Minutes - Planning Board - 03/14/2001APPROVED SEPTEMBER 6, 2001
March 14, 2001
Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building
1777 Broadway, 6:00 p.m.
The following are the minutes of the March 14, 2001 City of Boutder Planning Board meeting. A
permanent set of these minutas is kept in Central Records, and a tape recording of the meeting is
maintained for a period of seven years in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043).
Peter Gowen
A1 Gunter, Vice Chair
Andria Jacob
Tina Nielsen
Alan O'Hashi
BeYh Pommer
Mark Ruzzin, Chair
• Jerry Gordon, Deputy City AYtorney
Jean Gatza, Planner
Bev Johnson,Planner
Mary Lovrien, Board Secretary
Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning
Peter Polloclc, Planning Directar
Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planner
Randall Rutsch, Public Works/Transportation
GUEST PRESENT: Jim Charlier, Charlier and Associates
Chair M. Ruzzin declared a quorum at 635 p.m,, and the following business was conducted.
There were no minutes to approve.
There was no citizen participation.
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• Planning Boazd Minutes Page 2
There were no dispositions or Planning Board ca11-ups to discuss.
(This item was discussed at the end of the meeting.) P. Pollock said that tha Board is scheduled
to discuss the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) on March 15, and the Board reception is
scheduled for April 18.
A. Continuation of public hearing and consideration of proposed changes to the
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Area I, II, III Maps as part
of the Year 2000 Major Update.
M. Ruzzin explained that this meeting is a continuation of the March 8, 2001 public hearing on the
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). He said that City Council will review the BVCP on
April 17. The Board reviewed the itams one-by-one and made the following decisions for Area I and
Area II parcels as described in the staff inemorandum dated March 8, 2001 (preparation date
February 27, 2001:
• Area I Designations
ParcellN, east of30th, north ofMapleton; ParcellP, east of 30th, north and south ofBluff;
Parcel5, east of the Diagonal, north of Mineral; Parcel S, Glenwood Court; and Parcei 9,
east of 28th, south of Marine. The proposed changes for Parcel 1N and Parcel 5 to
Transitional Business, Parcel 1P Yo Mixed Use - Business, Parcel 8 to High Density
Residential, and Parcel9 to Medium Density Residential would provide consistency with the
current use or zoning of the site.
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City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
Planning Board Minutes
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Page 3
MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (5-1;
B. Pommer opposed, and A. Gunter was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to
redesignate Parcel 1N from Genera] Business to Transitional Business; Parcel 1P from General
Business to Mixed Use - Business; Parcet 5 from Light Industrial to Transitional Business; Parcel
8 from General Business to High Density Residential; and Parcel9 from Low Density Residential
to Medium Density Residential. B. Pommer opposed the redesignation of Parcel 1P because she
thought that it should be part of a later discussion about mixed use relative to the commercial growth
PareellQ, east of 30th, north ofEaseline. The proposed change to High Density Residential
would provide a better adge along 30th Street in terms of access, compatibility, and
appearance and provide a good opportunity for additional housing due to its proximity to
student housing, the University of Colorado, and high-frequency bus service.
Parcel No.
30th Street Corridor
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Acreage: 4.3 acres
Exfsting zoning: South site: Medium
Density Residential - Eslabiished
(MR-E); North sire: Lou' Dcnsin
Residential -Hstablished (LR-[)
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MOTION: Qn a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Pianning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was not present For this item) the staffrecommendation to redesignate Parcel 1Q from
Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential. B. Pommer voted for the motion, but she
said that the east neighborhood represents the most affordable housing in Boulder, and the
redesignation might ofFset some ofthe tranquility that now exists. NZ. Ruzzin supported the motion
because he thought that the redesignation might allow better site design sotutions than what cunently
exists on the east side of 30th Street.
Parcel4A, west of Broadway, south ofAlpine, and Parcel4B, west of Broadway, north of
Alpine. The proposed change for Parcel 4A to Transitional Business would raflect the
predominance of office uses in the azea, and the proposed change for Parcel 4B to
Public/Semi Public would reflect the hospital ownership.
Parce! No. 4
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MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by P. Gowen, the Pianning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel4A from
High Density Residential to Transitional Business and Parcel 4B from High DensityResidential and
Mixed Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public, with the exception of the western portion and
alley of Parcel4B.
South of Boulder
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Projected Dwelling Units: No Chanee
Projected Jo6s: No Change
Acreage: approximarely 6.5 acres
Community Business (CB-E)
Parcel 6, east of 30th, south of Baseline. The proposed change to Public/Semi Public and
Open Space - Other would provide consistency with the zoning of Public-Established and
with the land use designation of the remainder of the site to the west and other university-
owned properties which are designated Public/Semi-public.
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City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
Planning Board Minutes
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Projected dwelling uni[s: 700
Projected jobs: 0
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~JQ ~ Projeeted dweliing unics: 700
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Page 5
MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 6 from
Medium Density Residential and Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and Open Space.
proposed change would emphasize the goal of preserving the lower intensity commercial
uses, existing residential uses, and the residential character of these areas.
MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to change tha name of the
"Arterial Business" Land Use Designation to "Transitional Business."
• Parcels 7A, various locations. Ati of the properties that are proposed for a dasignation
change cunently have Transitional Business zoning.
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MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was absent for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcels 7A from
Arterial Businass to Transitional Business.
• Parcels 7S, east side of 28th Street from Colorado Avenue to Baselina Road, a faw parcels
on the north side of Marine, one parcel east of SSth Street, and one parcel on the east side of
• Folsom south of Arapahoe. The proposed change to High Dansity Residential would reflect
the desire for redevelopment to residential uses in the future.
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MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcels 7B from
Arterial Business to High Density Residential. B. Pommer offered a friendly amendment to includa
as part of the motion the comment that the proposal for expansion at Golden West can still be done
consistent with this designation. P. Gowen and A. O'Hashi accepted the friendly amendment.
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• Parcel 7C, Arapahoe Road at 55th Streel, Parcels 7D, Arapahoe Road from 28th Street to
Foothills Parkway, and Parcel 7E, Riverbend Office Park, west of SSth, north of Arapahoe.
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MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, seconded by B. Pommer, the Ptanning Board approved (6-0;
A. Gunter was absent for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 7C from
Arterial Business to Community Business, Parcels 7D from Arterial Business to General Business,
and Parcel 7E ftom Light Industrial to Transitional Business.
• DEFINITION OF MANUFACTURED HOUSING. The proposed change is intended to
preserve the existing mobile home parks.
MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation for the new land use designation definition for Manufactured Housing.
• Parcels 10, west of 28th, north of Violet and south ofYarmouth; north of Foothills Parkway,
west of Airport Road; north of Valmont, east of 30th; and north and south of Valmont, east
of Folsom. The proposed change to Manufactured Housing would help preserve the existing
mobile home parks which provide needed affordable housing in the community.
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City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
Planning Board Minutes
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Projected dwelling units: 0
Projected jobs: 0
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Existing zoning:
Medium Density Resideatial -
Developing (MR- D) & High Densin'
Residen[ial - Developing (HR-D) &
Mobile Home - Established (MH-E)
Projected dwelling units: 0
Projected jobs: 0
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Page 8
MOTION: On a motion by T. Nielsen, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcels 10 from Medium Density Residential and High
Density Residential to Manufactured Housing.
MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, saconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to change the definition of Mixed Density Residential.
• Parcel 11, east of Broadway, south of Lee Hill Road. The proposed change to Mixed
DensityResidential would reflect the original intent oftha MXR-D zoning district which was
to encourage a mixture of housing types at a mixture of densities and to provide substantial
affordable housin¢.
Parcel No. 11 Description: Yarmouth North area of NoRh Boulder
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Acreage: 54 acres
Mixed Density Residential-Developing
City of Boulder
March ]4, 2001
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MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Ptanning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 11 from Medium Density Residential to Mixed
Density Residential.
• Parcels 20. These sites are atl city-owned sites that have various current land use
designations and are proposed for a Public/Semi-Public designation.
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MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcels 20 (2441 13th Street) from Mixed Density
Residential; (4100 Darley, ] 9th Street and Violet Avenue, 3198 Broadway, and Linden Park) from
Low Density Residential; (5145 North 63rd Street) from Performance Industrial; (1380 SSth Street)
from Medium Density Residential; (Pine Street) from High Density Residential; (1805 33rd Street)
from Light Industrial; and (Foothills and Baseline) from Very Low Density Residential to
• Parcels 21. These sites are all city park sites that have various current land use designations
and are proposed for an Urban and Other Parks designation. The proposed change to Urban
and Other Parks would reflect the long-term intended use of the sites as neighborhood or
pocket parks.
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• Planning Board Minutes
Parcel No. 2 f Description: Muitiple sites, Urban and O[her Parks
Page 10
MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (7-0}
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcels 21 (Barker Park) from Regional Business;
(Fitzpatrick Park, Smith Park, 1650 Alpine, and 22nd Street between Bluff and Mesa) from Low
Density Residential; (Elmer's Park) from Medium Density Residential; and to include the (Elks
property and the park at Yale and Table Mesa} to Urban and Other Parks.
• Parcel 22A and Parce122B, north ofArapahoe, west of Cherryvale. The proposed change
for Parcel 22A to High Density Residential and for Pazce] 22B to Light Industrial would
improve the jobs:housing balance by allowing for the development of more residential units
and reducing the amount of industrial development.
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City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
Planning Board Minutes
rarce~ ivu. «a, ~_o uescripnon: rv oi nrapanoe tta. w ot cnem~~•aie ttoaa
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Existing zoning:
~ % a. lndustnal General-Developing (IG-D)
_ -~ ~.,-~, ;r~ ~~ ~ b. Industnal Service-developing (IS-D)
Page I i
MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (6-1;
A. Gunter opposed) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 22A from Light Industrial to
High Density Residential and Parcel 22B from Community Industrial to Light Industrial, with the
corridor along the creek to retain the existing Open Space designation.
Area II Designations
S. Richstone said that the Area II designation was created for lands within the service area that were
planned for annexation to the city. She said that the Area II boundary was identified using the
following criteria: areas that had existing development, areas where existing water, sewer, and
roadways were located, logicai boundaries, land needs as far as projections in the Comprehensive
Plan for the 15-year planning period, capital improvements program in terms of city service plans,
and finances.
J. Charlier explained the format for the site-by-site traffic analysis, including whether the site is in
a transit oriented, pedestrian friendly area, whether it is in an area with a rich mix of complementary
uses, whether it would be directly served by high capacity transit now or in the future, how many
additional daily vehicle trips would be generated, whether the changes would load vehicle trips into
an arterial intersection thai is or is expected to be at leve] service F(roadways that during peak
periods reach gridlock), and the prospects for substantially mitigating the impacts. He said that the
traffic impacts could not be mitigated at the following sites: Parcel2A (Crossroads), Parcels 13A,
13B,13C, and 13D (north of Kalmia), Parcel 15 (south of the East Boulder Recreation Center), and
Parcel 17 (east Arapahoe Road).
R. Rutsch, said that although additional traffic in the above areas is not an issue from a
transportation/engineering perspectiva (the streets have the capacity to handle the expected traffic,
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March 14, 2001
• Planning Board Minutes
Pa~e 12
and improvements could be made at the surrounding intersections that would mitigate anypotential
impacts at those intersections), the neighbors have issues regarding how additiona] traffic will
change the character of their neighborhood.
J. Charlier said that there would be a slight decrease in average daily traffic in the Boulder Valley
from the proposed BVCP changes because the changes include a significant reduction in anticipated
employment. He responded to issues raised in a letter from Steve Pomerance regarding the projected
traffic impacts, including underfunding for the Transportation Master Plan, sufficient capacity and
congestion, cost ofimpacts paid by developers, traffic impacts at Crossroads, the difference in traffic
projections from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and from the traffic
assessment for the BVCP, and accounting for the number of trips generated per job at the various
sites. He addressed traffic mitigation for the Kalmia sites (increased emphasis on ridership on and
improvement to connections to the high-frequency transit service and neighborhood Ecopass) and
for the site at the East Boulder Comtnunity Center (splitting of traffic between the major east-west
arterials north and south of the site),
• Parce112A and Parce112B, east of 47th, south of Jay Road. Parcal 12A is proposed for no
change from Low Density Residential to allow for potential development of an elementary
school, and the proposed change for Parcel 12B to Medium Density Residential would
• accommodate a variety of housing types.
Parcel No. 12a; 12b . Description: E. of 47th St., S. of Jay Rd.
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Acreage: l
Zoning. County-Rural Residential
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• Planning Board Minutes
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MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Boazd approved (6-1;
A. Gunter opposed) the staff recommendation to retain the designation for Parcel 12A as Low
Density Residential and to redesignate Parcel 12B from Low Density Residential to Medium
Density Residential, A. Gunter opposed the motion to redesig~ate Parcel l2B because the
community character is low density, and since the property is on the edge of town, it will never have
the density to have a good transportation system. M. Ruzzin supported the motion because he said
that the city has a responsibility to try to house the people who are going to be working in the city.
B. Pommer supported the motion because the site is accessible, the traffic numbers are low for this
particular site, and there will be a diversity of housing stock. ,
Parcel 13A, Parcel 13B, Parcel 13C, and Parcel 13D (east of 30th, north of Kalmia
Avanue). The proposed change for Parcel 13A to Mixed Density Residential, and Parcels
13C and 13D to Medium Density Residential will ensure a mixture of housing types, will
provide flexibility in the site design and compatibility with adjacent land uses, and will
provide enough density to ensure a significant amount of affordable hoasing. The retention
of the Low Density Residential designation on Parcel 13B recognizes the Airport Influence
Zone where residential land uses are not allowed and the intent to locate community uses
such as the existing church.
Parcel No. 13a, 13b, 13c, 13d Description: E. of 30th, N. of Kalmia Ave
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MOTION: P. Gowen made a motion that the Planning Board approve the staff recommendation
to redesignate Parcel 13A to Mixed Density Residential, Parcel 13C to Medium Density
Residential, Parcel 13D to Medium Density Residential, and to retain the existing designation on
Parcel 13B as Low Density Residential. There was no second to the motion.
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MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to retain the existing designation on Parcel 13B as Low Density
Yarcel No. ]4a, 14b, 14c, 14d Description: E. of SSth, S. of Baseline Rd
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~ ; a ~ ~;' Zoning: County -Rura1 Residential.
' Subur6an Residential
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Parcel 14D (east of SSth Street, south of Baseline Road). The proposed change to Area IiI
will protect the sensitive environmental resources which are located on a signiFicant portion
of the site.
MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
P. Gowen recused) the staff recommendation to remove Parce114D from Area II and to add the site
to Area III, and to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential to no land use
Parcet 14B and Parcel 14C, east of SSth Street, south of Baseline Road. The proposed
retention of the land use designation of Low Density Residentia] for Parcel 14B recognizes
that additional residentia] units in this area would impact the sensitive natural area to the
south of the site. The proposed change for Parcel 14C to Area IIWrban and Other Parks
recognizes that the site is used as a wetlands mitigation bank.
MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by A. Gunter, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to retain the land use designation for Parcei 14B as Low Density
Residential and to remove Parce114C from Area II and to add the site to Area III, and to redesignate
from Low Density Residentia] to Urban and Other Parks.
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Parcel 14A, east of SSth Street, south of Baseline Road. The proposed change to Medium
Density Residential would recognize that higher residential density in this area of the site
would be less of an impact to the sensitive environmental resources in the adjacent area, and
medium density housing in this area would be compatible with the townhouses to the north.
MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (6-1;
A. Gunter opposed) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 14A from Low Density
Residential To Mediurn Density Residential. P. Gowen said that a Medium Residential @esignation
can coexist with Low DensityResidential ifthe site is designed well and ifthere is adequate access.
T. Nielsen said that she supported the motion because the site is adjacent to a lot of open ]and and
park area, which helps to mitigate the increase in density, and is along a major arterial street. B.
Pommer supported the motion because the site is near bicycle paths.
Parcel 15B and Parcel 15C, south of the East Boulder Recreadon Center. The proposed
change far Parce115B to V ery Low Density Residential would be consistent with the existing
residential use of the site and wouid protect the environmental resources east of SSth Street
by minimizing the additional number of residences directly adjacent to sensitive species
habitat. Tha proposed change for Parcel 15C to Environmental Preservation would protect
the environmental resources east of SSth Street.
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Acreage: 26 acres
~, Zoning: County - Rural Residential
MOTION: On a motion by A. Gunter, seconded by M. Ruzzin, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 15B from Low Density Residential to Very Low
Density Residential, and Parce115C from Low Density Residential to Environmental Preservation.
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Page 16
Parcei 16A and Parcel 16B, east of Cherryvale, south of Arapahoe Road. The proposed
change for Parcel 16A to Medium Density Residential would allow enough density to
provide a significant amount of affordable housing and provide compatibility with adjacent
land uses. The proposal to retain the designation of Open Space for Parcel 16B would
protect the Sombrero Marsh wetland and drainage area souYh of the existin~ clitch.
Acreage: t6.5 acres
Exiating zoning: County - Rural Residenlial
~~V I
MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, saconded by A. Jacob, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staffrecommendation to radesignate Parce116A from Performance Industrial to Medium Density
Residential, and to ratain the existing designation on Parcel 16B as Open Space.
MdTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staffrecommendation for the new land use designation definition of Environmental Preservation.
MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to change the Open Space and Parks land use designation definitions.
s:\pl an\pb-items\minutes\010314min. wpd
rarcet ivo. to ~ uescrcpaa¢: t. as c,nen
City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
• Planning Board Minutes
Parcel No. 17a, 17b Description: E, of Foothills Pkwy., N. of Arapahoe Ave
•---~ /
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~ I Zooing:County-Economic
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Page 17
• Parcel 17A, east of Foothills Parkway, north of Arapahoe. The proposed change to
• Environmental Preservation would protect a large portion of the site which has several
environmenta] constraints and resources.
MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 17A from Light Industrial to Environmental
• Parcel 17B, east of Foothills Parkway, north of Arapahoe. Tha proposed change to
Public/Semi Public would allow the development of a hospita] facility on the southeast
corner of the site.
MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board approved (7-0)
the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 17B from Light Industria] to Public/Semi-public.
• Parcels 18, east ofHighway 93 and south of Marshall Road; Valmont Road and SSth Street;
southwest of Arapahoe Road and 63rd Street; and Broadway south of Fourmile Canyon
Creek. The proposed change to Manufactured Housing would help preserve the existing
mobile home parks which provide needed affordable housing in the community.
s:\pl an\pb-irems\mi nutes\O l 0314min. w pd
City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
• Planning Board Minutes
rarcel rvo. 1~ Description: Mobile Home Parks in Area 11
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Page 18
MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
A. Jacob was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcels 18 from
Low Density Residential, Performance Industrial, and Medium Density Residential to Manufactured
Parcel 19A, Parcel 19B, and Parcels 19C, various sites. The proposed change for Parcel
19A to Area UOpen Space - Acquired would recognize that the site is owned by the city
Open Space and Mountain Parks Department. The proposed change for Parcel 19B to Area
UOpen Space - Development Restrictions would recognize that the site is under private
ownership with a conservation easement held by the city. The proposed change for Parcels
19C to Area IIUOpen Space - Acquired would recognize that the sites are owned by the city
Open Space and Mountain Parks Department, would be consistent with the Open Space
preservation goals, and would reflect the city's long-term interest in protecting the rural and
environmental values of these sites.
s: \pl an\pb-i tems\mi nutes\0103 I 4mi n, wpd
City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
• Planning Board Minutes
Yarcel No. 19 Description: Open Space designations in Areas I and II
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Page 19
MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board approved (6-0;
A. Jacob was not present for this item) the staff recommendation to redesignate Parcel 19A from
Ligltt Industrial to Open Space - Acquired; Parcel 19B from Light Industrial to Opan Space-
Development Restrictions; and Parcel 19C from Area II/Open Space to Area IIUOpen Space-
• Parcel 13A, Parcel 13C, Parcel 13D, east of 30th Street, north of Kalmia Avenue, and
Parcel 15A, south of East Boulder Recreation Center. The proposed change for Parcel 13A
and Parcel 15,A to Mixed Density Residential and for Parce113C and Parce113D to Medium
Density Residential would ensure a mixture of housing types, provide flexibility in the site
design and compatibility with adjacent land uses, and provide enough density to ensure a
significant amount of affordable housing.
s: \pl an\pb-items\mi n ures\O I 0314m i n. wpd
City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
• Planning Boazd Minutes
Parcel No. 13a, 13b, 13c, 13d Description: E. of 30th, N. of Kalmia Ave.
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~~ "~ ~-'-" - PleasOnNiewl I Acreage: 4? acres
~~ _ _ u a I Secce~ ! ~ Zoning: Counry-Rural
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fields ' / Residential
~I N
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Page 20
Parcel No. 15a, 15b, I Sc Description: Sou[h of East Boulder Recreation Center
'~ `~--^' '~.~', I
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,$ t~ ~. ~ _,__~-,q~l ~ Acreage: 26 acres
~E=~~~ ~ ~15a ~~ Zaning:Counry-RuralResidential
~~ F ~~~ ~ '15c
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~' G~~
J; ~~~ ~15b
~~ Q~,~ .
~ ~~~,.-~56U115~BOaI7er Rd.
~~ti ~
MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board agreed (6-1;
A. Guttter opposed) to continue these items to the meeting on March 15, 2001 and asked staff to
present more information about any analysis of the impact difference between Mixed Density
Residential and Medium Density Residentia! land designations. A. Gunter opposed the motion
because if the Board thinks that the land use designation change would create impacts that could not
be mitigated, then we should retain the present designation.
Since the Board did not finish its deliberations on the BVCP, the foilowing motion was made to
continue the meeting.
s:\pl an\pb-items\minutes\010314mi n.wpd
City of Boulder
March 14, 2001
• Planning Board Minutes
Page 21
MOTION: On a motion by B. Pommer, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Board continued
(7-0) this meeting until March 15, 2001.
The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 11:05 p.m.
s:\pl an\pb-i tems\mi nutes\0103 I 4mi n. wpd