07/11/2001 Planning Board Agenda f CITY OF BOULDER / PLANNING BOARD MEETING A G E N D A DATE: July 11, 2001 TIME: 8 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway 1. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on an ordinance to eliminate the conditional height provisions for the RBI-E and RBI-X zoning districts set forth in section 9-3.2-4,B.R.C., 1981, and setting forth details in relation thereto. Project Manager: Peter Pollock B. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council concerning the city's consent to participate in a development review application under Chapter 9-4, B.R.C. 1981 for the North Boulder Village Center, located at the southeast corner of Broadway and Yarmouth, to include the city-owned parcel north of Four Mile Canyon Creek and east of Broadway. Project Manager: Mike Randall 2. ADJOURNMENT PERSONS SEEKING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY CALL THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT 441-1880.A COPY OF THE BOARD PACKET WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE MAIN LIBRARY'S REFERENCE DESK AND THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECEPTION AREA THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE MEETING DATE. This information is also available on Boulder FYI,the City of Boulder's 24 Hour Information Line. Items scheduled on the Planning Board Meeting Agenda are subject to change. Please dial 441-4060,extension 367,to reach the Planning Board Meeting Agenda information line. ***SEE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR MEETING GUIDELINES***