6A - 2002-2007 CIP Attachment H Summary Minutes~
ac men
Summary Minutes
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Boazd (TAB)
June 11, 2001
: Kob~n Matlel, :iU:t-441-4U /S
Board Members -John Tayer, Chair, Brant Liebmann, Jim Rettew, Alison Richards and Jerry Wyss
Staff -Joe Perone was absent Mike Gardner-Sweenev. Jean Gatza, Bill Cowem and Robin MadeL'
John Taver, chair, called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 1- Approval of the minutes.
There was a discrepancy in the short versus long minutes from 4/9/Ol. On Agenda Item No. 1 the person seconding the motion was not
consistent. These will be corrected and re-issued.
Minutes from 4/09/Ol and 5/14/Ol were approved with amendments to the 4/9/Ol minutes.
Jim Rettew motioned to approve the minutes as amended.
Alison Richards seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously, 5-0.
AGENDA ITEM 2-General citizen participation and TAB comment period.
Premena, P.O. Box 1038 Boulder 80306-1038, spoke about timing of traffic lights, which he said are still not functioning properly in the
early moming and ]ate night hours. He said he has noticed some but not an overall improvement. He talked about how the police come out in
force when the critical mass riders get in the way of automobiles but the police don't even bother when automobiles cut off bikers or
Jem Wvss asked Premena what hours he was refercing to. Premena gave as an example last Monday after 9:30 on Pearl St. Parkway. He said
he noticed the light-switching problem on Sundays also.
Robert W. Law, 4820 Thunderbird Circle, Apt. 307, Boulder 80303, talked about the update ro the Broadway Reconstruction Web site. He
. asked the staff if the important information from the Open House could be displayed on the Web site and it was, He was thankful to the staff
for that. He said tha[, in lookin~ a[ the budgeting information on the Web site, he noticed that the 28'" S[. corridor project had the highest
priority. He asked why the Web site for that project is so bad, especially compared to other Web sites, ]ike the site for the Broadway
Reconstruction project. He said only one alternative was presented (the staff-preferred altemative). He got a text on value engineering from the
library and has been working with the Boulder bike commuters and his student Web site to evaluate the project. He asked the TAB to ask
themselves if they are getting all the information they need to evaluate the project.
Rickv Weiser, 4020 N 75'" St., Boulder 80301, was triggered by what she had just heard to speak. She is concerned about the 28'" S[. Design
projecY and the way it is being handled. She said she is an adamant tree hugger and the ptoposed southbound bus lane from ihe hotel to the
split for Table Mesa and Denver would cause the destruction of many full-grown trees, especially along the hillside below University Heights.
She is concerned that it will become a barren area. She said that the sacrifice of trees in order to have an exha bus lane is not a good idea.
TAB Comment
Brant Liebmann asked Mike Sweeney about the plans for the trees on the hillside. Mike said that the plan hasn't been changed and that
in order to get some separation from the path and the street some trees will be lost. The sffeet will stay where it is but there will be
retaining walls built into the hill. The lost trees will be replaced but the goal is to keep as many as possible. John Taver asked if the
TAB would he hearing about this issue from Bob Whitson when he talks about 28'" St. next month. Mike said that Bob is only
discussing the north section of 28`^ St so this issue will not be discussed.
General Citizen Participation was closed.
AGENDA ITEM 3- Slide show and discussion by Transit Alliance about the recently completed MISs and an overview of
possible funding options (Staff - Mike Gardner-Sweeney)
Kelly Nordini, the associa[e directoc of Transit Alliance, talked abou[ what is new in transit in the Denver Metro area. She discussed the
composition of Transit Alliance and gave some background on their work and what thay do. She talked about the situation in the Denver
Metro area curtently and over the past few years. She discussed recent and future improvements to transit in corridors all around Denver,
Transportation Advisory Board
ummary Minutes
June 11, 2001
including the US 36 corridor and how ridership has been on the new rail and bus systems. She discussed MetroVision 202Q a network of
bus/carpoo]/rail systems around Denver, the costs of the network and the likelihood that future projects will get funded. She spoke about
possibilities for funding from federal, state and local sources and she discussed public opinions and percep[ions abou[ transit systems.
TAB Questions
TAB Questions covered possible fitnding sources for the 36 MIS: new taxes, expiring taxes that could be re-designated, excess TABOR ~
funding, repeal of the TABOR amendment and the gasoline tax. They also asked questions about ridership in the southwest conidor,
MetroVision 2020 and the Eco-pass program.
Citizen Participation and TAB Comment
Dave Allured, 4231 Eaton Ct. Boulder 80301, spoke about funding options for the 3b MIS. IIe said that he doesdt think we should
be talking about raising taxes to fund highway and transit projects because there are funding inequities that need to be corrected that are
based on our cultural dependence on automobiles. He said we should replace the sales tax funding with automobile user fees, we should
enforce TDM techniques and we should promote work neaz home progratns so people azen't making 20-40 mile (each way) [rips to
work each day.
Landon Hilliard, P.O. Box 1374, Boulder, CO 80306, promoted the walk and bike to work week activities going on this week. He
said that there would be valet parking for bikes at the RTD station. Ae mentioned a discussion on June 26`~ that will discuss a new bike
Citizen Participation was closed.
TAB Comments
Jem Wvss mentioned that when Union Station gets rebuilt to accommodate bikes, it will only accommodate 125 bikes.
AGENDA ITEM 4- Public heariag and constderation of a recommendattun related to Year 2002-2U07 Transpurtatian
Capital Improvements Program (Statf - Mike Gardner-Sweeney)
Mike Gardner-Sweenev discussed the CIP with the TAB. He did not make a formal presentation because the issue has been presented
twice before.
TAB Questions
TAB questions covered the following:
• The source of the extra $1M allocated from iransportation
• The regional component of the budget (less than 5%, probably closer to 2%)
• Roadway system projects
• The designation of multi-modal bike/ped grade separation projects
• The status of fiber optic improvements
• Funding for the NTMP programs
• Under-grounding of power lines
• The budget for the 28th St. South section
• The source of funding for the Stampede
• Other fumre transit corridors that azen't named yet
• Percentage breakdowns
• Improvements to specific areas of town (under the transportation development fund)
• Funding for a traffic operations records clerk
• Funding for a CIP project manager
• Funding for a new wash bay
• Airport funding listed in the budget
• The numbers that are left as TBD and whether they will be filled in for the city council
• Whether the new projections for revenue streams are included in the budget
• Budget impacts from the environtnental audit
Citizen Participation and TAB Comment
Dave Allured, 4231 Eaton Ct. Boulder 80301, spoke about bike/ped projects. He said he thinks that non-polluting transportation
modes deserve to have a 100% public subsidy in contrast to autos, which should have a 0% subsidy. He requested on behalf of the
Boulder Bike Commuters that their priority projects receive public funding. The list he provided represents some pet projec[s and some
hot projects for BBC members. He said his hope is that TAB will fund those projects. As an example he discussed the extension of the
Centennia]Beaz Canyon Creek trail under Flatirons to avoid the corkscrew overpass that curtently exists.
Transportation Advisory Board ~
Summary Minutes
June Il, 2001
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Premena, P.O. Bos 1038 Boulder 80306-1038, advocated for specific routings in the budget. He said that in previous budgets there
was funding for a pathway from Norwood to Iris. He recommended a route east of Broadway and said it should be a priority. He said
that the path along 9`h St. to North Boulder that was promised in the past was lost and forgotten. He also suggested that the staff start
looking into future connections, for example along the Burlington railroad from Walnut to Valmont. He suggested working on this as
part of the development of the new uansportation center. He also advocated for straightening the Grove St. alignment by developing a
~ pathway along Grove St. Finally, he advocated spending dollars ro finish and fix the smaller projacts in place of starting some big~er
new projects.
Citizen Participation was closed.
TAB Comments
TAB comments covered the following topics:
• The small amount of the budget spent on regionalism, especially given that commuting into $oulder is the biggest ptoblem,
according to the studies
• The actual percentage of the budget spent on regionalism (there was a lot of discussion about this)
• The regional components of the existing projects
• The political aspects of funding regional projects
• A request from staff for a specific figure in the budget For regional spending and what Boulder's shaze of the US 36 MIS will be
(ballpark estimate)
• A request from staff to provide a list of all the regional projects that could be funded if the budget were available
• Separation of regional versus local components of projects
• The direction from CiTy Council on regionalism versus keeping the funding within city limiu
• The appropriateness of discussions about regionalism before this component of the TMP is d'rscussed
• Federal dollars available for regional projects
• Whether the motion to approve the CIP should include the requests described above.
The TAB decided to separate the motion to approve the CIP from the motion requesting more information about regionalism from staff.
Jerrv Wvss made a motion to approve the Year 2002-2007 Transportation Capital Improvements Program.
Alison Richards seconded.
The vote was unanimous, 5-0 in favor.
~ John Taver made a motion recommending staff provide a dollar amount for the regional component of the budget and
a list of regional projects given exha funding from staff.
Jim Rettew seconded.
The vote was 4-1 in favor. Jerry Wyss was opposed.
AGENDA ITEM 5- Staff update and discussions on the appointment of TAB members to committees (Staff - Mike Gardner-
TAB Discussion
The discussion resulted in the following list of TAB appointments:
28'" St. 2000 NoMh and South Segment Design Committees: Jerry Wyss
Civic Center Master Plan and Broadway Reconstruction: Alison Richards
Ciry Council Transportation Subcommittee: 7ohn Tayec
TMP Update Oversight Committee: John Tayer-chair, Brant Liebmann
TMP Update Study Committee: Brant Liebmann and Jerry Wyss - co-chairs
Greenways Ad-hoc Committee: Alison Richards
Commercial Growth Management Committee: Alison Richards
Jim Rettew motioned to accept all the committee appointments as listed.
Alison Richards seconded.
The vote was unanimous, 5-0 in favor.
Transportation Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
June II, 2001
AGENDA ITEM 6- Review and feedback of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan's Bicycle and Trail Maps (Staff - Jean
Jean Gatza discussed the proposed maps. She said that a new map had not been adopted since the 1990's. Two maps (bicycle and
pedestrian) were published to show greater detail on each map.
TAB Questions ~
TAB questions covered the following:
• A clarification of the tide
• Mistakes or deletions that each TAB member wanted to have corrected
• Input from the 28'" St. Design CEAP's and whether that input was included in the maps, especially about designation of bike ways
along 28'h and 30`~ Sh'eets.
• The procedure for approval of these maps as a master plan with annual updates
Public Participation and TAB Comment
Dave Allured, 4231 Eaton Ct. Boulder 80301, spoke in general about his opposition to bike/ped trails that are conshucted in riparian
corridors, especially those that are being proposed on this map. He advocated using available neazby streets where possible for these
azeas and avoiding wildlife azeas and people's back yards. He spoke specifically about trails along Goose Creek and along the Boulder
Creek watershed east of the city and north of Valmont Road. He spoke about the 28'" St. Design Committee and their voting process. He
said that the committee is not a formal voting committee.
Premena, P.O. Box 1038 Boulder 80306-1038, spoke about a trip he made along the bike path where he ended up on a dirt path that
led to a mazsh. He asked about having that path rerouted.
TAB Comment
The staff gave their specific conections to Jean.
Jerry Wyss said that he wanted to be sure that the intentions of the 28`" St. Design Committee were included in the BVCP.
Citizen Participation was closed.
Matters from Staff
• Bill Cowern discussed the upcoming NTMP Process and gave the TAB a heads up about the rivo neighborhoods that will be
discussed with a recommendaNon at the July meeting. Jerry Wyss said he would meet with Bill Cowem ro get the history of the
• Robin Madel discussed a non-agenda item given to the TAB by Jean Gatza regarding the snmmary of the TMP that will be included
in the BVCP. Jean asked for comments on the summary by Wednesday June 13.
• Mike Gazdner-Sweenev said that the staff would make future agendas reflect the flow oF each item, as was discussed in the retre~
He said the newspaper would still have a compressed agenda. Also, as many agenda items as is reasonable will be public input
• Mike Gardner-Sweenev discussed a presentation being made to the city council about the photo enforcement program. The
proposal is to use the same cameras for red light and speed enforcement and to purohase 2 more cameras.
• Mike Gardner-Sweenev discussed the RTD fare study and where the situation is at the present. The study could be detrimental to
the Eco-pass program in Boulder. Also, there is a perceived differenrial between service and fazes in Boulder and everywhere else.
RTD staff was not allowed, until recently, to discuss the study with Boulder staf£ Jerry Wyss requested that TAB take a position on
the faze s[udy in July.
John Taver motioned to suspend the rules to cont3nue the meeting past 10:00.
Jerrv W,~ss seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
Matters from the Board
• Jem Wvss discussed an upcom'sng 28th St. North section design meeting. He said it will be the last big look at the section and he
will e-mail the details to the secretary to forward after the meeting.
• Jerry Wvss discussed the problem o£newspaper stands blocking bus stops, sidewalks and bike stands. He requested an update from
the staff and city attorney about what is being done about these stands because they block sidewalks. This item will be added to the
TAB to-do list.
• Jem Wvss asked about the 3-montrh calendaz. Mike Sweeney said he would be working with Joe to develop the calendaz.
• John Taver asked about the TAB to-do list. Mike Sweeney distributed copies of the list and Mike and the TAB went tluough each
item to determine iu status. The RTD meeting ro discuss the fare study was added to the list.
• Jerrv Wyss asked about the chip and seal overlay program. He said that the public info process with the program was not very good
Transportation Advisory Board ~
Summary Minutes
June 11, 2001
because it didn't explain the steps that were being taken to complete the program. He requested a new press release that was more
AGENDA ITEM 8- Discussion of future agenda and schedule
• NTMP Public Process
• 28'" St. North Design Project
• Several non-agenda items will be discussed including Broadway Reconstruction, missing sidewalk link construction, commercial growth
management and the Wellman Canal.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 p.m.
John Taver motioned to adJourn the meeting.
Brant Liebmann seconded.
The motion passed 5-0 in Favor.
June 25, 2001, 730 p.m., Greenways Program CIP joint discussion with the WRAB, West Senior Center Creekside Room.
July 9, 2001, 6:00 p.m., Regular Meeting, Council Chambers of the City Municipal Building.
Transportatran Advisory Board
ummary Minutes
June 11, 2001
NAME OF BOARD/COMNIISSION: Water Resources and Transportation Advisory Boards (Joint Meeting)
DATE OF MEETING: June 25, 2001
BOARD MEMBERS - WRAB: Robart Fiehweg, Jeannette Hillery, Cal Youngberg, Gil Barth; Vicki
Naber was absent
TAB: Jim Rettew - chair, Alison Richards, Jerry Wyss, John Tayer; Brant Liebmann was absent
STAFF - Ned Williams, Annie Noble, Nancy Steinberger, Dick Brasher and Robin Madel, secretary
Agenda Item 1- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m.
Agenda Item 2- General Citizen Partictpation
There was none.
General CItlzen Partic9pation was closed.
Agenda Item 3- Public hearing, consideration and recommendation on the Greenways Program 2002-
2007 Capital Improvement Program (Staff - Annie Noble and Nancy Steinberger).
Annie Noble gave a presentation about the purpose of the Greenways Program; she reviewed the objectives, and
explained the process for choosing Greenways projects. She discussed the historical sources of funding for the
program. The $450K has traditionally come equally from transportation, utiliries and the Lottery Fund. She
reviewed the projects list in Attachment B. She said the main criticism about the program is weed conrtol.
Nancv Steinbereer discussed the proposed weed control program and the budget request to institute the program.
~ She said the program would be modeled afrer the Open Spaca program. A weed inventory has already been
compl~ted. She reviewed the details of the $150K request.
WI2AB/TAB Questions
The questions covered the followireg:
• The new hospital's contribution to flood mitigation of Bear Canyon Creek
• Flood control and Greenways improvements along 4-Mile Canyon Creek
• The riparian habitat along South Goose Creek
• The details of the weed control program
• Specifics about the capitaVoperations portions of the budget
~ Creation of an operations budget
• More specifics of the weed conhol program
• "Imbalances" in the needs of the program versus available budget
Citizen Participation and WRAB Comment
John Hanckel, 2576 Mapleton Ave., Boulder, 80302, spoke about developing a transportation system that
would work on the Greenways trail system. He said there is one in Adelaida (where he is from) that works well.
He asked if the mission statement for Greenways could be expanded to accommodate minibuses. He said that
grade sepazation is so difficult to attain that it seems beneficial to use it for other forms of transportation.
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June 18, 2001
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Alison Richards said that they had never considered that option before and that that was a larger transportation
issue. She said that motorized vehicles have been prohibited on the Greenways system,
Jim Rettew said that motorized vehicles along the trail system might hurt other elements of the Greenways
system, such as habitat. ~
John Tayer arrived at this point.
WRAB/TAB Discussion
The discussion focussed mainly on the $150K request for the proposed weed control program. They discussed
whether the program should be funded at a lower level, then ramped up in ensuing yeazs or fully funded, then
ramped down in ensuing yeazs. They discussed the shortfall in the budget and how starting out with differing
amounts would impact the program. Jerry Wyss suggested fully funding the budget and applying it to one section
as a demonsffation section. Bob Fiehweg said that he supported the budget in full and did not want to see the
project done as a demonstration because weed conVOl is the ciry's responsibiliry. Alison Richuds recommended
starting small and ramping up the dollar amount. John Tayer advocated for full funding but wanted to make
future funding contingent on a review after two yeazs.
After debate about whether or not to approve this particulaz part of the budget they decided to make a motion
about the weed control portion.
Alison Richards moved that the TAB and WRAB approve the maintenance budget as presented.
Jim Rettew amended the motion by adding "for the next two years with a revtew after two years."
Bob Fiehwee seconded.
The vote was 8-0 tn favor of the motion.
They quickly discussed the rest of the budget and had no issues with it.
Jerry Wvss motioned to approve all other packages within the budget request. ~
Gil Barth seconded.
The vote was S-0 in favor of the motion.
Agenda Item 4- Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda
No dates have been set yet for the Greenways Advisory Committee.
Agenda Item 5 - Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:Ib p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
• July 9, 2001, 6:00 p.m., Transportation Advisory Boazd, regulaz meeting, at the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building.
^ July 16, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Water Resources Advisory Board, regular meeting, at the City Yazds in the
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
June 18,1001
Page 2
NAME OF BOARD/COMNIISSION: Water Resources Advisory Boazd
~ DATE OF MEETING: June 1 S, 2001
BOARD MENIBERS - Robert Fiehweg, Jeannette Hillery, Cal Youngberg, Vicki Naber, Gil Barth
STAFF - Ned Williams, Alan Taylor, Dr. Gilbert White (from the Independent Review Panel), Doretta Hultquist
and Alison Burchell (from the Citizen's Advisory Group), Carol Linn, Paul Matthews (from the Integrated
Utilities Group) and Robin Madel, secretary
Agenda Item 1- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:1 I p.m.
Agenda Item 2- Approval of May 21, 2001 Meeting Minutes
Jeannette Hillerv motioned to approve the minutes.
Vicki Naber seconded.
The motion passed unanimously, 5-0.
Agenda Item 3- General Citizen Participation
There was none.
~ General Citizen Participation was closed.
Agenda Item 4- Public hearing, consideration and recommendation on South Boulder Creek Flood
Management and Mitigation Planning (Staff - Alan Taylor).
Alan Tavlor gave a brief presentation about the project to date. This is the first time that the project was
presented to the WRAB. He was there to fmd out if the staff had provided enough inFormation to the board, if
they supported tha staff recommendation to restudy the problem, if they accepted the recommendations from the
IndependenY Review Panel (IRP) and the Community Advisory Group (CAG), and if they had any revisions to
the recommendations. He gave the background on the project to date and he tallced about the public involvement
that has taken place. He described the "Next Steps and Activities Program." The steps outline included:
1)Risk Analysis
2)Flood Preparedness
3)Flood Mitigation
4)Study Process
He discussed each of these steps with the help of Dr. Gilbert White, from the IRP, and Doretta Hultquist and
Alison Burchell from the CAG..
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June 18, 2001
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Doretta Hultauist discussed ihe 3 subgroups [hat formed under the CAG. She mentioned that there was no public
input allowed during the Phase A report prepazation period. She discussed the need for increased emergency
preparedness efforts and she mentioned specifically warning signs and sirens, notification and mock drills. She
also discussed the CAG recommendations for mitigation efforts.
Alison Burchell discussed the following: ~
1. The Taggart Engineering Associates study and the need for a new calibrated and verified study
2. The city's eFforts to preserve and maintain the flood management potential of the CU property
3. A new study with greater public involvement
4. The need to hire an independent hydrologisUengineer that can determine the needs and solutions of the
si[uation without any bias.
5. The city's efforts to protect wlnerable citizens from potential damage by not poslponing certain mitiga6on
6. She acknowledged the efforts of the ciry and the county open space board.
7. She said it was important to have an environmental assessment prepared according to National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines.
8. She offered a two-dimensionat hydrologic model that she said could be used to characterize South Boulder
Creek with more data.
WRAB Questions
Gil Barth questioned the value of characterizing the creek. He asked whether all the demands of all the interested
parties would be met. He asked where the compromise is between channelizing the creek (which the citizens and
sponsors don't want) and meeting all the needs of the community.
Gilbert VJhite discussed the level of flooding evaluated in the Taggart report. In the report, 100-yeaz flood ]evels
were evaluated but recent decades have seen flooding at higher magnitudes than that. He said it would be a
mistake to plan azound a 100-year flood and he described some steps that could be done to evaluate the flooding
on a limited basis while the hydrology is being evaluated. He recommended taking a structure that could be used
as a test case and determinin~ effects of damage at different water depths, independent of the magnitude of the
flooding. He said that some measures can be taken regardless of flow rates and frequencies.
Alison Burchell added that putting people in a flood plain unnecessarily and making them buy flood insurance is ~
problematia She urged the city to be as responsible and cost effective with die citizens as possible.
Alan Tavlor said that the study was considered an interim hydrology study and was very conservative.
Doretta Hultquist said she didn't think that decisions would be made based on We Taggart Report and that it is
not clear if all the historical flooding is from South Boulder Creek but may also be due to ditches.
Citizen Participation and WRAB Comment
Peter Gowen, 5494 Raritan Place, Boulder, 80303, said he is a member of the CAG but was speaking on his
own behalf. He recommended that the city elevate the issue of flooding to a higher level because there are
problems with South Boulder Creek and Four-mile Canyon Creek as well. He said that the Utilities Master Plan
had not been updated recently and recommended that staff pursue that. He said that flooding needs to have the
attention of the City Council and the Planning Board. He recommended creating a liaison between the City
Council and the staff because the council doesn't have expertise in flood mitigation, He recommended holding a
public education forum called "Flood 101: '
Ben Binder, 720 South 41" St., Boulder, 80305, discussed the cost of the solutions presented in the Taggart
Report and suggested that less expensive solutions exist. He said that the more outrageous solutions, such as
constructing a 70-foot high dam, were not taken seriously by anyone except CU and he said CU has had a
deleterious effect. He said it was at CU's insistence that public input was not allowed during preparation of the
report. He advocated using the old gravel pits depressions as detenuon ponds.
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Summary Minutes
June 18, 2001
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WRAB Comments
WRAB comments covered the following:
• An aclaiowled~ement that the study should be redone
• Concems about the accountabiliry of the staff recommendations
~ • The need to get CU and Boulder County involved in the process
• The schedule for completing the activities recommended by staff and the CAG
• Elevating flood issues with the City Council
• Paying for staff resources for all the ouffeach involved in the staff recommendations
• Raising county-wide awazeness of flood emergency preparedness
• Meeting as many goais as possible while maintaining cost effectiveness
• Keeping the entire group of players involved throughout the entire process
• Setting clear milestones and dates of completion for the work
Bob Fiehweg said that the WRAB would support the staff recommendations if the plan included maintaining and
enhancing the cohesiveness of the work groups and sponsors and if clear milestones were established along with
dates for those milestones.
Jeannette Hillery motioned to support the staff recommendation with the inclusions described
Gil Barth seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor af the motion.
Further discussion included finding out what other £unding sources are available and the role that the WRAB
would play in that. They also discussed incorporating the recommendations of the IRP into the Comprehensive
Drainage Utility Master Plan.
Ellen Willis, 2895 Lafayette Dr., Boulder 80305, said that she didn't think that CU had the best interests of the
citizens in mind and she said she doesdt agree with their goal of protecting future development on their site.
Agenda Item 5- Consideration of a recommendation to approve an InterGovernmental Agreement (IGA)
~ with the Town of Lafayette to construct a new pipeline from Boulder Creek (Staff - Ned Williams).
Ned Williams gave a brief presentation about the project. The pipeline would divert water from Boulder Creek
upstream of the 75'" St. wastewater treatrnent plant and bring it to Lafayette. The proposal is designed to settle
the dispute and pending lawsuit suit between the city of Boulder and the town of Lafayette over water rights in
the Anderson Ditch. The issue still needs to be presented to the City Council and the town of Lafayette. Also, the
city has received letters from ditch companies downstream from the W WTP asking the ciry not to support the
IGA because of potential impacts to water quality. The ciry will still meet all of its water quality standazds with
the diversion.
WRAB Questions
WRAB questions covered the following:
• Existing and future permit requirements
• Water quality standards, flow rates and mircing zones
• The safety of W WTP effluent
• The Anderson Ditch issue of dispute
Citizen Participation and W1tAB Comment
Dave Yardlev,1632 Broadway, Boulder, 80302, spoke on behalf of a group of share holders in the Lower
Boulder Ditch Company. He spoke about the problem with increased nitrogen levels in the creek. He described
potential agricultural impacts from high nitrogen and the concurrent economic impacts. He said that most crops
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June 18, 2001
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that do well economically in this area are negatively impacted by niVOgen and if Lafayette is allowed to divert
the water, niffogen in the creek will increase. He said that streatn standards are primarily set for fish and deal
with ammonia levels and are not based on agricultural uses. He said there is no stream standard for NO~. He said
that the issue of nitrogen in the water doesn't get much attention from staff, especially given how much attention
has been paid lately to flood issues. He said he realized that the IGA would probably be passed at the ciry council ~
meeting the following night and he was frustrated with the short notice that he had to prepare for the issue.
Jeff Kahn, P.O. Box 978 Longmont, represents agricultural companies that divert water below the W WTP. He
said that Lafayette should get the same water quality as the ditch companies and the only rights they have in
Anderson Ditch aze their part ownership in Baseline Reservoir. He said that Lafayette leveraged their 1/160`~ of a
share into a lawsuit and project that will end up costing the city of Boulder $1M and Lafayette $4M. The result is
that the ditch people will get water that is higher in nitrogen. He said sooner or later the city wiil have
requirements for denitrification and when that comes the treatment costs will increase as a result of decreasing
the diluting flows in the mixing zone. He said it is a raw deal for the ditch companies and for the ciTy of Boulder.
Dave Yardlev said that he had the materials compiled by Brown and Caldwell for the ciry of Boulder permit
renewaL Nitrogen removal was evaluated and costed in the study and 3 alternatives were presented. The capital
costs are high. The ditch companies support nihogen removal and would like to see capital costs put into
deniuification instead of diversion. He said the ditch companies would pay their fair shaze of that cost.
Crais Anderson, 8564 WCR 7, Longmont, 80504, is one of the farmers that will potenpally be impacted by the
IGA and he is also the president of the Boulder and Weld County Ditch Company. He said to keep agriculture
viable, they have to meet water quality standazds or suffer the consequences with crops. They purchased a sugar
company, are running a cooperative and are trying to make it all work. In losing the dilution factor, there will be
one more impact to agricultural viabiliry in the area.
Peter Cowen, 5494 Raritan Place, Boulder, 80303, said he had no opinion on the issue but wanted to shaze
some insights he had about a similar situation he observed in Cherry Creek. IIe said the water and wastewater
commission involved in that decision decided that if discharges met the permit requirements without regard to
degradation of water supply downstream, there was not a legal basis for the downstream users ask the upstream
dischargers to modify their dischazge. He also recommended to the city to not enter into the agreement thinking
that Lafayette has a"leg up" on the city and urged the ciry not to give in to legal threats if that was the basis for
going through with the arrangement. He acknowledged that there may be other reasons for completing the deal
that he wasn't aware o£ ~
Robin Bvers,1530 Kalmia, Boulder, spoke in favor of the IGA. She said as a taycpayer in Boulder she has
watched how much money has been spent on the Anderson Ditch case and said that the IGA will stop the flow of
money into the case. She said she thought that a trail along the pipeline would be a good addition to the trail
system. She pointed out that just because the ditch holders have senior rights they are not guazanteed water
quality and she recommended to the dotvnstream ditch owners to settle their disputes about water qualiry in
Peter Richards, 470 University, Boulder, 80302, spoke as a shareholder in the Anderson Ditch Company. He
said there should be some other options on the table and that there aze other ways to resolve the issue. He said the
city was pressured into this option because of the upcoming court date and he recommended that the city take
time to resolve the issue.
Alison Richards, 470 Universtty, Boulder, 80302, asked to have a trail easement along the Union Pacific rail
line if the agreement is passed.
Dave Yardlev pointed out that water quality issues are not resolved in water court.
WItAB Comments
WRAB comments covered the following:
• The IGA as a complete solution versus a band-aid solution
• How to address the nitrogen issue and what standards are anticipated in the future
• The nitrogen issue that was raised in the Thomton/FRICO case
• The appropriate ]ocaHon for resolving water quality issues
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
June 18, 2001
Page 4
11 ~
• The message sent to agricultural users in approving the IGA
• Whether or not there is hazd evidence of downstream damage from diverting flow
• Not letting eventual denitrification influence the decision to support or reject the IGA recommendation
~ They settled on the following motion:
The WItAB supports the staff recommendation to support the Lafayette IGA reco~nizing that tha impacts to
downstream users aze counterproductive to the city's long-held reverence for agricultural lands and open space
and the WRAB recommends that the IGA parties discuss the possibility oF a Vail along the Lafayette pipeline
which follows the Union Pacific Railroad uack aligcunent.
Jeanette $illerv motioned.
Cal Younabere seconded.
The vote was 4-1 in favor of the motion. Vicki Naber voted no.
Agenda Item 6- 2001 Uti-i[y Rate Study and Plant Investment Fee (Carol Linn).
Carol Linn presented the background on the rate study. $arlier this year, the Integrated Utilities Group was hired
to complete the study. Some of the study sections were included in the packet but no specific details were
included because the details aze still changing. She said the ciry will be receiving the model being prepazed by
IUG in August. The staff will use it to calculate fees for 2002 then the report will be published.
WI2AB Questions
WRAB questions covered the following:
• The block/rate suucture, revenue and incentives for water conservation
• Increases in Plant Investrnent Fees and how they compare to other communities along the Front Range
• The nature of the model and whether it is proprietary or if it can be adjusted
Agenda Item 7- Pub1Ic hearing, consideration and recommendation on the Utilities Division 2002-2007
Capital Improvement Program Including Preliminary Year 2002-2003 Operating Budget, Monthly Utility
Rates and Plant Investment Fees (Carol Linn, Bob Harburg and Ned Williams).
Carol Linn went over the details of the operations budget, She said that the budget materials were submitted to
~ the city manager on June 8, 2001. She went over the budget overview sheet and said that the info was presented
at a gross level.
Bob Harbure went over the highlights of the CIP budget. He discussed the main points of the water, wastewater
and flood control budgets.
WRAB Questions
WRAB questions covered the following:
• Rehab of the water distribution lines
• The public process outlined on the last page of the CIP overview
• The schedule for getting the CIP to the Planning Board and the City Council
• Permit requirements for reconfiguration of watershed facilities
• The budget associated with Colorado Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (CPDES) permitting
Jeannette Hillerv motioned to recommend to the Planning Board and the City Council the Utilities
Division 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program Including Preliminary Year 2002-2003 Operating
Budget, Monthly Utility Rates and Plant Investment Fees.
Gil Barth seconded.
The vote was, 4-0, in favor of the motion. Vicki Naber had left because she was itl.
Water Resources Advisory Baard
Summary Minutes
June 18, 2001
Page S
Agenda Item 8 -
A. Matters from the Board
Bob Fiehweg discussed the Environmental Advisory Board meeting he and Cal Youngberg attended on June
14, 2001 to discuss fluoridation of drinking water. He said the public response to the issue was mixed and ~
that people presented studies to support whatever theu viewpoint was. The EAB asked the WRAB to
reconsider the issue at a future WRAB meeting. Ned Williams added that the boazd of health in Ft. Collins or
Lazamie County will be organizing a panel to evaluate the issue and he recommended that Boulder monitor
closely the meetings oFthat panel.
Cal Youngberg announced that there would be a TMDL group meeting on Wednesday June 2Q 2001 at 2:00
in Longmont. They were anticipating participation by all the communities within the Boulder Creek basin.
B. MaYters from the Staff
• Ned Williams reminded the WRAB that the next meeting would cover the Greenways CIP and would be a
joint meeting with the Transportarion Advisory Board.
• Ned Williams reported that the next Bazker Reservoir meeting would be on recreation and would be held in
Nederland in August.
Agenda Item 7- Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda
There aze two upcoming meetings:
1. A joint meeting with the TAB to discuss the Greenways Program CIP on June 25, 2001
2. The regulaz meeting on July 16, 2001, which will cover the Beaz Canyon Creek flood plain re-mapping
Agenda Item 8 - Adjournment
The meeting was adjournad at 11:01 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
^ June 25, 2001, 7:30 p.m., Greenways Program CIP, at the West Senior Centar Creekside Room. ~
^ July 16, 2001, 7:00 p.m., regular meeting, at the City Yards in the Cafeteria.
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
June 1$ 2001
Page 6
13 ~
~u~-ic-ui inu uo c rn rte~vurt~c iiviu
r Ha nu, i
~ City of T3oulder
P.u•ks ~u~~d 1tNCreation Advisary Burrd
Apri123, 2001
(:ity Cou~~cil Chambers
6:00 ~.m.
7'he fUrtnwir~g are the nuni~re,s of t1Fe Ay~rlt 23, 2DU1 C.ity af Boulder F'arks aitd Recreufrun
nc(viso~y Buurd naeetin~~, A perr~zana~i~t1 se1 v,/'these niinute.s and a tape recvrdiiiS~ (n~uintarned fnr
[~ pei•iod ~~/'6 yecrr.s) cu•e r•ett~ined r~2 Cenlrul h'ecnrd.c (telephorte: 441-3043).
~io~rd I'resent: Gwi:n Daoley, C'.h~1ir; Ldward von Ble.ichert, Vice Chsair; Susan Ocbarr~e,
I,)ave Wining, Yam Hoge
)tuard Absent: Ch~irles Manlovc aud ThorrruS Sanford
tilsl'f Presenf.: Christine Anc~E•rsen, l)oug llawlhorne, Sarah T)eSouza, Gcorgia Jncks<~n,
Linda 3:o~owaeki, Maurcen Spitzer, Al Quiller, Kate Bernl»rdt, Mntt
M Hickey, Chase Wcir, Stcvc Russu, Julyu Bridgewatcr, Ron Gcscenlini
J. APl'1tOVAL ()N' A(;ENDA
Thc aguncla wus aPproved as subiY~iltc~.
April 2, 20U7
Minutcs wcrc approvcd as submitted.
Citizen P81L1C1p£i11017 Wati OOf.liC(S.
Several peoplc wilh lhe Baulder Nordic Club asked that Uieir time Ue given tu Gary Lticy
tio lhat l~e could spcak longar und sliow slidcs of lhe snowmaking pilot projcct.
Gary Lacy, 485 Anipahoe,l3ouldr.•,r 80302, Bc~ulder IVordic Clur, gavu a slido presentation
of the pilot 3nc~wmaking project c~r1 Q~e sUUdi side of V~tlm~nt C:iry Park. FIe expl:~ined
~ th<tt snow wfls snado only once und that sn~'w laslecl until M~iKCI~, demonstrsti:~fi lhat snc~w
retention w~s beu~r than expected. Lacy snid that pne-lialf kilometcr ie not lang en<~ugh
JuL-1C-U1 IhU Ub;GI YI"I K~SUUkG~ ~U~I hAX NU 1
fc~r a viablc trlck. He spok~ about thc importancc of sn~w maintenancc and saiJ future ~
tracks would nccd to bc tillecl and surf~c~ trc~ltccl ~o prevent icing. Lacy said that while
thc pilot projecc was soulh of Valmont, norQ~ of Valmont is rc111y thc viuble area hecause
ol'the availahility of w~tcr, and the existin~ vegetation nnd tcrrain. T..acy asl<ed for tl~c
is5ue to ~c on the aSend.t 1S s0on ;ts pnssible tor [he Bc~ard to decide wlicther tha lctivity
t~nd snowntakirtg t~ch~tiology arc appropriat~ for lhe xrea. lle askcd if funding alloct~led
for gruding ~aid landscaping south of V:tlznont coiild bc sct asid~ and used for north of
von l~lcichext said he was impresse~ with thu snpw relentaon and askccl how average
tClI1~CfAl~IrCS COmPat'ec1 to tI145 W311tCC. Lacy 7"C~Sj~Ol7CINC~ 1I7llt 1h~5 wirt(erWas [J I1ft(C colder
lhcuz ceverrrge.
Osbornc ~skcd Lncy if ~hc Nouldcr Nordic Club (BNC) was not interestccl in th~ south
sidc of Vnln~c~nt, Z,ar.y respaadc~d lhut the groGtp is deftnr.lely inlere.~~ted r~i ihe sor~th side'
,fnr soreie time !rt thC jt~lr~re. Al pre.sent the soutii facin~ Iny ojthe land arid lur.k of
ve,qetutinn indicate litcrt il wuuld i~e l~~tter for la~er plruxea~. After gradiag li~vd vegcsntinn
it cnultt Ge nta~le into a viable a•ki are[z.
Laicy said thlt thc group would likc tn do a similar hut expanded projcct on lhe north side.
1Ie said il~at nothing woulcl need to Uc changed anher th;m adding vcgctation wher~ver
wildlife experls feel is ncccss~aiy along the ditch corridas, Lacy concluded l~y s;iying th;~t ~
it wati difficult fin~ncially i'nr ~he group tlus p~st scason and he is not sure whetl~er thc
~roup can ftrnd the ptt~grtim ncxt scason withouc assistrince.
~cl Riedel, ] 5U ,S. 31" Strect, BoulJer 80305, Presidcnt of Boulder Comnnmity
Velodroane (I3CV), sai<f 52 mc~re cit.iz,ens havc signcc] a p~titi0n in SuPport of tt
velodrnme. lticclcl reccntly visiteci ltocl~cstcr, Michi~;,~n, where a veladromc is Ucing
built and took somc videc~ foc>tea~c to sl~ow wh3t a vclodrome looks likc in a citq park. Hn
offcrcd to show the*, vidco to Ihc 13o~rd.
Marian Furs~, 9$8 Sycsunore Ave, Bc~ulder SU3U3, rcpresenting th~ CU Speed Skating
Club ~ncl Quicksilver Speed ~katin ; Clnb, spoke in supporl of Q~e velodrorna 3he adclud
lhal, thore would be inline spesd skating in the cenler of lhe velodromc.
John Clyne, 262 S. Kc~hler, Bouldcr 80305,a board meinber of BCV. said that there are
s~fc pln~cs for kids to sks~tcboarcl, play basebull, soPtrall 1t~d gymnlstics, and it is time to
l~avc a v~;lc>dre~me ~nd a s~fc place fnr kids to ride their bikcs.
Jcremy Hackney, 1260 Kalmi~t Ave #1 ], Noulder SU304, nskcd tli~ Board tc~ keep thc
skatepark in mind wl~cn thcy think oF I.he vclodrome as thc BCV would ]ike si similar
atmosPlicro. It wotilcl be a place that is f'un, whcre kicls supez-vise thcrosclves and access
is frce.
1'RA13 M~ciiuo h/?3/pl - Pagc 2
15 ~
r nn nu, i
~ Sl~~n WolPoff, 800 Aooklawn I~rive, Boulder 80303, representinb thc Boulder handball
eom»uinity, spoke about the need for addition~l outdoor handball courts. Ile exp~'essed
disarpointment th~t the funds for tlic couiKS might Uc rcdircctcd to funcl thc NBRC
rcmodcl. l~ic rcmindcd [hc 13oard that handbnll is :t sport that rcquires lillle or no
cconomic srappon ancc courts .ire built.
Mike Pedersoa, Greenwood Villane, ~'resident of tl~e Colorado Tlandbtill Assoeiaition,
~ddcd liis supporl of Wolpoff's pctition for morc hanclhall courts,
Ann Bin-~gemtm, 331G Clovcrlcaf Urivc, 73ouldcr 803U4, spokc in support of lflc yoga
program and cx~~resscd concern over rumoi:c th~t the program mi~ht br: cut. She read a
list of tlic bccictits of yog1,
Citizen Participatiun was clo,ed.
av. ~~'~MS FRO~ ~r~r nr:rn,~t7'MI+;I~T
Andersen spokc about thc N(7t1MP Confcrcr~cc nu pcscicidc usc to bc hcld at CLJ Mny l8
- 2U ancl asked lt~o Boat~ to ch~ck lheir cal~ndars for availabiliry, Andersen encour~i~ec!
111LL^rE;A~E(I I3()P1fCI illE:lYII)Cl:ti L(1 1TI.Cf1ClTl LIIC HOilf(I S~CI'Ct21TY ilF SOU11 as possiUle so th~U
regi5tr:~ti<m could be done ati a group.
~ Wining inquircd f~bout thc c~nccllation of th~ Burkc Park dcdication. Fluwd~.nrne
responded thpl ke bc~lieve.c it rovas delrryed becnuse Uae ~,>roup lxxl nnt raisecl,funtls neetled
tn c07n~~lBtL tlae pr(~jFfct. TIiG~ Rurkr. Recrvers hRd c.o~t.tacted Hnwthnrne to say tlurt fi~nd
raistng wcrs• iaking longer tla.uni expected a~td nsked to delay the d~dicution uruil n~id
Hog~ inquirad abc~ut th~ use oP Roundup in ciry parks. Hawthornc responded rhat spot
spruyir:g nf irtdividc~ctl weecls hnd l~eert rio~ie, bi~t fi:at it ha,s now stopped. 1-loge asked
how tha~ fi~s in with the 9n~egrated pesf tnan~gement approach of using pesticides as a l~ast
resort. Huwtlior~~ir: re.spnnded ihnc tite fnnl mAdit has nnt 6een coinpleted and A~tdcrsert
nrlcfed ihpt thc pror.ess for rlecisinm m~king steps hns nor yer been determined. Sf~c ndded
tl:nt the er~viroiGn~entnl suGcornr~~irtee will Ge nieetirag o~z Wec~nesday, May 9, from 4- 5.~30
p.ri~. A71dc~rsen s~ctid .elze wnuld like represenln[ives frrn~a the F./IB und ihe PRi1B in
ntte~zdrniee tc~ ta(k crb~~eit iie:xt .steps fi~r layireg ot~t the repor•t and irry~len~entutivro .schedule.
V. 1.'1'1!;MS ~'RbM liUA1tU M~;MB~RS
Winiri~? expressed concern ovex• the repart on norclic skiing. lic s~id tl~at Phasc 1
r.ons~ruction h~tS hngun, gr:iding for the bike patla ~and ski tcfiil on thc south side is Uein~
dcme and now the ski conunirnity wants the trnil rnoved to thc north sidc of V~lmont.
Wining woz~da~cd what mi~ht i~avc Ucen done diffcrontly had the Bonrd not heliev~d that
~ ll~c ski trail would bc on thc: south sicie. Wining alsc~ expressed concern lh~lr the first
PItA6 Mccting 4/23/Ol • Page 3
~, ~ ~ C1-~ ~~~~ 16
w~ ic ut iuu ~o GO fll rtCAVUttLC I'IUIII PH7S IVU, 1
spoke in suppa•t of the ~ym expaiasi~~n. Shc cxpresscd concern for safely issucs. ~
Dcll1 CI1pTitYq, 1460 55''' SCrect, ]3oulder 80303, said the current gym size is
inaileyuate ~nd yet morc kids wanC tc~ participate in the program, He spoke in
sttppoct of thc gym cxpansion,
Jim McSwiggen, 48CG l~r.inklin Drivo, Bc~ulder R0301, spoke in support of the
gynmt~tit.ic capansion Rt NBRC.
Tlic pnblic hearing was closcd.
The Finarti dis~nssion on the CiP wa,s done ~~rior to the ~~otiori.
nn a motion by Wining, seconded liy OsUon~e, thc Pnrks and Recreation Advisoiy
i3oard votcd unuiiu~nusly (5-0 with 2 mcinbers absent) to approve Lhe staff
rcoommcnclntion fnr the increased full funding of the Nar~h B<~ulder 12ecrc~rtion
C~nter as outlined in tl~e document and trntntively upprove lhe fundisig sourccs
far thal, wiCh the pro~~ision tl~~t iho BonrS will revisil tnid finalizc it in M<~y.
Un ;~ motion by Wining, seccmded by von Sleichcrt, the Parks and Recreal.ion
Advisory Boarcl vo~ed un~nimousl,y (5-U with 2 member~ absent) to approvc
spencling up la ~h137,000 of Act in thc Park rnonoy 1'c~r the North Bouldcr
Recreation Center with thc pr~vision that s~aff will tAy to find ways to provide zut ~
wi~rk without spcndii~g all oP lhc Art in tla~ l~ark money, including using lncal
o-n•tists, schoois 1nd consull.alion willi the Art 13oard.
A. Capital Imprnvemcnt Pru~ram
Preser-tcrs: Christiaie Andersen, Deputy City Maaager for Lnviromnental
Services and K~tc 13crnliarclt, Actin~ Parks Planning and Construction
Ancicrsen gave a brie£ exl~lan.ition of the CIP ]ayout and wlaere choiccs c1n bc
13crnharclt cxpllined thc; four sources of tiindin~ and how th~ capilal
itu~rovem~nts program is designcd to accoinplish the gcYals of the P~irks and
Rccrcltion Malster Pl~in.
]3oard comrr~a7tv and cyuestinns:
• Hu~e avkecl wl~y I.lae restorcd tr2in would be sent t~~ C~eorgetown far a ycnr.
Flawtlaornt: r•es~or~ded tFia~ irt or~ter to fu f Il the grant received Jrom th<a
S/a~e Fli,sta~ic Pund, tlee cnrrch mu,st he road ~c>sted. The cncach will con~e ~
PRAB Mecling 4/23/UI - Fagu 7
JUL-1G ui inu uo c~ ru RCJUUI(~C iivui PH1S IVU, 1
~ Gnck ~01lvrstdcr, jvr a onEr d~iy displtry il:i.r c~uning Thr~rsday and ort 1~ ridrry
wiCl lie lukc~n l~ Cevrge~town wlaere it will he on thc loop a!C suinmcr lo~z~~.
Sornelime ir: Octr~ber ihe canch vvill ren~r~t to I3nulder Gul will no1 be
pluced in Ce~r,trr~l Pcn•k hrc~iuse nf enrACerrts fvr po.~sible vundcdr.sna.
Hcrwt):orne saiA lhtrt eventually t`ie Depnt anJ ~ruin will hr pl~r.ed
~v~er6ter on a ra~w site.
• ]nstead of crippling the Foothills rroj~ct com~lctcly, Hoge sugbaslr,d using
golf f;icilaty rcuiodcl funds m pay for Uie additional costs for tlic N'13RC
rcnovltion. Zlawthvnae respondr.~l tltnt those ftlnds were frvm ~,>reen feea•,
,/~rnrri ~,~ul%ers, wit{~ the icden that it was ser nsirle f~r impruvemeiu.r l0 llie
gnlf cottrst~. ALco, delaying 11~e p~'vject for a yerlr w~uld r:ot ullow for
srnue nf tl~e mniirnnl improven~cr~ts idenrified iFrat could Ge drn~e U~ia~ year~,
• Winin~ su~gested borrowing tl~c moncy from thc golf course for a ye~r
until lhe bonJ 9ssue.
• Wining s~.iid lxis prioritics arc NBRC aud Foothills Community Yark.
• Osborne snid that it makes sensc: that the Foolfaills project would bc
dcfcc•rcd 1'or a year because of issues associated with vacant staf'f positiims.
There are still significant funds in futurc ycars to complcte the park in
• von Rleichcrt asked how the devclopmcnt of Fpothills C.ommunity 1'ark
would be a£fected if funds were t7secl for lhe renovation oF N}312C.
lien~hnrclK respr,nderl th«t rhe pcu•k would he cornpleled in 2UOG iristead q/'
~ 2UU4.
• van B leichert tisked if thcrc was :~ time coiuiraint fc~r renovatic~n of tl~e
pl~ygrotmd ~t Tom Watson Park. Hcawthorne respoitded ~iiat lhere is u
sy,ete~~zettic progrnm. for artrJitin~ nJt ptnygroun~Js ai~d pru%e.~•~•rrinal stcrjf'
feel.s tite play~; rnu~id needs ro Lc rep/aced. Secondly, IBM hps a/rettcly
hee~t tal~l thp~ thnse irrtprove/rtenls wo~~/d be done thrs yecrr,
• F-loge suggest~A not sendino Iris E~Iollow out for bid until afler the May
meeting, Wining further sttogcstcd scheduling public hearing wilh
Pos~ible delays for Tom Watson, Iris Hollow and Foothills.
Kotowski infor~n~.d che 13oard lhat itie Platforrn T'ennis Courts issue w111 be coming U~ek
beforc thc I3o~rd in M~ty with optio~is fc~r moving the coiu•ts oPf sitc as wcli as on site.
Doolcy ¢~sk~d 1'or tlie next P~icket to be sent at ]c~st a wcch cariy so that Bnard mcmhers
can adequately review Yhe Cik'.
Bcrnh~irdt remincie~i the Bozrcl thlt lhc City Mnnagcr has requcst~d a 5~%a revenue
reduction auid asked Board mcmUcrs ~o think about where that cu~ shnuld be taken.
Ilagc said shc fccls thc Ai1 in the Park funding is inadequake and would likc th~ amo~mt of
increased. Anrlers•cen a.~•kec! Hnge ao make sr~~gesrlons on where she would like fiaul.s
h~enu Meocing a~z3~o~ - raEo s
JuL-1[-ul IHU ub~3u YI9 kC~JUUkG~ I"IGf11 hHX NU, 1
von Iilcichert priiiscd stuff for thc CIP information that was clearer ~nd cnsicr to read and ~
UsUornc cchoed von lileichci•c's ~~ntiments :~nd st~id lh~il ttze i»formation pr~~vieied in the
p~ckct wais clearcr. It appear~d tn hcr that Board questions had Ucen heard znd addressed.
Viil, ~ Tuture iioard items and Tnurs
Retreuf schcdulcd for May 5, S::iO - 12:30 p.m, at NCAR in the Damon room.
Joint Study Session with Council - May 8, C p.m. in Council C:laami~crs
}iernhardt said that Steve Joncs' repe~r~ would bc posted in it~ entirery ~6~ pElbES~ Oll tllG
city wcb sit~ and xsked which Board ~1,emUcrs would like u hard copy oi'thc full rcpo:~t
and which membcrs would 1 ik~; to receive a hlyd copy of the exccutive sumnaary. Wining
rcquesiEd tl~e cxccutive summary and thc rcmaining four lioard members rcqucstcd a full
1)oolcy requ~s~ed full color poslers 1'or Noothills and F,BCC, from the Master Plsm (usc~i
in L985 or 198G) for thc retreat ~u~d study scssion with Cotmcil. Ber~ahmvit responr~'erl
thnr s~/ae wiil l.nok fvr thca~s.
Dool~:y asked for zn inventay of curren~ facilities and would like to havc it ftu the retre~rt. ~
lf tl~at's not postiible she would ]ike to h~rve it for the study session wiilt C.ouncil.
von Rleichert s3id the iioard would nee~l to get conscnsus at the retxeat (bcfore fining to
Cc:~uncil) on thc followfig:
1. Mountain Occ~~n
2. Wildlifc carridor
3. Prograrnmin~ issucs
4. Partnorship issncs (P]?P)
5, Parking
von F3leicl~crt said hc was very unl~:tppy with what's l~appcning at Valmont with resard to
d~e coyotc den on lhe kno.ll. It was hit recollection thal activity was to be kcpt 1(l0 meters
from thc den and on ;~ rcccnt visit he found tirc tr~tcks 6 fc:et fram thc den up~ning. '1'he
wood cliipping m~icl~inc is al,,c~ loo closc to thc den, von }3leichcrt sud this 9s sictivc
laarassuiont of ~he coyotc Jon and expressecl concern that staff did not follow the t3ozrd's
recommeri~aticm and intent, Andensen respvnderl tha6 the recogni~ron f{uzt there was n
,serisi~rve area to be yrotecied urtd designare~t wa.c nnt,follou~ed throu,~~h a~~d
Conunaoiicated to the c~~n~rur.tvr about be{icevionc Board members recollected tliat work
nc~r the cnyole dcn w~s to b~~ kept to fl minimwn.
f~o~e ~iskcd how the pr.ocess could be impiroved in thc future. /~e.r~thrirc~t res~~ora~Xed thn~ ~
it wa,s lte~r ~aader.sta~adi~~g tluaP. lyrcr pcarking !nt wonld be deleter~ bt~t tl~rd the mst nf F'l~iase!
wna~(~I n4ove f'c»tivar~, wieile prr~tec~ing ihe coyotc~ clen n.s liest they c•ould. It tivas u far+lt ~f
PFA.F3 Mccting 4/23/01 - Pabc 9
Jt1L-1L-U1 ItlU Ub~JU YI'I KCJUl1KG~ flUl'll
t' HR IVU 1
~ c~ey oc B~-~~ae~
I'arks und Rocreation Advisory Roard
May 21, 2001
Public Safety 13uilding
1805 33rd Str~cl
6:00 p.nt.
'1'he, jnl~owriig nrc> the niincr~e.+ nf the May 21, 200! Ci1y of B~~t~lder 1'~prks und Recreutio~t
Arlvisa'y l3oar~l nte~elin,g, ~1 pcrmm2cr~t set q/ IMe.ee miiz~~fe,s n~id u lupe t'ecording (~tt~linl[7lned far
ti yr~riv~i of G ye«rs) tare m.tair~ed iri Crnirul Rcca~ct.c (te~lephone: 441-3043),
13n~rd Present: Gwcii Donley, Cht.iir; I:dward von Bleicherc, Vice Chair; Susan Oshorne,
Davc Wining, Pxm Cloge, Cl~arlca Maniave, and'1'homas Sanford
St,if'f Yresentt Chris Andcrscn, Dou~ Hawihora~e, S~uah DcSouzz, Genrgia Jackson,
l,.inda 1Cotow+ki, Maureen Spitzer, A1 Quillcr, Kale Rernl~ardt, Stevu
Russo, 7u]ya Aridgc:watcr, Tcri Olander
~ [. APPR~VAL UF A(:FNn~
'1'he ugcnda was zpprovad ~s submiltcd with a possible cl~ange. If time allowed, A~e
BoaA•d would consid~r Actinn ltem C Ucfore Acticm Tte~n H.
April 23, 2001
Minutcs wcrc approved aas submiLtcd,
M 1y 5, 200 I
Mimites we,re approved with ct~anges.
IfI. Ci1'I7.T~.TV PATt'1'ICInATiON
Citizen YarticipilllOR WEIS Ol)f:ned.
AraJ (~uillcr, 3900 Slvannah 4'lticc, Boulder 8O3U1, said hc is working on a school
~ projeet fu~d asked the 13o~rd t.o considcr use oF drug sniffin~ dogs co r~.eluee s~+le~ anc~ use
of dn~as in p~rks and oPc:n spacc.
JUL-1CU1 IttU U~~J1 YI'1 Kt~UUKGC I"Ilil'll
rHx Nu i
Tyler Clark, 7172 I~our Rivers Rcl, Brndder R0301, a Junior Ranger, said one of his dutics ~
is to pick up trcisl~ on the irails wlaere he somctimes f3nds drug paraphemali~. lIc nskud
tl~e 13oard to corisider use of clA~ug sniffing dogs ati 2l CjL'LEl'1'Cllt t0 (S1lle L15C ancl sales,
Sanford descri~ed hi.r e.zpe~•icmr.e working wis/~ drre,~r s~ai,~'~~zg dogs nnd said tirat rhey wnrk
Gesl in car/ined areas mtd are rinl e/'/'eclive fnr uc~ in oE~en arcas.
Nccl Riedel, 1 SO Soulh 31" St~~cc~, Bnulder 80305, presidcnt of Boulder Connnunity
Velodrume, st~icj hc was gre~,fly enec~uraged by tl~c.joint CouncillPRAT3 mectii~g. Ricd~l
suid Iu: subsequcutly rcccived a letter of interest to move forward with a proposnl to build
a ve(odconic :tt Valmont City F'ark.
Ci~izen F'arl.ic.ipation was closud.
MA'L"I'1~.R5 F120M THF: D~1:YAkTML;NT
"l'homas Sanford reacl his oalh of office ii~to the record at the May A, 2U01 joint Ciry
Council/YRAI3 Sfudy Scssion.
Andcrsc~~ saicl that slaiff was working with the YMCA, Yolicc, Pirc and Fiousin~ and
Humzn Services to discriss issucc of supervision, vaudalism, trash, graCfiti, eind
tiespassing 1t thc ekaYCparlc Shc ~ddcd that costs associated with supcivision at the
sk~[cpark would come from.Parks and Rec;realio~~ funds witli the tmders[anding from tlie
Cilq Manager that thosc fiands would bc: monitared tmd at year enc~, if aPpropriate, tlic
depur~ment m1y rcqucst continbeney Jollars, Doolcy and von Bleicl~ert cxpresscd intcrest
in rt~presentin~ thc PRAB nt rneetings oY~ skatcpark issues.
Andorscn s~id tllat lhe envircnament~l auQit has b~en completed aud invifcJ the Bot.ud to a
public mccting on Wedoesd<~y,lune 13, 4-6 p.m. in tl~e Munieipa] Building lobby, Staff
:~nd consultants will bc avttilahle to discuss elcrncnts of the rcrporl .ind a~tswer questions.
Nawl,hornc s~id scvccal hundred peoplc Zttcndcd the Beach Park dedication last Saturduy,
~Vini~~ ;~ind S~nforcl wcsrc nn hand ;is rcprescnt~tive~s of the H~ard and tl~c Univcrsiry Hill
Nei~hUorhood Association provided food and cnterlainment, Conuncnts wcre po~itive
and peoplc sccntcd l~ l~ve Lhe Pl;ryground a~zd Security lighting.
(lawthornc reminded T3oard mcrnUcrs ~hat the Boulder Creek Pcstival was thi. corning
ITT,1ViS I~'1t011R li()AItD MEMBT~It5
Wining wa.ntcd sciid that at the joint ~'RA13 and OSBT rrieeling on lottciy funds iherc
werc no meinUers on cither board that h~id participatcQ in th~ dec;ision ycars bcforc. In
c~rder lo provide eontimrity fcir tl~e process Wining suggested that Uath boards meet every
runu nq~crnr saaia - au~;~ 2
~ ~,C ~ `~ ~~ ~-~~1
J11L 1L U1 IIIV UJ~JG III IjGOUl1~SVG ~~ll~~~ rnn ~yU~ 1
~ Adrian Viclh, AOQ8 Mustique Ct,l3ouldcr 80301, saic~ thac Cil.y Council has
considered che soccer i'ields ~s park lroa when determining density cnlculatinn~,
~1c fecls tl~at fcncing the fieldti will limit a~ccess and chnnsc i[ from heing a park
Sili71 VfIRL'C, hU21 Saint Peteisburg St, B~ulder 80301, echoed Vie~h's sentirnent
th~t Cily Cc~uncil membcrs considcr thc soccer fieJds as park ]and for
he>menwners. Ile s~~ic:l it will no longer be a p~trk if fenced.
L~ick Sumcriicld, 395p Savannal~ Place, $ouldcr 80301, said he was nUt informcd
of'the rneetin~ even though ~t t~ prcvious meeting he hac~ signed someiUing tl~at ho
Ibought would ensure mcctin~ notifieation. He said lie feels tbstt a fcnce around
the fields is ~n cxtrcnie mua~ure,
Ticl C:~cs~ry, 3982 Escucdn Ct, Boulder 803U1, zsked I~ow thc daztiage c;S~iniate was
doaie and how thc cavsc of lh~ c~amage w~s determiucd. Hc said he ~loes not see ci
costJbenetit annlysis for installing a fence versus cost for ficld maintenance.
Thc public heurin~ w;zs closcd.
Un a motion by von F1leicl~ert, seconded by Sanford, th~ Purks und Recrcation
~ Advisory Bc>ard vnted (G-1 with Wining dissenling) to table tUe issuc until the
Junc 25 meeting wlicn stafYwill return with rnore infonnation and clarifica[inn on
issues such as thc cost of rcp~iting ficld damage versus ongoing m~inlcnancc and
the arnortired cost of 1 fencc; for st~ff lo return wSth two or thtec appronches such
us incomplete fencing with Urettks co channel people pASt signage or full fencing
without gates; with diffcrcnt approacheS to etiforcement a~~d how this could he
Manlcrve <isked stlff to detercnine whe:ther ec~ecer playiug time eould be increased
with ideal manageme~~t of the ficlds. He saicl it Aid not necd to Uc part of the
motion as a fricndly amcndment, but felt it was impoi~t~nt for stnfF ta explore.
TY~~ Bc~ard ~onk ~.i five minute brcnk. After the break the }3oard dccidcd to consider
Acdnn item C beEore Action Ttcm 13.
von 131cichcrt left the rneeling; at 9:UU.
B. Public Yifearing ~nd (:onsidcration of a motion of approval and
w•ccummen~lation to Q;ity Council rcgarding the Parks ~nd Recrealinn
i)epurtment's proposed 2002 Capital improvement Program (CiP) including
discu:,siun xbout potential dclay of devclopment of Foothills Cpmmunity
PRAI~ Mccting 5%LI/Ul - F'a~e 5
Yark, Tlatirons Gcrlf Coiirse projects,'fom WatSnn Playgrnund renovatinn ~
and 1'slmar's '1'vuo Nlilc Nei~hborhuad Park
I'rescntcr: K1lc ~f~crnhardt, Actin}; Superinlendent of Parks PlAnnin~ smd
13ernl~ardt gave ,i Uricf explanation of ilu revised sprcadsheet and chanSes made
1s a res~.ilt of the joint 7~~dA13/05iiT mecting.
'fhe puUlic hcarin ; was opcned.
No one spoke.
Tl~c public laearing wati clotied.
On a motion Uq Manlove, seeondeci by Sanfor~, lhe ~'arks and Recreation
Acivisocy Bpard votcd unanimously (6-0 with 1 memUcr absent) to approve t]~c
2UU2 CIP ai~ ,hown in [hc revised sprcad5heet d~~tcd May 1$,
C. Publie heariYig and consideration of s~ motion to relocate the PI.-tform '1'ennis
Cor~rL4 currenLly located w~lhin lhe expansinn area for the North Tioulder
Rccrcation L"enlcr
Pri~senter: M~uraen Spitr.er, I.andscaUe Designer
Spitzcr expl:~ined tl~u time coustraint ancl need to dctennine whetl~cr or not d~e ~
plalform tennis eourts will remain ae the North Boulcfer Reereztion Center
'1"l~c ptiblic hearing w;is opened.
Will Shafrqt.h, 2U29 Mapleto~~,l3oultler 8Q30_, said thnt the ]ighting aud ni~ise
issues would be niitigalecl with improv~:d ligl~ting, lovvering 1:he eourts and
landscape dcsign. He expressed a preference for tlie platfoa~m tennis courls to
remain ~t Nortti.
l~on 5horwc~od, 7334 5otiuh Meadow Ct, Boulder 8U301, said platform tenni+ has
becn supporced at NBRC Por twenty years and l~e would like ll~em to rcmain ~here.
Cu~y Hc~rvath, 4531 W 12Q`~' Avc, Br~omfield 80020, President of PPTA, Spoke
on Uchalf of platform tennis and kccping lhe courts at North. T-Te would like to
liosi a~rand o~icning and inclttdc ttie neighborhood when the courts aru reopened.
Fiorrnie Sundance, 1724~ Notth Su-eet, ~3ouldcr 80301, p~tron of NBRC, expressetl
appreciation for s~uff timc ancl ener~y to r~search alteruutc sices, and askcd lhe
}3~ard tu move the platform lc:n~iis couris elsewhere, to prescrve the grccn space, ~
FR AT3 Mccdn~ 5/2l /(l I- Pngc G