMENTi ~PW/Transportation ~---~~~ SusCOMMUyirv:-;~~ MultipleSubcommunities ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . TfeflSpOrtetioll FUfld BVCP Area ~, ~. ~ea I ~ -. ~ ~ , ~ ~~ RRQJECT STATUS: ~ Existing Facility - Enhancemants / Upgrades , CEAP REQUIRED? ' Required . , ' ,: ' ~ ~ °~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ PROJECT DE$CRIPTION:.:; . . Improvements for 28th Street, Baseiine to Iris, have been and are being developed as part of the ongoing 28th Street - 2000 Central Corridor Planning Study. The planning study and the CEAP for the southern section, >`' Baseline to Arapahoe, is complete and has been approved by City Council. Recommended improvements for the ` southem section include: Urban design, landscaping, streetscape improvements throughout the corridor; transit ? service and facility improvements including super stops and route modifications; bike and pedestrian facility improvements induding constructing a multi-use path from Baseline to Arapahoe, adding a sidewalk and bikelanes ' r>' to the frontage road, improving entrances to the lwo bike/pedestrian underpass and connections to new transit stops, adding bikelanes on Colorado from 28th to Folsom and adding raised crossing at free right turn lanes and at `. the entrances to the underpasses; traffic efficiency improvements including adding left turn Ianes at Colorado and ;;: widening the Boulder Creek bridge. Funding for the southern section is included in this CIP and will be combined '::, with federal and RTD funding. Funding: 2003: City =$1.6M; TEA-21 =$1.097M. 2004: City =$1.2M; TEA-21 = ~ Re~etfonship to~Master Piani ~ . . .... ~-. . . ~ .. . ....: _ , .. ... ~ -. . :; . .. . . . ; `~~ This project is conslstent with the Transportation Master Plan and is listed in Table 7-1 - Projects required in Multimodal Cortidors and Is 1' ~' consistent with the 28ih SL 2000 Central Corridor Planning Study. . ~.' public Process Status, Issues: ~ .~ The CEAP for lhe southern section • Baseline to Arapahoe - has been approved by Cily Council. The public process for the middle and .~~~ northam sections are undenvay and it is anticipated the CEAP for the northem section will be brought to Council in fall 2001. °Relationshlp~toCouncilGoa,ls. ' '' The Transportation Master Plan is based on Implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportation system. This multimodal-based ;::~ Investment strategy is focused in an interconnected system of six east-west and four norlh-south corridors that wnstitute the designated -, mWtlmodal corridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi•modal transportetion system addresses Council's environmental .r" and trensportation goals by creatlng viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. Reiakionship with Other pQpaRmenta ~~-. ; ~~ This project requires coordination with the Utility Division for utility upgrades, with ~RTD, CDOT, CU, Arts Commission, the Planning ~ '.' - Department and the Real Estate Dlvlsion. 2002 ~ 2003 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I COMPNE70N I FUNDING 1.200.0001 1 ~ ': TOTAL CAPITAI. COSTS ~~~~ ~s! Vgar gf Fundi~g: . ~ zooo ~' ' ~ ~ 15467000~ Fundingpriorto-20o2:, . $a,azo,ooo - ~ , ;, ,' 2D01 Approvedfunds: ~ ` $1,900,000 i M N PROJECT NAME: 28TH STREET - BASELINE TO IRIS/DIAGONAL • 28th/Iris/Diagonal interser,tion • 28th - Pearl to Iris • 28th/Pearllntersection • 28th/Canyonlntersection • 28th Boulder Creek Bridge Widening • 28th/Colorado Intersection • 28th - Baseline to Arapahoe Median Improvements City of Boulder Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ~ i i 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT PROJECT NAME Pro)ect Number> Map ID # ~Violet Ave (Broadway to US 36) ~ 711014 27~ ~~,DEPARTMENT: ..; pW/ Transportation - SUBCOMMUNITY: North Boulder FUNDING.SOURCe,, Transportation Development Fund BvCPArea ; Area I ~ PROJ~CT STA7US:. ~ New Constmction - Growth Related Facility / Additions ~ ~ ~~~CBqPREQUIRER? ~=~Required i' '~ ' "` ~~ . , 'ROJ ECS.DESCRIRTION: /iolet lacks both bike and pedestrian facilities and has inadequate drainage facilities. Much development has ~ccurred over the past few years. On-street bike lanes and sidewalks are needed on this stretch of Violet :onnecting these developments to similar facilities on Broadway. This project will be constructed in conformance vitht the now approved North Boulder Subcommunity Plan which specifically calls for on-street bikelanes and cidewalks. Per existing subdivision agreements, developers and property owners will be required to participate in his project. slatfooship (o Master Flan; ~ ~ ~ ' , . , . . .. . . '. ~ -- is proJect is consistent with the Transportation Master Plan by upgrading this street to a minimum City Standard and providing bike and edestrian facilities. In additlon, this project Is consistent with the approved North Boulder Subcommunily Plan. rocess Status, Issues ocess, CEAP and design to occur in 2002 with construction to follow in 2003/2004. Utill Fou 2002 I 2003 I 2004 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I COMPL TT N I F ND NG 1 .9sf YBar ef Funding: . : 2002 i ~~ .... Funtlingprlorto.~2002: ~ $0 2~Of Approvetl funds:; $0 ; . 1. : :. :;s. . . : ., . . .. NonshipfoGouocflGoals•;~ : ~ .., .. . . . :~ . .. . . ;,.~ `° ''' ~ ~~ Transportation Master Plan is based on implementing a balanced mullimodal-based transportation system. Thls multimodal-based stment strategy is focused in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated imodal corridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental transportation goals by creating viable and susteinable transportation options, cleanar air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. tlonefiip with Other DepaAments: ~':' , ~ `; , , _, , „ ,,. , . , . ';i , , „'.; - _-- upgra es wi nee to be coordinated. Cooidlnation with Planning Department, the Flood Control Division and Greenways related to rmlle Creek improvements will be needed. . . ~ PROJECT NAME:VIOLET AVENUE - BROADWAY TO US 36 City oi Boulder ~ Department of Pub{ic Works TRANSPORTATION DIVISION N ~ ID # Broadway Concrete Reconstruction (Univ Ave to Pine) 781029 --___29 e_... oEPARTMENT: pW/ Transportation suacoMmuNirv: , Centrai Boulder FuN~~Na sourtce: ::. Transportation Fund eVCP nrea ' Area I~~-1 - PRQJEGT S7ATUS: ~ Exieting Facility - Rehab / Repair / Deflciency Correction ~ _. CEAP REQUIRED9 :' Required , • , ,, ' PROJECTDESCRIPTION:'~~- . . . . ~ :' . ".'~::. ' ~' :...~~. ~ ~;., .,. ,~ ~~ This project will correct remaining structural deficiencies on Broadway from University to Norwood. This project will be jointly funded by the city, CDOT and TEA-21 federal funds and will be constructed in conjunction with the ':i replacement of the bridge over Boulder Creek. This project is a continuation of the Broadway reconstruction which : ;' has occurred from Regent to University. Funding: 2002: City =$1 M; CDOT & TEA-21 =$2.695M. .RelaQooship.toMasterPlanf '~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ' This project is consistent with the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan Update 7996. See'Table 7-1 MWtimodal Corridor Projects, p. „'- i' ~.g ~~ PubHcProceSS~~Status,IssNes:~ . ~ ' ".r The Public Process for this project and the bridge replacement project is wrrently underway. ~ It is anticipaled the CEAP for this project will be , '~, sent to council In the fall/wlnter 2001. Construction is currently anticipated to begin after the holiday session in January 2002 and last for , ~."approximatelyoneyear. ; i ' Relationship'~oCouncll Goals: , .. . . , , . ,. . . ~ . . ...: .- . : . .. : ~.' :'~ ' ~,,; ~~~ Intersection improvements, street reconstmction and street resurfacing provide a usable, effcient and safe street network for bikes, buses ,:~ and motor vehicles. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental and ir lransportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. ~.. ~... .~ ~: ~:~ ., ... . .,... ~ '~ i ~ RslatfohshigwlthOtharDep;a~finents. ~~: ' ~~-~ ~ ''~ ~ ~ " ~ . .~~hls project Is being wordinated wilh the Downtown Masterplan, the Civic Center ~Masterplan,~ DMC, DDAB ~Landmaiks Board and~the ' '- Planning Department. Flood improvements are being coordinated as well as underground ulility upgrades. PRaJEGT NAME " ' Rrolect Number: . I PROJECT NAME: BROADWAY - UNIVERSITY TO IRIC nvF ~ ~ ~ _r~....._..' _' ' __"_ "_...~ TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 27 • ~ rKVJtC: l NAMt. -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Project Number: Map iD # Broadway: Norwood Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue PSCO 14 26 ~. DEPARTMENT:.-., pW/ Tfafl3pOrtaliofl - SUBCOMMUNITY: ~ NOflh BOUIdBf ~ ~FUNDINO SOURCE: ., ~ TfaflSpOftallOfl FUfld BVCP Area~:-~~ ~ AI'88 I ~ ~, - , ~ . ' .PROJEC7S7ATUS: '~~ExistingFactliry-Enhencements/Upgrades ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - CEAP RE4UIREp4 ' Not Required ' - PROJECT DESCRIPTIONi~'~ . , ~ - - - ~ . ~ „ _ _. onship Eo Gouncll Goals: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, enhancement and completlon of the pedestrlan and bicycle systems work toward meking the city more walkable and bikeable. '.ing a usable and connected multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental and transportation goals by creating artd sustalnable transportatfon options resulting in cleaner alr, retluced congestlon and IoweNML - 2002 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I COMPL TI N I FUND NEG 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM '~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT PROJECT'NAME- ' Project Number: Map ID # Iris Ave: Willow Springs to Two Mile Creek 781 x34 18 oEPnrtTMeNT: pW/ Transportation ~ suscontMUNirY; Multiple Subcommunities FuNpwGSOUgGe. .'. Transportation Fund evcanrea - Area I ~:. ,: .: , . '~ ,FROJECTSTATUS; ,NewConstruction-NotGrowlhRelated . .;;~ ~, . '~ , CEAP REQUIRED?" ~ Required . . ... "; , ~.. ..., .; !, ~~ . ~ ; : . ' :. , ' ~,. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .'~~; Iris Ave. serves as a major east-west link in North Boulder. There are bicycle lanes on Iris Ave from Broadway to 28th St. A proposed multi-use path is planned along Elmer's Two-Mile Creek which is adjacent to the sourthern ,'; point of the proposed underpass and west of the Iris/28th St. Intersection. The path is expected to be constructed ? as part of the neighborhood park development. Once this path is completed, a bicyclist or pedestrian would be ;: able to access other nearby bicycle facilities including the Valmont Road bicycle lanes, Folsom St. bike lanes and '"- the Goose Creek Greenways path. This project has been identified in the City of Boulder Bicycle Master Plan and !. the City of Boulder Greenways map. Funding: 2003: City =$316K; TEA-21 $495: 2004: TEA-21 $105K. Relationship fo.Mastet Plan:: , c: Thls project is consistent with the Transportation Master Plan, Bicycle System Plan, Pedestrian Plan and the Greenways Master Plan. : Process-Statug, Issues. , n, public process and CEAP will begin in 2003 with construclion in 2004. The CEAP will be revied by WRAB and TAB. iials. ' ~, ~ ~;.' ~ 'S:: , ~ ' .~:.. ~ . ~ ~:: '. ' . ; ' :::( ~ ::::. : ~. ~ nn i ransponanon mascer rian is oasea on impiementmg a oaianceq muinmoaai-basetl ttansportation system. This multimotlal-basetl '. investment strategy is focused in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated ' mullimodal corridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental : and transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. , ~ I'. ,. ,. ... .~: ...,. . , .., .... .... ~- ~ i: ., . , .~.. .. . ~ ~..~..., .. , .. .., .. . : -~:- . , .. d 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED . COMPLETION FUNDING . T07`AL -~ ,_....__....... , .. „ . : 916000 " Fund(og pNor to 2002: ~ ~2001~App~ovedfunds: ~,- ~~ ~ PROJECT NAME: IRIS AVENLJE: WILLOW SPRINGS TO TWO MILE PARK ~ ~ ~ M r~[ ~ I' . CI7Y OF BOULDER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPDRTATIDN DIVISION ~ - 30 PROJECT NAME Pro)ect Number: - Map ID # > Broadway Bike Lanes - Iris to Norwood 711x10 v Y~F 28 DEPARTMENT:~:; ~. PW/ Tf8f1S(JOrtBflOf1 ';$UBCOMMUNITY; North Boulder ~ FuND~N~ souRCe: : Transportation Development Fund evCa nrea Area I ~ . PROJECT STATUS: ' - Existing Faclllty - Enhancements / Upgrades ' ~ , ~ ~~~~~ ~ .: ~= ~ CEApREQUIRED4. Raquired _ ~ ~~ ~ , , `. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~-,` PROJECT DE9CRIPTION: ' ~~ :^~~ ~' . During the development of the Bike System Plan as part of the Transportation Master Plan, constructing bike lanes - on the stretch of Broadway from Iris to Norwood was identified as a high priority bike system need. Currently on- r street bike lanes exist on Broadway from Norwood to the City limits and on Iris from Broadway to 28th Street. ! Each of these bike facilities are heavily utilized by bicyclists. The stretch of Broadway connecting these two ' facilities currently lacks on-street bike fanes which makes bicycling in this area very difficult and deters such i activity. This project would construct on-street bike lanes on this stretch of Broadway, thus eliminating this bike system discontinuity. I Relationship Eo' Masler Plae. ~ ' ~ ~~ '~: { ', - : :.... ...- .. ` . . . ~~~ This project is consistent with the TranspoAation Master~Plan which gives hlgh priority to~completing City Bike facilitles thus promotir bicycling and increasing bike mode share. This project is included in tha Bike System Plan and in table 7.1 - proJects required within ; Broadway multimodal corridor. Process:Stalus, lssues: process, CEAP, design anticipaled in 2004. Construction anticipated in 2005. FUNDING TO I PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING mehip fo Council Goals . ~ ~, enhancement and completion of the pedestrian and bicycle systems work toward making the city more walkable and bikeable.~ Ing a usable and connected multi•modal trensportalion system addresses Council's anvironmental and transportation goals by creating and sustainable transportation options resulting In cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. 2002 2003 2004 0 100 1000000 . . 2005 2008 2007 900,000 0 , Id ~unYs~' ..~ ~ 1 I ~ I I 4I PROJECT NAME: BROADWAY BtKELANES - IRIS TO NORWOOD ~ ~ City of Boulder ~ Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIVIStON ' ~ ~ 32 ro e u PROJECT NAME ~~~ map w s Linden Ave. (City Limits to Broadway) 711xx2 ~ 21 ~EPARTMENT: , pW/ Transportation ~ suBCOMMUNITY: Multiple Subcommunities FuNDINaSOURCEr =' Transportation Development Fund BvCPA~ea ;; Areas I& II ; ~' PROJECS STAtIlS:'~~ -~ New Constmctfon - Growth Related FacNlry / Additions ~' ~ ~ CEAP REQU~REDp . , Required , { ~ PROJEC7 DESCRIPTION: '~~' . .. ;. . : >. .. ...... , . . .~ . . ; ~:., . ., .. , .:: . : . . .. , . , ... . , : , ~ , Linden Ave. lacks both bike and pedestrian facilities and has inadequate drainage facilities. Much development ; has occurred over the past few years. On street bike lanes and sidewalks are needed on this stretch of Linden ';': Ave, connecting these developments to similar facilities on Broadway. This project will be constructed in conformance with the now approved North Boulder Subcommunity Plan which specifically calls for on-street _> ; bikelanes and sidewalks. Per existing subdivision agreements, developers and property owners will be required to ! participate in this project. , , Relatlonship to Master p)an5 ~ '~ ` This proJect is consistent with the Transportation Master Plan by upgrading this street to a minimum City Standard and providing blke and ~~t? pedestrian facilities. In addition this project is consistant wilh the appmved North Boulder Su6community Plan. ~ ~. ..:. ~: ..:: .... .. . , . . , . „~..' ~Publlc Proce§s~Stalus, Issuas; ~. , ~ ,.. , ., , , , ~ .. _._ . , , ReldUonshlp fo~:Council Goals, ~~ ~~~ The Transportation Master Plan is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transpodation system. This multimodal-based !'~~~ investment strategy Is focused in an interconnected system of six east-wast and four north-south corridors that constitute the dasignated 'i multimodal corcidor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integreted multi-modal trensportation system addressas Council's envimnmental :~ and transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner aiq reduced congeslion and Iower VMT. RelxtionshipwlthOtherDeparfinents:.~`: ,,,,,, , . . . ~ _ . ~, F ~ ,. ~ 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 ti~~ :t* 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING TOTAL CAPITAL,'CQS7S. '~stYaa~oiFunding 20oa ~' , ~ ~ 1000000 ~; ~ Fdnding prior to 2002. ' ~ $0 . . . '.. <, . . ; :; . . 200,7:4 roved f¢rrds. . ' ~ $p ~. PP '. ~ ' i` , ~ 33 PROJECT NAME: LINDEN AVE. - CITY LIMITS TO BROADWAY ~ ~ M 34 PROGRAM PROJECT PROJECT NAME Prolect Number: Map ID # r_ .__. ~ Bike/Pedestrian Grade Separations 781x14 ~ ~ 1 l DEPARTMENT: p~/~r/ Transportation sueCOMMUNITY: Multiple Subcommunities FUraD~NG souRCe: , Transportation Fund eyca nrea Areas I& II ~I '. °~PROJECT S7ATUS:; ' New Constructlon - Not Growth Related ~ - ~ ~ ~ , . ,.,,... .. , CEAP R~QUIRE04 C Required ~ - ~ °, ~ ' ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ; ~` .,_~ "., . ~. , ' ..:. .._= . . ~PROJECT DESCRIPTION;"~, , . ~ l One element of the Pedestrian System Plan, as defined in the Trensportation Master Plan, is the construction of grade separated crossings. These grade separations, typically underpasses, are constructed to provide safe crossing of streets for bikes and pedestrians in identified areas of need. Grade Separations are prioritized yearly. a The city has been successful at securing TEA-21 funding for Bike/Ped underspasses. Typically, program funding ` is used to fund required city local match for these projects. .'-~ Relatlonship to Master Plan: , ~ ~ ~~ " ' ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ .~~~' The Transportation Master Plan Identifies the need to provide for grade separated crossings at several Iocations. This Is consistent wlth the ; ~- current TMP update. . I . -publicProcessStatus,lssues ', .' :i:.. . ..~~. ~ ~ ~ :.'~ . ' ~ ~`-.~;.. ~' Will depend on selected location. ~ ~~--- R T ir n a ~ R V P Oonship:to'Councll.Goals; , ~~ ~ Transportation Master Plan is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportalion system. This multimodal-based stment strategy is focused In an interconnected system of six easf-west and four north-south corridors that constltute the designated , imodal covidor grid. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multl-modal lransportation system addresses CounGl's envlronmental ~ fransportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportatlon options, cleaner alr, reduced congesfion and lower VMT. tlonehip witb pthar:Dapartments: ° J on 2002 2003 I 2004 2005 I 2006 I Zao~ I COMPL T ON I FUND NG TOTAL CAPITAL .CD: ~.... i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~.-:~ ' ~" ~ ' ~, ~ 1st Year of Funding: 2006 ~ 6, ~ .: ~ ~ ~ . :.~ 404000 ~ ' Fundingpriorto~2002: .- $0 2001.;Approvedfunds: $o . . .. . ..... . . ... ~ . . . . . . _ nc~... PROJECT NAME Project Number. Map ~o # 30th/Baseline Intersection Improvements 711x12 20~'~ DEPARTMENT: ~ p1/~l/ TfBfISPOf'fetlOfl ~ SUBCOMMUNITY: ;~$outheast Boulder ~ FuN~~NG SOURCE:,, '; Transportation Development Fund BvCP Area . Area I ~ ,. , PROJECT STATUS: ~~. Naw Construction - Growlh Related Facility / Additions ' ~ CEAp REQUIRED? ~? Not~Requlred PRpJECT DESGRIPTION: `~= ~ ~ .. , .... ,. ,. :.. .:.... ~ . . . . . . , The Transportation Master Plan states, "A major policq direction of this TMP Update is to concentrate funding and > resources on improving the efficiency of the City's intersections." Peak hour level of service analyses were , performed on all signalized intersections in the City of Boulder to determine which intersections were operating at ;,, poor levels of service. Specific efficiency improvements were identified. , Recommended improvements for this intersection include an additional eastbound left turn lane. In addition, an unsafe condition issue has been identified on the southbound approach and providing a separate through and left turn lane is proposed to improve this safety concern. Relationship to Master Plan: ~ E~ciency improvements are recommended in the Transportation Master Plan. These speciflc improvements are identified in the 1999 ~~ Signalized Intersaction Level of Service Report and the 1996 Hazard Eliminatlon Program, respectively. ,P-ubUo Process'Btatus, issues.' ' ~ %' . .,.,.... ~ ~ '. ~~.~..- .::. ~ ~ ..~ . .~ .. . _.:. .:::: ;; This project is wrrently in the 6udget programming stage. Appropriate public process will be undertaken prior to implementation of the ~ improvements in 2006. ~ Relationship fo Councl6Goals:` ~ . .:':: .:: . ... . ~~:., ..'... . .;:`. ~ Intersectlon improvements, street reconsUuction and street resurfacing provide a usable, efficienl and safe street network for bikes, buses ;;~- and motor vehicles. Providing a usable, connected and integreted multi-modal transportation system addresses Councll's environmental and !. ~. transportatlon goals by creating viable and sustainable transportatlon options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lowar VMT. , 36 PROJECT NAME: 30T A LIN INT R TION ~ ~ ~ City of Boulder Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 37 PROJECT NAME . eroject Number: Map ID # 55th/Flatirons Parkway Intersection ` 711x11 19 ~ ` DEe,aRrMeNT: ' pW/ Transportation -- ~~ ~~~ SuBCOMMUNIiY: , East Boulder , FUNDING SaURCE:' Transportation Development Fund BuCP Area -! Area I ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ `, , ~ PROJECT S7ATU3; '.~New Constructlon - Growth Related Facility / Additlons . ~1..~~ ' . .., , . . . ~.~. 'CEAP R~4UIRED?~ ' r(N`ot Required °'~ " ~ " ~' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ . PRp.IECT DESCRIPTION: ;~:~" '. . :: , ~~.. :_~ ; ., ~ ~; ~,. ~ , . ': . The Transportation Master Plan states, "A major policy direction of this TMP Update is to concentrate funding and ` resources on improving the efficiency of the City's intersections." Peak hour level of service analyses were ,':: performed on all signalized intersections in the City of Boulder to determine which intersections were operating at i poor levels of service. Specific efficiency improvements were identified. I ~ > Recommended improvements for this intersection included an additionai southbound left tum lane and an "'' additional westbound left turn lane. ip to~Master RlariC mprovements are recommended in tf Intersection Level of Service Report. s's SWtus; Issues; '. ~ I'. ~~ Relet(onship to Councp Goals, '~ Intersection improvements, street reeonstruction and street resurfacing provide a usable, efficient and safe street network for bikes, buses :'~~ and motor vehicles. Providing a usable, connected and integrated multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental and .~ ` transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT ~ 'I i . . , , .. . , , , . . . . .,,, .. , . . .; . RelatlonshipwitbOtharDep"atlmenta: =:: .. , _',: . ~ '~f; , : :rt . ~ ~ .~ ; " .~ ~ ;.: . ~ p` ., .. '.' ... . ;~s ~~ ... 2002 2003 2004 2005 '2006 2007 FUNDING TO COMPLETION PLANNED FUNDING ~si,xear ar runamg: , ~zuu~ ~,. ~~ FUOd~118 p~~Of f0 ZQ~Z:, " $0 Y001 dpprovad'tuntls . .. ~'~~ -~ ~~$0 ~ : ~ 38 PROJECT NAME:55TH/FLATIRONS P RKWAY INTER ECTION ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ Cfty oi Boulder Department of Public Works TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ~ - - ~ 39 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT ~ PROJECT NAME " Project Number. Map ID~~ ~_~ Transit Facilities-Enhancements ~ 787774 DEPARTMENT: ~~ P~/~J/ Tf8flSpOfI8t1011 SUBCOMMUNITY: SyStBfll-WIdB ~~~~ . , P Sy ;.,. _'. --- FuNOiN~ sourtc~..; ,; Trans ortation Fund BvCt+Area stem-wide ~„ ~ ~PROJECT STATUS , ~' On-Going Projects : ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; . CEAP R~QUIRED? ~ ~'. Not Required a . , PROJECT DESCRIPTIpN; ' !?'.'' This program provides funding for construction of transit related facilities including stops, benches, shelters, super = stops and bike/pedestrian connections to transit stops. Providing transit facilities and amenities are important ' components to making transit successfuL This new program was recommended through the TMP prioritization effort in 2000 and based on city council direction. ;. Relatlonship to Master Plan's: ~~~ ~''~ . . , . . .. y: ~ ~:., .. . ,: : . : .... . . .~ Developing a successful, functlonal trenslt system is a goal of lhe Transportation Master Plan. ~~:ISSUes. . .: ,.:,;.:, ~. :; .: ;. -. process will be datermined on a case~by case location specific basis. ~ ~ mqnopiNco~.punc~pyoais . . ... :7,;:.: -:..; .'. ..:. ::... .::...: ~ `:':::f ., ii~i : ..: , " ..:::. . . . _ . ' .. Ider's Community Transit Network is a~grid system of high frequency bus service. This system provides usable, easy and convenient sit service. The nelwork is integral to maintaining mobility and keeping congestion at reasonable levels. Capital improvements Including ~ sit centers/super stops, bus shelters, associated bike recks and pedestrian/bicycle connection support the bus sarvice. Improved trensit i, ities support economic sustainability by providing convenient access to businesses along transit corridors. Providing a usable, connecled ~: integrated multi-modal lransportation system addresses Council's environmenNal and transportation goals by creating vlable and , ainable transportation opllons, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. itlonship;with OtM1er:DepeRments.;,;~` . . ,. . ...., .... , . -~:. . .. . ... . . .. - program Is coordinated with RTD and City prompted and planned Transit Services (ie: LEAP, BOUND) ~ ~ ~on ~crT ueiue MPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ STATUS REPORT I ~ Project Number: ~ Map ID # . ~oncrete Reconstruction - intersections, repalrlrepiacetnent "~. RelatlonshiP.toMaster-PIBn: " ~:. . . ~'.:~ . ,~.; ,..~.. ... . ~~~ The project is consistent wilh the TMP update priodty for system preservation. This project would replace existing asphalt pavement at intersections of arterial streets with concrete pavement. The Transportation Master Plan update identified system preservation and travel safety as the the highest funding priority for projects. Due to the heavy traffic volume of two arterial streets, these asphalt intersections are prone to more rapid deterioration. Replacement of these high volume intersections with concrete pavement will considerably reduce maintenance and provide a longer life, preserving the city's transportation system and protecting its investment in the city's facilities. IPs anticipated that concrete reconstruction in the vicinity of Table Mesa & Broadway will occur in 2001. 781025 ~ SUBCOMMUNITY: System-wide ~ ~ BVCP.Area ;, ~ SVSt2f1l-Wld~~ 1 : CEAP RHQUIRED9 -: ~ Not Requlred ' .. ~ ~ ~ -. . ~ ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . " " ~ DEPARTMENT: ~~~ PNI~ T~aIlSp01'fBflOf1~ FUNDING SOURCE:' '`~ T~B~Sportation F4nd PROJECT STATUS:"Reconstmctlon Process Statu6, Issues: ~ ~ ~ -~ ~" ' ~ " ~ - process will be inltated as project locations are identif ed tlonship to Couocp-Goals: ~-_ ~ ' - ~ ` ' section improvemenls, street reconstruction and streel resurfacing provide ~a usable, efficient and safe streel network tor bikes, buses motor vehicles. Providing a usable, connected and integreled multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental and - >portation goals by creating viable and sustainable lransportation options, cleaner alr, reduced congesllon and lower VMT. ilatlonship wlth Other Depa is crilical that underground ut iry depending on locefion. .....' ~ • ••• ..LYYI.FI'J'JIVYOY}M1140~. '~ Wc~~~~vv~ . 41 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ ~ ~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT M ~ PROJECT NAME ' Pro)ect Number: Map ID # Pedestrian Facilities - Repair, Replacement, ADA 781773 ~ w~ oePnRrMeNr: ,, p1N/ Transportation SusCOMMUriirY: Multiple Subcommunities FuNpiNG souRCE: ;' Transportation Fund svcP Area Areas I& II ~', , This ongoing program allows for repair, replacement and construction of existing and new sidewalks, and constructon of handicap ramps. Emphasis of this program is given to existing sidewalk repair. Sidewalk repair priorities have been established in the accelerated City of Boulder Sidewalk Repair Program and yearly funding is spent accordingly. In 2001, sidewalk repairs are being made in the area south of Table Mesa and west of Broadway. 2002 repairs are anticipated in the area east of Broadway, South of Table Mesa. L_ , Relationshipto:MasterPlan:~' . This program is consistent with the Trensportatii ~< on providing improvements to pedestrian facilitie places hiph prioritv on transportation svstei ~ : ;PubllcProees's~Status,Issues: ~ ~~r~~ - ..... ... :,:..., . ~: . '.;:- .~ ; .::, ,. :, '. ...:.', ' ; . ~...~,. : ' .. :: .... . .. . ...... . . ~ A neighborhood meeting will be held in eady spring in the affected area and Individual notices are mailed out yeady. . ..~ Relatfonship.to.Co4rtcil Goals. ,<. " ~i ~ " " ~ ~' ` ' - ~ ' ~~`: Repair, enhancement and completion of the pedestrian and bicycle systems work toward making the city more walkable~and bikeable. ~;~ ~~~~~ Providing a usable and connected multl•modal transportation system addresses Councll's environmental and transpodation goals by crealing i:. viable and sustainable transportation options resultlng In cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. ' RelationshipwithOtherDepartmeats:'~.';~ ,. , .. . . . ,. . .. ... .. '~ ~:'. - _-_------ ~ oor Ination with the Parks Department - City Forester is required. Coordination with the dty Utility Division regarding water meter Iocation is ~. also required. Miscellaneous conerete repairs (driveways, and curb and gutter) are coordinated with Transportation Maintenance. ; ~ ~ 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED . COMPLETION FUNDING . . . „ , , ..- ...., . L`CAPITAI,'COSTS. 1slYeerofFunding: on-going On-Going Fumm~g priorto 2ooz: $~,500,000 i ~ ~ ~ ~ :2001 Approved tunda: $750,000 , ~ ' ~ ~~ ~ 42 PROJECT NAME - Project Number: Map ID # ~ Bikeway Facilities - Enhancements 781692 ~ 1 oEPaRTMENT:. ` pW/ Transportation SuBCOMMUNI'rY: Multiple Subcommunities FuN~ING souRCE; . Transportation Fund sVCP nrea Areas I& II ~~ , ~ ~ PROJECT STATUS: `~~. On•Going ProJects - ~ ~ CEAP REQUIRED? ' Not Required ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' .,, j ~ . ~ ~ :~~~PROJECTDESCRIPTION:~. ~ ~~~. ~ . ~ . . - Bikeway facilities are included in most all transportation construction projects. This program provides additional funding for bikeway projects not specifically associated with other capital projects. The projects are prioritized and coordinated with the approved bikeway plan and represents an ongoing City program. In conjunction with the TMP ' prioritization effort in 2000, the bikeway construction program was increased for new bike facilities including bikeway crossing improvements. Projects constructed will be consistent with the TMP Bicycle System Plan and are prioritized yearly. 2001 Projects included: 1) North Goose Creek path connections to Valmont City Park; 2) Wellman Canal Path connection; 3)Path connection between Poplar and Emerald; 2002 Projects are being ;: prioritized and are anticipated to include: 1)Wellman Canal/Centenniai Trail path completion; 2)17th Street bikelanes; 3)Pearl Parkway off street path connections. ~ Rela4lonship to Master Plani . Relates lo the primary goal of the TMP update for completing the City's Bike System and increasing the mode share for bikes. Repair, enhancement and wmpletion of the pedestrian and bicycle systems work toward making the city more walkable and bikeable. Providing a usable and connected multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmental and lransportatlon goals by creating viable and sustainable hansportation options resulting in cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. :, : public Process Stafus; Issues: ~ ~ ~ ~~ The Public Process for each proJecl will vary. Some projects, depending on the complexity, may require CEAP. The Public Process for the ' ,~ Wellman Canal connection proJect will occur lhis fall and will include a CEAP. , ~ RelaklonshiptoCounclfGoals: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ „ RelaGonship witfi Other Departments: :' .' ~ This program Is coordinated with the Greenways program. .,r~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ '' '',~. P.,i ~;.. ~ .,'t+.,. : ~ ., :.. .,. t .5~... ''~.,. .. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ` According to the Pedestrian Policy Plan of the Transportation Master Plan, an intermittent pedestrian system that ir. strands pedestrians at the end of unfinished sidewalks or forces them into awkward traverses or hazardous street ' crossings discourages walking. In an effort to increase pedestrian activity and encourage walking as a major means of travel, a completed sidewalk system is necessary. As a resuit, the Pedestrian Facilities program was `:? expanded to include the installation of missing sidewalk links. Missing links city wide are prioritized and constructed in conjunction with the sidewalk repair program. In addition, as a result of the TMP prioritization effort, . '::',; funding has been provided for pedestrian crossing/safety improvements. Improvements are prioritized citywide and include median refuge islands, crosswalk lighting, flashing signs, neckdowns, signing, lighting and/or pedestrian signals. Refdtionship to~Master'Plan:: ~ . ., . ~ :: ;: , , ..: :. ~ .. .: :. ., ; ,.... .:.;. ~ .~: Increasing the Pedestrian Facilitles program to install missing sidewalks links and~to make pedestdan crossing /safety Improvements is ~~-~" consistent with the Pedestrian Policy Plan of the Transportation Master Plan Update and lhe year 2000 TMP Prioritization. ;:. ...:. . .. . . - .... .:- ~~~ P~ubllcProcass~Status;Issdes ~ - .~ . . . .:. ~ ..., , , .., ..: , .. ,. .,,~ :` The Public Process for Installing missing~sidewalks links Is on-going and may Involve 3 or 4 Iocatlons per year. ~ ~~Relationshipto.CouncflOoafs ;~ ,,~ ~~ Repair, enhancement and compleNon of the pedestrlan and bicycle systems work toward making fha city more walkable~and bikeable. , ; Providing a usable and connacted multi-modal transportation system addresses Council's environmantal and transportation goals by creahng ~'~ ~ viable and sustainabla transportation options resulting In cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. ~:::. : , i. ti ~ 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED "' ~ COMPLETION FUNDING ~' ~'~ ProJeeted Funding: - 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 0 1,740, ~ .> . .. , , ,: T4TAl, CAPITAI. COSTS ~ . 1st Year of Funding ' ~, on-going ~ ~ .. ?I ; .. On-Going Funtling pd`orto 2002;' . $440,000 : , ~ . . .~. ,: , ,~ .. 2D01 Approv8d ~ui5ds; _' ~ .. ~ . , . , , ~ $290,000 ... . . . , . 44 ~ ~ ~ ~ PROJEGT NqME ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ProJect-Number. ~ Map ID-# (Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program 781836 (~~Ty~ ~ l~~ ~~ ,DEPARTMENT: ~- pW/ T~ellSpOrtBtlOt1 sueCOMMUNirv: ~.~ Muftipie Subcommunities ~ FuNPiNG SouRCE: Transportation Fund BuCP Area .' Area I -~-1 . ~PROJECTSTATUS: ' ~On-Going Projects ~ ~ ~'• CEAP REQUIREp4 : Required ~PROJECTAESCRIPTION:~~~~ ~ '~ , ~ The major goal of this program is to improve neighborhood livability by encouraging adherence to the speed limit. This program offers Education, Enforcement and Engineering tools to neighborhood streets with speeding ',' problems. The program began in 1995 with 44 neighborhoods participating in the program. The Engineering tool was placed on hold in 1996 due to unresolved issues between the use of engineering devices and emergency ' vehicle delay caused by the engineering devices. In 1999, the City Council gave policy direction on this issue and revised Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program guidelines were adopted in June 2000. It is anticipated that 2002 °; funding wiil be used for personnel expenses and engineering treatment design and construction for the two highest ;-; priority neighborhoods in the program. ~ ~ ~ Relatlanship fo~~Master Plen: - - ~~~ Will halp to improve the safety of and quallty of Iiving~in lhe neighborhoods as Identified as e goal in the Nelghborhood section of the ~ ~ ~~ ~. Trensportation Master Plan. PublicProcess Stalus, Issuest ..~> . . ~ . . , . . . . ? .. ~The public process necessary will depend on selected locations. ~ . ( I ~. Relationshipto.Co0nc76Goals: ~ ~:. Mltigation progrems foas on mitigating the negative Impact of transportation. Mlligating tra~c speed and noise helps lo promote a Iivable ~~~ community as well as supporf environmental goals. ~Reladonship with Other.DepaNments: .,.;: ,... ... . „ ~: ,... ,.... '... ~ .,:: .!'! '. ~ Coordination with the Po17ce Department and the Fire Department is required and cdtical. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 PUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ~ ProJected Funding; 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 1,200,000 ~~ 1st Year of Funding: ~~~ on-going TO~ FITAL'COSTS: ~ On-Going Fundine priorto zoo2: $2,t 2001 ApproVadfunds;. L~ ~-~$: PROJEGT:NAME Pro)eck Num6er. Map ID # ` Tributary Greenways 781630 ~EaaRrMeNr; -,{pW/ Transportation ~~~~-~-~~I susCOMMUNi'fv: , Multiple Subcommunities ~ FUNOiNa SouRCE: ° Transportation Fund BvCP Area System-wide ~~ ; ,-:.r . ~. . PR4J~CTSTATUS.~- On-GoingProjects ~. ' ~~ ' , -~.. ~ - , : „~ - <_ C~APRE4UIRE09~ Requlred " :. ,_~ :. , ; .. ,; ,< < ~: '- PROdEGT DEQCRIPTIRN! ': ' •. ~ ~' , . .''...,.' . „ . .. , ,~ , . ,..,,' , ~_~ ~ ' _ The program is intended to improve and protect the many riparian corridors that pass through the city. Elements of ' this work also advance a primary goal of the TMP by providing pedestrian and bicycle facilities and encouraging i? the modal shift from automobiles to aitemative modes of transportation. Improvements include pedestrianlbicycle paths, dreinage and flood control structures, and preservation and enhancement of natural features. A portion of 'the capital funding for this program is being shifted to needed maintenance of existing system beginning in 2002. ri: See Greenways CIP/Budget section. Relatlonshipto~MasterPlan: , , ~ ; These projects wifl advance a primary goal of ihe TransporVation Masler Plan as we11 as the current TMP update by providing pedestrisn and "~ ~: bicvcle facilities and encouraqlnq the modal shlk from automobiles to altemative modes of transportation , are are 1 ~~ ~RelaQonship'fo:Couhcll Go813 ` "' r: ~:. The Transportation Master Plan is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-based transportation system. This multimodal-based '."n:" investment strategy is focused in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north-south corridors that constitute the designated ~~~ multimodal corridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and Integrated multi-modal lransportation system addresses Council's envlronmental ~~,. and transportatlon goals by creating viable and sustainable transportation options, cleaner air, reduced congestion and lower VMT. , Relatlooshlp wlth Other, pepartments,"'i ^~ ~ ~~i The Greenways progrem requires coordinating with 7ransportation, Open Space,~Flood Utility, Planning and Parks Department. vn-~oing~ ~~~~~~~~a v~~.,~..~ rv„~. i m.,~~,~ ~ '~ ~ 2pql:ApprbvQd funds; $160,000 „ s. . 46 • ~ ~ PROJECT NAME Brolect Number: Map lo # ~--_-~~_~~ ~~~ Undergrounding Cost Share Program PSCO 1 1 ( ~.r... ~ 1 ~ ~~ DEPARTMENT: p~/~l/ TrenSpO~kBllOfl SUBCOMMUNITYi - SyStetll-wlde .. ~ FUNDINGSOURCE: ,: ~T~8f1SpOrtetlOflFUfld ~ BVCP,Area~ SySteftl-WId6 1.~.: ~ ~ ~PROJECTSTATUS: '~On-GoingProjects ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ CBAP REQUIRED? ' -~ Not Required ~ ~ ~ ~~ ° ~~ ~ ~ ~ -. ~ "PROJEC7~DESCRIPTION:~~~:: ~ . ~ .. ~ - . ~ ~ . - ~ ~ - ~ ~~ Matching fund program per Undergrounding Credit Policy ~Public Process StaRus, Issues: , ~~ ~~ ~ ~ , 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING ~ ~ Projected Funding: ~ ~~ 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 900,000 :~: " ~. ~ tst Y~ar oi Fundtng. , on-goiny ITAI. COSTS ' TOTAL CAP , 011-Going ~ Funding prior4o 2002: '~ $300,000 ~ ~ . , 2001,:Approvedfuads: ~ ~'. $150,000 ~ ' ` , ' : _ 47 _ 2002-2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ~ ~~ . _ _~ ~_~ _.._.~.__~ PROJECT STATUS REPORT PROJECT NAME f '. Project Number. Map lo # _____~ - Undergrounding Cost Share Program 781013 DEPARTMENT:.; p~l~l/ TfeflSpOrtBflOf1 SUBCOMMUNITY:- SySf8i11-WIdC FUNDING SOURCE:. °~. TI'anS ~OrtatlOn Fund ~ BVCR Area , ~~ .;.. ~ . p SYStem-wide ~ PROJEGT STATUS;' '; On-Going Projects , CEqR REQUIRED?. ~ No~ Required . ~ " ' ~ ~~ ~ PROJECTDE3CRIPTION: ` '~ .~i . . The Public Service Company (PSCo) franchise agreement with the City of Boulder requires PSCo each year to _' make available, funding for work in the amount of 1% of the preceding year's electric revenues within the city for > the purpose of undergrounding or reconfiguring electric lines. Twenty-five percent of each year's undergrounding credit accrual is set aside, on a non-cumulative basis, to be used as a 50% cost share for property owners willing to pay half the cost to bury'existing utilities adjacent to their properties. ~ Relatlonship"toMasterPlani ' ~"~ ' ~' '~ ~' ~ - ' ~ `~ °~ ~ ` ~ ~"~ ~ ~ ~' ~~ ~ -;Pubflc Process:Status,'Issues: ' ... . ....,... . . . . . :..:. .. ...,. , .:. ~: ...,..: ~ ...~. .. .~ ~ ..:.. ... ~ .,.;I .. '', , . ~~~. Relationship to Councfl Goals: ~ , ~; ' ' ~ ~ ' ~: ~ ~ : : . ' Rel~tlonship,witb Okher DepaYtments; ~ , :~~: Coordination with Utilities and Transportation Divisions. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED COMPLETION FUNDING '~~ ProJected Funding: 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 600 000 '~ '~ . .,. , . .. . TQTAL CAPITAL GOSTS : . 1st Year.ot Fuoding . on-9o~ng , ~~~~ ~ On-Going Fundin9priortozooz: g2oo,aoo . `'' . , .. ~: 2Q01;Apprqvedfunds:.' ,.. . $100,000 ~ . ~ , ,., ~ 4g.., ' ~ ~Miscellaneous Development Coordination ~. DEPARTMENT: „ ~N// Transportation EuNDING SouRCE: Transportation Devel ~ ~ . - ~ , .- ~ . ProJect Number: - Map ID # ~ 711004 (~ ~ L.~~~ ------~ ~SUBCOMMUNITY: ~~yi~ltiple Subcommunities ~ ~ ~ment Fund ~ BvCP Aree (qrea I ~ PROJECT STATU5; On-Going Projects CEAP REQUIRED9 '- Not Required " : ~-PROJECT DESCRIpTION:' `~ ~ , ~, ~ This CIP funding is intended to construct infrastructure improvements in coordination with or prompted by potential development. Throughout the year situations arise where infrastructure improvements are required in the vicinity of a proposed development, should by made at the same time as the development and for which a developer can not be required to construct. Improvements that are typically included are bike and pedestrian, functional efficiency, safety, system preservation and transit system improvements. ~~; Relatlonship So Master Plaq: ~ :~,. System Preservation, Safety, bike , pedestrian end auto functional efficiency rype projects are cons ~ ~ ... ~ ~. : .. ~ ~ ~..~ ~ ~ Public P~ocess Status; Issues: ( 1 ~Relatlonship tq Councll Goals: ~. ~.:. . . .. ::. ; . : ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' . ~:,.. ~ . . ~.;~ ~ ':' ; ~~ . The Transportation Master Plan Is based on implementing a balanced multimodal-basad transportation system. This multimodal-based ~: ~ Investment slrategy Is focused in an interconnected system of six east-west and four north-soulh wrridors that constilute the designated ~~ multimodal corridor grid. Providing a usable, connected and Integrated multl-modal transportation syslem addresses Council's environmental ~: -: and transportation goals by creating viable and sustainable transportadon options, cleaner air, reduced congestlon and lower VMT. ~ RelaUonship wlth~Qthgr DePartments:: ~:, :.~ . ~.. ' ~ -~ .. ~ . ~:; ~ , ... . ;:; . ..: :;- . . ". :': ; ~-' Close coordlnation with the Development Review work group and the Planning Department Is required. . y'I 4. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FUNDING TO PLANNED -. COMPLETION FUNDING ~ ~ ~ ProJected Funding: ~ 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 300,000 :,.:~: ~ >~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ '" ~ 1s! Year of Funding: ~~ omgoing ~ ~ ~ COSTS; ~~ TO TAL CAPITAI ~= ' ` , , On-Going . Funafngpriorto2ooz: ~ Stoo,ooo Approvedfuntlsf ~ , 2001~ _- $50,000 . 49