6A - Site/Use Review #LUR2000-00022, Kellogg Child Development Center, 2580 Iris AvenueCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: March 1, 2001 (Agenda Item Preparation Date: February 16, 2001) AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of Site and Use Review LUR-2000-00022 to expand the existing Kellogg Child Development Center located at 2580 Iris Avenue into the adjacent home at 3365 Folsom Street. The applicant is seeking creation of vested property rights in accordance with Section 9-4-12 "Creation of Vested Rights," B.R.C. 1981. Applicant: Lorna Kellogg Owners: 2580 Iris Avenue - Kellogg Child Development Center 3365 Folsom Street - Lorna Kellogg REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Planning Department Peter Pollock, Planning Director Bob Cole, Director of Project Review Mike Randall, Planner II, Presenter OVERVIEW: The Planning Board is being asked to consider an expansion of an existing large day care center to include the adjacent dwelling. The home will be converted to office and classroom space on the first level and will maintain an apartment on the second level. The applicant intends that a staff inember of the schoo] will occupy the apartment. The applicant is not seeking an increase in the number of children served. The center is currently approved for up to 52 children. Staff has determined that the application complies with all applicabie criteria and is recommending approval with conditions. s:plan\pb-items~nemos~mr3365folsom.wpd AGENDA ITEM #~ Pa e 1 STATISTICS: Proposal: ' The existing day care occupies approximately 2,883 square feet and has a maximum approved capacity of 40 children. The home to be added contains 1,669 square feet. Total floor azea = 4,552 square feet. Project Name: Kellogg Child Development Center (formerly Babies of Boulder) Location: 3365 Folsom Street and 2580 Iris Avenue (see Vicinity Map, Attachment A) Size of Tract: 28,460 square feet (0.65 acres total for both sites). Zoning: ER-E, Estate Residential - Established Comprehensive Plan: LR, Low Density Residential KEY ISSUES: Does the proposed use comply with the Use Review Criteria? BACKGROUND: The original structure on the Iris site was a one level, 2,883 square foot, single family residence. In 1986 the city approved a Special Use Review (SR-86-21) which converted the home to a day care for `Babies of Boulder." The plans were modified in 1988, 1991, and 1996 primarily to accommodate exterior changes to the building and the parking area. Project Description The applicanYs description of the project is attached (Attachment B). The design proposes to utilize the existing home on Fo]som for additional classroom and office areas. One apartment unit will be maintained on the second story. The proposed Site Plan depicts additional parking to meet the city's total requirement of 15 spaces. However, the applicant proposes to defer construction of six additional required spaces because there are sufficient spaces already provided (nine) to meet the actual demand. ANALYSIS: Utilizing the Use Review Criteria Checklist (see Attachment C) staff has determined that the proposed use is consistent with the criteria. The child care center is permitted under Use Review, and the site is conducive to such a use. Located at a busy street intersection, the existing school and s:plan\pb-items~nemos~mr3365folsom:wpd AGENDA ITEM # G~A Paee 2 proposed expansion site offer easy access to parents bringing children without using neighborhood streets. Folsom Street is a major traffic corridor and not a desirable frontage for a single family dwelling. The applicant intends to maintain an apartment within the new facility far use by a staff member, thus maintaining some of the residential use of the property. Providing child care facilities within the community is a desirable goal. Permitting the expansion of the existing school is preferred to relocating the school and then attempting to find a suitable replacement use for the existing facilities. Recently the Planning Board recommended a policy which would limit the conversion of existing residential structures to non-residential uses. By maintaining an apartment for the use of the school staff, the proposai satisfies this policy. Parking Deferral The applicanYs proposal is to expand space for classrooms and offices and not to increase the number of children, staff, or related traffic. There are currently nine parking spaces in a paved lot serving the facility at 2580 Iris. Three additional spaces are existing for the residence at 3365 Folsom, for a total of 12 existing spaces. The total required parking is 15 spaces, based on one space per 300 square feet of building area. Twenty percent, equal to three spaces, may be deferred. The criteria for deferred parking are: 1. Character of the use. In general, child care facilities of this type have only periodic need for parking by the parents but all day parking is neecled for the staff. 2. Public Transportation. The site is adjacent to bus routes. If approved, the deferral would mean that the parking as shown on the Site Plan at the rear of 3365 Folsom would not be built at this time. (The parking lot depicted on the plan would consolidate the existing three spaces with the three deferred spaces for a total of six.) The city can require the construction ofthe deferred parking at such time as the conditions have changed and parking demand exceeds existing puking. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS Staff's comments are included in Attachment D. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: Required public notice was given in the form of written notification mailed to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject property and a sign posted on the property for at least 10 days. All notice reyuirements of Section 9-4-2, B.R.C.1981 have been met. Correspondence has been received from the public regarding the proposal and is attached as Attachment E. s:plan\pb-items~nemos~mr3365folsom.wpd AGENDA ITEM #~ A Paee 3 STAFF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff finds that the application satisfies the Use Review criteria specified in Section 9-4-9, B.R.C. 1981. Therefore, staff recommends that Planning Board approve Use Review LUR2000-00022 incorporating this staff inemorandum as findings of fact, and using the following recommended conditions of approval: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with the site plan and written statement both dated February 16, 2001, and on file in the city of Boulder Planning Department. Further, the Applicant shall ensure that the child care facility is operated in compliance with the following restrictions: A. The Applicant shall maintain at all times one dwelling unit on the second floor of 3365 Folsom Street. B. This approval is for one child care facility, of 52 or fewer children, and one dwelling unit on the two properties. The site at 3365 Folsom Street is not approvad as a separate child care center use from 2580 Iris Avenue. No division of the dwelling or school buildings into more than one dwelling unit shall be permitted. 2. Prior to application for any building permits for any conversions of space permitted by this approval, the Applicant shall provide evidence, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department, that the two properties are held in common ownership. The applicant shall thereafter hold the two properties in common ownership and shall not convey one property from the other property unless this Use Review approval is amended. 3. Prior to requesting a final inspection on any building permit, the Applicant shall provide proof to the city of state licensing as a large day care center. 4. The Applicant shall provide a detailed parking plan showing the arrangement, locations, dimensions, and t}pe of parking stalls for the six spaces to be deferred to ensure compliance with this approval and the city's Parking Design Standards and Section 9-33-8 Parking Deferral; and, A. The Planning Department shall be notified immediately of any changes in the conditions or use of the property used to determine the defenal. B. The Planning Department may require the construction of the deferred parking at any time upon giving a 30-day written notice. C. Staff, visitors, and parents shall use only those parking areas designated on the approved Site Plan for parking. s:plan\pb-items~nemos~mr3365folsom.wpd AGENDA ITEM #~~ Paee 4 Approved By; ~~~" ~ Peter poalock, Director , Planning Department ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachmant B: Applicant's Written Statement Attachment C: Use Raview Critaria Checklist Attachment D: Developm~nt Review Results and Comments Attachment E: Citizen Comments s:plan\pb-itemsl~nemos~3365folsom, wpd AGLiVDq ITEM # ~~a~_ e ATTACHMENT A- VICINITY MAP I ~ O :\ ~ IRIS AVENUE ~ ~c~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W ~ ~ _ ~ N ~ ~ KELLOGG CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER SITE AND USE REVIEW LUR2000-00022 0 ~W ~ ~., ~ ~ ~ .~ ~O ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:1200 'I ~ 1 Inch = 100 Feet N 50 0 50 Feet °'~'~r~~~ MepLl~ Ciry of 8oultle~ GIS Theinformaion depinedon~hi~m~pu pnvided m gnphiul rcprzunn~ion ody. The Ciry of Boulder provido no.unmy, vprzssed or implied, x io ik auuory md/orwmpln<nenof~he in(ormaien +i~edlureo r~ycuu~ iroin x_ dn fGl~tl R (~~ ATTACHMENT B THE KELLOGG CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER February 16, 2001 A Resource Center For Our Most Important Resource Dear Citv of Boulder: Re: Site and Use Review The Kellogg Child Development Center, a nationally acclaimed model child care center, is seeking to completc a use review for the property at 3365 Folsom Street. This property is adjacent to our school at 2~80 Iris Avenue. The 3365 Folsom Street property is currently zoned Estate Residential. The rationale for this review is that wc arc providing a direct service and convenienca to our neighborhood, as well as to the larger community. The Kellogg Center has a permanent license with the State of Colorado, License #96303, as a day care center for a maximum of ~2 chitdren on any given day for children between the ages oF 2 months and 7 years old. It is our intention to mov~ our pre-kindergarten, preschool classrooms, and administrative offices into 3365 Folsom Street. Tliis movc ~cill allow all five of our classrooms of children more space, but not initially increase the number of children ~ee servc. This move will also allow for administrative o~ces so that we can have office space for all si~ of our administrators (these administrators are currently sharing one 8x10 foot office). This will also provide a much ^eeded teacher and parent resource room, as we currently do not have sufficient space for such a room. We are a unique child care center in that we serve low, middle; and high-income families in Boulder, and we also work as advocates intemationally to support the increase in quality standards of child care centers everywhere. The °Kellogg Model" was used as the case study for high quality childcare in the United States in 199) b~~ the American Academy of Political and Social Science and is currently being taught in colleges and universities. The increase in administrative office space will help to appropriately accommodate this work. With the exception of adding a sprinkler system, we are proposing no changes to the building at 3365 Folsom Street The use will therefore have minima( negative impact on the use of nearby propedies. Our I~ours of opcration are 7:30 a.m. to ~:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Our teacher-to-child ratios aze ver}~ lo~v, with most clusters having only four or five children per teacher. This means that outdoor play is carefully monitored and we are a relatively quiet and low-key group. The proposed use review will not in any way significantly affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area nor will it change the predominant character of the surrounding area. The property at 336~ Folsom Street is currendy a licensed rental property. As the Kellogg Center is only open limited weekday hours, we will decrease the impact on the neighborhood by using it only to expand the space for our existing daytime program, including maintainiug housing for staff use on the 2"d level. We request a parking deferral for the additional required parking spaces of 6 spaces as we are not initially incrcasing the number of employees or families served. The three spots currently onsite combined with the parking lot at 2580 Iris Avenue will adequately meet our needs. This project provides for the preservation of existing trees and landscaping. We believe that our moving our administrative faculty, pre-kindergarten, and preschool classrooms into the building at 3365 Folsom will not in any way adversely affect our neighborhood. Indeed, this move will allow us to do our work more professionally and support our efforts to improve the quality of childcare centers across the country. We urge the Ciry of Bouider to consider our request in a positive manner for the support it offers high quality child care in Boulder. Especially in light of yet another center closing recently (Secure Beginnings Infant Care), the need for available, high qualiry care is great. Tl~ank you for considering our request. Respectfully, •,._-='J / ~~. ~ vw ~, ~~2 C~t~ ~~ ~ Loma Kellogg Founder, Executiva Director 2580 Iris Avenue • Iris & Folsom • Boulder, CO 80304 •(303) 938-8233 Agenda Item # _~ A Page ~f ~._ ~( ii ,~ QI -'~~ ~N~-~ ~ ~" '{ . '. ~F4 ~ ^'.~"~'~2*` ;~ 1 WP ~ . M N~ ,e ,~ v y'. ii{ + w ' d~ ' If(0 tY/.. .LU~. i .~ .., ~ . ` ~/ _ _ . y '~ t!. , ~ ."_ ,.. ~+. -- 4 ~.t.rf . . : 7 i.: ~ < ~'; 1 ~r i ~e% M . 39V! 4a':, i ' ' ~ ~' y ~ ~ ~.+.+r~~ . , ~ i , r ~.,r~ ~ • ~CQ~^yD]Ci~ NbCAl/tD§ ~ ' ~f " IF . ' i+•we~ y ~ ~il~ a l~ ~ . o y,e .. ~ ,~6L1 Ya6 f,Y d ' ~ . ` ~' ~ ' aa 3 q Hxo , 1 r ~ ~` ° ' ~ ~' ~ ~ .. . , . ~ V .;~.a3k ~PkV ~~'dt+13alc?~~ Ah . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rA• , " """~ ^ < ad k, ' ~. '~~,,:'~. , '~` ` ' { ~; ',~ ., ; .g~,~ $~ (~1li!1 ~ . . .. ~~ u y YY '. ( ......J .. ...,.- ,...,.. ~-.. . . '. v ; .,,. :.. . .... , , .^.. .. . . ' . ..:. ~„._. ~.. .... ... ~...;.. . .,... ;.:...... ~ . .., ., ~.:;, . .,<..., ..,,,~ , ., . . . ..:.,._ . , . .... . ... A ~. , ':..- r:i: .i .yiu. ~;_.._.:: . ' ,~ .,~:.:. . s,:.. ~.,~ .. ~ . . ~. -:. .~- _._ ~.~:i, . . . '-=~;s. ....... .... . ... .. .._.. _r m. "~_ ~ s6ed # weU epua6y r O ~I ~~ ~ . I ~$ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~ ATTACHMENT C USE REVIEW Criteria YES 1. The use is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-2-1, "Zoning Districts Established," BRC, 1981, except in the case of a non-conforming use; Zoning District: The proposed conversion of the existing residence to a child care cer:ter is consistent with the purpose of the ER-E mning district. Large child care centers are permitted in the ER-E zone subject to Use Review. Maintair:ing a dwelling unit within the proposed center continues ihe connection the properry has wid7 the surrounding residences in the same zone. YES 2. The use either: X (A) Provides a direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the surrounding uses or neighborhood; The approved child care center provides a direct service and a convenience to the neighborhood, and the addition of more space for classrooms and offces improves the applicant's abiliry to co~ttinue to p~~ovide this service. By allowing an on-site residence for the use of the school staff, there will be some reduction in employee azito trips to the facility. The residential use will improve the school's compatibility with surrounding residences. _ (B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity uses; _ (C) Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the BVCP, including without limitation, historic preservation, moderate income housing, residential and non- residential mixed uses in appropriate locations, and group living arrangements for special populations; or _ (D) Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted under subsection (e) of this section. YES 3. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of the nearby properties; The existing school is compatible with and does not negatively impact nearby properties. 77te hours of operation are during the weekday. Parents and personnel arrive at the location without having to enter residential streets in the area. Although the conversion of the adjacent home will increase the useable space for classrooms and o~ce, there is no increase in the number of children Agenda Item #~ A Page N~ being served. The maintenance of the residence to the school is also con:pntible with the area. YES 4. As compared to development permitted under Section 9-3.1-1, "Permitted Uses of Land," BRC 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of impact of a non-conforming use, the proposed development will not significantly adversely affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area, inGuding without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm drainage utilities and streets. The proposed conversion of the residence to school use will not impact the infrastructure of the surrounding area. Utilities in the area are designed for the type of development and density proposed. YES 5. The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area. In general the surrounding area is characterized by low density residential areas. However, the subject parcels front on two major roadways, Iris and Folsom, and may be regarded as somewhat less desirable for single family residential use. The proposed conversion of a residence to school use will not change the predominantly low density residential character of the surrounding area. Agende Item a~ Page N~~ h i a r~~,ninr.tv i 1~ CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: January 19, 2001 CASE MANAGER: Mike Randall LOCATION: 3365 FOLSOM ST COORDINATES: N05W05 REVIEW l'YPE: Site and Use Review REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2000-00022 DESCRIPTION: Expand existing childcare program in 2 houses instead of current 1 too-small house at 2580 Iris Ave; houses are adjacent and the Kellogg center has the right of first refusal on the 3365 Folsom S!. property. REQUESTED VARIATIONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: None I. REVIEW FINDINGS Applicatlon meets all criteria; disposltlon of approval wlll be issued: Staff finds that the application meets all Use Review criteria. Planning Board is the decision making authority for this application. The application has been scheduled for the March 1, 2001, Planning Board meeting. City staff will recommend approval with conditions of the application. A copy of the staff memorandum to the Board will be sent to you by mid-February. II. CITY REQUIREMENTS ~ Buiiding and Housing Codes This is a change of use by the building code from an R-3 occupancy to a B, E-3 and E-2 occupancys. The building must meet all requirements for this change of use including without limitation, handicap access, handicap restrooms and exitinc. If there is a basement in this structure that is being proposed for use additionai exits may be required from the basement or certain age children may be prohibited in the basement. Steve Brown, 303-441-3172. Fire Protection If this building contains a basement space and is classified as an E occupancy, the basement space must be protected t~y an automatio fire sprinkler system, regardless of size, per locai Fire Code amendment. Any other fire protection requirements to be per tJniform Building Code, as applicable. Adrian Hise, 303-441-3350. Land Uses Approval of a Use Review for the child care center will be conditioned on there being only one school using both building:=; not separate schools under separate permits. Any future division of the ownership of the school or of the property will require approval of a new Site and Use review. Landscaping The applicant is required to meet the Parking Lot Landscaping Standards outiined in B.R.C. Section 9-3.3-4(c) for the ne~. parking lot at 3365 Folsom St. which includes screening the parking lot from the adjacent property to the south. Bev Johnson,303-441-3272. Legal Documents Please submit an updated title commitment or attorney's memorandum, current to within 30 days, to the submitted title policy dated August, 1995. The approval for the site and use, if given, will be for the expansion into the adjacent building but not for any expansion ir~ the number of children at the school. Missy Rickson, City Attorney's Office, 303-441-3020. Miscellaneous i No comments at this time. Ann Goodhart i+genUa Item u~A Page X~_,L__ Parking More parking spaces than are presently provided at 2580 Iris Avenue are required for the square footage being added to the child care center. The added parking may, on approval of the Site Review, be deferred for future construction if a determination is made that there is no need for added parking at this time. The Site plan must accurately reflect all required parking and irtiprovements. At such time as it is determined that added parking is necessary the owner must fulfill the requirement. 1lI. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Drainage 1. The appiicant is required to continue conveying dreinage in a manner which does not adversely affect neighboring properties. 2, Any applicable Storm Water Plant Investment Fees for this project will be determined at the time of building permit application and will be due prior to building permit approval. 3. Prior to application for buflding permit for the proposed parking area, the appticant will be required to provide a Final Storm Water Letter and Plan in accordance with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121. Housing and Human Services ApplicanYs proposai calls for the conversion of a house from a dwelling unit into additional space for the adjacent day carc center. The need for child care is acknowledged as an important community benefit. At the same time, there is a clear interest in preserving existing dwelling units in the community. An option the applicant may wish to consider is the possibility of retaining a dwelling unit in the house, even if at a lesser square footage (for example, an apartment within thc house for staff). Linda Hill-Blakley, 441-3140. Lot Layout 1. Combining the two lots under one Site Review and Use Review does not require that the property line behveen th _ lots be eiiminated to create one property. However, any future building or site improvements to the properties which do not meet setbacks or cross the lot line will, if recommended for approval, require a change in the location of the lot line or its elimination. 2. The approval of the addition of the lot at 3365 Folsom Street will be conditioned so that if separated by ownership the Use Review will be revoked. Mike Randall Parkfng All off-street parking shall be in accordance with Section 93.3~11 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981, including: 1. A 20-foot wide minimum drive aisle, and curb cut, for two-way traffic is required, where only 18 feet is shown. 2. All parking spaces for the disabled shall be 12 feet wide and 19 feet in length with a 3-foot wide, diagonally striped aisle abutting the passenger side of the space. Revisions to the plans are necessary to include a 3-foot wide striped aisle. B. A minimum of 24 feet of backing distance must be provided for the proposed parking stalls. Staff has concern over the existing trees aiong the southem property line interfering with the required 24 feet backing distance. Incorporatia of the existing trees into the parking lot layout, and plan, is required. 4. All parking areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other similar permanent, hard surface. Scott Kuhna, 303-441-3121. Ngentla Item N~_~A Page k1~ ATTACHMENT E RE: KELLOGG CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 3365 FOLSOM ST Offatreet parking for employees and visitors. CONCLUSION: They really ahould have adequate offstreet parking for both employees and vieitora. , DISCijSSION: 1. It came to my attention thst the street curb parking is serious about 2 yeara ago when a new poatal person put a sign on the car windshield and left one in our mailbox. As I remember, it said: Actually two cars could park in_front of our house along the curb except that we have a rural type mail box. This limite it to one car as the second car parked behind the firat car ia then in front of our mailbox. 2. On another atreet aeveral•homea had the atreet curb painted yellow for 5ft in front of the ma3lbox. They muat have the eame problem and painted the curb yellow themaelvea. 3. Officea downtown have parking meters out front. Here the employee parkS their car. when they firat come in the morning and leave it parked there until they leave whieh is moat of the day. This is somewhat Prustrating as now we have no space for our company or visitors, They have to park in our driveway and then back out into a busy street. NOTE: We can see where the people walk to as we live at 3335 Folsom Street. There are two houaea in between our hou3e snd 3365 Folsom Street. 4. Our street ia a anow street and they have aome additional rules. They seem to sweep our street 2 tjmea a week. It's bad in the fall when the leaves fill up the curb and it never gete swept. I'usually go out when the firat snow falls and shovei the leaves out into the atreet. If I don't the leaves stop the water Yrom flraining and' creates a aluahy ice pond. This is why the mail peraon doesn't like cara parked in front of our mailbox as then they have to atop in ;', front and walk in the alus'h to our mailbox. Furtherdown the block they do not have this problem and also the enow plow can plow cloae to the curb. 5.Maybe we notice the problem as this house was built in 1964 when Folsom was a graveletreet and we never had esra park in fron of our house. The previous Child Care Center was such a amall operation that we never had a problem. As a bueineae they really ahould have adequate parking. Sincerely, Robert G., Kruse Ph. 303 442-7878 3335 Folsom St. ~_ Q „ ~" ~ ~~~~,~L~ Boulder, Co 80304-2403 d"UT~v ~ em 8_~A Page k~ 3 rage i o~ ~ Mike Randall - Fw: Development review project #LUR2000-00022 - Kellogg C6ild Development Center From: "Tina Kingery" <tkingery@imi.nev To: <BSCComment@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 1/17/2001 832 PM Subject: Fw: Development review project #Li7R2000-00022 - Kellogg Cttild Development Center ATTN: Mike Randali This was addressed incortectly and non-deliverzble so 1 am hying again. •---Original Message--- From: Tina Kingery <tkingery@rmi.net> 'Io: BSCComment@ci.boulder.us <BSCComment@ci.bouldecus> Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 6:55 AM Subject: Development revie~v project kLUR2000-00022 - Kellogg Child Development Center >7o Whom It May Concem: >I am writing to voice my comments regarding the expansion on the Kellogg >Child Developmrnt Center. I am a home owner and the immediate neighbor to >[he south of Ihe expansion site. My address is 3355 Folsom Sheet. My >biggest concern is the parking issue. Parking is a big problem in this - area. ~ >Because of our "rural" style mailboxes, I have often had disruptions to my >tnail service because cars park in front of my mailbox. How is ihe parking >going to be handled in this pmposal? Is it possible ro get any protection >(like a"no parking" sign) for my mailbox and Ihe area between my dnvewey >and my neighbor to the south? >I am concemed about the aesthetic impact of ihis project for my property. >I would Iike ro know what physicai changes are going m be made ro tfie >property to accomodare this expansion. ~ I do not want to lose the "Flavor' >of a residential neighbor and am concemed about keeping as much oSthe >landscaping as possible. I don't want to lose the adjoining yard area to >asphalt and concrete. > >I have spoken with the appticant, Lorna Kellogg, and she seems willing ro >work with neighbors to minimize the impact I approciace that, and hope >that this expansion can 6e accomplished in a way that is aesthetically >compatible with its residential setting. >Please let me know when and where the public hearings on this project are to >be held. >Thank you - >Tina G. Kingery >303-417-0406 ~~genaaiiemS ~~/~ Page#~. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00002.HTM , 1/23/2001 rag~= From: <HArndt8945@aol.com> To: . <BSCComent@ci.boulder.co.us.> Date: 1 /10/01 10:12AM Subject: Kellogg Chiid Development Center To the Planning Board As a 30 year resident in the neighborhood of the Kellogg Center I wish to state my opposition to the expansion of this center to 3365 Folsom. When the center originally opened as Babies of Boulder, it was thought that this center wouid serve the needs of the neighborhood for young working mothers. Another large day care center located just two blocks south of the Kellogg Center at Glenwood and Folsom and another day center opened near the intersection of 19th and Iris approximately 7 blocks away. It was also my understanding that a day care center would open in the new Iris Hollow center right across the street from the Kellogg center. The center at Glenwood and Folsom has ciosed. A waik through our neighborhood clearly indicates that we no longer have working mothers because young families can not afford to live here. Who will this center serve? Obviously, it will be families from other areas. My other concern is the encroachment of commercial property in the neighborhood. The Kellogg Center and the day care center near Iris and 19th were once residentiai homes. The center that was located at Glenwood and Folsom was once a small church. There was a beautiful home just 2 blocks away at Hawthorn and 23rd that was bought by the city and converted to a home for deliquent teen age boys, despite the opposition of the neighborhood. Our once quiet street became a frequent thorough fare for police cars going to this home. It was eventualiy moved and now it is a home for senior citizens. Iris Hollow, a new development at Iris and Folsom has commercial property. This all creates more traffic. W ithin the past year, two of the homes within a 1/2 block of my home, applied for accessory dweiling applications and they were granted. This means that basements were converted into apartments and rented out. In addition, a home adjacent to mine rents out two bedrooms. A trip down 25th St. between Iris and Hawthorn (one block long) in the evening will show you a street filled with cars. And we wonder why we have a traffic problem in Boulder. Because this same scenario is being played out all over the city. Who is going to stand up for the neighborhoods of Boulder and say "Enough is enough". Helen and Ernest Arndt 3375 25th St. Boulder, Co. 80304 ,ty~~iaaltemlr__~fj Pagek~~:.___