5 - Zoning - Central Area ResidentialCITY OF BOULDER iartment of Community Design, Planning and Development r.u. Box 791 Boulder, Colorado 80306 (303)441-3270 Fax#: 441-3241 June 20, 1997 Dear interested properry owner, In September, the Citv Council will take action on a rezonin~ that mav affect your pronerty. In preparation for this rezoning, the City Council has adopted extensive revisions to the land use regulations. Additionally as a prior step to these rezonings, amendments were made to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan land use map. Please fmd on the next pages an area map or maps that show where rezoning is proposed and sheets that summarize the newly adopted or revised zones. To understand the effect of the rezoning, locate your property on the appropriate map and note its proposed zoning. Then find the summary sheet that matches the zone. If there have been no changes to the applicable zoning district, no summary sheet wIll be included. Refer to the existing land use regulations.. The revised land use regulations are available in the Planning Department, as well as a version of the regulations that shows where deletions and additions have been made. City planners with expertise on the proposed rezoning for your area are listed on this bookleYs cover. After reviewing the information in this booklet, call them with any remaining questions about the effect of the rezoning on your property. The Planning Board and the City Council will be holding joint hearings on the rezoning and you are invited to come and speak. The public hearing dates are: July 16 Industrial zones in East Boulder and Gunbarrel and Industrial to Residential zone conversions July 17 North Boulder and Boulder Junction zones July 23 Downtown Commercial zones July 24 Mixed Density-Estab(ished zone and Rural Residential 1-Established zone July 30 Transitional Business-Established to Developing zone, the Business Main Street zones in University Hill and along Pearl Street west of 9th Street, and the Mixed Use-Redeveloping zone addition To schedule a time to speak, please call 441-1900 and press #S. All hearings will begin at 6:00 P.M. in the Ciry Council chambers located in the Municipal Building at the southwest corner of Broadway and Canyon Boulevard. Following the hearings, the Planning Board will make a recommendadon on the new zoning boundaries to the City Council. Iu consideration will be on August 7, beginning at 7:00 p.m. There will be no public hearing. , The first reading by the Ciry Council will be August 19. At ttus meeting, the Council will ask questions of the staff about We rezoning map, the supporting material and other input that Council members have received. The second reading will be on September 2. At this meeting there will be a public hearing on any new information and Planning Boazd's recommendation, and the Council will vote on the rezoning. If significant changes are made to the original proposal, a third heazing will be held. This hearing will be on September 16. All City Council meetings will be televised, and meeting agendas will be printed in the Daily Camera on the Sunday prior to the meeting. It is our goal to provide you with the information you need to understand the rezoning. Please let us know if we help in the understanding of these zoning changes. Regazds, ~ ~j/ ~ ~r~ / G Robert O. Cole, Acting Planning Director 2 W `~~~~i~ ~I ~ r' ~ i~~~ ~i, Ermmmm mrmm ~ . ~ ~ ~ - ,_ _._ _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , =~~ a 'k 1i~u ~"'_~~~ -r -'~-,-~~;:% ~ _ ..~ _ _._. ~ , Proposed Rezonings m,",~....,... ~......,,,..,..,, ,~.,E .,o.E.,,,o. MXR-E Rezoning Proposal - 6/17/97 DEFINITION Mixed Dens'ity Residential-Established: Mixed density residential areas wilh a variety of singfe tamily, detached, duplexes and multi-family units that will be maintained; existing structures may be renovated or rehabilitated. CONCEPT Medium density residentiai redeveloping areas in the process of changing to a residential use or, if already residentiai, to a higher density of attached residential development where each unit generally has direct access at ground level, and where complementary uses may be permitted under certain conditions. The intent is to preserve the existing mix of housing types within the neighborhood, by requiring 6,000 square feet of lot area per unit built. Existing residences wiii be permitted to remain as they currently exist to preserve the mixture of housing types found within these areas. Limited office and commercial uses such as personal service outlets, retail uses of less than 2,000 square feet and art and craft studio's may be allowed within this area, subject to a Use Review requiring neighborhood notification. USES Allowed Uses: • Detached dwelling units • Attached dweliing units • Duplexes • Public elementary, junior and senior high schools • Parks, p{ay fieids, ptaygrounds, and goif courses operated by a public agency, neighborhood, or homeowners' association. • Recreationai or athletic facilities operated as part of and for the sole use of the occupants of a development. • Small day care centers • Congregate care facilities • Accessory buildings and uses • Crop production, orchards, flowers, production and forest land Conditional Uses: • Religious assemblies • Group home facilities • Residential care facilities • Antennae for wireless telecommunications • Cooperative housing units • Owner's accessory units Use Review Uses: • Boarding and rooming houses • Recreational buifdings and uses open to the public • Large day care centers with less than 50 children • Large day care centers with more than 50 children • Private elementary, junior and senior high schools • Adult education facilities and vocational schools • Custodial care facilities • Offices, professional and technical • Medical or dental clinics of offices • Personal service outlets not exceeding 2,500 square feet in size • Personal service outlets exceeding 2,500 square feet in size • Establishments for the retailing of convenience goods meant primarily for the residents of the neighborhood, provided the total square footage devoted to retail uses does not exceed 2,000 square feet in size • Art or craft studio no larger than 2,000 square feet in size • Antique store no larger than 2,000 square feet ~ • Automobile parking lots and garages as a principal use • Car pool lots • Essential municipal and public utiliry services • Governmental facilities • Temporary shelters • Broadcasting and recording facilities MXR-E BULK REQUIREMENTS Minimum Ouen Soace P~C ~ ~$L$ ~: Concept: Provide a minimum amount of open space per unit for use by occupants of the units and to assure that lot do not become dominated by buildings. Proposed standard: 600 square feet per unit Minimum 2fL-$1f~i Parkina; Concept: Meet the needs for parking of the specific unit based on the number of bedrooms provided within multi-family units. Proposed Standard: Minimum off-street parking residential: Minimum off-street parking non-residential: for detached dwelling units, one space; for attached dwelling units, one bedroom requires one space; two bedrooms require 1.5 spaces; three bedroom two spaces; and four or more bedrooms require three spaces one space per 300 square feet of floor area Setbacks/ Build-to Llnes: Concept: Maintain setbacks from previous zone districts where possible. Proposed Standard: Principal buildings: Minimum Front Yard landscaped setback for all Principal Building and Uses 25 feet Minimum Side Yard Landscaped setback from a street for all buildings and uses 12.5 feet Minimum Side Yard setback from an interior lot line for all principal buildings and uses 5 feet Minimum Total Side Yard setback on the same lot for both side yards 15 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback for all principal buildings and uses 25 feet Major Street Setback Standards (See major street setbacks map, appendix C to the Land Use regulations) 5 Accessory buildings: Minimum Front Yard Setback for all accessory buildings and uses Minimum Side Yard Setback from an interior lot line for all accessory uses Minimum Rear Yard Setback for all accessory uses 55 feet 3 feet, if any side yard provided 3 feet, if any rear yard provided Maximum ¢y1LL~1.0$ Heiaht; Concept: Maintain setbacks from previous zone districts where possible. Proposed Standard: Maximum Height for all Principal Uses (ft.)~°~~~ 35 feet Maximum Height for all Accessory Uses (tt.)~°~ 20 feet H:IDATAILONGRANG\SPPROJW OBS~ZON ESUM.MXE 6 OWNER'S ACCESSORY UNIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Accessory Dwelling Unfts (ADUs): The general consensus of the Planning Board was that the concept of an ADU within an existing owner-occupied single-family home or as a small detached unit on a conforming lot was acceptable without limitation in the mxr~ area, but that the concept required another name and new standards. As adopted by the City Councll on June 17, 1997, these units are called "Owner Accessory Units" (OAU's) and must meet the following standard: A. An OAU may be approved only if one single family detached unit exists on the lot, not including accessory structures. B. An OAU may be approved on a conforming lot (6,000 square feet or larger). C. An approved OAU may only be occupied by up to two persons. No more than four unrelated people may occupy a property with an approved OAU. A restrictive covenant shall be recorded putting all future land owners on notice of this provision for use of the OAU. D. The OAU may not be occupied unless either the OAU or the principal unit on the property is owner occupied. E. An OAU contained within an existing residence may not exceed 1,000 square feet or 33 percent of the size of the existing residence, whichever is less. F. A detached accessory building containing an OAU may have a buiiding coverage of no more than 500 square feet and an OAU unit size of no more than 450 square feet. G. One additional on-site parking space meeting city standards for the use of the OAU must be provided, for a minimum of two (2) on-site parking spaces. H. An approved OAU shall be placed on a three-year rental license review and renewal program. I. Design criteria for a detached OAU: 1) If garage doors are placed on the unit, they shall be single car doors (no two-car- wide doors). 2) All units shall be designed to have a pitched roof of 6:12 or greater. No flat roofs or lower pitched roofs shall be permitted unless cpnsistent with the architecture of the existing house on the property. 3) Maximum height of an OAU shall not be greater than 20 feat unless a roof pitch is greater than 8:12 and the resulting ratio of the height of the roof (measured from the eave line to the top of the roo~ to the height of the side walls (measured from the low point of grade to the eave line) is less than a 1:2 ratio. In no case may a building be taller than 25 feet. 4) An OAU shali have a minimum of 60 square feet of private open space provided for the exclusive use of the occupants of the OAU. Private open space may include porches, balconies and/or patio areas. 5) Architectural design and materials shail be consistent with the existing residence on the site or the adjacent building(s) along the side yards of the lot requesting an OAU. J. Setbacks shall comply with accessory building setbacks. This guideline does not preclude a person from removing an existing residence from the property and rebuilding a new residence and an OAU. 2. A small portlon of the area west of third between Pearl Street and Canyon Boulevard has been recommended to be removed from the MXR-E designation and rezoned to TB-E Transltional Business Established. This area has been historically zoned I-E Industrial-Established and the TB- 7 E designation was found by both the Staff and Planning Board to be the best zone for the existing and future uses supported in this area. 3. Planning Board supported the addition of 842 Pine into the area to be designated MXR-E. The owner of this properly requested the Pianning Board inciude 942 Pine in the MXR-E zone. The new boundary for the MXR-E zone was along the south and east property lines of this property and the zone made the properly less non-conforming then the LR-E zone currently present on the property. Planning Board supported this change from LR-E to MXR-E . ZONE SUMMARIES: Summary Sheets outlining the proposed uses and standards in the Mixed Density Residential - Established (MXR-E) zone are provided on the previous pages. 8 Kalmia Area Zoning Proposal - 6/17/97 Proposed Rezonings 500 0 500 Feet o~<;~~,°:.`an:,ra.;:;;;~~;;:,`~';~;:E~`~oa~;;o ~~~~oFHOUC~~'~n N ~ .~.~...a....,.~~,.~~,o,...., .~,,.,,..~,~....,...., ~ ~.~..~.~e. ~ ~.~aaE~~sM~~~ .w~E,~,EwE~E~.P~ ,~,..~.~...~~~~.,.~~„~... F~K~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ DEFINITION Rural Residential areas primariiy used for large lot detached residential development at a density lower than that customariiy found in urban areas; CONCEPT Increase the minimum lot size to 30,000 square feet while maintaining existing ER-E bulk standards. USES Allowed Uses: • Detached dweliing units • Public elementary, junior and senior high schools • Parks, play fields, playgrounds, and golf courses operated by a public agency, neighborhood, or homeowners' association. • Smali day care centers • Crop production, orchards, flower production and forest land Conditional Uses: • Accessory dwelling units • Religious assemblies • Group home facilities ~sg v ew Uses: • Cooperative housing units • Private elementary, junior and senior high schools and adult education facilities • Recreational buildings and uses operated as part of and the for the sole use of the occupants of a development. • Large day care centers with 50 children or less • Large day care centers with more than 50 children • Car pool lots • Essential municipal and public utility services • Governmental facilities RR1-E BULK REQUIREMENTS in u Off-Street Parkina: Residential: one space per dwelling unit Non-residential: 1 space per 300 square feet of building Setbacks/ Build-to Lines: Concept: Keep the existing setbacks for ER-E Proposed Standard: Principal buiidings: 25 feet minimum front yard 10 feet minimum side yard 25 feet minimum total side yard 25 feet minimum rear yard ~~ Accessory buildings: 55 feet minimum front yard 10 feet minimum side yard 3, if any rear yard Non-standard Lots: Lots which are smaller than the minimum lot size but larger than one-fourth of the minimum lot size may be developed if the building meets the setback requirements. ll