4 - Disposition, #TEC2001-00030, 6740 Winchester CrCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-5, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved, subject to the conditions below DESCRIPTION: Final Plat: Gunbarrel Technical Center Replat D, a replat of Lots 9, 10 & 11 into two conforming lots, Lots 9A & 10A. LOCATION: 6740 WINCHESTER CR COOR: N11 E04 OWNER: EDS Customer Relationship Management Inc. & 6707 Winchester L.L.C. APPLICATION: Final Plat, Case #TEC2001-00030 ZONING: IM-D (Industrial Manufacturing-Developing) CASE MANAGER: Robert Myers THIS IS NOT A SITE SPEC~FiC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved on: Julv 12. 2001 ~ ~ ,/~ ,; ~- ; /~ ~! .%~ ~~ By: ~4', l:.' ~ i(,~':_G~ i~%~ Peter Pollock, Planning Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Ptanning Board expires: Julv 26, 2001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The subdivision is approved subject to the terms of the Subdivision Agreement. Address: 6740 WINCHESTER CR ~" ar„~ 5 ea -Gb Fb yA.~~ ~ 1. ~i e. tt b 8^ -'g~a c ~k'~ pa gyy 5~Z¢¢~k$3rig y~3~3 bAe 9~2 A2~~~~~ ~~S ~9~aA88 a~.@`~gge:~ ilyY ~'~~' Ag `•_ pia ' :e t bM - ks ~ ~€~e€b ~ve~r ar$ ~@ ~,sY;~ gay °~.;„7 $E$!F~® Y.,~s 2.d as fzG sn~~p~ ~ r $ €_Y~~ia Si9e~~i~Y§ke A b~ $ ~ ~°4 4YY3 9A -". 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R.. i ~:. y / ]p"-~ ' a ~ ~ i j j ~a 8 ~~ ~ Q _Y a I~&Y c ~: -~,~ ~., ~~as ' ~ ~ ~ yEl! ~Za~~^r I Sy i ~ a3 _ ~ ~ _} . ~ I I \l (j B (bVl.l[2R. ~ C gd a Im)povi a~ [tl E byR ~ S Y~ ~ y L~~ g a h &~~ S. ~ § @@~~ ~~~k F ~ ~~ ~~u! a ~ 6;}~ d 3~ - ` N ~;~ 6 ~ ~ b Ik ~b8 ~ YY~ G ~¢ b 5 ; Y6F d~; ® py{ yy ~' ks } Y Y 4. ~~gi k ~ d ^ 222 ~ 5Ja » s G A q} 9 r Y i ~ 7 ( ( id p' ~. ~ ~ ; ~ ° e~ i-' ~ iS tlY _ ~ ~ 4 j g ~' E d x%6 A~ Ys u ~ ~ ~- A 6 ~ G ~ 6 o E 5 B [be i i ad O 9n , e e~~ 3 F B [4~b'%' Y> CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-5, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Approved, subject to the conditions below DESCRIPTION: TECH DOC: Technical document review for final plat to eliminate the lot lines between Lots 7, 8, and 9 and the westerly 1/2 Lot 10, Block 36, Boulder. LOCATION: 1611 CANYON BL COOR: N03W06 OWNER: STEPHEN TEBO APPLICATION: Final Plat, Case #TEC2001.00012 ZONING: TB-E (Transitional Business-Established) CASE MANAGER: Robert Myers THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved on: July 13, 2001 --~ . _ Peter Pollock, Planning Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: Julv 27. 2001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The subdivision is approved subject to the terms of the Subdivision Agreement. Address: 1611 CANYON BL Q Q ^~^ LPL W T °~ m ~x LL z ~ 1M1 ~ f.Y~ Q F~. W ~~ s° W? °o ~o~ m°O ~ o z° O ~," m ~ ""o~,~,- ~~z~o 0°a``w 0 Zpz~~, 0 ~aF~ Q ~ O 2~~ F ~`FO V V a~ J~~ ~~ Q ~~ zOF F ~' /~ ~3 my ~= 1..1.. ~ O O 2 ~Aa~ 3a~~i~~ b b ~byg o:~~$8 Srue bg_p.Ag~ it avp~ €v~~~s ~~s~ ~~'~a~r a es~a~ w~~ 3d' ~$ a ' ` `~ aa~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. I ~_`. y ~g uek Y~~kg Cad $~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b ~ ~~ i 'I ~~ ~° ~~~" eb~~ ~~s ~ ~ „ ~ ~ of I$ ,~ ~ I ~ ~ 'I 8 ~. a ~$q ~ & Z;~ ~ I i'&o ~ mEgb sa~ ~~~a ~x pa p i Ib ~~o _ ~ yq~1ygpqp ~~YYyy a +~pp@#~j6 ~y~77 b ~ g~i ~ °a :B j~ ; ~ 5` ° P ~~ ~ 45 ~6R~~ ~Nb`d Z~ m " ~ CST I s ° ~? ~o ~] Itl 'tl s'aaas~~ ~g~Weia°~ =~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ µ L ba ~'6s = a$~ ~;o~~~g gy;3~s` a ~~a~i$ i~~'~ ~~a~b: a~~ a ~_~~ $y~'a~a ~' ~~'saz y-n~~°.~~ ~~=uYaa ads ~2~~43a b~. ~,~~ 3~~3~~ n?~@aa~ ~ffio ~~~eaaa °3 es~E: EYYd~Y~fl"g" JW I j a8~ g sys~ ~b ~ ~~b~ $g obi. n~k~gb. 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