Minutes - Planning Board - 03/22/2001APPROVED SEPTEMBER 6, 2001 • CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD MINUTES March 22, 2001 Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building 1777 Broadway, 6:00 p.m. The following are the minutes of the March 22, 2001 City oF Boulder Planning Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes is kept in Central Records, and a tape recarding of tha meeting is maintained for a period of seven yaars in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043}. BOARD PRESENT: Pefer Gowen A1 Gunter, Vice Chair Andria Jacob Tina Nielsen Alan O'Hashi Beth Pommer Mark Ruzzin, Chair STAFF PRESENT: . 7erry Gordon, Deputy City Attorney 7ean Gatza, Planner Mary Lovrien, Board Secretary Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning Peter Pollock, Planning Director Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planner CALL TO ORDER Chair M. Razzin declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m., and the following business was conducted. 2. ACTION ITEMS A. Continuation of public hearing and consideration of proposed changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Area I, II, III Maps as part of the Year 2000 Major Update. M. Ruzzin said that the Board would like to further discuss the changes to the mixed use definitions that wera approved by the Planning Board on March 15, 2001. The Board discussed the Mixed Use Business and Mixed Use Industrial designations, specifically making sure that housing is allowed but may not hava to be included in all parcels and what will predominate in each designation. L~ s:\pl an\pb-items\minutes\O l 0322mi n. wpd City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes • March 22, 2001 Page 2 MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board reconsidered (6-0; P. Gowen was not present for this item) its actions on the definitions for Mixed Use. MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Hashi, seconded by A. Jacob, the Planning Board approved (5- I; B. Pommer opposed, and P. Gowen was not present for this item) a change in the third sentence for the definition of Mixed Use-Business to read "Business character will predominate, although housing and public uses supporting housing wil! be encouraged aad may be required." T. Nielsett offered a friendly amendment to change the fourth sentence in Mixed Use-Business and Mixed Use- Residential and the fifth sentence in Mixed Use-Industrial to read' "SpeciFic zoning and other regulations will be adopted which define the desired intensity, mix, ]ocation and design characteristics of these uses." The friendly amendment was accepted by A. O'Hashi and A. Jacob. MOTION: On a motion by A. O'Has6i, seconded by A. Jacob, the Planning Board approved (5-1; B. Pommer opposed, and P. Gowen was not present for this item) a change in the third sentence for the definition of Mixed Use-Industrial to read "Industrial character will predominate, although housing and public uses supporting housing will be encouraged and may be required." Area I Mixed Use Sites ~ • Parcel lA, west side of Folsom Street - Grove Street to Walnut Street. The change to Mixed Use Business is proposed because the area is located on and near high frequency transit routes, buildings are aging and provide opportunities for redevelopment, and a mixed-use business designation would provide a better transition between the high density residential neighborhoods to the west and the commercial area east of Folsom than tha existing arterial business designation. Parcel No. 1 A Description: West Side of Folsom Street - Grove Street to Walnut Street ~ __I ~ _J ~ ` `~~-~~ --~ ~ ! ~ L~J '( j ~ i ~ X~StI ! 1 Acreage: Approximately 3.6 Acres ~ ~ Zoning: Transitional $usiness (TB) - ~~ ~ I i-I 1A ~ ~ jj I , ~ I W ~ ~we s: \p Ianipb-i temslm i n u tes\010322mi n. wpd • City oF Boulder Planning Boazd Minutes March 22, 2001 Page 3 MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board redesignated (7-0) the southern portion of ParcellA from High Density Residential to Mixed Use Residential instead of approving the staff proposal to change the designation to Mixed Use Business. MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, saconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board retained (4-3; P. Gowen, T. Nielsen, and A. O'Hashi opposed) the designation for the northern portion of ParcellA as Arterial Business instead of approving the staff proposal to change the designation to Mixed Use Business. Parcel 1C, Pearl Street Corridor: Spruce/Folsom and 26th Streets. The proposed change to Mixed Use Business is because there is a mix of new and existing service commercial and retail uses on both sides of Pearl Street neaz this pazcel, other existing high density residential uses are located on Peul to tha west, new convenience service retail uses to serve residents aze located nearby along Pearl Street, the Daily Center for the Arts is nearby, high frequency transit runs along Pearl Street, and this parcel is primarily underdeveloped/undeveloped. • Parcel 1D, Pearl Straet Corridor: Spruce/Folsom and 26th Streets. The proposed change to Mixed Use Residential is because there are existing residential uses along Spruce and future residential use would help preserve neighborhood character, residential uses are located directly across Spruce Street on the north side, mixed use projects have recantly been developed along Pearl Street west of Folsom, and a new neighborhood park was recently completed adjacent to this site to the west at Folsom. Parcel No. lc, ld Description: Yeatl Jtreet Comaor: ~pruceitasom s ~om nuecu ;, r p11.AA ~'r1~~ ~A ~1 ~~ ~~~~ ~, i \ t. pine St. ~, . \ \ ~ ~ " ~ ~\ "'^ ~ ~t~~ "i ` \ \ ` , ~ ~ ~ 'I i ' ' ~~ SPN~ St \ ~ ~ d i~1 1 ~C ~ P~~ St / ~ _ ~ r-1~I _ is 'n Acreage: ?.6 acres Existlng zoning: Communiry Business -Established CB-E; in Ihe Boulder Urban Renewal Area (BURA). ~~~~ • MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board approved (7-0) the staff recommendation to redesignate ParcellC from General Business to Mixed Use Business and Parcel 1D from General Businass to Mixed Use Residential. s:\pl an\pb-i tems\mi nures\Ol 0322min.wpd City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes • March 22, 2001 Page 4 ParcellE, west side of 28th Street, north ofMapleton Avenue and south of Valmont Road. The change to Transitional Business is proposed because the chazacter of the buildings and the current mix of uses serve extremely well as a transition from the residential neighborhoods to Yhe west to 1he higher intensity commercial uses along 28th and Pearl Streets, and the existing land use designation signals a desire for higlt intensity commercial uses, while the proposed designation matches the existing character. ParcellF, west side of 28th Street, north ofMapleton Avenue and south of Valmont Road. The change to Mixed Use Business is proposed because high-frequency transit service is near the parcel, the area has a diverse mixture ofretail and civic uses and is immediately adjacent to an astablished residentia] neighborhood, this are is within a few blocks of the Goose Creek pedestrian and bike improvements, and there is redevelopment potential for the properties along 28th Street. Parcel No. 1e & 1f Descript3nn: West side of 28th Street, Nonh of Mapleton Avenue & South of Valmont Road • I I ~ 1 ~ i \\~\ s I xisti ,c Acreagc: IE-53 acres: IF-?.1 acres ' 1\''~ 1~ \ ~ I li', II Existlng zoning. Community ~ I Business (CB) , 1\ ~e ~ ~ r~ \ \~ \ \ ~~' I~~ ~~~ ~ A ~~ ~. ~ ~~~1e\\ ~~~ 'j~ ~ \p~~~j J ~ MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. Jacob, the Planning Board approved (6-1; B. Pommer opposed) the staffrecommendation to redesignate ParcellE from General Business to Transitional Business and Parcel lF from General Business to Mixed Use Business. B. Pommer opposed the motion because the proposal is too detailed and too site speciFic, and the property owners have not voiced their intent. ParcellG, Boulder Junction Area east and west of 28th Street, north ofMapleton and south of Valmont Road. The change to Mixed Use Business is proposed because there is high freyuency service on 30th and Pearl Streets, the area has a diverse mixture of retail, residential, recreational and civic uses, the area has many aging buildings and underutilized parcels where redevelopment is likely, and flood and bikeway connections will make this area more amenable for rasidentia] uses. • s: \pl an\pb-i tems\m i nutes\010322mi n. wpd • City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes March 22, 2001 Parcel No, lg, lh, lj, lk, lu Description: Boulder Junction Area casc ana west of Z8th Street, North of Mapleton ana ~ww u, . a~~~~~~~~ ..~a., TA I ~I~~ ~~I-~ ! ~~'~~ L ~i ~ fi_~^ , i ~ ~ I? ILQ,i9~~ i ~w'Ap T. I~ '~ ~C.'~~'~ ~U~ ~ ~d...'~"~~ XI t~ ~ r Existing Zoning: ~, , i ' ' ' 1g - Community Business (CB-D) ;~ ~~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~i~- Ih, lj, & Ik- Transitional Business i ° ~ J i (TB•D1 ~,~~ ~~- lu - Community Business (CB•D) „_ , ,~k~ ~ , ~~ • Page 5 MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board approved (6-1; B. Pommer opposed) the staffrecommendation to redesignate Parcet IG from General Business to Mixed Use Business. Parcel 1 H, Boulder Junction Area east and west of 28th Street, north of Mapleton and south of Valmont Road. The change to Transitional Business is proposed because the area has office uses and is currently zoned transitional business. MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board approved {7-0) the staffrecommendation to redesignate Parcel 1H from General Business to Transitional Business. Parcel 1J, west of 30th, north of Mapleton. The change to Public/Semi Public is proposed because these properties are owned by the city of Boulder for the Goose Creek floodway improvements. MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approved (7-0) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 1J from General Business to Public/Semi-Pubiic. Parcel l K, west of 30th, north ofMapleton. The change to Mixed Use Industrial is proposed because there are existing commercial and service industrial uses in this area that have redevelopment potential, and this area is a good place to preserve industrial uses while adding housing because of its proximity to the Goose Creek bikeway, Mapleton ballfields, and the Steelyards project. • s:\plan\pb-items\minutes\010322min. wpd City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes • March 22, 2001 Page 6 MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board approved (7-0) the staffrecommendation to redesignate ParcellK &om General Business to Mixed Use Industrial. Parcel lU, west of 28th, north of Valmont. The proposed change to High Density Residential is proposed because the eastem half of this block is proposed for mixed use, providing a good transition to adcl more housing on the western half, there are multi-family residential uses to the west of the site, and there is high-frequency bus service and flood and bikeway connections. MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (6-0; A. O'Hashi recused because of a conflict of interest) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel lU from General Business to High Density Residential. Parcel 1L and Parcel 1M, southeast corner of28th Street and Glenwood Avenue, southeast corner of 28th Street and Glenwood Avenue. The change for Parcel 1L to Mixed Use Business is proposed because it is located on existing and future local and regional transit routes. The change for Pazcel 1M to High Density Residential is proposed because the east portion of the site can ba accessed off of 29th Street where there is a high density residential neighborhood across 29th Street. • . Parcel No. Il & lm Description: SE Comer of 28th Street and Glenwood .Avenue ~ ~ . i I I ~ --i ---~~W i ~ J I ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~--I ~ m ~ ~ Existine Acreage: 4 acces Zoning: Community Business (CB-E). Medium Densitv Residential (MR) ~ ~_ ~ ~, ,~ ~ al~;~~ ~, I _ _ ~i ~ ~~ : ~ MOTION: A. Gunter made a motion to retain the existing designation of Medium Density Residential for Parcel 1 M and redesignate Parcel l l from General Business to Mixed Use Business. The motion was seconded by T. Nielsen. A. Gunter withdrew the motion because he felt that the sites should be separated since there are different issues on each. s: \pl an\pb-irems\mi nutes\0103 22mi n.wpd • City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes March 22, 2001 Page 7 MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board retained (7-0) the designation of Medium Density Residential for Parcel 1M instead of approving the staff proposal to change the designation to High Density Residential. MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by M. Ruzzin, the Planning Board retained (4-3; P. Gowen, A. Jacob, and A. O'Hashi opposed) the existing designation of General Business for ParcellL until the managing commercial growth project is complete instead of approving the staff proposal to change the designation to Mixed Use Business . Parcel 2B, west of 28th, north of Canyon. The proposed change to Mixed Use Business is recommended because high-frequency transit exists and is planned in the area, the site has a diverse mix of retail, office, and residential uses, some buildings in the area present redevelopment opportunity, and the site is large enough to incorporate residential amenities along with a mix of other uses. • rarce~ ivo. ~o rvonnwes[ comer ot 28th Jcreet and Canvon Bh~d. ~-I N ` m I ~ '~- -~-~ ! I m I - I ii • ~^ I I i ~ I Existine Acreage: 1 J acres Zoning: Reeional Business (RB-E) Canyon Blvd I ~ ~~ ~~i J MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board approved (6-1; B. Pommer opposed) the staffrecommendation to redesignate Parcel2B from Regional Business to Mixed Use Business. Parcel 3A, east of 30th, north and south of Pearl. The proposed change to Mixed Use Industrial is recommended because it would provide consistency with the zoning of the site, high-frequency transit is available, the two south parcels have redevelopment potential and are adjacent to the rail line in an area that has been discussed for a rail station, and the area has a diverse mixture of retail, office and light industrial uses. • s:\p I an\pb-i tems\mi nuces\O l 0322min. wpd City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes • March 22, 2001 rarce~ rvo, sa Uesc~ € ~ ~ ~r vr=.~~! . 6S'~ ~~ ~ ~r~6~ ~ ~_,,.. ~~^r _ ~~~(~fll -'I ~ ~ =i ~~ ~ N& S of Pead at 3Uth Street ~ il' I~~~ .Ex~stine Aereege: Approximaiely?5 aaes ZonioB: ]ndustrial Main Sneel-redevelopin@ Inorth of Maplecon) Industrial Service-established (IS-E) (middle parcel) Industnal General-established (IGE) (south parcel) 6iNin0 ~+~ u~e Page 8 MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board approved (7-0) the staffrecommendation to redesignate the north portion of Parcel3A from Community Industrial to Mixed Use Industrial. MOTI ON: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board retained (6-1; • P. Gowen opposed) the curnent land use designation ofCommunityIndustrial on the middle portion of Parcel 3A instead of approving the staff proposal to change the designation to Mixed Use Industrial. P. Gowen opposed the motion because he preferred Mixed Use Industrial at this location. MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board retained (6-1; P. Gowen opposed) the current land use designation of Community Industrial on the southern section of Parcel3A instead ofapproving the staffproposal to change the designation to Mixed Use Industrial. A. Gunter thought that this sita shou]d be changed to Industrial Service so that it matches the other side; this would preclude a rush to development that would add office buildings. B. Pommer said that since redevelopment is not likely to happen right away, this item could be revisited at an annual update of the BVCP. P. Gowen opposed the motion because he supports the long-term vision of the Mixed Use Industrial. DEFINITION OF NATURAL ECOSYSTEM AND DELETION OF NON-URBAN PARKS MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (6-1; A. Gunter opposed) the staff recommendation to change the definition of Natural Ecosystem and delete the non-urban parks designation. A. Gunter opposed the motion because he thought that the Mountain Parks lands could remain as Non-Urban Parks as opposed to Open Space because there is a different set of operating rules between the two. He said that changing the land designation to ~ Open Space may change the rule structure which has been carefully crafted. s:\pian\pb-items\min utes\010322min.wpd City of Boulder Planning Board Minutes • March 22, 2001 Page 9 CHANGES TO THE LAND USE MAP TO DESIGNATE PROPERTIES AS OPEN SPACE AND URBAN AND OTHER PARKS MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (6-1; A. Guuter opposed) the staff recommendation for proposed changes to the Land Use Map to designate properties Open Space and Urban and Other Parks. CHANGES TO THE PLANNING BOUNDARY AND AREA I, II, III MAP MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board approved (7-0) the changes to the Planning Area boundary and confirmed the changes to the Area I, II, III map as approved by the separate actions of the Board. S. Richstone outlined the following next steps for the BV CP review: Apri117, City Council review; Apri112, Boulder County Commissioners will meet with City Council to discuss the BVCP policies, and then the Commissioners will schedule the date of their hearing on this item; Apri124, possible joint Planning Board/City Councii study session regarding the BVCP; and April 26, Planning Board meeting to consider further actions regarding its decisions if they differ from the decisions made by City Council. She said that there will be adequate public notice regarding the review by City Council. • 3. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 10:05 p.m. • s: \p I an\pb-i tems\m i n utes\010322mi n. wpd