07/19/2001 Planning Board Agenda*Central Records ~F BOULDER VING BOARD MEETING A G E N D A(REVISEDI July 19, 2001 ~ fI1VIE: 6 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS 5. b[ATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a request to annex a 1.14 acre parcel of land located at 2446 Sumac Avenu e, with an initial zoning of Rural Residential-Established, and a minor amendment to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Area I, Area II, Area III Map, to change the designation from Area IIB to IIA for this property. Owners/Applicants City of Boulder Flood Utility, Public Works Department Project Manager: Don Durso B. Public hearing and consideration of Site Review #SI-2000-16 (LUR2000-SI016) to expand St. John's Episcopal Church located at 1419 Pine Street. The request includes an expansion of existing church offices, classrooms and parish hall. The total square foot addition proposed is approximately 8,000 square feet and 3,800 square Feet of underground parking. The request includes a height of up to 45 feet for the new addition and a parking reduction request of 73 percent. Setback variations include a proposed sideyard (south) setback for a stairwell of 20 Feet where 25 feet is required, and a proposed frontyard (east) setback for parking of 6 feet where 25 feet is required. The applicant is seeking creation of vested property rights in accordance with Section 9-4-12 "Creation of Vested Rights," B.R,C. 1981 for a two phase project. Phase I wnsists of an addition of 8,000 square feet of of£ice, meeting and religious education space, and 3,800 square feet of underground parking to be completed within three years. Phase II consists of a colonnade structure to be completed within six years. Applicant: St. John's Episcopal Church Project Manager: Don Durso C. Public hearing and consideration of Land Use Review #LUR2001-00007 for a Site Review Amendment to change the plans for an approved Phase 2 two-story building at 1744 30th Street, just east of the existing CompU5A store at 1740 30th Street. The proposed Phase 2 plans show a new three-story, 33,900 square foot, 45 foot tall retail and office building. Applicant/Owner: Della Cava / Tebo Development Co. Project Manager: Elizabeth Hanson D. Public hearing and consideration of Use and Site Review, LUR2001-00039, a proposed amendment to the approved Use and Site Review of the North Boulder Recreation Center adding Platform Tennis Courts to the outdoor facilities situated on the east portion of the property and south of the surface courts, located at 3170 North Broadway, zoned P-E (Public Established) and LR-E (Low Density Residential-EstaUlished) on 6.5 acres. Applicant: City of Bottlder Parks and Recreation Department Project Manager: Mike Randall E. Public hearing and consideration of the following changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan as part of the tive year update : a. additional changes to the policy onjobs:population balance b. introduction to the implementation section Project Manager: Susan Richstone ADJOURNMENT Pf0.50N55EEKINGT~~ITIDNALINfOM1ATI0NhIAVCALI.THEPLANNING DF.P.4RTM1IF.NTdTK1~1880. qCOPYOPTHE WAROPACKET\VILL9CAVAILAPLEdTTHEM1IAINLIBRARY'SREPERENCEDkSKTNDTHEPLWNINO~EPARTM[NT 0.ECLMION ARP.A THF. f'NIDAV ~F.fORf i11G N~ETING ~ATP.. TM1if M1lfarniallan h nBO m'nile0le on PonLbr FVI. IM Clly ot Bnnltler4 3l Hmn ~nfonnnllon Lln<. Ilemf ftM1ttlul<tl on IM1e Pldnnin6 BoaN Mee11nR AR~~Jn me auqetl In tM1ange. plene dlal AIJ060. e.aemlon ]6I. io renoM1 I~e PlnnnlnR tloar~l Meellnp, A{enJ~ Lifnrniminn Ilne. ^` SF.C TIIE R!'VfRSC SID¢ FUR MfLTING GUIDLLINES ••~ r n~ui.ur:x rLwivrvuvc. t MEETING GUIDELINES ' ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AND THE PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE PLANNING BOARD ARE THE BASIS FOR THE PLANI~IING BOARD MEETING GUIDELINES. THESE ARE PROCEDURAL GLRIDELINES AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE BOARD AT THE MEETING. CALL TO ORDER The Board must have a quorum (£our members present and capable of voting) before the meeting can be called to order. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Board may rea~range the order of the Agenda or delete items for good cause. The Board may not add items requiring notice. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The public is welcome to address the Boazd during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting regarding any item not on the agenda (which includes Matters from the Boazd and Items for Discussion/Informarion). 5 minutes maxunum* per speaker. Any e~chibiu introduced into the record at this cime must be provided in quantities of ten (10) to the Secretary for dish~ibution to the Board and admission into the record. CONSENT CALENDAR " Items of business on the consent calendar may be removed to the acuon items for discussion. If no consent items are removed, the consent calendaz is understood to be endorsed or recogni2ed as approved. All items on the consent calendar are approved by one modon. Anyone who would ]ike to request that the Board remove an item from the consent calendar may do so during the public hearutg. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY My Planning Board member, the Director or the City Attomey may inu'oduce before the Board matters which are not included in the fomial agenda. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/INFORMATION Discussion/information items do not require motions of approval or recommendarion. ACTION ITEMS An action item requires a motion and a vote. The general fotmat for hearing of an action item is as follows: 1. Presentations a. 5 minute maxunum* staff pcesentation b. 15 minute maximum* applicant presentation. Any euhibits intoduced into the record at this time must be provided in quanriries of ten (] 0) to the Secretary for dish-iburion to the Board and admission into the record. c. Planning Board quesrioning of staff or applicant for infom~ation only. 2. Public Hearing a. 3 minutes maximum'~ per speaker. All speakers wishing to pool their time must be present and time allotted will be determined by the Chair. No pooled time presentation will be pennitted to exceed ten minutes total. Speakers ate requested not to repeat items addressed by previous speakers other than to express points of agreement or disagreement. Any exhibits introduced into the record at Uris time must be provided in quandries of ten (10) to the Secretary for dishibution to the Boazd and admission into the tecord. b. 5 minute maximum* staff response to any issue raised during the public hearing. 3. Board Action a. Board motion. Motions may take any number of fomu. With regard to a specific development proposal, the motion generally is to approve the project (witl~ or without conditions), to deny it, or to continue the matter to a date certain (generally in order to obtain additional information). b. Boazd discussion. This is undertaken entirely by members of the Board. The applicant, members of the public or city staff participate only if called upon by the Cha'u. c. Boazd action (the vote). An aftianative vote of at least four members of the Boazd is required ro pass a mo6on approving any action. If the vote taken resulu in a tie, a vote of three to two, or a vote of three to oae in favor of approval, the applicant shall be automatically allowed a rehearing upon requesting the same in writing within sevea days. ADJOURNMENT The Boazd's goal is that regular meetings adjoum by 10:30 p.m and tltat study sessions adjourn by 10:00 p.m Agenda items will not be commenced aftet 10;00 p.m. except by majority vote of Board members present. • The Chair may Imgthen or shonen the time allotted as appropriate. If ihe allotted time is exceeded, ihe Chair may request that the speaker canclude his ar her comments. h:\data\cur\bms\pbguide. Ln CITY OF BOULDER *Central Records PLANNING BOARD MEETING A G E P DATE: July 19, 2001 TIME: 6 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANIVING BOARD CALL-LJPS 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a request to annex a L 14 acre parcel of land located at 2446 Sumac Avenue, with an initial zoning ofRural Residential-EsYablished, and a minor amendment to the Boulder Va]ley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) Area I, Area II, Area III Map, to chan~e the designation from Area IIB to IIA for this property. Owners/Applicants: City of Boulder Flood Utility, Public Works Department Project Manager; Don Durso B. Public hearing and consideration of Site Review #SI-2000-16 (LUR2000-SI016) to expand St. John's Episcopal Church located at 1419 Pine Street. The request includes an expansion of existing church offices, classrooms and parish hall. The total square foot addition proposed is approximately 8,000 square feet and 3,800 square feet of underground parking. The request includes a height of up to 45 feet for the new addition and a parking reduction request of 73 percent. Setback variations include a proposed sideyard (south) setback for a stairwell of 20 feet where 25 feet is required, and a proposed frontyard (east) setback for parking of 6 feet where 25 feet is required. The applicant is seeking creation of vested property rights in accordance with Section 9-4-12 "Creation oF Vested Rights," B.R.C. 1981 for a two phase project. Phase I consists of an addition of 8,000 square feet of office, meeting and religious education space, and 3,800 square feet of underground parking to be completed within three years. Phase II consists of a colonnade structure to be completed within six years. Applicant: St. John's Episcopal Church Project Manager: Don Durso C. Public hearing and consideration of Land Use Review #LUR2001-00007 for a Site Review Amendment to change the plans for an approved Phase 2 two-story building at 1744 30th Street, just east of the existing CompUSA store at 1740 30th Street. The proposed Phase 2 plans show a new three-story, 33,900 square foot, 45 foot tall retail and office building. ApplicantlOwner: Della Cava / Tebo Development Co. Project Manager: Elizabeth Hanson D. Public hearing and consideration of Use and Site Review, LUR2001-0~039, a proposed amendment to the approved Use and Site Review of the North Boulder Recreation Center adding Platform Tennis Courts to the outdoor facilities situated on the east portion of the property and south of the surface courts, ]ocated at 3170 North Broadway, zoned P-E (Public Established) and LR-E (Low Density Residential-Established) on 6.5 acres. Applicant: City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department Project Manager: Mike Randal] 7. ADJOURNMENT PHRSONS'SEEKINGADDITIONALINFORMATIONMAYCALLTHEPLANNINGDEPARTMENTAT441-IBBO. ACOPYOFTHEBOARDPACKETWILLUEAVAILABLEATTH6 MAIN LIBRARY'S REFERENCE DESK AND THE PLANNMG DEPARTMENT RECEPTION AREA THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE MEETING DATE. ThislnfnrmatiunisalsoavailablennBo~dderFYl,theCltyolBOUlOer's24HOUrla(ormaUonl.lnz Ifemsache0uledonfbePlanNngBoarJMcefingAgendaaresubJec11oc6enge.Please dixi 441-4060, extens(on 3fi7, ~o reach Ihc Plenning Boerd Meeting Agenda informq~lon Iine. "• * SEE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR MEETINC GUIDELINES "** ~+ v vv Y\V YVNW MEETIIVG GUIDELINES ' ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AND THE PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE PLANNING BOARD ARE THE BASIS FOR THE PLANTIING BOARD MEETING GUIDELINES. TI-IESE ARE PROCEDURAL GUIIDELINES AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY TE~ BOARD AT THE MEETING. CALL TO ORDER The Board must have a quontm (Four members present and capable of voting) before the meeting can be called to order. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Board may reaaange the order of the Agenda or delete items for good cause. The Boazd may not add items requiring notice. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The public is welcome to address the Boazd during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting regarding any item not on the agenda (which includes Matters from the Board and Items for Discussioa/Informarion). 5 minutes maxunum' per speaker. Any exhibiu introduced into the record at thi9 time must be provided in quantities of ten (10) to the Secretary for distribution to the Board and admission into the record. CONSENT CALENDAR ` Items of business on the consent calendar may be removed to the acdon items for discussion. If no consent items are removed, the consent calendaz is understood to be endorsed or recognized as approved. All items on the consent calendar are approved by one morion. Anyonc who would like to request that the Board remove an item from the consent calendaz may do so during the public hearing. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, DII2ECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY I My Planning Boazd member, the D'uector or the Ciry Attomey may introduce before the Board matters which are not included in the foimal '' agenda. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/INFORMATION Discussion/information items do not require motions of approval or recommendarion. ACTION ITEMS An acrion item requires a motion and a vote. T'he general format for hearing of an action item is as follows: 1. Presentations a. 5 minute maxirnum* staffpresentation b. 15 minute tnaximum' applicant presenta6on. Any exhibits introduced into the record at this time must be provided 'u. ' quantiries of ten Q 0) to the Secretary for dish-ibution to the Boazd and admission inro the rocord. c. Planning Board questioning of staff or applicant for informarion only. I 2. Public Hearing a. 3 minutes maximum* per speaker. All speakers wislvng to pool their time must be present and ume allotted will lx determined by the Che'u. No pooled time presentation will be petmitted to. exceed ten minutes total. Speakers an requested not to repeat items addressed by previous speakers other than to express points of agreement or disagreement Any exhibiu inhoduced into the record at tlris time must be provided in quantities of ten (]0) W the Secretacy fox distribution to the Boazd and admissioa into the record. b. 5 minute maximum' staff response to any issue raised during the public hearing. 3. Board Action a. Board motion. Motions may take any number of forms. With xegard to a specific development proposal, the mntior ' generally is to approve the project (with or without condi6ons), to deny it, or to continue the matter to a date certan ', (generally in order to obtain addibonsl infomiation). b. Board discussion. T7~is is undertaken entirely by members of the Board. The applicant, members of the public or citg?~;', staff participate only if called upon by the Chair. c. Boazd action (the vote). An affimiative vote of at least four members of the Boazd is required to pass a motion approvin~_ any action. If the vote taken nsults in a tie, a voto of three to two, or a vote of three to one in favor of approval, th~ applicant shall be automatically allowed a tehesring upon requesting tl~e same in writing witLin seven days. ADJOURNMENT The Board's goal is that regulaz meetings adjourn by 10:30 p.m. and that study sessions adjourn by 10:00 p.m. Agenda items will not br commenced after 10:00 p.m. except by majority vou of Board members preaent. ' The Chair may Imgthm or shonrn the time alloned as appropriau. If the illotted time is exceeded, the Chair may rcquest that the speaker conclude his a her eommrnta h:Watakur\bms~pbguide.Ln City of Boulder Development Review Committee MEETING AGENDA 1739 Broadway, Room 401 8:30 a.m. 7/1212001 PROJECT DISCUSSIONS PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SCHEDULED for 7/18/01 Frank Marceau 1:00 p.m. LAND USE REVIEW KEY ISSUES for TRACK 27 NEW CASES Appllcant Name Development Name Address RUSS DRISKILL MESA CHURCH SUBDIVISION 805 YALE RD CHARLES DEAN 1300 WALNUT STREET 1300 WALNUT ST J MIDYETTE 1712 PEARL STREET, LLC 1712 PEARL ST Lot 2& portion of Lot 3, Gunbarrel Square Mike Randall Use Review Case Number Case Manager Review Type LUR2001-00042 Don Durso Subdivision Preliminary Plat LUR2001-00043 Brent Bean Concept Plan Review & Cortiment LUR2001-00044 Brent Bean Site Review