5 - Information Items (3)~,, ,/ TO: CENTRAL RECORDS FROM: r ~o~r~ (Name/ Bo Or Commis ion) PLEASE add these items to Meeting Packet of: ~ff' a~cc~ i, ~ ~D~ (Date of Meeting) IMa Lovrien - Planning Board letter 2 26~doc4 _uJyLL __~ LL~ f_ _~ _. .,~_ _ Page i L_°=~ .~.._. _. ._ ...~.. u _ Dear Members of the City of Boulder Planning Board This letter is an effort by the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Board to clarify input from the City Code Workgroup and to further explain some of the Shelter's policies and operations. We offer additional information in hopes to clarify misstatements that were made during the February 22 Planning Board meeting and to correct some misunderstandings. WORKGROUP CLARIFICATIONS Comoarine the oroaosed 75 caaacitv limit for overnieht shelters to the 121ike-sized cities researched bv Clairon (Denver was not part this evaluationl. Six of the 12 cities have no absolute cap. One city has a capacity limit of 400 persons and one has a building size limitation. Another city has a limit of 55 persons for use-by-right, and with shelters of 56 persons or more, conditional use. Three cities have limits of 100, 75 and 19 persons. Restrictions of locatine shelters near schools in the 12 cities researched bv Clarion. None of the 12 cities have any restrictions as to locating shelters near schools. Definitions of drv, dama, and wet shelters. Dry shelters admit only individuals who registers 0.0% BAC from a Breathalyzer test. Damp shelters allow individuals who may have consumed some alcohol but display no behavioral problems. Wet shelters handle inebriated persons and typically require special facilities and healthcare professionals to treat such persons. The Boulder Shelter for the Homeless is a damp shelter. The ARC is a wet shelter. SHELTER OPERATIONS CLARIFICAITONS The following are policies and procedures that are used by the Shelter. These procedures have been developed over the past 18 years and reflect the Sl~elter's best practices. Returnine alcohol to residents. The possession or consumption of alcohol is not allowed on Shelter grounds. If such activity inappropriately occurs the result is a 90-day expulsion. However, given the choice of denying admittance to persons wi[h alcohol, and thus requiring them to face life-threatening weather conditions, and giving residents shelter for the night, residents are allowed to turn in their alcohol at the door and reclaim it as they leave the Shelter. In an average month there will be one or two such incidents. ' Returnina drues to residents. Any resident possessing illegal drugs on Shelter grounds will be reported to the police. Possession or use of illegal drugs at the Shelter results in a 90-day ban. Prescription medications must be tumed in for holding at the time of Shelter admittance. These medications can only be accessed for dosages according to the container directions or for return when the resident leaves the Shelter. Re[urnine weapons to residents. Guns are not allowed on Shelter grounds under any circumstance. The discovery of any gun will result in an immediate call to the police. All other instruments which could be deemed to be offensive weapons-sticks, tools used for work, pocketknives, etc.-are banned from possession while the owner is a resident at the Shelter. All of these items must be checked in at admittance and are return when the resident leaves the Shelter. Thank you for your time and concem. Linda K. Kuhn Board Chairperson Page 1 of 1 Mary Lovrien - Question for tonight's meeting From: <BLDRJET@aol.com> To; <pollockp@ci.boulder.co.us>, <gehrd@ci.boulder.co.us>, <lovrienm@ci.boulder,co.us>, <mruzzin@igc.org>, <algunter@worldnet.att.net>, <ado-ecos@indra.com>, <ajacob@esource.com>, <PommerCO@aol.com>, <pjgowen@ix.netcom.com>, <tlnpa@co.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 7:03 AM Subject: Question for tonighYs meeting __ Dear Peter, David and Pianning Board Members: A couple of questions pertaining to the Attachment to the Staff Memorandum dated 2/27/01. I don't need a response. If I'm misunderstanding something, Peter or David can tell me tonight. Item F: Regarding management plan alternatives. Section 9-3.4-25(b)(5) pertains to management plans under Use Review onl y. If the requirement for revised (future) management plans is included in this section, would it apply only to Use Review? Wouldn't we want the provision for future meetings and mgmt plan revisions to apply when the approval was Conditional Use as well? Items E and F: Shouldn't these items apply to, and be listed under, the changes to Day and Emergency Shelters as well? If so, then my same question above, pertaining to Item F and Sec. 93.4-25(b)(5) , would also apply to Sec, 9-3.4-26(b)(5) and 9-3.4-27(b)(5) because those also apply only to Use Review. Thanks. See you tonight. Joan Trapp Bennett file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}OOOIO.HTM 03/O1/2001 Page 1 of 1 Mary Lovrien - Proposed Land Use code for day shelters From: "Joseph Thome" <JETCB@co.boulder.co.us> To: <Lovrienm@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/Ol/2001 1:07 AM Subject: Proposed Land Use code for day shelters To: Ms Mary Lovrien and Mr Peter Pollack 1 would appreciate it if you could forward this email w Ihe Boulder Planning Board in time for their discussion on the proposed land use code for day shelters. Thanksverymuch! Dear Planning Board Members Please accept this letter in support of the START Board's reques[ to adjust ~he Proposed Land Use Code for Day Sheltering. Boulder County Community Corrections' Social Opportunity and SuppoM Program (SOSP) has worked very closely with the START program over the past few years. ~or example, our stallsi[ on [he START Board and we have shared our Clubhouse space a[ 1301 Arapahoe for use by START clien~s. During this ~ime we have learned to appreciate all that START does to assist Ihe local homeless population. Unfortunateiy, START and SOS clients cannot use [he facility a[ the same [ime because of space limitations and different services. Also, because of heary cold-season use of the facility, the summer months are used to recover and conduct maintenance -- we simply cannot accommodate the START program year round. Finally, our SOS program will be using the facility for longer hours, making it more difficul[ Cor START clients and staff [o use ~he building. It is important tfiat START bcate a permanent, year round site to of@r Day Cen(er services for tfie Iocal homeless popuiation. The START Board's curtent request to change the designation of a limiced residemial area (i.e., a location defined by Broadway, Spruce, Mapleron, nnd Folsom) to conditional use would be incredibly helpful with these plans. During the time of o~irjoint operutions, we have observed no concems about the START population from our neighbors. Also, START provides support services in its Day Center which helps homeless clients stabilize, reduces the chnnce they ivill ac[ out in business and residential neighborhoods. The use of a large house near down[own provides a"normalized" emironment more difficult to create in a commercial property. The more normalized the setting, the likelier ihat homeless clients will access it. The more the START program is accessed, the greater likelihood that the program's supportive interventions can produce positive impacts. Day shelrering provides nutrition, temporary relief from [he bad wea[her, access to services, and is an altemative to idleness. The outcome is inereased chances tha[ clien~s will act pro-socially while visiting the effected business and residential neighborhoods. I hope you give START's request very serious consideration. Approval of conditional use for day sheltering is clearly in ihe best interest of the local homeiess population and the impacted retaiL commerciai, and residential neighborhoods. Please feel free ro give me a cali at 303/441-3665 if you have any questions. Thanks for you time and attention. Sincerely, Joe Thome, Manager Communiry Corrections file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00O11.HTM 03/01/2001 From: Amy Ehlert <Amy.Ehlert@central.sun.com> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/26/2001 10:19:55 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori School Expansion Dear Mr. Durso, I am writing in support of Boulder Montessori School's plans for expansion. My children attended the school from 1994 until 1999. My husband and I can't say enough about the quality of education provided by BMS. In order to continue to maintain this high quality, small class size, build teacher benefits and give more families the opportunity benifit from this first-class neighborhood school, I believe it is imperative that BMS be allowed to expand. The future of our children begins with schools like Boulder Montessori. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, Amy Ehlert Amy Ehlert _/ / / Sun Microsystems _/ / _/ _/ _/ MarCom Program Mgr / / / / / / / / Sun Educational Svcs --/ % / % % % / / / / / / / / Tel: 303-272-5079 Ext: 75079 M I C R O S Y S T E M S Fax: 303-272-7655 amy.eh lert@central.sun. com CC: <bidr_mont_sch@worldnet.att.net> From: "Mark B. (Windy Mesa, Inc.)" <markb@hypermall.net> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/26/2001 3:48:22 PM Subject: Review application number LUR2000-00003 I am writing regarding the expansion of the Boulder Montessori pre-school on Redstone Road. I would have liked to attend the planning meeting to voice my opinions in person, but I have a prior committment. My two daughters are "graduates" of Boulder Montessori. Boulder Montessori is an excellent pre-school. They have a warm, caring staff and a wonderful program. My daughters made friends at BMS that are still their friends, 10 years later, The school is an asset to our south Boulder community. It is a valuable resource to the families in the area. It is my understanding that the residents of the condos and townhomes immediately adjacent to the pre-school are opposed to the expansion. I would like to point out that the condos and townhomes tend to be occupied by young singles. They do not have a need for Boulder Montessori services and are more concerned about the impact of traffic and parking. My family has lived in this neighborhood for 20 years and I believe BMS has little or no impact on parking and traffic. The benefits of their program far outweigh the additional traffic. Please approve the expansion request made by Boulder Montessori. Candy Brinkman 3140 Galena Way Boulder, CO 80305 email; markb@hypermall.net Page i of 1 Don Durso - LUR2000-00003 From: Eugene Gollin <egollin@earthlink.neV To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/27/2001 12:30 PM Subject: LUR2000-00003 I am writing with reference to USG REVIEW numUer LUR-2000-00003. My name is Janet Gollin. I was administrator of.larrow montessori School for 21 years before m relirement. I fc~! very confident that Boulder Montessori School is an exceptionally fine school. It has provided exccllent scrvice for the communily and will do even more so when it is allowed to exp~nd its reaoumes and make itposeible for IS additional children to take advantage of this high quality educational experiencc. Sincerely, Janet Go~lin file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}OOOlO.HTM 02/27/2001 DIANA C. FIELDS 1440 BLUE SAGE COURT BOULDER, CO 80305 February 26, 2001 Don Durso, Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Email: Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us Re: Boulder Montessori School Use Review Application # LUR2000-00003 Dear Mr. Durso I am writing in support of the plan of the Boulder Montessori School ("BMS") to expand its facility to accommodate new students. I am the parent of a preschool child who has attended BMS since 1998. Soon, I hope to have another child attend the Toddler Program at BMS. I live in the Devil's Thumb neighborhood, approximately one mile from BMS. Having a school in the neighborhood has allowed me to walk with my child to and from the school many days. I am aware of several other neighbors who in the past and now walk with their children to BMS. Because of the current size of BMS and its resulting enrollment restrictions, I know there are neighbors of mine who were not able to enroll their children in the BMS preschool. Consequently, these neighbors drive their children across town to other preschool programs. Although BMS draws children from across Boulder and neighboring towns like Louisville, I support BMS's decision to expand its facility so that it might be able to accommodate even more students from my neighborhood. if the expansion allowed more children in my neighborhood to attend BMS it would help eliminate the traffic problems in Boulder and parents would be able to walk their children to school. BMS has made a large contribution to the community for over 25 years. I hope you will support its plans for expansion. If I can be of further assistance in this process, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Diana C. Fields cc. Karen Olson Page 1 of 1 Don Durso - Boulder Montessoxi School From: "Rowan Bensko° <xUensko@earthlink.net> To: <Duxsod@ci.bouldei.co.us> Date: 02/27/2001 127 PM Subject: Bouldex Montessoii School REFERENCE: USE REVIEW APPLICATION NUMBER LUR2000-00003 Deax Mi Dutsod, We axe wxiting in suppoit of the pioposed expansion of the Bouldex Montessoxi School on Redstone Road in South Boulder. Oux family lives in close pmxunity to the school oux son attended for thxee and a 6alf yeaxs. We ha~e no xeseivaUons nt all xegaxding the incxease in enxollment. While ~ve iellize one of the unpacts would be a slight incxease in cai ~nffic in the school paxking lot, we fcel this is moxe than offset by the educational benefit it affoids the neighboihood. We stxongly uxge you to suppoxt this very worthwhile expansion. Sincexely, Rowan & Jun Benslco 3176 Redstone Road Bouldex, CO. 80305 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}OOOI O.HTM 02/27/2001 Yage 1 oY 1 Don Durso - Use Review application # LUR2000-00003 From: <TedBP@aol.com> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/27/2001 2:08 PM Subject: Use Review application # LUR2000-00003 Dear Mr. Durso, We are writing to ask you to act favorably in response to 8oulder Monteseori School's (BMS) request to expand the aotivityAunch room and to increase their enrollmentby 15 shidents. Our [wo children, Alex (20) and Chloe (1 Q, both at[ended BMS for approximately 3 years each. These were some of the mostrewarding educational experiences eiHier of[hem has had. They both loved going to school every day, learned a lot at their own rates, and developed a lot of self-confidence. They have gone on to become excellenC atudents. We are certnin [ha[ their experiences a[ BMS were responsible for their high levels of self-confidence and school successes. Ms. Olson, Nie Administraror of BM$ is an incredibly giRed eAucator and directs a s[aff of equally skilled and dedicated educators. We sp~ongly encourage you to allow them [o expand their program and allow more children [o have this wonderful beginning [o their academio lives. If you have any questions regarding our enthusiastic endorsement of IIMS's request [o expand, please to no[ hesita[e to con[ac[ us ut 303-449-8117 or a[ tedbp@aol.com. Thank you for taking the time to consider our comments, Ted Darrett-Page, JD, MSW Sally Barrel[-Page, MA, MSW file://C:iWINDOWSiTEMP\GW}OOOIO.HTM 02/27/Z001 Page 1 of 1 Don Durso - boulder montessori school From: "Lisa Drake" <lisazj@home.com> To: <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/26/2001 9:06 PM Subject: boulder montessori school re: use review application number LUR2000-00003 we live across the street from boulder montessori school at 3080 galena way. each of my 2 children attended BMS for 3 years (until last year in fact when they moved on to kindergarten). they loved it and so did i. i recommend approval of their expansion plan. they have the space and the school is an asset to this community. in addition, the parents drive carefully and respectfully so i don't forsee a traffic problem. i endorse their proposal and encourage the city to do the same. finding quality care and a place to stretch the imaginations of our young children is a challenge not easily met. we need preschools that meet this challenge. thank you, lisa drake 3080 galena way boulder, co 80305 From: apmcc <apmcc@flash.net> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/27/2001 4:37:45 PM Subject: Boulder Montessori School LUR2000-00003 Don: We are writing to lend our support for the expansion plans for Boulder Montessri School. The school has been an absolutely wonderful experience for our son who is 2 1/2. We plan for him to continue there in the upcoming years and for our second son to start next year. Increased space would allow more families to benefit from this experience and for the school to be improved for all with smaller class sizes. Thank you for your cooperationl Alecia and Peter McClure Parents of Kyle and Evan McClure From: "Marcia S. Ginley" <mginley@infi.net> To: <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us>, <bldr_mont_sch@worldnet.att.net> Date: 02/27/2001 4:09:15 PM Subject: Boulder Montessori School Application Dear Mr. Durso and Members of the Planning Board: I heartily endorse the appl'rcation of Boulder Montessori School. I live in the neighborhood where Boulder Montessori School is located and both of my children attended the school. Boulder Montessori School is an outstanding school that contributes significantly to the community. The educational philosophy adopted by Boulder Montessori School has enriched the lives of my children in many ways. They received a sound educational foundation and love of learning that has been a part of them throughout their education. The school well serves the community by giving parents such an excellent option for educating, nurturing and caring for their children. The school gives back to the community in many other ways including the famous Boulder Montessori Rhythm Band, training of Montessori teachers, raising money for the Costa Rica rain forests, and in other ways introducing students to their social responsibilities. Expansion of the school will allow Boulder Montessori School to better serve the community and its students. I recommend that you approve their application. Sincerely, Marcia S. Ginley 3680 Longwood Ave. Boulder, CO 80305 (303) 499-0148 From: Joe Mantione To: DursoD; Internet:bldr mont_sch@worldnet.att.net Date: 02/27/2001 4:19:13 PM Subject: Comments on Boulder Montesorri School's Use Review Application I am writing to express my family's support for Boulder Montessori School's request to add a thrid preschool classroom. We believe that this proposal is a win-win situation for the school and the neighborhood. This modest expansion will increase the long-term viability of the School. The additional spaces for preschool kids will provide more opportunities for neighborhood residents to send their kids to preschool locally. We do not believe that the proposal will bring any significant negative impacts to the neighborhood, such as an increase of traffic to the neighborhood (given the large population of potential kids within walkable distance, and the location of the school on the bus line). My family currently lives in Lousiville. However, we lived on Silver Plume Lane for four years, about two blocks from Boulder Montessori. The main reason we moved to Silver Plume was that it allowed us to enroll our son Noah in Boulder Montessori and walk him to and from school and use the bus to commute from there to and from work. We believe that having Boulder Montesorri in the Shanahan neighborhood is an important contributor to the quality of life for families with kids living there. We hope that the Planning Board will support the School's expansion, even if some neighborhood residents would rather see no expansion. We feel that, in time, this expansion will work out well for everyone. I can base this feeling on the fact that my family worked hard for eventual development of the neighborhood park site next to Boulder Montessori for almost the whole time we lived there. We did not feel it was right to make kids (ours included) travel one and one-half miles to the closest developed neighborhood park. We also felt that it would be a positive benefit to the neighborhood and that the concerns raised by some neighborhood residents would not materialize. Experience has shown that the park is well utilized by walk-in neighborhood residents and that the concerns raised did not happenl (increased vandalism and crime, increased traffic, decreased property values--huh?) I think that it is natural for people to fear change, but in this case I believe that any fears of the proposed modest expansion of Boulder Montesorri School will prove equally unfounded. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input to the Planning Board. if you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Joe Mantione 515 Adams Ave. Louisville, CO 80027 (303) 664-9336 (home) (720) 564-2047 (work) Joe Mantione, Environmental Planner City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Dept. 66 S. Cherryvale Road P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 (720)564-2047 mantionej@ci. boulder.co.us From: Leslie Birdsill <Ibirdsill@yahoo.com> To: <Dursod@ci.boufder.co.us> Date: 02/27/2001 6:39:08 PM Subject: BMS expansion Dear pon Durso, i am writing you this letter on behalf of the proposed expansion of Boulder Montessori School. My son is currently attending BMS and 1 can say that there has been no better place for my son to be while i am attending to my other responsibilities. I have seen my son's progress in his developmental skilis beyond his age while at the same time building a community of friends and supporters that will continue through the years. BMS has been helping families support themselves, and each other for some twenty years. By allowing this expansion Boulder Montessori will be able to extend it's hand toward fifteen more families a year and give them the same growing opportunities that I and my son have been able to enjoy and benefit from for the last three years, and on into the rest of our lives. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter as well as taking the time to consider how many lives will be touched if your decision is to allow the expansion. Sincerly, Leslie Birdsfll 1655 9th street #3 Boulder, Co. 80302 Ibirdsill @yahoo.com. Do You Yahoof? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/ From: "Alice M. Renton" <alicia@qadas.com> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/27/2001 8:36:09 PM Subject: Use review application number LUR2000-00003 Dear Mr. Durso, I am writing in support of Boulder Montessori School's application to expand the present school construction to create a third preschool classroom. I have had a close association with Boulder Montessori School for the past 20 years, in various capacities. I have been on the staff of the Montessori Education Center of the Rockies, whose office is housed at BMS, for 20 years, and was the Academic Director for 8 years. I have been a field supervisor for many practicum students there over the years and as such have observed all the classrooms many times. I have also given workshops for both staft and parertts, and both my son and my daughter have worked as assistants in the toddler program. Since its founding, the school has made an outstanding contribution to Boulder families. Its high quality Montessori program (accredited by both the American Montessori Society and the National Association for the Education of Young Children) is implemented by exceptionally stable staff which is truly committed to the education of young children as a parent-educator partnership. It has always had a policy of serving families from diverse backgrounds, both ethnic and socio-economic, and working to meet the needs of working parents. Parents reciprocate not only by participating in school activities, but also by contributing their time and talents to the ongoing development of their children's environment. Many of its special features, such as the landscaping with native plants and the well-designed playground, reflect parent labor. Traditions such as the annual Rain Forest dinner (to raise money for the Children's Cloud Forest in Costa Rica) and the family campouts, create a great deal of loyalty to the school. I have known many BMS "graduates" who not only visit frequently, but have also gone back there to work. Another strength of the school is the Montessori toddler program, of which there are very few in Colorado. Over the years its environmental design has become a model which attracts observers from all over the country. Within its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, the highly trained staff also helps young parents to understand and interact with their children more effectively, On the national level, Boulder Montessori School has also been instrumental in the training of Montessori teachers at both the infant/toddler and preschool levels over the past twenty years. It served as a training site for MECR during the summer until just a few years ago, when the number of students became too large for the facility. It continues to serve as an observation and practicum site for the training program which has a national reputation for the quality of its graduates. Within the Montessori community, BMS is highly respected for its quality and maturity. Many younger schools in Colorado seek adv'rce from its staff inembers and benefit from their experience on both educational and administrative concerns. Because of its quality, Boulder Montessori has now outgrown its facility. The projected expansion will enable the school to serve more families from its long waiting list (my 16-month-old granddaughter has been on the toddler wait list practically since birth). An additional classroom will reduce class size to 25 students, a more desirable number for preschoolers. It will also help to improve the school's financial standing in order to fund necessities such as teacher benefits, building maintenance, and playground renovation. Please enable Boulder Montessori School's continued growth and development as an outstanding institution recognized for its service to children, families, and teachers, not only locally but nationally as well. Should you require any further information, please feel free to call on me. Respectfully submitted, Alice M. Renton Montessori Educational Consultant and Teacher Trainer From: <jmorrone@emplink.org> To: "'Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us"' <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/28/2001 936:26 AM Subject; Boulder Montessori School Dear Mr. Durso, My name is Joe Morrone and I work for a company named Employmenr Link as a consultant. We provide employment services to people with disabilities. A year ago, the Boulder Montessori School hired two of our consumers. Since then, I have gotten to know Karen Olson and all of her staff. To say that it has been a positive experience would be a gross understatement. The Boulder Montessori School, of course, provides a great education to its students but is also a mainstay within our community. They teach their students more than just math, reading and writing. They teach understanding, forgivness, humility and honesty. The pertect example is the fact that the Boulder Montessori School hired and continues to employ two of our consumers as dishwashers. They, of course, are giving our consumers a great opportunity but they are also teaching their students that everyone is different and thaYs ok. The kids learn that everyone is equal and if given the right opportunties, everyone can be a success. The Boulder Montessori School is also a valuable asset to the community as a whole. They instill strong values in their students and foster a family atompshere. The world would be a much better place to live if more people. From: Linda Figueroa <Ifiguero@Mines.EDU> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/28/2001 10:1626 AM Subject: LUR2000-00003 Dear Mr. Durso, I am writing in support of the proposed expansion of the Boulder Montessori Schoot (BMS) at 3300 Redstone Road. The expansion will allow BMS to accommodate more students from the neighborhood with a negligible effect on the surrounding residences. There is a real demand for high quality preschools in Boulder as evidenced by the long waiting list at BMS. Allowing the expansion will allow BMS to better meet the needs of the neighborhood. I would be happy to provide further information if needed. Sincerely, Linda Figueroa 121 S. 80th St. Boulder, CO 80303 Linda A. Figueroa Associate Professor Environmental Science and Engineering Division Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 80401 303-2733491 From: "Ruth Becker" <rbeckerlaw@home.com> To: <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/28/2001 11:25:56 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori School/LUR2000-00003 Don, I understand you are the case manager for Boulder Montessori School's application to increase enrollment and ezpand its facilities, LUR2000-00003. I'm writing to express our support for BMS' proposal. Our children attended BMS, over a period of five years from 1989-1994. We have the greatest admiration for the staff and the administration of BMS, and can't say enough about the exceptional nurturing and learning environment at the school. BMS provided our children with a wonderful start in their early years, and many of the same staff inembers are still affiliated with the school. That kind of continuity is hard to find in any preschools, and we would like to see BMS continue and flourish in its current location. We believe that BMS' application to expand and increase enrollment will greatly benefit the school with only minimal impacts on surrounding neighbors. There is plenty of room in the playground area for the proposed expansion of the activity roomllunch room into the covered sandbox. Surrounded by the school's playground, a park on one side and open space across the street, ihis should not create any additional impacts on the neighbors. The increase in enrollment also would have a minimal effect on surrounding property owners, but would be of substantial importance to the school. It would put the school on a secure financial footing and allow it to accommodate more families in smaller classes. Please note our support for this project, and let us know if you have any questions. Hope you and Kris are well. Ruth C. Becker and David Becker 303-554-6150 fax 720-304-0020 rbeckerlaw@home.com CC: <bldr_mont_sch@wolydnet.att.net>, "David Becker" <SolarGlass@aol.com> From: Richard Kraft <Richard.Kraft@colorado.edu> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/28/2001 1131:09 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori Application # LUR2000-00003 February 28, 2001 Dear Mr. Durso: I am writing in support of the application of Boulder Montessori School to increase their enrollment by 15 students. My daughter was a member of the first class at Boulder Montessori and my wife on the first parent board some 28 years ago. We have followed the institution ever since, as we have iived in the Table Mesa neighborhood, just down Lehigh St. for ail of our 33 years in the community. Boulder Montessori is an an incredible gift to the Boulder and Table Mesa communities and this small expansion will assist in its continuing to provide high quality pre-school education for the hundreds of South Boulder families. This small expansion will also assist in providing not only more needed piaces, but in providing livable salaries for poorly paid staff members, For many years, I have sent my future teachers from the University of Colorado to visit and observe in this unique institution, as it is one of the best of its kind in the United States. I believe we should do everything we can as a community to support its efforts to provide quality settings for our precious children. Sincerely, Richard J. Kraft, Professor of Education 1440 Lehigh St. Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-0696 303-492-8450 From: carlin rogers <Carlin.Rogers@Sun.COM> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 02/28/2001 8:25:48 PM Subject: Use Review application number LUR2000-00003 Don Durso, Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 February 28, 2001 Dear pon, I am writing to voice my support for the expansion of the Boulder Montessori School (BMS) to provide increased enrollment while reducing current class sizes. The expansion project is referred to as "Use Review application number LUR2000-00003." I currently have my daughter enrolled at BMS. She will continue to attend for the next academic year as well. Our daughter thoroughly enjoys her time at BMS and has had only positive experiences. It is a very nurturing and secure environment. We feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to take advantage of the wonderful services provided by BMS. We hope to have our younger son attend BMS and we are currently on a wait list to have him join BMS in the future. My personal feeling is that institutions such as BMS play an important role in our communities. They offer enriching, safe learning and daycare options for famiiies within the community. I truly hope that the City of Boulder Planning Board will approve the proposed expansion of Boulder Montessori School. I give my full support to the proposed expansion with the hope that BMS can continue to be a successful service within our community well into the future. Sincerely, H. Carlin Rogers 3195 Endicott Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 From: "Bruce K. Haddon" <Bruce.Haddon@sun.com> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 12:22:55 AM Subject: FW: Planning Board Approval for Boulder Montessori School Extension LUR2000-00003 Don Durso, Case Manager, City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Dear Mr. Durso, W ith respect to Use Review LUR2000-00003 I write to you concerning the application made to you by Boulder Montessori School, to expand the function and facilities of their school. My wife and I are parents of a former student of the school, and I served a term as President of the Board of the school, and we have both served as fund-raisers. All of this was some time ago, during the time that the school moved to its current location, and became established there, in the late 1970's. Those were somewhat precarious times for the school, but the necessary investments were made by the school, its staff, and its parents, in the quality of the school, and the education of the children. In the time since, the school has become a well-recognized institution of Boulder, and Colorado, and of the entire Rocky Mountains region, It is something of a model of what such a schoo! should, and must, be. It has served Boulder more than well, and has done everything that is possible to do to be a good citizen and neighbor in its area. It has become somewhat legendary in its training of new teachers, as well as offering the best of foundations in education for children. This new proposal, considering all that has gone before, is modest, is in keeping with the character of the school, adds to its service to the community, and it is well with the capability of the school management to accomplish with no additional impact on the neighborhood. In the roles mentioned above, and as residents and ratepayers in Boulder for the last 25 years, my wife and I wish to be counted amongst the supporters of this application. Yours sincerely, Bruce and Lynette Haddon From: <AShoag@aol.com> To: <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 8:55:10 AM Subject: LUR2000-00003 Boulder Montessori Dear Mr. Durso, As an aide at Boulder Montessori I've been able to see first-hand the excellent education that children receive at the school. I strongly support the schools expansion (Use Review Application # LUR2000-00003. Thank you, Becky Shoag From: "Karen Olsen" <Bidr_Mont_Sch@worldnet.att.net> To: <dursodQci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 8:58:09 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori expansion Dear Mr. Curso As a Boulder Montessori parent (both ot my boys have been students here) I want to express my support for their plans to expand their facilities. You are aware of the specifications of their proposal, I assume - One of the important features of the plan is that class size would actually be reduced as a consequence of the expansion, certainly a valuable component of the plan for parents. As a parent who lives in the neighborhood, and who has referred several of my friends to BMS, I think it is important that more children would be served, and more teacher attention would be facilitated by this plan. I might add that I think BMS has, over the years, proved to be a great neighbor, and it is hard to imagine that would change. Thank you for your support of the expansion. Dr. Tina Pittman Wagers 303-494-6879 From: <Tekatu@aol.com> To: <DUrsod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 8:5836 AM Subject: Use Review - Boulder Montessori Dear Mr. Durso, My child has recieved an excellent education at Boulder Montessori. I support the expansion of the school so that additional ch'rldren will be able to reap its benefits. Use Review Application number LUR2000-00003. Thank you, Sally Smith From: <Elopop@aol.com> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 9:05;08 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori School Use Review #LUR2000-00003 Dear Mr. Durso, Boulder Montessori has provided an excellent education to my two children. I endorse the expansion of the school. Thank you. Sincerely, Edna Matt From: Betsey Yegian <byegian@earthlink.net> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 931:51 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori Expansion These comments are regarding Review # LUR2000-00003 I was one of the founding parents for Boulder Montessori School and have personally received many benefits from the school. Not only did two of my children go there when it was a pre-school at Mt. Calvary Lutheran church, but also I did my Montessori Internship at this site. For the past 25 years I have owned and operated Sunshine House Montessori School in Boulder. Most of my staff have been trained at MECR, the training program situated in the current BMS building. Not only did BMS give my children an excellent start in their academic life but also provided me with the incentive to become a Montessori directress and begin my own school in Boulder. I highly respect the decisions that BMS has made to meet the changing needs of the community. BMS offers full day care and toddler programs as well as continuing to host teacher training programs for infanUtoddler, preschool and elementary Montessori schools. Their impact is widespread as well as local. I strongly hope that you will unanimously approve the modest expansion of BMS. Their goals of smalier class sizes and an expanded kitchen/lunch space are both admirable and necessary. Sincerely Yours, Eliabeth D. Yegian, Owner/Ad Sunshine House Montessori 745 College Ave Boulder, Co 80302 ~ Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Dear Mr. Durso: I understand that the Planning Board will soon be considering a request from Boulder Montessori School to expand its building and update its playground. Being the mother of two, I can't think of a better addition to our neighborhood. My husband and I moved to Tincup Circle five years ago. While the homes are lovely here in south Boulder, yards are usually small. We spend a great of time playing with our daughters (ages 3 and 5) in area parks so that they have room to run and something to climb on, other than our living room furniture. The staff at Boulder Montessori School has always made it known that neighborhood children were welcome on their playground whenever classes weren't in session. Our older daughter, Alex, is now a student at Boulder Montessori, but even before she was enrolled there, we loved the school's playground. The school also allows the neighborhood to use its building for activities such as issuing RTD Eco-passes. I've been a mediator in Boulder and Jefferson counties for six years, so I understand the importance of compromise and being a good neighbor. I can understand that the condo owners around the school might be concerned about having more students in the building and, possibly, more noise coming from the playground. After all, these are their homes and they deserve solitude and peace. However, students from Boulder Montessori are on the playground at limited times during the day, not all day. Also, they are not at school in the evenings, on holidays or on weekends, when most people are at home. But kids - all kids, whether Montessori students or not - need an opportunity to run and jump and squeal and laugh. IYs part of growing up. Being able to do those things on Boulder Montessori's playground has been wonderful and fun experience for children in this area for more than 20 years. As the parent of a child currently at the school, I would be very support of exploring reasonable noise abatement solutions (planting trees, building a fence along the north side of the playground, etc.) if that would make condo owners more comfortable. As I said, we all should strive to be good neighbors. Boulder Montessori is a valuable part of our neighborhood. Many children meet there as toddlers, move into the public school system together and are fast friends for years. The staff does a magnificent job of exciting children about lifelong learning. And the school has generously shared its building for neighborhood activities. IYs my hope that we can expand the school and improve the playground so that more children will have the opportunity to begin their years of learning with the rich expel'lence found at Boulder Montessori School. Thank you. I appreciate your and the board members' consideration. Sincerely, 28£37 Tincup Girr,le BouldE;r, Colorado H0305 Susan Wortman From: <Chris.Keenan@UCHSC.edu> To: <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 11:07:24 AM Subject: Use Review application #LUR2000-00003 (BMS) Dear Mr. Durso: Expansion of Boulder Montessori School I seek your advocacy on behalf of BMS. We live in the neighborhood, and our daughter Alex goes there. We hope to send our younger daughter, Sydney, there as well. IPs really a great school and a resource for the community. They provide scholarships for low-income families--including a couple that receive care @ my clinic (Clinica Campesina) in Lafayette! Anyway, they have a long waiting list and expansion would help shorten it. I have kids, so I am biased. I know children can be noisy on a playground, but ifs usually a joyous noise and on~y occurs during part of the day. IYs a low-profile building (more so than the surrounding residential structures), and I know BMS would make its addition equally unobtrusive. I appreciate your consideration of my request Sincerely, Chris Keenan 2887 Tincup Circle Boulder, CO 80305-7142 303-554-0318 ckeenan.clin ica@hensmann.com CC: <bldr_mont_sch@worldnet.att.net> From: <BHARR2001@aol.com> To: <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 11:14:00 AM Subject: Boulder Montessori School Expansion To the City of Boulder Planning Board, I am writing on behalf of Boulder Montessori School. With the approval of the planning board, Boulder Montessori will be able to touch the lives of more of Boulder's families. You may think that because it is a private school, only the children of Boulder's "elite" would benefit. This is not the case. Our daughter, Margaret was able to attend Boulder Montessori on scholarship and received the gift of Montessori education. Margaret learned to respect herself, others and her environment. her social skills blossomed as did her academic skills. Please approve the school's request to expand so that more children can have the same gift that our child did. Sincerely, Chris Harrison 1139 Holly Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 CC: <Bldr_mont_sch@woeldnet.att.net> From: "Boone, Theresa" <tboone@ball.com> To: "'dursod@ci.boulder.co.us"' <dursod@ci,boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 11:55:08 AM Subject: FW: [Boone, Theresa] I have a son currently attending Boulder Montessori School. We feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity for our son to attend a preschool where there is a nurturing developmental environmental where he can not only challenge his mind but also learn to be a good human being. So many preschools do not offer this environment. The teacfiers and staff at BMS are caring individuals and I believe the expansion of the school will enable them to extend themselves to more children in our community. The end results of this peaceful, loving, nuturing environment are evident in the children who are nowjunior high school and high school students who are good and honest people. I know several of these children who attended 10 to 20 years ago and this was the reason I pursued BMS for my children. I am sending you this e-maf~ to strongly encourage you to approve the BMS expansion application number LUR2000-00003. > Thank-you for your time and consideration. > > Theresa Boone > Business Area Manager > Advanced Antenna & Video Systems > Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. >(303)533-7003 > From: Thomas Stumb <tstuby@earthlink.net> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 11:58:54 AM Subject: planning board meeting on March 1,2001 Dear Planning Board, Boulder Montessori School is seeking approval at tonights meeting of an expansion project.lam writing to urge your passage of this projects plans. The Use Review application # LUR2000-00003. BMS has been an important part of the Boulder community for many years. The school and its community have been an integral part of my family's life since we moved to Boulder over 10 years ago.My three children have attended the school and my wife has been a toddler instructor for several years.All of which have been very positive experiences. The school and the staff have been a very stable and enriching experience for many in the Boulder and especially South Boulder community for now generations of parents and students.lam a South Boulder resident and know personally what a good neighbor the school has been for the Shanahan Ridge community for over twenty years. This project will enable Boulder Montessori School to continue enriching the Boulder community and ensure its financial viability for the future.l wholly recommend your approval of this project.l believe it to be one of your responsibilities to enable valuable assests of our community to continue to provide valuable services to our children and coomunity.Plus this is locally owned(parental non-profit) and local employeer. Thank you for your consideration and lam sure passage ot this plan. Sincerely, W.Thomas Stumb 1205D Bear Mountain Dr. Boulder,Co. 80305 From: "Dowling, Michelle" <mdowling@amgen.com> To: "'dursod@ci.boulder.co.us"' <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 12:06:23 PM Subject: Expansion of Boulder Montessori School Dear Mr. Durso, I would like to take a moment and encourage you to accept the expansion of the Boulder Montessori School(BMS). My daughter has been a student at BMS for almost 2 years. Prior to BMS we were at two other Boulder Child Care facilities, one was extremely poor and the other satisfactory. In our almost 2 years at BMS, the school has exceeded any of our preconceived expectations for a child care facility and school. The school has become part of our family. My daughter is aware of her community, the environment, learning spanish, yoga and trusts her teachers and classmates. My daughter is thriving in this unique and extremely wonderfui school. In addition, my son will enter BMS this summer. Where I send my children is one of the most important decision I can make and I trust and respect Boulder Montessori Schooi. I see a real value in having a school like this in Boulder and would like to offer this experience to other families in the area. I think this is the type of school that makes Boulder the unique and wonderful place that it is. Thank you for your time. Michelle Dowling 5823 Orchard Creek Lane Boulder, CO 80301 303,530.9689 From: Claire Farago <farago@spot.colorado.edu> To: <Dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 1:16:44 PM Subject: Boulder Montessori School RE: Use Review application LUR2000-00003 Don Durso, Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services PO Box 791 Boulder. CO 80306-0791 Dear Mr. Durso I am writing in support of Boulder Montessori School's application to expand their school enrollment by 15 students and the size of their building to accommodate a third preschooi classroom. Our daughter Mia spent three wonderful years at this school, which far exceeded my expectations for an early learning experience thanks to the warm, supportive environment provided by the teachers and the school's wonderful setting. Mia thrived in the intimate environment and beautiful outdoor setting facing the Flatrions and open countryside. The school's student-centered learning experience was the perfect mix of independent exploration and gentle guidance. Unlike her earlier daycare experiences in Boulder, she was always eager to be with her friends and teachers. When we enrolled her at another well-established school for more advanced instruction, the separation was very difficult. In fact the difficulty of choosing between two excellent schools caused me to send Mia back for one last year at BMS before she began kindergarten at Bixby this year. The staff and physical setting are well suited to their proposed expansion. It will help to keep the costs down: BMS has a well-deserved reputation in the Boulder community for being the very best school of its class--but it is also one of the most expensive. It makes good sense to increase the size of the school in a way that simultaneously permits the class size to go down. And it is a wonderful way to stabilize tuition rates and expand the diversity of the program without calling on the parents for extra donations every time they turn around--as so many other private schools do. If you are familiar with the school and its setting, you already know that its playground is very large--certainly large enough to accommodate the expansion they request without detriment to the playground, garden, and outdoor eating area. Thank you for your consideration of this worthy project Sincerely, Claire Farago and Ken Iwamasa parents of Mia Chunling Farago-Iwamasa, BMS graduate Claire Farago Profassor Department of Fine Arts Campus Box 318 Universify of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309 CC; <bldr mont_sch @worldnet,att.net> Re: # LUR2000-00003 03-01-2002 To the Planning Board: This letter is on behalf of the Boulder Montessori School and their desire to expand the lunchroom so as to accommodate more children. We support the idea and hope the board finds this expansion to be of significant importance to the Boulder community. The following list of items will summarize our wish to impmve/eacpand BM3. - The waiting list is already too long. - To increase income (more children attending) and help fund other projects. - Reduce class size to provide a more manageable and lower student/teacher ratio. - The school is in need of continuing improvements and future visions in order to be around for upcoming families. Please consider this sma11 expansion to provide a better BMS and future generation of children. Thanks, Mike and Aticia Bader From: "Hirsch, Vince" <vhirsch@ball.com> To: "'dursod@ci.boulder.co.us"' <dursod@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 03/01/2001 3:52:00 PM Subject: application number LUR2000-00003 To whom it may concern: My wife and I have had three children attend Boulder Montessori school for a period extending over 12 years. We have come to know the staff at Boulder Montessori School (BMS) as wonderFul caring people that provide the best possible environment for our children and all that attend. We have always felt that BMS is a very special place that provides a huge benefit to our community and we feel that the community should support the desire for BMS to expand and improve the service they provide. I strongly encourage you to approve the BMS expansion application number LUR2000-00003. Thankyou, Vince and Linda Hirsch 1023 Deer Trail Road Boulder, Colorado 80302 Tel. (303) 442-4579 \~% Boulder Valley ~ Public Schools 6500 Arapahoe, P.O. Box 9011 Boulder, Calorado 80301 (303) 447-1010 February 26, 2001 Dear City of $oulder Planning Boazd: Community Montessori of Boufder'I~a!!ey 88917ih Street 8oulder, Colorado 80302 (303)444~7479 (303) 447-5407 I am writing this letter in support of the Boulder Montessori School expansion project. Boulder Montessori has been providing quality early childhood programs for the past 25 years. The school and the director, Kazen Olson, are well respected in the Boulder Community. As a member of the Montessori Community for the past 25 years and a resident of Boulder for the past 18 years,l can attest to the tremendous interest in Montessori education and to the success of this educational method. I currently serve as the assistant principal at Community Montessori School, a focus school in the Boulder Valley School District. When the proposal for this school was being considered in 1994, surveys were conducted to determine need for addirional Montessori classes in this area. At that time 8 out of 10 Montessori schools surveyed had waitlists of one year or more. In fact, two of the schools were undergoing expansion projects to attempt to meet the needs of the community. From my current observations there is still more demand than supply. Since our inception in 1995 we are finding that we still have twice as many applicants as we have spaces. Boulder Montessori and other Montessori schools in the area continue to have waitlisfs as well. Recent research on brain development has demonstrated the crucial need for early childhood enrichment. Montessori education has been an internationally effective method of early childhood education for the past 100 years. As an established model for early childhood education we strongly support the expansion of quality Montessori programs in the area. If I can be of additional assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely> ~~} ~~'-rL ~.G~~~~~- Marlene Skovsted Assistant Principal Community Montessori School February 28, 2001 Mr. Don Durso Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Re: Use Review application # LUR2000-00003 Boulder Montessori 8chool Expansion Dear Mc Durso: The Ruh Family would Iike to express its strong support for the expansion of Boulder Montessori School. We researched a number of schools in the community before enrolling our daughter in the toddler program more than a year ago. We recognized that Boulder Montessori had a strong history of serving the community with an expert staff located in a special place atop Shanahan Ridge. The expansion of Boulder Montessori to create a third preschool classroom and larger activity/lunch room would greatly enhance the school's offerings and make other projects and benefits possible. The opportunity to serve more children including our daughter who will be moving into the preschool program in the coming year is encouraging. Having a third classroom to accommodate more children and at the same time reduce the number per classroom is a highly desirable. That goal speaks to the yuality and ongoing vision of Boulder Montessori to provide an environment to best serve the children as they "learn what they live." It also supparts the staff in hauing positive, interactive expe•-~ences with the children. We have observed that the school is committed to continuous improvement of its programs and staff. To see the facility expand as a future investment would strengthen the mission of the school and its service to the community. The school can also count on our support in any efforts to raise support for the entire expansion to make it a success. ' cerely, ;~ `~' Susan and Peter Ruh 303-443-4399 3790 Colorado Avenue, #E Boulder, CO 80303 ~ February 26, 2001 Don Durso, Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Dear Mr. Durso, I am writing in reference to Use Review application number LUR2000-00003, the application of Boulder Montessori School. My youngest child attended Boulder Montessori School from the age of 20 months old to six years, a period of almost of five years. I was a teacher at Boulder County Head Start when she started and reeling under the cost of affording and finding quality toddler child care. The school took my daughter and my family in and for five years provided us with the peace of mind that allowed my husband and myself to work and know that our child was being cared for in the best of all possible environments. Boulder Montessori School has been an anchor for Montessori education in Boulder for the past twenty-five years. Students of Montessori education look to Boulder Montessari as a model for programming and education for our community's most precious and vulnerable population of young children. I hope that the Planning Department will look favorably on this request to expand the school. It will make a difference in the lives of many children and families. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, , ~~~~~ Susan Schlafly Gritton 4431 Driftwood Place Boulder, CO 80301 .lennifer S. west 1177 Race Street, #1003 Denver, CO 80206 February 23, 2001 Don Durso - Case Manager City of Boulder - Planning & Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 - 791 Dear Mr. Durso, I am writing in regards to the Use Review Application # LUR2000-00003 for Boulder Montessori School. I am excited to hear of their plans for expansion and wish to share with you my story and suppart for this application. Boulder Montessori School has been an important part of my life sntce it's opening in 1973. I still have many vivid memories of my three years of pre-school there. I continue to visit the school. I have watched it grow and move from a church basement to a building of its very own. By then my mother had begun to working as a teacher and is still there. Not only is there real family at this school for me but a sunogate family as well. As a teenager, I volunteered 'm the classroom and then eventually worked as an assistant and teacher. The peopla there foster growth and learning in tha children as well as in the families and staff members. There is a peaceful and productive community of students, families and staffthat return year after year to show support for this great school. This community also continues to grow and the environment for the children must grow with it. Additional space is needed to allow for smaller class sizes and the important daily care and education of children. I fixlly support the expansion of Boulder Montessori School so thaf they may give the children and their families a beautiful and long-lasting space for education and life. Having taught at a number of other schools I can say that Boalder Montessari has a unique and beautifu[ facility. It's consideration for the children that use the space everyday is very special. I know that what they chose to build wiA be uniquely adapted to the needs of the clutdren, families and staff. An addition, it will allow far greater enjoyment of tha views of the adjacent Open Space and nearby Foothills. There is no other school like Boulder Montessori SchooL It has been valuable in my life and without a doubt in many others' as well. Please allow this school to grow and change with the needs of the community and the children. Thank you. Sincerely, Jennifer S. West cc: Karen Olson y~ d C Oc ` ~ VIRGINIA H. HENNES Directar 3300 Redstone Road Boulder, Colorado 80303 (303) 494-3002 O A ~ ~ y Don Durso,Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 Dear Mr, purso, Februnry 28, 2001 I am writing to express my belief in the importance of Boulder Montessori School; what it currently gives to the community and whqt it hopes to keep giving. First I am writing as a parent of two children at this school. It gives me great joy to see my children in such a nurturing and vibrant environment. BMS touches their lives in a way that will effect them in years to come. The teachers and staff genuinely care about each child and help to build up their self esteem and their excitement about learning. I hope you will seriously look at the request to expand BMS so that more children can be nurtured in this way. I am also a scholarship recipient. I couldn't afford n Montessori educntion for my children without earning a scholarship for their tuition. BMS is dedicnted to helping ALL families benefit from this environment, which is so important in the context of a fairly wealthy surrounding city. Before T had children, I was also on staff at BMS and enjoyed the time as an nssistant teacher. When my first child was born I stnrted working in the Montessori Education :,;. Center. So I have seen this wonderful school from many different angles and I believe strongly that BMS will continue to give to the surrounding community by providing enrichment and openness. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, (~~>l ~, ^ ~ ~ ~~" Susnn Roth AFFILIATED WI7H THE AMERICAN MONTESSORI SOCIETV IYI GLrII Amy Paa-Rogers 3195 Endicott Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 Febrsaxy 27, 2001 Don Durso, Case Manager City of Boulder Planning and Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder. Co 80306-0791 To Whom It May Concern I am wriring this letter to urge the Planning Board to approve the proposed expansion of Boulder Montessori School, BMS, Use Review Application Number LUR2000-00003. As a resident of Table Mesa and a working mother of two, I find the physical building and educational setting provided by BMS deserving of expansion. In this day and age of the limited availability of high quality day care options, BMS provides the community with a valuable resource. Not only does the school provide a safe, nurturing day care setting, but it also prepares our youngest community members for entry into the Boulder Valley educational system. My daughter Ha1ey has attended BMS since last fall, and has flourished in the supportive academic environment provided by the school's teachers and staf£ I hope to enroll me son for the fall 2002 term. Expanding the existin~ facility would help BMS prepare more studenYs to attend local elementary schools. Boulder Montessari provides a service that is in great demand heit in Table Mesa. t personally have three neighbors who are currently on the waiting list, hoping to get their child enrolled for next fall. Expansion of this facility would be a step in the right direction. IY would alleviate the concern facing so many working parents - the quast for high quality day care in South Boulder. Therefore, I strongly urge the Planning Board to expand upon success, and approve af the Boulder Montessori addition. Sincerely, /_~ji . A Paa-Roger ~ ~~f ~~ ~ ~~4 ~ $ 3~00 REDSTONE ROAD BOULDER, COLORADO 80305 303-494-58 I 4 February 27, 2001 Dear Mr. Durso, We are writing in support of the expanded enrollment and the creation of a third preschool classroom at Boulder Montessori School. Bob and I have sent our four children to the school from 1980 through 1995. This school has provided a wonderful place to begin their education. The staff is excellent and adding another classroom will allow more children to take advantage of the school. The natural surroundings are a perfect place for a preschool. This school provides an important service to the neighborhood. There are not many quality preschools in this section of town. It creates a sense of community as neighborhood parents meet one another for fhe first fime, and join in conversations about local issues and child rearing. As an employee of Boulder Montessori School I have to comment on the stable and well trained staff that have been part of this community for thirty years. Adding this classroom will allow the school to have a lower class size and to stabilize its budget. This non- profit school was started as a service to area parents and stilt serves that function today. Clearly it would be an advantage to the neighborhood and the school to allow this small expansion. Sincerely, '~a~ -- ~i+~ ~nc~vy. Bob and Amy Condon ~~r~,~ ~~ ~~~~ :~•. 4 ~~ ~"~ ~~'~~ ~ ~~omw~~ ~~~^~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3300 • REDSTONE ~~ -~f~Z ~~~n ~V~ ll'l ~(~lG~d~/I ~~ ~ ROAD BOULDER ~)~ ( . ~~ ~-~,~ I (~j YVll71l.; n,' ~ 80300RAD0 ~~~~' ~GEVi ~ C~ l`V~YI ~ ~ ~ ~ 494-5814 ) y J b4/ G+1LY ~l/,7~ l~f/61~Y-~ 1~~YV'.~ ("~~~ ~~~`~ . :l ~ i /~~ , ~ Sd1/ ~~1 ~ ' J -~ -~~~i~~ ~rr~~~~~~~~ SG~^~i ~~ ~~~~ s~~ h~. ~, ~i~ ~~~'~~'~~~~l~vrs ~~'~~~~~~~ ,~ ~~ t~ ~Gc~~~i~~,~~, ~~ b~.l~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ l~-~~~--g ~ ~~~~J -~, ~~~ « ~iiU~~p~ /ov~`~y~ c-~r~~ ~ ~PS'~~~~/ ~~l ~1`,1~11'~~~e. ~ ~ - ~ C~ ~i~1 ~ ~v~, ~ a ~l.e 1 ~V ~~PS~t, ~ ~,r/ ~~ t~ t?~-~e ~ -~" ~ ~'~"~'a~ ~J ~ ~ ~~ - ~~t~ a,~/~~ l~ l2 ~~c~ 0, r~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~Q ~~~I~P~/'~, ~ i'e.~~~ '~~~a~'1DVl l.~l1~~ ~i~~,~7 G7'1C~i~~ f ~, ~ ~c~~~l S~~Y~~ i~1 ~~ ( ornm~~h`~ , a~'~ ~ ~~P Y ~ ~ -P ~C~~ -~-e, ,~~~t~hm~~ ~ C'h i>~l~ . . ~ ~ c~ ~ y~~~h66,-G~6~~1 ~r.~s~l ~ / ~I.~«l~~a~~~- ~~-ra~~~ 0 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~b~ c~~~~ r~n ~ v~ ~ . ~~~~~ ~v~~ Uv~~ ~Q 7C ~~ l C'~i 1'I ~~/~" J l ~ ~ h~i~ n ; ~ ~~,1 d~~-- ~ ~ L DU G~/rll vGVP_- ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ /~ ~0y~pp~JLJ J Y~1~'e 7~ ~`~I~~ ` ° `" ~ "` "' ~ ~D / Gt~!'l~%~~ ~ ~. ~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ' ~- _ ~,~9s, G~S~~ ~~~~~or' ~~~ ~1~~ ~ ~~ cl/ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~0 ~7~ ~ C ~UI~P/, ~fi ~J~ °~ ~ .z7• ~i `7~ ~~ 7J~-~~, ~j ~ ~' ~ ~.:~ s~..7°~' ~ `~ ~~r~c . ~a~ /"C>>srl s~-s ~i ~cL~ C s ~ /as2v~'~ ~~~ 4-QA ~ f1i ~C't~"¢'~ ~` ca O d[ ~yr~e~r c~ ~~i ~ U ~~,P~,~~~ ~~-~, ~~~ ~ ~- ~z~`y-, c~' ~,'~,-.~ u~~ ~ w~'~G~ ~- s.~v~-~ ~.~C, a~` ~ ~ ~-`o~- . ~~ ~L~.~.~ S~z.e~ s ~ ~-~., y~~ ~ ~-~ `~~C_.Q~ GH 5' O > P~~~'~~ ~ ~ 7' .7 c~., !~ ~ ~D ~ ~ ~ . .~ n~n~ . ~GG~.~, ~-~-n o-~c.~. 0 v ~ ~+ .7 ~` ` ~- ~ ~. ~~(1~`' s ? ii'~Z~s*O~ U ~ ~i-~ ys2~ 7 i`~~/, ~ ~~ c1o v~c~e_- /~crS~ ~- p ~-~- ~ / ~.J' ~ ~. ~~~~id~'rn . ~ ~.c~yr ~~~.e~, `y~-v~-',~sLw~~ ~, a ~~~r e~- ~rZ ~ ~=o-Yr a.Ke-e ~- , ~~~c~c¢ ~ cz ~ ~ ~~ ~ sL~-~-~y , ~% uio,~%~ ~,~ /d G~-~ eE:~~-~vo o~-~ ~A-Gco o'~° , d' ~o-me_, Gz a~z.¢.a-~ y~ ~~'67 , u~4 c~ ~e~~~v~d~ ~~~`~r-C"~ !~e- r~a~~~-- ~~ ~vr.a-u-- S~G~a~~ s/G~ ~ C~ sL~~a~c~-d ~/~~y ,.c.2~~ ~r..-SO ~_., ~ s~~ ~d /o' ~ ~~~-.~1 ~~~~ .~-L~~ ~ ~' ~~~~ ~. ~ ~-~ ~~..~. ~~~~ ~.~~ G~-z ~^- ~ ~ /4 9 7. ~~ ~ ~ ~~.~ ~Q ~ ~~~. ~ ~o ~'s-~~ ~ ~ ~,~~.~,~ ~ vf~7~/ n~i __a-z3-~S (xv rz~ ~n~~~~~n f~d~ ~>'T~ Ad-'~~ '/ / / ~5~~ ~ (/ '~~ ``~"7'~ ~ °~~/J ~g''JlJ U `,~ ~ a^~ ' °'~1o-v~~2~ ~f?/' °~~^/ P~ ~'ya~~q 7~-,~5 ~ ~i--~7 ~-~4J""3~ ~7~ ~rn ~~ "i"'"'~'~/~~ / / A `~s ,-~-,~yrn~'u /P `~ -~,~ ~r~z=-'~~ y ~ ~, "+~! / CJ /°LI"l ~~ ~`~~ ~ - -~~ ~~ _~~-~~,~~~!~S ~ ~ ~~ ~~ • ~_~QO-N ~ ia~.~.~~ ~,.~-Y~t~-rn b ~ ~,`,~~~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ . ~ ,..~.~ ,~~ `~~~ s~-~~.~. ~~ `~~ ~'1-S ~ ~'~~`° a°?' ~-er~n~ ~,~-,~ j r?-~o z, a-~-J ~a-`aj ' G~r-e~"`?"'z~ '~ul r-zr,.~zo-73-~ ~rv~/t> ~-rs~~ ~~ `A~_~~D~~~"' ~'d"'7~ ~ ~ y.)~r.~ f, ~ ~t' ~d~Z o~~s ~-~Z'~', C~_°'/ `~ ~ ~~:~ ~v`~, -~'~"~ ~~ p-~ ~,~~ ~-s ,~-s ~.y ~„l~~ r~ov~~ -a-~, o~ PJs ~''r~,~ ~~`' ~D~~ ~'~'7 ~ ~ "u' ~ ;~"'~'/~ ~ ` ~ -2~-~~ ~~~~ °""'~~ ~ ~^~ ~/~i ~u~-g -y ~-~p ,"'~~ /r''2v~ ua' v . ~v ;~5-r,~ll `~+~-,~h-,~ ~, v~rn.r~ ~ ~ r~ ~j~~-~-o~~~ G~~~ ~ G~~.-~.a,,~ ~/.fij ~ ' ~h, .~.~9o d -~~~ N~ / .ry~ -v D~ i `°, ~c rG9 ~ ~o ~a-~~~'~'~ ~ "~,~`~'r~-h ~/ ~ ~-- ~-°-°~ ~ ~~' ~ '" (r' ~l~°~`~ -'~~`~~'' ~~°~ ~' °°'~~~~' ~ ~-~ d~ o~ , ~,_,.~ o~. ~ 9f ,~'-,~c~ ~, ~~-i° 3 , ~ s -~, u o~,r. 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