4 - Disposition, #TEC2000-00001, Big Sky North, 4195 17th StreetCITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTiCE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken qy the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the L.and Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-4, 8.12.C. 1981, as appfied to the proposed developmenl. DECISION: Approved PROJ~CT NAME: SICi 5KY NORTH DESCRIPTION: FINAL SUS~IVISION PLAT: Subdlvide one lot comprised of 14,000+ sq. ft, into 2 lats af 7000+ sq it each. One lot will be occupied by an existing single family residence, the second lot will be buiit on at a later date. As set forth in the annexation agreement, the appllcant proposes to transfar a portion of khe permitted tloor area from the adjacent lot (not a part of this subdlvislon) to the two new lots. LOCATION: 419517TH ST APPUCANTIOWNER: CLIFFORD 8RAV1N APPLIGATION: Case ~ TEC2a~~-OU001 CASE MANAGER: Mike Randall (3D3) 441•4919 VESTED PROPERTY RI GHT:NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Sectlon 9-4-12, B.R.C.1981. Approved on: February 23, 2001 ~y~]1~1~~r-1ci`'ov <.- Peter Pollock, Planning Director This decision may he appealed to the Planning Board dy filitlg an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the date of approval. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourleen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: A1larch 9. 20p7 Conditions of Ap.proval: Adhere to the canditions and requirements of the Subdivision Agreement dated February 23, 2001. Add~ess: 4195 17TH ST