6A - 2002-2007 CIP Attachment F List of Projects Suggested for Design Review~ ac men List of Projects Suggested for Design Review • • ~ ATTACHMENT F PROJECTS SUGGESTED FOR DESIGN REVIEW The purpose of the review is to scrutinize City projects for opportunities to provide higher quality improvements in the public realm -- projects with a`public face'. The projects listed here have been identified as projects that should have some review and consideration about design issues and would not otherwise undergo a CEAP, or a CEAP may be required but the projects have specific design issues and should be reviewed by the Downtown Design Advisory Board (DDAB) or the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB). Design review of these projects should be coordinated between the primary city departments listed below and the planning deparhnent. Parks and Recreation Department Neighborhood/Pocket Park Development Civic Park Improvements - DDAB, LPAB Pubic Works Department Facilities and Asset Manaeement Public Plaza Space Public Safety Facilities ~ Municipal Facilities Municipal Building Improvements Remodel Fire Station #2 - LPAB Water Utilitv Historic or cultural resources associated with the Barker Dam or System - LPAB Projects affecting any ditches - LPAB .