5 - Meeting Agenda, 7/5/01City of Boulder Development Review Committee MEETING AGENDA 1739 Broadway, Room 401 8:30 a.m. 7/5/2001 PROJECT DISCUSSIONS PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED for 7/11/01 Tom Zimmerman 1043 Pine Street Liz Hanson 2:00 p.m. Use Review Dexter & Christine Correa 1945 Norwood Mike Randall 3:00 p.m. Subdivision COUNTY REFERRALS City of Boulder Real Estates Services Subdivision Exemption for a Boundary Line Non Johnson Northeast of Boulder, at the northwest Adjustment between two parcels in exchange DUE 7/27/01 Corner of Jay Road and the Longmont for a conservation easement on another parcel. Diagonal Jack & Meredith Gindi Limited Impact Special Review for overlot grading Nan Johnson 5045 N 51 s' Street of 2,384 cubic yards of material for the construction DUE 7/12/01 of a residence, including a swimming pool, pool house, and tennis court. Chris Nansen Site Plan Review for the construction of a 1,797 Nan Johnson 5661 Juhls Road sq. ft. addition to an existing 1,756 sq. ft. residence. DUE 7/9/01 LAND USE REVIEW COMMENTS for TRACK 25 Applicant Name Case Number Case Manager Development Name Review Type Address MAUREEN SPITZER LUR2001-00039 Mike Randall NORTH RECREATION CENTER Site Review 3170 N BROADWAY NANCY MONSON LUR2001-00040 Nan Johnson 2650 TABLE MESA- RUNNING RiVER Use Review 2650 TABLE MESA DR BRIAN RICK LUR2001-00041 Brent Bean No Development Named Subdivision Preliminary Plat 4700 BASELINE Rp REVIEW OF REVISIONS Applicant Mame Case Number Case Manager Devefopment Name Review Type Address JOE MCDONALD LUR2001-00009 Brent Bean COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 3 Site and Use Review 4835 ARAPAHOE AV JOHN GEIER LUR2001-00016 Mike Randall BENJAMIN PUD AMENDMENT Site Review 1382 KALMIAAV ED BRISTOW LUR2001-00021 Don Durso PEARL AUTO SUBDIVISION Subdivision Preliminary Piat 2825 WILDERNESS PL LOU DELLA CAVA CANYON GATE PLAZA 2700 CANYON BL LUR2001-00028 Site Review Liz Hanson TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS REVIEW COMMENTS for TRACK 25 Applicant Name Development Name Address Case Number Review Type Case Manager BRIAN RICK No Development Named 4700 BASELINE RD TEC2001-00027 Brent Bean REVIEW OF REVISIONS Applicant Name Development Name Address Case Number Review Type Case Manager ED BRISTOW PEARL AUTO SUBDIVISION 2825 WILDERNESS PL TEC2001-00011 NEW SUBMITTALS - Track 27 Don Durso If you are interested in reviewing one of the following projects, yet have not received the DRC information packet by Friday, July 5, 2001, please contact Diane Lopez at 303-441-3136. LAND USE REVIEW NEW CASES Applicant Name Case Number Case Manager Development Name Review Type Address RUSS DRISKILL MESA CHURCH SUBDIV1S10N 805 YALE RD CHARLES DEAN 1300 WALNUT STREET 9300 WALNUT ST J MIDYET~E 1712 PEARL STREET, LLC 1712 PEARL ST LUR2001-00042 Don Durso Subdivision Preiiminary Plat LUR2001-00043 Brent Bean Concept Plan Review & Comment LUR2001-00044 Brent Bean Site Review