4 - Call Up Item, Use and Site Review #LUR2001-00039, 3170 North BroadwayMEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Toor and Members of City Council FROM: Ron Secrist, City Manager Peter Pollock, Planning Director Mike Randall, Planner DATE: July 26, 2001 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Usa and Site Review #LUR2001-00039, North Boulder Recreation Center, located at 3170 North Broadway. Attached is the Notice of Disposition for Use and Site Review #LUR2001-00039, North Boulder Recreation Center, located at 3170 North Broadway. This item went before the Planning Board on July 19, 2001. It was denied by the Planning Board with a vote of 4-2; B. Pommer and T. Nielsen opposed, and A. Guntier was absent. This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before August 1 S, 2001, There is one scheduled City Council meeting during the 30-day call-up period: August 7, 2001. Address: 3365 FOLSOM ST CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on July 19, 2001 the following action was taken by the Planning Board based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-4, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: Denied PROJECT NAME: NORTH RECREATION CENTER DESCRIPTION: SITE REVIEW AMENDMENT: to add two platform tennis courts to the North Recreation Center. Previous approval is LUR2000-00009 North Recreation Center Expansion. LOCATION: 3170 N BROADWAY COOR: N05W06 OWNER: CITY OF BOULDER APPLICATION: Site Review, Case # LUR2001-00039 ZONING: LR-E (Low Density Residential-Established) CASE MANAGER: Mike Randall This decision may be called up before the City Council on or before August 98, 2001. if no call-up occurs, the decision is deemed final thirty days after the Planning Board's decision. motion: At its public hearing on July 19, 2001 the Planning Board Denied the request with the following On a motion by M. Cowles, seconded by T. Krueger, the Planning Board denied Use and Site Review #LUR2001-00039 (4-2; B. Pommer and T. Nielsen opposed the motion, and A. Gunter was absent) as outlined in the staff memorandum dated July 19, 2001 (preparation date July 6, 2001) with the following findings: Based on the evidence presented to the Planning Board at the July 19, 2001 meeting, the Planning Board finds that given the location of the platform tennis courts in relation to the surrounding residential use, the applicant failed to demonstrate that the negative impacts upon the adjacent residential neighborhood would be minimized. 2. Given the location in relation to the residential uses the applicant failed to demonstrate that the platform tennis courts were reasonably compatible with the existing character of the surrounding neighborood. M. Cowles supported the motion because the proposed location of the platform tennis would not minimize the negative impacts to the adjacent residential neighborhood because of the noise and would not be reasonably compatible with the existing character of the surrounding area, and that the incursion into the Olmstead pocket park should continue to be used for the enjoyment of the people. M. Ruzzin supported the motion because he thought that programs had been added on the site and the circumstances had changed with different impacts for the neighbors that surround the site. He also said that should there be a Address: 3170 N BROADWAY need to expand the platform tennis, there would not be additional space at the North Boulder Recreation Center to accommodate the expansion. B. Pommer did not support the motion because she agreed with the staff in its recommendation that the proposal satisfies the use and site review criteria. T. Nielsen did not support the motion because she said that the existence of the tennis courts creates a much larger impact than the platform tennis courts do and that the platform tennis courts are a potential asset to the neighborhood. She said that if people live in a neighborhood that has a recreation center, there is a certain amount of impact that is accepted. Approved By: Peter Pollock, Planning Director Address: 3170 N BROADWAY cnnASres Aoomo. 4iCiYWA ~i -r~ i_Ji 10ZCC~IED ![AiIWMSPMa6 cmmowre j ~ ~.~.~. '~~ / ~~. `~_/' Attachment Cl ~~~~~ i -~ ~ ~"~ /n i~ '~~ ~~' Grsxsed detmGanam4 ''_-- i; ~® owdnmm depth 2-3'. ~~ ' ; ® _ '~:~ , // Lam' ~' /. / ' ,. / ~~ _ /~ / •!, / ~ j .. r "~ i i~ i mz~wzt side slopes 4:1 i ~ *~ ~ - ~ •` -._. ~ ~~ _ PLATF~7R~I'E.~NIS PE:LOCATION ~ ; - ~:`', NORTH BOULDER _ RECREATION CENTER '~.' ~,\ i/ IId370i -SSOCllid3 n~wo m usaus .~.'~ wutsrox ~.moc+wm. atc. zasa rr~m. zr~r zata tao >+aotnme. rotatuuo soooz ~ Ate wt-se rC taA,Hl e rtwtnn t Mike Randaii City of Boulder Planning Board r~ndallmna c+ houider co uv July io, zooi Dear Mr, Randall, U s PPTA a - As the current President of the USA professional Platform Tennis Association (ppTA), the trade association far platform tennis teaching professionals, and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Platform Tennis Association (APIA), governing body for the sport, I wanted to express my support for the proposal by the Boulder Recreation Staff and the Boulder Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to relocate the platform tennis courts at the North Boulder Recreation Center. In the above-menkioned capacities, I have had the opportunity to travel throughout the United States and play on a variety of courts, Based on my experience, I feel confident that the proposal will be a drastic improvement over the current facilities in terms of light pollution, noise mitigation, maintenance, and quality of amenities. Platform tennis has been an importanfi part of the Boulder recreation scene since the early 19$Os Cenee Ahost d antAPTA sanctioned men's open doub es eventg whlch~~~ma e~ Npertcame so popular that it was moved to a larger facility in Denver, This event has been recently repiated by the APIA men's senior doubles and will most Likely encounter the same fate as the men's open event. Over the years the Boulder courts have been the home of some of the top men and women players in the country. A number of local players have participated on khe president's Cup teams for the Western Region (this is a regional competition far the top players from each region held in conjunction with the national championships}. Local men's and women teams have competed successfully at the championships and ni thef top 16 of the mixed c'hampionsh ps pWhile these ei'te" players have brought visibility to the sport in Boulder, it should be noted that the courts are primarily occupied by a myriad of players at lower levels. These players range in age from their early 20s to their late 7Qs. Platform tennis is the perfect sport for a recreation center and for Boulder, Colorado. Although it is primarily a winter sport, many local players enjoy it on a year-round basis. people who do not ski or who cannot afford to belong to an indoor racquet facility can enjoy an outdoor racquet sport during the winter months at a minimal cost. Over the years, local players have quietly helped the Boulder Recreakion Department fulfill lts mission of providing recreation in a cost effective manner. The platform tennis community has conducked informal dinics to bring new players to the game, taught classes for the recreation department, offered information clinics for the staff of the North Boulder Recreation Center, provided introductory clinics for local clubs and facilities, met with other local recreation facilities in an effort to expand the sport, asslstr: in gathering information for ail projects impacting the courts, formed informal leagues, Board andhthe City of Bou de~Re~eation St ffsup~rt of the Boulder Parks and Recreation Advisory Sincerely, Gary R, Horvath President, PPTA Page 1 of 1 Mike Randall • The importance of Platform Tennis From: "Johnson, Greg B" <gbjohnso@ball.com> To: "'randallm@ci.boulder.co.us"' <randallm@ci.boulder.co.us>, "'sptizerm@ci,boulder.co.us"' <sptizerm@Ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7l11l20Dt 4:30 PM Subject: The importance of Platform Tennis CC: "'eileen@dbs-colorado,com"' <eileen@dbs-colorado.com>, "'wshafroth@coct.org"' <wshafroth@coct.org>, "'horvath@stripe.colorado.edu"' <horvath@stripe.colorado.edu>, "TGoode@Circadence.com'" <TGoode@Circadence.com> Dear Mike and Maureen, I'm sure that many others are writing to you with the solid points about why the Platform Tennis courts should be located in the area that the extensive review indicated they should be and that the Parks and Advisory Board concurred with. I do believe that the lighting issue will be even better than it is now, and that the noise will be no different than any of the other users of the east side of the Rec center make, certainly lower than the passing cars on Broadway. Bul i would Ifke to tell you how much Platform Tennis means to our family. It is a great sport for young and old alike. You do not have to be an athlete to play this game, and you can enJoy it the first time out. It has proven to be a wondertul game for us and our children, and we play tour or five times a week. I don't really believe that these courts could find a better home than they have at the Rec Center, where there Is a scheduling facility and they are adjacent to other courts that already have lights. I do hope that our family will continue to have the opportunity to play such a wonderful game together there for many years to come. Thank you for your consideration, Greg, Donna, Ruthie, and Julie Johnson 225 Bristlecone Way Boulder, GO 80304 C:\WINDO WSITEMP\GW } 00008.HTM ~ r, ^'^ Yage 1 of Z o~-~~I~I Vanessa Bonner -North Boulder Rec Center From: "Dee Crouch" <kdreml@home.com> To: <BSCComment@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 6/30/2001 2:50 PM Subject: North Boulder Rec Center 30 June 2001 3150 Jefferson Street Boulder, CO 803D4 Mike Randall Project Manager North Boulder Recreation Center Planning Department City of Boulder Dear Mr. Randall, The proposed relocation of the platform tennis courts at the North Boulder Recreation center will have significant negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhood. Noise and lighting are the primary concerns. The present location is bad enough. Harsh lighting and excessive noise especially after dinner time have been a big concern of the home owners on my block. Moving the facility will only make matters worse. The lighting on both the regular courts and the platform courts is frequently on until 10 PM, yet no one is playing. The sound from the platform courts sounds like someone throwing a baseball at a metal garage door. It is a sound that is more intrusive than the traffic on Broadway. Is there such a need for such courts? How many people play the game? Is it worth disturbing the entire neighborhood for the sake of a few? I urge both Parks and Recreation and the Planning Board to revisit the issue balancing the wants of a few with the quiet of many. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00011.HTM 7/9/2001 Page 1 of 1 ~~. ~~~ Vanessa Bonner -platform tennis feedback From: Jim Zigarelli <zig@yourperceptions.com> To: "'bsccomment@ci.boulder.co.us"' <bsccomment@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/2!2001 10:12 AM Subject: platform tennis feedback CC: 'William DeOreo' <deoreo@aquacraft.com> Dear Mike, I have lived on 13th street just across the bridge from the low income housing and rec center for 22 years. I am writing because I disagree with the plan to move the platform tennis courts to the proposed North Boulder Rec. location for the following reasons: 1. My wife and I attempted to talk to residents most impacted by the new location. Unfortunately, we do not speak Spanish. It is clear that nothing has been done formally by either housing or parks and recto communicate clearly to low income residents what is going on in their backyards. When I communicated this to boulder housing, they agreed that something should be done and asked ME to take care of it. This is totally inappropriate and unfair to the people who live there. 2. The city is determined to increase opportunity for low-middle income families for affordable living in the city. Here Is one of the only properties in the city and the rec board suggests that platform tennis, clearly played by upper income individuals, supersede a very small amount of open space and impact the quality of life. Please review those who play platform tennis and you will sae where they are coming from and who they are. Platform tennis Is NOT being played by the residents In the area mostJim Zigarelli President Your Perceptions, Inc. Denver, Colorado www.you rperceptions. com 303 534-3044 cell: 303 579-2025 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00012.HTM 7/9/2001 Page 1 of 1 O l ~-c1.1 Vanessa Bonner -North Boulder Rec Center (LUR2001-00039) From: "Jim Vratny" <jimvratny@boulderco.com> To: <BSCComment@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/9/2001 10:56 AM Subject: North Boulder Rec Center (LUR2001-00039) Mike Randall: Regarding the relocation of the two Platform Tennis Courts on the east side of the Rec Center: the neighborhood, including me, has given ample objection to the relocation of these courts on the North Boulder Rec Center site. I continue to object to that relocation. It seems short sighted, and not in keeping with Boulder's desire to maintain pocket parks. Relocating the courts on the current site reduces by nearly 50% the grassy park area where kids from the neighborhood and nearby Boulder Housing Authority apartments can play. The BHA so- called play area is mostly equipment and not much grass. Why does the Parks &Rec Dept. think they have to build wall-to-wall? A more far sighted view would move the courts to the East Boulder Rec Center where there are 5.7 acres of space. The long term benefits far out weigh any increased short-term costs. Users of the Platform Tennis courts come from all over town -few from the neighborhood. Let's put it where there is more space available and preserve some green. Jim Vratny 3130 Jefferson Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-5635 iml vratny_@boulderco.com file://C:\WINDOW S\TEMP\GW } 00012.HTM 7/9/2001 Page 1 of 1 Mike Randall -Boulder Planning Board hearing on platform tennis courts at North Boulder Recreation Center From: <Mikebef@aol.com> To: <randallm@ci.boulder.co.us>, <spitzerm@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/10/2001 10:24 PM Subject: Boulder Planning Board hearing on platform tennis courts at North Boulder Recreation Center CC: <eileen@dbs-colorado.com>, <horvath@stripe.colorado.edu> The Recreation and Advisory Board has recommended keeping the platform Tennis courts at the North Boulder Recreation Center (NBRC), and we request that you support this decision. Platform tennis allows Boulder residents to participate in a low Impact and enjoyable sport. The courts have bean in use for many years at NBRC, and the enlargement of the recreation center need not prevent ongoing usage. The plan supports low noise and low light Impact and uses a small amount of space. We look forward to continued platform tennis participation at NBRC for our family. Thanks for your consideration. Mike and Wendy Befeler 890 Cypress Dr. Boulder, CO 80303 303499-1059 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00009.HTM 7/12/2001 Page 1 of 1 Mike Randall -platform tennis courts ,~ ~~ From: <Miller71 P@aol.com> To: <randallm@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/10/2001 4:56 PM Subject: platform tennis courts July 10, 2001 Mr. Mike Randall City of Boulder Planning Department Dear Mr. Randall, I am writing in support of the recommendations by the Parks and Recreation Department and the Planning Department Staff to keep the platform tennis courts at the North Boulder Recreation Center. in response to the communications of those people who have criticized the recommendations and have commented on the increased light pollution that they feel would result from moving the courts closer to residential housing, I would like to direct the following. I played "paddle" in the East for 35 years, a majority of those in Scarsdale at the "home of platform tennis," and have visited most of the premier clubs on that coast. My direct experience with lighting of the type recommended is that the new lights will result in far less spill over and less pollution than the existing configuration. By lowering the courts, moving them away from the large reflecting surface of the east wall of the center, and converting the lights to the metal halide "area cutoff' floods, less light will actually leave the paddle enclosures and encroach on the surrounding area. Eileen Goode has comparable photographs of an installation lighted by the recommended lights and of our courts using the existing configuration, which I am certain she will make available to you if you wish. Sincerely, John Miller 2849 South Lakeridge Trail Boulder. CO 80302 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00008.HTM 7/12/2001 Page 1 of I Mike Randall -NBRC Platform Tennis Courts pee . From: John Fasullo <fasullo@monsoon.colorado.edu> To: <randallm@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/10/2001 10:11 AM Subject: NBRC Platform Tennis Courts CC: <spitzerm@ci.boulder.co.us>, <eileen@dbs-colorado.com>, Will Shafroth <wshafroth@coct.org> Mike and Maureen, I understand that the site selection for the platform tennis courts currently located at the North Boulder Rec Center (NBRC) is under review. BrieFly, I'd like to express my views on the matter. It is my opinion that keeping the courts at NBRC is imperative. The chief obJection to this stance appears to that of neighbours who are concerned about the perceived impact caused by the presence of the courts on open space and noise and light conditions In the vicinity of NBRC. As a neighbour of NBRC myself (I live 3 blocks away) I would like to express the somewhat less welt/ promoted viewpoint that having a facility such as the new NBRC, with such Impressive facilities, is a boon to the neighbourhood. Further, the Impact of 2 platform courts, designed so as to minimize the Impact on local environmental conditions, Is small compared to that of the 4 lit tennis ceurts currently at NBRC. The platform courts provide use to more players (doubles is the norm in paddle as opposed to singles in tennis) In only a fraction of the space (the two courts take up about as much space as a single tennis courtly Further, it is the expansion of the NBRC that necessitates them to be moved. The courts themselves are not part of the NBRC expansion and should not be scapegoated for the new, larger, facility. Convenient access to paddle tennis courts has been an important part of my, and my family's, Ilfe for well over a decade and it would be unfortunate to sae the courts moved under pretenses that obscure the community's interests. Sincerely, John Fasullo file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00008.HTM 7/12/2001 Page 1 of 1 Mike Randall -Tennis Courts From: Heidi Feigal <heidifeigal@yahoo,com> To: <Randallm@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/11/2001 10:28 PM Subject: Tennis Courts July 11, 2001 Dear Mike Randall, I live at 3023 Washington St, less than one block from the NBRC tennis courts. I am writing to protest the relocation of the courts into the grassy park area to the south of the existing regular tennis courts. I have lived in my home far sixteen years and have never liked the night-time lights and noise from the Rec Center but I moved here knowing how close we were to It and have never complained. This grass area is a needed buffer in the overly dense area. There are many children In the low income housing units and this area is used as a play area for Frisbee, Soccer and Football. I know the wmmilment that Platform tennis players bring to their sport. We have bean on opposite sides of this issue at many meetings, What always amazes me is that they all get up and speak eloquently about the merits of playing tennis and its importance In their lives but none ever address the issue of this inner city area being such a dense one right next to housing for our most needy citizens. The Iris gardens and Community gardens give a false sense of openness to this location. Neither of these areas make suitable play areas so the loss of this green space Is major. Platform tennis is mainly a winter sport and the courts sit unused for most of the milder months In Boulder. This further Justifies moving them to East or South Boulder where there Is ample space to accommodate them. Yes, it will be more expensive and the players may lose a season of play but I still think that is better than crowding the NBRC area forever. Most of the platform tennis players are afFluent middle aged males with a few women enthusiasts. They are people who can afford to get themselves anywhere in this city to pursue their passion. This is not true of our low-income neighbors and they rely on the spaces at hand to entertatn their children. As platform tennis grows in popularity it may be necessary to build more courts and both East and South Boulder could be designed for further expansion. I again urge you to look at the facts and make a decision to move these courts to a Rec Center where there Is mare than enough space. Thank you, Heidi Feigal 3023 Washington St. Boulder CO, 80304 303 442 2042 Do You Vahocl7 Get personalized small addresses from Yahool Mail httpa/ ersonal.mailyahoo.cor~r( file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00008.HTM 7/12/2001 Page 1 of 1 Mike Randall -NBRC Paddle Court decision From: "Eileen Goode" <eileen@dbs-colorado.com> To: <randallm@ci.boulder.co.us>, <spitzerm@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 7/11/2001 4:26 PM Subject: _NBRC Paddle Court decision CC: "Timothy Goode" <TGoode@Circadence.com>, "Jill & Chip Isenhart" <envcomm@aol.com>, "Gary Horvath" <horvathg@stripe.Colorado.EDU>, "Will Shofroth" <wshafroth@coct.org> Mika & Maureen, This email is to request support of the decision by the Recreation and Advisory Board in keeping the platform tennis courts at the North Boulder Recreation Center (NBRC). Platform tennis has been in place at NBRC for 20 years and the NBRC expansion should not Impact this low impact, low space requirement sport. With the revision of the court to include ground level placement, new halide (low spillover) lights and additional landscaping around the court itself, the impact is further minimized to the neighborhood, not Increased as the neighbors indicated. Keap In mind this sport is mainly active in the WINTER, when doors and windows are closed so the noise impact is anon-issue. The nearest courts are 40 miles away in Denver and this is a PRIVATE club. Let's keep the courts at NBRC and the game alive and active! Eileen Goode Technical Recruiter "available for contract" DB Solutions, Inc www.d bs-Colorado. com 303.926.8364 phone file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00008.HTM 7/12/2001 Mike Randall - Re: Paddle pictures From: Maureen Spitzer To: "eileen@dbs-colorado.com".GWIAe2.COBNet Date: 7/10/01 3:03PM Subject: Re: Paddle pictures __ ._ Page 1 Eileen, My submittal to the Planning Department included photos of the courts at night. I have multiple copies of these photos which I will bring to the Planning Board meeting. As a part of the proposal ,the existing lights on the courts would be removed and replaced with new "cut-off' fixtures which will reduce light spillover. Maureen »> "Eileen Goode" <eileen@dbs-colorado.com> 07/10/01 01:45PM »> Maureen, Do you have the pictures of night play at the paddle courts? Will you be bringing them to the July 19 meeting? Is it something you will show the Planning Board or will I need to? ***R*****%**%*%%%%******%*%***#***%********* Eileen Goode Technical Recruiter "available for contract" DB Solutions, Inc www. d b s-co t o ra d o. co m 303.926.8364 phone %**x*%%%********************%%%%%%**%%%***%% CC: Randall, Mike